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import QtQuick 2.0
import QtGraphicalEffects.private 1.0

    \qmltype FastBlur
    \inqmlmodule QtGraphicalEffects
    \since QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
    \inherits QtQuick2::Item
    \ingroup qtgraphicaleffects-blur
    \brief Applies a fast blur effect to one or more source items.

    FastBlur offers lower blur quality than
    \l{QtGraphicalEffects::GaussianBlur}{GaussianBlur}, but it is faster to
    render. The FastBlur effect softens the source content by blurring it with
    algorithm which uses the source content downscaling and bilinear filtering.
    Use this effect in situations where the source content is rapidly changing
    and the highest possible blur quality is not

        \li Source
        \li Effect applied
        \li \image Original_bug.png
        \li \image FastBlur_bug.png

    \note This effect is available when running with OpenGL.
    \section1 Example

    The following example shows how to apply the effect.
    \snippet FastBlur-example.qml example

Item {
    id: rootItem

        This property defines the source item that is going to be blurred.

        \note It is not supported to let the effect include itself, for
        instance by setting source to the effect's parent.
    property variant source

        This property defines the distance of the neighboring pixels which affect
        the blurring of an individual pixel. A larger radius increases the blur
        effect. FastBlur algorithm may internally reduce the accuracy of the radius in order to
        provide good rendering performance.

        The value ranges from 0.0 (no blur) to inf. Visual quality of the blur is reduced when
        radius exceeds value 64. By default, the property is set to \c 0.0 (no blur).

        \li Output examples with different blur values
            \li \image FastBlur_radius1.png
            \li \image FastBlur_radius2.png
            \li \image FastBlur_radius3.png
            \li \b { radius: 0 }
            \li \b { radius: 32 }
            \li \b { radius: 64 }
    property real radius: 0.0

        This property defines the blur behavior near the edges of the item,
        where the pixel blurring is affected by the pixels outside the source

        If the property is set to \c true, the pixels outside the source are
        interpreted to be transparent, which is similar to OpenGL
        clamp-to-border extension. The blur is expanded slightly outside the
        effect item area.

        If the property is set to \c false, the pixels outside the source are
        interpreted to contain the same color as the pixels at the edge of the
        item, which is similar to OpenGL clamp-to-edge behavior. The blur does
        not expand outside the effect item area.

        By default, the property is set to \c false.

        \li Output examples with different transparentBorder values
            \li \image FastBlur_transparentBorder1.png
            \li \image FastBlur_transparentBorder2.png
            \li \b { transparentBorder: false }
            \li \b { transparentBorder: true }
            \li \l radius: 64
            \li \l radius: 64
    property bool transparentBorder: false

        This property allows the effect output pixels to be cached in order to
        improve the rendering performance.

        Every time the source or effect properties are changed, the pixels in
        the cache must be updated. Memory consumption is increased, because an
        extra buffer of memory is required for storing the effect output.

        It is recommended to disable the cache when the source or the effect
        properties are animated.

        By default, the property is set to \c false.

    property bool cached: false

    SourceProxy {
        id: sourceProxy
        input: rootItem.source

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: cacheItem
        anchors.fill: shaderItem
        visible: rootItem.cached
        sourceItem: shaderItem
        live: true
        hideSource: visible
        smooth: rootItem.radius > 0

    /*! \internal */
    property string __internalBlurVertexShader: "
        attribute highp vec4 qt_Vertex;
        attribute highp vec2 qt_MultiTexCoord0;
        uniform highp mat4 qt_Matrix;
        uniform highp float yStep;
        uniform highp float xStep;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord1;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord2;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord3;

        void main() {
            qt_TexCoord0 = vec2(qt_MultiTexCoord0.x + xStep, qt_MultiTexCoord0.y + yStep * 0.36);
            qt_TexCoord1 = vec2(qt_MultiTexCoord0.x + xStep * 0.36, qt_MultiTexCoord0.y - yStep);
            qt_TexCoord2 = vec2(qt_MultiTexCoord0.x - xStep * 0.36, qt_MultiTexCoord0.y + yStep);
            qt_TexCoord3 = vec2(qt_MultiTexCoord0.x - xStep, qt_MultiTexCoord0.y - yStep * 0.36);
            gl_Position = qt_Matrix * qt_Vertex;

    /*! \internal */
    property string __internalBlurFragmentShader: "
        uniform lowp sampler2D source;
        uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord0;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord1;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord2;
        varying highp vec2 qt_TexCoord3;

        void main() {
            highp vec4 sourceColor = (texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord0) +
            texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord1) +
            texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord2) +
            texture2D(source, qt_TexCoord3)) * 0.25;
            gl_FragColor = sourceColor * qt_Opacity;

    ShaderEffect {
        id: level0
        property variant source: sourceProxy.output
        anchors.fill: parent
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level1
        width: Math.ceil(shaderItem.width / 32) * 32
        height: Math.ceil(shaderItem.height / 32) * 32
        sourceItem: level0
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        sourceRect: transparentBorder ? Qt.rect(-64, -64, shaderItem.width, shaderItem.height) : Qt.rect(0, 0, 0, 0)
        visible: false
        smooth: rootItem.radius > 0

    ShaderEffect {
        id: effect1
        property variant source: level1
        property real yStep: 1/height
        property real xStep: 1/width
        anchors.fill: level2
        visible: false
        smooth: true
        vertexShader: __internalBlurVertexShader
        fragmentShader: __internalBlurFragmentShader

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level2
        width: level1.width / 2
        height: level1.height / 2
        sourceItem: effect1
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    ShaderEffect {
        id: effect2
        property variant source: level2
        property real yStep: 1/height
        property real xStep: 1/width
        anchors.fill: level3
        visible: false
        smooth: true
        vertexShader: __internalBlurVertexShader
        fragmentShader: __internalBlurFragmentShader

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level3
        width: level2.width / 2
        height: level2.height / 2
        sourceItem: effect2
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    ShaderEffect {
        id: effect3
        property variant source: level3
        property real yStep: 1/height
        property real xStep: 1/width
        anchors.fill: level4
        visible: false
        smooth: true
        vertexShader: __internalBlurVertexShader
        fragmentShader: __internalBlurFragmentShader

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level4
        width: level3.width / 2
        height: level3.height / 2
        sourceItem: effect3
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    ShaderEffect {
        id: effect4
        property variant source: level4
        property real yStep: 1/height
        property real xStep: 1/width
        anchors.fill: level5
        visible: false
        smooth: true
        vertexShader: __internalBlurVertexShader
        fragmentShader: __internalBlurFragmentShader

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level5
        width: level4.width / 2
        height: level4.height / 2
        sourceItem: effect4
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    ShaderEffect {
        id: effect5
        property variant source: level5
        property real yStep: 1/height
        property real xStep: 1/width
        anchors.fill: level6
        visible: false
        smooth: true
        vertexShader: __internalBlurVertexShader
        fragmentShader: __internalBlurFragmentShader

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: level6
        width: level5.width / 2
        height: level5.height / 2
        sourceItem: effect5
        hideSource: rootItem.visible
        visible: false
        smooth: true

    Item {
        id: dummysource
        width: 1
        height: 1
        visible: false

    ShaderEffectSource {
        id: dummy
        width: 1
        height: 1
        sourceItem: dummysource
        visible: false
        smooth: false
        live: false

    ShaderEffect {
        id: shaderItem

        property variant source1: level1
        property variant source2: level2
        property variant source3: level3
        property variant source4: level4
        property variant source5: level5
        property variant source6: level6
        property real lod: Math.sqrt(rootItem.radius / 64.0) * 1.2 - 0.2
        property real weight1
        property real weight2
        property real weight3
        property real weight4
        property real weight5
        property real weight6

        x: transparentBorder ? -64 : 0
        y: transparentBorder ? -64 : 0
        width: transparentBorder ? parent.width + 128 : parent.width
        height: transparentBorder ? parent.height + 128 : parent.height

        function weight(v) {
            if (v <= 0.0)
                return 1.0
            if (v >= 0.5)
                return 0.0

            return 1.0 - v * 2.0

        function calculateWeights() {

            var w1 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 0.100))
            var w2 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 0.300))
            var w3 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 0.500))
            var w4 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 0.700))
            var w5 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 0.900))
            var w6 = weight(Math.abs(lod - 1.100))

            var sum = w1 + w2 + w3 + w4 + w5 + w6;
            weight1 = w1 / sum;
            weight2 = w2 / sum;
            weight3 = w3 / sum;
            weight4 = w4 / sum;
            weight5 = w5 / sum;
            weight6 = w6 / sum;


        function upateSources() {
            var sources = new Array();
            var weights = new Array();

            if (weight1 > 0) {

            if (weight2 > 0) {

            if (weight3 > 0) {

            if (weight4 > 0) {

            if (weight5 > 0) {

            if (weight6 > 0) {

            for (var j = sources.length; j < 6; j++) {

            source1 = sources[0]
            source2 = sources[1]
            source3 = sources[2]
            source4 = sources[3]
            source5 = sources[4]
            source6 = sources[5]

            weight1 = weights[0]
            weight2 = weights[1]
            weight3 = weights[2]
            weight4 = weights[3]
            weight5 = weights[4]
            weight6 = weights[5]

        Component.onCompleted: calculateWeights()

        onLodChanged: calculateWeights()

        fragmentShader: "
            uniform lowp sampler2D source1;
            uniform lowp sampler2D source2;
            uniform lowp sampler2D source3;
            uniform lowp sampler2D source4;
            uniform lowp sampler2D source5;
            uniform mediump float weight1;
            uniform mediump float weight2;
            uniform mediump float weight3;
            uniform mediump float weight4;
            uniform mediump float weight5;
            uniform lowp float qt_Opacity;
            varying mediump vec2 qt_TexCoord0;

            void main() {
                lowp vec4 sourceColor = texture2D(source1, qt_TexCoord0) * weight1;
                sourceColor += texture2D(source2, qt_TexCoord0) * weight2;
                sourceColor += texture2D(source3, qt_TexCoord0) * weight3;
                sourceColor += texture2D(source4, qt_TexCoord0) * weight4;
                sourceColor += texture2D(source5, qt_TexCoord0) * weight5;
                gl_FragColor = sourceColor * qt_Opacity;