1 2bi>B @CC;0E A0<10@ =L C48@410@B00 M3H83, 7>3A>F >@CC;0E04 0H83;0=0.KThe Note Input toolbar allows you to enter notes and rests into your score.TourXML|(3MM =L C48@410@B00 =M<ME 1CA04 =>B=K M;5<5=B4893 03CC;=0.IThe Palettes allow you to add most other notation elements to your score.TourXML">3;CC;0E #48@4;03K= A0<10@ =L C48@410@K3 B>3;CC;0E/7>3A>>E 1>;>= A>=A>6 7ME4MM B>E8@CC;0E 79;A893 C48@40E04 0H83;0=0.jThe Playback Controls toolbar allows you to play/pause your score and control various aspects of playback.TourXMLMuseScore-4 B02B09 <>@8;! -=ME B>2G B0=8;FCC;304 MuseScore-K= EM@M3;M3G89= 8=B5@DM9A893 B09;10@;0E 1>;=>.ZWelcome to MuseScore! This brief tour will guide you through the MuseScore user interface.TourXML