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LtX $ǐ| 1`  µȲ.&Cannot create presentation descriptor.MFPlayerSession"Ѡ\| 1`  µȲ.Failed to create topology.MFPlayerSession&¤Ҹ | 8,  µȲ.Failed to get stream count.MFPlayerSessionмD ,  µȲ.Failed to load source.MFPlayerSession| `  µȲ.Failed to pause.MFPlayerSession`  µȲ.Failed to seek.MFPlayerSession"Ѡ\| $`  µȲ.Failed to set topology.MFPlayerSession`  µȲ.Failed to stop.MFPlayerSessionǘ ¤Ҹ мDžȲ.Invalid stream source.MFPlayerSession<Ŵ 8X Xt J@ $X XµȲ.Media session non-fatal error.MFPlayerSession4Ŵ 8X Xx $X XµȲ.Media session serious error.MFPlayerSession$\ | >D  µȲ.(The specified server could not be found.MFPlayerSession0¤\ \ |D >D  µȲ.*The system cannot find the file specified.MFPlayerSession$Ŵ 8XD ̴  µȲ.Unable to create mediasession.MFPlayerSession ¤ҸD Ǭ`  µȲ.Unable to play any stream.MFPlayerSessionǬ`  µȲ.Unable to play.MFPlayerSession&8X tҸ| 8,  µȲ.Unable to pull session events.MFPlayerSession"L  Ʋ ¤Ҹ DžȲ.Unknown stream type.MFPlayerSession$X J Ŵ DžȲ.Unsupported media type.MFPlayerSession,X J Ŵ, Tqt µȲ.&Unsupported media, a codec is missing.MFPlayerSessionǬD Ǒ`  Lfailed to start playbackMFPlayerSessionAAC-LC $$ Tq'AAC Low Complexity (AAC-LC) audio codec#QAndroidAudioEncoderSettingsControlAMR-NB $$ Tq3Adaptive Multi-Rate Narrowband (AMR-NB) audio codec#QAndroidAudioEncoderSettingsControlAMR-WB $$ Tq1Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) audio codec#QAndroidAudioEncoderSettingsControl0 xT t tT|| Ǒ`  µȲ..Camera cannot be started without a viewfinder.QAndroidCameraSessiontT| D JLCamera not readyQAndroidCameraSession,tT| 0| Ǒ`  µȲ.Camera preview failed to start.QAndroidCameraSession" |D  L: %1#Could not open destination file: %1QAndroidCameraSessionT0 ܹ| X JLDrive mode not supportedQAndroidCameraSessionD Ρ̘`  LFailed to capture imageQAndroidCameraSessionJPEG  JPEG imageQAndroidImageEncoderControl3GPP Ŵ | 3GPP media file formatQAndroidMediaContainerControlAMR NB | AMR NB file formatQAndroidMediaContainerControlAMR WB | AMR WB file formatQAndroidMediaContainerControlMPEG4 Ŵ | MPEG4 media file formatQAndroidMediaContainerControlH.263 U͕H.263 compression#QAndroidVideoEncoderSettingsControlH.264 U͕H.264 compression#QAndroidVideoEncoderSettingsControlMPEG-4 SP U͕MPEG-4 SP compression#QAndroidVideoEncoderSettingsControlHQAudioDecoder ̴ ,x D¤| Lj JL6The QAudioDecoder object does not have a valid service QAudioDecodertT| D¤ LThe camera service is missingQCamera,ǥX Ρ̘| X JµȲ.'Device does not support images capture.QCameraImageCapture0L@ 0.0 1.0 t LjŴ| iȲ$volume should be between 0.0 and 1.0QDeclarativeAudio4<unknown>  ¤ҸD Ǭ`  L%Cannot play stream of type: QGstreamerAudioDecoderSessionм PCM $$ Raw PCM audioQGstreamerAudioEncode¤\ 0 ǥXSystem default deviceQGstreamerAudioInputSelectorܹ| X JµȲ.State not supported.QGstreamerCameraControl$$$ м | ̴  L(Could not create an audio source elementQGstreamerCaptureSession2Ŵ Ρ̘ t|xD 1`  µȲ.'Failed to build media capture pipeline.QGstreamerCaptureSessionΡ̘ D JLNot ready to captureQGstreamerImageCaptureControlJPEG xTTJPEG image encoderQGstreamerImageEncode$ǘ Qt ǐD ǬX$ h&Attempting to play invalid Qt resourceQGstreamerPlayerControl(ǘ Ʃǐ ¤ҸD ǬX$ h&Attempting to play invalid user streamQGstreamerPlayerControl4<unknown>  ¤ҸD Ǭ`  L%Cannot play stream of type: QGstreamerPlayerSession Ǭ ]<\ Ŵ| 4Media is loaded as a playlistQGstreamerPlayerSessionUDP м ܬ UDP source timeoutQGstreamerPlayerSession.8X J Tq Lt DžȲ.+Not compatible codecs and container format.QGstreamerRecorderControlD¤ Ǒ JXLService has not been startedQGstreamerRecorderControl t tT| Front camera!QGstreamerVideoInputDeviceControl tT| Main camera!QGstreamerVideoInputDeviceControl$ǘ Qt ǐD ǬX$ h&Attempting to play invalid Qt resource QMediaPlayer8QMediaPlayer ̴ ,x D¤ L5The QMediaPlayer object does not have a valid service QMediaPlayer8}0 Ʃ Ǭ ] mD ͔`  µȲ.*Could not add items to read only playlist.QMediaPlaylist"Ǭ ] t д JL Playlist format is not supportedQMediaPlaylist(Ǭ ] t д JµȲ.!Playlist format is not supported.QMediaPlaylist | `  µȲ.The file could not be accessed.QMediaPlaylist0tT| CameraCapture| h#CameraCapture is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule2tT| CameraExposure| h$CameraExposure is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule,tT| CameraFlash| h!CameraFlash is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule.tT| CameraFocus_| h!CameraFocus is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule@tT| CameraImageProcessingD h+CameraImageProcessing is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule2tT| CameraRecorder| h$CameraRecorder is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule6tT| CameraViewfinder| h&CameraViewfinder is provided by CameraQMultimediaDeclarativeModule%1t() tǬX JL%1 does not existQPlaylistFileParser&%1 Ǭ ] D L  L%1 playlist type is unknownQPlaylistFileParserH |D hEmpty file providedQPlaylistFileParser&Ǭ ] | ǘ t LjLinvalid line in playlist fileQPlaylistFileParser&%1 Ǭ ] D L  L%1 playlist type is unknownQPlaylistFileParserPrivateH |D hEmpty file providedQPlaylistFileParserPrivate&Ǭ ] | ǘ t LjLinvalid line in playlist fileQPlaylistFileParserPrivatetT| D JLCamera not readyQWinRTCameraImageCaptureControlD ǥ`  LImage saving failedQWinRTCameraImageCaptureControl"ǘ pt0 8tDžȲ.Invalid photo data length.QWinRTCameraImageCaptureControlJPEG  JPEG imageQWinRTImageEncoderControl