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UqL { $D >D  / #$1 %n+ '.W (N2u +k^ CnE Lc T> W fx `K> dB j̔ kGnZ s'~ u\ v $ ٝ % $x $B| FU  ]  ? >\";E @ao[S6<Mn6@Y IEI.iKEN4X>TZoV[ a.1fsWv6v<>c`"=}NN1&4^ &!7'Xy&u~2.֒% ,{^S .G6n)*$<h<(GW \7mhrV-L{VnN>%n4L%LnX >iT@5H:0 %1 2 %2 , =0 @54 %3, :>;>=0 %4: %5)Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5QXmlPatternistCLI(@5H:0 %1 2 %2 : %3Error %1 in %2: %3QXmlPatternistCLI258725AB=> <5AB>?>;>65=85Unknown locationQXmlPatternistCLI`@54C?@5645=85, 2 %1 , =0 @54 %2, :>;>=0 %3: %4(Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4QXmlPatternistCLI4@54C?@5645=85, 2 %1 : %2Warning in %1: %2QXmlPatternistCLIf %1  8 %2  AJ>B25BAB20B =0 =0G0;>B> 8 :@0O =0 @54.,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  2 %2  B@O120 40 8<0 %3  :0B> 2 107>28O B8? %4 .9%1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  2 =0A;545=8O A;>65= B8? B@O120 40 1J45 %2 , :0:B> 2 107>28O B8?.B%1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85: {%3} =5 5 AB>9=>AB >B B8? %4.T%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85: {%3}.:%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  8<0 ?>-3>;O<0 AB>9=>AB >B 0B@81CB0 %3 .>%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternszB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 1J45 %3  8;8 %4 .,%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 AJ4J@60 %3 , %4  8;8 A?8AJ: >B 845=B8D8:0B>@8.A%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 AJ4J@60 8;8 %3  8;8 4@C38B5 AB>9=>AB8.F%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 8<0 AB>9=>AB %3  8;8 %4 .9%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternsxB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 8<0 AB>9=>AB %3 .3%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 8<0 AB>9=>AB %3 , BJ9 :0B> 5 704045= 8 0B@81CB0 %4 .R%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set. QtXmlPatternsnB@81CBJB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 B@O120 40 1J45 %3 .*%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3. QtXmlPatterns< %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 872;5G5=>%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatternsj %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 A;>65= 107>2 B8?, :>9B> 8<0 %2 ./%1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2. QtXmlPatterns^ %1  AJ4J@60 D0A5B %2  A =5?@028;=8 40==8: %3.+%1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3. QtXmlPatterns< %1  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=8 40==8.%1 contains invalid data. QtXmlPatterns %1  AJ4J@60 >:B5B8, :>8B> =5 A0 ?>72>;5=8 2 70O25=0B0 :>48@>2:0 %2 .E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  %2  =5 5 ?@028;=> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 5;5<5=B0 %3 , :>9B> B>9 ?@5>?@545;O: %4.L%1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 0B@81CB %2  AJA AB>9=>AB, @07;8G=0 >B %3  8;8 %4 .C%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 0B@81CB %2  AJA AB>9=>AB, @07;8G=0 >B %3 .=%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =O<0 =8B> 0B@81CB %2 , =8B> 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B %3 .9%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element. QtXmlPatternsX;5<5=BJB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< 2 B>78 :>=B5:AB.*%1 element is not allowed in this context. QtXmlPatternsR;5<5=BJB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< 2 B078 >1;0AB'%1 element is not allowed in this scope QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< 2 5;5<5=B0 %2 , 0:> ?@8AJAB20 0B@81CBJB %3 .G%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 AJI0B0 AB>9=>AB =0 0B@81CB0 %2  :0B> F5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %3 .Y%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  B@O120 40 8<0 8;8 0B@81CB %2 , 8;8 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B %3  8;8 %4 .F%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  B@O120 40 8<0 8;8 0B@81CB %2 , 8;8 0B@81CB %3 ./%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 B@O120 40 8<0 54=>2@5<5==> 0B@81CB8 %2  8 %3 .6%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together. QtXmlPatternst;5<5=BJB %1  878A:20 8;8 0B@81CB %2 , 8;8 0B@81CB %3 ..%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  A 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B %2  =5 B@O120 40 8<0 0B@81CB %3 .>%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  157 0B@81CB %2  5 =54>?CAB8< 2 AE5<0 157 F5;52> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>.V%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace. QtXmlPatternsp$0A5B8B5 %1  8 %2  =5 <>65 40 ?@8AJAB20B 54=>2@5<5==>.-%1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 %2, 0:> D0A5BJB %3  =0 107>28O B8? 5 %4.5%1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 %2 8;8 %3, 0:> D0A5BJB %4  =0 107>28O B8? 5 %5.;%1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5. QtXmlPatternsT$0A5BJB %1  A8 ?@>B82>@5G8 A D0A5B0 %2 . %1 facet collides with %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns^$0A5BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;5= @53C;O@5= 87@07,%1 facet contains invalid regular expression QtXmlPatternsd$0A5BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=0 AB>9=>AB %2 : %3.'%1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 @025= 8;8 ?>-3>;O< >B D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.=%1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-3>;O< >B D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.4%1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-3>;O< 8;8 @025= =0 D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.@%1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-<0;J: >B D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.1%1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsh$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-<0;J: >B D0A5B0 %2 .$%1 facet must be less than %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-<0;J: 8;8 @025= =0 D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.=%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns|$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-<0;J: 8;8 @025= =0 D0A5B0 %2 .0%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns$0A5BJB %1  B@O120 40 8<0 AJI0B0 AB>9=>AB :0B> D0A5B0 %2  =0 107>28O B8?.;%1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns %1  8<0 @07;8G5= 1@>9 ?>;5B0 >B >3@0=8G5=85B> 70 845=B8G=>AB %2 , :>5B> 87?>;720.W%1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references. QtXmlPatternsr %1  8<0 H01;>= 70 0B@81CB, => 107>28OB <C B8? %2  =O<0.7%1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not. QtXmlPatternst %1  8<0 F8:;8G=>AB 2 =0A;54O20=5B> 2 107>28O A8 B8? %2 .,%1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1 5 A;>65= B8?. @5>1@07C20=5B> 2 A;>6=8 B8?>25 =5 5 2J7<>6=>. > ?@5>1@07C20=5B> 2 0B><0@=8 B8?>25 :0B> %2 @01>B8.s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns*%1 5 =5?@028;=> 70 %2%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns %1  5 =5?@028;5= D;03 70 @53C;O@5= 87@07. >?CAB8<8B5 D;03>25 A0:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatternsv %1  =5 5 ?@028;5= 845=B8D8:0B>@ =0 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>.%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatterns` %1  =5 5 ?@028;5= H01;>= 70 @53C;O@5= 87@07: %2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatternsR %1  =5 5 ?@028;=> 8<5 =0 H01;>=5= @568<.$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns8 %1  5 =58725AB5= B8? AE5<0.%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns@>48@>2:0B0 %1  =5 A5 ?>44J@60.%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatternsZ=0:JB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< 2J2 D>@<0B0 XML 1.0.$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatternsb %1  =5 5 ?@028;=> 8<5 =0 >1@01>B20I0 8=AB@C:F8O.4%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatternsD %1  =5 5 ?@028;5= G8A;>2 ;8B5@0;."%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 5 ?@028;=> F5;52> 8<5 2 >1@01>B20I0 8=AB@C:F8O. "> B@O120 40 1J45 AB>9=>AB >B B8? %2, :0B> =0?@8<5@ %3 .Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatternsH%1 =5 5 ?@028;=0 AB>9=>AB >B B8? %2.#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns>%1 =5 5 FO;> G8A;> 70 <8=CB8B5.$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 %2  G@57 @07H8@5=85, BJ9 :0B> ?>A;54=8OB 5 >?@545;5= :0B> :@05=.S%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 %2  G@57 A?8AJ:, BJ9 :0B> ?>A;54=8OB 5 >?@545;5= :0B> :@05=.N%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 %2  G@57 >3@0=8G5=85, BJ9 :0B> ?>A;54=8OB 5 >?@545;5= :0B> :@05=.U%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 %2  G@57 >1548=5=85, BJ9 :0B> 2 ?>A;54=8O B>20 5 >?@545;5=> :0B> :@09=>.O%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsx %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 B8? =0 G;5= AJA AJI>B> 8<5 :0B> A515 A8.E%1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself. QtXmlPatternsF %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 =8:0:28 D0A5B8.%%1 is not allowed to have any facets. QtXmlPatterns%1 =5 5 0B><0@5= B8?. J7<>6=8 A0 A0<> ?@5>1@07C20=8O 2 0B><0@=8 B8?>25.C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatterns %1  =5 A5 =0<8@0 2 >1;0ABB0 70 >1O2O20=5 =0 0B@81CB8. <09B5 ?@54284, G5 DC=:F8>=0;=>ABB0 70 2=0AO=5 =0 AE5<0 =5 A5 ?>44J@60.g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns> %1  =5 5 ?@028;=> A?>@54 %2 . %1 is not valid according to %2. QtXmlPatternsH%1 =5 5 ?@028;=0 AB>9=>AB >B B8? %2.&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsL %1  AJ>B25BAB20 =0 7=0F8B5 70 =>2 @54%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatterns%1 B@O120 40 1J45 A;5420=> >B %2 8;8 %3, 8 B> =5 2 :@0O =0 =870 70 70<5AB20=5.J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatterns %1  =0 =0A;545=8O H01;>= =5 5 ?@028;=> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 %2  =0 107>28O H01;>=H%1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcard QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  8;8 %2  =0 ?@5?@0B:0B0 %3  =5 AJ2?040 A >1O2;5=85B> =0 0B@81CB0 %4 .T%1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4. QtXmlPatterns %1  87?>;720 >3@0=8G5=85 70 845=B8G=>AB %2 , :>5B> =5 5 5;5<5=B %3  8;8 %4 .A%1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element. QtXmlPatternsf %1  87?>;720 =5?>7=0B 5;5<5=B %2  8;8 %3  >B %4.*%1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4. QtXmlPatternsj%1 878A:20 ?>=5 %n 0@3C<5=B, B0:0 G5 %2 5 =5?@028;=>.l%1 878A:20 ?>=5 %n 0@3C<5=B0, B0:0 G5 %2 5 =5?@028;=>.=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatternsx%1 ?@85<0 =5 ?>25G5 >B %n 0@3C<5=B, B0:0 G5 %2 5 =5?@028;=>.z%1 ?@85<0 =5 ?>25G5 >B %n 0@3C<5=B0, B0:0 G5 %2 5 =5?@028;=>.9%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns"%1 15H5 8728:0=>.%1 was called. QtXmlPatterns$0A5B8B5 %1 , %2 , %3 , %4 , %5  8 %6  =5 A0 ?>72>;5=8 ?@8 =0A;54O20=5 G@57 A?8AJ:.F%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list. QtXmlPatternstB@81CBJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85 =0 QName: %2.2'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2. QtXmlPatternsD><5=B0@8B5 =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60B %1A comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatternsN><5=B0@8B5 =5 <>30B 40 702J@H20B A %1.A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatterns5H5 >B:@8B0 :>=AB@C:F8O, :>OB> =5 5 ?>72>;5=0 2 B5:CI8O 578: (%1).LA construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1). QtXmlPatterns@548 >1O2O20=5B> =0 DC=:F88, ?@><5=;828 8 >?F88 B@O120 40 ?@8AJAB20 >1O2O20=5 =0 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> ?> ?>4@0718@0=5.^A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns@5:8OB :>=AB@C:B>@ =0 5;5<5=B =5 5 >D>@<5= ?@028;=>. %1 702J@H20 A %2.EA direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2. QtXmlPatternsR5G5 AJI5AB2C20 DC=:F8O AJA A83=0BC@0 %1.0A function already exists with the signature %1. QtXmlPatterns81;8>B5G5= <>4C; =5 <>65 40 1J45 87?>;720= 48@5:B=>. ">9 B@O120 40 1J45 2=5A5= >B >A=>25= <>4C;.VA library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module. QtXmlPatternsr0@0<5BJ@ =0 DC=:F8O =5 <>65 40 1J45 >1O25= :0B> BC=5;5=.78F8>==8OB ?@548:0B B@O120 40 <>65 40 A5 >F5=8 :0B> 548=8G=0 G8A;>20 AB>9=>AB.?A positional predicate must evaluate to a single numeric value. QtXmlPatternsz<5B> =0 DC=:F8O 70 AB8;>20 B01;8F0 B@O120 40 8<0 ?@54AB02:0.0A stylesheet function must have a prefixed name. QtXmlPatternsD5G5 5 >1O25= H01;>= A 8<5B> %1 .2A template with name %1 has already been declared. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>AB >B B8? %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@548:0B. @548:0BJB B@O120 40 8<0 8;8 G8A;>2 B8?, 8;8 40 ?@0:B8G5A:8 1C;52 B8?.yA value of type %1 cannot be a predicate. A predicate must have either a numeric type or an Effective Boolean Value type. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>AB >B B8? %1 =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 ?@0:B8G5A:8 1C;520 AB>9=>AB.:A value of type %1 cannot have an Effective Boolean Value. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>AB >B B8? %1 B@O120 40 AJ4J@60 G5B5= 1@>9 F8D@8. !B>9=>ABB0 %2 =5 5 B0:020.PA value of type %1 must contain an even number of digits. The value %2 does not. QtXmlPatternsN5G5 8<0 >1O25=0 ?@><5=;820 A 8<5 %1 .2A variable with name %1 has already been declared. QtXmlPatterns 538>=0;=>B> >B<5AB20=5 B@O120 40 1J45 2 8=B5@20;0 >B %1 4> %2 2:;NG8B5;=>. %3 5 872J= 8=B5@20;0.HA zone offset must be in the range %1..%2 inclusive. %3 is out of range. QtXmlPatternsF554=>7=0G=> AJ2?045=85 =0 ?@028;>.Ambiguous rule match. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  B@O120 40 8<0 ?@028;=0 AB>9=>AB >B B8? %2 , 0 %3  =5 5 B0:020.>An %1-attribute must have a valid %2 as value, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatterns^5G5 8<0 >1O25= 0B@81CB %1  AJA AB>9=>AB %2 .8An %1-attribute with value %2 has already been declared. QtXmlPatterns5G5 8<0 >1O25= 0@3C<5=B A 8<5 %1 . <5=0B0 =0 0@3C<5=B8B5 B@O120 40 A0 C=8:0;=8.WAn argument with name %1 has already been declared. Every argument name must be unique. QtXmlPatternsJ5G5 8<0 AJ74045= 0B@81CB A 8<5 %1 .1An attribute by name %1 has already been created. QtXmlPatternsB@81CB5= 2J75; =5 <>65 40 1J45 4JI5@5= =0 4>:C<5=B5= 2J75;. 0B>20 0B@81CBJB %1 =5 5 =0 <OAB>.dAn attribute node cannot be a child of a document node. Therefore, the attribute %1 is out of place. QtXmlPatternsV B>78 5;5<5=B 25G5 8<0 0B@81CB A 8<5 %1 .?An attribute with name %1 has already appeared on this element. QtXmlPatternsd %2  B@O120 40 8<0 ?>=5 548= 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B %1 .3At least one %1 element must appear as child of %2. QtXmlPatterns`@548 %2  B@O120 40 8<0 ?>=5 548= 5;5<5=B %1 .-At least one %1-element must occur before %2. QtXmlPatternsX %2  B@O120 40 8<0 ?>=5 548= 5;5<5=B %1 .-At least one %1-element must occur inside %2. QtXmlPatternsP"@O120 40 ?@8AJAB20 ?>=5 548= :><?>=5=B.'At least one component must be present. QtXmlPatterns>=5 548= @568< B@O120 40 1J45 ?>A>G5= 2 0B@81CB0 %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2 .FAt least one mode must be specified in the %1-attribute on element %2. QtXmlPatterns|"@O120 40 ?@8AJAB20 ?>=5 548= :><?>=5=B A;54 @0745;8B5;O %1 .?At least one time component must appear after the %1-delimiter. QtXmlPatterns@B@81CBJB %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=.Attribute %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns`B@81CB8B5 %1  8 %2  A0 2708<=> 87:;NG20I8 A5.+Attribute %1 and %2 are mutually exclusive. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A5@80;878@0=, BJ9 :0B> A5 =0<8@0 =0 =09-3>@=>B> =82>.EAttribute %1 can't be serialized because it appears at the top level. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %2  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 . >72>;5=8 A0 A0<> %3 , %4  8 AB0=40@B=8B5 0B@81CB8.]Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, %4, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %2  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 . >72>;5= 5 A0<> %3  8 AB0=40@B=8B5 0B@81CB8.YAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Allowed is %3, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %2  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 . >72>;5= 5 A0<> %3 , :0:B> 8 AB0=40@B=8B5 0B@81CB8.^Attribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only %3 is allowed, and the standard attributes. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %2  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 . >72>;5=8 A0 A0<> AB0=40@B=8B5 0B@81CB8.VAttribute %1 cannot appear on the element %2. Only the standard attributes can appear. QtXmlPatternsXB@81CBJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 AB>9=>AB %2 .&Attribute %1 cannot have the value %2. QtXmlPatternsRB@81CBJB %1  8<0 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85.&Attribute %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatternsVB@81CBJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?@028;=8 40==8: %2&Attribute %1 contains invalid data: %2 QtXmlPatternsLB@81CBJB %1  =5 >B3>20@O =0 H01;>=0.3Attribute %1 does not match the attribute wildcard. QtXmlPatternslB@81CBJB %1  >B 107>28O B8? ;8?A20 2 =0A;545=8O B8?.7Attribute %1 from base type is missing in derived type. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0, => B8?JB <C =0A;54O20 %2 .?Attribute %1 has value constraint but has type derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  2 =0A;545=8O A;>65= B8? B@O120 40 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0 %2 , :0:B> 2 107>28O B8?.UAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  2 =0A;545=8O A;>65= B8? B@O120 40 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0 %2 .CAttribute %1 in derived complex type must have %2 value constraint. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  2 =0A;545=8O A;>65= B8? B@O120 40 8<0 AJI>B> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0 %2  :0B> 2 107>28O B8?.^Attribute %1 in derived complex type must have the same %2 value constraint like in base type. QtXmlPatternsP@C?0B0 0B@81CB8 %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=0.#Attribute group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns@C?0B0 0B@81CB8 %1  AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %2 , :>9B> 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0, => =0A;54O20 %3 .bAttribute group %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatternsj@C?0B0 0B@81CB8 %1  AJ4J@60 420 ?JB8 0B@81CB0 %2 ./Attribute group %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatterns@C?0B0 0B@81CB8 %1  AJ4J@60 420 @07;8G=8 0B@81CB0, =0A;54O20I8 %2 .ZAttribute group %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsZ@C?0B0 0B@81CB8 %1  8<0 F8:;8G=0 ?@5?@0B:0.*Attribute group %1 has circular reference. QtXmlPatterns(01;>=JB 70 0B@81CB =0 %1  =5 5 ?@028;=> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 H01;>=0 70 0B@81CB =0 107>28O B8? %2 .ZAttribute wildcard of %1 is not a valid restriction of attribute wildcard of base type %2. QtXmlPatternsB@81CB8B5 =0 A;>6=8O B8? %1  =5 ?@54AB02;O20B ?@028;=> @07H8@5=85 =0 0B@81CB8B5 =0 107>28O B8? %2 : %3.^Attributes of complex type %1 are not a valid extension of the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsB@81CB8B5 =5 A;>6=8O B8? %1  =5 ?@54AB02;O20B ?@028;=> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 0B@81CB8B5 =0 107>28O B8? %2 : %3.bAttributes of complex type %1 are not a valid restriction from the attributes of base type %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsr07>28OB 0B@81CB %1  5 704J;68B5;5=, 0 =0A;545=8OB  =5.;Base attribute %1 is required but derived attribute is not. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB 0B@81CB %1  5 704J;68B5;5=, => ;8?A20 2 >?@545;5=85B> =0 =0A;54=8:0.@Base attribute %1 is required but missing in derived definition. QtXmlPatterns07>2>B> >?@545;5=85 AJ4J@60 5;5<5=B %1 , :>9B> ;8?A20 2 >?@545;5=85B> =0 =0A;54=8:0PBase definition contains an %1 element that is missing in the derived definition QtXmlPatternst07>28OB B8? %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B..Base type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsn07>28OB B8? %1  =0 A;>65= B8? =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B.0Base type %1 of complex type cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB B8? %1  =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %2  =5 <>65 40 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 2 0B@81CB0 %3 .RBase type %1 of simple type %2 is not allowed to have restriction in %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB B8? %1  =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %2  B@O120 40 8<0 @07=>284=>AB >1548=5=85.:Base type %1 of simple type %2 must have variety of union. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB B8? =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A;>6=8OB B8? %2 .6Base type of simple type %1 cannot be complex type %2. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB B8? =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %1  >?@545;O =0A;54O20=5B> G@57 >3@0=8G020=5 :0B> :@09=>.KBase type of simple type %1 has defined derivation by restriction as final. QtXmlPatterns07>28OB B8? =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %1  B@O120 40 8<0 @07=>284=>AB >B B8? A?8AJ: .;Base type of simple type %1 must have variety of type list. QtXmlPatternsf2>8G=8B5 40==8 =5 AJ>B25BAB20B =0 D0A5B0 length ./Binary content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternsl2>8G=8B5 40==8 =5 AJ>B25BAB20B =0 D0A5B0 maxLength .2Binary content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsl2>8G=8B5 40==8 =5 AJ>B25BAB20B =0 D0A5B0 minLength .2Binary content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsn2>8G=8B5 40==8 =5 ?@8AJAB20B 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .6Binary content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns;>:>28B5 >3@0=8G5=8O =0 =0A;545=8O 5;5<5=B %1  =5 B@O120 40 1J40B ?>-A;018 >B B578 2 107>28O 5;5<5=B.YBlock constraints of derived element %1 must not be more weaker than in the base element. QtXmlPatternsjC;520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .-Boolean content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns1@01>B20=5B> =0 =5?>7=0B8O 5;5<5=B %1  5 =52J7<>6=>. G0:20=8B5 5;5<5=B8 A0: %2.>Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2. QtXmlPatterns@5>1@07C20=5B> 2 %1 5 =52J7<>6=>, BJ9 :0B> B>20 5 01AB@0:B5= B8?, B0:0 G5 >B =53> =5 <>30B 40 1J40B AJ74020=8 >15:B8.fCasting to %1 is not possible because it is an abstract type, and can therefore never be instantiated. QtXmlPatterns8?A20 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B 2 B078 >1;0AB. J7<>6=8B5 4JI5@=8 5;5<5=B8 A0: %1.HChild element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1. QtXmlPatternsF&8:;8G=0 3@C?>20 ?@5?@0B:0 70 %1 . Circular group reference for %1. QtXmlPatternsR&8:;8G=> =0A;54O20=5 =0 107>28O B8? %1 .%Circular inheritance of base type %1. QtXmlPatternsT&8:;8G=> =0A;54O20=5 =0 >1548=5=85B> %1 .!Circular inheritance of union %1. QtXmlPatterns*0A5G5=0 5 F8:;8G=>ABCircularity detected QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 =0A;545= G@57 @07H8@5=85 >B %2 , BJ9 :0B> ?>A;54=8OB AJ4J@60 5;5<5=B %3  2 <>45;0 =0 AJ4J@60=85B> A8.nComplex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model. QtXmlPatternsp!;>6=8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 107>28O B8? %2%3.6Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %2 , :>9B> 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0, => =0A;54O20 %3 ._Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatternsb!;>6=8OB B8? %1  AJ4J@60 420 ?JB8 0B@81CB0 %2 .,Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  AJ4J@60 420 @07;8G=8 0B@81CB0, =0A;54O20I8 %2 .WComplex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  8<0 ?>2B0@OI A5 5;5<5=B %2  2 <>45;0 =0 AJ4J@60=85B> A8.?Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model. QtXmlPatternsb!;>6=8OB B8? %1  8<0 =545B5@<8=8@0=> AJ4J@60=85..Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content. QtXmlPatternsZ!;>6=8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 01AB@0:B5=..Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract. QtXmlPatternsd!;>6=8OB B8? %1  B@O120 40 8<0 ?@>AB> AJ4J@60=85.)Complex type %1 must have simple content. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  B@O120 40 8<0 548= 8 AJI ?@>AB B8? :0B> 107>28O A8 :;0A %2 .DComplex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? %1  A ?@>AB> AJ4J@60=85 =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 A;>6=8O 107>2 B8? %2 .PComplex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2. QtXmlPatterns!;>6=8OB B8? =0 =0A;545=8O 5;5<5=B %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@028;=> C=0A;545= >B 107>28O 5;5<5=B.OComplex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsd5G5 8<0 >?@545;5= :><?>=5=B A 845=B8D8:0B>@ %1 .1Component with ID %1 has been defined previously. QtXmlPatterns>45;JB =0 AJ4J@60=85B> =0 A;>6=8O B8? %1  AJ4J@60 5;5<5=B %2 , B0:0 G5 =5 <>65 40 1J45 =0A;545= G@57 @07H8@5=85 >B =5?@075= B8?.pContent model of complex type %1 contains %2 element so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type. QtXmlPatterns>45;JB =0 AJ4J@60=85B> =0 A;>6=8O B8? %1  =5 ?@54AB02;O20 ?@028;=> @07H8@5=85 =0 <>45;0 =0 AJ4J@60=85B> =0 %2 .QContent model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 0B@81CB0 %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 B@O120 40 1J45 >B 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %3 .DContent of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 0B@81CB0 %1  =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 >?@545;5=>B> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0.@Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 0B@81CB8 %1  =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 >?@545;5=85B> =0 B8?0 <C: %2.?Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 >?@545;5=>B> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0.>Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 >?@545;5=85B> =0 B8?0 <C: %2.=Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatternsX0==8B5 >B B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J40B ?@07=8.,Data of type %1 are not allowed to be empty. QtXmlPatternsl@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern ./Date time content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsv@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxExclusive .8Date time content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsv@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxInclusive .8Date time content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsv@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minExclusive .8Date time content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsv@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minInclusive .8Date time content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsr@5<520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .9Date time content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsF5=OB %1 =5 AJI5AB2C20 2 <5A5F0 %2.Day %1 is invalid for month %2. QtXmlPatternsX5=OB %1 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20; %2..%3.#Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsx5A5B8G=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 fractionDigits .;Decimal content does not match in the fractionDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsr5A5B8G=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 totalDigits .8Decimal content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsR5 AJI5AB2C20 >1O2;5=85 =0 0B@81CB0 %1 .,Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatternsR5 AJI5AB2C20 >1O2;5=85 =0 5;5<5=B0 %1 .*Declaration for element %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatterns0A;54O20=5B> =0 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 G@57 @07H8@5=85, BJ9 :0B> 107>28OB B8? %2  5 ?@>AB B8?.TDerivation method of %1 must be extension because the base type %2 is a simple type. QtXmlPatterns|0A;545=8OB 0B@81CB %1  =5 AJI5AB2C20 2 107>2>B> >?@545;5=85.;Derived attribute %1 does not exist in the base definition. QtXmlPatterns0A;545=8OB 0B@81CB %1  =5 >B3>20@O =0 H01;>=0 2 107>2>B> >?@545;5=85.HDerived attribute %1 does not match the wildcard in the base definition. QtXmlPatterns?@545;5=85B> =0 =0A;54=8: AJ4J@60 5;5<5=B %1 , :>9B> =5 AJI5AB2C20 2 107>2>B> >?@545;5=85UDerived definition contains an %1 element that does not exists in the base definition QtXmlPatterns0A;545=8OB 5;5<5=B %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 =C;52, BJ9 :0B> 8 107>28OB =5 <>65.FDerived element %1 cannot be nillable as base element is not nillable. QtXmlPatterns =0A;545=8O 5;5<5=B %1  8<0 ?>-A;01> >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>AB >B 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.BDerived element %1 has weaker value constraint than base particle. QtXmlPatterns =0A;545=8O 5;5<5=B %1  ;8?A20 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>AB, :>5B> 5 >?@545;5=> 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.KDerived element %1 is missing value constraint as defined in base particle. QtXmlPatterns0A;545=0B0 G0AB8F0 ?>72>;O20 AJ4J@60=85, :>5B> =5 5 ?>72>;5=> 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.IDerived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle. QtXmlPatternsT =0A;545=0B0 G0AB8F0 ;8?A20 5;5<5=B %1 .'Derived particle is missing element %1. QtXmlPatterns^0A;545=8OB H01;>= =5 5 ?>4<=>65AB2> =0 1070B0.6Derived wildcard is not a subset of the base wildcard. QtXmlPatterns5;5=5B> =0 G8A;> >B B8? %1 =0 %2 (=5G8A;>20 AB>9=>AB) 5 =52J7<>6=>.@Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns5;5=5B> =0 G8A;> >B B8? %1 =0 %2 8;8 %3 (?>;>68B5;=0 8;8 >B@8F0B5;=0 =C;0) 5 =52J7<>6=>.LDividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsT5;5=5B> (%1) =0 =C;0 (%2) 5 =5>?@545;5=>.(Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns:>:C<5=BJB =5 5 AE5<0 70 XML.Document is not a XML schema. QtXmlPatternsd 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .,Double content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsn 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxExclusive .5Double content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsn 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxInclusive .5Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsn 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minExclusive .5Double content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsn 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minInclusive .5Double content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsj 50;=>B> G8A;> =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .6Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsh 5;5<5=B0 %2  8<0 ?>2B0@OI> A5 8<5 =0 5;5<5=B: %1.*Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element. QtXmlPatternsV<0 ?>2B0@O=5 =0 D0A5B8 2 ?@>AB8O B8? %1 .$Duplicated facets in simple type %1. QtXmlPatternsj@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern ..Duration content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternst@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxExclusive .7Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternst@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxInclusive .7Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternst@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minExclusive .7Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternst@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minInclusive .7Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsp@>4J;68B5;=>ABB0 =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .8Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns<5=0B0 =0 H01;>==8B5 ?0@0<5B@8 B@O120 40 1J40B C=8:0;=8. <5B> %1  A5 ?>2B0@O.CEach name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated. QtXmlPatterns@0:B8G5A:8 1C;520B0 AB>9=>AB =5 <>65 40 1J45 87G8A;5=0 70 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB, AJ4J@60I0 425 8;8 ?>25G5 0B><0@=8 AB>9=>AB8.aEffective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values. QtXmlPatterns@;5<5=BJB %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=.Element %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A5@80;878@0=, BJ9 :0B> A5 =0<8@0 872J= 4>:C<5=B0.OElement %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 4@C38 5;5<5=B8, BJ9 :0B> 8<0 D8:A8@0=> AJ4J@60=85.DElement %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has a fixed content. QtXmlPatterns|;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 :>=AB@C:B>@ =0 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB..Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatterns^;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 4JI5@=8 5;5<5=B8. Element %1 cannot have children. QtXmlPatternsR;5<5=BJB %1  8<0 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85.$Element %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatternsX;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5=8 0B@81CB8.+Element %1 contains not allowed attributes. QtXmlPatternsl;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5=> 4JI5@=> AJ4J@60=85..Element %1 contains not allowed child content. QtXmlPatternsd;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5= 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B..Element %1 contains not allowed child element. QtXmlPatternsn;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5=> B5:AB>2> AJ4J@60=85.-Element %1 contains not allowed text content. QtXmlPatterns^;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 420 0B@81CB0 A B8? %2 ..Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2. QtXmlPatternsZ;5<5=BJB %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>7=0B 0B@81CB %2 .)Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 >B3>20@O =0 >3@0=8G5=85B> =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2>, 704045=> G@57 H01;>= 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.LElement %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatternsh;5<5=BJB %1  ?@8AJAB20 420 ?JB8 A @07;8G=8 B8?>25.-Element %1 exists twice with different types. QtXmlPatternsP;5<5=BJB %1  5 >1O25= :0B> 01AB@0:B5=.#Element %1 is declared as abstract. QtXmlPatternsH;5<5=BJB %1  =O<0 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B.$Element %1 is missing child element. QtXmlPatternsX;5<5=BJB %1  ;8?A20 2 =0A;545=0B0 G0AB8F0.*Element %1 is missing in derived particle. QtXmlPatternsf 5;5<5=B0 %1  ;8?A20 704J;68B5;=8OB 0B@81CB %2 .,Element %1 is missing required attribute %2. QtXmlPatternsT;5<5=BJB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< =0 B>20 <OAB>.+Element %1 is not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  5 =54>?CAB8< 2 B078 >1;0AB. J7<>6=8B5 5;5<5=B8 A0: %2.CElement %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0, 0:> 107>28OB <C B8? 5 A;>65=.QElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85 =0 AB>9=>ABB0, 0:> B8?JB <C =0A;54O20 %2 .TElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 2@J7:0 A 3@C?0 70 70<5AB20=5, BJ9 :0B> =5 5 3;>10;5= 5;5<5=B.\Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element. QtXmlPatternsV;5<5=BJB %1  5 =5>?@545;5= 2 B078 >1;0AB.(Element %1 is not defined in this scope. QtXmlPatternsJ;5<5=BJB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 =C;52.Element %1 is not nillable. QtXmlPatternsN;5<5=BJB %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?>A;545=.Element %1 must come last. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  B@O120 40 8<0 ?>=5 548= >B 0B@81CB8B5 %2  8;8 %3 .=Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3. QtXmlPatterns;5<5=BJB %1  B@O120 8;8 40 8<0 0B@81CB %2 , 8;8 :>=AB@C:B>@ =0 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB.EElement %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatternsp;5<5=BJB 8<0 AJ4J@60=85, 2J?@5:8 G5 <>65 40 1J45 =C;52.1Element contains content although it is nillable. QtXmlPatternsP@C?0B0 5;5<5=B8 %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=0.!Element group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsj@07=0 G0AB8F0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 =0A;54=8: =0 =5?@07=0.9Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle. QtXmlPatterns71@>5=8OB B8? D0A5B 8<0 =5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85: {%1} =5 5 AB>9=>AB =0 B8?0 %2 .KEnumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsR@5H:0 ?@8 ?@5>1@07C20=5B> >B %1 2 %2: %3&Failure when casting from %1 to %2: %3 QtXmlPatterns6>;5B> %1  =O<0 ?@>AB B8?.Field %1 has no simple type. QtXmlPatterns3@0=8G5=85B> 70 D8:A8@0=0 AB>9=>AB 5 =54>?CAB8<>, 0:> 5;5<5=BJB <>65 40 1J45 =C;52.:Fixed value constraint not allowed if element is nillable. QtXmlPatterns3@0=8G5=85B> 70 D8:A8@0=0 AB>9=>AB 2 5;5<5=B0 %1  A5 @07;8G020 >B >3@0=8G5=85B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.TFixed value constraint of element %1 differs from value constraint in base particle. QtXmlPatterns`!B>9=>ABB0 =0 845=B8D8:0B>@0 %1  =5 5 C=8:0;=0.ID value '%1' is not unique. QtXmlPatternsh3@0=8G5=85B> 70 845=B8G=>AB %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=>.'Identity constraint %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns:> 8 425B5 AB>9=>AB8 8<0B @538>=0;=> >B<5AB20=5, B> B@O120 40 1J45 54=0:2>. %1 8 %2 =5 A0 54=0:28.bIf both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same. QtXmlPatterns:> 5;5<5=BJB %1  =O<0 0B@81CB %2 , B>9 =5 <>65 40 8<0 8 0B@81CB8B5 %3  8 %4 .EIf element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns2:> ?J@28OB 0@3C<5=B 5 ?@07=0B0 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB 8;8 ?@075= =87 (=O<0 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>), =5 <>65 40 1J45 704045=0 ?@54AB02:0, 0 8<0H5 B0:020: %1 .If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified. QtXmlPatterns :>=AB@C:B>@0 =0 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> AB>9=>ABB0 70 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@075= =87.PIn a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string. QtXmlPatternsB@81CBJB %1  =5 <>65 40 ?@8AJAB20 2 <>4C; =0 >?@>AB5=0 AB8;>20 B01;8F0.@In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present. QtXmlPatterns H01;>= XSL-T =5 <>65 40 1J45 87?>;720=0 >AB0 %1, 0 A0<> %2 8;8 %3.DIn an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. QtXmlPatternst H01;>= XSL-T DC=:F8OB0 %1 =5 <>65 40 8<0 B@5B8 0@3C<5=B.>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatterns H01;>= XSL-T A0<> DC=:F88B5 %1 8 %2 <>30B 40 1J40B 87?>;720=8 70 >B:@820=5 =0 AJ2?045=8O, 0 %3  =5.OIn an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. QtXmlPatterns H01;>= XSL-T ?J@28OB 0@3C<5=B =0 DC=:F8OB0 %1 B@O120 40 1J45 ;8B5@0; 8;8 ?@><5=;820, :>30B> BO A5 87?>;720 70 >B:@820=5 =0 AJ2?045=8O.yIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. QtXmlPatterns H01;>= XSL-T ?J@28OB 0@3C<5=B =0 DC=:F8OB0 %1 B@O120 40 1J45 =87, :>30B> BO A5 87?>;720 70 >B:@820=5 =0 AJ2?045=8O.hIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. QtXmlPatterns =870 70 70<5AB20=5 %1  <>65 40 5:@0=8@0 A0<> A515 A8 8;8 %2 , => =5 8 %3 MIn the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 QtXmlPatterns =870 70 70<5AB20=5 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 A;5420=> >B ?>=5 54=0 F8D@0, :>30B> =5 5 5:@0=8@0=>.VIn the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. QtXmlPatternsl&5;>G8A;5=>B> 45;5=5 (%1) =0 =C;0 (%2) 5 =5>?@545;5=>.0Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsF5?@028;=> AJ4J@60=85 =0 QName: %1.Invalid QName content: %1. QtXmlPatternsX!2J@720=5B> A ?@54AB02:0B0 %1  5 =52J7<>6=>+It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternsP@5>1@07C20=5B> >B %1 2 %2 5 =52J7<>6=>.)It is not possible to cast from %1 to %2. QtXmlPatternsn>2B>@=>B> >1O2O20=5 =0 ?@54AB02:0B0 %1  5 =52J7<>6=>.*It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. QtXmlPatternsT72;8G0=5B> =0 %1  =O<0 40 1J45 2J7<>6=>.'It will not be possible to retrieve %1. QtXmlPatterns>102O=5B> =0 0B@81CB8 A;54 :0:J2B> 8 40 5 4@C3 284 2J75; 5 =52J7<>6=>.AIt's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. QtXmlPatternsx@5>1@07C20=5B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 %1 >B B8? %2 2 %3 5 =52J7<>6=>7It's not possible to cast the value %1 of type %2 to %3 QtXmlPatterns~"8?JB =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B..Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatterns"8?JB =0 5;5<5=B0 >B 107>28O B8? =5 AJ2?040 A B8?0 =0 5;5<5=B0 >B %1 .6Item type of base type does not match item type of %1. QtXmlPatterns"8?JB =0 5;5<5=B =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A;>65= B8?.5Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatternsj;NG>2>B> >3@0=8G5=85 %1  AJ4J@60 >BAJAB20I8 ?>;5B0.)Key constraint %1 contains absent fields. QtXmlPatterns;NG>2>B> >3@0=8G5=85 %1  AJ4J@60 ?@5?@0B:8 :J< 5;5<5=B0 %2 , :>9B> <>65 40 1J45 =C;52.:Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2. QtXmlPatternst!J4J@60=85B> =0 A?8AJ:0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 length .)List content does not match length facet. QtXmlPatternsz!J4J@60=85B> =0 A?8AJ:0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxLength .,List content does not match maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsz!J4J@60=85B> =0 A?8AJ:0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minLength .,List content does not match minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsv!J4J@60=85B> =0 A?8AJ:0 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .*List content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns|!J4J@60=85B> =0 A?8AJ:0 =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .4List content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsN0@545=8OB D09; AJA AE5<0 5 =5?@028;5=.Loaded schema file is invalid. QtXmlPatternsr!J2?045=8OB0 =5 ?@02OB @07;8:0 <564C 3;02=8 8 <0;:8 1C:28Matches are case insensitive QtXmlPatterns"8?JB %1  =0 G;5=0 =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 B8?0 %2  =0 G;5=0 =0 107>28O B8? =0 %3 , :>9B> 5 %4 .JMember type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4. QtXmlPatternsx"8?JB =0 G;5=0 %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B.0Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsz"8?JB =0 G;5= =0 ?@>AB8O B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A;>65= B8?.7Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatterns=0AO=5B> =0 <>4C;8 B@O120 40 ?@54E>640 >1O2O20=5B> =0 DC=:F88, ?@><5=;828 8 >?F88.MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsh5;5=5B> A >AB0BJ: (%1) =0 =C;0 (%2) 5 =5>?@545;5=>.0Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns\5A5FJB %1 5 872J= ?>72>;5=8O 8=B5@20; %2..%3.%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatterns`B@8B0 5 ?>25G5 >B 54=0 AB>9=>AB 70 ?>;5B> %1 .'More than one value found for field %1. QtXmlPatterns#<=>65=85B> =0 G8A;> >B B8? %1 ?> %2 8;8 %3 (?>;>68B5;=0 8;8 >B@8F0B5;=0 157:@09=>AB) 5 =52J7<>6=>.YMultiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  <>65 40 1J45 A2J@70=> A0<> A %2  (0 8 B0:0 8;8 8=0G5 5 ?@5420@8B5;=> >1O25=>).ONamespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatterns1O2O20=5B> =0 8<5=C20=8B5 ?@>AB@0=AB20 B@O120 40 ?@54E>640 >1O2O20=5B> =0 DC=:F88, ?@><5=;828 8 >?F88.UNamespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns@54AB02:0B0 =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> 2 ?J;=>B> 8<5 %1  5 =5>?@545;5=0.5Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatternsN@5<5B> 70 87G0:20=5 =0 <@560B0 87B5G5.Network timeout. QtXmlPatternsP@5>1@07C20=5B> :J< B8? %1 5 =52J7<>6=>.2No casting is possible with %1 as the target type. QtXmlPatternsv5 5 2J7<>6=> 872J@H20=5B> =0 A@02=5=85, 2:;NG20I> B8?0 %1.1No comparisons can be done involving the type %1. QtXmlPatternsTO<0 =0;8G=> >?@545;5=85 70 5;5<5=B0 %1 .'No definition for element %1 available. QtXmlPatterns5 A5 ?>44J@60B 2J=H=8 DC=:F88. A8G:8 ?>44J@60=8 DC=:F88 <>30B 40 1J40B 87?>;720=8 48@5:B=>, 157 ?@548 B>20 40 A5 >1O2O20B :0B> 2J=H=8{No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external QtXmlPatterns,O<0 DC=:F8O A 8<5 %1.&No function with name %1 is available. QtXmlPatterns:O<0 DC=:F8O AJA A83=0BC@0 %1*No function with signature %1 is available QtXmlPatternsz8?A20 2@J7:0 :J< 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> 70 ?@54AB02:0B0 %1 -No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 QtXmlPatterns8?A20 2@J7:0 :J< 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> 70 ?@54AB02:0B0 %1  2 %2 3No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2 QtXmlPatternsr8?A20 >?5@0=4 2 F5;>G8A;5=> 45;5=5: %1, <>65 40 1J45 %2.1No operand in an integer division, %1, can be %2. QtXmlPatternsxO<0 >B:@8B0 A2J@70=0 AB>9=>AB 70 ?@5?@0B:0B0 :J< :;NG %1 ./No referenced value found for key reference %1. QtXmlPatternsDO<0 >?@545;5=0 AE5<0 70 ?@>25@:0.!No schema defined for validation. QtXmlPatterns@5 AJI5AB2C20 H01;>= A 8<5 %1 .No template by name %1 exists. QtXmlPatternspO<0 =0;8G=0 AB>9=>AB 70 2J=H=0B0 ?@><5=;820 A 8<5 %1 .=No value is available for the external variable with name %1. QtXmlPatternsF5 AJI5AB2C20 ?@><5=;820 A 8<5 %1 No variable with name %1 exists QtXmlPatternsfB@8B> 5 =5C=8:0;=0 AB>9=>AB 70 >3@0=8G5=85B> %1 .)Non-unique value found for constraint %1. QtXmlPatterns8B> 548= >B 87@078B5 pragma =5 A5 ?>44J@60. 0B>20 B@O120 40 8<0 @575@25= 87@07^None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present QtXmlPatternsF7=0G5=85B> %1  25G5 5 >?@545;5=>.Notation %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsd7=0G5=85B> =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .8Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns!0<> D0A5B8B5 %1  8 %2  A0 ?>72>;5=8 ?@8 =0A;54O20=5 G@57 >1548=5=85.8Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union. QtXmlPatterns~ =0G0;>B> =0 70O2:0B0 <>65 40 8<0 A0<> 54=> >1O2O20=5 =0 %1 .6Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog. QtXmlPatternsR>65 40 ?@8AJAB20 A0<> 548= 5;5<5=B %1 .Only one %1-element can appear. QtXmlPatterns>44J@60 A5 A0<> ?>4@5410B0 =0 :>4>28 B>G:8 =0 #=8:>4 (%1). %2  =5 A5 ?>44J@60.IOnly the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported. QtXmlPatternst!0<> ?@54AB02:0B0 %1 <>65 40 1J45 A2J@70=0 A %2 8 >1@0B=>.5Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa. QtXmlPatterns?5@0B>@JB %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 87?>;720= A 0B><0@=8 AB>9=>AB8 >B B8? %2 8 %3.>Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatternsb?5@0B>@JB %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 87?>;720= A B8? %2.&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatterns?5@0B>@JB %1 =5 <>65 40 A5 87?>;720 <564C 0B><0@=8 AB>9=>AB8 >B B8? %2 8 %3.EOperator %1 is not available between atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatternsf@5?J;20=5: 0B0B0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@54AB025=0: %1."Overflow: Can't represent date %1. QtXmlPatterns^@5?J;20=5: 0B0B0 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@54AB025=0.$Overflow: Date can't be represented. QtXmlPatternsD@5H:0 ?@8 A8=B0:B8G=8O 0=0;87: %1Parse error: %1 QtXmlPatternsT'0AB8F0B0 AJ4J@60 =545B5@<8=8@0=8 H01;>=8..Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards. QtXmlPatterns@54AB02:0B0 %1  <>65 40 1J45 A2J@70=0 A0<> A %2  (0 8 B0:0 8;8 8=0G5 5 ?@5420@8B5;=> >1O25=0).LPrefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatternsX@54AB02:0B0 %1  25G5 5 >1O25=0 2 =0G0;>B>.,Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog. QtXmlPatternsb@54AB02:0B0 8;8 ?J;=>B> 8<5 %1  5 =5>?@545;5=>.+Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatterns@5>1@07C20=5B> =0 %1  2 %2  <>65 40 4>2545 4> 703C10 =0 B>G=>AB./Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision. QtXmlPatternsr!J4J@60=85B> =0 QName =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .+QName content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsx!J4J@60=85B> =0 QName =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .5QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternst@5?@0B:0B0 %1  =5 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B0..Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsnG0:20=8OB 1@>9 =0 5;5<5=B8B5 5 %1, 0 1OE0 ?>;CG5=8 %2./Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2. QtXmlPatternsR78A:20 A5 B8? %1 , => 15H5 >B:@8B %2 .&Required type is %1, but %2 was found. QtXmlPatterns7?J;=5=85 =0 AB8;>20 B01;8F0 >B XSL-T 1.0 A >1@01>BG8: 25@A8O 2.0.5Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor. QtXmlPatternsh&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 totalDigits .?Signed integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatterns`&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .4Signed integer content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsj&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxExclusive .=Signed integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsj&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxInclusive .=Signed integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsj&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minExclusive .=Signed integer content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsj&O;>B> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minInclusive .=Signed integer content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsf&O;>B> G8A;> =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .>Signed integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns~@>AB8OB B8? %1  <>65 40 8<0 A0<> ?@>AB 0B><0@5= B8? 70 107>2.=Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type. QtXmlPatterns@>AB8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 =0A;54O20 %2 , BJ9 :0B> 2 ?>A;54=8O 8<0 >3@0=8G5=85, >?@545;5=> :0B> :@09=>.PSimple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final. QtXmlPatternsr@>AB8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 48@5:B5= 107>2 B8? %2 ./Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2. QtXmlPatternsh@>AB8OB B8? %1  AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5= B8? D0A5B %2 .2Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2. QtXmlPatterns`@>AB8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 8<0 107>2 B8? %2 .3Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2. QtXmlPatterns\@>AB8OB B8? %1  <>65 40 8<0 A0<> D0A5B %2 .0Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsV@>AB8OB B8? AJ4J@60 =5?>72>;5= D0A5B %1 .*Simple type contains not allowed facet %1. QtXmlPatterns@>AB8OB B8? =0 =0A;545=8O 5;5<5=B %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@028;=> C=0A;545= >B 107>28O 5;5<5=B.NSimple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsT>A>G5=8OB B8? %1  5 =5?>7=0B =0 AE5<0B0.-Specified type %1 is not known to the schema. QtXmlPatterns>A>G5=8OB B8? %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@028;=> 70<5=5= A B8?0 70 5;5<5=B8 %2 .DSpecified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2. QtXmlPatternsx04020=5B> =0 use='prohibited' 2 3@C?0 0B@81CB8 =O<0 A<8AJ;.DSpecifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect. QtXmlPatternsp!J4J@60=85B> =0 =870 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .,String content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsn!J4J@60=85B> =0 =870 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 length ./String content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternst!J4J@60=85B> =0 =870 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxLength .2String content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternst!J4J@60=85B> =0 =870 =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minLength .2String content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsv!J4J@60=85B> =0 =870 =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .6String content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsh@C?0B0 70 70<5AB20=5 %1  8<0 F8:;8G=> >?@545;5=85..Substitution group %1 has circular definition. QtXmlPatterns@C?0B0 70 70<5AB20=5 %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B0.7Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatterns&5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  =0 2=5A5=0B0 AE5<0 5 @07;8G=> >B F5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %2 , >?@545;5=> >B 2=0AOI0B0 AE5<0.tTarget namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema. QtXmlPatterns&5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  =0 2:;NG5=0B0 AE5<0 5 @07;8G=> >B F5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %2 , >?@545;5=> >B 2:;NG20I0B0 AE5<0.tTarget namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema. QtXmlPatterns\"5:AB>28B5 2J7;8 A0 =54>?CAB8<8 =0 B>20 <OAB>.,Text nodes are not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatterns~"5:ABJB 8 ?@5?@0B:8B5 :J< >15:B8 A0 =54>?CAB8<8 2 5;5<5=B0 %1 7Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element QtXmlPatterns>AB0 %1 =5 A5 ?>44J@60 2 XQuery$The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery QtXmlPatterns$C=:F8OB0 70 2=0AO=5 =0 AE5<0 =5 A5 ?>44J@60, B0:0 G5 =5 <>65 40 8<0 >1O2O20=8O =0 %1.WThe Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur. QtXmlPatterns$C=:F8>=0;=>ABB0 70 ?@>25@:0 =0 AE5<0B0 =5 A5 ?>44J@60. 0B>20 =5 <>30B 40 A5 87?>;720B 87@078 %1 .VThe Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used. QtXmlPatternsV45=B8D8:0B>@JB =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 D@03<5=BThe URI cannot have a fragment QtXmlPatterns~B@81CBJB %1  <>65 40 A5 ?@8AJAB20 A0<> 2 ?J@28O 5;5<5=B %2 .9The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element. QtXmlPatterns %2  =5 <>65 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 , :>30B> 5 4JI5@5= 5;5<5=B =0 %3 .?The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3. QtXmlPatterns\;5<5=BJB %2  B@O120 40 AJ4J@60 0B@81CB %1 .+The attribute %1 must appear on element %2. QtXmlPatterns=0:JB A :>4 %1, :>9B> A5 A@5I0 2 %2  8 87?>;720 :>48@>2:0 %3 , =5 5 ?@028;5= 7=0: 2 XML.QThe codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character. QtXmlPatterns 40==8B5 =0 >1@01>B20I0 8=AB@C:F8O =5 <>65 40 A5 AJ4J@60 =87JB %1 AThe data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1 QtXmlPatternsR>;5:F8OB0 ?> ?>4@0718@0=5 5 =5>?@545;5=0#The default collection is undefined QtXmlPatternsd;5<5=BJB A <5AB=> 8<5 %1  =5 AJI5AB2C20 2 XSL-T.7The element with local name %1 does not exist in XSL-T. QtXmlPatterns(<5B> =0 :>48@>2:0B0 %1  5 =5?@028;=>. "> <>65 40 AJ4J@60 A0<> 1C:28 >B ;0B8=8F0B0, 157 ?@07=8 <5AB0, 8 40 >B3>20@O =0 A;54=8O @53C;O@5= 87@07: %2.The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2. QtXmlPatternsbJ@28OB 0@3C<5=B =0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B B8? %2..The first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. QtXmlPatternsJ@28OB 0@3C<5=B =0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B B8? %2. ">9 B@O120 40 1J45 >B G8A;>2 B8?, >B B8? xs:yearMonthDuration 8;8 >B B8? xs:dayTimeDuration.uThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration. QtXmlPatternsJ@28OB 0@3C<5=B =0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B B8? %2. ">9 B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? %3, %4, 8;8 %5.PThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternsJ@28OB >?5@0=4 2 F5;>G8A;5=>B> 45;5=5 %1, =5 <>65 40 1J45 157:@09=>AB (%2).FThe first operand in an integer division, %1, cannot be infinity (%2). QtXmlPatterns,$>:CAJB 5 =5>?@545;5=.The focus is undefined. QtXmlPatternsz=8F80;870F8OB0 =0 ?@><5=;820B0 %1  7028A8 >B A0<0B0 A515 A83The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself QtXmlPatternsT;5<5=BJB %1  =5 AJ2?040 A =C6=8O B8? %2./The item %1 did not match the required type %2. QtXmlPatterns;NG>20B0 4C<0 %1  =5 <>65 40 A5 87?>;720 7054=> A 4@C38 8<5=0 =0 @568<8.5The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name. QtXmlPatterns>A;54=0B0 G0AB >B ?JBO B@O120 40 AJ4J@60 2J7;8 8;8 0B><0@=8 AB>9=>AB8. "O =5 <>65 40 1J45 A<5A8F0 >B 425B5.kThe last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two. QtXmlPatternsZ$C=:F8OB0 70 2=0AO=5 =0 <>4C;8 =5 A5 ?>44J@60*The module import feature is not supported QtXmlPatternsZ<5B> %1  =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 =8:>9 B8? AE5<0..The name %1 does not refer to any schema type. QtXmlPatterns<5B> =0 87G8A;5=> A2>9AB2> =5 <>65 40 2:;NG20 845=B8D8:0B>@0 =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  A <5AB=>B> 8<5 %2 .ZThe name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2. QtXmlPatterns<5B> =0 ?@><5=;820, A2J@70=0 2 87@07 for , B@O120 40 1J45 @07;8G=> >B ?>78F8>==0B0 ?@><5=;820. 25B5 ?@><5=;828 A 8<5 %1  A0 =5AJ2<5AB8<8.The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide. QtXmlPatterns<5B> =0 87@07 70 @07H8@5=85 B@O120 40 1J45 2 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>.;The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace. QtXmlPatterns<5B> =0 >?F8O B@O120 40 8<0 ?@54AB02:0. O<0 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> ?> ?>4@0718@0=5 70 >?F88B5.TThe name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options. QtXmlPatterns<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  5 70?075=>, B0:0 G5 ?>B@518B5;A:8B5 DC=:F88 =5 <>30B 40 3> 87?>;720B. 7?>;7209B5 ?@5420@8B5;=> AJ74045=0B0 ?@54AB02:0 %2 , G85B> ?@54=07=0G5=85 5 70 B0:820 A;CG08.The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases. QtXmlPatterns45=B8D8:0B>@JB =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@075= =87 ?@8 A2J@720=5 A ?@54AB02:0, %1.JThe namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1. QtXmlPatterns45=B8D8:0B>@JB =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> 2 8<5B> =0 87G8A;5= 0B@81CB =5 <>65 40 1J45 %1 .DThe namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1. QtXmlPatterns45=B8D8:0B>@JB =0 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> B@O120 40 1J45 :>=AB0=B0 8 =5 <>65 40 87?>;720 2;>65=8 87@078.IThe namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions. QtXmlPatternsp<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> 70 ?>B@518B5;A:8 DC=:F88 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@07=> (<>65B5 40 87?>;720B5 ?@5420@8B5;=> AJ74045=0B0 ?@54AB02:0 %1 , G85B> ?@54=07=0G5=85 5 B>G=> 70 B0:820 A;CG08)yThe namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1 which exists for cases like this) QtXmlPatternsb<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> =0 ?>B@518B5;A:8B5 DC=:F88 2 181;8>B5G5= <>4C; B@O120 40 5 AJI>B> :0B> 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> =0 <>4C;0. ! 4@C38 4C<8, B@O120 40 1J45 %1  2<5AB> %2 The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2 QtXmlPatterns$$>@<0B0 70 =>@<0;870F8O %1  =5 A5 ?>44J@60. >44J@60=8B5 D>@<8 A0 %2 , %3 , %4  8 %5 , :0:B> 8 ?@07=0B0, B>5AB ?@075= =87 (157 =>@<0;870F8O).The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization). QtXmlPatternsv>4045= 5 ?0@0<5BJ@ %1 , => =5 AJI5AB2C20 AJ>B25BAB20I %2.;The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists. QtXmlPatterns~0@0<5BJ@JB %1 5 704J;68B5;5=, => =5 5 ?>4045= AJ>B25BAB20I %2.BThe parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied. QtXmlPatterns@54AB02:0B0 %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 A2J@70=0. > ?>4@0718@0=5, BO 25G5 5 A2J@70=0 A 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %2 .TThe prefix %1 can not be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2. QtXmlPatternsR@54AB02:0B0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 A2J@70=0.The prefix %1 cannot be bound. QtXmlPatternsf@54AB02:0B0 B@O120 40 1J45 ?@028;5= %1, 0 %2 =5 5./The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not. QtXmlPatterns;02=8OB 2J75; 2J2 2B>@8O 0@3C<5=B =0 DC=:F8OB0 %1 B@O120 40 1J45 4>:C<5=B5= 2J75;. %2  =5 5 4>:C<5=B5= 2J75;.gThe root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node. QtXmlPatternsB>@8OB 0@3C<5=B =0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B B8? %2. ">9 B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? %3, %4, 8;8 %5.QThe second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternsB>@8OB >?5@0=4 2 F5;>G8A;5=>B> 45;5=5 %1, =5 <>65 40 1J45 =C;0 (%2).:The second operand in a division, %1, cannot be zero (%2). QtXmlPatterns&5;52>B> 8<5 2 >1@01>B20I0 8=AB@C:F8O =5 <>65 40 1J45 %1  ?@8 =8:0:20 :><18=0F8O >B 3;02=8 8 <0;:8 1C:28. 0B>20 %2  5 =5?@028;=>.~The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, %2 is invalid. QtXmlPatternsz&5;52>B> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2> =0 %1 =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@07=>.-The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>ABB0 =0 0B@81CB0 %1  2 5;5<5=B0 %2  B@O120 40 1J45 %3  8;8 %4 , 0 =5 %5 .IThe value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>ABB0 =0 0B@81CB0 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? %2, 0 %3  =5 5 >B =53>.=The value of attribute %1 must be of type %2, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatterns!B>9=>ABB0 =0 0B@81CB0 70 25@A8OB0 =0 XSL-T B@O120 40 1J45 >B B8? %1, 0 %2 =5 5.TThe value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't. QtXmlPatterns@@><5=;820B0 %1  =5 A5 87?>;720The variable %1 is unused QtXmlPatternsv<0 54=0 AB>9=>AB IDREF 157 AJ>B25BAB20I 845=B8D8:0B>@: %1.6There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1. QtXmlPatterns1@01>BG8:JB =5 @01>B8 AJA AE5<0 8 70B>20 %1 =5 <>65 40 A5 87?>;720.CThis processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used. QtXmlPatterns>'0AJB %1:%2:%3.%4 5 =5?@028;5=.Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid. QtXmlPatterns'0AJB 24:%1:%2.%3 5 =5?@028;5=. '0AJB 5 24, => <8=CB8B5, A5:C=48B5 8 <8;8A5:C=48B5 =5 A0 0; _Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;  QtXmlPatterns;5<5=B8B5 >B =09-3>@=>B> =82> =0 AB8;>20B0 B01;8F0 B@O120 40 1J40B 2 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>, 0 %1  =5 5.NTop level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't. QtXmlPatterns20 0B@81CB0 70 >1O2O20=5 =0 8<5=C20=8 ?@>AB@0=AB20 8<0B 54=> 8 AJI> 8<5: %1.?@545;5=.Type %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsf"8?JB %1  =0 5;5<5=B0 %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B.)Type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsv@5H:0 2 B8?0 ?@8 ?@5>1@07C20=5. G0:20 A5 %1, ?>;CG5=> %2.-Type error in cast, expected %1, received %2. QtXmlPatterns~"8?JB =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 ?@>AB, 0 %2  =5 5 B0:J2.4Type of %1 element must be a simple type, %2 is not. QtXmlPatterns"8?JB =0 =0A;545=8O 0B@81CB %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@028;=> =0A;545= >B B8?0 =0 107>28O 0B@81CB.SType of derived attribute %1 cannot be validly derived from type of base attribute. QtXmlPatterns"8?JB =0 =0A;545=8O 0B@81CB %1  5 @07;8G5= >B B8?0 =0 107>28O 0B@81CB.AType of derived attribute %1 differs from type of base attribute. QtXmlPatterns"8?JB =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  =5 <>65 40 1J45 =0A;545= >B B8?0 =0 2@J7:0B0 A 3@C?0 70 70<5AB20=5.QType of element %1 cannot be derived from type of substitution group affiliation. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 >1548=5=85B> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .+Union content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns!J4J@60=85B> =0 >1548=5=85B> =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .5Union content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns1548=5=85B> =0 H01;>=0 70 0B@81CB =0 B8?0 %1  8 B>78 =0 107>28O <C B8? %2  =5 <>65 40 1J45 87@075=>.eUnion of attribute wildcard of type %1 and attribute wildcard of its base type %2 is not expressible. QtXmlPatterns<5?>7=0B 0B@81CB >B XSL-T: %1.Unknown XSL-T attribute %1. QtXmlPatterns\$0A5BJB %2  AJ4J@60 =58725AB=> >7=0G5=85: %1.%Unknown notation %1 used in %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 totalDigits .AUnsigned integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsx&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 pattern .6Unsigned integer content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatterns&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxExclusive .?Unsigned integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 maxInclusive .?Unsigned integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minExclusive .?Unsigned integer content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 AJ>B25BAB20 =0 D0A5B0 minInclusive .?Unsigned integer content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatterns~&O;>B> ?>;>68B5;=> G8A;> =5 ?@8AJAB20 2J2 D0A5B0 enumeration .@Unsigned integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsb!B>9=>ABB0 %1 >B B8? %2 ?@528H020 <0:A8<C<0 (%3).)Value %1 of type %2 exceeds maximum (%3). QtXmlPatternsX!B>9=>ABB0 %1 >B B8? %2 5 ?>4 <8=8<C<0 (%3).*Value %1 of type %2 is below minimum (%3). QtXmlPatterns3@0=8G5=85B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 =0 0B@81CB0 %1  =5 5 >B B8? 70 0B@81CB: %2.?Value constraint of attribute %1 is not of attributes type: %2. QtXmlPatterns3@0=8G5=85B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 =0 =0A;545=8O 0B@81CB %1  =5 AJ2?040 A >3@0=8G5=85B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 =0 107>28O 0B@81CB.[Value constraint of derived attribute %1 does not match value constraint of base attribute. QtXmlPatterns3@0=8G5=85B> =0 AB>9=>ABB0 =0 5;5<5=B0 %1  =5 5 >B B8? 70 5;5<5=B: %2.;Value constraint of element %1 is not of elements type: %2. QtXmlPatterns84JB =0 B8?0 =0 5;5<5=B8B5 2 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 8;8 0B><0@5=, 8;8 >1548=5=85.:Variety of item type of %1 must be either atomic or union. QtXmlPatterns84JB =0 B8?0 =0 G;5=>25B5 2 %1  B@O120 40 1J45 8;8 0B><0@5=, 8;8 >1548=5=85.-Variety of member types of %1 must be atomic. QtXmlPatterns|5@A8O %1 =5 A5 ?>44J@60. >44J@60=0B0 25@A8O =0 XQuery 5 1.0.AVersion %1 is not supported. The supported XQuery version is 1.0. QtXmlPatternst>;5 70 >3@0=8G020=5 ?> 845=B8G=>AB A?>@54 AE5<0B0 W3C XML(W3C XML Schema identity constraint field QtXmlPatterns718@0B5;5= 87@07 70 >3@0=8G020=5 ?> 845=B8G=>AB A?>@54 AE5<0B0 W3C XML+W3C XML Schema identity constraint selector QtXmlPatterns>30B> 8<0 704J;68B5;5= ?0@0<5BJ@, =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?>A>G5=0 AB>9=>AB ?> ?>4@0718@0=5 G@57 0B@81CB %1  8;8 :>=AB@C:B>@ =0 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB.rWhen a parameter is required, a default value cannot be supplied through a %1-attribute or a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatterns:> %2  8<0 0B@81CB %1 , B> =5 <>65 40 A5 87?>;720 :>=AB@C:B>@ =0 ?>A;54>20B5;=>AB.JWhen attribute %1 is present on %2, a sequence constructor cannot be used. QtXmlPatterns@8 ?@5>1@07C20=5B> =0 %2 2 %1, 87E>4=0B0 AB>9=>AB =5 <>65 40 1J45 %3.:When casting to %1 from %2, the source value cannot be %3. QtXmlPatterns$@8 ?@5>1@07C20=5B> 2 %1 8;8 2 ?@>872>4=8 =0 =53> B8?>25, 87E>4=0B0 AB>9=>AB B@O120 40 1J45 >B AJI8O B8?, 8;8 40 1J45 =87. "8?JB %2 =5 5 ?>72>;5=.When casting to %1 or types derived from it, the source value must be of the same type, or it must be a string literal. Type %2 is not allowed. QtXmlPatterns>30B> DC=:F8OB0 %1 A5 87?>;720 70 AJ2?045=8O 2 H01;>=, 0@3C<5=BJB B@O120 40 1J45 ?@><5=;820 8;8 =87.vWhen function %1 is used for matching inside a pattern, the argument must be a variable reference or a string literal. QtXmlPatterns@07=8B5 <5AB0 A5 ?@5<0E20B, >A25= 0:> =5 A0 G0AB >B A8<2>;=8 :;0A>25OWhitespace characters are removed, except when they appear in character classes QtXmlPatterns(01;>=JB 2 =0A;545=0B0 G0AB8F0 =5 5 ?@028;=> ?>4<=>65AB2> =0 H01;>=0 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.PWildcard in derived particle is not a valid subset of wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatterns"B@81CB8B5 XSL-T 2 5;5<5=B8 XSL-T B@O120 40 1J40B 2 ?@07=> 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>, 0 =5 2 8<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> XSL-T, 2 :>5B> A5 =0<8@0 %1 .iXSL-T attributes on XSL-T elements must be in the null namespace, not in the XSL-T namespace which %1 is. QtXmlPatterns`>48=0B0 %1 5 =5?@028;=0, BJ9 :0B> 70?>G20 A %2.-Year %1 is invalid because it begins with %2. QtXmlPatterns ?@07=>empty QtXmlPatternsB>G=> 54=> exactly one QtXmlPatterns54=> 8;8 ?>25G5 one or more QtXmlPatternsprocessContent =0 107>28O H01;>= B@O120 40 1J45 ?>-A;01> >B =0A;545=8O H01;>=.EprocessContent of base wildcard must be weaker than derived wildcard. QtXmlPatternsprocessContent =0 H01;>=0 2 =0A;545=0B0 G0AB8F0 5 ?>-A;01> >B H01;>=0 2 107>20B0 G0AB8F0.XprocessContent of wildcard in derived particle is weaker than wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatterns xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation  =5 <>65 40 A5 =0<8@0 A;54 ?J@28O 5;5<5=B 8;8 0B@81CB 157 8<5=C20=> ?@>AB@0=AB2>.^xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation cannot appear after the first no-namespace element or attribute. QtXmlPatterns<5=C20=>B> ?@>AB@0=AB2> %1  =0 xsi:schemaLocation  25G5 A5 A@5I0 ?>-=03>@5 2 4>:C<5=B0.Vxsi:schemaLocation namespace %1 has already appeared earlier in the instance document. QtXmlPatterns=C;0 8;8 ?>25G5 zero or more QtXmlPatterns=C;0 8;8 54=> zero or one QtXmlPatterns