MuseScore supports different types of selections: single, list, and range.
Click "Next" to learn more.
To make a single selection, click the element you want to select.
It becomes highlighted to indicate that it is selected.
You can use the left and right cursor keys to move the selection through the notes and rests of your score.
Tip: if you press the "Alt" key ("Option" on macOS) along with the cursor keys you can move through other elements too,
and also move up and down from staff to staff.
A list selection is a combination of single selections.
Press "Ctrl" (macOS: "Cmd") while clicking to add or remove elements to the list selection.
You can also quickly select similar elements by right-clicking (macOS: "Ctrl"+clicking) one
and then choosing one of the "Select" options from the resulting popup menu.
A range selection includes everything from one point in time to another across one or more staves.
It is indicated by a blue rectangle encompassing the entire range.
To make a range selection, click the first note, rest, or measure you want to select, then "Shift"+click the last.
You can also extend range selections by holding the "Shift" key while moving the cursor.
Another way to make selections is to hold "Shift" while dragging.
If your selection includes notes, it will automatically be made as a range selection;
otherwise it will be made as a list selection.
Finally, the Selection Filter (found in the View menu) allows you to exclude elements of a given type from a range selection.