)9*.N]rI7?uޥ.e}.RP50uNtӬ ey#J^D߮R ~q=W@Ex@VvB!>W~XhN%c9s4I.gN14ۓpUsҴ ^) F4CH*~+N:6Ec!IQ{K~$@\S~f=bybFpmn}q{>R>Gj>+/?,.ʁ-*>wSsNހ.Ol.-h!jRO -<CnnL@7^0T0H=0P5>W8wy?;NBM"JIR.^fcrNs/^ؠ2;N%at mrNG a.h8G>_^Or&&)4 *4g}N>`O>dIgA/ΞY<n9xnɉlϾ(3{I߇üN\Ñ)ܳt~Ybwmʅ `e(vV)ў,8'y1.B>NEkFg{GbHUM~T XZy]3UR hs(p~'z~v~ܙ~ypFp~z~~;~ڌh/k5 $ -n l3^ȄC;*0 2;^I?'V'/'[425@i57D:WIN8JQ~)V7WHe nWg*.cNgfnW dqwNz5(FVNsL>NBlbn-nE.;ͮ\ ý&w:N:nST~n|Kn-n! mU2g7 HǜpvONŚ e~^b!!X-.P|Z%`Nf-f kn<wH| <J D(. ~^U+$$dӞQG'NЗ+>$   n ` 6_ A~` AaM Kk~c S/ Tg." V >W WMN u |o ~ nV ~ D + . o )z F>  B& L {  NF 9> @S l~= MNA /%y H }7 4 $ 5 74 <t BnE Gݞ IF. b( h$ w`N( N j $N: / ! , =  nz( p} z p zf >> . mn  5 5\ Oie R W.f j.O n|n+ xR# {n" ~L >  nEN  & N( c>KW r I   ~  9Nn N׏ A> L "[ =ю A^t B~ Fn8 J>% T~1w \Z eN vb , /. R^Z> ;>T >0  . ; e.@ 'u9 Nr Z hNL >@ ءY ߢ._ 7 Xt ni > . Uqh  $ >2   #$! %n '. (N$ +kV Cn Lc"2 T> W Jb `K dB j kGn s'~W uBy v w  %L f $0n F r C  ?^ >;2 @a|oA6w<vn. 0qIE#I.gK2YNBX-TZo[ * a.#sWv6xv<x;>HH=j}NNH4^ @&'@y~Ⱥ$.֒M ^ .7G'n`**<<(vGfW\umh aV{|n$>gn,LăLn>i2B%2X %3  %4 ǐ $X %1 : %5)Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5QXmlPatternistCLI"%2 $X %1 : %3Error %1 in %2: %3QXmlPatternistCLIL  Ʋ XUnknown locationQXmlPatternistCLI<%1X %2  %3 ǐ : %4(Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4QXmlPatternistCLI%1 : %2Warning in %1: %2QXmlPatternistCLIB%1@() %2@()  X Ǒ ] |XiȲ.,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatternsN%2X %1 1@ 0  %4̘ %3D(|) ƩX| iȲ.9%1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4. QtXmlPatternsZ ݴ i̴ X %1 1@ 0 ̘ %2 X D 8| iȲ.B%1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type. QtXmlPatternsh%2 X %1 1 ,t J@ Ʃt LjL: {%3}@() %4 X t D.T%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4. QtXmlPatternsF%2 X %1 1 ,t J@ Ʃt LjL: {%3}.:%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}. QtXmlPatternsH%2 X %1 1t %3 1 p D LjµȲ.>%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns<%2 X %1 1@ %3(t) %4| iȲ.,%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsX%2 X %1 1в %3, %4,  URI ]t hŴ| iȲ.A%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs. QtXmlPatternsL%2 X %1 1в %3(t) x t hŴ| iȲ.F%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values. QtXmlPatternsL%2 X %1 1@  %3(t) %4t() LjŴ| iȲ.9%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns@%2 X %1 1@ %3 X D 8| iȲ.3%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3. QtXmlPatternsh%4 1t $Ŵ Lj<\ %2 X %1 1 <\ %3t() Ŵ| iȲ.R%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set. QtXmlPatterns2%2 X %1 1@ %3|  µȲ.*%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3. QtXmlPatterns%1D(|) 8,  L%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatternsH%1в %2D(|) hX i 0 D ͔`  L./%1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2. QtXmlPatternsB%1 ǘ pt0 Ŵ Lj %2 (t LjL: %3.+%1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3. QtXmlPatterns,%1 ,t J@ pt0 LjµȲ.%1 contains invalid data. QtXmlPatternsV%1@() Ɣ̭\ xT) %2 Ʃ`  Ʋ tҸ 0D hiȲ.E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatterns\%1 %2@() ǬXX %3 X ,x } ptt DٲȲ: %4.L%1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4. QtXmlPatterns@%1 X %2 1 @ %3(t) %4| iȲ.C%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns4%1 X %2 1 @ %3tŴ| iȲ.=%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3. QtXmlPatterns<%1 %2 1t %3 ǐ µȲ.9%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element. QtXmlPatterns4t M¤Ҹв %1 Ʃ JµȲ.*%1 element is not allowed in this context. QtXmlPatterns*t  %1 ,  µȲ'%1 element is not allowed in this scope QtXmlPatternsJ%3 1t tǬXt %2 H %1 ,  µȲ.G%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present. QtXmlPatternsf %1X 1 %2X <\ $DŽ¤Әt¤ %3@() @ t ,  µȲ.Y%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsR%1 %2 1t ǐ \ %3, %4D(|) 8| iȲ.F%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element. QtXmlPatterns@%1 %2, %3  XX 1 8| iȲ./%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns@%1 %2, %3 1 X |  µȲ.6%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together. QtXmlPatterns>%1 в %2, %3  XX 1t DƔiȲ..%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsN%2 ǐ Lj %1 в %3 1t tǬ`  µȲ.>%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns\ $DŽ¤Әt¤ Ʋ ¤Фв %2 1t Ʋ %1 ,  µȲ.V%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace. QtXmlPatterns8%1 ( %2 (@ t ǥ`  µȲ.-%1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together. QtXmlPatternsR%1 (@ 0 X %3 (t %4 | L %2|  µȲ.5%1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4. QtXmlPatternsZ%1 (@ 0 X %4 (t %5 | L %2, %3|  µȲ.;%1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5. QtXmlPatterns(%1@() %2 (t ͩiȲ. %1 facet collides with %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns*%1 ( ǘ  \t LjL,%1 facet contains invalid regular expression QtXmlPatterns8%1 ( ǘ  %2t() h(: %3.'%1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsJ%1 (@ 0 X %2 (X  lp D| iȲ.=%1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns:%1 (@ 0 X %2 ( | iȲ.4%1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsD%1 (@ 0 X %2 ( lp D| iȲ.@%1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns<%1 (@ 0 X %2 ( ǑD| iȲ.1%1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns.%1 (@ %2 ( ǑD| iȲ.$%1 facet must be less than %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsJ%1 (@ 0 X %2 (X  Ǒp D| iȲ.=%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns6%1 (@ %2 ( Ǒp D| iȲ.0%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsL%1 (@ 0 X ( %2@() @ D 8| iȲ.;%1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsR%1 8pX Dtt } pt %2@() D  久Ȳ.W%1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references. QtXmlPatternsF%1в 1 @|tܬ Lj 0  %2в µȲ.7%1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not. QtXmlPatterns<%1X  %2  µȲ.,%1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1@() i DžȲ. i <\ ΐ¤@ X, %2@() @ ǐ <\X ΐ¤@ iȲ.s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns(%1@() ,t J@ %2DžȲ%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns`%1@() ,t J@  \ DžȲ. ,x L µȲ:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatterns2%1@() ǘ $DŽ¤Әt¤ URIDžȲ.%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatterns<%1@() ,x  \ (4t DٲȲ: %2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatterns0%1@() ǘ \ tDžȲ.$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns0%1@() L  Ʋ ¤Ф DžȲ.%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns*xT) %1@() X JµȲ.%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatterns:%1@() ,t J@ XML 1.0 ǐDžȲ.$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatterns4%1@() ,x ̘ ) tt DٲȲ.4%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatterns0%1@() ,x +ǐ 0t DٲȲ."%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatternsh%1@() ,x ̘ ) tt DٲȲ. %3@() @ %2 tŴ| iȲ.Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatterns4%1@() ,x %2 X t DٲȲ.#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns,%1@() ,x +ǐ DٲȲ.$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatternsZ%1@() %2 final\ ŸȮ0 L8 Uǥ<\ 0  µȲ.S%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsZ%1@() %2 final\ ŸȮ0 L8 ]<\ 0  µȲ.N%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsZ%1@() %2 final\ ŸȮ0 L8 \<\ 0  µȲ.U%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsZ%1@() %2 final\ ŸȮ0 L8 Ʃ̴\ 0  µȲ.O%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsJ%1в ǐ0 ǐD ȅX\  l1 Ɣ| ͔`  µȲ.E%1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself. QtXmlPatterns(%1в (D ͔`  µȲ.%%1 is not allowed to have any facets. QtXmlPatternsT%1@() ǐ Džt DٲȲ. ǐ Dž<\ X`  LjµȲ.C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatternsr%1@()  Lj 1 Ÿ tǬX JµȲ. ¤Ф 8$0 0@ X JµȲ.g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns2%2 XXt %1@() ,t JµȲ. %1 is not valid according to %2. QtXmlPatterns4%1@() ,x %2 X t DٲȲ.&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns(%1@()  8ǐ |XiȲ%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatterns\%1@() %2(t) %3 @| Xp,  8ǐ ,  µȲ.J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatterns\ @|tX %1@() 0 @|tX %2X ,x } ptt DٲȲH%1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcard QtXmlPatternsZ8p %3X 1 %1t %2t() 1 Ÿ %4@() |XX JµȲ.T%1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4. QtXmlPatternsX%1 %3, %4 Ʋ Dtt } pt %2D(|) 8piȲ.A%1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element. QtXmlPatternsJ%1 L  Ʋ %2  %3 %4D(|) 8piȲ.*%1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4. QtXmlPatternsX%1@() \ %nX xǐ| Dt\, %2@() ,t JµȲ.=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatternsX%1@() \ %nX xǐ| Dt\, %2@() ,t JµȲ.9%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns%1t() 8͜µȲ.%1 was called. QtXmlPatternsb] ݴ ư %1, %2, %3, %4, %5, %6 (@ Ʃ JµȲ.F%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list. QtXmlPatternsD1 '%1' ,t J@ QName Ʃt LjL: %2.2'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2. QtXmlPatterns(в %1D(|) h`  LA comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatterns*@ %1(<)\ ]  µȲ.A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatterns<Ǭ ŸŴ(%1) Ʃ`  Ʋ 1ǐ LjµȲ.LA construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1). QtXmlPatternsN0 $DŽ¤Әt¤ Ÿ@ h, , 5X Ÿ t @| iȲ.^A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsZ 1ǐX t ,t JµȲ. %1t() %2(<)\ ]Ȳ.EA direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2. QtXmlPatterns* Ÿt %1x h t tǬiȲ.0A function already exists with the signature %1. QtXmlPatternsV|t 칬 @ <\ Չ  An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatterns2t %2x %1 1t t ŸµȲ.8An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. QtXmlPatternsVtt %1x xǐ t ŸµȲ. xǐX t@ || iȲ.WAn argument with name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. QtXmlPatterns.tt %1x 1t t 1µȲ.1An attribute by name %1 has already been created. QtXmlPatternsf1 xܲ 8 xX ǐt  µȲ. 0| 1 %1X X ǘµȲ.dAn attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. QtXmlPatterns8tt %1x 1t t t µȲ.?An attribute with name %1 has already appeared on this element. QtXmlPatternsD%2 X ǐ<\ \\ XX %1 @| iȲ.3At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. QtXmlPatterns:\\ XX %1 %2 t @| iȲ.-At least one %1-element must occur before %2. QtXmlPatterns8%2 H \\ XX %1 @| iȲ.-At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. QtXmlPatterns*\\ XX l1 Ɣ DƔiȲ.'At least one component must be present. QtXmlPatternsJ %2X %1 1в \\ XX ܬ Ŵ| iȲ.FAt least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. QtXmlPatternsHlǐ %1 t \ XX ܬ l1 Ɣ @| iȲ.?At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. QtXmlPatterns*1 %1t() t XµȲ.Attribute %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns61 %1@() %2@() 8 0DžȲ.+Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. QtXmlPatternsJ1 %1t() \ \ ܹżT`  µȲ.EAttribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. QtXmlPatternsv1 %1t() %2 Ʃ  µȲ. 1 %3, %4  \ 1D Ʃ`  LjµȲ.]Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatternsn1 %1t() %2 Ʃ  µȲ. 1 %3  \ 1D Ʃ`  LjµȲ.YAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatternsn1 %1t() %2 Ʃ  µȲ. 1 %3  \ 1 Ʃ`  LjµȲ.^Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns^1 %1t() %2 Ʃ  µȲ. \ 1 Ʃ`  LjµȲ.VAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. QtXmlPatterns:1 %1@()  %2D(|)  µȲ.&Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2. QtXmlPatterns*1 %1 ǘ pt0 LjµȲ.&Attribute %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatterns,1 %1 ǘ pt0 LjL: %2&Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2 QtXmlPatterns<1 %1t() 1 @|t@ |XX JµȲ.3Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard. QtXmlPatterns:0 X 1 %1t()  µȲ.7Attribute %1 from base type is missing in derived type. QtXmlPatternsV1 %1в  }t Lj %2  ݴ D LjµȲ.?Attribute %1 has value constraint but has type derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsb ݴ i X 1 %1@() 0 ̘  } %2D(|) 8| iȲ.UAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatternsP ݴ i̴ X %1 1@ %2 X  }D 8| iȲ.CAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint. QtXmlPatternsf ݴ i X 1 %1@() 0 ݬ @  } %2D(|) 8| iȲ.^Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have the same %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatterns01 %1t() t XµȲ.#Attribute group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsl1 %1  } ptt Lj %3  ݴ D  %2 1t LjµȲ.bAttribute group %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatterns@1 %1 1 %2t() P Ŵ LjµȲ./Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatterns`1 %1 %2 ݴ D hX P X \ x 1t LjµȲ.ZAttribute group %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatterns,1 %1 X 8p LjµȲ.*Attribute group %1 has circular reference. QtXmlPatterns^%1X 1 @|tܲ 0  %2X 1 @|tX ,x \t DٲȲ.ZAttribute wildcard of %1 is not a valid restriction of attribute wildcard of base type %2. QtXmlPatternsZi  %1X 1t 0  %2X 1X ,x Uǥt DٲȲ: %3.^Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid extension of the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatterns\i  %1X 1 0  %2X 1 ( ,x \t L: %3.bAttributes of complex type %1 are not a valid restriction from the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsH0 1 %1t() DƔX 1@ DƔX JµȲ.;Base attribute %1 is required but derived attribute is not. QtXmlPatterns>0 1 %1t() DƔX X µȲ.@Base attribute %1 is required but missing in derived definition. QtXmlPatternsB X Ʋ %1 0 X hŴ LjµȲPBase definition contains an %1 element that is missing in the derived definition QtXmlPatterns>%2 X 0  %1D(|) t`  µȲ..Base type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatterns8i  %1X 0 D t`  µȲ.0Base type %1 of complex type cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsT\  %2X 0  %1в %3 1 \D x  µȲ.RBase type %1 of simple type %2 is not allowed to have restriction in %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsP\  %2X 0  %1в Ʃ̴X t LjŴ| iȲ.:Base type %1 of simple type %2 must have variety of union. QtXmlPatternsF\  %1X 0 @ i  %2|  µȲ.6Base type of simple type %1 cannot be complex type %2. QtXmlPatterns`\  %1X 0 t final\ ŸŴ LjŴ t \Ŵ LjµȲ.KBase type of simple type %1 has defined derivation by restriction as final. QtXmlPatternsD\  %1X 0 @  ]D 8| iȲ.;Base type of simple type %1 must have variety of type list. QtXmlPatterns<8/p Ʃt length ( |XX JµȲ./Binary content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternsB8/p Ʃt maxLength ( |XX JµȲ.2Binary content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsB8/p Ʃt minLength ( |XX JµȲ.2Binary content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatterns<8/p Ʃt enumeration ( µȲ.6Binary content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns\ ݴ %1X  } pt@ 0 X } pt }`  µȲ.YBlock constraints of derived element %1 must not be more weaker than in the base element. QtXmlPatterns>8/p Ʃt pattern ( |XX JµȲ.-Boolean content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsfL  Ʋ %1D(|) ̘`  µȲ. X L µȲ: %2.>Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2. QtXmlPatternsT%1@() ͔ <\ x¤4¤| 1`  Ŵ X`  µȲ.fCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. QtXmlPatternsV  ǐ µȲ. \ ǐ L µȲ: %1.HChild element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1. QtXmlPatterns,%1X X 8p µȲ. Circular group reference for %1. QtXmlPatterns&0  %1X X DžȲ.%Circular inheritance of base type %1. QtXmlPatterns"Ʃ̴ %1X X DžȲ.!Circular inheritance of union %1. QtXmlPatterns Ǭ (Circularity detected QtXmlPatternsti  %1@() %2X Ʃ x %3 | hX\ 0 Uǥ<\ ݴ  µȲ.nComplex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model. QtXmlPatternsJi  %1@() 0  %2%3 ݴ  µȲ.6Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3. QtXmlPatternsli  %1  } ptt Lj %3  ݴ D  %2 1t LjµȲ._Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatterns@i  %1 1 %2t() P Ŵ LjµȲ.,Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatterns`i  %1 %2 ݴ D hX P X \ x 1t LjµȲ.WComplex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsHi  %1X Ʃ x  %2t() LjµȲ.?Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model. QtXmlPatterns2i  %1 D  Ʃt LjµȲ..Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content. QtXmlPatterns:i  %1@() ͔<\ Ÿ`  µȲ..Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract. QtXmlPatterns6i  %1в \ Ʃt LjŴ| iȲ.)Complex type %1 must have simple content. QtXmlPatternsXi  %1@() 0 t¤ %2@() @ \ t DƔiȲ.DComplex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2. QtXmlPatternsb\ Ʃt Lj i  %1@() i 0  %2 ݴ  µȲ.PComplex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2. QtXmlPatternsT ݴ %1X i @ 0  ,t ݴ  µȲ.OComplex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatterns4ID %1x l1 Ɣ t XµȲ.1Component with ID %1 has been defined previously. QtXmlPatternsvi  %1X Ʃ x@ %2 | hX\ DŴ Lj J@ X Uǥ<\ ݴ  µȲ.pContent model of complex type %1 contains %2 element so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type. QtXmlPatternsRi  %1X Ʃ xt %2X Ʃ xX ,x Uǥt DٲȲ.QContent model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2. QtXmlPatternsN%2 X %1 1X Ʃ@ %3 $DŽ¤Әt¤ ,  µȲ.DContent of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsD1 %1X Ʃt X  } pt |XX JµȲ.@Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatterns@1 %1X Ʃ  X |XX JµȲ: %2.?Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatternsD %1X Ʃ@ X  } pt |XX JµȲ.>Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatterns@ %1X Ʃ@  Ÿ |XX JµȲ: %2.=Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatterns0%1  pt0 DŴ Lj Ʃt maxLength ( |XX JµȲ.5Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsD Ʃt minExclusive ( |XX JµȲ.5Double content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsD Ʃt minInclusive ( |XX JµȲ.5Double content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsB Ʃt enumeration ( |XX JµȲ.6Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns:%2  t %1t() LjµȲ.*Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element. QtXmlPatterns0\  %1  (t LjµȲ.$Duplicated facets in simple type %1. QtXmlPatterns@ ܬ Ʃt pattern ( |XX JµȲ..Duration content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsJ ܬ Ʃt maxExclusive ( |XX JµȲ.7Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsJ ܬ Ʃt maxInclusive ( |XX JµȲ.7Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsJ ܬ Ʃt minExclusive ( |XX JµȲ.7Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsJ ܬ Ʃt minInclusive ( |XX JµȲ.7Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns> ܬ Ʃt enumeration ( µȲ.8Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsX\ xǐX t@  JD| X\ @ t %1t() ͩiȲ.CEach name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated. QtXmlPatternsf ֨\ 8/p @ P  tX ǐx D hX 0 h  µȲ.aEffective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values. QtXmlPatterns* %1t() t XµȲ.Element %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsD %1t() 8  $\ ܹżT`  µȲ.OElement %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element. QtXmlPatternsN %1X Ʃ@ Ŵ Lj<\ x | h`  µȲ.DElement %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has a fixed content. QtXmlPatterns: %1@() ¤ 1ǐ|  µȲ..Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatterns0 %1@() ǐD  µȲ. Element %1 cannot have children. QtXmlPatterns0 %1 ,t J@ Ʃt LjµȲ.$Element %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatterns: %1 Ʃ J@ 1t hŴ LjµȲ.+Element %1 contains not allowed attributes. QtXmlPatterns@ %1 Ʃ J@ ǐ Ʃt hŴ LjµȲ..Element %1 contains not allowed child content. QtXmlPatterns@ %1 Ʃ J@ ǐ hŴ LjµȲ..Element %1 contains not allowed child element. QtXmlPatternsB %1 Ʃ J@ M¤Ҹ Ʃt hŴ LjµȲ.-Element %1 contains not allowed text content. QtXmlPatternsH %1@() t %2x 1D P  hX LjµȲ..Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2. QtXmlPatternsD %1 L  Ʋ 1 %2t() hŴ LjµȲ.)Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2. QtXmlPatterns^ %1@() 0 DžǐX @|t $DŽ¤Әt¤ } pt |XX JµȲ.LElement %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatterns4\ x X %1t() tǬiȲ.-Element %1 exists twice with different types. QtXmlPatterns, %1t ͔ \ ŸµȲ.#Element %1 is declared as abstract. QtXmlPatterns& %1 ǐ µȲ.$Element %1 is missing child element. QtXmlPatterns. %1t() ݴ Džǐ µȲ.*Element %1 is missing in derived particle. QtXmlPatterns4 %1 DƔ\ 1 %2t() µȲ.,Element %1 is missing required attribute %2. QtXmlPatterns2t X %1t() ,  µȲ.+Element %1 is not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatterns^ %1@() t  ,  µȲ. \ L µȲ: %2.CElement %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2. QtXmlPatterns`0 t complexx ư %1@()  } ptD  µȲ.QElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex. QtXmlPatternsZt %2 ݴ ư %1@()  } ptD  µȲ.TElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsV %1@()  DȻ\ ̴ \T1D  µȲ.\Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element. QtXmlPatterns6 %1@() t  X JXµȲ.(Element %1 is not defined in this scope. QtXmlPatterns2 %1 nil D Dž`  µȲ.Element %1 is not nillable. QtXmlPatterns0 %1@() @| iȲ.Element %1 must come last. QtXmlPatternsJ %1в %2, %3  \\ XX 1t LjŴ| iȲ.=Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3. QtXmlPatternsP %1@() %2 1t ¤ 1ǐ  X| 8| iȲ.EElement %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatternsB nil D ``  Lj Ʃt Ŵ LjµȲ.1Element contains content although it is nillable. QtXmlPatterns0 %1t() t XµȲ.!Element group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsFDŴ Lj J@ Džǐ DŴ Lj Džǐ ݴ  µȲ.9Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle. QtXmlPatternstEnumeration ( ,t J@ Ʃt LjµȲ: {%1}@() %2 X t DٲȲ.KEnumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns<%1D(|) %2(<)\ XX  $X : %3&Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3 QtXmlPatterns(D %1 \ t µȲ.Field %1 has no simple type. QtXmlPatternsZ nil D Dž`  LjIn an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatternsxXSL-T (4 |XX pв h %1, %2 Ʃ`  Lj%2 X  %1D(|) %3(<)\ X`  L7It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 QtXmlPatterns>%2 X m  %1D(|) t`  µȲ..Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsF0 X m t %1X m ݬ |XX JµȲ.6Item type of base type does not match item type of %1. QtXmlPatternsD\  %1X m @ i t  µȲ.5Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatterns6Ф } pt %1 DŴ Lj Dܬ LjµȲ.)Key constraint %1 contains absent fields. QtXmlPatternsVФ } pt %1 nil t ,  Lj %2D(|) 8piȲ.:Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2. QtXmlPatterns8] Ʃt length ( |XX JµȲ.)List content does not match length facet. QtXmlPatterns>] Ʃt maxLength ( |XX JµȲ.,List content does not match maxLength facet. QtXmlPatterns>] Ʃt minLength ( |XX JµȲ.,List content does not match minLength facet. QtXmlPatterns:] Ʃt pattern ( |XX JµȲ.*List content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns8] Ʃt enumeration ( µȲ.4List content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns,( ¤Ф |t ,t JµȲ.Loaded schema file is invalid. QtXmlPatterns"8ǐ| lX |XеȲMatches are case insensitive QtXmlPatternsh%3X 0  %4X  %2 d  d  %1D(|) `  µȲ.JMember type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4. QtXmlPatternsD%2 X l1 Ɣ  %1D(|) t`  µȲ.0Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsF\  %1X l1 @ i t  µȲ.7Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatternsD 8$0 h, , 5X Ÿ t @| iȲ.MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns>0(%2)<\  8(%1) X JXµȲ.0Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns6 %1@()  %2..%3  LjµȲ.%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatterns,D %1 X tX t LjµȲ.'More than one value found for field %1. QtXmlPatternsd%1 X D %2 %3(őt LX 4\)(<)\ X @ Ʃ JµȲ.YMultiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns\$DŽ¤Әt¤ %1@() %2й x)`  LjµȲ ( ŸŴ| iȲ).ONamespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatternsH$DŽ¤Әt¤ Ÿ@ h, , 5X Ÿ t @| iȲ.UNamespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsTD\ t %1D(|) ƩX $DŽ¤Әt¤ P Ÿ JXµȲ.5Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatterns$Ҹl ܬ (.Network timeout. QtXmlPatterns&%1 <\ X`  µȲ.2No casting is possible with %1 as the target type. QtXmlPatterns* %1X @ DP`  µȲ.1No comparisons can be done involving the type %1. QtXmlPatterns, %1X X| Ʃ`  µȲ.'No definition for element %1 available. QtXmlPatternszx h X JµȲ. X h external\ ŸX J \ Ʃ`  LjµȲ{No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external QtXmlPatterns.tt %1x h| Ʃ`  µȲ.&No function with name %1 is available. QtXmlPatterns Ÿt %1x h µȲ*No function with signature %1 is available QtXmlPatterns:P %1X $DŽ¤Әt¤ x)t tǬX JµȲ-No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternsB%2X P %1X $DŽ¤Әt¤ x)t tǬX JµȲ3No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2 QtXmlPatterns> HX P ǐ %1 P %2|  µȲ.1No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2. QtXmlPatterns<Ф 8p %1 \ 8p D >D  µȲ./No referenced value found for key reference %1. QtXmlPatterns(ɝ` ¤ФȬ X JXµȲ.!No schema defined for validation. QtXmlPatterns$tt %1x \ t µȲ.No template by name %1 exists. QtXmlPatterns@tt %1x x X Ʃ`  Lj t µȲ.=No value is available for the external variable with name %1. QtXmlPatternstt %1x  LNo variable with name %1 exists QtXmlPatterns.} pt %1  t LjµȲ.)Non-unique value found for constraint %1. QtXmlPatternsPpragma \@ X JµȲ. 0| 1 \t DƔiȲ^None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present QtXmlPatterns,\0 %1t() t XµȲ.Notation %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsDNotation Ʃt enumeration ( µȲ.8Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsLƩ̴ ݴD Lв %1, %2 ( Ʃ`  LjµȲ.8Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union. QtXmlPatterns: Pв %1 Ÿt X ,  LjµȲ.6Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog. QtXmlPatterns.%1 \ X ,  LjµȲ.Only one %1-element can appear. QtXmlPatterns\ T T xҸ  , iȲ(%1). %2@() X JµȲ.IOnly the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported. QtXmlPatternsJP %1 %2 x)`  LjOperator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatterns:ǐ %1@()  %2 Ʃ`  µȲ.&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatternsR %2, %3x ǐ  ǐ %1D(|) Ʃ`  µȲ.EOperator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatterns2h: %1D(|) \`  µȲ."Overflow: Can't represent date %1. QtXmlPatterns&h: ܹ| \`  µȲ.$Overflow: Date can't be represented. QtXmlPatterns̘ $X: %1Parse error: %1 QtXmlPatterns0Džǐ D x @|tܬ tǬiȲ..Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards. QtXmlPatternsVP %1@() %2й x)`  LjµȲ ( ŸŴ| iȲ).LPrefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatterns:P %1t() P t ŸŴ LjµȲ.,Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog. QtXmlPatterns<P D\ t %1t() X JXµȲ.+Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatternsH%1D(|) %2(<)\ XXt Ĺ| ǃŴ  LjµȲ./Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision. QtXmlPatterns@QName Ʃt pattern ( |XX JµȲ.+QName content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns>QName Ʃt enumeration ( µȲ.5QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns8%2 X 8p %1D(|) t`  µȲ..Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsSigned integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsZ\  %1@() \ ǐ ݹD 0 <\  LjµȲ.=Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type. QtXmlPatternsp %2t() final\ Ÿ<\, \  %1@() 0 ݴ  µȲ.PSimple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final. QtXmlPatternsT\  %1@() x 0  %2D(|)  µȲ./Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2. QtXmlPatternsL\  %1 Ʃ J (  %2t() tǬiȲ.2Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2. QtXmlPatterns>\  %1в 0  %2 ,  µȲ.3Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2. QtXmlPatterns@\  %1@() %2 ( h`  LjµȲ.0Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns8\ в ( %1t() ,  µȲ.*Simple type contains not allowed facet %1. QtXmlPatternsV ݴ %1X \ @ 0  ,t ݴ  µȲ.NSimple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatterns@¤Ф \  %1t() XŴ Lj JµȲ.-Specified type %1 is not known to the schema. QtXmlPatternsR\  %1@() %2 X \ ,t ̴`  µȲ.DSpecified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2. QtXmlPatternsV1 H use='prohibited'| ƩX ֨ µȲ.DSpecifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect. QtXmlPatterns<8ǐ Ʃt pattern ( |XX JµȲ.,String content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns:8ǐ Ʃt length ( |XX JµȲ./String content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatterns@8ǐ Ʃt maxLength ( |XX JµȲ.2String content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatterns@8ǐ Ʃt minLength ( |XX JµȲ.2String content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsD8ǐ Ʃt enumeration ( |XX JµȲ.6String content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns,̴ %1 X X LjµȲ..Substitution group %1 has circular definition. QtXmlPatterns8%2X ̴ %1D(|) t`  µȲ.7Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsz8( ¤ФX $DŽ¤Әt¤ %1@() 8( ¤Ф X $DŽ¤Әt¤ %2@() 久Ȳ.tTarget namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema. QtXmlPatterns|h ¤ФX $DŽ¤Әt¤ %1@() hX ¤Ф X $DŽ¤Әt¤ %2@() 久Ȳ.tTarget namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema. QtXmlPatterns.t X M¤Ҹ xܬ ,  µȲ.,Text nodes are not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatterns<%1 H M¤Ҹ 8p| Ʃ`  L7Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element QtXmlPatterns,XQuery %1 ͕@ X JL$The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery QtXmlPatternsN¤Ф 8$0 0@ X J %2в 1 %1D(|)  Xt| iȲ.+The attribute %1 must appear on element %2. QtXmlPatternslxT) %3D(|) ƩXp %2 Lj TxҸ %1@() ,t J@ XML 8ǐDžȲ.QThe codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character. QtXmlPatternsB̘ X pt0 8ǐ %1D(|) h`  µȲAThe data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1 QtXmlPatterns0 ptt X JXL#The default collection is undefined QtXmlPatterns@\ tt %1x XSL-T tǬX JµȲ.7The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T. QtXmlPatterns xT) %1@() ,t JµȲ. | L ht| Xp, 1t Ŵ JD| Xp,  \ %2@() |Xt| iȲ.The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2. QtXmlPatterns8%1X ̫ xǐX t %2|  µȲ..The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1X ̫ xǐ %2 |  µȲ. +ǐ xs:yearMonthDuration, xs:dayTimeDuration tŴ| iȲ.uThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration. QtXmlPatternsb%1X ̫ xǐ %2 |  µȲ. %3, %4, %5 tŴ| iȲ.PThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternsN HX ̫ ǐ %1@() 4\|  µȲ(%2).FThe first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2). QtXmlPatternst X JXµȲ.The focus is undefined. QtXmlPatterns4 %1X 0T t ǐ0 ǐЬ Xth3The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself QtXmlPatternsDm %1@() DƔ\  %2(@) |XX JµȲ./The item %1 did not match the required type %2. QtXmlPatternsFФ̴ %1@() x t t Ʃ`  µȲ.5The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name. QtXmlPatternsf\X IJ xܰ ǐ  h`  Lj