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8;8 AJA54, 5 =52J7<>6=>.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.QDeclarativeAnchors?@545;O=5B> =0 ;O20, 4OA=0 8 E>@87>=B0;=>-F5=B@0;=0 A2@J7:0 5 =52J7<>6=>.0Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchors?@545;O=5 =0 3>@=0, 4>;=0 8 25@B8:0;=>-F5=B@0;=0 A2@J7:0 5 =52J7<>6=>.0Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsh0A5G5=0 5 2J7<>6=0 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 ?@8 centerIn .*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.QDeclarativeAnchors`0A5G5=0 5 2J7<>6=0 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 ?@8 fill .&Possible anchor loop detected on fill.QDeclarativeAnchors0A5G5=0 5 2J7<>6=0 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 ?@8 E>@87>=B0;=0B0 A2@J7:0.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.QDeclarativeAnchors|0A5G5=0 5 2J7<>6=0 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 ?@8 25@B8:0;=0B0 A2@J7:0.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsn81;8>B5:0B0 Qt 5 :><?8;8@0=0 157 ?>44@J6:0 =0 QMovie 'Qt was built without support for QMovieQDeclarativeAnimatedImage> Application  5 01AB@0:B5= :;0A Application is an abstract classQDeclarativeApplicationz=8<0F8OB0, 704045=0 =0 ?>2545=85, =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@><5=5=0.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QDeclarativeBehavior\0A5G5=0 5 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 70 A2>9AB2>B> %1 'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeBinding\0A5G5=0 5 F8:;8G=0 A2@J7:0 70 A2>9AB2>B> %1 'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiledBindingsB %1  =5 <>65 40 @01>B8 2J@EC %2 "%1" cannot operate on "%2"QDeclarativeCompilerl %1.%2  =5 5 =0;8G=>, ?>@048 25@A8OB0 =0 :><?>=5=B8B5.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QDeclarativeCompiler@ %1.%2  =5 5 =0;8G=> 2 %3 %4.%5.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QDeclarativeCompilerzA524>=8<0 =0 A2>9AB2>B> 87;870 872J= 3@0=8F8B5 70 ?A524>=8<8#Alias property exceeds alias boundsQDeclarativeCompiler\"C: =5 <>65 40 A5 87?>;720B ?@8:0G5=8 A2>9AB20'Attached properties cannot be used hereQDeclarativeCompilerRJ7<>6=> 5 A0<> 54=> A2J@20=5 :J< A?8AJF8$Can only assign one binding to listsQDeclarativeCompiler8@5:B=>B> 704020=5 =0 AB>9=>AB =0 3@C?8@0=> A2>9AB2> 5 =52J7<>6=>4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQDeclarativeCompiler04020=5B> =0 AB>9=>AB =0 A83=0; 5 =52J7<>6=> (>G0:20 A5 40 1J45 87?J;=5= A:@8?B)@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)QDeclarativeCompiler@8A2>O20=5B> =0 <=>65AB2> AB>9=>AB8 =0 A2>9AB2> 70 A:@8?B =5 5 2J7<>6=>2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQDeclarativeCompiler@8A2>O20=5B> =0 <=>65AB2> AB>9=>AB8 =0 A2>9AB2>, ?@85<0I> A0<> 54=0, =5 5 2J7<>6=>4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQDeclarativeCompilerV04020=5B> =0 >15:B0 2 A?8AJ:0 5 =52J7<>6=>Cannot assign object to listQDeclarativeCompilerd07=0G020=5B> =0 >15:B :J< A2>9AB2>B> 5 =52J7<>6=> Cannot assign object to propertyQDeclarativeCompilerf07=0G020=5B> =0 ?@8<8B828 :J< A?8AJF8 5 =52J7<>6=>!Cannot assign primitives to listsQDeclarativeCompiler52J7<>6=> 5 40 A5 704045 AB>9=>AB =0 =5AJI5AB2C20I> A2>9AB2> ?> ?>4@0718@0=5.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQDeclarativeCompiler52J7<>6=> 5 40 A5 704045 AB>9=>AB =0 =5AJI5AB2C20I> A2>9AB2>: %1 +Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerx!J74020=5B> =0 ?@07=0 A?5F8D8:0F8O =0 :><?>=5=B 5 =52J7<>6=>+Cannot create empty component specificationQDeclarativeCompiler!2>9AB2>, :>5B> 5 >B15;O70=> :0B> FINAL , =5 <>65 40 1J45 ?@5>?@545;5=>Cannot override FINAL propertyQDeclarativeCompiler;5<5=B8B5 =0 :><?>=5=B0 =5 <>30B 40 AJ4J@60B 4@C38 A2>9AB20, >A25= id ;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQDeclarativeCompiler|15:B8B5 >B B8? 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An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QDeclarativeCompiler5?@028;=0 ?@5?@0B:0 :J< ?A524>=8<. 5 <>65 40 1J45 >B:@8B B0:J2 845=B8D8:0B>@: %1 /Invalid alias reference. 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