1)9\.RER>%s`^>ʖ+>,.ھʁs*>Snހ.j. h|Odg-ReCnCnf7^>0qH$=O|0lX5>t8w?PBMJӫR.^$f?rj sN/^ 2QNat T SrjENµe.8G>`b_K^kr&2Q)Fb*4CN>O>SdI_gXCΞS{'nNpn JϾJ{c1+üN|)0~ܳ~xmK=E `id(4)ў),8J1B>N)EFg5GHUM~3TDXZA]Dcn\hs p~z~ ~' ~%yhYp~~z~}~$~#J hkHw0.-nhslS~Ȅ,C8Ȳ 2;^?X'VI'/43aL42-5@567DkU:NVn`-nwE./ͮ|>ý2:N4:n3T~nn2-nI+U7f8H @CvpON" e~fb-$!w-.FPZ U`N@fؙfkn w\|$JCY(.7^r$kӞm3'Nc+>T" g nl 6-K A~M A Kk~ S?P Tg..j V >@) WMN{ u?z |oՉ ~ nt5 { )  . B [ ) F>  B  vV N: 9> @p l~R MN! /1 & + H- $ 5 74d < > Bn^w Gݞ' IF.= b\ h8 w`N i j $NP Z !  =Z2 $ n p7 z p z >>  $ 5z 5\e O R W[ j= n|n$ xR. {nx ~L >ά = n]   &l N 4 c>e rX k y ; ~rB < 9N9 N A> LG "{ =ю A^ܤ B~7] Fn J> T~8 \z eN v? ;W /.s R^y ;>F >z W .  e.W ' N  hNd > ء ߢ. LA  XtN n^ Tp . UqB n $; >B  #$ %n X '.O (N0 +kS Cnq LcO T>< W dF `K| dB q jv kGnN s'~x" uY v   % ! $@` FJr ~ [  ? >P;C @aoY'6<n. >/ IE3I.KVNXaBP=}N)N(4^ &'V}y~ 1#.֒ *^H# .qG4n*<٦<(G)WR\.mhebV"{xnԺx>ݷn+LLnL>iTChyba %1 v %2, na Ydku %3, sloupec %4: %5)Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5QXmlPatternistCLI"Chyba %1 v %2: %3Error %1 in %2: %3QXmlPatternistCLI Neznm umstnUnknown locationQXmlPatternistCLITVarovn v %1, na Ydku %2, sloupec %3: %4(Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4QXmlPatternistCLI"Varovn v %1: %2Warning in %1: %2QXmlPatternistCLIVrazy %1 a %2 v~dy odpovdaj za tku nebo konci libovolnho Ydku.,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 v %2 mus mt pou~it '%3' jako v zkladnm typu %4.9%1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 v odvozenm slo~itm typu mus bt jako v zkladnm typu %2.B%1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 prvku %2 obsahuje neplatn obsah: {%3} nen hodnotou typu %4.T%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4. QtXmlPatternshVlastnost %1 prvku %2 obsahuje neplatn obsah: {%3}.:%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}. QtXmlPatternsHodnota vlastnosti %1 prvku %2 je vta ne~ hodnota vlastnosti %3.>%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns\Vlastnost %1 prvku %2 mo~e bt jen %3 nebo %4.,%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 prvku %2 mus obsahovat %3, %4 nebo seznam adres (URL).A%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs. QtXmlPatternsHodnota vlastnosti %1 prvku %2 mus obsahovat bu %3 nebo jin hodnoty.F%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values. QtXmlPatternszVlastnost %1 prvku %2 mo~e mt jen jednu z hodnot %3 nebo %4.9%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsTVlastnost %1 prvku %2 mus mt hodnotu %3.3%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 prvku %2 mus mt hodnotu %3, proto~e je nastavena vlastnost %4.R%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set. QtXmlPatternsHVlastnost %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt %3.*%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3. QtXmlPatterns%1 nelze zskat%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatternsj%1 nelze mt ~dn slo~it zkladn typ, kter m %2./%1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2. QtXmlPatternsr%1 obsahuje omezujc vlastnost %2 s neplatnmi daty: %3.+%1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3. QtXmlPatterns4%1 obsahuje neplatn data.%1 contains invalid data. QtXmlPatternsr%1 obsahuje oktety, kter v kdovn %2 nejsou pYpustn.E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %2 (%1) nen platnm omezenm pYepisovanho prvku (%3): %4.L%1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4. QtXmlPatternsrHodnota vlastnosti %2 prvku %1 mo~e bt pouze %3 nebo %4.C%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsbHodnota vlastnosti %2 prvku %1 mo~e bt pouze %3.=%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3. QtXmlPatterns^Prvek %1 nem ani vlastnost %2 ani podprvek %3.9%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element. QtXmlPatternsRPrvek %1 nen v tto souvislosti dovolen.*%1 element is not allowed in this context. QtXmlPatternsFPrvek %1 nen v tomto oboru dovolen'%1 element is not allowed in this scope QtXmlPatternsKdy~ je pYtomna vlastnost %3, nesm se vyskytovat prvek %1 v prvku %2.G%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nemo~e stanovit clov jmenn prostor %3 jako hodnotu vlastnosti %2.Y%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 mus mt bu vlastnost %2, nebo mt %3 nebo %4 jako podprvek.F%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element. QtXmlPatternsVPrvek %1 mus mt bu vlastnost %2 nebo %3./%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternstVlastnosti %2 a %3 se v prvku %1 nemohou objevit spole n.6%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together. QtXmlPatternsVPrvek %1 vy~aduje bu vlastnost %2 nebo %3..%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsvPrvek %1 nesm mt vlastnost %3, kdy~ existuje podprvek %2.>%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsVe schmatu bez jmennho prostoru mus mt prvek %1 vlastnost %2.V%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace. QtXmlPatternslOmezujc vlastnosti %1 a %2 se nemohou objevit spolu.-%1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 nesm bt %2, pokud je omezujc vlastnost %3 zkladnho typu %4.5%1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 nesm bt %2 nebo %3, pokud je omezujc vlastnost %4 zkladnho typu %5.;%1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5. QtXmlPatternszOmezujc vlastnost %1 se stYetv s omezujc vlastnost %2. %1 facet collides with %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsrOmezujc vlastnost %1 obsahuje neplatn pravideln vraz,%1 facet contains invalid regular expression QtXmlPatternsrOmezujc vlastnost %1 obsahuje neplatnou hodnotu %2: %3.'%1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt stejn nebo vta ne~ omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.=%1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt vta ne~ omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.4%1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt vta nebo stejn jako omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.@%1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt mena ne~ omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.1%1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt mena ne~ omezujc vlastnost %2.$%1 facet must be less than %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt mena nebo stejn jako omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.=%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus bt mena nebo stejn jako omezujc vlastnost %2.0%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnost %1 mus mt tut~ hodnotu, jakou m omezujc vlastnost %2 zkladnho typu.;%1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsU %1 se lia po et pol od omezen toto~nosti %2, na kterou odkazuje.W%1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references. QtXmlPatterns%1 m zstupn symbol vlastnosti (vzor hledn), ale jeho zkladn typ %2 nem.7%1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not. QtXmlPatternsd%1 m ve svm zkladnm typu %2 smy ku ddi nosti.,%1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 je slo~enm typem. PYetypovn u slo~ench typo nen mo~n. Mo~e se ovaem provdt pYetypovn do atomickch typo jako %2.s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns"%1 je neplatn %2%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns%1 nen pro regulrn vrazy platnm pYznakem. Platnmi pYznaky jsou:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatternsL%1 nen platnm jmennm prostorem-URI.%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatternsL%1 nen platnm regulrnm vrazem: %2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatternsT%1 nen platnm nzvem pro Ye~im pYedlohy.$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns<%1 je neznmm typem schematu.%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns:Kdovn %1 nen podporovno.%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatterns8%1 nen platn znak XML 1.0.$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatternsZ%1 nen platnm nzvem pokynu pro zpracovn.4%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatterns8%1 nen platn  seln daj."%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen platnm clovm nzvem pokynu pro zpracovn. Mus to bt hodnota %2 jakou je napYklad %3.Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatternsB%1 nen platnou hodnotou typu %2.#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsN%1 nen celo selnm dajem o minutch.$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen dovoleno odvodit z %2 pomoc rozaYen, neboe posledn uveden ji ur uje jako kone nou.S%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen dovoleno odvodit z %2 pomoc seznamu, neboe posledn uveden ji ur uje jako kone nou.N%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen dovoleno odvodit z %2 pomoc omezen, neboe posledn uveden ji ur uje jako kone nou.U%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen dovoleno odvodit z %2 pomoc sjednocen, neboe posledn uveden ji ur uje jako kone nou.O%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsp%1 nesm mt  lensk typ se stejnm nzvem, jak m sm.E%1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself. QtXmlPatternsP%1 nesm mt ~dn omezujc vlastnosti.%%1 is not allowed to have any facets. QtXmlPatterns%1 nen atomickm typem. PYetypovn se d provdt pouze s atomickmi typy.C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatterns%1 se nenachz v oblasti pod prohlaenm vlastnost. Vaimnte si, ~e funkce zaveden schmatu nen podporovna.g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns0%1 je podle %2 neplatn. %1 is not valid according to %2. QtXmlPatternsH%1 nen platn jako hodnota typu %2.&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsRVraz '%1' odpovd znakom pro nov Ydek%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatternsPo %1 mus nsledovat %2 nebo %3; nesm se objevit na konci nahrazovacho Yetzce.J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 odvozenho zstupnho symbolu (vzoru hledn) nen platnm omezenm %2 zkladnho zstupnho symbolu (vzoru hledn)H%1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcard QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 nebo %2 odkazu %3 neodpovd prohlaen vlastnosti %4.T%1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4. QtXmlPatterns%1 odkazuje na omezen toto~nosti %2, kter nen ani prvek '%3' ani '%4'.A%1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element. QtXmlPatternsZ%1 odkazuje na neznm prvek %4 (%2 nebo %3).*%1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4. QtXmlPatterns%1 vy~aduje alespoH %n argument; daj %2 je z toho dovodu neplatn.%1 vy~aduje alespoH %n argumenty; daj %2 je z toho dovodu neplatn.%1 vy~aduje alespoH %n argumento; daj %2 je z toho dovodu neplatn.=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatternsv%1 m jen %n argument; daj %2 je z tohoto dovodu neplatn.x%1 m jen %n argumenty; daj %2 je z tohoto dovodu neplatn.x%1 m jen %n argumenty; daj %2 je z tohoto dovodu neplatn.9%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns%1 byl voln.%1 was called. QtXmlPatternsOmezujc vlastnosti %1, %2, %3, %4, %5 a %6 nejsou pYi odvozen (ddi nosti) pomoc seznamu dovoleny.F%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list. QtXmlPatternsfVlastnost %1 obsahuje neplatn zposobil nzev: %2.2'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2. QtXmlPatterns6Poznmka nesm obsahovat %1A comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatterns8Poznmka nesm kon it na %1.A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatternsNarazilo se na vtvor, kter v nynjam jazyce nen povolen (%1).LA construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1). QtXmlPatternsDeklarace vchozch jmennch prostoro mus stt pYed deklaracemi funkc-, promnnch- nebo deklaracemi voleb.^A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsnByl nalezen chybn stavitel pYmho prvku. %1 kon %2.EA direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2. QtXmlPatternsDJi~ existuje funkce s podpisem %1.0A function already exists with the signature %1. QtXmlPatternsKnihovn modul nemo~e bt posouzen pYmo, mus bt zaveden z hlavnho modulu.VA library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module. QtXmlPatternsTParameter funkce nelze prohlsit za tunel.An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatternsPVlastnost %1 s hodnotou %2 ji~ existuje.8An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. QtXmlPatternsJi~ byl prohlaen jeden argument s nzvem %1. Nzvy argumento mus bt jednozna n.WAn argument with name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. QtXmlPatterns^Ji~ byla vytvoYena jedna vlastnost s nzvem %1.1An attribute by name %1 has already been created. QtXmlPatternsUzel vlastnosti se nesm objevit jako potomek uzlu dokumentu. Objevil se uzel vlastnosti s nzvem %1, kter je proto nevhodn.dAn attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. QtXmlPatternsFPrvek m ji~ vlastnost s nzvem %1.?An attribute with name %1 has already appeared on this element. QtXmlPatternsXAlespoH jeden %1-prvek mus bt potomkem %2.3At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. QtXmlPatternsRPYed %2 mus stt alespoH jeden %1-prvek.-At least one %1-element must occur before %2. QtXmlPatterns^V %2 se mus vyskytovat alespoH jeden %1-prvek.-At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. QtXmlPatternsPAlespoH jedna sou st mus bt pYtomna.'At least one component must be present. QtXmlPatterns|Ve %1-vlastnosti prvku %2 mus bt zadn alespoH jeden zposob.FAt least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. QtXmlPatternsvPo %1-oddlova i se mus objevit alespoH jedna slo~ka  asu.?At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. QtXmlPatterns<Vlastnost %1 je ji~ stanovena.Attribute %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsPVlastnosti %1 a %2 se vzjemn vylu uj.+Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 nemo~e bt vydvn na pokra ovn, proto~e se objevuje na nejvyaa rovni.EAttribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 se nemo~e objevit u prvku %2. Jsou pYpustn pouze %3, %4 a standardn vlastnosti.]Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 se nemo~e objevit u prvku %2. Jsou pYpustn pouze %3 a standardn vlastnosti.YAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 se nemo~e objevit u prvku %2. Jsou pYpustn pouze %3 a standardn vlastnosti.^Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 se nemo~e objevit u prvku %2. Jsou pYpustn pouze standardn vlastnosti.VAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. QtXmlPatternsDVlastnost %1 nesm mt hodnotu %2.&Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2. QtXmlPatterns>Vlastnost %1 m neplatn obsah.&Attribute %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatternsNVlastnost %1 obsahuje neplatn data: %2&Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2 QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 neodpovd zstupnmu symbolu (vzoru hledn) vlastnosti.3Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard. QtXmlPatternshVlastnost %1 zkladnho typu chyb v odvozenm typu.7Attribute %1 from base type is missing in derived type. QtXmlPatternszVlastnost %1 m mezen hodnoty, ale jej typ je odvozen z %2.?Attribute %1 has value constraint but has type derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 v odvozenm slo~itm typu mus mt omezen hodnoty jako v zkladnm typu %2.UAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatterns~Vlastnost %1 v odvozenm slo~itm typu mus omezen hodnoty %2.CAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint. QtXmlPatternsVlastnost %1 v odvozenm slo~itm typu mus mt stejn omezen hodnoty %2 jako v zkladnm typu.^Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have the same %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatternsNSkupina vlastnost %1 je ji~ stanovena.#Attribute group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsSkupina vlastnost %1 obsahuje vlastnost %2 s omezenm hodnoty, typ je ale odvozen z %3.bAttribute group %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatternshSkupina vlastnost %1 obsahuje vlastnost %2 dvakrt./Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatternsSkupina vlastnost %1 obsahuje dv rozdln vlastnosti, ob s typy, kter jsou odvozeny z %2.ZAttribute group %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsPSkupina vlastnosti %1 m cyklick odkaz.*Attribute group %1 has circular reference. QtXmlPatternsZstupn symbol vlastnosti (vzor hledn) %1nen platnm omezenm zstupnho symbolu vlastnosti (vzoru hledn) zkladnho typu %2.ZAttribute wildcard of %1 is not a valid restriction of attribute wildcard of base type %2. QtXmlPatternsVlastnosti slo~itho typu %1 nejsou ~dnm platnm rozaYenm vlastnost zkladnho typu %2: %3.^Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid extension of the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsVlastnosti slo~itho typu %1 nejsou ~dnm platnm omezenm vlastnost zkladnho typu %2: %3.bAttributes of complex type %1 are not a valid restriction from the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsZkladn vlastnost %1 je vy~adovna, ale odvozen vlastnost nen.;Base attribute %1 is required but derived attribute is not. QtXmlPatternsZkladn vlastnost %1 je vy~adovna, ale chyb v odvozen definici.@Base attribute %1 is required but missing in derived definition. QtXmlPatternsZkladn definice obsahuje prvek %1, kter v odvozen definici chybPBase definition contains an %1 element that is missing in the derived definition QtXmlPatternsXZkladn typ %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt vyYeaen..Base type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsdZkladn typ %1 slo~itho typu nemo~e bt vyYeaen.0Base type %1 of complex type cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsZkladn typ %1 jednoduchho typu %2 nesm mt ~dn omezen vlastnosti %3.RBase type %1 of simple type %2 is not allowed to have restriction in %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns~Zkladn typ %1 jednoduchho typu %2 mus bt druhu sjednocen.:Base type %1 of simple type %2 must have variety of union. QtXmlPatterns~Slo~it typ %2 nemo~e bt zkladnm typem jednoduchho typu %1.6Base type of simple type %1 cannot be complex type %2. QtXmlPatternsZkladn typ jednoduchho typu %1 ur uje sjednocen pomoc omezen jako kone n.KBase type of simple type %1 has defined derivation by restriction as final. QtXmlPatterns|Zkladn typ jednoduchho typu %1 mus bt druhu seznamu typo.;Base type of simple type %1 must have variety of type list. QtXmlPatternshBinrn obsah neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti dlky./Binary content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternstBinrn obsah neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxLength'.2Binary content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternstBinrn obsah neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minLength'.2Binary content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsvBinrn obsah nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.6Binary content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsOmezen bloku odvozenho prvku %1 nesm bt slaba ne~ v zkladnm prvku.YBlock constraints of derived element %1 must not be more weaker than in the base element. QtXmlPatternsBoolensk hodnota neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.-Boolean content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternszNelze zpracovat neznm prvek %1, o ekvanmi prvky jsou: %2.>Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2. QtXmlPatternsPYetypovn na %1 nen mo~n, proto~e se jedn o abstraktn typ, a proto nelze vytvoYit jeho instanci.fCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. QtXmlPatternshPodprvek v oblasti chyb; mo~nmi podprvky jsou: %1.HChild element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1. QtXmlPatternsVV kruzch provdn skupinov odkaz pro %1. Circular group reference for %1. QtXmlPatternsLSmy ka ddi nosti v zkladnm typu %1.%Circular inheritance of base type %1. QtXmlPatternsDSmy ka ddi nosti u sjednocen %1.!Circular inheritance of union %1. QtXmlPatterns(Zjiatna kruhovitostCircularity detected QtXmlPatternsSlo~it typ %1 nemo~e bt odvozen pomoc rozaYen z %2, neboe posledn obsahuje prvek '%3' ve svm modelu obsahu.nComplex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model. QtXmlPatternstSlo~it typ %2 nemo~e bt odvozen ze zkladnho typu %2%3.6Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3. QtXmlPatternsSlo~it typ %1 obsahuje vlastnost %2 s omezenm hodnoty, typ je ale odvozen z %3._Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatternsZSlo~it typ %1 obsahuje vlastnost %2 dvakrt.,Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatternsSlo~it typ %1 obsahuje dv rozdln vlastnosti, ob s typy, kter jsou odvozeny z %2.WComplex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatternstSlo~it typ %1 m zdvojen prvek %2 ve svm modelu obsahu.?Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model. QtXmlPatternsTSlo~it typ %1 nem deterministick obsah..Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content. QtXmlPatternsJSlo~it typ %1 nemo~e bt abstraktn..Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract. QtXmlPatternsRSlo~it typ %1 mus mt jednoduch obsah.)Complex type %1 must have simple content. QtXmlPatternsRSlo~it typ %1 mus mt jednoduch obsah.DComplex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2. QtXmlPatternsSlo~it typ %1 s jednoduchm obsahem nemo~e bt odvozen ze slo~itho zkladnho typu %2.PComplex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2. QtXmlPatternsSlo~it typ odvozenho prvku %1 nemo~e bt platn odvozen ze zkladnho prvku.OComplex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsBSou st s ID %1 je ji~ stanovena.1Component with ID %1 has been defined previously. QtXmlPatternsModel obsahu slo~itho typu %1 obsahuje prvek %2; nelze jej proto odvodit pomoc rozaYen z ne-przdnho typu.pContent model of complex type %1 contains %2 element so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type. QtXmlPatternsModel obsahu slo~itho typu %1 nen ~dnm platnm rozaYenm modelu obsahu %2.QContent model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2. QtXmlPatternsObsah vlastnosti %1 prvku %2 nemo~e pochzet ze jmennho prostoru %3.DContent of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsvObsah vlastnosti %1 neodpovd stanovenmu omezen hodnoty.@Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatternsnObsah vlastnosti %1 neodpovd definici svho typu: %2.?Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatternslObsah prvku %1 neodpovd stanovenmu omezen hodnoty.>Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatternsdObsah prvku %1 neodpovd definici svho typu: %2.=Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatternsBData typu %1 nemohou bt przdn.,Data of type %1 are not allowed to be empty. QtXmlPatterns|daj o datu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn./Date time content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsvdaj o datu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxExclusive'.8Date time content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsvdaj o datu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxInclusive'.8Date time content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsvdaj o datu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minExclusive'.8Date time content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsvdaj o datu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minInclusive'.8Date time content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsrdaj o datu nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.9Date time content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsPdaj o dni %1 je neplatnm pro msc %2.Day %1 is invalid for month %2. QtXmlPatternsDdaj dne %1 je mimo rozsah %2..%3.#Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsDesetinn  slo neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'fractionDigits'.;Decimal content does not match in the fractionDigits facet. QtXmlPatterns|Desetinn  slo neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'totalDigits'.8Decimal content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatterns^Pro vlastnost %1 nen dostupn ~dn deklarace.,Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatternsVPro prvek %1 nen dostupn ~dn deklarace.*Declaration for element %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatternsRozaYen mus pou~vat jako zposob ddi nosti (odvozen) pro %1, neboe zkladn typ %2 je jednoduchm typem.TDerivation method of %1 must be extension because the base type %2 is a simple type. QtXmlPatternsjOdvozen vlastnost %1 neexistuje v zkladn definici.;Derived attribute %1 does not exist in the base definition. QtXmlPatternsOdvozen vlastnost %1 neodpovd zstupnmu symbolu (vzoru hledn) v zkladn definici.HDerived attribute %1 does not match the wildcard in the base definition. QtXmlPatternsOdvozen definice obsahuje prvek %1, kter v zkladn definici neexistujeUDerived definition contains an %1 element that does not exists in the base definition QtXmlPatternsOdvozen prvek %1 nemo~e mt ~dnou vlastnost 'nillable', neboe zkladn prvek ~dnou nestanovuje.FDerived element %1 cannot be nillable as base element is not nillable. QtXmlPatternsOdvozen prvek %1 m slaba omezen hodnoty ne~ m zkladn  stice.BDerived element %1 has weaker value constraint than base particle. QtXmlPatternsV odvozenm prvku %1 chyb omezen hodnoty, jak je to stanoveno v zkladn  stici.KDerived element %1 is missing value constraint as defined in base particle. QtXmlPatternsOdvozen  stice dovoluje obsah, kter nen pYpustn pro zkladn  stici.IDerived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle. QtXmlPatternsDV odvozen  stici chyb prvek %1.'Derived particle is missing element %1. QtXmlPatternsOdvozen zstupn symbol (vzor hledn) nen ~dnou dl mno~inou zkladnho zstupnho symbolu (vzoru hledn).6Derived wildcard is not a subset of the base wildcard. QtXmlPatternsDlen hodnoty typu %1 prostYednictvm %2 (nen  selnou hodnotou) nen pYpustn.@Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsDlen hodnoty typu %1 prostYednictvm %2 nebo %3 (kladn nebo zporn nula) nen pYpustn.LDividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsLDlen (%1) nulou (%2) nen stanoveno.(Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns8Dokument nen schmatem XML.Document is not a XML schema. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.,Double content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxExclusive'.5Double content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxInclusive'.5Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minExclusive'.5Double content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minInclusive'.5Double content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns slo s pohyblivou  rkou nen obsa~eno ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.6Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns`Nzev prvku %1 se vyskytuje v prvku %2 vcekrt.*Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element. QtXmlPatternshZdvojen omezujc vlastnosti v jednoduchm typu %1.$Duplicated facets in simple type %1. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn..Duration content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxExclusive'.7Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxInclusive'.7Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minExclusive'.7Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minInclusive'.7Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdaj o dob trvn nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.8Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns|Nzvy parametro pYedloh mus bt jednozna n, %1 ji~ existuje.CEach name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated. QtXmlPatternsSkute n booleansk hodnota nemo~e bt vypo tna pro posloupnost ze dvou nebo vce atomickch hodnot.aEffective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values. QtXmlPatterns2Prvek %1 je ji~ stanoven.Element %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nemo~e bt vydvn na pokra ovn, proto~e se objevuje mimo prvky dokumentu.OElement %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nesm obsahovat ~dn jin prvky, proto~e m pevn obsah.DElement %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has a fixed content. QtXmlPatternsZPrvek %1 nemo~e mt konstruktor posloupnosti..Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatterns:Prvek %1 nemo~e mt podprvky. Element %1 cannot have children. QtXmlPatternsBPrvek %1 obsahuje neplatn obsah.$Element %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatternsRPrvek %1 obsahuje nepYpustn vlastnosti.+Element %1 contains not allowed attributes. QtXmlPatternsNPrvek %1 obsahuje nepYpustn podobsah..Element %1 contains not allowed child content. QtXmlPatternsNPrvek %1 obsahuje nepYpustn podprvek..Element %1 contains not allowed child element. QtXmlPatternsXPrvek %1 obsahuje nepYpustn textov obsah.-Element %1 contains not allowed text content. QtXmlPatternsRPrvek %1 obsahuje dv vlastnosti typu %2..Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2. QtXmlPatternsPPrvek %1 obsahuje neznmou vlastnost %2.)Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 neodpovd omezen jmennho prostoru zstupnho symbolu (vzor hledn) v zkladn  stici.LElement %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatternsXPrvek %1 existuje dvakrt s rozdlnmi typy.-Element %1 exists twice with different types. QtXmlPatternsLPrvek %1 je prohlaen jako abstraktn.#Element %1 is declared as abstract. QtXmlPatterns4U prvku %1 chyb podprvek.$Element %1 is missing child element. QtXmlPatternsDPrvek %1 chyb v odvozen  stici.*Element %1 is missing in derived particle. QtXmlPatternsRU prvku %1 chyb vy~adovan vlastnost %2.,Element %1 is missing required attribute %2. QtXmlPatternsFPrvek %1 nesm stt na tomto mst.+Element %1 is not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatternsxPrvek %1 nen v tomto oboru dovolen; mo~nmi prvky jsou: %2.CElement %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nesm mt omezen hodnoty, kdy~ je zkladn typ slo~it.QElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nesm mt omezen hodnoty, kdy~ je jeho typ odvozen z %2.TElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nesm patYit k skupin nahrazen, neboe nen celkovm prvkem.\Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element. QtXmlPatternsLPrvek %1 nen v tto oblasti stanoven.(Element %1 is not defined in this scope. QtXmlPatternsTPrvek %1 nem zadnu vlastnost 'nillable'.Element %1 is not nillable. QtXmlPatternsBPrvek %1 mus stt jako posledn.Element %1 must come last. QtXmlPatternspPrvek %1 mus mt alespoH jednu z vlastnost %2 nebo %3.=Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 mus mt bu jednu %2-vlastnost nebo se mus pou~vat konstruktor posloupnosti.EElement %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatternsJPrvek m obsah, a koli je 'nillable'.1Element contains content although it is nillable. QtXmlPatternsDSkupina prvko %1 je ji~ stanovena.!Element group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternszPrzdnou  stici nelze odvodit z  stice, kter nen przdn.9Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle. QtXmlPatternsV tov omezujc vlastnost obsahuje neplatn obsah: {%1} nen hodnotou typu %2.KEnumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsNNespch pYi pYetypovn z %1 na %2: %3&Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3 QtXmlPatternsDPole %1 nem ~dn jednoduch typ.Field %1 has no simple type. QtXmlPatterns~Pevn omezen hodnoty nen dovoleno, pokud je prvek 'nillable'.:Fixed value constraint not allowed if element is nillable. QtXmlPatternsPevn omezen hodnoty prvku %1 se lia od omezen hodnoty zkladn  stici.TFixed value constraint of element %1 differs from value constraint in base particle. QtXmlPatterns>Hodnota ID %1 nen jednozna n.ID value '%1' is not unique. QtXmlPatternsNOmezen toto~nosti %1 je ji~ stanoveno.'Identity constraint %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsKdy~ jsou zadny ob hodnoty s  asovmi znami, mus mt ten sam rozdl v  asov zn. %1 a %2 nejsou to sam a jsou tm pdem nepYpustn.bIf both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same. QtXmlPatternsPrvek %1 nesm mt vlastnost %3 nebo %4, pokud nem vlastnost %2.EIf element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsNelze zadat ~dnou pYedponu, jestli~e je prvn argument przdn nebo je przdn Yetzec znako (~dn jmenn prostor). Byla zadna pYedpona %1.If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified. QtXmlPatternsV konstruktoru jmennho prostoru nesm mt hodnota jmennho prostoru przdnm Yetzcem.PIn a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string. QtXmlPatternsVe zjednoduaenm modulu stylovho listu mus bt pYtomna vlastnost %1.@In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present. QtXmlPatternsV XSL-T vyhledvacm vzoru se smj pou~vat jen osy %2 nebo %3, ne vaak %1.DIn an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. QtXmlPatterns|V XSL-T vyhledvacm vzoru nesm mt funkce %1 tYet argument.>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatternsV XSL-T vyhledvacm vzoru se smj pro srovnvn pou~vat jen funkce %1 a %2, ne vaak %3.OIn an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. QtXmlPatternsV XSL-T vyhledvacm vzoru mus bt prvn argument k funkci %1 pYi pou~it k hledn odkaz tvoYen psmeny nebo promnn.yIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsV XSL-T vyhledvacm vzoru mus bt prvn argument k funkci %1 pYi pou~it k hledn Yetzcov literl.hIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. QtXmlPatternsV nahrazen mo~e bt pou~it %1 pouze k uvozen sebe samho anebo %2, ne vaak pro %3MIn the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 QtXmlPatternsV nahrazovacm Yetzci mus po %1 nsledovat alespoH jedna  slice, kdy~ nen uvozen.VIn the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. QtXmlPatternsdCelo seln dlen (%1) nulou (%2) nen stanoveno.0Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsdObsah zposobilho nzvu ('QName') je neplatn: %1.Invalid QName content: %1. QtXmlPatterns0PYedponu %1 nelze spojit+It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternsDNen mo~n pYetypovn z %1 na %2.)It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2. QtXmlPatterns8PYedponu %1 nelze prohlsit.*It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. QtXmlPatterns.Nebude mo~n zskat %1.'It will not be possible to retrieve %1. QtXmlPatternsbVlastnosti nesm nsledovat za jinmi druhy uzlo.AIt's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. QtXmlPatterns`Nen mo~n pYetypovat hodnotu %1 z typu %2 na %37It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 QtXmlPatternsXSlo~kov typ %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt vyYeaen..Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsnTyp polo~ky zkladnho typu neodpovd typu polo~ky %1.6Item type of base type does not match item type of %1. QtXmlPatternsvTyp polo~ky jednoduchho typu %1 nemo~e bt slo~itm typem.5Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatternsTOmezen kl e %1 obsahuje nepYtomn pole.)Key constraint %1 contains absent fields. QtXmlPatternsOmezen kl e %1 obsahuje odkazy na prvek %2, kter je 'nillable'.:Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2. QtXmlPatternshObsah seznamu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti dlky.)List content does not match length facet. QtXmlPatternstObsah seznamu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxLength'.,List content does not match maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternstObsah seznamu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minLength'.,List content does not match minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsObsah seznamu neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.*List content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsvObsah seznamu nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.4List content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsPNahran soubor se schmatem je neplatn.Loaded schema file is invalid. QtXmlPatterns^Na psan velkch/malch psmen nen brn zYetelMatches are case insensitive QtXmlPatterns lensk typ %1 nemo~e bt odvozen z  lenskho typu %2 ze zkladnho typu %4 %3.JMember type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4. QtXmlPatternsV lensk typ %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt vyYeaen.0Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsv lensk typ jednoduchho typu %1 nemo~e bt slo~itm typem.7Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatternsZaveden modulo mus nastat pYed deklaracemi funkc, promnnch a voleb.MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternspDlen absolutn hodnoty (%1) nulou (%2) nen stanoveno.0Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsNdaj o msci %1 je mimo rozsah %2..%3.%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsLPro pole %1 bylo nalezeno vce hodnot.'More than one value found for field %1. QtXmlPatternsNsoben hodnoty typu %1 s %2 nebo %3 (kladn nebo zporn nekone no) nen pYpustn.YMultiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsJmenn prostor %1 lze spojit pouze s %2. Toto je stanoveno ji~ dopYedu.ONamespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatternsDeklarace jmennch prostoro mus stt pYed prohlaenmi funkc, promnnch nebo prohlaenmi voleb.UNamespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns~PYedpona jmennho prostoru zposobilho nzvu %1 nen stanovena.5Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatternsT asov limit seov operace byl pYekro en.Network timeout. QtXmlPatternsPPYetypovn na clov typ %1 nen mo~n.2No casting is possible with %1 as the target type. QtXmlPatternsfNelze provdt ~dn srovnvac operace s typem %1.1No comparisons can be done involving the type %1. QtXmlPatternsTPro prvek %1 nen dostupn ~dn definice.'No definition for element %1 available. QtXmlPatterns Nejsou podporovny vnja funkce. Vaechny podporovan funkce se daj pou~vat pYmo, bez toho, ~e by byly nejprve prohlaeny za vnja{No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external QtXmlPatternsHNeexistuje ~dn funkce s nzvem %1.&No function with name %1 is available. QtXmlPatternsJNeexistuje ~dn funkce s podpisem %1*No function with signature %1 is available QtXmlPatternspNeexistuje ~dn vazba jmennho prostoru pro pYedponu %1-No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternszNeexistuje ~dn vazba jmennho prostoru pro pYedponu %1 v %23No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2 QtXmlPatternsfPYi celo selnm dlen, %1, nelze u~t operand %2.1No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2. QtXmlPatternstOdkazovanou hodnotu odkazu na kl %1 se nepodaYilo najt./No referenced value found for key reference %1. QtXmlPatternsTPro schvlen nen stanoveno ~dn schma.!No schema defined for validation. QtXmlPatternsLNeexistuje ~dn pYedloha s nzvem %1.No template by name %1 exists. QtXmlPatternszPro vnja promnnou s nzvem %1 nen dostupn ~dn hodnota.=No value is available for the external variable with name %1. QtXmlPatternsJNeexistuje ~dn promnn s nzvem %1No variable with name %1 exists QtXmlPatterns|Pro omezen %1 byla nalezena ne jednozna n stanoven hodnota.)Non-unique value found for constraint %1. QtXmlPatternsMus bt pYtomen zlo~n vraz, neboe nejsou podporovny ~dn vrazy pragma^None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present QtXmlPatterns2Zpis %1 je ji~ stanoven.Notation %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternstObsah zpisu nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.8Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsPYi odvozen (ddi nosti) pomoc sjednocen jsou dovoleny pouze omezujc vlastnosti %1 a %2.8Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union. QtXmlPatternsnProlog k dotazu sm obsahovat pouze jednu %1 deklaraci.6Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog. QtXmlPatternsFMo~e bt jen jeden jedin %1-prvek.Only one %1-element can appear. QtXmlPatternsJe podporovn pouze Unicode Codepoint Collation (%1). %2 nen podporovn.IOnly the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported. QtXmlPatternsjS %2 mo~e bt spojena pouze pYedpona %1 (a obrcen).5Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa. QtXmlPatternsOpertor %1 se nemo~e pou~vat u atomickch hodnot typo %2 a %3.>Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatternsFOpertor %1 nelze pou~t na typ %2.&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatternshOpertor %1 nen dostupn pro atomick typy %2 a %3.EOperator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatternsLNelze pYedstavit datum %1 (PYete en)."Overflow: Can't represent date %1. QtXmlPatternsRNelze vyjdYit datum (pYete en hodnoty).$Overflow: Date can't be represented. QtXmlPatterns*Chyba vyhodnocen: %1Parse error: %1 QtXmlPatterns| stice m nedeterministick zstupn symboly (vzory hledn)..Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards. QtXmlPatternsPYedponu %1 lze spojit pouze s %2. Toto je prohlaeno ji~ dopYedu..LPrefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatternslPYedpona %1 byla prohlaena ji~ v pYedmluv (prologu).,Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog. QtXmlPatternsZPYedpona zposobilho nzvu %1 nen stanovena.+Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatternshPostoupen od %1 k %2 mo~e vst ke ztrt pYesnosti./Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision. QtXmlPatternsObsah zposobilho nzvu ('QName') neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.+QName content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsObsah zposobilho nzvu ('QName') nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.5QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsJOdkaz %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt vyYeaen..Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsfPo~adovan po et prvko je %1; skute n po et je %2./Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2. QtXmlPatternsNPo~adovan typ je %1, byl ale zadn %2.&Required type is %1, but %2 was found. QtXmlPatternsJe zpracovvn jeden XSL-T 1.0 stylov list jednm procesorem verze 2.0.5Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'totalDigits'.?Signed integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.4Signed integer content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxExclusive'.=Signed integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'maxInclusive'.=Signed integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minExclusive'.=Signed integer content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti 'minInclusive'.=Signed integer content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsCelo seln hodnota ozna en znamnkem nen obsa~ena ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.>Signed integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsJednoduch typ %1 mo~e mt jen jednoduch atomick zkladn typ.=Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type. QtXmlPatternsJednoduch typ %1 nesm bt odvozen z %2 , kter~to ur uje omezen jako kone n.PSimple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final. QtXmlPatternsfJednoduch typ %1 nemo~e mt pYm zkladn typ %2./Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2. QtXmlPatternsJednoduch typ %1 obsahuje nedovolen typ omezujc vlastnosti %2.2Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2. QtXmlPatternsXJednoduch typ %1 nesm mt zkladn typ %2.3Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2. QtXmlPatternsnJednoduch typ %1 mo~e mt jen omezujc vlastnosti %2.0Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsvJednoduch typ obsahuje nedovolenou omezujc vlastnost %1.*Simple type contains not allowed facet %1. QtXmlPatternsJednoduch typ odvozenho prvku %1 nemo~e bt platn odvozen ze zkladnho prvku.NSimple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsPZadan typ %1 nen ve schmatu stanoven.-Specified type %1 is not known to the schema. QtXmlPatternslZadan typ %1 nen platn nahraditeln typem prvku %2.DSpecified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2. QtXmlPatternsZadn use='prohibited' ve skupin vlastnost nem naprosto ~dn  inek.DSpecifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect. QtXmlPatternsObsah Yetzce znako neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti vzoru pro hledn.,String content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternstObsah Yetzce znako neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti dlky./String content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternsObsah Yetzce znako neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti dlky (nejvta; 'maxLength').2String content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsObsah Yetzce znako neodpovd omezujc vlastnosti dlky (nejmena; 'minLength').2String content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsObsah Yetzce znako nen obsa~en ve v tov omezujc vlastnosti.6String content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns\Skupina nahrazen %1 m m cyklickou definici..Substitution group %1 has circular definition. QtXmlPatternsdSkupina nahrazen %1 prvku %2 nemo~e bt vyYeaena.7Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsClov jmenn prostor %1 zavedenho schmatu se lia od jm vymezenho clovho jmennho prostoru %2.tTarget namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema. QtXmlPatternsClov jmenn prostor %1 zahrnutho schmatu se lia od jm vymezenho clovho jmennho prostoru %2.tTarget namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema. QtXmlPatternsZNa tomto mst nesm stt ~dn textov uzly.,Text nodes are not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatternsjText nebo odkazy na entitu nejsou v prvku %1 dovoleny7Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element QtXmlPatterns@Osa %1 nen v XQuery podporovna$The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery QtXmlPatternsDeklarace %1 je nepYpustn, proto~e nen podporovno zaveden schmat.WThe Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur. QtXmlPatterns%1-vrazy se nemohou pou~vat, proto~e funkce ovYovn platnosti schmatu nen podporovna.VThe Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used. QtXmlPatterns8URI nesm obsahovat fragmentThe URI cannot have a fragment QtXmlPatternsTPouze prvn %2-prvek sm mt vlastnost %1.9The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element. QtXmlPatternsn%2 nesm mt vlastnost %1 v pYpad, ~e je potomkem %3.?The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3. QtXmlPatternsPU prvku %2 se mus objevit vlastnost %1.+The attribute %1 must appear on element %2. QtXmlPatternsxKdovac bod %1 z %2 s kdovnm %3 nen platnm znakem XML.QThe codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character. QtXmlPatternsvData pokynu pro zpracovn nesm obsahovat Yetzec znako %1AThe data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1 QtXmlPatternsFVchoz sbrka XSLT nen definovna#The default collection is undefined QtXmlPatternsZPrvek s mstnm nzvem %1 v XSL-T neexistuje.7The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T. QtXmlPatternsKdovn %1 je neplatn; sm sestvat pouze z latinskch psmen a mus odpovdat regulrnmu vrazu %2.The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2. QtXmlPatternsRPrvn argument pro %1 nemo~e bt typu %2..The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. QtXmlPatternsPrvn argument k %1 nesm bt typu %2; mus to bt  seln typ, xs:yearMonthDuration nebo xs:dayTimeDuration.uThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration. QtXmlPatternsPrvn argument %1 nemo~e bt typu %2. Mus to bt typ %3, %4 nebo %5.PThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternsPrvn operand celo selnho dlen, %1, nemo~e bt nekone no (%2).FThe first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2). QtXmlPatterns.Nen stanoveno ohnisko.The focus is undefined. QtXmlPatternsvInicializace promnn %1 je zvisl na jej vlastn hodnot3The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself QtXmlPatternsRPrvek %1 neodpovd po~adovanmu typu %2./The item %1 did not match the required type %2. QtXmlPatternsKl ov slovo %1 se nemo~e pou~vat dohromady s jinm nzvem zposobu.5The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name. QtXmlPatternsPosledn krok cesty mus obsahovat bu jen uzly nebo jen atomick hodnoty. Nesm se vyskytovat spole n.kThe last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two. QtXmlPatternsNFunkce zaveden modulu nen podporovna*The module import feature is not supported QtXmlPatternstNzev %1 nem ~dnou spojitost s jakmkoli typem schmatu..The name %1 does not refer to any schema type. QtXmlPatternsNzev vypo tan vlastnosti nesm mt jmenn prostor-URI %1 s mstnm nzvem %2.ZThe name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2. QtXmlPatternsNzev promnn vzan ve vrazu s for se mus liait od pozi n promnn. Dv promnn s nzvem %1 se z tohoto dovodu stYetvaj.The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide. QtXmlPatternsxNzev vrazu rozaYen se mus nachzet ve jmennm prostoru.;The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace. QtXmlPatternsNzev volby mus mt pYedponu. Volby nemaj ~dn vchoz jmenn prostor.TThe name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options. QtXmlPatterns Jmenn prostor %1 je vyhrazen a z toho dovodu jej nemohou pou~vat u~ivatelem stanoven funkce (pro tento  el je tu pYedstanoven pYedpona %2).The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases. QtXmlPatternsJmenn prostor-URI nesm bt przdn, kdy~ je spojen s pYedponou %1.JThe namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1. QtXmlPatternsURI jmennho prostoru v nzvu vypo tan vlastnosti nesm bt %1.DThe namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1. QtXmlPatternsJmenn prostor-URI mus bt konstantou a nesm pou~vat vlo~en vrazy.IThe namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions. QtXmlPatternsJmenn prostor u~ivatelem stanoven funkce nesm bt przdn (pro tento  el je pYedstanoven pYedpona %1)yThe namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this) QtXmlPatternsJmenn prostor u~ivatelem stanoven funkce v modulu knihovny mus odpovdat jmennmu prostoru modulu (Jinmi slovy by ml bt %1 namsto %2) The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2 QtXmlPatternsXTato forma normalizovn %1 nen podporovna. Podporovanmi formami normalizovn jsou %2, %3, %4 a %5, a "~dn" (przdn znakov Yetzec zastupuje "~dn normalizovn").The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization). QtXmlPatternstNeexistuje ~dn odpovdajc parameter %2 pro pYedan %1.;The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists. QtXmlPatternsnPro vy~adovan parametr %1 nebyl zadn odpovdajc %2.BThe parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied. QtXmlPatternsPYedpona %1 nemo~e bt spojena. Ve vchozm nastaven je ji~ spojena se jmennm prostorem %2.TThe prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2. QtXmlPatterns2PYedponu %1 nelze spojit.The prefix %1 cannot be bound. QtXmlPatternsPYedpona %1 nemo~e bt pYiYazena. Ve vchozm nastaven je ji~ spojena se jmennm prostorem %2.SThe prefix %1 cannot be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2. QtXmlPatterns`PYedpona mus bt platn %1, co~ nen pYpad %2./The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not. QtXmlPatternsNadYzen uzel druhho agumentu funkce %1 mus bt uzlem dokumentu, co~ nen pYpad %2.gThe root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node. QtXmlPatternsDruh argument %1 nemo~e bt typ %2. Mus to bt typ %3, %4 nebo %5.QThe second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternszDruh operand celo selnho dlen, %1, nemo~e bt nula (%2).:The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2). QtXmlPatternsClov nzev pYkazu pro zpracovn nemo~e bt %1 (nezvisle na psan velkch/malch psmen). %2 je z toho dovodu neplatn.~The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, %2 is invalid. QtXmlPatternsVClov jmenn prostor %1 nesm bt przdn.-The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty. QtXmlPatternsHodnota vlastnosti %1 prvku %2 mo~e bt jen %3 nebo %4, ne vaak %5.IThe value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5. QtXmlPatternsHodnota vlastnosti %1 mus bt typu %2. %3 nen platnou hodnotou.=The value of attribute %1 must be of type %2, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatternsHodnota XSL-T vlastnosti verze mus bt hodnotou typu %1, co~ nen pYpad %2.TThe value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't. QtXmlPatterns0Promnn %1 se nepou~vThe variable %1 is unused QtXmlPatterns~Existuje hodnota IDREF, pro kterou neexistuje pYsluan ID: %1.6There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1. QtXmlPatterns%1 se nemo~e pou~vat, proto~e tento procesor nepodporuje ~dn schma.CThis processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used. QtXmlPatternsH asov daj %1:%2:%3.%4 je neplatn.Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid. QtXmlPatterns asov daj 24:%1:%2.%3 je neplatn. U hodinovho daje je 24, tud~ minuty, sekundy a milisekundy mus bt vaechny 0; _Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;  QtXmlPatternsPrvky vyskytujc se na nejvyaa rovni stylovho listu se nesm nachzet v nulovm jmennm prostoru, co~ je pYpad %1.NTop level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't. QtXmlPatternsByly nalezeny dv vlastnosti deklarace jmennho prostoru se stejnm nzvem (%1).