$ b.E5$.*%Nv9{t$O:^ Z4F@1eZ>IqD߈8= ~ d^X 1%l O/^2C y^'G c ! =L I WK 2b& I! aV( n$=^V>iJe^000Ȑxb0h0oN0d0e0d0nxb0}D0T00[0_00n0g0Y0 000Ȑxb0kR0H0_0RJd0W0_00Y00k0o0"Ctrl" (macOS: "Cmd") 0b0W0j0L000000W0~0Y0 ^O<0n} 0} e0Oxb0Y00k0o0gR0nN0d0S0000 (macOS: "Ctrl"+0000) 0W0 hy:0U00000000000000n "xb" 000000nN-0gx00g00M0~0Y0HA list selection is a combination of single selections. Press "Ctrl" (macOS: "Cmd") while clicking to add or remove elements to the list selection. You can also quickly select similar elements by right-clicking (macOS: "Ctrl"+clicking) one and then choosing one of the "Select" options from the resulting popup menu.TourXMLL{V0nxb0g0o00B00h0S00K0R%0n0h0S00~0g0\h00~0_0PX4T0g0B0c0f00Qh0f0LT+0~00~0Y0xb{V0oR0Dwe_b0gV0~00fy:0U00~0Y0{V0xb0Y00k0o0xb0Y0gR0n{&0O{&00~0_0o\{000000W0Shift000b0W0j0L0g_000000W0~0Y0 Shift000b0W0j0L0eT000R0K0W0f{Vxb0b_50Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0}A range selection includes everything from one point in time to another across one or more staves. It is indicated by a blue rectangle encompassing the entire range. To make a range selection, click the first note, rest, or measure you want to select, then "Shift"+click the last. You can also extend range selections by holding the "Shift" key while moving the cursor.TourXML`b_500000000000h0W0f0hy:00000nN-0k0000000h000000h0D0F00n00B00~0Y0\Additional navigation tools include the Timeline and Navigator, both found in the View menu.TourXMLR%0nel0g0o00000n} 0n{V0QH0kxb0W0f0J0M00000N-0n}ډ} 000000000Y00h0xb{V0kn!0c0fe0W0D} 0LR0U00~0Y0Alternatively, first selecting a range of elements in the score and then double-clicking a line element in the palette will add that new element across the selected range.TourXML00F10d0nxbel0o0Shift000b0W0j0L00n00000g0Y0xb{V0k{&0LT+0~00f0D0X4T0oRv0k{Vxb0h0j000]0NY0nX4T0o0000Ȑxb0j00~0Y0Another way to make selections is to hold "Shift" while dragging. If your selection includes notes, it will automatically be made as a range selection; otherwise it will be made as a list selection.TourXMLRՑMn0o0} 0n0U0~0V0~0jz.^0n]z0Rv0kiQ0W0fVސ0Y0ej_0g0Y0 0~0_0RՑMn0U00_} 0nOMn0bKR0get0W0_00xb0W0_} 0nRՑMn0q!R0k0W0_00Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0 s}00k0d0D0f0o0" k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0Autoplace is a new feature that automatically detects and avoids many types of collisions between elements. You can also manually adjust the position of autoplaced elements, or disable autoplace for selected elements. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLԁRՑMnj_0k00Mn0ojnv0j\l0kRG0c0fL000~0Y0 0_0h0H0p0^S0N0n000000N 0khy:0W0_000000}0L_7_1S00Q0fw0O0j00~0Y0 Y0O0nX4b0g\b0n0U00j0et0LN 0k0j00S0h0g0W00F0Autoplace positions most elements according to standard music engraving practice, such as by moving tempo markings above other text or by shortening hairpins to avoid dynamics. In many cases, this means that no further adjustments will be required at all.TourXML0~0Z0i}\Q0n10dNN 0n} 0xb0W0~0Y0xb0W0_} 0k[0W0f0000000000000000000000000000j0i0}0W0f00U0~0V0~0j000000Y f0W0~0Y0 Y f0L0g0M0v0oxb0U00_} 00~0_0o} 0nz.^0k00c0fup0j00~0Y0Begin by selecting one or more elements in your score, then use the check boxes, spin boxes, dropdown menus, and other controls to change values for the various properties. The set of properties available will differ according to the type of selected elements or elements.TourXML<0]00^00nk0k0o0i}\0kR0g0M0i}S0LT+0~00f0D0~0Y0;Each palette contains items that can be added to the score.TourXMLlg_0k0xb0000" hy: "00000k0B0 0Ou(0Y00h0{Vxb0K0ry[0nz.^0n} 0dY0g0M0~0Y0}Finally, the Selection Filter (found in the View menu) allows you to exclude elements of a given type from a range selection.TourXML00Y'0M0jet0nX4T0o00000000O0c0fxb0W0_} 0nRՑMn0q!R0k0Y00{0F0LOR)0K00W00~0[00 q!R0k0Y00h0]0n} 0L]ziQ0K0dY0U0000u10kMn0g0M000F0k0j00~0Y0For larger adjustments, it may be more convenient to disable autoplace for selected elements using the Inspector. This will remove them from collision detection and allow you to place them more freely.TourXML_ʼn0k_0X0f0} 0}0000]0n} 00000000 0k0Y00h000000eT000g_et0L0g0M0~0Y0 0000000n" 00000 "k0O0F0h0U00k}00K0Oet0Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0 0S0nfB0RՑMn0k00c0f^80k]z0Vސ0W0j0L0et0Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0 If necessary, you can fine-tune the position of elements by dragging, by using the cursor keys while in Edit mode (double-click), or by using the "Offset" fields in the Inspector. This allows you to make adjustments while leaving autoplace enabled to continue avoiding collisions.TourXMLP$0Y f0W0_0n0g0B00p0"0000" 000000000Y00p000000kb;0[0~0Y0P$0L0000-[0kO00n0g0B00p0"00000k-["000000000Y00p0]0nP$0e0_0j000000h0W0f00000k-[0g0M0~0Y00000000000...0O0c0f000000n000000-[0g0M0~0Y0-If you have modified a value, you can click the "Reset" button to reset it to the default. If the value is controlled by a style setting, you can click the "Set as style" button to set the current value as the new default for the style. You can also set style defaults using Format > Style….TourXMLup0j0z.^0n} 0xb0W0_X4T0o00Y0y0f0n} 0kQq0n0D0O0d0K0n-[0n00LR)u(S0k0j00~0Y0 0000000nN 0k0B0 " {& " 00]0nN0n000000000W0f0xb{V0c[0W0_z.^0n} 0`0Q0k0g0M0~0Y0If you have selected elements of different types, only a few settings common to all elements will be available. You can click the "Notes" and other buttons at the bottom of the Inspector to limit the selection to just the elements of the specified type.TourXML6}00000n} 0nY'R0o0Y0Y0} 0K0}BN0Y0} 0~0g0n{V0kn!00~0Y0{V0}0Y00k0o }000000000W (0Y00hRv0k}BN0n00000xb0W0~0Y 00]0W0f:- 00000QH0kyR0Y00k0o Shift+SeT00 0b0W0~0Y0- 00000_0kyR0Y00k0o Shift+]eT00 0b0W0~0Y0'Most elements on the lines palette span a range from a start element to an end element. To edit its range, double-click the line (which automatically selects its end handle) and: - Press "Shift+Right" to move that handle forward. - Press "Shift+Left" to move that handle backward.TourXMLtMuseScore0g0oi}\0n!0Y0_00ni00jel0u(a0W0f0D0~0Y0 s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0\MuseScore provides many ways to navigate through your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLMuseScore0o0U0~0V0~0jz.^0nxb000000W0f0D0~0Y0SXNxb0000Ȑxb0{Vxb0g0Y0 s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0jMuseScore supports different types of selections: single, list, and range. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXML0S000n00000K" 1 "^" 9 "000g0nw0U0x0s0~0Y0 Np0oiR0j00n000000K0x0v0K" . "000gN0Q00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0Select a duration by clicking one of these icons or pressing the shortcuts "1" - "9". To include an augmentation dot, click the appropriate icon or press the shortcut ".".TourXML@NN 0g0000}B000~0Y0 MuseScore0gR00fj_0O0F00U00kj_0f0Y00_00n0000Lhy:0U00~0Y0 0S000q!R0k0Y00k0o00S0n0000000X0RM0k0 N_00000hy:0Y00 0nxb0d0W0f0O0`0U0D0 " 000 "! " 000 " 0g0000g R/q!R0k0W0_000000W0_00Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0That's the end of this tour! As you use MuseScore, more tours will pop up to further explain functionality. To disable these, deselect "Continue showing tours" before closing this window. You can also enable/disable and reset tours in Help > Tours.TourXMLx0000dO\000000o0/ O\b / 0O / O[X / SpR7 / QC0kb;0Y / 00v0W / 0L0D0~0Y0 musescore.com 0n000000c0c0f0D0X4T0 " 0000(F) " ! " 00000N 0k000000 " 0K000000N 0kO[X0Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0 0S0n000000nS0k0B00000000000o0i}\0nbY's0hy:el0dO\0Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0The File Operations toolbar allows you to create/save/open/print files and undo/redo changes. You can also save to your musescore.com account if you go to File > Save Online. The controls at the right of this toolbar control the display of your score.TourXMLL0000000Ou(0Y00h0i}\Q0n} 0n0U0~0V0~0j000000}0g0M0~0Y0UThe Inspector allows you to control various properties of the elements in your score.TourXML0{&QeR000000g0o{&0hO{&0QeR0g0M0~0Y0KThe Note Input toolbar allows you to enter notes and rests into your score.TourXML>00000Ou(0Y00h00{0h00i0ni}S0i}\0kR0g0M0~0Y0IThe Palettes allow you to add most other notation elements to your score.TourXMLQu000000o]0K00k0/ MIDIQeR / YOMn0kb;0 / Qu0P\kb / ~p00WQu / S_Qu / R0gi}\0R0K0Y / 000000 / 0ndO\0L0D0~0Y0jThe Playback Controls toolbar allows you to play/pause your score and control various aspects of playback.TourXML00000000k0oN0k00_0O0U00n00000L0B00~0Y0 0U00k000000000000000i}\0nN-0S00000Y00S0h0gY0O0n00000k00000Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0The main menu contains most other commands. In addition, many commands can be accessed via keyboard shortcuts or by right-clicking (macOS: "Ctrl"+clicking) within the score view.TourXML000000nPgUp0PgDn0Home0End0j0i0n0000000000o0N0n000000000hT 0X00F0kj_0W0~0Y00000nyR0j0i0gO0H0~0Y0000000nz.^0k00c0f0oFn000b0W0j0L0N /N /]/S000b0Y0S0h0gT i0nj_0c0d00n0L0B00~0Y0The navigation keys on your keyboard such as "PgUp", "PgDn", "Home", and "End" function as in other applications to move between pages. Keyboards that lack these keys often provide equivalents such as "Fn+Up/Down/Left/Right".TourXMLNujbKe0DN N 000000nel0o00000000000]00hT {I0nO0H0p2g,c00000j0i00000000000g0Y0]S000000k0o0"Shift"000b0W0j0L000000000000000000000O0D0~0Y0The quickest way to scroll up and down is to use your mouse wheel or equivalent touch gesture (for example, two-finger swipe). To scroll horizontally, hold "Shift" while using the mouse wheel or touch gesture.TourXMLN 0n000000k0oTi}Vh0nk0L0B00~0Y0 Tk0k0oN;i}Vh0j0i0Lf0K00f0D0~0Y0 Vۉ0L_7hy:0U00f0D00h0M0o0]0n\{0k{&0L[XW(0W0f0D0~0Y0 0S0nVۉ0nN-0g0}00DR}0gV0~00f0D00h0S00LsW(i}\0000k0H0f0D0\{0g0Y0The section below contains a row for each instrument. Each box within the row represents a measure for that instrument. If the box is highlighted, then there are notes in that measure. Boxes with a thin blue outline represent measures that are currently in view.TourXML0000000k0o000000000000000b[P0nY S00]0nNry[0nW0p0j0i0Lhy:0U00~0Y0 000000000000Y00hi}\0nN-0n[_0Y0X4b@0kyR0Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0The timeline shows rehearsal marks, changes of tempo, key, and time signature, and other points of interest. You can click anywhere to jump to the corresponding location in your score.TourXMLup0j000000c0c0_00000000LR)u(S0g0Y0 "00000" 0g0o "Wg," 0n00000000kk0y00Y0O0n00000LQe0c0f0D0~0Y0There are different workspaces available with different sets of palettes. The "Advanced" workspace contains more items than the "Basic" workspace.TourXML`0S000o000000g0Y0 Wg,0o3z.^00S00k00c0f0000dO\0Qu0{&QeR0j0i0L0g0M0~0Y0bThese are the toolbars. The main three are File Operations, Playback Controls, and Note Input.TourXML0000000g0o00000W0_0}0W0_00g0M0~0Y0 000000000000000gN N Shift000b0Y0S0h0g]S 0kR0K0Y0S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0 ep0n00000D0f0D0X4T0o0000N 0k0B0000gR0f0H00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0This is the score view, where you can view and edit your score. Use your mouse wheel or touchpad to scroll (with "Shift" to scroll horizontally). If you have multiple scores open, you can switch between them using tabs at the top of your score view.TourXMLf0000k{&0R0H00k0o0 "Shift" 0b0W0_0~0~0T 00000Y00K\h0nN 000000W0~0Y0\To add a note to a chord, press "Shift" while typing its letter name, or click on the staff.TourXML֗i}S0j0i0i}\0kR0Y00k0o0QH0ki}\Q0K0{&0epxb0n{V0x00g0J0M000000nS000000000W0~0Y0 N0k00i}S0R0W0_0D{&0k000000000000Y00S0h0g0R0Y00S0h00g0M0~0Y0To add a palette item to your score, first select an element or range in your score, then double-click on the palette item to add it to the selected elements. You can also drag an item from the palette and drop it on a specific element in your score.TourXML{&0kfBS0R0H00k0o00000000000000n "Up" 0K "Down" 0b0W0f0Y 0H00K0 0S000000000000W0~0Y0To add an accidental to a note, press the shortcut "Up" or "Down" to raise or lower its pitch, or click one of these icons.TourXML3#{&0j0i#{&0O\00k0o00]0n#{&QhOS0nw0U0xb0W0f0K00"Ctrl+#{&0n ep[W" 000b0Y0K000000n R > #{& 0R)u(0W0~0Y0To create a triplet or other tuplet, select the duration representing the total length of the tuplet, then press "Ctrl+number" or use Add > Tuplets.TourXMLr{&0QeR0Y00k0o " {&QeRN "0n0000000000Y00K " N " 000b0W0fQeR0000k0W0~0Y0QTo enable note input mode, click the "Note input" icon or press the shortcut "N".TourXML̐x00`w0U0n{&0QeR0Y00k0o00]0nT 0n0000000Y00K0\h0nN 000000W0~0Y0 000000Y 0H00k0o "Ctrl+Up/Down" (macOS: "Cmd+Up/Down")" 0b0W0~0Y0To enter a note of the selected duration, type its letter name or click on the staff. Press "Ctrl+Up/Down" (macOS: "Cmd+Up/Down") to change octave.TourXMLbxb0W0_w0U0nO{&0QeR0Y00k0o" 0 "000b0Y0K00S0n00000x00g\b000000W0~0Y0nTo enter a rest of the selected duration, press the shortcut "0", or select this icon then click on the staff.TourXMLT 0X\{Q0gup0j0c0_0000n{&0QeR0Y00k0o "X" j_0O0D0~0Y0 N0d0n\h0k[0W0fgY'04X0~0g[_0W0~0Y0 ^80oX10kQeR0U00~0Y00i0n0000g0X10ogR0kO0F_ʼn0L0B00~0Y0 N0nX0k{&0QeR0Y0X4T0o0S0n0000000000W0~0Y0To enter notes with different rhythms in the same measure, use multiple voices. Each staff can have up to four voices. The default is voice 1, and it should be used first for each staff. To enter notes into a different voice, click one of these icons.TourXMLd000nQeR0oQC0n{&0QeR_0QH0n{&0nw0U0x0s" + "000b0Y0K0S0n000000000W0~0Y0nTo extend a note by adding a tied note, select the duration to extend by, then press "+" or click this button.TourXMLSXN0nxb00Y00k0o0xb0W0_0D} 000000W0~0Y0_7hy:0U0xb0U00f0D00S0h0y:0W0~0Y0]S0neT000O0c0fxb{V0k!0RM0n{&0O{&0kyR0g0M0~0Y0 PeT000hN}0kAlt00Mac0g0oOption 0b0Y0hN0n} 0k0yR0g0M0N N 0n\h0k0yR0g0M0~0Y0To make a single selection, click the element you want to select. It becomes highlighted to indicate that it is selected. You can use the left and right cursor keys to move the selection through the notes and rests of your score. Tip: if you press the "Alt" key ("Option" on macOS) along with the cursor keys you can move through other elements too, and also move up and down from staff to staff.TourXMLtMuseScore0x00F0S0] 0S0n0000g0o0MuseScore0n000000000000k0d0D0f|!SX0kf0W0~0Y0ZWelcome to MuseScore! This brief tour will guide you through the MuseScore user interface.TourXMLf{&QeR0x00F0S0]0{&0hO{&0i}\0kQeR0W0~0W00F0 s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0lWelcome to note input, where you will enter notes and rests into your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLv0000000x00F0S0]0xb0W0_P 00n} 0n000000Y f0g0M0~0Y0 s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0{Welcome to the Inspector, where you can change individual properties for selected elements. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLt00000x00F0S0]000000O0c0fi00j} 0R0H00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0gWelcome to the Palettes, where you will add various elements to your score. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXML0000000x00F0S0]0i}\0Y'^E0k~.\hy:0W0fQhOS0|!SX0kbc0Y00S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0 s}00o " k!0x " 000000W0f0O0`0U0D0Welcome to the Timeline, where you can view a high-level reduction of the score for easier navigation. Click "Next" to learn more.TourXMLi}\00a00c0h0`0QR0K0Y0k0o00000nzzv}R000000W0f0000W0~0Y0 0~0_0"Shift" 0b0W0_0~0~0000Y00h{V0nxb0L0g0M0~0Y0You can move the score short distances by clicking an empty area of the page and dragging. By the way, you can also select regions by holding "Shift" while dragging.TourXMLwO{&0nRf00g0M0~0Y0 QhO{&0n0B0\{0L#}0W0f0D0X4T0wO{&0h0W0f0~0h000S0h0L0g0M0~0Y0 " M "000b0Y0hRf000~0Y0You have toggled multimeasure rests in this score. This combines multiple measures of rests into a single multimeasure rest. To toggle this setting again, press the shortcut "M".TourXML