x>& b.A2v5{t%Oo@1Z>Dq@2 ~ d^ 1' e "J =L & I 2b( Ip n$=^V<iGZalaie naviga n nstroje s  asov os a Navigtor, ktor njdete v menu Zobrazie.\Additional navigation tools include the Timeline and Navigator, both found in the View menu.TourXML0Automatick umiestHovanie je nov funkcia, ktor automaticky deteguje a zabraHuje mnohm kolzim medzi prvkami. Pozciu automaticky umiestnenho prvku m~ete upravie manulne, alebo m~ete vypne automatick umiestHovanie vybranch prvkov. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.Autoplace is a new feature that automatically detects and avoids many types of collisions between elements. You can also manually adjust the position of autoplaced elements, or disable autoplace for selected elements. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXML0Automatick umiestHovanie vyber pozcie v ainy prvkov na zklade zau~vanej praxe notovej sadzby tak, ~e posunie ozna enie tempa nad ostatn text alebo skrti crescenda aby sa nekr~ilo s ozna enm dynamiky. V mnohch prpadoch to znamen, ~e u~ nie s potrebn alaie korekcie.Autoplace positions most elements according to standard music engraving practice, such as by moving tempo markings above other text or by shortening hairpins to avoid dynamics. In many cases, this means that no further adjustments will be required at all.TourXML Najprv vyberte jeden alebo viacero prvkov v notovom zpise, potom pou~ite tla itl vberu, rolovacie menu a alaie ovldacie prvky aby ste zmenili hodnoty rznych parametrov. Mno~stvo vlastnost, ktor m~ete menie sa lai v zvislosti od typu vybranch prvkov.Begin by selecting one or more elements in your score, then use the check boxes, spin boxes, dropdown menus, and other controls to change values for the various properties. The set of properties available will differ according to the type of selected elements or elements.TourXMLKa~d paleta obsahuje polo~ky, ktor m~ete pridvae do partitry.;Each palette contains items that can be added to the score.TourXMLA nakoniec, Filter vberu (v menu Zobrazie) umo~Huje vyHae prvky ur itho typu z vberu rozsahu.}Finally, the Selection Filter (found in the View menu) allows you to exclude elements of a given type from a range selection.TourXMLrV prpade zsadnej zmeny polohy je lepaie vypne automatick umiestHovanie vybranch prvkov v Prehliada i. Prvky sa potom vy lenia z detekcie kolzi a m~ete ich umiestHovae vo>nejaie.For larger adjustments, it may be more convenient to disable autoplace for selected elements using the Inspector. This will remove them from collision detection and allow you to place them more freely.TourXML(Ak je to nevyhnutn, m~ete jemne upravie polohu prvkov bu pomocou myai, pou~itm apok v editovacom mde (dvojklik), alebo zmenou  sel v poliach polohy v Prehliada i. To umo~Huje prispsobie polohu so zapnutm automatickm umiestHovanm, aby sa predialo prpadnm kolzim. If necessary, you can fine-tune the position of elements by dragging, by using the cursor keys while in Edit mode (double-click), or by using the "Offset" fields in the Inspector. This allows you to make adjustments while leaving autoplace enabled to continue avoiding collisions.TourXMLhAk ste zmenili parameter, m~ete ho vrtie na predvolen hodnotu kliknutm na tla idlo "Reset". Ak je hodnota dan nastavenm atlu, m~ete klikne na tla idlo "Nastavie ako atl" a zvolie aktulnu hodnotu ako nov predvolen hodnotu atlu. Predvolen hodnoty atlu sa daj nastavie aj cez menu Sbor > `tl &-If you have modified a value, you can click the "Reset" button to reset it to the default. If the value is controlled by a style setting, you can click the "Set as style" button to set the current value as the new default for the style. You can also set style defaults using Format > Style….TourXMLAk ste vybrali prvky rznych typov, zobraz sa len nieko>ko nastaven spolo nch pre vaetky vybran prvky. M~ete klikne na "Noty" alebo in tla idl v dolnej  asti Prehliada a a obmedzte vber na prvky prsluanho typu.If you have selected elements of different types, only a few settings common to all elements will be available. You can click the "Notes" and other buttons at the bottom of the Inspector to limit the selection to just the elements of the specified type.TourXMLV MuseScore m~ete pou~ie mnoho spsobov navigcie v notovom zpise. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.\MuseScore provides many ways to navigate through your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLMuseScore pozn rzne spsoby vberu: jednoduch, zoznam a rozsah. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.jMuseScore supports different types of selections: single, list, and range. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLVyberte d:~ku noty kliknutm na niektor z tchto ikon alebo pou~ite klvesov skratky "1"  "9". Ak chcete pridae augmenta n bodku, kliknite na prsluan ikonu alebo pou~ite klvesov skratku ".".Select a duration by clicking one of these icons or pressing the shortcuts "1" - "9". To include an augmentation dot, click the appropriate icon or press the shortcut ".".TourXMLSme na konci prehliadky! Ponuky na prehliadky vysvet>ujce alaie funkcie sa bud kontextovo zobrazovae po as pou~vania MuseScore. Ak nechcete zobrazovae ponuky prehliadok, odklinite "Pokra ovae v prehliadkach" pred zatvorenm tohto okna. Zapne a vypne kontextov ponuky prehliadok, ako aj reatartovae prehliadky m~ete v menu Pomoc > Prehliadky.That's the end of this tour! As you use MuseScore, more tours will pop up to further explain functionality. To disable these, deselect "Continue showing tours" before closing this window. You can also enable/disable and reset tours in Help > Tours.TourXMLfPanel nstrojov Sbor umo~Huje vytvorie/ulo~ie/otvorie/vytla ie sbory a vrtie spe alebo zopakovae zmeny. Sbory m~ete ukladae do vaho  tu na musescore.com prostrednctvom menu Sbor > Ulo~ie online. Ovldacie prvky v pravej  asti tohto panela nstrojov sl~ia na nastavenie zobrazenia notovho zpisu.The File Operations toolbar allows you to create/save/open/print files and undo/redo changes. You can also save to your musescore.com account if you go to File > Save Online. The controls at the right of this toolbar control the display of your score.TourXMLPomocou Prehliada a m~ete ovldae rzne vlastnosti prvkov v notovom zpise.UThe Inspector allows you to control various properties of the elements in your score.TourXMLPomocou panela nstrojov vkladnia nt m~ete zapisovae noty a poml ky do notovej osnovy.KThe Note Input toolbar allows you to enter notes and rests into your score.TourXMLzProstrednctvom paliet ml~ete pridae alaie prvky do notcie.IThe Palettes allow you to add most other notation elements to your score.TourXMLPomocou panela nstrojov prehrvania m~ete spustie, zastavie a ovldae rzne prvky prehrvania partitry.jThe Playback Controls toolbar allows you to play/pause your score and control various aspects of playback.TourXMLTto  ase obsahuje riadky jednotlivch hudobnch nstrojov. Ka~d bunka v riadku predstavuje takt pre zodpovedajci nstroj. Ak je bunka vysvieten, takt obsahuje noty. Bunky ormovan tenkou modrou  iarou reprezentuj momentlne zobrazen takty.The section below contains a row for each instrument. Each box within the row represents a measure for that instrument. If the box is highlighted, then there are notes in that measure. Boxes with a thin blue outline represent measures that are currently in view.TourXML asov os zobrazuje orienta n zna ky sekci, zmeny tempa, predznamenania, taktovho zna enia a alaie orienta n body. Kliknutm kdeko>vek v  asovej osi prejdete na zodpovedajce miesto v notovom zpise.The timeline shows rehearsal marks, changes of tempo, key, and time signature, and other points of interest. You can click anywhere to jump to the corresponding location in your score.TourXML4K dispozcii je nieko>ko pracovnch plch s rznymi sadami paliet. "Rozaren" pracovn plocha obsahuje viac polo~iek oproti "Zkladnej" pracovnej ploche.There are different workspaces available with different sets of palettes. The "Advanced" workspace contains more items than the "Basic" workspace.TourXMLToto s panely nstrojov. Tri hlavn s Sbor, Ovldanie prehrvania a Vkladanie nt.bThese are the toolbars. The main three are File Operations, Playback Controls, and Note Input.TourXMLAk chcete pridae polo~ku z palety do notovho zpisu, najprv vyberte prvok alebo rozsah v notovom zpise, potom dvakrt kliknite na polo~ku v palete. M~ete tie~ preniese polo~ku z palety na po~adovan prvok v partitre eahanm myaou.To add a palette item to your score, first select an element or range in your score, then double-click on the palette item to add it to the selected elements. You can also drag an item from the palette and drop it on a specific element in your score.TourXMLAk sa chcete prepne do re~imu vkladania nt, kliknite na ikonu "Vkladanie nt" alebo pou~ite klvesov skratku "N".QTo enable note input mode, click the "Note input" icon or press the shortcut "N".TourXML Ak chcete vlo~ie poml ku po~adovanej d:~ky, pou~ite klvesov skratku "0", alebo tto ikonu a potom kliknite na prsluan miesto notovej osnovy.nTo enter a rest of the selected duration, press the shortcut "0", or select this icon then click on the staff.TourXMLLAk chcete vlo~ie noty s rznymi rytmickmi hodnotami v jednom takte, pou~ite viachlas. Ka~d osnova m~e obsahovae maximlne atyri hlasy. Hlas 1 je prednastaven a mal by bye v ka~dej osnove pou~it prednostne ako prv. Ak chcete vkladae noty do inho hlasu, kliknite na niektor z tchto ikon.To enter notes with different rhythms in the same measure, use multiple voices. Each staff can have up to four voices. The default is voice 1, and it should be used first for each staff. To enter notes into a different voice, click one of these icons.TourXMLAk chcete pridae k note ligatru, vyberte d:~ku, o ktor chcete notu pred:~ie, potom stla te "+" alebo kliknite na tto ikonu.nTo extend a note by adding a tied note, select the duration to extend by, then press "+" or click this button.TourXMLVitajte v MuseScore! Tto krtka prehliadka vs oboznmi s u~vate>skm rozhranm.ZWelcome to MuseScore! This brief tour will guide you through the MuseScore user interface.TourXMLVitajte pri zadvan nt, kde budete vkladae noty a poml ky do vaaej partitry. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.lWelcome to note input, where you will enter notes and rests into your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLVitajte v prehliada i, kde m~ete menie jednotliv vlastnosti vybranch prvkov. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.{Welcome to the Inspector, where you can change individual properties for selected elements. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLVitajte pri paletch, pomocou ktorch m~ete pridvae rzne prvky do vaho notovho zpisu. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.gWelcome to the Palettes, where you will add various elements to your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLVitajte v  asovej osi, na ktorej maximlnu redukciu notovho zpisu kvli jednoduchaej orientcii. Kliknite na "alej" a dozviete sa viac.Welcome to the Timeline, where you can view a high-level reduction of the score for easier navigation. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLMte nastaven viactaktov poml ky. Tto funkcia kombinuje za sebou nasledujce takty s poml kami do jednej viactaktovej poml ky. Ak chcete tto mo~nose vypne(zapne), pou~ite klvesov skratku "M".You have toggled multimeasure rests in this score. This combines multiple measures of rests into a single multimeasure rest. To toggle this setting again, press the shortcut "M".TourXML