:jMdRSd&2g>ÉXt-D Dm1.eBFFeujRfPu&/v̲ v̲ 7I204*>He'E!g)&Xd)/Xt/FRs.D$6Bl? n`3V4B 4TNjnO}dY_hvNLq5ae&,nC@K?:O^snULnWY&!QV_oOp<]N) Qjb:R$];_zU5=`JigD(sZ6Nr :o<؊=T؊=Vܓ7P5N_DDI28N_Pv,`uHd`V d`X>H^5cUs bi@F=lBT,ep[#l E[aG5y'bY~9?f4DQY~t{9 Ki20.ȥ9N"bWY#%Zaw2 C5l6_gы#Lsd4N *R C 2 K78 `B# kk' l qv7 qv^ C3 S i" leS U!+ 0c H ĄP Y!a%<&-X+e7SKZ5F5Q7L3Ӯ`vӮ`eiӮ`gCAmU[3b4*% >''J!c9qiiCv)Nt\Ygda"8f441r-;iv< > Debugger::JSAgentWatchData[  %1][Array of length %1]Debugger::JSAgentWatchData6 Animation   Animation is an abstract classQDeclarativeAbstractAnimationD      "%1")Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationJ      "%1"&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation>      < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation         ,    .SBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsB      .3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.QDeclarativeAnchorsB      .3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.QDeclarativeAnchors4     .Cannot anchor item to self.QDeclarativeAnchors<     .Cannot anchor to a null item.QDeclarativeAnchorsH       .8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.QDeclarativeAnchors`    ,   .0Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchors`    ,   .0Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsL     centerin.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.QDeclarativeAnchorsD     fill.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill.QDeclarativeAnchorsH     .3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsF     .1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.QDeclarativeAnchors< Qt     QMovie'Qt was built without support for QMovieQDeclarativeAnimatedImage: Application    Application is an abstract classQDeclarativeApplicationb        .3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QDeclarativeBehaviorB     "%1"'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeBindingB     "%1"'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiledBindings:"%1"     "%2""%1" cannot operate on "%2"QDeclarativeCompilerF"%1.%2"     .5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QDeclarativeCompiler@"%1.%2"    %3 %4.%5.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QDeclarativeCompiler>    #Alias property exceeds alias boundsQDeclarativeCompilerH     'Attached properties cannot be used hereQDeclarativeCompilerP       $Can only assign one binding to listsQDeclarativeCompilerX        4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQDeclarativeCompilerT     (  )@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)QDeclarativeCompilerZ        2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQDeclarativeCompiler\        4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQDeclarativeCompilerL      Cannot assign object to listQDeclarativeCompilerN       Cannot assign object to propertyQDeclarativeCompilerR       !Cannot assign primitives to listsQDeclarativeCompiler^        .Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQDeclarativeCompilerR       "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler>     +Cannot create empty component specificationQDeclarativeCompiler:    FINALCannot override FINAL propertyQDeclarativeCompilerR       ;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQDeclarativeCompilerX       ./Component objects cannot declare new functions.QDeclarativeCompilerT       .0Component objects cannot declare new properties.QDeclarativeCompilerP       .-Component objects cannot declare new signals.QDeclarativeCompiler,   Duplicate default propertyQDeclarativeCompiler  Duplicate method nameQDeclarativeCompiler  Duplicate property nameQDeclarativeCompiler  Duplicate signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler(   .Element is not creatable.QDeclarativeCompiler"  Empty property assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler   Empty signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerb      JavaScript -ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQDeclarativeCompilerF      )IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQDeclarativeCompilerh    , ,  7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQDeclarativeCompilerL       *IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQDeclarativeCompiler$   Illegal method nameQDeclarativeCompiler"   Illegal property nameQDeclarativeCompiler   Illegal signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler*   'Incorrectly specified signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler&   Invalid alias locationQDeclarativeCompiler   .       <id> , <id> <property>  <id> <value property> <property>zInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QDeclarativeCompiler`   .      "%1"/Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler<     "Invalid attached object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler*    $Invalid component body specificationQDeclarativeCompiler,    "Invalid component id specificationQDeclarativeCompiler    Invalid empty IDQDeclarativeCompiler6    Invalid grouped property accessQDeclarativeCompilerb   : "%1"    9Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQDeclarativeCompilerV   :    /Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expectedQDeclarativeCompilerN   :   -Invalid property assignment: boolean expectedQDeclarativeCompiler>   :  +Invalid property assignment: color expectedQDeclarativeCompilerB   :  *Invalid property assignment: date expectedQDeclarativeCompilerL   :   .Invalid property assignment: datetime expectedQDeclarativeCompilerH   :   )Invalid property assignment: int expectedQDeclarativeCompiler@   :  ,Invalid property assignment: number expectedQDeclarativeCompilerD   :  +Invalid property assignment: point expectedQDeclarativeCompiler@   :  *Invalid property assignment: rect expectedQDeclarativeCompilerB   :  ,Invalid property assignment: script expectedQDeclarativeCompiler@   :  *Invalid property assignment: size expectedQDeclarativeCompilerF   :  ,Invalid property assignment: string expectedQDeclarativeCompiler>   :  *Invalid property assignment: time expectedQDeclarativeCompilerD   :   0Invalid property assignment: unknown enumerationQDeclarativeCompilerZ   :    -2Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR   :    "%1"2Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler>   :  url)Invalid property assignment: url expectedQDeclarativeCompiler(   Invalid property nestingQDeclarativeCompiler(   Invalid property typeQDeclarativeCompiler*   Invalid property useQDeclarativeCompiler4     idInvalid use of id propertyQDeclarativeCompiler4    namespaceInvalid use of namespaceQDeclarativeCompilerT       3Method names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler.   No property alias locationQDeclarativeCompiler*   Non-existent attached objectQDeclarativeCompiler*    Not an attached property nameQDeclarativeCompiler$  Property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompiler:     *Property has already been assigned a valueQDeclarativeCompilerR       5Property names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler4    !Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeCompilerL       3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler0   #Single property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompiler*   Unexpected object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler   id is not uniqueQDeclarativeCompiler. URL   Invalid empty URLQDeclarativeComponent> createObject:   $createObject: value is not an objectQDeclarativeComponentL       "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeConnectionsH:    'Connections: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeConnections&:  Connections: script expectedQDeclarativeConnections(:  Connections: syntax errorQDeclarativeConnections(  Read-only TransactionQDeclarativeEngine& SQL SQL transaction failedQDeclarativeEngine> SQL:     SQL: database version mismatchQDeclarativeEngineB  :  %1,  %2'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2QDeclarativeEngineL executeSql   transaction()'executeSql called outside transaction()QDeclarativeEngine.: callback transaction: missing callbackQDeclarativeEngineJ back      back is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipableL front      front is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipableR       "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeGestureAreaV GestureArea:    'GestureArea: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeGestureArea0 GestureArea:  GestureArea: script expectedQDeclarativeGestureArea2 GestureArea:  GestureArea: syntax errorQDeclarativeGestureArea*"%1":   "%1": no such directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase&- %1  namespace- %1 is not a namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase4-  namespace  - nested namespaces not allowedQDeclarativeImportDatabaseL      "%1" File name case mismatch for "%1"QDeclarativeImportDatabaseJimport "%1"  qmldir  namespace*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabaseF  .   %1  %2#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QDeclarativeImportDatabased  .   %1  %2.%3  %4.%54is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5QDeclarativeImportDatabase&  is instantiated recursivelyQDeclarativeImportDatabase  is not a typeQDeclarativeImportDatabase local directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase* "%1"  module "%1" is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabase8 "%1"  "%2"  !module "%1" plugin "%2" not foundQDeclarativeImportDatabaseB "%1"  %2.%3  *module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabaseR      "%1": %2+plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2QDeclarativeImportDatabase^ KeyNavigation     7KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties!QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttachedL Keys     .Keys is only available via attached propertiesQDeclarativeKeysAttachedZ  LayoutDirection    Items7LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedb LayoutMirroring     9LayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedTListElement:     +ListElement: cannot contain nested elementsQDeclarativeListModel`ListElement:      "id".ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" propertyQDeclarativeListModeljListElement:       1ListElement: cannot use script for property valueQDeclarativeListModel>ListModel:    '%1'"ListModel: undefined property '%1'QDeclarativeListModel0append:   append: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel8insert:  %1  insert: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel0insert:   insert: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel move:  move: out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel8remove:  %1  remove: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel2set:  %1  set: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel*set:   set: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModelZ Loader      .4Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.QDeclarativeLoaderD      5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentAnimationX        5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentAnimationL        0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentAnimationD      5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentChangeX        5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentChangeL        0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentChange   Expected parameter typeQDeclarativeParser"  Expected property typeQDeclarativeParser  `%1'Expected token `%1'QDeclarativeParser  Expected type nameQDeclarativeParser6     ,Identifier cannot start with numeric literalQDeclarativeParser  Illegal characterQDeclarativeParser$ escape  Illegal escape sequenceQDeclarativeParser<     %Illegal syntax for exponential numberQDeclarativeParser4 unicode escape  Illegal unicode escape sequenceQDeclarativeParser0    Invalid import qualifier IDQDeclarativeParser> modifier     Invalid property type modifierQDeclarativeParserB      '%0'$Invalid regular expression flag '%0'QDeclarativeParserD JavaScript   -JavaScript declaration outside Script elementQDeclarativeParser0    !Library import requires a versionQDeclarativeParser4    !Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeParser. Readonly   Readonly not yet supportedQDeclarativeParserV     "Qt"  1Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifierQDeclarativeParserN      .(Script import qualifiers must be unique.QDeclarativeParser2    "Script import requires a qualifierQDeclarativeParser  Syntax errorQDeclarativeParser.    Unclosed comment at end of fileQDeclarativeParser2    Unclosed string at end of lineQDeclarativeParser> modifier     !Unexpected property type modifierQDeclarativeParser"   `%1'Unexpected token `%1'QDeclarativeParserL      2Unterminated regular expression backslash sequenceQDeclarativeParser:    %Unterminated regular expression classQDeclarativeParser<     'Unterminated regular expression literalQDeclarativeParser>      < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePauseAnimation(  : %1Cannot open: %1QDeclarativePixmap* : %1: %2Error decoding: %1: %2QDeclarativePixmap@    : %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1QDeclarativePixmap>      < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePropertyAnimationL       "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChangesT       "%1"(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChangesp PropertyChanges      .APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QDeclarativePropertyChanges2     %Could not instantiate cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput2     Could not load cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput %1 %2%1 %2QDeclarativeTypeLoaderN   namespace  %1  %Namespace %1 cannot be used as a typeQDeclarativeTypeLoader  %1  Script %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoader  %1  Type %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoaderP      %1-Cannot assign an object to signal property %1QDeclarativeVMEL     *Cannot assign object to interface propertyQDeclarativeVME@    Cannot assign object to listQDeclarativeVMEt     %1    3Cannot assign object type %1 with no default methodQDeclarativeVMEF    %1  %2%Cannot assign value %1 to property %2QDeclarativeVME^   /   %1  %20Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2QDeclarativeVME^     %1   )Cannot set properties on %1 as it is nullQDeclarativeVME6     Unable to create attached objectQDeclarativeVMED     %1"Unable to create object of type %1QDeclarativeVMEF Delegate    Item.%Delegate component must be Item type.QDeclarativeVisualDataModelF Qt     xmlpatterns,Qt was built without support for xmlpatternsQDeclarativeXmlListModelD XmlRole    '/'(An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QDeclarativeXmlListModelRole^ XmlListModel    '/'  "//"1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QDeclarativeXmlRoleListB"%1"     .:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QObject*  : "%1"invalid query: "%1"QObject Items*QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::LiveSelectionTool Zoom In!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool Zoom Out!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool &100% Zoom to &100%!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool