C?riMdYd);6gCÉ]Xt1NDDvu11WDBKe~jRnu&3Iv̲ v̲MI244-LN%*J!g)@&Xd,/Xt2FR|.In$:l nhb7b8J 4vNjv}l_p\LKq:anB&,nCF KDOfn[n^E&#QVp_x=U<d+ Qsb?"$eq;_PU5BdJiD+Kb6Nz:wAmV؊=[!؊=]yܓ7VqN DDO8TU_P`uMd`\d`_>N^(9Us biEB GT/Pex#u( E[iGSy'j_~9E"o4DX`4~}V{9Qi&4ȥ>N$W`#%b_aw6$C5tg3ы#Rm#4N *X C  K; `B&y kk) l qvL  ̈́^ ty )m d] f f@ fF fp R"yMO cA bg ` |kj tZ>Y!a'&-_+)7SQZ5Ld5WL3!8Ӯ`Ӯ`mӮ`oA5mUca7j4-(S#Ca' J$wc=qiiHv)Utcgdi"<445{=0i"<mrittelemtn> Debugger::JSAgentWatchData([Taulukon pituus %1][Array of length %1]Debugger::JSAgentWatchData<Animation is an abstract classAnimation is an abstract classQDeclarativeAbstractAnimationRCannot animate non-existent property "%1")Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationLCannot animate read-only property "%1"&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimation8Cannot set a duration of < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativeAnchorAnimationBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.SBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsfCannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.QDeclarativeAnchorsfCannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.QDeclarativeAnchors6Cannot anchor item to self.Cannot anchor item to self.QDeclarativeAnchors:Cannot anchor to a null item.Cannot anchor to a null item.QDeclarativeAnchorspCannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.QDeclarativeAnchors`Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.0Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchors`Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.0Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsTPossible anchor loop detected on centerIn.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.QDeclarativeAnchorsLPossible anchor loop detected on fill.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill.QDeclarativeAnchorsfPossible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsbPossible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsNQt was built without support for QMovie'Qt was built without support for QMovieQDeclarativeAnimatedImage@Application is an abstract class Application is an abstract classQDeclarativeApplicationfCannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QDeclarativeBehaviorNBinding loop detected for property "%1"'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeBindingNBinding loop detected for property "%1"'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiledBindings6"%1" cannot operate on "%2""%1" cannot operate on "%2"QDeclarativeCompilerj"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QDeclarativeCompilerJ"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QDeclarativeCompilerFAlias property exceeds alias bounds#Alias property exceeds alias boundsQDeclarativeCompilerNAttached properties cannot be used here'Attached properties cannot be used hereQDeclarativeCompilerHCan only assign one binding to lists$Can only assign one binding to listsQDeclarativeCompilerhCannot assign a value directly to a grouped property4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQDeclarativeCompilerCannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)QDeclarativeCompilerdCannot assign multiple values to a script property2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQDeclarativeCompilerhCannot assign multiple values to a singular property4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQDeclarativeCompiler8Cannot assign object to listCannot assign object to listQDeclarativeCompiler@Cannot assign object to property Cannot assign object to propertyQDeclarativeCompilerBCannot assign primitives to lists!Cannot assign primitives to listsQDeclarativeCompiler\Cannot assign to non-existent default property.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQDeclarativeCompilerVCannot assign to non-existent property "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerVCannot create empty component specification+Cannot create empty component specificationQDeclarativeCompiler<Cannot override FINAL propertyCannot override FINAL propertyQDeclarativeCompilervComponent elements may not contain properties other than id;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQDeclarativeCompiler^Component objects cannot declare new functions./Component objects cannot declare new functions.QDeclarativeCompiler`Component objects cannot declare new properties.0Component objects cannot declare new properties.QDeclarativeCompilerZComponent objects cannot declare new signals.-Component objects cannot declare new signals.QDeclarativeCompiler4Duplicate default propertyDuplicate default propertyQDeclarativeCompiler*Duplicate method nameDuplicate method nameQDeclarativeCompiler.Duplicate property nameDuplicate property nameQDeclarativeCompiler*Duplicate signal nameDuplicate signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler2Element is not creatable.Element is not creatable.QDeclarativeCompiler2Empty property assignmentEmpty property assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler.Empty signal assignmentEmpty signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerZID illegally masks global JavaScript property-ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQDeclarativeCompilerRIDs cannot start with an uppercase letter)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQDeclarativeCompilernIDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscores7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQDeclarativeCompilerTIDs must start with a letter or underscore*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQDeclarativeCompiler&Illegal method nameIllegal method nameQDeclarativeCompiler*Illegal property nameIllegal property nameQDeclarativeCompiler&Illegal signal nameIllegal signal nameQDeclarativeCompilerNIncorrectly specified signal assignment'Incorrectly specified signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler,Invalid alias locationInvalid alias locationQDeclarativeCompilerInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as <id>, <id>.<property> or <id>.<value property>.<property>zInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QDeclarativeCompiler^Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"/Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerDInvalid attached object assignment"Invalid attached object assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerHInvalid component body specification$Invalid component body specificationQDeclarativeCompilerDInvalid component id specification"Invalid component id specificationQDeclarativeCompiler Invalid empty IDInvalid empty IDQDeclarativeCompiler>Invalid grouped property accessInvalid grouped property accessQDeclarativeCompilerrInvalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only property9Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQDeclarativeCompiler^Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expected/Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expectedQDeclarativeCompilerZInvalid property assignment: boolean expected-Invalid property assignment: boolean expectedQDeclarativeCompilerVInvalid property assignment: color expected+Invalid property assignment: color expectedQDeclarativeCompilerTInvalid property assignment: date expected*Invalid property assignment: date expectedQDeclarativeCompiler\Invalid property assignment: datetime expected.Invalid property assignment: datetime expectedQDeclarativeCompilerRInvalid property assignment: int expected)Invalid property assignment: int expectedQDeclarativeCompilerXInvalid property assignment: number expected,Invalid property assignment: number expectedQDeclarativeCompilerVInvalid property assignment: point expected+Invalid property assignment: point expectedQDeclarativeCompilerTInvalid property assignment: rect expected*Invalid property assignment: rect expectedQDeclarativeCompilerXInvalid property assignment: script expected,Invalid property assignment: script expectedQDeclarativeCompilerTInvalid property assignment: size expected*Invalid property assignment: size expectedQDeclarativeCompilerXInvalid property assignment: string expected,Invalid property assignment: string expectedQDeclarativeCompilerTInvalid property assignment: time expected*Invalid property assignment: time expectedQDeclarativeCompiler`Invalid property assignment: unknown enumeration0Invalid property assignment: unknown enumerationQDeclarativeCompilerdInvalid property assignment: unsigned int expected2Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expectedQDeclarativeCompilerdInvalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"2Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerRInvalid property assignment: url expected)Invalid property assignment: url expectedQDeclarativeCompiler0Invalid property nestingInvalid property nestingQDeclarativeCompiler*Invalid property typeInvalid property typeQDeclarativeCompiler(Invalid property useInvalid property useQDeclarativeCompiler4Invalid use of id propertyInvalid use of id propertyQDeclarativeCompiler0Invalid use of namespaceInvalid use of namespaceQDeclarativeCompilerfMethod names cannot begin with an upper case letter3Method names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler4No property alias locationNo property alias locationQDeclarativeCompiler8Non-existent attached objectNon-existent attached objectQDeclarativeCompiler:Not an attached property nameNot an attached property nameQDeclarativeCompiler8Property assignment expectedProperty assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompilerTProperty has already been assigned a value*Property has already been assigned a valueQDeclarativeCompilerjProperty names cannot begin with an upper case letter5Property names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompilerBProperty value set multiple times!Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeCompilerfSignal names cannot begin with an upper case letter3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompilerFSingle property assignment expected#Single property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompiler8Unexpected object assignmentUnexpected object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler id is not uniqueid is not uniqueQDeclarativeCompiler,Virheellinen tyhj URLInvalid empty URLQDeclarativeComponentHcreateObject: value is not an object$createObject: value is not an objectQDeclarativeComponentVCannot assign to non-existent property "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeConnectionsNConnections: nested objects not allowed'Connections: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeConnections8Connections: script expectedConnections: script expectedQDeclarativeConnections2Connections: syntax errorConnections: syntax errorQDeclarativeConnections>Vain lukeva tietokantatapahtumaRead-only TransactionQDeclarativeEngineFSQL-tietokantatapahtuma eponnistuiSQL transaction failedQDeclarativeEngineBSQL: tietokannan versio ei tsmSQL: database version mismatchQDeclarativeEnginePEro versioissa: odotettiin %1, lytyi %2'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2QDeclarativeEngineNexecuteSql called outside transaction()'executeSql called outside transaction()QDeclarativeEngine:transaction: missing callbacktransaction: missing callbackQDeclarativeEngine:back is a write-once propertyback is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipable<front is a write-once propertyfront is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipableVCannot assign to non-existent property "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeGestureAreaNGestureArea: nested objects not allowed'GestureArea: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeGestureArea8GestureArea: script expectedGestureArea: script expectedQDeclarativeGestureArea2GestureArea: syntax errorGestureArea: syntax errorQDeclarativeGestureArea@ %1 : hakemistoa ei ole olemassa"%1": no such directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase.- %1 is not a namespace- %1 is not a namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase>- nested namespaces not allowed- nested namespaces not allowedQDeclarativeImportDatabase@File name case mismatch for "%1" File name case mismatch for "%1"QDeclarativeImportDatabaseTimport "%1" has no qmldir and no namespace*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabasehei ole yksiselitteinen. Lytyi sijainneista %1 ja %2#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QDeclarativeImportDatabaseei ole yksiselitteinen. Sijainnista %1 lytyi versiot %2.%3 ja %4.%54is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5QDeclarativeImportDatabase6is instantiated recursivelyis instantiated recursivelyQDeclarativeImportDatabaseis not a type is not a typeQDeclarativeImportDatabase*paikallinen hakemistolocal directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase<moduulia %1  ei ole asennettumodule "%1" is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabaseBmodule "%1" plugin "%2" not found!module "%1" plugin "%2" not foundQDeclarativeImportDatabaseTmodule "%1" version %2.%3 is not installed*module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabaseVplugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2+plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2QDeclarativeImportDatabasenKeyNavigation is only available via attached properties7KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties!QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttached\Keys is only available via attached properties.Keys is only available via attached propertiesQDeclarativeKeysAttachednLayoutDirection attached property only works with Items7LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedrLayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties9LayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedVListElement: cannot contain nested elements+ListElement: cannot contain nested elementsQDeclarativeListModel\ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" property.ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" propertyQDeclarativeListModelbListElement: cannot use script for property value1ListElement: cannot use script for property valueQDeclarativeListModelDListModel: undefined property '%1'"ListModel: undefined property '%1'QDeclarativeListModel<append: value is not an objectappend: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel:insert: index %1 out of rangeinsert: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel<insert: value is not an objectinsert: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel$move: out of rangemove: out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel:remove: index %1 out of rangeremove: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel4set: index %1 out of rangeset: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel6set: value is not an objectset: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModelhLoader does not support loading non-visual elements.4Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.QDeclarativeLoaderjUnable to preserve appearance under complex transform5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentAnimationjUnable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentAnimation\Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentAnimationjUnable to preserve appearance under complex transform5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentChangejUnable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scale5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentChange\Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentChange.Expected parameter typeExpected parameter typeQDeclarativeParser,Expected property typeExpected property typeQDeclarativeParser&Expected token `%1'Expected token `%1'QDeclarativeParser$Expected type nameExpected type nameQDeclarativeParserXIdentifier cannot start with numeric literal,Identifier cannot start with numeric literalQDeclarativeParser"Illegal characterIllegal characterQDeclarativeParser.Illegal escape sequenceIllegal escape sequenceQDeclarativeParserJIllegal syntax for exponential number%Illegal syntax for exponential numberQDeclarativeParser>Illegal unicode escape sequenceIllegal unicode escape sequenceQDeclarativeParser6Invalid import qualifier IDInvalid import qualifier IDQDeclarativeParser<Invalid property type modifierInvalid property type modifierQDeclarativeParserHInvalid regular expression flag '%0'$Invalid regular expression flag '%0'QDeclarativeParserZJavaScript declaration outside Script element-JavaScript declaration outside Script elementQDeclarativeParserBLibrary import requires a version!Library import requires a versionQDeclarativeParserBProperty value set multiple times!Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeParser4Readonly not yet supportedReadonly not yet supportedQDeclarativeParserbReserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifier1Reserved name "Qt" cannot be used as an qualifierQDeclarativeParserPScript import qualifiers must be unique.(Script import qualifiers must be unique.QDeclarativeParserDScript import requires a qualifier"Script import requires a qualifierQDeclarativeParserSyntaksivirhe Syntax errorQDeclarativeParser>Unclosed comment at end of fileUnclosed comment at end of fileQDeclarativeParser<Unclosed string at end of lineUnclosed string at end of lineQDeclarativeParserBUnexpected property type modifier!Unexpected property type modifierQDeclarativeParser*Unexpected token `%1'Unexpected token `%1'QDeclarativeParserdUnterminated regular expression backslash sequence2Unterminated regular expression backslash sequenceQDeclarativeParserJUnterminated regular expression class%Unterminated regular expression classQDeclarativeParserNUnterminated regular expression literal'Unterminated regular expression literalQDeclarativeParser8Cannot set a duration of < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePauseAnimation Ei voi avata: %1Cannot open: %1QDeclarativePixmap,Error decoding: %1: %2Error decoding: %1: %2QDeclarativePixmapJFailed to get image from provider: %1%Failed to get image from provider: %1QDeclarativePixmap8Cannot set a duration of < 0Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativePropertyAnimationVCannot assign to non-existent property "%1"+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChangesPCannot assign to read-only property "%1"(Cannot assign to read-only property "%1"QDeclarativePropertyChangesPropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.APropertyChanges does not support creating state-specific objects.QDeclarativePropertyChangesJCould not instantiate cursor delegate%Could not instantiate cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput<Could not load cursor delegateCould not load cursor delegateQDeclarativeTextInput %1 %2%1 %2QDeclarativeTypeLoaderJNamespace %1 cannot be used as a type%Namespace %1 cannot be used as a typeQDeclarativeTypeLoader*Script %1 unavailableScript %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoader&Type %1 unavailableType %1 unavailableQDeclarativeTypeLoaderZCannot assign an object to signal property %1-Cannot assign an object to signal property %1QDeclarativeVMETCannot assign object to interface property*Cannot assign object to interface propertyQDeclarativeVME8Cannot assign object to listCannot assign object to listQDeclarativeVMEfCannot assign object type %1 with no default method3Cannot assign object type %1 with no default methodQDeclarativeVMEJCannot assign value %1 to property %2%Cannot assign value %1 to property %2QDeclarativeVME`Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %20Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2QDeclarativeVMERCannot set properties on %1 as it is null)Cannot set properties on %1 as it is nullQDeclarativeVME@Unable to create attached object Unable to create attached objectQDeclarativeVMEDUnable to create object of type %1"Unable to create object of type %1QDeclarativeVMEJDelegate component must be Item type.%Delegate component must be Item type.QDeclarativeVisualDataModelXQt was built without support for xmlpatterns,Qt was built without support for xmlpatternsQDeclarativeXmlListModelPAn XmlRole query must not start with '/'(An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QDeclarativeXmlListModelRolebAn XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QDeclarativeXmlRoleListt"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QObject&invalid query: "%1"invalid query: "%1"QObjectKohteetItems*QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::LiveSelectionToolLhennZoom In!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomToolLoitonnaZoom Out!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool*Lhenn kokoon &100 % Zoom to &100%!QmlJSDebugger::QtQuick1::ZoomTool