70Y'Md.Fd)yg3\ÉXt%DD\1&9B:ecQjRV u&'v̲ v̲ 7I2(4"<) 9!g)&Xd"K/Xt&FRa.8$,~lA nQ** 4Nj\}Ta_WLL>q,aU&,nC5BK3OOWnGnIW&QVn_]Bf<N`! QYb/$N;_U52PJiqD!ULE6N_:]~16؊=G ؊=Hܓ7CNKDD<8A;_Pc`u;d`H3d`I> u] +X _z ', 8 \ |K .Q v"b 1 05) !L ' 1 P.. c# 8~ x I` !p & )Ε^ L> QT m(Z: P/  ̈́^{ t_ ) - M f f0 f5 fW] R"y;_ c1 bP K+ |S Z>Y!a&-J+7S>Z5:5CL3Ӯ`BӮ`UAӮ`VA mUM9*wS4#E'%2'J/c.qii7v)AtMgd@R ".044(`k%%id)<X JL> Debugger::JSAgentWatchData[8t %1x 0][Array of length %1]Debugger::JSAgentWatchData`ȺTtXt ͔ t¤DŽAnimation is an abstract classQDeclarativeAbstractAnimation@tǬX J 1 "%1" `ȺTtXD $`  L)Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation<}0 Ʃ 1 "%1" `ȺTtXD $`  L&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation^t¤|x u| top, bottom, vcenter u@ t Ʃ`  L.SBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchors. D  u\ $`  L.3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.QDeclarativeAnchors. D  u\ $`  L.3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.QDeclarativeAnchors(ǐ0 ǐ u| $`  L.Cannot anchor item to self.QDeclarativeAnchors&H m u| $`  L.Cannot anchor to a null item.QDeclarativeAnchors8 ǐt D m u| $`  L.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.QDeclarativeAnchorsDleft, right, hcenter u| `  L.0Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsDtop, bottom, vcenter u| $`  L.0Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchors*centerIn u  (.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.QDeclarativeAnchors"fill u  (.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill.QDeclarativeAnchors$ u u  (.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.QDeclarativeAnchors$ u u  (.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.QDeclarativeAnchors*Qt L QMovie t `LL'Qt was built without support for QMovieQDeclarativeAnimatedImage(Application@ ͔ t¤DŽ Application is an abstract classQDeclarativeApplication<Behavior ` `ȺTtXD `  L.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QDeclarativeBehavior*1 "%1" x) t ('Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeBinding*1 "%1" x) t ('Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiledBindings0"%1"@() "%2" Ǒ`  L"%1" cannot operate on "%2"QDeclarativeCompilerH"%1.%2"@() l1 Ɣ  L8 Ʃ`  µȲ.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QDeclarativeCompilerD"%1.%2"@() %3 %4.%5 Ʃ`  µȲ.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QDeclarativeCompilerĺ 1t Ĺ| Ŵ#Alias property exceeds alias boundsQDeclarativeCompiler ̨ 1D Ʃ`  L'Attached properties cannot be used hereQDeclarativeCompiler(]в \ x) ``  LjL$Can only assign one binding to listsQDeclarativeCompiler* 1 D  ``  L4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQDeclarativeCompilerFD ܭ `  L (¤lҸ Չ D h)@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)QDeclarativeCompiler.¤lҸ 1  D ``  L2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQDeclarativeCompiler*| 1 D ``  L4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQDeclarativeCompiler ̴| ] Dž`  LCannot assign object to listQDeclarativeCompiler ̴| 1 ``  L Cannot assign object to propertyQDeclarativeCompiler& DžD ] ``  L!Cannot assign primitives to listsQDeclarativeCompiler.tǬX J 0 1 ``  L.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQDeclarativeCompiler2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler,DŴ Lj Ҹ X| ̴  L+Cannot create empty component specificationQDeclarativeCompiler&FINAL 1D ǬX`  LCannot override FINAL propertyQDeclarativeCompilerHComponent id txX x 1D h`  L;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQDeclarativeCompiler< Ҹ ̴ ȸ\ƴ h| X`  µȲ./Component objects cannot declare new functions.QDeclarativeCompiler< Ҹ ̴ ȸ\ƴ 1D X`  µȲ.0Component objects cannot declare new properties.QDeclarativeCompiler> Ҹ ̴ ȸ\ƴ ܭD X`  µȲ.-Component objects cannot declare new signals.QDeclarativeCompiler 0 1Duplicate default propertyQDeclarativeCompiler T tDuplicate method nameQDeclarativeCompiler 1 tDuplicate property nameQDeclarativeCompiler ܭ tDuplicate signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler| ̴  µȲ.Element is not creatable.QDeclarativeCompilerH 1 `Empty property assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerH ܭ `Empty signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler(ID  ǐ¤lҸ 1D -ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQDeclarativeCompiler"ID 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQDeclarativeCompiler,ID ǐ, +ǐ,  ht| h7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQDeclarativeCompiler$ID ǐ \ Ǒt| h*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQDeclarativeCompilerǘ T tIllegal method nameQDeclarativeCompilerǘ 1 tIllegal property nameQDeclarativeCompilerǘ ܭ tIllegal signal nameQDeclarativeCompilerǘ  ܭ `'Incorrectly specified signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerǘ ĺ XInvalid alias locationQDeclarativeCompilerǘ ĺ 8p. ĺ 8p <id>, <id>.<property>  <id>.<value property>.<property>| hzInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QDeclarativeCompiler<ǘ ĺ 8p. id "%1"D(|) >D  L/Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerǘ ̨ ̴ `"Invalid attached object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler ǘ Ҹ body $Invalid component body specificationQDeclarativeCompilerǘ Ҹ id "Invalid component id specificationQDeclarativeCompilerǘ H IDInvalid empty IDQDeclarativeCompilerǘ 1 Invalid grouped property accessQDeclarativeCompiler8ǘ 1 Dž: "%1"@() }0 Ʃ 19Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQDeclarativeCompiler,ǘ 1 Dž: 3( 0 DƔh/Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expectedQDeclarativeCompiler(ǘ 1 Dž: 8/pt DƔh-Invalid property assignment: boolean expectedQDeclarativeCompiler$ǘ 1 Dž: t DƔh+Invalid property assignment: color expectedQDeclarativeCompiler$ǘ 1 Dž: ܬ DƔh*Invalid property assignment: date expectedQDeclarativeCompiler,ǘ 1 Dž: @ ܬt DƔh.Invalid property assignment: datetime expectedQDeclarativeCompiler&ǘ 1 Dž: int DƔh)Invalid property assignment: int expectedQDeclarativeCompiler$ǘ 1 Dž: +ǐ DƔh,Invalid property assignment: number expectedQDeclarativeCompiler"ǘ 1 Dž: t DƔh+Invalid property assignment: point expectedQDeclarativeCompiler&ǘ 1 Dž: t DƔh*Invalid property assignment: rect expectedQDeclarativeCompiler,ǘ 1 Dž: script DƔh,Invalid property assignment: script expectedQDeclarativeCompiler$ǘ 1 Dž: l0 DƔh*Invalid property assignment: size expectedQDeclarativeCompiler&ǘ 1 Dž: 8ǐt DƔh,Invalid property assignment: string expectedQDeclarativeCompiler$ǘ 1 Dž: ܬt DƔh*Invalid property assignment: time expectedQDeclarativeCompiler*ǘ 1 Dž: L  Ʋ p0Invalid property assignment: unknown enumerationQDeclarativeCompiler2ǘ 1 Dž: 8 Ʋ int DƔh2Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expectedQDeclarativeCompiler4ǘ 1 Dž: X J  "%1"2Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler&ǘ 1 Dž: urlt DƔh)Invalid property assignment: url expectedQDeclarativeCompilerǘ 1 ̩Invalid property nestingQDeclarativeCompilerǘ 1 Invalid property typeQDeclarativeCompiler1D ǘ ƩhInvalid property useQDeclarativeCompilerid 1D ǘ ƩhInvalid use of id propertyQDeclarativeCompilerǘ $DŽ¤Әt¤ ƩInvalid use of namespaceQDeclarativeCompiler*T t@ 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L3Method names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler"1 ĺ X  JLNo property alias locationQDeclarativeCompilertǬX J ̨ ̴Non-existent attached objectQDeclarativeCompiler̨ 1 tt DNot an attached property nameQDeclarativeCompiler1 `t DƔhProperty assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompiler1 t t `(*Property has already been assigned a valueQDeclarativeCompiler(1 t@ 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L5Property names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler1 t $(!Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeCompiler*ܭ t@ 8ǐ\ Ǒ`  L3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler| 1 `t DƔh#Single property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompilerX \ ̴ `Unexpected object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler id LjLid is not uniqueQDeclarativeCompilerǘ H URLInvalid empty URLQDeclarativeComponent.createObject: t ̴ D$createObject: value is not an objectQDeclarativeComponent2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeConnections(: ̩ ̴| Ʃ`  L'Connections: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeConnections: ¤lҸ DƔhConnections: script expectedQDeclarativeConnections: 8 $XConnections: syntax errorQDeclarativeConnections}0 Ʃ ҸǭXRead-only TransactionQDeclarativeEngineSQL ҸǭX (SQL transaction failedQDeclarativeEngine$SQL: pt0t¤  |XSQL: database version mismatchQDeclarativeEngine< |X: Ʃ x  %2, DƔ\  %1'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2QDeclarativeEngineBtransaction()  executeSqlt 8͜('executeSql called outside transaction()QDeclarativeEngineҸǭX: \1t Ltransaction: missing callbackQDeclarativeEngine*back@ \  Lj 1DŽback is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipable,front \  Lj 1DŽfront is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipable2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeGestureArea:GestureArea: ̩ ̴| Ʃ`  L'GestureArea: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeGestureArea,GestureArea: ¤lҸ DƔhGestureArea: script expectedQDeclarativeGestureArea$GestureArea: l8 $XGestureArea: syntax errorQDeclarativeGestureArea$"%1": \  0 L"%1": no such directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase&- %1t() $DŽ¤Әt¤ D- %1 is not a namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase,- ̩ $DŽ¤Әt¤| Ʃ`  L- nested namespaces not allowedQDeclarativeImportDatabase> | tX 8ǐ "%1"@() |XX JµȲ File name case mismatch for "%1"QDeclarativeImportDatabase>import "%1" qmldir $DŽ¤Әt¤ L*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase:t() 8iȲ. %1@() %2 >XµȲ#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QDeclarativeImportDatabaseTt() 8iȲ. %1  %2.%3, %4.%5D(|) >XµȲ4is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5QDeclarativeImportDatabase*t() Ǭ<\ x¤4¤TµȲis instantiated recursivelyQDeclarativeImportDatabaset() t DٲȲ is not a typeQDeclarativeImportDatabase\  0local directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase( "%1"t() $X JXLmodule "%1" is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabase< "%1"X x "%2"D(|) >D  L!module "%1" plugin "%2" not foundQDeclarativeImportDatabase< "%1"X  %2.%3t() $X JXL*module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabase6 "%1"X xD ,  L: %2+plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2QDeclarativeImportDatabase@KeyNavigation@ 𬰴 1й Ʃ`  LjL7KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties!QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached.Keys 𬰴 1й Ʃ`  LjL.Keys is only available via attached propertiesQDeclarativeKeysAttachedF𬰴 1 LayoutDirection@ Item Ǒh7LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedFLayoutMirroring@ 𬰴 1<\ Ʃ`  LjL9LayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttached:ListElement: ̩ | h`  L+ListElement: cannot contain nested elementsQDeclarativeListModelDListElement: } "id" 1D Ʃ`  L.ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" propertyQDeclarativeListModelDListElement: 1 <\ ¤lҸ| Ʃ`  L1ListElement: cannot use script for property valueQDeclarativeListModel4ListModel: X J@ 1 '%1'"ListModel: undefined property '%1'QDeclarativeListModel"append: t ̴ Dappend: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel4insert: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵinsert: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel"insert: t ̴ Dinsert: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModelmove: | Ŵmove: out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel4remove: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵremove: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel.set: xq¤ %1t() | Ŵset: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModelset: t ̴ Dset: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel:\T D ܬ l1 Ɣ| ,  µȲ.4Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.QDeclarativeLoader*i  t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentAnimation2| l0 p t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentAnimation:0 tX\ l0| pՈD L őD t`  L.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentAnimation*i  t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentChange2| l0 p t őD t`  L5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentChange:0 tX\ l0| pՈD L őD t`  L.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentChangexǐ typet DƔhExpected parameter typeQDeclarativeParser1 typet DƔhExpected property typeQDeclarativeParserѠp '%1't() DƔhExpected token `%1'QDeclarativeParser tt DƔhExpected type nameQDeclarativeParser"ݼǐ +ǐ\ Ǒ`  L,Identifier cannot start with numeric literalQDeclarativeParser ǘ ǐIllegal characterQDeclarativeParserǘ ͜ ¤Illegal escape sequenceQDeclarativeParserǘ  8%Illegal syntax for exponential numberQDeclarativeParserǘ T ͜ ¤Illegal unicode escape sequenceQDeclarativeParserǘ 8$0 ݼǐ IDInvalid import qualifier IDQDeclarativeParserǘ 1 type ǐInvalid property type modifierQDeclarativeParser&ǘ  \ '%0'$Invalid regular expression flag '%0'QDeclarativeParser2Script  ǐ¤lҸ Ÿ(-JavaScript declaration outside Script elementQDeclarativeParser(|t 칬| 8$$t t DƔh!Library import requires a versionQDeclarativeParser1 t $(!Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeParser}0 Ʃt д JLReadonly not yet supportedQDeclarativeParser<}( t "Qt" ǐ t<\ Ʃ`  L1Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifierQDeclarativeParser0¤lҸ 8$0 ǐ t| iȲ.(Script import qualifiers must be unique.QDeclarativeParser(¤lҸ| 8$$t ǐ DƔh"Script import requires a qualifierQDeclarativeParser l8 $X Syntax errorQDeclarativeParser ] ׈ J@ Unclosed comment at end of fileQDeclarativeParser  ] ׈ J@ 8ǐUnclosed string at end of lineQDeclarativeParser&X \ 1 type ǐ!Unexpected property type modifierQDeclarativeParserX \ Ѡp '%1'Unexpected token `%1'QDeclarativeParser.ȅ̴ J@  \ 1¬ ¤2Unterminated regular expression backslash sequenceQDeclarativeParser$ȅ̴ J@  \ t¤%Unterminated regular expression classQDeclarativeParser"] J@  \ 0'Unterminated regular expression literalQDeclarativeParser,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePauseAnimationLD  L: %1Cannot open: %1QDeclarativePixmap$%1 T)  $X : %2Error decoding: %1: %2QDeclarativePixmap, ǐ D 8,  L: %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1QDeclarativePixmap,0 Ǒ@ ܬD $`  LCannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePropertyAnimation2tǬX J 1 "%1" ``  L+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChanges.}0 Ʃ 1 "%1" ``  L(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChangesFPropertyChanges ܼ ̴| ̴  µȲ.APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QDeclarativePropertyChanges$ ŸD x¤4¤T`  L%Could not instantiate cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput ŸD ,  LCould not load cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput %1 %2%1 %2QDeclarativeTypeLoader6$DŽ¤Әt¤ %1D(|) <\ Ʃ`  L%Namespace %1 cannot be used as a typeQDeclarativeTypeLoader(¤lҸ %1D(|) Ʃ`  LScript %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoader$ %1D(|) Ʃ`  LType %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoader.̴| ܭ 1 %1 ``  L-Cannot assign an object to signal property %1QDeclarativeVME,̴| x0Әt¤ 1 ``  L*Cannot assign object to interface propertyQDeclarativeVME ̴| ] ``  LCannot assign object to listQDeclarativeVMED̴ Dž %1 0 Tܹ| X J ``  L3Cannot assign object type %1 with no default methodQDeclarativeVME01 %2  %1D(|) ``  L%Cannot assign value %1 to property %2QDeclarativeVMEJ|XX J ܭ/¬o %1 %vs %2D(|) `  L0Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2QDeclarativeVME6%1t() nullt\ 1D $`  L)Cannot set properties on %1 as it is nullQDeclarativeVMĘ ̴| ̴  L Unable to create attached objectQDeclarativeVME$ %1x ̴| ̴  L"Unable to create object of type %1QDeclarativeVME2X l1 Ɣ Item tŴ| iȲ.%Delegate component must be Item type.QDeclarativeVisualDataModel4Qt L xmlpatterns t `LL,Qt was built without support for xmlpatternsQDeclarativeXmlListModel2XmlRole '/'\ ǑXt H ((An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QDeclarativeXmlListModelRoleDXmlListModel '/' '//'\ Ǒt| h1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QDeclarativeXmlRoleListH"%1"t() t ` t \ D\1T DžȲ.:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QObjectǘ : "%1"invalid query: "%1"QObjectmItems*QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::LiveSelectionToolUZoom In!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool͕Zoom Out!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomToolм l0(&1) Zoom to &100%!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool