MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease MouseButtonRelease Welcome to note input, where you will enter notes and rests into your score. Click "Next" to learn more. entry-tools To enable note input mode, click the "Note input" icon or press the shortcut "N". note-entry-methods Select a duration by clicking one of these icons or pressing the shortcuts "1" - "9". To include an augmentation dot, click the appropriate icon or press the shortcut ".". pad-note-128 pad-note-64 pad-note-32 pad-note-16 pad-note-8 pad-note-4 pad-note-2 pad-note-1 note-breve note-longa pad-dot pad-dotdot pad-dot3 pad-dot4 To enter a note of the selected duration, type its letter name or click on the staff. Press "Ctrl+Up/Down" (macOS: "Cmd+Up/Down") to change octave. scoreview To enter a rest of the selected duration, press the shortcut "0", or select this icon then click on the staff. pad-rest To add an accidental to a note, press the shortcut "Up" or "Down" to raise or lower its pitch, or click one of these icons. sharp2 sharp nat flat flat2 To add a note to a chord, press "Shift" while typing its letter name, or click on the staff. scoreview To extend a note by adding a tied note, select the duration to extend by, then press "+" or click this button. tie To create a triplet or other tuplet, select the duration representing the total length of the tuplet, then press "Ctrl+number" or use Add > Tuplets. menu-add menu-tuplet To enter notes with different rhythms in the same measure, use multiple voices. Each staff can have up to four voices. The default is voice 1, and it should be used first for each staff. To enter notes into a different voice, click one of these icons. voice