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which just became available and has higher preference. AudioOutput<html>Thit b m thanh <b>%1</b> khng lm vic.<br/>Tr v <b>%2</b>.</html>^The audio playback device %1 does not work.
Falling back to %2. AudioOutput2Quay tr v thit b '%1'Revert back to device '%1' AudioOutputCc thng bo NotificationsPhonon:: Ch : Bn hnh nh cha c ci t cc ph tr GStreamer c bn. Tt c h tr v m thanh v vi-deo  c v hiu ha~Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed. All audio and video support has been disabledPhonon::Gstreamer::BackendCh : Bn hnh nh cha c ci t gi gstreamer0.10-plugins-good. Mt vi chc nng vi-deo  c v hiu ha.Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed. Some video features have been disabled.Phonon::Gstreamer::BackendMt b gii m (codec) b thiu. Bn cn ci t (mt/nhiu) b gii m (codec) di y  pht ni dung ny: %0`A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectKhng th bt u pht m thanh. Kim tra s ci t Gstreamer ca bn v chc rng gi libgstreamer-plugins-base  c ci t.wCannot start playback. Check your Gstreamer installation and make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectLKhng th gii m ngun thng tin ny.Could not decode media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectNKhng th xc nh ngun thng tin ny.Could not locate media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectpKhng m thit b m thanh ny c. N  c s dng.:Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectBKhng th m ngun thng tin ny.Could not open media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject6Loi ny khng c hiu lc.Invalid source type.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectDng thanh trt ny  chnh m lng. V tr tri nht l 0%, phi nht l %1%WUse this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%, the rightmost is %1%Phonon::VolumeSliderm lng: %1% Volume: %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider*%1, %2 khng xc nh%1, %2 not definedQ3Accel:%1 m h khng c kim sotAmbiguous %1 not handledQ3AccelXaDelete Q3DataTable FalseFalse Q3DataTableChn thmInsert Q3DataTableTrueTrue Q3DataTableCp nhtUpdate Q3DataTable%1 Tp tin khng tm thy. Kim tra li ng dn v tn tp tin.+%1 File not found. Check path and filename. Q3FileDialog&Xa&Delete Q3FileDialog &Khng&No Q3FileDialog&ng &OK Q3FileDialog&M&Open Q3FileDialogi t&n&Rename Q3FileDialog&Lu tr&Save Q3FileDialog&Khng sp xp &Unsorted Q3FileDialog&C&Yes Q3FileDialogN<qt>Bn chc bn mun xa %1 "%2"?</qt>1Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"? Q3FileDialogMi tp tin (*) All Files (*) Q3FileDialogThuc tnh Attributes Q3FileDialogQuay liBack Q3FileDialog Hy bCancel Q3FileDialog:Sao chp hoc Di mt Tp tinCopy or Move a File Q3FileDialogTo th mc miCreate New Folder Q3FileDialogNgy giDate Q3FileDialog Xa %1 Delete %1 Q3FileDialog"Xem dng chi tit Detail View Q3FileDialogTh mcDir Q3FileDialogCc th mc Directories Q3FileDialogTh mc: Directory: Q3FileDialogLiError Q3FileDialogTp tinFile Q3FileDialog&Tn tp tin File &name: Q3FileDialog&Kiu tp tin File &type: Q3FileDialogTm Th mcFind Directory Q3FileDialog&Khng th truy xut Inaccessible Q3FileDialog$Xem dng danh sch List View Q3FileDialog&Xem qua: Look &in: Q3FileDialogTnName Q3FileDialogTh mc mi New Folder Q3FileDialogTh mc mi %1 New Folder %1 Q3FileDialogTh mc mi 1 New Folder 1 Q3FileDialogLn th mc chaOne directory up Q3FileDialogMOpen Q3FileDialog4Xem trc ni dung tp tinPreview File Contents Q3FileDialog0Xem trc th/tin tp tinPreview File Info Q3FileDialog&Np liR&eload Q3FileDialogCh-c Read-only Q3FileDialogc-ghi Read-write Q3FileDialogc: %1Read: %1 Q3FileDialogLu vi tnSave As Q3FileDialog Hin tp tin &nShow &hidden files Q3FileDialogKch cSize Q3FileDialogSp xpSort Q3FileDialog$Sp theo &Ngy gi Sort by &Date Q3FileDialogSp theo &Tn Sort by &Name Q3FileDialogSp theo &C Sort by &Size Q3FileDialogc bitSpecial Q3FileDialog&Symlink ti Th mcSymlink to Directory Q3FileDialog&Symlink ti Tp tinSymlink to File Q3FileDialog Symlink c bitSymlink to Special Q3FileDialogKiuType Q3FileDialogCh-ghi Write-only Q3FileDialogGhi: %1 Write: %1 Q3FileDialogth mc ny the directory Q3FileDialogtp tin nythe file Q3FileDialogsymlink ny the symlink Q3FileDialog2Khng to c th mc %1Could not create directory %1 Q3LocalFsKhng th m %1Could not open %1 Q3LocalFs2Khng c c th mc %1Could not read directory %1 Q3LocalFsRKhng xa b c tp tin hoc th mc %1%Could not remove file or directory %1 Q3LocalFsDKhng th i tn %1 thnh %2 cCould not rename %1 to %2 Q3LocalFs Khng th ghi %1Could not write %1 Q3LocalFsTy chnh... Customize... Q3MainWindow@Thao tc  ngng bi ngi dngOperation stopped by the userQ3NetworkProtocol Hy bCancelQ3ProgressDialogp dngApply Q3TabDialog Hy bCancel Q3TabDialogMc nhDefaults Q3TabDialogTr gipHelp Q3TabDialog ng OK Q3TabDialog&Sao chp&Copy Q3TextEdit&Dn vo&Paste Q3TextEdit&Lm li&Redo Q3TextEdit&Hon tc&Undo Q3TextEditXa schClear Q3TextEdit&Ct raCu&t Q3TextEditChn tt c Select All Q3TextEditngClose Q3TitleBar&ng ca s ny liCloses the window Q3TitleBarRCha cc lnh  thao tc trn ca s ny*Contains commands to manipulate the window Q3TitleBarjHin tn ca s v cc iu khin  thao tc trn nFDisplays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3TitleBar@Cho ca s ny ph ton mn hnhMakes the window full screen Q3TitleBarTht lnMaximize Q3TitleBarTht nhMinimize Q3TitleBar0Dch ca s ny ra ngoiMoves the window out of the way Q3TitleBarLa trng thi tht ln v bnh thng&Puts a maximized window back to normal Q3TitleBarVa trng thi tht nh tr li bnh thngPuts a minimized back to normal Q3TitleBarCho nh li Restore down Q3TitleBarBung ln Restore up Q3TitleBarThm na...More... Q3ToolBar(khng bit) (unknown) Q3UrlOperatorGiao thc `%1' ny khng h tr sao chp hoc di chuyn cc tp tin hay th mcIThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories Q3UrlOperatorfGiao thc `%1' ny khng h tr to cc th mc mi;The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories Q3UrlOperatorjGiao thc `%1' ny khng h tr vic nhn cc tp tin0The protocol `%1' does not support getting files Q3UrlOperatorfGiao thc `%1' ny khng h tr lit k cc th mc6The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories Q3UrlOperator`Giao thc `%1' ny khng h tr vic t tp tin0The protocol `%1' does not support putting files Q3UrlOperatorzGiao thc `%1' ny khng h tr xa b cc tp tin v th mc@The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories Q3UrlOperator|Giao thc `%1' ny khng h tr i tn cc tp tin v th mc@The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories Q3UrlOperatorHGiao thc `%1' ny khng c h tr"The protocol `%1' is not supported Q3UrlOperator&Hy b&CancelQ3Wizard&Hon thnh&FinishQ3Wizard&Tr gip&HelpQ3Wizard&Tip theo&Next >Q3Wizard&Quay li< &BackQ3Wizard$Kt ni b t triConnection refusedQAbstractSocket$Khng tm thy myHost not foundQAbstractSocket2Socket khng c kt niSocket is not connectedQAbstractSocket>Thao tc trn Socket  qu giSocket operation timed outQAbstractSocketChn &tt c &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox &Tng&Step upQAbstractSpinBox &Gim Step &downQAbstractSpinBoxKch hotActivate QApplicationNKch hot ca s chnh ca chng trnh#Activates the program's main window QApplicationT chy '%1' yu cu Qt %2, hin c Qt %3.,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplicationBLi th vin Qt khng tng thchIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplication&QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION QApplicationChnCheck QCheckBoxBt/TtToggle QCheckBoxB chnUncheck QCheckBoxKhng lu tr Don't Save QCocoaTheme4&Thm vo b mu ty chnh&Add to Custom Colors QColorDialogCc mu &c bn &Basic colors QColorDialog$Cc mu ty &chnh&Custom colors QColorDialog &Lc:&Green: QColorDialog&Mu :&Red: QColorDialog &m:&Sat: QColorDialog&Gi tr:&Val: QColorDialogKnh A&lpha:A&lpha channel: QColorDialog L&am:Bl&ue: QColorDialogMu &sc:Hu&e: QColorDialogChn mu Select color QColorDialogngClose QComboBox FalseFalse QComboBoxMOpen QComboBoxTrueTrue QComboBox%1:  tn ti%1: already existsQCoreApplication"%1: khng tn ti%1: doesn't existsQCoreApplication%1: ftok b li%1: ftok failedQCoreApplication %1: key th rng%1: key is emptyQCoreApplication:%1: khng c trong ti nguyn%1: out of resourcesQCoreApplication(%1: quyn hn b cm%1: permission deniedQCoreApplication*%1: khng th to key%1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication*%1: li khng bit %2%1: unknown error %2QCoreApplication6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QDB2Driver"Khng th kt niUnable to connect QDB2Driver,Khng th hy giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QDB2Driver2Khng th t t ng giUnable to set autocommit QDB2Driver,Khng th tr bin tiUnable to bind variable QDB2Result6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statement QDB2Result<Khng th tm li ci u tinUnable to fetch first QDB2Result:Khng th tm li ci k tipUnable to fetch next QDB2Result8Khng th tm li bn ghi %1Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2Result6Khng th chun b cu lnhUnable to prepare statement QDB2ResultSAAM QDateTimeEditCHPM QDateTimeEditsaam QDateTimeEditchpm QDateTimeEdit QDialQDialQDialSliderHandle SliderHandleQDialSpeedoMeter SpeedoMeterQDialHon ttDoneQDialogy l g? What's This?QDialog Ngy gi sa i Date Modified QDirModelDngKind QDirModelTnName QDirModelKch cSize QDirModelKiuType QDirModelngClose QDockWidgetSp nhpDock QDockWidgetTch riFloat QDockWidgetBtLessQDoubleSpinBoxThmMoreQDoubleSpinBox&ng &OK QErrorMessage8&Hin thng ip ny ln na&Show this message again QErrorMessage$Thng ip g ri:Debug Message: QErrorMessage"Li nghim trng: Fatal Error: QErrorMessage Ch :Warning: QErrorMessage%1 Th mc khng tm thy. Vui lng kim li chnh xc tn th mc  nhp.K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog%1 Tp tin khng tm thy. Vui lng kim li chnh xc tn tp tin  nhp.A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialogZ%1  tn ti. Bn c mun thay th n khng?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog &Chn&Choose QFileDialog&Xa&Delete QFileDialog&Th mc mi &New Folder QFileDialog&M&Open QFileDialogi &tn&Rename QFileDialog&Lu tr&Save QFileDialogj'%1' c vit bo v. Bn mun xa n bng mi cch?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogMi tp tin (*) All Files (*) QFileDialog4Bn c chc mun xa '%1'?!Are sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialogQuay liBack QFileDialog4Khng th xa th mc ny.Could not delete directory. QFileDialogTo th mc miCreate New Folder QFileDialog"Xem dng chi tit Detail View QFileDialogCc th mc Directories QFileDialogTh mc: Directory: QFileDialog  )aDrive QFileDialogTp tinFile QFileDialog&Tn tp tin File &name: QFileDialog"Cc tp tin kiu:Files of type: QFileDialogTm Th mcFind Directory QFileDialogChuyn tipForward QFileDialog$Xem dng danh sch List View QFileDialogXem qua:Look in: QFileDialogMy Computer My Computer QFileDialogTh mc mi New Folder QFileDialogMOpen QFileDialogTh mc chaParent Directory QFileDialogLoi bRemove QFileDialogLu vi tnSave As QFileDialogHin thShow  QFileDialog Hin tp tin &nShow &hidden files QFileDialogKhng bitUnknown QFileDialog %1 GB%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1 KB%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 MB%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 TB%1 TBQFileSystemModel%1 bytes%1 bytesQFileSystemModel<b>Ci tn "%1" khng dng c.</b><p>Th mt tn khc vi mt vi k t hoc cc du chm cu.oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModelComputerComputerQFileSystemModel Ngy gi sa i Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel0Tn tp tin khng hp lInvalid filenameQFileSystemModelDngKindQFileSystemModelMy Computer My ComputerQFileSystemModelTnNameQFileSystemModelKch cSizeQFileSystemModelKiuTypeQFileSystemModelTyAny QFontDatabase ArabicArabic QFontDatabaseArmenianArmenian QFontDatabaseBengaliBengali QFontDatabaseenBlack QFontDatabasemBold QFontDatabaseCyrillicCyrillic QFontDatabaseVaDemi QFontDatabasem va Demi Bold QFontDatabaseDevanagari Devanagari QFontDatabaseGeorgianGeorgian QFontDatabase GreekGreek QFontDatabaseGujaratiGujarati QFontDatabaseGurmukhiGurmukhi QFontDatabase HebrewHebrew QFontDatabaseNghingItalic QFontDatabaseJapaneseJapanese QFontDatabaseKannadaKannada QFontDatabase KhmerKhmer QFontDatabase KoreanKorean QFontDatabaseLaoLao QFontDatabase LatinLatin QFontDatabaseSngLight QFontDatabaseMalayalam Malayalam QFontDatabaseMyanmarMyanmar QFontDatabaseBnh thngNormal QFontDatabaseLchOblique QFontDatabase OghamOgham QFontDatabase OriyaOriya QFontDatabase RunicRunic QFontDatabase$Simplified ChineseSimplified Chinese QFontDatabaseSinhalaSinhala QFontDatabaseK hiuSymbol QFontDatabase SyriacSyriac QFontDatabase TamilTamil QFontDatabase TeluguTelugu QFontDatabase ThaanaThaana QFontDatabaseThaiThai QFontDatabaseTibetanTibetan QFontDatabase&Traditional ChineseTraditional Chinese QFontDatabaseVietnamese Vietnamese QFontDatabase &Phng&Font QFontDialog&C&Size QFontDialogGch &di &Underline QFontDialogHiu ngEffects QFontDialog&Kiu phng Font st&yle QFontDialogMuSample QFontDialogChn phng Select Font QFontDialog&Gch ngang Stri&keout QFontDialog$H thng ghi &chpWr&iting System QFontDialog:Vic thay i th mc li: %1Changing directory failed: %1QFtp$ kt ni ti myConnected to hostQFtp* kt ni ti my %1Connected to host %1QFtp>Vic kt ni ti my b li: %1Connecting to host failed: %1QFtpKt ni  ngConnection closedQFtp>T chi i vi kt ni d liu&Connection refused for data connectionQFtp4T chi kt ni ti my %1Connection refused to host %1QFtp,Kt ni ti %1  ngConnection to %1 closedQFtp0Vic to th mc li: %1Creating directory failed: %1QFtp6Vic ti tp tin v li: %1Downloading file failed: %1QFtp$My %1  tm thy Host %1 foundQFtp*My %1 khng tm thyHost %1 not foundQFtpMy  tm thy Host foundQFtp.Lit k th mc li: %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtp"ng nhp li: %1Login failed: %1QFtp$Khng c kt ni Not connectedQFtp8Vic loi b th mc li: %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtp8Vic loi b tp tin li: %1Removing file failed: %1QFtpLi khng bit Unknown errorQFtp8Vic ti tp tin ln li: %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtpLi khng bit Unknown error QHostInfo$My khng tm thyHost not foundQHostInfoAgent,Kiu a ch cha bitUnknown address typeQHostInfoAgentLi khng bit Unknown errorQHostInfoAgent Yu cu xc thcAuthentication requiredQHttp, kt ni ti my chConnected to hostQHttp* kt ni ti my %1Connected to host %1QHttpKt ni  ngConnection closedQHttpT chi kt niConnection refusedQHttpHKt ni b t chi (hoc  qu gi)!Connection refused (or timed out)QHttp,Kt ni ti %1  ngConnection to %1 closedQHttpD liu b liData corruptedQHttp(Truy vn HTTP b saiHTTP request failedQHttpKt ni HTTPS c yu cu nhng h tr SSL khng c bin dch bn trong:HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled inQHttp$My %1  tm thy Host %1 foundQHttp*My %1 khng tm thyHost %1 not foundQHttpMy  tm thy Host foundQHttp0My ch yu cu xc thcHost requires authenticationQHttpVD liu phn thn gi tin HTTP khng hp lInvalid HTTP chunked bodyQHttpVThng tin u tin hi p HTTP khng hp lInvalid HTTP response headerQHttpTKhng c my ch no thit lp kt ni tiNo server set to connect toQHttp,Yu cu xc thc ProxyProxy authentication requiredQHttp,Proxy yu cu xc thcProxy requires authenticationQHttpTruy vn  hyRequest abortedQHttpHBc SSL tha hip(handshake) b liSSL handshake failedQHttp>My ch  bt ng ng kt ni%Server closed connection unexpectedlyQHttpLi khng bit Unknown errorQHttp:Giao thc ch nh khng bitUnknown protocol specifiedQHttp, di ni dung b saiWrong content lengthQHttp Yu cu xc thcAuthentication requiredQHttpSocketEngine6Khng th khi to giao tcCould not start transaction QIBaseDriver0Li khi m c s d liuError opening database QIBaseDriver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QIBaseDriver2Khng th hy b giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriver6Khng th cp pht cu lnhCould not allocate statement QIBaseResult:Khng th m t cu lnh nhp"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult0Khng th m t cu lnhCould not describe statement QIBaseResult:Khng th tm li mc k tipCould not fetch next item QIBaseResult.Khng th tm thy mngCould not find array QIBaseResult>Khng th ly c mng d liuCould not get array data QIBaseResultJKhng th ly c thng tin truy vnCould not get query info QIBaseResult@Khng th ly thng tin cu lnhCould not get statement info QIBaseResult6Khng th chun b cu lnhCould not prepare statement QIBaseResult6Khng th khi to giao tcCould not start transaction QIBaseResult.Khng th ng cu lnhUnable to close statement QIBaseResult6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QIBaseResult$Khng th to BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResult6Khng th thc thi truy vnUnable to execute query QIBaseResult"Khng th m BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResult$Khng th c BLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResult$Khng th thi BLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResultDKhng cn khng gian trn thit bNo space left on device QIODevice<Khng phi tp tin hay th mcNo such file or directory QIODeviceQuyn b cmPermission denied QIODevice2Qu nhiu tp tin c mToo many open files QIODeviceLi khng bit Unknown error QIODevice2Phng thc nhp Mac OS XMac OS X input method QInputContext0Phng thc nhp WindowsWindows input method QInputContextXIMXIM QInputContext(Phng thc nhp XIMXIM input method QInputContext.Khng th mmap '%1': %2Could not mmap '%1': %2QLibrary0Khng th unmap '%1': %2Could not unmap '%1': %2QLibraryhD liu  xc minh khi ph tr khng khp vi '%1')Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibraryRQLibrary::load_sys: Khng th np %1 (%2)'QLibrary::load_sys: Cannot load %1 (%2)QLibraryQLibrary::resolve_sys: K hiu "%1" khng c nh ngh)a trong %2 (%3)7QLibrary::resolve_sys: Symbol "%1" undefined in %2 (%3)QLibrary^QLibrary::unload_sys: Khng th hy np %1 (%2)+QLibrary::unload_sys: Cannot unload %1 (%2)QLibrarylTp tin '%1' ny khng phi l khi ph tr Qt hp l.'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibraryKhi ph tr '%1' ny khng tng thch vi th vin Qt. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibraryKhi ph tr '%1' khng tng thch vi th vin Qt. (Khng th gp th vin g li v ng gi vi nhau.)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibraryKhi ph tr '%1' ny khng tng thch vi th vin Qt. Kha mong mun "%2", hin  c "%3"OThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"QLibraryDTh vin dng chung khng tm thy!The shared library was not found.QLibraryLi khng bit Unknown errorQLibrary&Sao chp&Copy QLineEdit&Dn vo&Paste QLineEdit&Lm li&Redo QLineEdit&Hon tc&Undo QLineEdit&Ct raCu&t QLineEditXaDelete QLineEditChn tt c Select All QLineEdit.%1: a ch ny  dng%1: Address in use QLocalServer%1: Tn li%1: Name error QLocalServer %1: Quyn b cm%1: Permission denied QLocalServer*%1: Li khng bit %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer%1: Kt ni li%1: Connection error QLocalSocket&%1: T chi kt ni%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket.%1: Gi d liu qu ln%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket(%1: Tn khng hp l%1: Invalid name QLocalSocketD%1: Lung iu khin t xa  ng%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket6%1: Truy xut Socket b li%1: Socket access error QLocalSocketF%1: Thao tc trn Socket  qu gi%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket2%1: Ti nguyn Socket li%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocketR%1: Thao tc ny trn socket khng h tr)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket*%1: Li khng bit %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket6Khng th khi to giao tcUnable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver"Khng th kt niUnable to connect QMYSQLDriver8Khng th m c s d liu 'Unable to open database ' QMYSQLDriver2Khng th hy b giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriver>Khng th tr gi tr ngoi tiUnable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResult2Khng th tr gi tr tiUnable to bind value QMYSQLResultNKhng th thc thi cu truy vn k tipUnable to execute next query QMYSQLResult6Khng th thc thi truy vnUnable to execute query QMYSQLResult6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statement QMYSQLResult2Khng th tm li d liuUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResult6Khng th chun b cu lnhUnable to prepare statement QMYSQLResultDKhng th tr cu lnh v mc nhUnable to reset statement QMYSQLResultBKhng th lu li kt qu k tipUnable to store next result QMYSQLResult2Khng th lu li kt quUnable to store result QMYSQLResultDKhng th lu li kt qu cu lnh!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult(Khng tn) (Untitled)QMdiArea%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow &ng&Close QMdiSubWindow&Di chuyn&Move QMdiSubWindow&Tr li&Restore QMdiSubWindow&C&Size QMdiSubWindow - [%1]- [%1] QMdiSubWindowngClose QMdiSubWindowTr gipHelp QMdiSubWindowTht &ln Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowTht lnMaximize QMdiSubWindowTrnh nMenu QMdiSubWindowTht &nh Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowTht nhMinimize QMdiSubWindowTr liRestore QMdiSubWindowCho nh li Restore Down QMdiSubWindow bngShade QMdiSubWindowt trn &cng Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindowKhng  bngUnshade QMdiSubWindowngCloseQMenuThc thiExecuteQMenuMOpenQMenu<h3>Thng tin v Qt</h3>%1<p>Qt l b cng c C++ cho vic pht trin ng dng a nn tng.</p><p>Qt cung cp b m ngun duy nht linh hot cho cc nn tng MS&nbsp;Windows, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X, Linux, v tt c cc bin th chnh ca nn tng Unix thng mi. Qt cing dng c cho c cc thit b nhng v d Qt for Embedded Linux v Qt for Windows CE.</p><p>Qt l mt sn phm ca Nokia. Xem ti <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/qt/">www.trolltech.com/qt/</a>  bit thm thng tin.</p>

About Qt


Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.

Qt is a Nokia product. See www.trolltech.com/qt/ for more information.

 QMessageBox<p>Chng trnh ny s dng Bn sao Ngun m Qt phin bn %1.</p><p>Bn sao Ngun m Qt c dnh cho s pht trin cc ng dng Ngun m. Bn cn c bn quyn thng mi ca Qt  pht trin cc ng dng ch quyn ring (ngun ng).</p><p>Vui lng xem ti <a href="http://www.trolltech.com/company/model/">www.trolltech.com/company/model/</a>  bit tng quan v vic ng k bn quyn Qt.</p>|

This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.

Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.

Please see www.trolltech.com/company/model/ for an overview of Qt licensing.

 QMessageBox`<p>Chng trnh ny s dng phin bn Qt %1.</p>'

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBoxTh/tin v QtAbout Qt QMessageBoxTr gipHelp QMessageBoxn chi tit...Hide Details... QMessageBox ng OK QMessageBox Hin chi tit...Show Details... QMessageBoxChn IM Select IMQMultiInputContext:B chuyn a phng thc nhpMultiple input method switcherQMultiInputContextPluginB chuyn a phng thc nhp s dng trnh n ng cnh ca cc widget vn bnMMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsQMultiInputContextPluginZMt socket khc ang lng nghe tren cng cng4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEnginehTh dng socket IPv6 trn nn tng khng h tr IPv6=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngineT chi kt niConnection refusedQNativeSocketEngine$Kt ni  qu giConnection timed outQNativeSocketEngine:Gi d liu qu ln  gi iDatagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine:My ch khng th i ti chHost unreachableQNativeSocketEngine8B m t socket khng hp lInvalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine Mng li b li Network errorQNativeSocketEngine:Thao tc mng li  qu giNetwork operation timed outQNativeSocketEngineNH thng mng ny khng th i ti chNetwork unreachableQNativeSocketEngineDThao tc  trng thi khng socketOperation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngineHt ti nguynOut of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine Quyn hn b cmPermission deniedQNativeSocketEngine>Kiu giao thc ny khng h trProtocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine0a ch ny khng hp lThe address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine.a ch ny c bo vThe address is protectedQNativeSocketEngineDPhm vi a ch ny ang c dng#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngine\Kiu proxy ny khng hiu lc cho thao tc ny,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngineHMy iu khin t xa  ng kt ni%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEnginePKhng th khi to mt broadcast socket %Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngineVKhng th khi to mt socket khng c kha(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine>Khng th gi i mt thng ipUnable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngine$Khng th ghi cUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngineLi khng bit Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngine@Thao tc socket ny khng h trUnsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngineRKhng th m %1: ng dn l mt th mc#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackend*M tp tin li %1: %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend2Xem cc li c t %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendVCu truy vn i m tp tin khng cc b %1%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend6Vit cc li ghi ti %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend>Khng th m %1: l mt th mcCannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackend@Li trong khi ang ti %1: %2 vError while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendBLi trong khi ang ti %1: %2 lnError while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendRng nhp vo %1 b li: yu cu xc thc0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackendLLi ti %1 v - my ch  hi p: %2)Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply2Giao thc "%1" khng bitProtocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply$Thao tc  hy bOperation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl6Khng th khi to giao tcUnable to begin transaction QOCIDriver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QOCIDriver$Khng th khi toUnable to initialize QOCIDriver"Khng th ng kUnable to logon QOCIDriver2Khng th hy b giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver6Khng th cp pht cu lnhUnable to alloc statement QOCIResultNKhng th tr ct cho khi thc thi ti'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult2Khng th tr gi tr tiUnable to bind value QOCIResult8Khng th thc thi khi lnh!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult@Khng th thc thi cu lnh chn"Unable to execute select statement QOCIResult6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statement QOCIResult.Khng th tip tc cUnable to goto next QOCIResult6Khng th chun b cu lnhUnable to prepare statement QOCIResult6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QODBCDriver"Khng th kt niUnable to connect QODBCDriverKhng th kt ni - B th vin iu khin khng h tr tt c cc chc nng c cnCUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality QODBCDriverDKhng th v hiu t ng xc nhnUnable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverHKhng th kch hot t ng xc nhnUnable to enable autocommit QODBCDriver2Khng th hy b giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: Khng th gn 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' nh thuc tnh cu lnh. Vui lng kim li cu hnh iu khin ODBC ca bnyQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult,Khng th tr bin tiUnable to bind variable QODBCResult6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statement QODBCResult"Khng th tm liUnable to fetch QODBCResult<Khng th tm li ci u tinUnable to fetch first QODBCResult:Khng th tm li ci va riUnable to fetch last QODBCResult:Khng th tm li ci k tipUnable to fetch next QODBCResult<Khng th tm li ci trc Unable to fetch previous QODBCResult6Khng th chun b cu lnhUnable to prepare statement QODBCResult(URI khng hp l: %1Invalid URI: %1QObject:Thao tc khng h tr trn %1Operation not supported on %1QObjectXGiao thc li: dung lng gi nhn c l 0)Protocol error: packet of size 0 receivedQObject2Xem cc li c t %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2QObjecthMy iu khin t xa  ng kt ni bt ng trn %13Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QObject2Socket b li trn %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2QObject6Vit cc li ghi ti %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QObjectTnNameQPPDOptionsModelGi trValueQPPDOptionsModel6Khng th khi to giao tcCould not begin transaction QPSQLDriver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcCould not commit transaction QPSQLDriver2Khng th hy b giao tcCould not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver"Khng th kt niUnable to connect QPSQLDriver"Khng th ng kUnable to subscribe QPSQLDriver.Khng th khng ng kUnable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver4Khng th to cu truy vnUnable to create query QPSQLResult6Khng th chun b cu lnhUnable to prepare statement QPSQLResultXen-ti-met (cm)Centimeters (cm)QPageSetupWidgetDngFormQPageSetupWidgetCaoHeight:QPageSetupWidgetInch (in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidget Ngang LandscapeQPageSetupWidgetCanh lMarginsQPageSetupWidgetMi-li-met (mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidget Hng OrientationQPageSetupWidgetC giy Page size:QPageSetupWidgetGiyPaperQPageSetupWidgetNgun giy Paper source:QPageSetupWidgetim (pt) Points (pt)QPageSetupWidget  dcPortraitQPageSetupWidgeto chiu ngangReverse landscapeQPageSetupWidgeto chiu dcReverse portraitQPageSetupWidgetRngWidth:QPageSetupWidgetl di bottom marginQPageSetupWidgetl tri left marginQPageSetupWidgetl phi right marginQPageSetupWidgetl trn top marginQPageSetupWidget &Khng&NoQPlatformTheme&ng &OKQPlatformTheme&ng &YesQPlatformThemeHyAbortQPlatformThemep dngApplyQPlatformTheme Hy bCancelQPlatformThemeng liCloseQPlatformTheme*ng m khng cn luClose without SavingQPlatformThemeKhng lu trDiscardQPlatformThemeTr gipHelpQPlatformThemeCho quaIgnoreQPlatformThemeKhng &tt c N&o to AllQPlatformTheme ng OKQPlatformThemeMOpenQPlatformThemeTr li m/nhResetQPlatformTheme*Phc hi li mc nhRestore DefaultsQPlatformThemeTh liRetryQPlatformThemeLu trSaveQPlatformThemeLu tr tt cSave AllQPlatformThemeng &ht Yes to &AllQPlatformTheme6Khi ph tr khng c npThe plugin was not loaded. QPluginLoaderLi khng bit Unknown error QPluginLoaderP%1  tn ti. Bn mun ghi  n khng?/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QPrintDialogd%1 l th mc. Vui lng chn mt tn tp tin khc.7%1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog&Ty chn << &Options << QPrintDialog&Ty chn >> &Options >> QPrintDialog &In n&Print QPrintDialogA0A0 QPrintDialogA1A1 QPrintDialogA2A2 QPrintDialogA3A3 QPrintDialogA4A4 QPrintDialogA5A5 QPrintDialogA6A6 QPrintDialogA7A7 QPrintDialogA8A8 QPrintDialogA9A9 QPrintDialogBit hiu: %1 Aliases: %1 QPrintDialogB0B0 QPrintDialogB1B1 QPrintDialogB10B10 QPrintDialogB2B2 QPrintDialogB3B3 QPrintDialogB4B4 QPrintDialogB5B5 QPrintDialogB6B6 QPrintDialogB7B7 QPrintDialogB8B8 QPrintDialogB9B9 QPrintDialogC5EC5E QPrintDialogTy chnhCustom QPrintDialogDLEDLE QPrintDialogExecutive Executive QPrintDialogjTp tin %1 khng th ghi. Vui lng chn mt tn khc.=File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog FolioFolio QPrintDialog LedgerLedger QPrintDialog LegalLegal QPrintDialog LetterLetter QPrintDialogTp tin cc b Local file QPrintDialog&In thnh tp tin...Print To File ... QPrintDialog,In thnh Tp tin (PDF)Print to File (PDF) QPrintDialog:In thnh tp tin (Postscript)Print to File (Postscript) QPrintDialogTabloidTabloid QPrintDialog,B th M hay dng #10US Common #10 Envelope QPrintDialogGhi tp tin %1 Write %1 file QPrintDialog" kt ni cc blocally connected QPrintDialogkhng bitunknown QPrintDialogngCloseQPrintPreviewDialogTrang u tin First pageQPrintPreviewDialogTon trangFit pageQPrintPreviewDialogKht ngang Fit widthQPrintPreviewDialog ngang LandscapeQPrintPreviewDialogTrang sau cng Last pageQPrintPreviewDialogTrang k Next pageQPrintPreviewDialogThit lp trang Page SetupQPrintPreviewDialogThit lp trang Page setupQPrintPreviewDialog  dcPortraitQPrintPreviewDialogTrang trc Previous pageQPrintPreviewDialog In nPrintQPrintPreviewDialog Xem trc khi in Print PreviewQPrintPreviewDialogHin trang iShow facing pagesQPrintPreviewDialog0Hin tng quan cc trangShow overview of all pagesQPrintPreviewDialogHin n trangShow single pageQPrintPreviewDialogPhong toZoom inQPrintPreviewDialogThu nhZoom outQPrintPreviewDialogChi titAdvancedQPrintPropertiesWidgetDngFormQPrintPropertiesWidget TrangPageQPrintPropertiesWidgetCollateCollateQPrintSettingsOutputMu scColorQPrintSettingsOutputCh  mu Color ModeQPrintSettingsOutputS bn cn saoCopiesQPrintSettingsOutputS bn cn sao:Copies:QPrintSettingsOutputIn hai mtDuplex PrintingQPrintSettingsOutputDngFormQPrintSettingsOutputDng xm GrayscaleQPrintSettingsOutputGiy di Long sideQPrintSettingsOutputKhng chnNoneQPrintSettingsOutputTy chnOptionsQPrintSettingsOutput Thit lp u raOutput SettingsQPrintSettingsOutputCc trang t Pages fromQPrintSettingsOutputIn tt c Print allQPrintSettingsOutputKhong in Print rangeQPrintSettingsOutputo ngcReverseQPrintSettingsOutputVng c chn SelectionQPrintSettingsOutputGiy ngn Short sideQPrintSettingsOutputtitoQPrintSettingsOutput &Tn:&Name: QPrintWidget...... QPrintWidgetDngForm QPrintWidgetnh v Location: QPrintWidgetTp tin u &ra Output &file: QPrintWidgetT&huc tnh P&roperties QPrintWidgetXem trcPreview QPrintWidget My inPrinter QPrintWidget Kiu:Type: QPrintWidget Hy bCancelQProgressDialogMOpen QPushButtonChnCheck QRadioButtonBtnh nng v hiu ha thng dngdisabled feature usedQRegExp:gi tr bt phn khng hp linvalid octal valueQRegExp6ng mt gii hn bn trongmet internal limitQRegExp8thiu du phn tch bn trimissing left delimQRegExp&khng c li xy rano error occurredQRegExp0kt thc khng mong mununexpected endQRegExp.Li  m c s d liuError to open databaseQSQLite2Driver6Khng th khi to giao tcUnable to begin transactionQSQLite2Driver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transactionQSQLite2Driver,Khng th hy giao tcUnable to rollback TransactionQSQLite2Driver6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statementQSQLite2Result2Khng th tm li kt quUnable to fetch resultsQSQLite2Result,Li ng c s d liuError closing database QSQLiteDriver(Li m c s d liuError opening database QSQLiteDriver6Khng th khi to giao tcUnable to begin transaction QSQLiteDriver6Khng th xc nhn giao tcUnable to commit transaction QSQLiteDriver,Khng th hy giao tcUnable to rollback transaction QSQLiteDriver*Khng c cu truy vnNo query QSQLiteResult,Tham s m khng khpParameter count mismatch QSQLiteResult:Khng th tr cc tham s tiUnable to bind parameters QSQLiteResult6Khng th thc thi cu lnhUnable to execute statement QSQLiteResult,Khng th tm li dngUnable to fetch row QSQLiteResultDKhng th tr cu lnh v mc nhUnable to reset statement QSQLiteResultDiBottom QScrollBarCnh tri Left edge QScrollBarDng di Line down QScrollBarDng trnLine up QScrollBarTrang di Page down QScrollBarTrang tri Page left QScrollBarTrang phi Page right QScrollBarTrang trnPage up QScrollBar V trPosition QScrollBarCnh phi Right edge QScrollBarCun xung Scroll down QScrollBarCun  y Scroll here QScrollBarCun tri Scroll left QScrollBarCun phi Scroll right QScrollBarCun ln Scroll up QScrollBarTrnTop QScrollBar%1:  tn ti%1: already exists QSharedMemory2%1: to kch c nh hn 0%1: create size is less then 0 QSharedMemory"%1: khng tn ti%1: doesn't exists QSharedMemory%1: ftok b sai%1: ftok failed QSharedMemory"%1: kha th rng%1: key is empty QSharedMemory$%1: khng nh km%1: not attached QSharedMemory$%1: ht ti nguyn%1: out of resources QSharedMemory(%1: quyn hn b cm%1: permission denied QSharedMemory$%1: khng th kha%1: unable to lock QSharedMemory,%1: khng th to kha%1: unable to make key QSharedMemoryH%1: khng th thit lp kha  kha%1: unable to set key on lock QSharedMemory*%1: khng th m kha%1: unable to unlock QSharedMemoryF%1: tp tin kha unix khng tn ti %1: unix key file doesn't exists QSharedMemory*%1: li khng bit %2%1: unknown error %2 QSharedMemoryKhi chy Mail Launch Mail QShortcutKhi chy Media Launch Media QShortcut M URLOpen URL QShortcutTrang di Page downQSliderTrang tri Page leftQSliderTrang phi Page rightQSliderTrang trnPage upQSlidernh vPositionQSliderLThao tc trn mng li ny  qu giNetwork operation timed outQSocks5SocketEnginerSocks5 b li qu gi  kt ni ti cc sock ca my ch/Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks serverQSocks5SocketEngineBtLessQSpinBoxThmMoreQSpinBox Hy bCancelQSql Hy cc sa i?Cancel your edits?QSqlXc nhnConfirmQSqlXaDeleteQSql Xa bn ghi ny?Delete this record?QSqlChn thmInsertQSql KhngNoQSqlLu sa i? Save edits?QSqlCp nhtUpdateQSqlCYesQSql^Khng th cp giy chng nhn khng c kha, %1,Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 QSslSocket2Li to ng cnh SSL (%1)Error creating SSL context (%1) QSslSocket*Li to phin SSL, %1Error creating SSL session, %1 QSslSocket*Li to phin SSL: %1Error creating SSL session: %1 QSslSocket`Li trong sut bc tha hip(handshake) SSL: %1Error during SSL handshake: %1 QSslSocketDLi np giy chng nhn cc b, %1#Error loading local certificate, %1 QSslSocket.Li np private key, %1Error loading private key, %1 QSslSocketLi khi c: %1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocket^Danh sch m cipher rng hoc khng hp l (%1)!Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) QSslSocketVPrivate key khng chng nhn public key, %1/Private key does not certificate public key, %1 QSslSocket2Khng th ghi d liu: %1Unable to write data: %1 QSslSocket(Khng th m kt niUnable to open connection QTDSDriver>Khng th s dng c s d liuUnable to use database QTDSDriverCun tri Scroll LeftQTabBarCun phi Scroll RightQTabBar&Sao chp&Copy QTextControl&Dn vo&Paste QTextControl&Lm li&Redo QTextControl&Hon tc&Undo QTextControl4Sao chp a ch lin &ktCopy &Link Location QTextControl&Ct raCu&t QTextControlXaDelete QTextControlChn tt c Select All QTextControlMOpen QToolButtonNhnPress QToolButton<Nn tng ny khng h tr IPv6#This platform does not support IPv6 QUdpSocketLm liRedo QUndoGroupHon tcUndo QUndoGroup <rng> QUndoModelLm liRedo QUndoStackHon tcUndo QUndoStackDChn thm k t iu khin Unicode Insert Unicode control characterQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu(LRM T tri qua phiLRM Left-to-right markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu(RLM T phi qua triRLM Right-to-left markQUnicodeControlCharacterMenu$Khng th hin URLCannot show URL QWebFrame.Khng th hin mimetypeCannot show mimetype QWebFrame*Tp tin khng tn tiFile does not exist QWebFrameRKhung np b ngt bi thay i chnh sch&Frame load interruped by policy change QWebFrame Truy vn  khaRequest blocked QWebFrameTruy vn  hyRequest cancelled QWebFrame&%1 (%2x%3 im-nh)%1 (%2x%3 pixels)QWebPage Thm vo t inAdd To DictionaryQWebPage"Truy vn HTTP saiBad HTTP requestQWebPagemBoldQWebPage4Kim vn phm vi chnh tCheck Grammar With SpellingQWebPageKim chnh tCheck SpellingQWebPage2Kim chnh t khi ang gCheck Spelling While TypingQWebPageChn tp tin Choose FileQWebPage.Xa cc mc tm gn yClear recent searchesQWebPageSao chpCopyQWebPageSao chp nh Copy ImageQWebPage,Sao chp lin kt mng Copy LinkQWebPage Ct raCutQWebPageMc nhDefaultQWebPage Hng DirectionQWebPagePhng chFontsQWebPageTr liGo BackQWebPageTin ti Go ForwardQWebPage6n li Chnh t v Vn phmHide Spelling and GrammarQWebPageCho quaIgnoreQWebPageCho qua Ignore Grammar context menu itemIgnoreQWebPageTra i tngInspectQWebPageNghingItalicQWebPageLTRLTRQWebPage"Tm trong t inLook Up In DictionaryQWebPage(Khng thy khch noNo Guesses FoundQWebPage4Khng c tp tin c chnNo file selectedQWebPage(Khng tm g gn yNo recent searchesQWebPageM Frame Open FrameQWebPage M nh Open ImageQWebPageM lin kt Open LinkQWebPage&M trong ca s miOpen in New WindowQWebPageVin ngoiOutlineQWebPageDn voPasteQWebPageRTLRTLQWebPage&Cc mc tm gn yRecent searchesQWebPageNp liReloadQWebPageTr v mc nhResetQWebPageLu nh Save ImageQWebPage(Lu lin kt mng... Save Link...QWebPageTm trang nySearch The WebQWebPage:Hin li Chnh t v Vn phmShow Spelling and GrammarQWebPageKim chnh tSpellingQWebPage NgngStopQWebPagejy l ch mc c th tm kim. Nhp t kha  tm: 3This is a searchable index. Enter search keywords: QWebPageGch di UnderlineQWebPageKhng bitUnknownQWebPage(B gim st Web - %2Web Inspector - %2QWebPagey l g? What's This?QWhatsThisAction**QWidget&Hon thnh&FinishQWizard&Tr gip&HelpQWizard&Tip theo&NextQWizard&Tip theo >&Next >QWizard< &Quay li< &BackQWizard Hy bCancelQWizardXc nhnCommitQWizardTip tcContinueQWizardHon thnhDoneQWizardTr liGo BackQWizardTr gipHelpQWizard ThotQuitQWizard%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QWorkspace &ng&Close QWorkspace&Di chuyn&Move QWorkspace&Phc hi&Restore QWorkspace&C&Size QWorkspace&Khng  bng&Unshade QWorkspacengClose QWorkspaceTht &ln Ma&ximize QWorkspaceTht &nh Mi&nimize QWorkspaceTht nhMinimize QWorkspaceCho nh li Restore Down QWorkspace &bngSh&ade QWorkspacet trn &cng Stay on &Top QWorkspacekhai bo thuc tnh encoding hoc standalone th cn khi c ti liu XML nyYencoding declaration or standalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXml@li xy ra khi phn tch comment$error occurred while parsing commentQXmlBli xy ra khi phn tch ni dung$error occurred while parsing contentQXmlhli xy ra khi phn tch nh ngh)a v kiu ti liu5error occurred while parsing document type definitionQXmlHli xy ra khi phn tch mt element$error occurred while parsing elementQXmlDli xy ra khi phn tch reference&error occurred while parsing referenceQXml2li gy ra bi ngi dngerror triggered by consumerQXmlDtn khng hp l cho ch th x l'invalid name for processing instructionQXmlk t mong munletter is expectedQXmlXc nhiu hn mt nh ngh)a v kiu ti liu&more than one document type definitionQXml&khng c li xy rano error occurredQXml~khai bo thuc tnh standalone th cn khi c ti liu XML nyAstandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlth khng khp tag mismatchQXml*k t khng mong mununexpected characterQXmlDtp tin kt thc khng bnh thngunexpected end of fileQXmlfthuc tnh version th cn khi c ti liu XML ny2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXmlTgi tr thuc tnh standalone khai bo sai&wrong value for standalone declarationQXmlH%1 l mt tn encoding khng hp l.%1 is an invalid encoding name. QXmlStream*, nhng hin ti l ' , but got ' QXmlStream&B trng thuc tnhAttribute redefined. QXmlStream.Bng m %1 khng h trEncoding %1 is unsupported QXmlStreamMong mun Expected  QXmlStream.D liu k t mong munExpected character data. QXmlStream@Ni dung m rng  cui ti liu!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStream,K t XML khng hp lInvalid XML character. QXmlStream<Chui version XML khng hp lInvalid XML version string. QXmlStream\C thuc tnh khng hp l trong ti liu XML.%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStream,Ti liu khng hp l.Invalid document. QXmlStream:Gi tr thc th khng hp lInvalid entity value. QXmlStreamTTin t Namespace '%1' khng c khai bo"Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStreamRChui ']]>' khng cho php trong ni dung&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStreamRThuc tnh standalone ch l yes hoc no."Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStream"Khng mong mun ' Unexpected ' QXmlStreamdK t khng mong mun '%1' trong hng s public id/Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStream4Phin bn XML khng h trUnsupported XML version. QXmlStreamIm lngMuted VolumeSliderm lng: %1% Volume: %1% VolumeSliderDiBottomWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCnh tri Left edgeWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTrang di Page downWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTrang tri Page leftWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTrang phi Page rightWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTrang trnPage upWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCnh phi Right edgeWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCun xung Scroll downWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCun  y Scroll hereWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCun tri Scroll leftWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCun phi Scroll rightWebCore::PlatformScrollbarCun ln Scroll upWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTrnTopWebCore::PlatformScrollbar