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which has higher preference or is specifically configured for this stream.Phonon::AudioOutput<html>3H& 1/F (G /3*'G ~.4 5H* <b>%1</b><br/>G *'2G /1 /3*13 B1'1 1A*G '3* H 'E'F'* (4*1 /'1/.</html>xSwitching to the audio playback device %1
which just became available and has higher preference.Phonon::AudioOutput<html>/3*'G ~.4 5H* <b>%1</b> '1 FE F/.<br/>('24* (G <b>%2</b>.</html>^The audio playback device %1 does not work.
Falling back to %2.Phonon::AudioOutput8('24* /H('1G (G /3*'G '%1'Revert back to device '%1'Phonon::AudioOutputG4/'1: (G F81 E 13/ 4E' 'A2HFG G' ~'G GStreamer 1' F5( F1/G '/. *E'E ~4*('F G' 5H* H *5H1 :1A9'D 4/G 'F/~Warning: You do not seem to have the base GStreamer plugins installed. All audio and video support has been disabledPhonon::Gstreamer::BackendG4/'1: (G F81 E 13/ 4E' (3*GT gstreamer0.10-plugins-good 1' F5( F1/G '/. (96 '2 H G' H/H :1A9'D 4/G 'F/.Warning: You do not seem to have the package gstreamer0.10-plugins-good installed. Some video features have been disabled.Phonon::Gstreamer::Backend1E24' EH1/ F'2 'A* F4/. 4E' E ('3* 1E2 4' 0D 1' (1' ',1' 'F E6EHF F5( F/: %0`A required codec is missing. You need to install the following codec(s) to play this content: %0Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectFE *H'F ~.4 1' 41H9 1/. H69* F5( GStreamer .H/ 1' (113 F/ H '7EF'F -'5D FE'/ G libgstreamer-plugins-base 1' F5( 1/G '/.wCannot start playback. Check your GStreamer installation and make sure you have libgstreamer-plugins-base installed.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectJFE *H'F EF(9 13'FG 1' 1E24' 1/.Could not decode media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectNFE *H'F E-D EF(9 13'FG ' 1' ~/' 1/.Could not locate media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectFE *H'F /3*'G 5H* 1' ('2 1/. /3*'G GE 'FHF /1 -'D '3*A'/G '3*.:Could not open audio device. The device is already in use.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject@FE *H'F EF(9 13'FG 1' ('2 1/.Could not open media source.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject"FH9 EF(9 F'E9*(1.Invalid source type.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject4'31~* E / 'A* F4/.&Missing codec helper script assistant.Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObjectTF5( F'EHAB 'A2HFG //1 (1' // 1/F: %0.Plugin codec installation failed for codec: %0Phonon::Gstreamer::MediaObject/3*13 1/ 4/ Access denied Phonon::MMF '2 B(D EH,H/ '3*Already exists Phonon::MMF.1H, 5/' Audio Output Phonon::MMFR',2' 5H* ' *5H1 FE *H'FF/ ',1' 4HF/-Audio or video components could not be played Phonon::MMF.7' .1H, 5/'Audio output error Phonon::MMF9/E 'E'F '*5'DCould not connect Phonon::MMF.7' DRM DRM error Phonon::MMF.7' 1E24' Decoder error Phonon::MMF'*5'D B79 4/ Disconnected Phonon::MMF/1 -'D '3*A'/GIn use Phonon::MMF"~GF' ('F/ F''AInsufficient bandwidth Phonon::MMFURL F'E9*(1 Invalid URL Phonon::MMF~1H*D F'E9*(1Invalid protocol Phonon::MMF,.7' B'D( (F/ F/'FGMulticast error Phonon::MMF$.7' '*5'D (G 4(GNetwork communication error Phonon::MMF&4(G EH,H/ FE ('4/Network unavailable Phonon::MMF .7' H,H/ F/'1/No error Phonon::MMF~/' F4/ Not found Phonon::MMF"E'/G F3* Not ready Phonon::MMF~4*('F F4/G Not supported Phonon::MMF.'1, '2 -'A8G Out of memory Phonon::MMF 3112Overflow Phonon::MMFE31 ~/' F4/Path not found Phonon::MMF$','2G /3*13 1/ 4/Permission denied Phonon::MMF..7' 31H3 /GF/G ~1H3Proxy server error Phonon::MMFH31H3 /GF/G ~1H3 ~4*('F F4/G '3*Proxy server not supported Phonon::MMF'.7'1 31H1 Server alert Phonon::MMF6,1'F /G ~4*('F F4/G '3*Streaming not supported Phonon::MMF /3*'G .1H, 5/'The audio output device Phonon::MMF A1H12 Underflow Phonon::MMF$.7' F'4F'.*G (%1)Unknown error (%1) Phonon::MMF .7' .1H, *5H1Video output error Phonon::MMF.7' /'FDH/Download error Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer".7' ('2 1/F URLError opening URL Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer(.7' ('2 1/F ~1HF/GError opening file Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer$.7' ('2 1/F EF(9Error opening resource Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer@.7' ('2 1/F EF(9: EF(9 ('2 F4/)Error opening source: resource not opened Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer2('10'1 FE'GF 'F,'E F4/Loading clip failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer(9/E "E'/ (1' ',1'Not ready to play Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer~.4 'ED 4/Playback complete Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer.*F8E -,E 5/' 'F,'E F4/Setting volume failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractMediaPlayer*('2'( F'EHAB EHB9*Getting position failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayer,('2 1/F F'EHAB FE'GFOpening clip failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayer*HBA F'EHAB Pause failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayerD:24 F'EHAB Seek failed Phonon::MMF::AbstractVideoPlayer %1 Hz%1 HzPhonon::MMF::AudioEqualizer*('2'( F'EHAB EHB9*Getting position failedPhonon::MMF::AudioPlayer .7' FE'4 H/HVideo display errorPhonon::MMF::DsaVideoPlayerA9'D 4/EnabledPhonon::MMF::EffectFactory(69A 4/F F3(* HF (j)Decay HF ratio (%) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb82E'F 'G4 'A*F (ED +'FG)Decay time (ms) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb*1'E (j) Density (%) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverbFAH0 (j) Diffusion (%) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb8*#.1 ('2*'( G' (ED +'FG)Reflections delay (ms) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb.37- ('2*'( G' (ED (D)Reflections level (mB) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb0*#.1 'F9'3(ED +'FG)Reverb delay (ms) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb(37- 'F9'3 (ED (D)Reverb level (mB) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb37- HF A6' Room HF level Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverb"37- A6' (ED (D)Room level (mB) Phonon::MMF::EnvironmentalReverbf.7' ('2 1/F EF(9: FE *H'F FH9 13'FG 1' *9F 1/8Error opening source: media type could not be determinedPhonon::MMF::MediaObjectL.7' ('2 1/F EF(9: EF(9 A41/G 4/G '3*,Error opening source: resource is compressedPhonon::MMF::MediaObjectH.7' ('2 1/F EF(9: EF(9 F'E9*(1 '3*(Error opening source: resource not validPhonon::MMF::MediaObjectJ.7' ('2 1/F EF(9: FH9 ~4*('F F4/G(Error opening source: type not supportedPhonon::MMF::MediaObjectJFE *H'F IAP /1.H'3* 4/G 1' *F8E 1/Failed to set requested IAPPhonon::MMF::MediaObject37- (%) Level (%)Phonon::MMF::StereoWidening .7' FE'4 H/HVideo display errorPhonon::MMF::SurfaceVideoPlayerE'*MutedPhonon::VolumeSlider'2 'F D:2F/G (1' *F8E 5/' '3*A'/G F/. 3E* ~ *1F -'D* j '3* H 3E* 1'3* *1F -'D* %1%WUse this slider to adjust the volume. The leftmost position is 0%. The rightmost is %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider-,E 5/':%1% Volume: %1%Phonon::VolumeSlider"%1 %2 *91A F4/G%1, %2 not definedQ3Accel&'(G'E %1 (171A F4/GAmbiguous %1 not handledQ3Accel-0ADelete Q3DataTable F'/13*False Q3DataTable/1,Insert Q3DataTable/13*True Q3DataTable(G 1H213'FUpdate Q3DataTablef%1 ~1HF/G ~/' F4/ E31 H F'E ~1HF/G 1' (113 F/.+%1 File not found. Check path and filename. Q3FileDialog&-0A&Delete Q3FileDialog&FG&No Q3FileDialog &*#/&OK Q3FileDialog&('21/F&Open Q3FileDialog&*:1 F'E&Rename Q3FileDialog &0.1G&Save Q3FileDialog.&E1*( F4/G &Unsorted Q3FileDialog&(DG&Yes Q3FileDialogn<qt>"' E7E&F G3*/ G E .H'G/ -0A F/ %1 "%2"?</qt>1Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"? 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Q3MainWindow(G .7 4/FLine up Q3MainWindow49ED'* *H37 '1(1 E*HBA 4/Operation stopped by the userQ3NetworkProtocolD:HCancelQ3ProgressDialog'9E'D.1/FApply Q3TabDialogD:HCancel Q3TabDialog~4 A16 G'Defaults Q3TabDialogEHelp Q3TabDialog *#/OK Q3TabDialog&~&Copy Q3TextEdit&3('F/F&Paste Q3TextEdit&('2'F,'E&Redo Q3TextEdit&.F+ 3'2&Undo Q3TextEdit~' 1/FClear Q3TextEdit&(14Cu&t Q3TextEdit'F*.'( GEG Select All Q3TextEdit(3*FClose Q3TitleBar ~F,1G 1' E (F//Closes the window Q3TitleBarH-'H /3*H1'* (1' /3*'1 ~F,1G '3**Contains commands to manipulate the window Q3TitleBar~F'E ~F,1G 1' FE'4 E /G/ H -'H F*1D G' (1' /3*'1 "F '3*FDisplays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3TitleBar2~F,1G 1' *E'E 5A-G E F/Makes the window full screen Q3TitleBar(21 1/FMaximize Q3TitleBarH 1/FMinimize Q3TitleBar>~F,1G 1' (G .'1, '2 E31 E (1/Moves the window out of the way Q3TitleBarZ~F,1GT (21 4/G 1' (G 'F/'2G 9'/ (1E 1/'F/&Puts a maximized window back to normal Q3TitleBarX~F,1G H 4/G 1' (G 'F/'2G 9'/ (1E 1/'F/&Puts a minimized window back to normal Q3TitleBar ('2'( (G ~'F Restore down Q3TitleBar('2'( (G ('D' Restore up Q3TitleBar 33*ESystem Q3TitleBar(4*1...More... Q3ToolBar(F'4F'.*G) (unknown) Q3UrlOperator~1H*D %1 ~ ' 'F*B'D ~1HF/G G' ' ~H4G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/IThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories Q3UrlOperatorp~1H*D %1 ','/ 1/F ~H4G G' ,// 1' ~4*('F FE F/;The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories Q3UrlOperator^~1H*D %1 1A*F ~1HF/G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/0The protocol `%1' does not support getting files Q3UrlOperatorh~1H*D %1 3'GG (1/'1 ~H4G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/6The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories Q3UrlOperatord~1H*D %1 +(* 1/F ~1HF/G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/0The protocol `%1' does not support putting files Q3UrlOperatorz~1H*D %1 ~' 1/F ~1HF/G G' ' ~H4G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/@The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories Q3UrlOperator|~1H*D %1 *:1 F'E ~1HF/G G' ' ~H4G G' 1' ~4*('F FE F/@The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories Q3UrlOperator8~1H*D %1 ~4*('F FE 4H/"The protocol `%1' is not supported Q3UrlOperator&D:H&CancelQ3Wizard ~''&F&FinishQ3Wizard&E&HelpQ3Wizard(9&/ >&Next >Q3Wizard < &9B(< &BackQ3Wizard"'*5'D ~01A*G F4/Connection refusedQAbstractSocket ~''F 2E'F '*5'DConnection timed outQAbstractSocketE2('F 'A* F4/Host not foundQAbstractSocket$4(G /1 /3*13 F3*Network unreachableQAbstractSocket@9ED'* 1H 3H* ~4*('F FE 4H/$Operation on socket is not supportedQAbstractSocket3H* E*5D F3*Socket is not connectedQAbstractSocket,~''F 2E'F 9ED'* 3H*Socket operation timed outQAbstractSocket'F*.'( &GEG &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox&'A2'4&Step upQAbstractSpinBox &'G4 Step &downQAbstractSpinBox 'F*.'(CheckQAccessibleButtonA4'1 /'/FPressQAccessibleButton1/UncheckQAccessibleButtonA9'D 3'2Activate QApplication@~F,1G '5D (1F'EG 1' A9'D E F/#Activates the program's main window QApplicationb(1F'EGT %1F'2EF/ H* %2 '3* H* %3 'A* 4/.,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplication6.7' *'(.'FG F'3'2'1 H*Incompatible Qt Library Error QApplication&D:H&Cancel QAxSelect4! &COM: COM &Object: QAxSelect *#/OK QAxSelect('F*.'( F*1D ActiveXSelect ActiveX Control QAxSelect 'F*.'(Check QCheckBox6'EFToggle QCheckBox9/E 'F*.'(Uncheck QCheckBox2&'A2H/F (G 1F G' 3A'14&Add to Custom Colors QColorDialog1F& G' ~'G &Basic colors QColorDialog1F G' &3A'14&Custom colors QColorDialog &3(2:&Green: QColorDialog &B1E2:&Red: QColorDialog'4('&9:&Sat: QColorDialogE&B/'1:&Val: QColorDialog&'F'D "DA':A&lpha channel: QColorDialog &"(:Bl&ue: QColorDialog &4/*:Hu&e: QColorDialog'F*.'( 1F Select Color QColorDialog(3*FClose QComboBox F'/13*False QComboBox('2 1/FOpen QComboBox/13*True QComboBox(%1: '2 B(D H,H/ /'1/%1: already existsQCoreApplication%1: H,H/ F/'1/%1: does not existQCoreApplication&%1: 9/E EHAB* ftok%1: ftok failedQCoreApplication %1: D/ *G '3*%1: key is emptyQCoreApplication"%1: .'1, '2 EF'(9%1: out of resourcesQCoreApplication%1:','2G 1/ 4/%1: permission deniedQCoreApplication6%1: FE *H'F D/ ','/ 1/%1: unable to make keyQCoreApplication(%1: .7' F'4F'.*G %2%1: unknown error %2QCoreApplication8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QDB2Driver2FE *H'F '*5'D (1B1'1 1/Unable to connect QDB2Driver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Unable to rollback transaction QDB2DriverFFE *H'F '13'D .H/'1 1' (1B1'1 1/Unable to set autocommit QDB2Driver4FE *H'F E*:1 1' EB/ 1/Unable to bind variable QDB2Result4FE *H'F 9('1* 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute statement QDB2ResultBFE *H'F 'HDF 1H1/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch first QDB2Result@FE *H'F 1H1/ (9/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch next QDB2Result<FE *H'F 1H1/ %1 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2Result6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Unable to prepare statement QDB2ResultB 8AM QDateTimeEdit( 8PM QDateTimeEditB 8am QDateTimeEdit( 8pm QDateTimeEdit:Animation  D'3 'F*2'9 '3*Animation is an abstract classQDeclarativeAbstractAnimationVFE *H'F H F'EH,H/ %1 1' E*-1 3'2 1/)Cannot animate non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationTFE *H'F H AB7 .H'F/F %1 1' E*-1 1/&Cannot animate read-only property "%1"QDeclarativeAbstractAnimationTFE *H'F E/* 2E'F E*1 '2 5A1 1' B1'1 /'/Cannot set a duration of < 0QDeclarativeAnchorAnimation*G 'G .7 E(F' FE *H'F/ /1 '*5'D'* ('D'  A H 9EH/-E12 '3*A'/G 4H/.SBaseline anchor cannot be used in conjunction with top, bottom, or vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsbFE *H'F  'D 'AB 1' (G  'D 9EH/ *G /'/.3Cannot anchor a horizontal edge to a vertical edge.QDeclarativeAnchorsbFE *H'F  'D 9EH/ 1' (G  'D 'AB *G /'/.3Cannot anchor a vertical edge to a horizontal edge.QDeclarativeAnchorsJFE *H'F  "*E 1' (G .H/4 *G /'/.Cannot anchor item to self.QDeclarativeAnchorsHFE *H'F (G  "*E *G DF1 'F/'.*.Cannot anchor to a null item.QDeclarativeAnchorsjFE *H'F (G "*E G H'D/ ' GE FH9 F3* DF1 'F/'.*.8Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or sibling.QDeclarativeAnchorsdFE *H'F *G 'G ~  1'3* H 'AB-E12 E9F 1/.0Cannot specify left, right, and hcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsdFE *H'F *G 'G ('D' A H 9EH/-E12 E9F 1/.0Cannot specify top, bottom, and vcenter anchors.QDeclarativeAnchorsh-DBGT '-*E'D *G 'G /1 E12-/'.D *4.5 /'/G 4/.*Possible anchor loop detected on centerIn.QDeclarativeAnchorsZ-DBGT '-*E'D *G 'G /1 ~1 *4.5 /'/G 4/.&Possible anchor loop detected on fill.QDeclarativeAnchorsp-DBGT '-*E'D *G 'G /1 *G 'G 'AB *4.5 /'/G 4/.3Possible anchor loop detected on horizontal anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsZ1G EEFGT E-E 1/F 1H -'D* 9EH/ 1A*G 4/.1Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.QDeclarativeAnchorsPQt (/HF ~4*('F '2 QMovie 3'.*G 4/G '3*'Qt was built without support for QMovieQDeclarativeAnimatedImage8Application  D'3 E,1/ '3* Application is an abstract classQDeclarativeApplicationvFE *H'F 'FE4F 1' G (G  1A*'1 '.*5'5 'A*G *:1 /'/.3Cannot change the animation assigned to a Behavior.QDeclarativeBehaviorX-DBGT EB/3'2 (1' H %1 *4.5 /'/G 4/'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeBindingX-DBGT EB/3'2 (1' H "%1" *4.5 /'/G 4/'Binding loop detected for property "%1"QDeclarativeCompiledBindings>%1 FE *H'F/ 1H %2 9ED F/"%1" cannot operate on "%2"QDeclarativeCompiler^%1.%2 (' *H,G (G F3.G 'E~HFF* /1 /3*13 F3*.5"%1.%2" is not available due to component versioning.QDeclarativeCompilerF%1.%2 /1 %3 %4.%5 EH,H/ FE ('4/.%"%1.%2" is not available in %3 %4.%5.QDeclarativeCompilerTH F'E E3*9'1 '2 -/H/ E,'2 *,'H2 E F/#Alias property exceeds alias boundsQDeclarativeCompilerlH G' '*5'D /'/G 4/G FE *H'FF/ 'F,' '3*A'/G 4HF/'Attached properties cannot be used hereQDeclarativeCompilerNAB7  B/ 1' E *H'F (G 4! '.*5'5 /'/$Can only assign one binding to listsQDeclarativeCompiler~FE *H'F  EB/'1 1' (G 7H1 E3*BE (G  H 1HG '.*5'5 /'/4Cannot assign a value directly to a grouped propertyQDeclarativeCompilerFE *H'F  EB/'1 1' (G  3F'D '.*5'5 /'/ ( '31~* (1' ',1' EH1/ F'2 '3*)@Cannot assign a value to a signal (expecting a script to be run)QDeclarativeCompilernFE *H'F EB'/1 E6'9A 1' (G  H '31~* '.*5'5 /'/2Cannot assign multiple values to a script propertyQDeclarativeCompilerfFE *H'F EB'/1 F/'FG 1' (G H 'FG F3(* /'/4Cannot assign multiple values to a singular propertyQDeclarativeCompiler>FE *H'F (G D3* 4! '.*5'5 /'/Cannot assign object to listQDeclarativeCompilerFFE *H'F 4! (G  H '.*5'5 /'/ Cannot assign object to propertyQDeclarativeCompilerTFE *H'F 'FH'9 'HDG 1' (G D3* '.*5'5 /'/!Cannot assign primitives to listsQDeclarativeCompilerVFE *H'F (G H ~4 A16 F'EH,H/ *.55 /'/.Cannot assign to non-existent default propertyQDeclarativeCompilerlFE *H'F H %1 1' (G 2 G H,H/ F/'1/ *.55 /'/+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerLFE *H'F E4.5G .'D 'E~HFF* ','/ 1/+Cannot create empty component specificationQDeclarativeCompiler>FE *H'F H FINAL 1' D:H 1/Cannot override FINAL propertyQDeclarativeCompiler9F'51 'E~HFF* FE *H'FF/ /1(1/'1F/G H G' (G :1 '2 4F'3G ('4F/;Component elements may not contain properties other than idQDeclarativeCompiler^'4'! 'E~HFF* FE *H'FF/ *H'(9 ,// *91A F/./Component objects cannot declare new functions.QDeclarativeCompilerh'4'! 'E~HFF* FE *H'FF/ H G' ,// '9D'F FF/.0Component objects cannot declare new properties.QDeclarativeCompilerj'4'! 'E~HFF* FE *H'FF/ 3F'D G' ,// '9D'F FF/.-Component objects cannot declare new signals.QDeclarativeCompiler(H ~4 A16 *1'1Duplicate default propertyQDeclarativeCompilerF'E *1'1 E*/Duplicate method nameQDeclarativeCompiler'3E H E6'9ADuplicate property nameQDeclarativeCompilerF'E * F/'FGDuplicate signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler*9F51 B'(D ','/ F3*.Element is not creatable.QDeclarativeCompiler *.55 .'D HEmpty property assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler"*.55 .'D 3F'DEmpty signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompilerh4F'3G (G 7H1 :1E,'2 H JavaScript 1' ~H44 E /G/-ID illegally masks global JavaScript propertyQDeclarativeCompilerb4F'3G G' FE *H'FF/ (' -1HA 'DA(' (21 41H9 4HF/)IDs cannot start with an uppercase letterQDeclarativeCompilerl4F'3G G' AB7 E *H'FF/ 4'ED -1A  9// H .7 21F ('4F/7IDs must contain only letters, numbers, and underscoresQDeclarativeCompilerZ4F'3G G' ('/ ('  -1A ' .7 21F 41H9 4HF/*IDs must start with a letter or underscoreQDeclarativeCompilerF'E :1E,'2 E*/Illegal method nameQDeclarativeCompiler"F'E :1E,'2 HIllegal property nameQDeclarativeCompiler$F'E :1E,'2 3F'DIllegal signal nameQDeclarativeCompiler2*9F F'/13* *.55 3F'D'Incorrectly specified signal assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler.E'F F'E9*(1 F'E E3*9'1Invalid alias locationQDeclarativeCompiler'1,'9 F'E9*(1 '3E E3*9'1. '1,'9 F'E E3*9'1 ('/ (G 4D <4F'3G>, <4F'3G>.<H> ' <id>.<EB/'1 H>.<H> E4.5 4H/zInvalid alias reference. An alias reference must be specified as , . or ..QDeclarativeCompilerfE1,9 F'E9*(1 F'E E3*9'1. F'*H'F /1 'A*F 4F'3G %1/Invalid alias reference. Unable to find id "%1"QDeclarativeCompiler@*.55 F'E9*(1 4! '*5'D /'/G 4/G"Invalid attached object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler6E4.5G F'E9*(1 (/FG 'E~HFF*$Invalid component body specificationQDeclarativeCompiler8E4.5G F'E9*(1 4F'3G 'E~HFF*"Invalid component id specificationQDeclarativeCompiler$4F'3G .'D F'E9*(1Invalid empty IDQDeclarativeCompiler:/3*13 F'E9*(1 (G H 1HGInvalid grouped property accessQDeclarativeCompiler^*.55 F'E9*(1 H: %1 H AB7 .H'F/F '3*9Invalid property assignment: "%1" is a read-only propertyQDeclarativeCompiler\*.55 F'E9*(1 H: 3D vector EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*/Invalid property assignment: 3D vector expectedQDeclarativeCompilerX*.55 F'E9*(1 H: boolean EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*-Invalid property assignment: boolean expectedQDeclarativeCompilerT*.55 F'E9*(1 H: color EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*+Invalid property assignment: color expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR*.55 F'E9*(1 H: date EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3**Invalid property assignment: date expectedQDeclarativeCompilerb*.55 F'E9*(1 H: FH9 datetime EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*.Invalid property assignment: datetime expectedQDeclarativeCompilerX*.55 F'E9*(1 H: FH9 int EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*)Invalid property assignment: int expectedQDeclarativeCompilerV*.55 F'E9*(1 H: number EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*,Invalid property assignment: number expectedQDeclarativeCompilerT*.55 F'E9*(1 H: point EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*+Invalid property assignment: point expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR*.55 F'E9*(1 H: rect EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3**Invalid property assignment: rect expectedQDeclarativeCompilerZ'.*5'5 F'E9*(1 H: '31~* EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*,Invalid property assignment: script expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR*.55 F'E9*(1 H: size EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3**Invalid property assignment: size expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR*.55 F'E9*(1 H: 14*G EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*,Invalid property assignment: string expectedQDeclarativeCompilerZ*.55 F'E9*(1 H: FH9 time EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3**Invalid property assignment: time expectedQDeclarativeCompilerF*.55 F'E9*(1 H: 4E'14 F'4F'.*G0Invalid property assignment: unknown enumerationQDeclarativeCompilerj*.55 F'E9*(1 H: FH9 unsigned int EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*2Invalid property assignment: unsigned int expectedQDeclarativeCompilerV*.55 F'E9*(1 H: FH9 ~4*('F F4/G %12Invalid property assignment: unsupported type "%1"QDeclarativeCompilerP*.55 F'E9*(1 H: url EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*)Invalid property assignment: url expectedQDeclarativeCompiler.*H/1*H :1 E,'2 HInvalid property nestingQDeclarativeCompiler"FH9 F'E9*(1 HInvalid property typeQDeclarativeCompiler0'3*A'/G F'E9*(1 '2 HInvalid property useQDeclarativeCompiler<'3*A'/G F'E9*(1 '2 H 4F'3GInvalid use of id propertyQDeclarativeCompiler:'3*A'/GT F'E9*(1 '2 A6' F'EInvalid use of namespaceQDeclarativeCompilerh'3'E E*/G' FE *H'FF/ (' -1HA 'DA(' (21 41H9 4HF/3Method names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler@E'F F'E E3*9'1 H H,H/ F/'1/No property alias locationQDeclarativeCompiler44! '*5'D /'/G 4/G F'EH,H/Non-existent attached objectQDeclarativeCompiler0F'E  H H'(3*G F3*Not an attached property nameQDeclarativeCompiler8'.*5'5 H EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*Property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompilerR'2 B(D (G H  EB/'1 '.*5'5 'A*G '3**Property has already been assigned a valueQDeclarativeCompilerh'3'E H FE *H'FF/ (' -1HA 'DA(' (21 41H9 4HF/5Property names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler8EB/'1 H F/ ('1 *9F 4/!Property value set multiple timesQDeclarativeCompilerp'3'E 3F'D G' FE *H'FF/ (' -1HA 'DA(' (21 41H9 4HF/3Signal names cannot begin with an upper case letterQDeclarativeCompiler@'.*5'5 H * EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*#Single property assignment expectedQDeclarativeCompiler*'.*5'5 :1 EF*81G 4!Unexpected object assignmentQDeclarativeCompiler4F'3G *' F3*id is not uniqueQDeclarativeCompiler URL .'D F'E9*(1Invalid empty URLQDeclarativeComponent>createObject: EB/'1  4! F3*$createObject: value is not an objectQDeclarativeComponentNFE *H'F (G H F'EH,H/ %1 F3(* /'/+Cannot assign to non-existent property "%1"QDeclarativeConnectionsB'*5'D'*: '4'! *H/1*H E,'2 F3*F/'Connections: nested objects not allowedQDeclarativeConnections@'*5'D'*: '31~* EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*Connections: script expectedQDeclarativeConnections$'*5'D'*: .7' F-HConnections: syntax errorQDeclarativeConnections$*1'F4 AB7 .H'F/FRead-only TransactionQDeclarativeEngine"*1'F4 F'EHAB SQLSQL transaction failedQDeclarativeEngine>SQL: 9/E *7'(B F3.G ~''G /'/GSQL: database version mismatchQDeclarativeEngineZ9/E *7'(B F3.G: EH1/ 'F*8'1: %1 ~/' 4/G: %2'Version mismatch: expected %1, found %2QDeclarativeEngine`executeSql .'1, '2 transaction() 5/' 2/G 4/G '3*'executeSql called outside transaction()QDeclarativeEngine2*1'F4: callback 'A* F4/transaction: missing callbackQDeclarativeEngine>back  H  ('1 FH4*F '3*back is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipable@front  H  ('1 FH4*F '3*front is a write-once propertyQDeclarativeFlipable:%1: FF ~H4G ' H,H/ F/'1/"%1": no such directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase*- %1  A6' F'E F3*- %1 is not a namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase6- A6' F'E *H/1*H E,'2 F3*- nested namespaces not allowedQDeclarativeImportDatabased9/E *7'(B -1HA (21 H H /1 F'E ~1HF/G (1' %1 File name case mismatch for "%1"QDeclarativeImportDatabaseR/1 %1 G qmldir H A6' F'E H,H/ F/'1/*import "%1" has no qmldir and no namespaceQDeclarativeImportDatabase8E(GE '3*. /1 %1 H %2 ~/' 4/#is ambiguous. Found in %1 and in %2QDeclarativeImportDatabaseZE(GE '3*. /1 %1 /1 F3.G %2 %3 H %4 %5 ~/' 4/4is ambiguous. Found in %1 in version %2.%3 and %4.%5QDeclarativeImportDatabase:(G 5H1* ('24* E91A 4/G '3*is instantiated recursivelyQDeclarativeImportDatabase FH9 F3* is not a typeQDeclarativeImportDatabase~H4G E-Dlocal directoryQDeclarativeImportDatabase.E'HD %1 F5( F4/G '3*module "%1" is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabase@'A2HFG %2 E'HD %1 ~/' F4/!module "%1" plugin "%2" not foundQDeclarativeImportDatabaseDE'HD %1 F3.G %2 %3 F5( F4/G '3**module "%1" version %2.%3 is not installedQDeclarativeImportDatabaseb'A2HFG FE *H'F/ (1' E'HD %1 ('10'1 4H/: %2+plugin cannot be loaded for module "%1": %2QDeclarativeImportDatabasenKeyNavigation AB7 '2 71B H G' 6EEG 4/G EH,H/ '3*7KeyNavigation is only available via attached properties!QDeclarativeKeyNavigationAttacheddD/G' AB7 '2 71B H G' H'(3*G /1 /3*13 G3*F/.Keys is only available via attached propertiesQDeclarativeKeysAttachedtH 6EEG 4/G LayoutDirection *FG' (' Item G' '1 E F/7LayoutDirection attached property only works with Items#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedvLayoutMirroring *FG' (G GE1'G H G' 6EEG 4/G EH,H/ '3*9LayoutMirroring is only available via attached properties#QDeclarativeLayoutMirroringAttachedfListElement: FE *H'F/ /1(1/'1F/G 9F'51 *H/1*H ('4/+ListElement: cannot contain nested elementsQDeclarativeListModelrListElement: FE *H'F/ '2 H 121H 4/G id '3*A'/G F/.ListElement: cannot use reserved "id" propertyQDeclarativeListModelzListElement: FE *H'F '2 '31~* (1' H EB/'1 '3*A'/G 1/1ListElement: cannot use script for property valueQDeclarativeListModelLListElement: H %1 *91A F4/G '3*"ListModel: undefined property '%1'QDeclarativeListModel4append: EB/'1   4 F3*append: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModelBinsert: 4'.5 %1 .'1, '2 /'EFG '3*insert: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel4insert: EB/'1   4 F3*insert: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModel&move: .'1, '2 /'EFGmove: out of rangeQDeclarativeListModelBremove: 4'.5 %1 .'1, '2 /'EFG '3*remove: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel<set: 4'.5 %1 .'1, '2 /'EFG '3*set: index %1 out of rangeQDeclarativeListModel.set: EB/'1   4 F3*set: value is not an objectQDeclarativeListModelh('1FF/G ('1 1/F 9F'51 :1(51 1' ~4*('F FE F/.4Loader does not support loading non-visual elements.QDeclarativeLoaderRFE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* *(/D ~/G -A8 1/5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentAnimation\FE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* EB'3 :1 FH'.* -A8 1/5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentAnimationLFE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* EB'3 5A1 -A8 1/.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentAnimationRFE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* *(/D ~/G -A8 1/5Unable to preserve appearance under complex transformQDeclarativeParentChange\FE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* EB'3 :1 FH'.* -A8 1/5Unable to preserve appearance under non-uniform scaleQDeclarativeParentChangeLFE *H'F 8'G1 1' *-* EB'3 5A1 -A8 1/.Unable to preserve appearance under scale of 0QDeclarativeParentChange.FH9 ~'1'E*1 EH1/ 'F*8'1Expected parameter typeQDeclarativeParser*FH9 H EH1/ 'F*8'1Expected property typeQDeclarativeParser,F4'FG EH1/ 'F*8'1 %1Expected token `%1'QDeclarativeParser&F'E FH9 EH1/ 'F*8'1Expected type nameQDeclarativeParser>4F'3G FE *H'F/ (' 9// 41H9 4H/,Identifier cannot start with numeric literalQDeclarativeParserFH3G :1E,'2Illegal characterQDeclarativeParser(/F('DG A1'1 :1 E,'2Illegal escape sequenceQDeclarativeParser<*1( :1E,'2 (1' '9/'/ FE'%Illegal syntax for exponential numberQDeclarativeParser6/F('DG A1'1 HF / :1E,'2Illegal unicode escape sequenceQDeclarativeParser@4F'3G F'E9*(1 *H5A FF/G importInvalid import qualifier IDQDeclarativeParser8*:1/GF/G :1E,'2 FH9 HInvalid property type modifierQDeclarativeParser:~1E :1 E,'2 9('1* EF8E %0$Invalid regular expression flag '%0'QDeclarativeParserH'9D'F JavaScript .'1, '2 9F51 Script-JavaScript declaration outside Script elementQDeclarativeParserHH'1/ 1/F *'(.'FG  F3.G F'2 /'1/!Library import requires a versionQDeclarativeParser8EB/'1 H F/ 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FH9 %1 1' (/HF E*/ ~4 A16 *9F 1/3Cannot assign object type %1 with no default methodQDeclarativeVMEVFE *H'F EB/'1 %1 1' (G H %2 '.*5'5 /'/%Cannot assign value %1 to property %2QDeclarativeVMEpFE *H'F 3F'D/'3D'* F' EF'3( %1 / %2 1' (G GE E*5D 1/0Cannot connect mismatched signal/slot %1 %vs. %2QDeclarativeVMEhFE *H'F H G' 1' 1H %1 *F8E 1/ HF G *G '3*)Cannot set properties on %1 as it is nullQDeclarativeVME:FE *H'F 4! H'(3*G ','/ 1/ Unable to create attached objectQDeclarativeVME@FE *H'F 4! FH9 %1 1' ','/ 1/"Unable to create object of type %1QDeclarativeVMED,2! FE'F/G ('/  FH9 "*E ('4/.%Delegate component must be Item type.QDeclarativeVisualDataModelZQt (/HF ~4*('F '2 xmlpatterns 3'.*G 4/G '3*,Qt was built without support for xmlpatternsQDeclarativeXmlListModelT .~13 H,H XmlRole F('/ (' / 41H9 4H/(An XmlRole query must not start with '/'QDeclarativeXmlListModelRolel ~13 H ,H XmlListModel ('/ (' / ' // 41H9 4H/1An XmlListModel query must start with '/' or "//"QDeclarativeXmlRoleListD'3 QDialQDialQDial/3*G D:2F/G SliderHandleQDial319* 3F, SpeedoMeterQDial'F,'E 4/DoneQDialog'F 3* What's This?QDialog&D:H&CancelQDialogButtonBox &(3*F&CloseQDialogButtonBox&FG&NoQDialogButtonBox &*#/&OKQDialogButtonBox &0.1G&SaveQDialogButtonBox&(DG&YesQDialogButtonBoxD:H 1/FAbortQDialogButtonBox'9E'D 1/FApplyQDialogButtonBoxD:HCancelQDialogButtonBox(3*FCloseQDialogButtonBox(3*F (/HF 0.1GClose without SavingQDialogButtonBox/H1'F/'.*FDiscardQDialogButtonBox0.1G FF Don't SaveQDialogButtonBoxEHelpQDialogButtonBoxF'//G 1A*FIgnoreQDialogButtonBoxF&G (1' GEG N&o to AllQDialogButtonBox *#/OKQDialogButtonBox('2 1/FOpenQDialogButtonBox('2*F8EResetQDialogButtonBox&('2F4'F ~4 A16 G'Restore DefaultsQDialogButtonBox*D'4 /H('1GRetryQDialogButtonBox 0.1GSaveQDialogButtonBox0.1G GEGSave AllQDialogButtonBox&(DG (1' GEG Yes to &AllQDialogButtonBox*'1. *:1 Date Modified QDirModelFH9Kind QDirModelF'EName QDirModel-,ESize QDirModelFH9Type QDirModel(3*FClose QDockWidget+'(*Dock QDockWidget 4F'H1Float QDockWidgetE*1LessQDoubleSpinBox (4*1MoreQDoubleSpinBox &*#/&OK QErrorMessage<'F ~:'E 1' &/H('1G FE'4 (/G&Show this message again QErrorMessage$~:'E '4'D 2/':Debug Message: QErrorMessage.7' EGD: Fatal Error: QErrorMessage G4/'1:Warning: QErrorMessageBFE *H'F %1 1' (1' .1H, ('2 1/Cannot create %1 for outputQFileJFE *H'F %1 1' (G 9FH'F H1H/ ('2 1/Cannot open %1 for inputQFile6FE *H'F (1' .1H, ('2 1/Cannot open for outputQFile>FE *H'F ~1HF/G EF(9 1' -0A 1/Cannot remove source fileQFile*~1HF/G EB5/ EH,H/ '3*Destination file existsQFile"F'14 F'EHAB (D'Failure to write blockQFileEH*H1 ~1HF/G /1 /3*13 F3* H ' EH*H1 ~1HF/G '2 UnMapExtension ~4*('F FE F/BNo file engine available or engine does not support UnMapExtensionQFile~1HF/G *1*( (' '3*A'/G '2 ~ (D' G' *:1 F'E /'/G F.H'G/ 4/0Will not rename sequential file using block copyQFile%1 ~H4G 'A* F4/ D7A' (113 F/ G F'E E31 (G /13* /'/G 4/G ('4/.K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog%1 ~1HF/G 'A* F4/. D7A' /13* F'E ~1HF/G /'/G 4/G 1' (113 F/.A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog`%1 '2 B(D EH,H/ '3*. "' E'D G3*/ ,'2F 4H/-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog&'F*.'(&Choose QFileDialog&-0A&Delete QFileDialog&~H4G ,// &New Folder QFileDialog&('21/F&Open QFileDialog&*:1 F'E&Rename QFileDialog &0.1G&Save QFileDialog'%1' '2 -A'8* FH4*'1 (1.H1/'1 '3*. (' 'F -'D "' E'D G3*/ -0A 4H/9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialogF'E E3*9'1Alias QFileDialog$*E'E ~1HF/G G' (*) All Files (*) QFileDialog(*E'E ~1HF/G G' (*.*)All Files (*.*) QFileDialogR"' E7E&F G3*/ E .H'G/ %1 1' -0A F/!Are sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialog9B(Back QFileDialog:*:1 (G -'D* FE'4 (' ,2&'*Change to detail view mode QFileDialog2*:1 (G -'D* FE'4 3'GGChange to list view mode QFileDialog2FE *H'F ~H4G 1' -0A 1/.Could not delete directory. 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Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModel 1''FGComputerQFileSystemModel*'1. *:1 Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel$F'E F'E9*(1 ~1HF/GInvalid filenameQFileSystemModelFH9KindQFileSystemModel1''FG EF My ComputerQFileSystemModelF'ENameQFileSystemModel-,ESizeQFileSystemModelFH9TypeQFileSystemModelGEGAny QFontDatabase91(Arabic QFontDatabase '1EFArmenian QFontDatabase (F'DBengali QFontDatabase3'GBlack QFontDatabase*H~1Bold QFontDatabase31DCyrillic QFontDatabaseFEGDemi QFontDatabaseFEG *H~1 Demi Bold QFontDatabase/HF''1 Devanagari QFontDatabase1,Georgian QFontDatabase HF'FGreek QFontDatabaseH,'1*Gujarati QFontDatabaseH1EH.Gurmukhi QFontDatabase 9(1'FHebrew QFontDatabase,Italic QFontDatabase '~FJapanese QFontDatabase 'F'/'Kannada QFontDatabase.E1Khmer QFontDatabase 1G 'Korean QFontDatabase D'&H3Lao QFontDatabase D'*FLatin QFontDatabase3(Light QFontDatabase E'D' Malayalam QFontDatabaseE'FE'1Myanmar QFontDatabase 'F HN'Ko QFontDatabase9'/Normal QFontDatabase'1(Oblique QFontDatabase 'H:'EOgham QFontDatabase 'H1'Oriya QFontDatabase1E2Runic QFontDatabaseF 3'/G 4/GSimplified Chinese QFontDatabase3FG'D'Sinhala QFontDatabase F4'FGSymbol QFontDatabase 31'FSyriac QFontDatabase *'EDTamil QFontDatabase *DHHTelugu QFontDatabase3'F'Thaana QFontDatabase*'DF/Thai QFontDatabase*(*Tibetan QFontDatabaseF *,'1Traditional Chinese QFontDatabaseH*F'E Vietnamese QFontDatabase &AHF*&Font QFontDialog&'F/'2G&Size QFontDialog&21.7 /'1 &Underline QFontDialog,DHG G'Effects QFontDialog&3( AHF* Font st&yle QFontDialog FEHFGSample QFontDialog'F*.'( AHF* Select Font QFontDialog&.7 2/G Stri&keout QFontDialog3'E'FG &FH4*'1Wr&iting System QFontDialog0*:1 ~H4G 'F,'E F4/: %1Changing directory failed: %1QFtp2'*5'D (G E2('F (1B1'1 4/Connected to hostQFtp8'*5'D (G E2('F %1 (1B1'1 4/Connected to host %1QFtp4'*5'D F'EHAB (G E2('F: %1Connecting to host failed: %1QFtp'*5'D (3*G 4/Connection closedQFtpD'*5'D (1B1'1 '*5'D /'/G 1' 1/ 1/&Connection refused for data connectionQFtp2'*5'D (G E2('F %1 1/ 4/Connection refused to host %1QFtpJ2E'F '*5'D (G E2('F %1 (G ~''F 13/Connection timed out to host %1QFtp&'*5'D (G %1 (3*G 4/Connection to %1 closedQFtp0','/ ~H4G 'F,'E F4/: %1Creating directory failed: %1QFtp0/'FDH/ F'EHAB ~1HF/G: %1Downloading file failed: %1QFtp"E2('F ~/' %1 4/ Host %1 foundQFtp$E2('F %1 ~/' F4/Host %1 not foundQFtpE2('F ~/' 4/ Host foundQFtp8D3* 1/F ~H4G 43* .H1/: %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtpH1H/ F'EHAB: %1Login failed: %1QFtpE*5D FE ('4/ Not connectedQFtp,-/A ~H4G 'F,'E F4/: %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtp*-0A F'EHAB ~1HF/G: %1Removing file failed: %1QFtp.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown errorQFtp."~DH/ F'EHAB ~1HF/G: %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtp6'EFToggle QGroupBoxRTLQT_LAYOUT_DIRECTIONQGuiApplication0F'E E2('F /'/G F4/G '3*No host name given QHostInfo.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown error QHostInfoE2('F ~/' F4/Host not foundQHostInfoAgent$F'E F'E9*(1 E2('FInvalid hostnameQHostInfoAgent0F'E E2('F /'/G F4/G '3*No host name givenQHostInfoAgent"FH9 F'4F'.*G "/13Unknown address typeQHostInfoAgent.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown errorQHostInfoAgent$.7' F'4F'.*G (%1)Unknown error (%1)QHostInfoAgent&'9*('13F, F'2 '3*Authentication requiredQHttp2'*5'D (G E2('F (1B1'1 4/Connected to hostQHttp8'*5'D (G E2('F %1 (1B1'1 4/Connected to host %1QHttp'*5'D (3*G 4/Connection closedQHttp'*5'D 1/ 4/Connection refusedQHttpF'*5'D 1/ 4/ (' A15* (G '*E'E 13/)!Connection refused (or timed out)QHttp&'*5'D (G %1 (3*G 4/Connection to %1 closedQHttp/'/G .1'( '3*Data corruptedQHttp4.7' FH4*F ~'3. 1H /3*'G Error writing response to deviceQHttp,/1.H'3* HTTP 'F,'E F4/HTTP request failedQHttph'*5'D HTTPS /1 .H'3* 4/ 'E' ~4*('F SSL 1/"H1 F4/:HTTPS connection requested but SSL support not compiled inQHttp"E2('F %1 ~/' 4/ Host %1 foundQHttp$E2('F %1 ~/' F4/Host %1 not foundQHttpE2('F ~/' 4/ Host foundQHttp>E2('F (G '9*('1 3F, F'2 /'1/Host requires authenticationQHttp>(/FG B79G (F/ 4/G F'E9*(1 HTTPInvalid HTTP chunked bodyQHttp031"F/ F'E9*(1 ~'3. 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HTTP '2 ~1H3 /1'A* F4/(Did not receive HTTP response from proxyQHttpSocketEngine4.7' '1*('7 (' ~1H3 HTTP#Error communicating with HTTP proxyQHttpSocketEngineN/1.H'3* .7' *,2G '9*('13F, '2 ~1H3/Error parsing authentication request from proxyQHttpSocketEngine:'*5'D ~1H3 F'(GF'E (3*G 4/#Proxy connection closed prematurelyQHttpSocketEngine$'*5'D ~1H3 1/ 4/Proxy connection refusedQHttpSocketEngine,~1H3 '*5'D 1' 1/ 1/Proxy denied connectionQHttpSocketEngineP2E'F '*5'D (G 31H3 /GF/G ~1H3 *E'E 4/!Proxy server connection timed outQHttpSocketEngine631H3 /GF/G ~1H3 ~/' F4/Proxy server not foundQHttpSocketEngine6FE *H'F *1'F4 1' 41H9 1/Could not start transaction QIBaseDriver6.7' /1 ('2 1/F ~''G /'/GError opening database QIBaseDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QIBaseDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Unable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriver8FE *H'F 9('1* 1' '.*5'5 /'/Could not allocate statement QIBaseResult>FE *H'F 9('1* H1H/ 1' 41- /'/"Could not describe input statement QIBaseResult2FE *H'F 9('1* 1' 41- /'/Could not describe statement QIBaseResult>FE *H'F "*E (9/ 1' H'4 1/Could not fetch next item QIBaseResult4FE *H'F "1'G 1' ~/' 1/Could not find array QIBaseResultLFE *H'F /'/G G' "1'G 1' ('2'( 1/Could not get array data QIBaseResultNFE *H'F '7D'9'* ~13 H,H 1' ('2'( 1/Could not get query info QIBaseResultJFE *H'F '7D'9'* 9('1* 1' ('2'( 1/Could not get statement info QIBaseResult6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Could not prepare statement QIBaseResult6FE *H'F *1'F4 1' 41H9 1/Could not start transaction QIBaseResult*FE *H'F 9('1* 1' (3*Unable to close statement QIBaseResult8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QIBaseResult4FE *H'F BLOB 1' ','/ 1/Unable to create BLOB QIBaseResult6FE*H'F ~13 H,H 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute query QIBaseResult0FE *H'F BLOB 1' ('2 1/Unable to open BLOB QIBaseResult,FE *H'F BLOB 1' .H'F/Unable to read BLOB QIBaseResult*FE *H'F /1 BLOB FH4*Unable to write BLOB QIBaseResult>A6' /1 /3*'G ('B FE'F/G '3*No space left on device QIODeviceBFF ~H4G ' ~1HF/G ' H,H/ F/'1/No such file or directory QIODevice-B /3*13 1/ 4/Permission denied QIODevice0~1HF/G G' 2'/ ('2 '3*Too many open files QIODevice.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown error QIODeviceFEPFEP QInputContext"1H4 H1H/ EF*'4Mac OS X input method QInputContext"1H4 H1H/ FEP S60S60 FEP input method QInputContext 1H4 H1H/ HF/H2Windows input method QInputContextXIMXIM QInputContext1H4 H1H/ XIMXIM input method QInputContext& EB/'1 H'1/ F/:Enter a value: QInputDialog@%1  4! ELF F'E9*(1 '3* (%2)"'%1' is an invalid ELF object (%2)QLibrary(%1  4! ELF F3*'%1' is not an ELF objectQLibrary2%1  4! ELF F3* (%2)'%1' is not an ELF object (%2)QLibraryPFE *H'F *'(.'FG %1 1' ('10'1 1/: %2Cannot load library %1: %2QLibrarydFE *H'F /1('1G FE'/ %1 /1 %2 *5EE 1 1/: %3$Cannot resolve symbol "%1" in %2: %3QLibraryJFE *H'F *'(.'FG %1 1' *.DG 1/: %2Cannot unload library %1: %2QLibraryT/'/G '9*('13F, 'A2HFG /1 %1 *7'(B F/'1/)Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibraryH~1HF/G %1  'A2HFG E9*(1 Qt F3*.'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibrary'A2HFG %1 '2 *'(.'FG F'3'2'1 Qt '3*A'/G E F/. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibrary'A2HFG %1 '2 *'(.'FG F'3'2'1 Qt '3*A'/G E F/. (FE *H'F *'(.'FG G' '4'D 2/' H 'F*4'1 1' *1( 1/.)WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibrary'A2HFG %1 '2 *'(.'FG F'3'2'1 Qt '3*A'/G E F/. D/ 3'.* %2 EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3* %3 ~/' 4/OThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"QLibrary4*'(.'FG '4*1' ~/' F4/.!The shared library was not found.QLibrary.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown errorQLibrary&~&Copy QLineEdit&3('F/F&Paste QLineEdit&('2'F,'E&Redo QLineEdit&.F+ 3'2&Undo QLineEdit(&14Cu&t QLineEdit-0ADelete QLineEdit'F*.'( GEG Select All QLineEdit6%1: "/13 /1 -'D '3*A'/G '3*%1: Address in use QLocalServer%1: .7' F'E%1: Name error QLocalServer0%1: -B /3*13 H,H/ F/'1/%1: Permission denied QLocalServer(%1: .7' F'4F'.*G %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalServer4%1: ','2GT /3*13 /'/G F4/%1: Access denied QLocalSocket%1: .7' '*5'D%1: Connection error QLocalSocket%1: '*5'D 1/ 4/%1: Connection refused QLocalSocket>%1: /*'1'E (4 '2 -/ (21 '3*%1: Datagram too large QLocalSocket%1: F'E F'E9*(1%1: Invalid name QLocalSocket0%1: A1E'F '2 /H1 (3*G 4/%1: Remote closed QLocalSocket.%1: .7' /3*13 (G 3H*%1: Socket access error QLocalSocketD%1: 2E'F 9ED'* 3H* (G '*E'E 13/%1: Socket operation timed out QLocalSocket$%1: .7' EF(9 3H*%1: Socket resource error QLocalSocketB%1: 9ED'* 3H* ~4*('F F4/G '3*)%1: The socket operation is not supported QLocalSocket"%1: .7' F'4F'.*G%1: Unknown error QLocalSocket(%1: .7' F'4F'.*G %2%1: Unknown error %2 QLocalSocket6FE *H'F *1'F4 1' 41H9 1/Unable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver4FE *H'F '*5'D (1B1'1 FEH/Unable to connect QMYSQLDriverBFE *H'F ~''G /'/G 1' ('2 1/ 'Unable to open database ' QMYSQLDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Unable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriverDFE *H'F EB'/1 (1HF 1' EB/ 1/Unable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResult4FE *H'F EB/'1 1' EB/ 1/Unable to bind value QMYSQLResultBFE *H'F /1.H'3* (9/ 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute next query QMYSQLResult8FE *H'F ~13 H,H 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute query QMYSQLResult4FE *H'F 9('1* 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute statement QMYSQLResult09/E EHAB* /1 H'4 /'/GUnable to fetch data QMYSQLResult6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Unable to prepare statement QMYSQLResult<FE *H'F 9('1* 1' ('2F4'F 1/Unable to reset statement QMYSQLResult@FE *H'F F*,G (9/ 1' 0.1G 1/Unable to store next result QMYSQLResult6FE *H'F F*,G 1' 0.1G 1/Unable to store result QMYSQLResultBFE *H'F F*', 9('1* 1' 0.1G 1/!Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult(( F'E) (Untitled)QMdiArea%1 @ [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow &(3*F&Close QMdiSubWindow &-1*&Move QMdiSubWindow('&2'(&Restore QMdiSubWindow&'F/'2G&Size QMdiSubWindow @ [%1]- [%1] QMdiSubWindow(3*FClose QMdiSubWindowEHelp QMdiSubWindow(21& 1/F Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindow(21 1/FMaximize QMdiSubWindowEFHMenu QMdiSubWindowH& 1/F Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowH 1/FMinimize QMdiSubWindow('2'(Restore QMdiSubWindow ('2'( (G ~'F Restore Down QMdiSubWindow3'GShade QMdiSubWindow('D'*1 (&E'F/ Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindow('2F4'F 3'GUnshade QMdiSubWindow(3*FCloseQMenu',1'ExecuteQMenu('21/FOpenQMenu9EDActionsQMenuBarFH'1 '(2'1 H4GCorner ToolbarQMenuBar<h3>/1('1GT H*</h3><p>'F (1F'EG '2 H* F3.GT %1 '3*A'/G E F/.</p>8

About Qt

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox <p dir="rtl">H*  '(2'1 C++ '3* G (1' *H39GT F1E 'A2'1 E3*BD '2 ~D*A1E (G '1 E 1H/</p><p dir="rtl">H* B'(D* -ED * EF(9 1' (1' E'1H3'A* HF/H2 E 'H '3 '3 DFH3 H *E'E *H29 G' '5D HF3 ~4*('F E F/. H* GEFF (1' /3*'G G' ,'F( B'(D '3*A'/G '3*. '2 ,EDG H* (1' DFH3 *9(G 4/G H H* (1' HF/H2 CE.</p><p dir="rtl">(G EF8H1 ~'3. /G (G F'2 '1(1'F E.*DA H* *-* 3G ','2G F'EGT E*A'H* B'(D /3*'( '3*.</p><p dir="rtl"> Qt EF*41 4/G *-* ','2G F'EG *,'1 E' (1' *H39GT *,'1 F1E 'A2'1G' EF'3( '3* G E'D F3*/ / EF(9 "F G' 1' (' '4.'5 +'D+ H ' /1'F (G '4*1' (0'1/ ' (G G1 /DD FE *H'F/ (' 41'7 GNU LGPL F3.GT k ' GNU GPL F3.GT  EH'AB* F/.</p><p dir="rtl"> Qt EF*41 4/G *-* ','2G F'EGT GNU LGPL F3.GT k /1 5H1* G (*H'F/ (' EA'GE H 41'7 GNU LGPL F3.GT k EH'AB* F/ (1' *H39GT (1F'EG G' '1(1/ E*F ('2 B'(D '3*A'/G '3*.</p><p dir="rtl"> Qt EF*41 4/G *-* ','2G F'EGT GNU General Public License F3.GT  (1' *H39GT (1F'EG G' EF'3( '3* G (.H'G/ '2 "F G' /1 *1( G' '2 F1E 'A2'1G' *-* 4EHD 41'7 GNU GPL F3.GT k '3*A'/G F/ ' E'D ('4/ (' 41'7 ','2G F'EGT GNU GPL F3.GT  EH'AB* F/.</p><p dir="rtl"> (1' (G /3* "H1/F '7D'9'* /1 EH1/ ','2G F'EG G' Qt D7A'K <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/products/licensing">qt.nokia.com/products/licensing</a> 1' ((F/.</p><p dir="rtl">B'FHF -E'* '2 -BHB E$DAF (C)   E~'F FH' H/' *E'E 21E,EH9G G'</p><p dir="rtl"> Qt  E-5HD Nokia '3*.(1' '7D'9'* (4*1 <a href="http://qt.nokia.com/">qt.nokia.com</a> 1' ((F/.</p>

Qt is a C++ toolkit for cross-platform application development.

Qt provides single-source portability across MS Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and all major commercial Unix variants. Qt is also available for embedded devices as Qt for Embedded Linux and Qt for Windows CE.

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Qt licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 is appropriate for the development of Qt applications (proprietary or open source) provided you can comply with the terms and conditions of the GNU LGPL version 2.1.

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Please see qt.nokia.com/products/licensing for an overview of Qt licensing.

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Qt is a Nokia product. See qt.nokia.com for more information.

 QMessageBox/1('1GT H*About Qt QMessageBoxEHelp QMessageBox&E.A 1/F ,2&'*...Hide Details... QMessageBox *#/OK QMessageBoxFE'4 ,2&'*...Show Details... QMessageBox'F*.'( IM Select IMQMultiInputContext,3H 1H4 H1H/ F/'FGMultiple input method switcherQMultiInputContextPlugin3H 1H4 H1H/ F/'FG G '2 EFH E-*H' 9F'51 E*F '3*A'/G E F/MMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsQMultiInputContextPluginl3H* *G 'G GE 'FHF 1H GE'F /1'G /1 -'D 4F/F '3*4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEnginex*D'4 (1' '3*A'/G '2 3H* IPv6 1H ~D*A1E (/HF ~4*('F IPv6=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine"'*5'D ~01A*G F4/Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngine:'*5'D (' HBAGT 2E'F EH',G 4/Connection timed outQNativeSocketEngineB/*'1'E (1' '13'D .D (21 (H/Datagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine(E2('F /1 /3*13 F3*Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngine2*H5A FF/GT F'E9*(1 3H*Invalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine.7' 4(G Network errorQNativeSocketEngineF9ED'* 4(G (' HBAGT 2E'F EH',G 4/Network operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine$4(G /1 /3*13 F3*Network unreachableQNativeSocketEngine$9ED'* 1H :13H*Operation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine.'1, '2 EF'(9Out of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine(-B /3*13 H,H/ F/'1/Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngine8FH9 ~1H*D ~4*('F F4/G '3*Protocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine$"/13 /1 /3*13 F3*The address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine$"/13 -A'8* 4/G '3*The address is protectedQNativeSocketEngineN"/13 E-/H/G GE 'FHF /1 -'D '3*A'/G '3*#The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngineF~1H3 (1' 'F 9ED'* :1E9*(1 '3*,The proxy type is invalid for this operationQNativeSocketEngineHE2('F F*1D '2 1'G /H1 '*5'D 1' (3*%The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngine<FE *H'F 3H* ~.4 1' "E'/G 1/%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngineRFE *H'F 3H* (DH (F/ F4/G 1' "E'/G 1/(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine0FE *H'F ~'E /1'A* 1/Unable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngine4FE *H'F ~'E 1' '13'D 1/Unable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngineF'*H'F /1 FH4*FUnable to writeQNativeSocketEngine.7' F'4F'.*G Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngine29ED'* ~4*('F F4/G 3H*Unsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngine .7' ('2 1/F %1Error opening %1QNetworkAccessCacheBackend4F4'F 'F*1F* F'E9*(1: %1Invalid URI: %1QNetworkAccessDataBackendhE2('F F*1D '2 1'G /H1 '*5'D 1' F'(GF'E 1H %1 (3*3Remote host closed the connection prematurely on %1QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend&.7' 3H* /1 %1: %2Socket error on %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackend*.7' FH4*F 1H %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessDebugPipeBackendPFE *H'F %1 1' ('2 1/: E31  ~H4G '3*#Cannot open %1: Path is a directoryQNetworkAccessFileBackend(.7' ('2 1/F %1: %2Error opening %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackend*.7' .H'F/F '2 %1: %2Read error reading from %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendR/1.H'3* (1' ('2 1/F ~1HF/GT :1 E-D %1%Request for opening non-local file %1QNetworkAccessFileBackend*.7' FH4*F 1H %1: %2Write error writing to %1: %2QNetworkAccessFileBackendFFE *H'F %1 1' ('2 1/:  ~H4G '3*Cannot open %1: is a directoryQNetworkAccessFtpBackend4.7' /1 GF'E /'FDH/ %1: %2Error while downloading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackend2.7' /1 GF'E "~DH/ %1: %2Error while uploading %1: %2QNetworkAccessFtpBackendb.(1B1'1 F'EHAB '1*('7 (' %1: '9*('13F, F'2 '3*0Logging in to %1 failed: authentication requiredQNetworkAccessFtpBackend*~1H3 EF'3( ~/' F4/No suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessFtpBackend*~1H3 EF'3( ~/' F4/No suitable proxy foundQNetworkAccessHttpBackend:/3*13 4(G :1 A9'D 4/G '3*.Network access is disabled.QNetworkAccessManager<.7' /'FDH/ %1 - ~'3. 31H1: %2)Error downloading %1 - server replied: %2 QNetworkReply .7' ,D3GT 4(G.Network session error. QNetworkReplyB~1H*D %1 ~4*('F F'4F'.*G '3*Protocol "%1" is unknown QNetworkReply .1'( EHB* 4(G.Temporary network failure. QNetworkReply8.7' /1 41H9 ~''FGT E/1*.backend start error. QNetworkReply9ED'* D:H 4/Operation canceledQNetworkReplyImpl$~1 (F/ F'E9*(1.Invalid configuration.QNetworkSession.7' 1HEF Roaming errorQNetworkSessionPrivateImplB1HEF D:H 4/ ' 'E'F ~01 F3*.'Roaming was aborted or is not possible.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplH,D3G (G H3DGT '1(1 ' 33*E D:H 4/!Session aborted by user or systemQNetworkSessionPrivateImplb/1.H'3* 9ED'* (G H3DGT 33*E ~4*('F F4/G '3*.7The requested operation is not supported by the system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplT,D3G (G H3DGT '1(1 ' 33*E D:H 4/G (H/..The session was aborted by the user or system.QNetworkSessionPrivateImplR~1(F/ E4.5 4/G FE *H'F/ '3*A'/G 4H/.+The specified configuration cannot be used.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl.7' F'4F'.*GUnidentified ErrorQNetworkSessionPrivateImpl(.7' F'4F'.*GT ,D3G.Unknown session error.QNetworkSessionPrivateImpl6FE *H'F *1'F4 1' 41H9 1/Unable to begin transaction QOCIDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QOCIDriver$FE *H'F "E'/G 1/Unable to initialize QOCIDriver,FE *H'F H'1/ 33*E 4/Unable to logon QOCIDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Unable to rollback transaction QOCIDriver6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' *.55 /'/Unable to alloc statement QOCIResultTFE *H'F 3*HF 1' (1' ',1' 1HG EB/ 1/'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResult4FE *H'F E*:1 1' EB/ 1/Unable to bind value QOCIResultDFE *H'F 9('1* /3*G ' 1' ',1' 1/!Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult4FE *H'F 9('1* 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute statement QOCIResultBFE *H'F FH9 9('1* 1' ('2'( 1/Unable to get statement type QOCIResult(FE *H'F (G (9/ 1A*Unable to goto next QOCIResult6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Unable to prepare statement QOCIResult8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Unable to commit transaction QODBCDriver2FE *H'F '*5'D (1B1'1 1/Unable to connect QODBCDriverFE *H'F '*5'D (1B1'1 FEH/. /1'H1 *E'E 9ED1/G' D'2E 1' ~4*('F FE F/EUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all functionality required QODBCDriverJFE *H'F '13'D .H/'1 1' :1 A9'D 1/Unable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverBFE *H'F '13'D .H/'1 1' A9'D 1/Unable to enable autocommit QODBCDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Unable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult::reset: FE *H'F 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' 1' (G 9FH'F 5A* 9('1* F*8E 1/. D7A'K ~1(F/ 1/'FF/GT ODBC .H/ 1' (113 F/yQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResult4FE *H'F E*:1 1' EB/ 1/Unable to bind variable QODBCResult4FE *H'F 9('1* 1' ',1' 1/Unable to execute statement QODBCResult6FE *H'F 1H1/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch QODBCResultBFE *H'F 'HDF 1H1/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch first QODBCResultBFE *H'F ".1F 1H1/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch last QODBCResult>FE *H'F 1H1/ (9/ 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch next QODBCResult@FE *H'F 1H1/ B(D 1' H'4 1/Unable to fetch previous QODBCResult6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Unable to prepare statement QODBCResultr"%1" F'E H8AGT B(D 1' *1'1 E F/ H :1 A9'D .H'G/ 4/.:"%1" duplicates a previous role name and will be disabled.QObject0FE *H'F ~'H1B 1' .H'F/Could not read footerQObject@FE *H'F /'/G G' *5H1 1' .H'F/Could not read image dataQObjectNFE *H'F (G EHB9* '(*/' ('2F4'F 1/!Could not reset to start positionQObjectPFE *H'F (G B3E* ~'H1B *5H1 E1',9G 1/#Could not seek to image read footerQObjectE2('F 'A* F4/Host not foundQObject(9EB *5H1 E9*(1 F3*Image depth not validQObjectH.H'F/F mHeader *5H1 (' .7' EH',G 4/Image mHeader read failedQObjectdFH9 *5H1 (:1 '2 TrueVision 2.0) ~4*('F FE 4H/-Image type (non-TrueVision 2.0) not supportedQObject4FH9 *5H1 ~4*('F FE 4H/Image type not supportedQObject631H3 /GF/GT 5H* PulseAudioPulseAudio Sound ServerQObjectp~H4 1H ~1HF/G//3*'G (1' .H'F/F *5H1 (' .7' EH',G 4/&Seek file/device for image read failedQObject/3*'G *1*( ((G 9FH'F E+'D 3H*) (1' .H'F/F *5H1 ~4*('F FE 4H/:Sequential device (eg socket) for image read not supportedQObject(~13 H,H F'E9*(1: %1invalid query: "%1"QObjectF'ENameQPPDOptionsModel EB/'1ValueQPPDOptionsModel6FE *H'F *1'F4 1' 41H9 1/Could not begin transaction QPSQLDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' '13'D 1/Could not commit transaction QPSQLDriver8FE *H'F *1'F4 1' ('21/'F/Could not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver2FE *H'F '*5'D (1B1'1 1/Unable to connect QPSQLDriver2FE *H'F '4*1' ','/ 1/Unable to subscribe QPSQLDriver4FE *H'F '4*1' 1' D:H 1/Unable to unsubscribe QPSQLDriver4FE *H'F ~13 H,H ','/ 1/Unable to create query QPSQLResult6FE *H'F 9('1* 1' "E'/G 1/Unable to prepare statement QPSQLResult3'F* E*1 (cm)Centimeters (cm)QPageSetupWidgetA1EFormQPageSetupWidget'1*A'9:Height:QPageSetupWidget'F (in) Inches (in)QPageSetupWidget'AB LandscapeQPageSetupWidget -'4GMarginsQPageSetupWidgetED E*1 (mm)Millimeters (mm)QPageSetupWidget,G* OrientationQPageSetupWidget'F/'2GT 5A-G: Page size:QPageSetupWidget':0PaperQPageSetupWidgetEF(9 ':0: Paper source:QPageSetupWidgetFB7G (pt) Points (pt)QPageSetupWidget 9EH/PortraitQPageSetupWidget'AB E9H3Reverse landscapeQPageSetupWidget.9EH/ E9H3Reverse portraitQPageSetupWidget916:Width:QPageSetupWidget-'4GT ~'F bottom marginQPageSetupWidget-'4GT ~ left marginQPageSetupWidget-'4GT 1'3* right marginQPageSetupWidget-'4GT ('D' top marginQPageSetupWidget('A2HFG ('1 F4/G (H/.The plugin was not loaded. 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F/'/no error occurredQXml&EH,H/* G' ('24*recursive entitiesQXmlHGF'E .H'F/F XML ('F E3*BD F'2 '3*Astandalone declaration expected while reading the XML declarationQXml9/E *7'(B F4'FG tag mismatchQXml"FH3GT :1EF*81GTunexpected characterQXml.'F*G' F'EF*81GT ~1HF/Gunexpected end of fileQXml^EH,H/* 9EHE *,2G F4/GT E1,9 /1 2EFGT '4*('G*unparsed entity reference in wrong contextQXml<GF'E .H'F/F XML F3.G F'2 '3*2version expected while reading the XML declarationQXml8EB/'1 '4*('G (1' ('F E3*BD&wrong value for standalone declarationQXmlJ.7' %1 /1 %2  /1 .7 %3  3*HF %4: %5)Error %1 in %2, at line %3, column %4: %5QXmlPatternistCLI".7' %1 /1 %2: %3Error %1 in %2: %3QXmlPatternistCLIEHB9* F'4F'.*GUnknown locationQXmlPatternistCLIF'.7'1 /1 %1  /1 .7 %2  3*HF %3: %4(Warning in %1, at line %2, column %3: %4QXmlPatternistCLI'.7'1 /1 %1: %2Warning in %1: %2QXmlPatternistCLI>%1  4F'3GT 9EHE F'E9*(1 '3*.#%1 is an invalid PUBLIC identifier. QXmlStream<%1  F'E /0'1 F'E9*(1 '3*.%1 is an invalid encoding name. QXmlStreamJ%1  /3*H1'D9ED ~1/'24 F'E9*(1 '3*.-%1 is an invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream& 'E' /1'A* 4/G: ' , but got ' QXmlStream('2*91A 5A*.Attribute redefined. QXmlStream8/0'1 %1 ~4*('F F4/G '3*Encoding %1 is unsupported QXmlStreamZ1H'1H (' E-*H' /0'1 4/G (G 4D F'/13*.(Encountered incorrectly encoded content. QXmlStream6EH,H/* %1 ('F F4/G '3*.Entity '%1' not declared. QXmlStreamEH1/ 'F*8'1 Expected  QXmlStream8/'/GT FH3G EH1/ 'F*8'1 '3*.Expected character data. QXmlStream8E-*H'* '6'AG /1 'F*G' 3F/.!Extra content at end of document. QXmlStream.('F :1E,'2 A6' F'E.Illegal namespace declaration. QXmlStream&FH3GT F'E9*(1 XML.Invalid XML character. QXmlStream F'E XML F'E9*(1.Invalid XML name. QXmlStream014*GT F'E9*(1 F3.GT XML.Invalid XML version string. QXmlStream05A* F'E9*(1 /1 ('F XML.%Invalid attribute in XML declaration. QXmlStream,'1,'9 '1'*1 F'E9*(1.Invalid character reference. QXmlStream3F/ F'E9*(1.Invalid document. QXmlStream,EB/'1 EH,H/* F'E9*(1.Invalid entity value. QXmlStream6/3*H1'D9ED ~1/'24 F'E9*(1.$Invalid processing instruction name. QXmlStream<NDATA /1 ('F EH,H/* ~'1'E*1.&NDATA in parameter entity declaration. QXmlStreamH~4HF/ %1 A6' F'E *91A F4/G '3*"Namespace prefix '%1' not declared QXmlStream8F4'FGT 41H9 H ~''F F'EF'3(. Opening and ending tag mismatch. QXmlStream*~''F F'(G GF'E 3F/.Premature end of document. QXmlStream2EH,H/* ('24* ~/' 4/.Recursive entity detected. QXmlStream5Reference to external entity '%1' in attribute value. QXmlStreamB'1,'9 (G EH,H/* *-DD F4/G %1."Reference to unparsed entity '%1'. QXmlStream>14*GT <[[ /1 E-*H' E,'2 F3*.&Sequence ']]>' not allowed in content. QXmlStreamB~01A*F G' E3*BD AB7 (DG ' .1."Standalone accepts only yes or no. QXmlStream0F4'FGT 41H9 EH1/ 'F*8'1.Start tag expected. QXmlStreamX5A* E3*BD '0( ('/ (9/ '2 /0'1 8'G1 4H/.?The standalone pseudo attribute must appear after the encoding. QXmlStreamF'EF*81G ' Unexpected ' QXmlStreamRFH3GT :1EF*81GT %1 /1 14*GT id 9EHE./Unexpected character '%1' in public id literal. QXmlStream2F3.GT ~4*('F F4/GT XML.Unsupported XML version. QXmlStream8('F XML /1 '(*/' 3F/ F3*.)XML declaration not at start of document. QXmlStream"*E G'Items QmlJSDebugger::LiveSelectionToolk 0.125xQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar k 0.1xQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar k 0.25xQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar k 0.5xQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar1xQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar*'9E'D *:1'* 1H 3F/Apply Changes to DocumentQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar:'9E'D *:1'* 1H FE'41 QMLApply Changes to QML ViewerQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar(HE 1F Color PickerQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar-'D* (113Inspector ModeQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar"'FE4F 41H9/*HBAPlay/Pause AnimationsQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar 'F*.'(SelectQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar,'**.'( (-'D* 3'G ('F)Select (Marquee)QmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar'(2'1G'ToolsQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar(21 FE'ZoomQmlJSDebugger::QmlToolBar~ 1F Copy ColorQmlJSDebugger::ToolBarColorBox$(21 FE' (G /'.DZoom InQmlJSDebugger::ZoomTool&(21 FE' (G (1HFZoom OutQmlJSDebugger::ZoomTool&(21 FE' (G &j Zoom to &100%QmlJSDebugger::ZoomToolT%1 H %2 41H9 H ~''F  .7 1' ,H1 E FF/.,%1 and %2 match the start and end of a line. QtXmlPatterns~5A* %1 /1 %2 ('/ '3*A'/GT %3 1' E'FF/ FH9 ~'GT %4 /'4*G ('4/.9%1 attribute in %2 must have %3 use like in base type %4. QtXmlPatterns|%1 5A* /1 FH9 ~/GT E4*B 4/G ('/ E'FF/ %2 /1 FH9 ~'G ('4/.B%1 attribute in derived complex type must be %2 like in base type. QtXmlPatterns5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 4'ED E-*H'* :1 E,'2 '3*: {%3}  EB/'1 '2 FH9 %4 F3*.T%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3} is not a value of type %4. QtXmlPatternsd5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 4'ED E-*H'* :1 E,'2 '3*: {%3}.:%1 attribute of %2 element contains invalid content: {%3}. QtXmlPatterns^5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 EB/'1 (21*1 '2 5A* %3 /'1/.>%1 attribute of %2 element has larger value than %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsJ5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ %3 ' %4 ('4/.,%1 attribute of %2 element must be %3 or %4. QtXmlPatternst5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ 4'ED %3 %4 ' D3* '2 URLG' ('4/.A%1 attribute of %2 element must contain %3, %4 or a list of URIs. QtXmlPatternsh5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ 4'ED %3 ' EB'/1 /1 ('4/.F%1 attribute of %2 element must either contain %3 or the other values. QtXmlPatternsh5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ EB/'1 %3 ' %4 1' /'4*G ('4/.9%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns\5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ EB/'1 %3 1' /'4*G ('4/.3%1 attribute of %2 element must have a value of %3. QtXmlPatterns5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 ('/ EB/'1 %3 1' /'4*G ('4/ 21' 5A* %4 *F8E 4/G '3*.R%1 attribute of %2 element must have the value %3 because the %4 attribute is set. QtXmlPatterns@5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 F('/ %3 ('4/.*%1 attribute of %2 element must not be %3. QtXmlPatterns4FE *H'F %1 1' ('2'( 1/%1 cannot be retrieved QtXmlPatternst%1 FE *H'F/ FH9 ~/GT ~'G ' G  %2 /'1/ /'4*G ('4/./%1 cannot have complex base type that has a %2. QtXmlPatternsT%1 4'ED 1HGT %2 (' /'/GT F'E9*(1 '3*: %3.+%1 contains %2 facet with invalid data: %3. QtXmlPatterns4%1 4'ED /'/GT F'E9*(1 '3*.%1 contains invalid data. QtXmlPatterns%1 4'ED G4*' G' '3* G /1 /0'1 /1.H'3* 4/G *H37 %2 E,'2 F3*F/.E%1 contains octets which are disallowed in the requested encoding %2. QtXmlPatterns|%1 9F51 %2  B/ E9*(1 9F51 %3 G %4 1' ('2*91A E F/ F3*.L%1 element %2 is not a valid restriction of the %3 element it redefines: %4. QtXmlPatterns9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ 5A* %2 1' (' EB/'1 E*A'H* '2 %3 ' %4 /'4*G ('4/.C%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns|9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ 5A* %2 1' (' EB/'1 E*A'H* '2 %3 /'4*G ('4/.=%1 element cannot have %2 attribute with value other than %3. QtXmlPatternsf9F51 %1 FG 5A* %2 1' /'1/ FG 9F51 A12F/ %3 1' /'1/.9%1 element has neither %2 attribute nor %3 child element. QtXmlPatterns>9F51 %1 /1 'F 2EFG E,'2 F3*.*%1 element is not allowed in this context. QtXmlPatterns<9F51 %1 /1 'F BDE1H E,'2 F3*'%1 element is not allowed in this scope QtXmlPatternsn9F51 %1 /1 9F51 %2 '1 5A* %3 '1'&G 4/G ('4/ E,'2 F3*.G%1 element is not allowed inside %2 element if %3 attribute is present. QtXmlPatterns9F51 %1 E,'2 F3* G 5A* %2  3'F ('A6' F'E G/A %3 /'4*G ('4/.Y%1 element is not allowed to have the same %2 attribute value as the target namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsz9F51 %1 ('/ 5A* %2 ' %3 ' %4 1' (G 9FH'F A12F/ /'4*G ('4/.F%1 element must have either %2 attribute or %3 or %4 as child element. QtXmlPatterns`9F51 %1 ('/  '2 5A'* %2 ' %3 1' /'4*G ('4/./%1 element must have either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns^9F51 %1 F('/ 5A'* %2 H %3 1' (' GE /'4*G ('4/.6%1 element must not have %2 and %3 attribute together. QtXmlPatternsV9F51 %1  '2 5A'* %2 ' %3 1' F'2 /'1/...%1 element requires either %2 or %3 attribute. QtXmlPatterns^9F51 %1 (' A12F/ %2 F('/ 5A* %3 1' /'4*G ('4/.>%1 element with %2 child element must not have a %3 attribute. QtXmlPatternsp9F51 %1 (/HF 5A* %2 /1 71- (/HF A6' F'E G/A E,'2 F3*.V%1 element without %2 attribute is not allowed inside schema without target namespace. QtXmlPatternsX1HG G' %1 H %2 FE *H'FF/ (' GE 8'G1 4HF/.-%1 facet and %2 facet cannot appear together. QtXmlPatternsr1HGT %1 FE *H'F/ %2 ('4/ '1 1HGT %3 FH9 ~'G %4 ('4/.5%1 facet cannot be %2 if %3 facet of base type is %4. QtXmlPatterns~1HGT %1 FE *H'F/ %2 ' %3 ('4/ '1 1HGT %4 FH9 ~'G %5 ('4/.;%1 facet cannot be %2 or %3 if %4 facet of base type is %5. QtXmlPatterns41HGT %1 (' %2 */'.D /'1/. %1 facet collides with %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsH1HGT %1 4'ED 9('1* EF8E F'E9*(1 '3*,%1 facet contains invalid regular expression QtXmlPatternsL1HG %1 4'ED EB/'1 F'E9*(1 %2 '3*: %3.'%1 facet contains invalid value %2: %3. QtXmlPatternsj1HGT %1 ('/ (21*1 ' E3'H 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.=%1 facet must be equal or greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns^1HGT %1 ('/ (21*1 '2 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.4%1 facet must be greater than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsj1HGT %1 ('/ (21*1 ' E3'H 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.@%1 facet must be greater than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns^1HGT %1 ('/ H*1 '2 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.1%1 facet must be less than %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsL1HGT %1 ('/ H*1 '2 1HGT %2 ('4/.$%1 facet must be less than %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsj1HGT %1 ('/ H*1 ' E3'H 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.=%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatternsX1HGT %1 ('/ H*1 ' E3'H 1HGT %2 ('4/.0%1 facet must be less than or equal to %2 facet. QtXmlPatterns`1HGT %1 ('/ GE'F EB/'1 1HGT %2 FH9 ~'G ('4/.;%1 facet must have the same value as %2 facet of base type. QtXmlPatterns~%1 AD/ 9// E*A'H* '2 B/ GH* %2 G (G "F '4'1G E F/ /'1/.W%1 has a different number of fields from the identity constraint %2 that it references. QtXmlPatterns^%1 wildcard 5A* /'1/ 'E' FH9 ~'GT %2 '4 F/'1/.7%1 has attribute wildcard but its base type %2 has not. QtXmlPatternsL%1 /1 FH9 %2 ~'G '4 -DBGT H1'+* /'1/.,%1 has inheritance loop in its base type %2. QtXmlPatterns%1  FH9 ~/G '3*. *(/D (G FH9 ~/G :1EEF '3*. 'E' *(/D (G 'FH'9 '*E E+D %2 '1 E F/.s%1 is an complex type. Casting to complex types is not possible. However, casting to atomic types such as %2 works. QtXmlPatterns(%1  %2 F'E9*(1 '3*%1 is an invalid %2 QtXmlPatterns%1  ~1E F'E9*(1 (1' 9('1'* EF8E '3*. ~1E G' E9*(1 'F G' G3*F/:?%1 is an invalid flag for regular expressions. Valid flags are: QtXmlPatterns@%1  A6' F'E URL F'E9*(1 '3*.%1 is an invalid namespace URI. QtXmlPatternsL%1  'DH 9('1* EF8E F'E9*(1 '3*: %2/%1 is an invalid regular expression pattern: %2 QtXmlPatterns@%1  F'E -'D* B'D( F'E9*(1 '3*.$%1 is an invalid template mode name. QtXmlPatterns2%1 FH9 F'4F'.*GT 71- FH9.%1 is an unknown schema type. QtXmlPatterns@%1  /0'1 ~4*('F F4/G '3*.%1 is an unsupported encoding. QtXmlPatternsB%1  '1'*1 E9*(1 1.0 XML F3*.$%1 is not a valid XML 1.0 character. QtXmlPatternsV%1  F'E E9*(1 (1' /3*H1'9ED ~1/'24 F3*.4%1 is not a valid name for a processing-instruction. QtXmlPatterns6%1  DA8 9// F'E9*(1 '3*."%1 is not a valid numeric literal. QtXmlPatterns%1  F'E G/A E9*(1 /1 /3*H1'D9ED ~1/'24 F3*. "F ('/  EB/'1 %2 ('4/ (1' E+'D %3.Z%1 is not a valid target name in a processing instruction. It must be a %2 value, e.g. %3. QtXmlPatternsB%1  EB/'1 E9*(1 '2 FH9 %2 F3*.#%1 is not a valid value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns4%1 *E'E 9// /BBG G' F3*.$%1 is not a whole number of minutes. QtXmlPatterns%1 FE *H'F/ (' ~3HF/ '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ E'FF/ FH3G ' G "F 1' (G 9FH'F FG' *91A E F/.S%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by extension as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 FE *H'F/ (' D3* '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ E'FF/ FH3G ' G "F 1' (G 9FH'F FG' *91A E F/.N%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by list as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 FE *H'F/ (' 417 '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ E'FF/ FH3G ' G "F 1' (G 9FH'F FG' *91A E F/.U%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by restriction as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatterns%1 FE *H'F/ (' '*-'/ '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ E'FF/ FH3G ' G "F 1' (G 9FH'F FG' *91A E F/.O%1 is not allowed to derive from %2 by union as the latter defines it as final. QtXmlPatternsR%1 FE *H'F/ 96H GE F'E .H/4 /'4*G ('4/.E%1 is not allowed to have a member type with the same name as itself. QtXmlPatterns\FH9 3'/GT %1 E,'2 F3* G 1HG ' /'4*G ('4/.%%1 is not allowed to have any facets. QtXmlPatternsp%1  FH9 '*E F3*. *(/D AB7 (1' 'FH'9 '*E EEF '3*.C%1 is not an atomic type. Casting is only possible to atomic types. QtXmlPatterns%1  '9D'F 5A* /1HF BDE1H F3*. *H,G F/ G H H'1/ 1/F 71- ~4*('F F4/G '3*.g%1 is not in the in-scope attribute declarations. Note that the schema import feature is not supported. QtXmlPatterns0%1 (1 7(B %2 E9*(1 F3*. %1 is not valid according to %2. QtXmlPatternsP%1 (G 9FH'F EB/'1 '2 FH9 %2 E9*(1 F3*.&%1 is not valid as a value of type %2. QtXmlPatternsB%1 (' '1'*1 .7 ,// E7'(B* /'1/%1 matches newline characters QtXmlPatternsr%1 ('/ (' %2 ' %3 GE1'G 4H/ FG /1 ~''F 14*GT ,'2F.J%1 must be followed by %2 or %3, not at the end of the replacement string. QtXmlPatterns%1 -1HA ,'2F 4HF/G E4*B 4/G B/ E9*(1 %2 -1HA ,'2F 4HF/GT ~'G F3*F/H%1 of derived wildcard is not a valid restriction of %2 of base wildcard QtXmlPatternsh5A* %1 ' %2 '2 '1,'9 %3 (' '9D'F 5A* %4 E7'(B F3*.T%1 or %2 attribute of reference %3 does not match with the attribute declaration %4. QtXmlPatternsl%1 (G B/ GH* %2 G 9F51 %3 ' %4 F3* E1',9G E F/.A%1 references identity constraint %2 that is no %3 or %4 element. QtXmlPatternsR%1 %2 ' %3 F'E4.5 9F51 %4 E1',9G E F/.*%1 references unknown %2 or %3 element %4. QtXmlPatternsn%1 D''BD %n "1HE'F F'2 /'1/. (F'(1'F %2 F'E9*(1 '3*.=%1 requires at least %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatternsl%1 -/'+1 %n "1HE'F E 1/. (F'(1'F %2 F'E9*(1 '3*.9%1 takes at most %n argument(s). %2 is therefore invalid. QtXmlPatterns(%1 A1'.H'F 4/G (H/.%1 was called. QtXmlPatterns1HG G' %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 H %6 GF'E G (G H3DGT D3* E4*B E 4HF/ E,'2 F3*F/.F%1, %2, %3, %4, %5 and %6 facets are not allowed when derived by list. QtXmlPatternsV5A* %1 4'ED E-*H' F'E9*(1 QName '3*: %2.2'%1' attribute contains invalid QName content: %2. QtXmlPatterns> *H6- FE *H'F/ 4'ED %1 ('4/A comment cannot contain %1 QtXmlPatternsJ *H6- FE *H'F/ ('  %1 *E'E 4H/.A comment cannot end with a %1. QtXmlPatternsX(1.H1/ (' 3'.*'1 :1E,'2 /1 2('F ,'1 (%1)..LA construct was encountered which is disallowed in the current language(%1). QtXmlPatterns'9D'F  A6' F'E ~4 A16 ('/ B(D '2 '9D'F *'(9 E*:1 H 2FG G' '*A'B (A*/.^A default namespace declaration must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsv3'2F/GT E3*BE  9F51 .H4 A1E F3*. %1 (' %2 *E'E 4/G '3*.EA direct element constructor is not well-formed. %1 is ended with %2. QtXmlPatternsN *'(9 (' 'E6' %1 GE 'FHF H,H/ /'1/.0A function already exists with the signature %1. QtXmlPatterns E'HD *'(.'FG ' FE *H'F/ (G *FG' (113 4H/. "F ('/ '2  E'HD '5D H'1/ 4H/.VA library module cannot be evaluated directly. It must be imported from a main module. QtXmlPatternsp ~'1'E*1 /1  *'(9 FE *H'F/ (G 9FH'F *HFD '9D'F 4H/.Can not process unknown element %1, expected elements are: %2. QtXmlPatterns9F51 A12F/ /1 'F BDE1H EABH/ 4/G '3* 9F'51 A12F/ EEF 'F G' G3*F/: %1.HChild element is missing in that scope, possible child elements are: %1. QtXmlPatterns4'1,'9 1HG -DBH (1' %1. Circular group reference for %1. QtXmlPatterns2H1'+* 1/4 ~'GT FH9 %1.%Circular inheritance of base type %1. QtXmlPatterns*H1'+* 1/4 '*-'/ %1.!Circular inheritance of union %1. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT %1 FE *H'F/ (' ~3HF/ '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ GEF'F G '.1'K 4'ED 9F51 %3 /1 E/D E-*H'*4 '3*.nComplex type %1 cannot be derived by extension from %2 as the latter contains %3 element in its content model. QtXmlPatterns\FH9 ~/GT %1 FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 %2%3 E4*B 4H/.6Complex type %1 cannot be derived from base type %2%3. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT %1 4'ED 5A* %2 '3*.G B/ EB/'1 /'1/ 'E' FH9 1' '2 %3 (G '1+ E (1/._Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 that has value constraint but type that inherits from %3. QtXmlPatternsPFH9 ~/GT %1 5A* %2 1' /H('1 4'ED '3*.,Complex type %1 contains attribute %2 twice. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT %1 4'ED /H 5A* E*A'H* '3* G G1 /H '2 %2 E4*B 4/G 'F/.WComplex type %1 contains two different attributes that both have types derived from %2. QtXmlPatternspFH9 ~/GT %1 /1 E/D E-*H'*4 9F51 F/'FGT %2 1' /'1/.?Complex type %1 has duplicated element %2 in its content model. QtXmlPatternsHFH9 ~/GT %1 E-*H'* :1B79 /'1/..Complex type %1 has non-deterministic content. QtXmlPatternsLFH9 ~/GT %1 FE *H'F/ 'F*2'9 ('4/..Complex type %1 is not allowed to be abstract. QtXmlPatternsXFH9 ~/GT %1 ('/ E-*H'* 3'/G /'4*G ('4/.)Complex type %1 must have simple content. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT %1 ('/ GE'F 'FH'9 3'/G 1' E'FF/ D'3 %2 ~'G '4 /'4*G ('4/.DComplex type %1 must have the same simple type as its base class %2. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT %1 (' E-*H'* 3'/G FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 ~/GT %2 E4*B 4H/.PComplex type %1 with simple content cannot be derived from complex base type %2. QtXmlPatternsFH9 ~/GT E4*B 4/G '2 9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ (G 7H1 E9*(1 '2 9F51 ~'G E4*B 4H/.OComplex type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsD,2& (' ID %1 B(D'K *91A 4/G '3*.1Component with ID %1 has been defined previously. QtXmlPatternsE-*H'* E/D FH9 ~/GT %1 4'ED %2 '3* (F'(1'F FE *H'F/ (' ~3HF/ '2 FH9 :1 *G E4*B 4H/.qContent model of complex type %1 contains %2 element, so it cannot be derived by extension from a non-empty type. QtXmlPatternszE/D E-*H'* FH9 ~/GT %1 ~3HF/ E9*(1 E/D E-*H'* %2 F3*F/.QContent model of complex type %1 is not a valid extension of content model of %2. QtXmlPatternsjE-*H'* 5A* %1 '2 9F51 %2 F('/ '2 A6' F'E %3 ('4/.DContent of %1 attribute of %2 element must not be from namespace %3. QtXmlPatternsbE-*H'* 5A* %1 (' B/ EB/'1 *91A 4/G E7'(B F3*.@Content of attribute %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatternsXE-*H'* 5A* %1 (' *91A FH94 E7'(B F3*: %2.?Content of attribute %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H'* 9F51 %1 (' B/ EB/'1 *91A 4/G E7'(B F3*.>Content of element %1 does not match defined value constraint. QtXmlPatternsRE-*H'* 9F51 %1 (' *91A4 E7'(B F3*: %2.=Content of element %1 does not match its type definition: %2. QtXmlPatterns@/'/G FH9 %1 FE *H'F/ .'D ('4/.,Data of type %1 are not allowed to be empty. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' *'1. 2E'F (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*./Date time content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H' *'1. 2E'F (' 1HGT AB7 E'2EE E7'(B F3*.8Date time content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsfE-*H' *'1. 2E'F (' 1HGT 4'ED E'2EE E7'(B F3*.8Date time content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsbE-*H' *'1. 2E'F (' 1HGT AB7 EFEE E7'(B F3*.8Date time content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H' *'1. 2E'F (' 1HGT 4'ED EFEE E7'(B F3*.8Date time content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' *'1. 2E'F /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.9Date time content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns>1H2 %1 (1' E'G %2 F'E9*(1 '3*.Day %1 is invalid for month %2. QtXmlPatternsB1H2 %1 .'1, '2 /'EFGT %2 '3*..%3.#Day %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsbE-*H' 9// /G /G (' 1HGT '1B'E 31 E7'(B F3*.;Decimal content does not match in the fractionDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H' 9// /G /G (' 1HGT E,EH9 '1B'E E7'(B F3*.8Decimal content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatterns<(1' 5A* %1 '9D'F H,H/ F/'1/.,Declaration for attribute %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatterns>(1' 9F51 %1 '9D'F H,H/ F/'1/.*Declaration for element %1 does not exist. QtXmlPatternsr1H4 '4*B'B %1 ('/ ~3HF/ ('4/ 21' ~'GT FH9 %2 3'/G '3*.TDerivation method of %1 must be extension because the base type %2 is a simple type. QtXmlPatternsT5A* E4*B 4/GT %1 /1 *91A ~'G H,H/ F/'1/.;Derived attribute %1 does not exist in the base definition. QtXmlPatterns5A* E4*B 4/GT %1 (' DE'* ,'2F 4HF/G /1 *91A ~'G E7'(B* F/'1/.HDerived attribute %1 does not match the wildcard in the base definition. QtXmlPatternst*91A E4*B 4/G 4'ED 5A* %1 '3* G /1 *91A ~'G H,H/ F/'1/UDerived definition contains an %1 element that does not exists in the base definition QtXmlPatterns9F51 E4*B 4/G %1 GE'F 7H1 G 9F51 ~'G '4 nillable F3* FE *H'F/ nillable ('4/.FDerived element %1 cannot be nillable as base element is not nillable. QtXmlPatterns9F51 E4*B 4/G %1 EB/'1 69A *1 /'1/ G '2 9F51 ~'G EB/ E 4H/.BDerived element %1 has weaker value constraint than base particle. QtXmlPatterns9F51 E4*B 4/GT %1 EB/'1 E4/G '3* G /1 01GT ~'GT (G 9FH'F *91A 4/G EB/ 4/G.KDerived element %1 is missing value constraint as defined in base particle. QtXmlPatternsjE-*H'* :1E,'2 /1 9F51 ~'G /1 9F51 E4*B 4/G E,'2F/.IDerived particle allows content that is not allowed in the base particle. QtXmlPatternsB01GT E4*B 4/G 9F51 E4/GT %1 '3*.'Derived particle is missing element %1. QtXmlPatterns-1HA ,'2F 4HF/GT E4*B 4/G 21 E,EH9G ' '2 -1HA ,'2F 4HF/GT ~'G F3*F/.6Derived wildcard is not a subset of the base wildcard. QtXmlPatternsd*B3E EB'/1 '2 FH9 %1 (1 %2 (:1 9//) E,'2 F3*.@Dividing a value of type %1 by %2 (not-a-number) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsv*B3E EB'/1 '2 FH9 %1 (1 %2 ' %3 (+ ' - 5A1) E,'2 F3*.LDividing a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus zero) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsL*B3E (%1) (1 5A1 (%2) *91A F4/G '3*.(Division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns,3F/  'DH XML F3*.Document is not a XML schema. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' 9// '94'1 (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*.,Double content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H' 9// '94'1 (' 1HGT AB7 E'2EE E7'(B F3*.5Double content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsfE-*H' 9// '94'1 (' 1HGT 4'ED E'2EE E7'(B F3*.5Double content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsbE-*H' 9// '94'1 (' 1HGT AB7 EFEE E7'(B F3*.5Double content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsdE-*H' 9// '94'1 (' 1HGT 4'ED EFEE E7'(B F3*.5Double content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' 9// '94'1 /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.6Double content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns>F'E G' F/'FGT %1 /1 9F51 %2.*Duplicated element names %1 in %2 element. QtXmlPatterns<1HGT F/'FG /1 FH9 3'/GT %1.$Duplicated facets in simple type %1. QtXmlPatternsHE-*H' E/* (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*..Duration content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' E/* (' 1HGT AB7 E'2EE E7'(B F3*.7Duration content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsXE-*H' E/* (' 1HGT 4'ED E'2EE E7'(B F3*.7Duration content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsTE-*H' E/* (' 1HGT AB7 EFEE E7'(B F3*.7Duration content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' E/* (' 1HGT 4'ED EFEE E7'(B F3*.7Duration content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsHE-*H' E/* /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.8Duration content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternshG1 F'E ~'1'E*1 B'D( ('/ 'FG ('4/ %1 F/'FG '3*.CEach name of a template parameter must be unique; %1 is duplicated. QtXmlPatternsEB/'1 EHT+1 (HDF FE *H'F/ (1' 14*G ' (' /H ' F/ EB/'1 '*E E-'3(G 4H/.aEffective Boolean Value cannot be calculated for a sequence containing two or more atomic values. QtXmlPatterns>9F51 %1 GE 'FHF *91A 4/G '3*.Element %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ 31'D2G 4H/ 21' .'1, '2 9F51 3F/ (G F81 E 13/.OElement %1 can't be serialized because it appears outside the document element. QtXmlPatterns'2 "F,' G 9F51 %1 E-*H'* +'(* /'1/ FE *H'F/ 4'ED *E'E /1 9F51G' ('4/.BElement %1 cannot contain other elements, as it has fixed content. QtXmlPatternsT9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ 3'2F/GT 14*G /'4*G ('4/..Element %1 cannot have a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatternsF9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ A12F/ /'4*G ('4/. Element %1 cannot have children. QtXmlPatterns@9F51 %1 4'ED E-*H' F'E9*(1 '3*.$Element %1 contains invalid content. QtXmlPatterns:9F51 %1 4'ED 5A* :1E,'2 '3*.+Element %1 contains not allowed attributes. QtXmlPatternsN9F51 %1 4'ED E-*H'* A12F/ :1E,'2 '3*..Element %1 contains not allowed child content. QtXmlPatternsH9F51 %1 4'ED 9F51 A12F/ :1E,'2 '3*..Element %1 contains not allowed child element. QtXmlPatternsJ9F51 %1 4'ED E-*H'* E*F :1E,'2 '3*.-Element %1 contains not allowed text content. QtXmlPatterns<9F51 %1 /H 5A* '2 FH9 %2 /'1/..Element %1 contains two attributes of type %2. QtXmlPatternsD9F51 %1 4'ED 5A* F'4F'.*GT %2 '3*.)Element %1 contains unknown attribute %2. QtXmlPatterns9F51 %1 (' A6' F'E G '2 -1A ,'2F 4HF/G /1 9F51 ~'G EB/ E 4H/ *7'(B F/'1/.LElement %1 does not match namespace constraint of wildcard in base particle. QtXmlPatternsP9F51 %1 /H('1 (' 'FH'9 E*A'H* H,H/ /'1/.-Element %1 exists twice with different types. QtXmlPatternsD9F51 %1 (G 5H1* 'F*2'9 '9D'F '3*.#Element %1 is declared as abstract. QtXmlPatternsD9F51 %1 9F51 A12F/ 1' E 1/G '3*.$Element %1 is missing child element. QtXmlPatternsF9F51 %1 /1 ,2! E4*B 4/G E 4/G '3*.*Element %1 is missing in derived particle. QtXmlPatternsH9F51 %1 5A* E 4/GT EH1/F'2 %2 '3*.,Element %1 is missing required attribute %2. QtXmlPatterns<9F51 %1 /1 'F E'F E,'2 F3*.+Element %1 is not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatternsx9F51 %1 /1 'F BDE1H E,'2 F3* 9F'51 EEF 'F G' G3*F/: %2.CElement %1 is not allowed in this scope, possible elements are: %2. QtXmlPatternsFH9 %1 E,'2 (G /'4*F B/ EB/'1 F3* '1 FH9 ~'G '4 ~/G ('4/.QElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its base type is complex. QtXmlPatternsnFH9 %1 E,'2 (G /'4*F B/ EB/'1 F3* '1 '2 %2 E4*B 4H/.TElement %1 is not allowed to have a value constraint if its type is derived from %2. QtXmlPatternsFH9 %1 E,'2 (G /'4*F H'(3* E,EH9GT 21-'D* F3* E'/'E G 9F51 31'31 F('4/.\Element %1 is not allowed to have substitution group affiliation as it is no global element. QtXmlPatternsH9F51 %1 /1 'F BDE1H *91A F4/G '3*.(Element %1 is not defined in this scope. QtXmlPatterns,9F51 %1 nillable F3*.Element %1 is not nillable. QtXmlPatterns49F51 %1 ('/ /1 ".1 ('/.Element %1 must come last. QtXmlPatternsl9F51 %1 ('/ -/'BD  '2 5A'* %2 ' %3 1' /'4*G ('4/.=Element %1 must have at least one of the attributes %2 or %3. QtXmlPatternsj9F51 %1 ('/  5A* %2 '  3'2F/GT 14*G /'4*G ('4/.EElement %1 must have either a %2-attribute or a sequence constructor. QtXmlPatternsT9F51 4'ED E-*H'* '3* '1G nillable '3*.1Element contains content although it is nillable. QtXmlPatternsH1HG 9F51 %1 GE 'FHF *91A 4/G '3*.!Element group %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsb 01GT *G FE *H'F/ '2  01GT :1*G E4*B 4H/.9Empty particle cannot be derived from non-empty particle. QtXmlPatterns1HGT 4E'14 4'ED E-*H'* :1 E,'2 '3*: {%1}  EB/'1 '2 FH9 %2 F3*.KEnumeration facet contains invalid content: {%1} is not a value of type %2. QtXmlPatterns4AD/ %1 FH9 3'/G ' F/'1/.Field %1 has no simple type. QtXmlPatterns^B/ 9F51 +'(* E,'2 F3* '1 9F51 nillable ('4/.:Fixed value constraint not allowed if element is nillable. QtXmlPatternsEB/'1 '5D'- 4/G ' G '2 9F51 %1 EB/ E 4H/ '2 EB/'1 G '2 9F51 ~'G EB/ E 4H/ E*A'H* '3*.TFixed value constraint of element %1 differs from value constraint in base particle. QtXmlPatterns0EB/'1 ID %1 *' F3*.ID value '%1' is not unique. QtXmlPatternsFB/ GH* %1 GE 'FHF *91A 4/G '3*.'Identity constraint %1 already defined. QtXmlPatterns'1 G1 /H EB/'1 'F-1'A F'-G ' /'1F/ 'F-1'A F'-G ' "F G' ('/ (1'(1 ('4/. %1 H %2  F3*F/.bIf both values have zone offsets, they must have the same zone offset. %1 and %2 are not the same. QtXmlPatterns'1 9F51 %1 5A* %2 1' F/'4*G ('4/ FE *H'F/ 5A* %3 ' %4 1' /'4*G ('4/.EIf element %1 has no attribute %2, it cannot have attribute %3 or %4. QtXmlPatterns'1 'HDF "1HE'F .'D '  14*G (' 7HD 5A1 ('4/  ~4HF/ FE *H'F/ E4.5 4H/. ~4HF/ %1 E4.5 4/G (H/.If the first argument is the empty sequence or a zero-length string (no namespace), a prefix cannot be specified. Prefix %1 was specified. QtXmlPatterns/1  3'2F/GT A6' F'E EB/'1 A6' F'E FE *H'F/  14*GT .'D ('4/.PIn a namespace constructor, the value for a namespace cannot be an empty string. QtXmlPatternst/1  E'HD E,EH9G *9'1A 3'/G 4/G 5A* %1 ('/ '1'&G 4H/.@In a simplified stylesheet module, attribute %1 must be present. QtXmlPatterns/1  'DH XSL-T AB7 'DH G' %2 H %3 FG %1 E *H'FF/ '3*A'/G 4HF/.DIn an XSL-T pattern, axis %1 cannot be used, only axis %2 or %3 can. QtXmlPatternsx/1  'DH XSL-T *'(9 %1 FE *H'F/ "1HE'F 3HE /'4*G ('4/.>In an XSL-T pattern, function %1 cannot have a third argument. QtXmlPatterns/1  'DH XSL-T AB7 *H'(9 %1 H %2 FG %3 E *H'F/ (1' *7'(B '3*A'/G 4HF/.OIn an XSL-T pattern, only function %1 and %2, not %3, can be used for matching. QtXmlPatterns/1  'DH XSL-T "1HE'F 'HD *'(9 %1 GF'E G (1' *7'(B '3*A'/G E 4H/ ('/ DA8 ' '4'1G 1 (G E*:1 ('4/.yIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a literal or a variable reference, when used for matching. QtXmlPatterns/1  'DH XSL-T "1HE'F 'HD *'(9 %1 GF'E G (1' *7'(B '3*A'/G E 4H/ ('/ 14*G ('4/.hIn an XSL-T pattern, the first argument to function %1 must be a string literal, when used for matching. QtXmlPatterns/1 14*GT ,'2F %1 AB7 ('/ (1' A1'1 '2 %2 ' .H/4 '3*A'/G 4H/ FG %3MIn the replacement string, %1 can only be used to escape itself or %2, not %3 QtXmlPatterns/1 14*GT ,'2F %1 GF'E G 4F'3GT A1'1 F3* ('/ -/'BD ('  1BE GE1'G 4H/.VIn the replacement string, %1 must be followed by at least one digit when not escaped. QtXmlPatternsV*B3E 5-- (%1) (1 5A1 (%2) *91A F4/G '3*.0Integer division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatterns2E-*H' F'E9*(1 QName: %1.Invalid QName content: %1. QtXmlPatterns@EB/ 1/F (G ~4HF/ %1 EEF F3*+It is not possible to bind to the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternsNFE *H'F ~4HF/ %1 1' /H('1G '9D'F 1/.*It is not possible to redeclare prefix %1. QtXmlPatterns8'E'F ('2'( %1 H,H/ F/'1/.'It will not be possible to retrieve %1. QtXmlPatternsd(9/ '2 G1 FH9 1G 'E'F '6'AG 1/F 5A* H,H/ F/'1/.AIt's not possible to add attributes after any other kind of node. QtXmlPatternsfFE *H'F /1 EH1/ "*E FH9 %1 '2 9F51 %2 *5EE 1A*..Item type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsT"*E FH9 ~'G (' "*E FH9 %1 E7'(B* F/'1/.6Item type of base type does not match item type of %1. QtXmlPatterns`FH9 "*E FH9 3'/GT %1 FE *H'F/ FH9 ~/G ('4/.5Item type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatterns@B/ D/ %1 4'ED AD/ EABH/ '3*.)Key constraint %1 contains absent fields. QtXmlPatterns`B/ D/ %1 4'ED '1,'9 G' 9F51 nillable %2 '3*.:Key constraint %1 contains references nillable element %2. QtXmlPatternsHE-*H' D3* (' 1HGT 7HD E7'(B F3*.)List content does not match length facet. QtXmlPatternsXE-*H' D3* (' 1HGT 7HD E'2EE E7'(B F3*.,List content does not match maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' D3* (' 1HGT 7HD EFEE E7'(B F3*.,List content does not match minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsJE-*H' D3* (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*.*List content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsJE-*H' D3* /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.4List content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns8A'D 71- ('14/G F'E9*(1 '3*.Loaded schema file is invalid. QtXmlPatterns6*7'(B G' -3'3 (G -'D* G3*F/Matches are case insensitive QtXmlPatternshFH9 %1 FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 %2 FH9 %4 ~'GT %3 E4*B 4H/.JMember type %1 cannot be derived from member type %2 of %3's base type %4. QtXmlPatternsdFE *H'F /1 EH1/ 96H FH9 %1 '2 9F51 %2 *5EE 1A*.0Member type %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsV'96' FH9 3'/GT %1 FE *H'FF/ ~/G ('4F/.7Member type of simple type %1 cannot be a complex type. QtXmlPatternsH'1/ 1/F E'HD ('/ B(D '2 '9D'F *'(9 E*:1 H 2FG G' '*A'B (A*/.MModule imports must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatterns^('BE'F/G 1 (%1) '2 5A1 (%2) *91A F4/G '3*.0Modulus division (%1) by zero (%2) is undefined. QtXmlPatternsBE'G %1 .'1, '2 /'EFGT %2 '3*..%3.%Month %1 is outside the range %2..%3. QtXmlPatternsL(4 '2  EB/'1 (1' E/'F %1 ~/' 4/.'More than one value found for field %1. QtXmlPatterns|61( EB'/1 '2 FH9 %1 /1 %2 ' %3 (+ ' - ( FG'*) E,'2 F3*.YMultiplication of a value of type %1 by %2 or %3 (plus or minus infinity) is not allowed. QtXmlPatternsA6' F'E %1 AB7 E *H'F/ (G %2 EB/ 4H/ (/1 G1 -'D* ~4 '9D'F 4/G '3*).ONamespace %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatterns'9D'F A6' F'E ('/ B(D '2 '9D'F *'(9 E*:1 H 2FG G' '*A'B (A*/.UNamespace declarations must occur before function, variable, and option declarations. QtXmlPatternsb~4HF/ A6' F'E F'E E4.5 4/GT %1 *91A F4/G '3*.5Namespace prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatterns"HBAGT 2E'F 4(G.Network timeout. QtXmlPatternsF*91A (1' 9F51 %1 /1 /3*13 F3*.'No definition for element %1 available. QtXmlPatternsG *'(9 .'1, ~4*('F F4/G '3*. *E'E *H'(9 ~4*('F 4/G E *H'FF/ (/HF ('F (G 5H1* .'1, /1 '(*/' (G 7H1 E3*BE '3*A'/G 4HF/{No external functions are supported. All supported functions can be used directly, without first declaring them as external QtXmlPatternsDG *'(9 (' F'E %1 /1 /3*13 F3*.&No function with name %1 is available. QtXmlPatterns>*'(9 (' 'E6' %1 /1 /3*13 F3**No function with signature %1 is available QtXmlPatternsbG EB/ 3'2 A6' F'E (1' ~4HF/ %1 H,H/ F/'1/-No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 QtXmlPatternsnG EB/ 3'2 A6' F'E (1' ~4HF/ %1 /1 %2 H,H/ F/'1/3No namespace binding exists for the prefix %1 in %2 QtXmlPatternsdG 9F51 E1',9G 4/G ' (1' D/ E1,9 %1 ~/' F4/./No referenced value found for key reference %1. QtXmlPatternsH71- (1' '9*('13F, *91A F4/G '3*.!No schema defined for validation. QtXmlPatterns>G B'D( (' F'E %1 H,H/ F/'1/.No template by name %1 exists. QtXmlPatterns`EB/'1 (1' E*:1 .'1, (' F'E %1 /1 /3*13 F3*.=No value is available for the external variable with name %1. QtXmlPatterns@G E*:1 (' F'E %1 H,H/ F/'1/No variable with name %1 exists QtXmlPatternsFEB/'1 :1 *' (1' B/ %1 ~/' 4/.)Non-unique value found for constraint %1. QtXmlPatternsG 9('1* 9ED ~4*('F F4/G '3F. (F'(1'F  9('1* 9B( F4F ('/ '1'&G 4H/^None of the pragma expressions are supported. Therefore, a fallback expression must be present QtXmlPatternsLF4'FG 0'1 %1 GE 'FHF *91A 4/G '3*.Notation %1 already defined. QtXmlPatternsXE-*H' 9D'E* 0'1 /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.8Notation content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsAB7 1HG G' %1 H %2 GF'E G (G H3DGT '*-'/ E4*B E 4HF/ E,'2 G3*F/.8Only %1 and %2 facets are allowed when derived by union. QtXmlPatternspAB7 '9D'F  %1E *H'F/ /1 prolog ~13 H,H '*A'B (A*/.6Only one %1 declaration can occur in the query prolog. QtXmlPatternsBAB7  9F51 %1 E *H'F/ 8'G1 4H/.Only one %1-element can appear. QtXmlPatternsAB7 *7(B / HF / ~4*('F 4/G '3* (%1). %2 ~4*('F F4/G '3*.IOnly the Unicode Codepoint Collation is supported(%1). %2 is unsupported. QtXmlPatterns\AB7 ~4HF/ %1 E *H'F/ (G %2 EB/ 4H/ H (193.5Only the prefix %1 can be bound to %2 and vice versa. QtXmlPatternsn9ED1 %1 1H EB'/1 '*E '2 FH9 %2 H %3 B'(D ',1' F3*.>Operator %1 cannot be used on atomic values of type %2 and %3. QtXmlPatternsF9ED1 %1 1H FH9 %2 B'(D ',1' F3*.&Operator %1 cannot be used on type %2. QtXmlPatternsL3112: FE *H'F *'1. %1 1' FE'4 /'/."Overflow: Can't represent date %1. QtXmlPatternsF3112: FE *H'F *'1. 1' FE'4 /'/.$Overflow: Date can't be represented. QtXmlPatterns.7' *-DD: %1Parse error: %1 QtXmlPatternsN01G 4'ED -1HA ,'2F 4HF/GT B79 F3*..Particle contains non-deterministic wildcards. QtXmlPatterns~4HF/ %1 AB7 E *H'F/ (G %2 EB/ 4H/ (/1 G1 -'D* ~4 '9D'F 4/G '3*).LPrefix %1 can only be bound to %2 (and it is, in either case, pre-declared). QtXmlPatternsV~4HF/ %1 GE 'FHF /1 prolog '9D'F 4/G '3*.,Prefix %1 is already declared in the prolog. QtXmlPatternsR~4HF/ F'E /'1' 41'7 %1 *91A F4/G '3*.+Prefix of qualified name %1 is not defined. QtXmlPatternst('D' (1/F %1 F3(* (G %2 EEF '3* ('9+ '2 /3* 1A*F /B* 4H/./Promoting %1 to %2 may cause loss of precision. QtXmlPatternsLE-*H' QName (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*.+QName content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsLE-*H' QName /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.5QName content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatterns`FE *H'F /1 EH1/ '1,'9 %1 '2 9F51 %2 *5EE 1A*..Reference %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatterns@'5D* %1 /1.H'3* 4/ %2 -'5D 4/./Required cardinality is %1; got cardinality %2. QtXmlPatternsFFH9 /1.H'3* %1 '3* 'E' %2 ~/' 4/.&Required type is %1, but %2 was found. QtXmlPatternsh',1'  E,EH9G *9'1A 1.0 XSL-T ('  ~1/'2F/G 2.0.5Running an XSL-T 1.0 stylesheet with a 2.0 processor. QtXmlPatternstE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT E,EH9 '1B'E E7'(B F3*.?Signed integer content does not match in the totalDigits facet. QtXmlPatternsfE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*.4Signed integer content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternstE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT AB7 E'2EE E7'(B F3*.=Signed integer content does not match the maxExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsvE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT 4'ED E'2EE E7'(B F3*.=Signed integer content does not match the maxInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsrE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT AB7 EFEE E7'(B F3*.=Signed integer content does not match the minExclusive facet. QtXmlPatternstE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 (' 1HGT 4'ED EFEE E7'(B F3*.=Signed integer content does not match the minInclusive facet. QtXmlPatternsfE-*H' 9// 5-- 9D'E* /'1 /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.>Signed integer content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsFH9 3'/GT %1 AB7 E *H'F/ FH9 3'/GT '*E 1' (G 9FH'F FH9 ~'G /'4*G ('4/.=Simple type %1 can only have simple atomic type as base type. QtXmlPatterns%1 FE *H'F/ '2 %2 E4*B 4H/ E'FF/ FH3G ' G B/ 1' (G 9FH'F FG' *91A E F/.PSimple type %1 cannot derive from %2 as the latter defines restriction as final. QtXmlPatternsfFH9 3'/GT %1 FE *H'F/ FH9 ~'GT E3*BE %2 1' ('4/./Simple type %1 cannot have direct base type %2. QtXmlPatternsXFH9 3'/GT %1 4'ED 1HGT :1 E,'2 FH9 %2 '3*.2Simple type %1 contains not allowed facet type %2. QtXmlPatternsrFH9 3'/GT %1 E,'2 F3* FH9 ~'GT E3*BE %2 1' /'4*G ('4/.3Simple type %1 is not allowed to have base type %2. QtXmlPatternsbFH9 3'/GT %1 AB7 E,'2 '3* 1HGT %2 1' /'4*G ('4/.0Simple type %1 is only allowed to have %2 facet. QtXmlPatternsHFH9 3'/G 4'ED 1HGT :1 E,'2 %1 '3*.*Simple type contains not allowed facet %1. QtXmlPatternsFH9 3'/GT E4*B 4/G '2 9F51 %1 FE *H'F/ (G 7H1 E9*(1 '2 9F51 ~'G E4*B 4H/.NSimple type of derived element %1 cannot be validly derived from base element. QtXmlPatternsNFH9 E4.5 4/GT %1 (1' 71- F'4F'.*G '3*.-Specified type %1 is not known to the schema. QtXmlPatterns9F51 E4.5 4/G FH9 %1 FE *H'F/ (G 7H1 E9*(1 (' 9F51 FH9 %2 ,'2F 4H/.DSpecified type %1 is not validly substitutable with element type %2. QtXmlPatternsj*9F '3*A'/G = 'EEFH9' /1 1HG 5A* G *#+1 F/'1/.DSpecifying use='prohibited' inside an attribute group has no effect. QtXmlPatternsJE-*H' 14*G (' 1HGT 'DH E7'(B F3*.,String content does not match pattern facet. QtXmlPatternsHE-*H' 14*G (' 1HGT 7HD E7'(B F3*./String content does not match the length facet. QtXmlPatternsXE-*H' 14*G (' 1HGT 7HD E'2EE E7'(B F3*.2String content does not match the maxLength facet. QtXmlPatternsVE-*H' 14*G (' 1HGT 7HD EFEE E7'(B F3*.2String content does not match the minLength facet. QtXmlPatternsJE-*H' 14*G /1 1HGT 4E'14 D3* F4/G.6String content is not listed in the enumeration facet. QtXmlPatternsB,'F4F 1HG %1 *91A -DBH /'1/..Substitution group %1 has circular definition. QtXmlPatternsnFE *H'F /1 EH1/ ,'F4F 1HG %1 '2 9F51 %2 *5EE 1A*.7Substitution group %1 of %2 element cannot be resolved. QtXmlPatternsA6' F'E %1 71- H'1/ 4/G E*A'H* '2 A6' F'E G/A %2 "F HFG G (G H3DGT 71- H'1/ 4/G *91A 4/G '3* E ('4/.tTarget namespace %1 of imported schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the importing schema. QtXmlPatternsA6' F'E G/A %1 71- 4'ED 4/G E*A'H* '2 A6' F'E G/A %2 "F HFG G (G H3DGT 71- 4'ED *91A 4/G '3* E ('4/.tTarget namespace %1 of included schema is different from the target namespace %2 as defined by the including schema. QtXmlPatternsH1G G' E*F /1 'F E'F E,'2 F3*F/.,Text nodes are not allowed at this location. QtXmlPatternsR'1,'9 E*F ' EH,H/* /1 9F51 %1 E,'2 F3*7Text or entity references not allowed inside %1 element QtXmlPatternsFE-H1 %1 /1 XQuery ~4*('F F4/G '3*$The %1-axis is unsupported in XQuery QtXmlPatternsH H'1/ 1/F 71- ~4*('F F4/G '3* (F'(1'F '9D'F %1 FE *H'F/ '*A'B (A*/.WThe Schema Import feature is not supported, and therefore %1 declarations cannot occur. QtXmlPatternsH '9*('1 3F, 71- ~4*('F F4/G '3*. (F'(1'F 9('1'*-%1 EEF '3* '3*A'/G F4H/.VThe Schema Validation Feature is not supported. Hence, %1-expressions may not be used. QtXmlPatterns>URL FE *H'F/ 43* /'4*G ('4/The URI cannot have a fragment QtXmlPatterns`5A* %1 AB7 E *H'F/ 1H %2 9F51 'HD (G F81 (13/.9The attribute %1 can only appear on the first %2 element. QtXmlPatternst5A* %1 FE *H'F/ 1H %2 8'G1 4H/ /1 -'D G A12F/ %3 '3*.?The attribute %1 cannot appear on %2, when it is a child of %3. QtXmlPatterns/ FB7GT %1 /1 %2 H'B9 E 4H/ '2 /0'1 %3 '3*A'/G E F/  FH3GT XML F'E9*(1 '3*.QThe codepoint %1, occurring in %2 using encoding %3, is an invalid XML character. QtXmlPatternsh/'/GT /3*H1'D9ED ~1/'24 FE *H'F/ 4'ED 14*GT %1 ('4/AThe data of a processing instruction cannot contain the string %1 QtXmlPatterns<E,EH9GT ~4 A16 *91A F4/G '3*#The default collection is undefined QtXmlPatterns /0'1 %1 F'E9*(1 '3*. "F AB7 ('/ 4'ED -1HA D'*F ('4/ H F('/ 4'ED A6' .'D ('4/ H GEFF ('/ (' 9('1* EF8E %2 *7'(B /'4*G ('4/.The encoding %1 is invalid. It must contain Latin characters only, must not contain whitespace, and must match the regular expression %2. QtXmlPatterns'HDF "1HE'F (G %1 FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 %2 ('4/. "F ('/  FH9 9// xs:yearMonthDuratin ' xs::dayTimeDuration ('4/.uThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be a numeric type, xs:yearMonthDuration or xs:dayTimeDuration. QtXmlPatterns'HDF "1HE'F (G %1 FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 %2 ('4/. "F ('/ '2 FH9 %3 %4 ' %5 ('4/.PThe first argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatterns*'FHF *91A F4/G '3*.The focus is undefined. QtXmlPatterns@A1E* E*:1 %1 (G .H/4 H'(3*G '3*3The initialization of variable %1 depends on itself QtXmlPatternsP"*E %1 (' FH9 EH1/F'2 %2 E7'(B* F/'1/./The item %1 did not match the required type %2. QtXmlPatternsrD/H'GT %1 FE *H'F/ (' G '3E -'D* /1 '*A'B (A*/.5The keyword %1 cannot occur with any other mode name. QtXmlPatterns".1F 'E /1  E31 ('/ 4'ED 1G ' EB/'1 '*E ('4/. "F FE *H'F/ *1( (F G1/H ('4/.kThe last step in a path must contain either nodes or atomic values. It cannot be a mixture between the two. QtXmlPatternsNH H'1/ 1/F E'HD ~4*('F F4/G '3**The module import feature is not supported QtXmlPatternsJF'E %1 (G G FH9 71- '4'1G FE F/..The name %1 does not refer to any schema type. QtXmlPatternsF'E 5A* E-'3(G 4/G FE *H'F/ A6' F'E URL %1 1' (' F'E E-D %2 /'4*G ('4/.ZThe name for a computed attribute cannot have the namespace URI %1 with the local name %2. QtXmlPatternsF'E  E*:1 EB/ 4/G (1' 9('1* ('/ E*A'H* '2 F'E  E*:1 EHB9* ('4/. (F'(1'F /H E*:1 (' F'E %1 (1.H1/ /'1F/.The name of a variable bound in a for-expression must be different from the positional variable. Hence, the two variables named %1 collide. QtXmlPatternsfF'E  9('1* *H39G /'/G 4/G ('/ /1 A6' F'E ('4/.;The name of an extension expression must be in a namespace. QtXmlPatternsF'E 2FG ('/ ~4HF/ /'4*G ('4/. A6' F'E ~4 A16 (1' 2FG G' H,H/ F/'1/.TThe name of an option must have a prefix. There is no default namespace for options. QtXmlPatternsJA6' F'E %1 121H 4/G '3* (F'(1'F *H'(9 *91A 4/G *H37 '1(1 FE *H'FF/ '2 "F '3*A'/G FF/. ~4HF/ '2 ~4 *91A 4/GT %2 1' G (1' 'F EH'1/ H,H/ /'1/ 'E*-'F F/.The namespace %1 is reserved; therefore user defined functions may not use it. Try the predefined prefix %2, which exists for these cases. QtXmlPatternsA6' F'E URL GF'E G (G  ~4HF/ EB/ E 4H/ FE *H'F/ 14*GT .'D ('4/ %1.JThe namespace URI cannot be the empty string when binding to a prefix, %1. QtXmlPatternsvF'E A6' F'E URL (1'  5A* E-'3(G 4/G FE *H'F/ %1 ('4/.DThe namespace URI in the name for a computed attribute cannot be %1. QtXmlPatternsvA6' F'E URL ('/ +'(* ('4/ H FE *H'F/ (G 9('1'* (~HF//.IThe namespace URI must be a constant and cannot use enclosed expressions. QtXmlPatternsA6' F'E (1' *'(9 *91A 4/G *H37 '1(1 FE *H'F/ *G ('4/. (~4HF/ '2B(D *91A 4/GT %1 1' G (1' 'F HFG EH'1/ /1F81 1A*G 4/G 'E*-'F F/)zThe namespace for a user defined function cannot be empty (try the predefined prefix %1, which exists for cases like this) QtXmlPatterns A6' F'E  *'(9 *91A 4/G *H37 '1(1 /1  E'HD *'(.'FG ' ('/ GE '12 A6' F'E E'HD ('4/. (G ('F /1 ('/ %1 (G ,' %2 ('4/The namespace of a user defined function in a library module must be equivalent to the module namespace. In other words, it should be %1 instead of %2 QtXmlPatternsF1E'D 3'2 '2 %1 ~4*('F F4/G '3*. 4D G' ~4*('F 4/G %2 %3 %4 %5 H 14*G .'D G3*F/.The normalization form %1 is unsupported. The supported forms are %2, %3, %4, and %5, and none, i.e. the empty string (no normalization). QtXmlPatternsb~'1'E*1 %1 ~'3 4/G '3* 'E' E*1'/A %2 H,H/ F/'1/.;The parameter %1 is passed, but no corresponding %2 exists. QtXmlPatternsv~'1'E*1 %1 EH1/ F'2 '3* '3* 'E' E*1'/A %2 *#EF F4/G '3*.BThe parameter %1 is required, but no corresponding %2 is supplied. QtXmlPatterns:~4HF/ %1 FE *H'F/ EB/ 4H/.The prefix %1 cannot be bound. QtXmlPatterns~4HF/ %1 FE *H'F/ EB/ 4H/. (G 7H1 ~4 A16 "F (G A6' F'E %2 EB/ 4/G '3*.SThe prefix %1 cannot be bound. By default, it is already bound to the namespace %2. QtXmlPatternsR~4HF/ ('/  %1 E9*(1 ('4/ G %2 F3*./The prefix must be a valid %1, which %2 is not. QtXmlPatterns1G 14GT /HEF "1HE'F (G *'(9 %1 ('/  1G 3F/ ('4/. %2  1G 3F/ F3*.gThe root node of the second argument to function %1 must be a document node. %2 is not a document node. QtXmlPatterns/HEF "1HE'F (G %1 FE *H'F/ '2 FH9 %2 ('4/. "F ('/ '2 FH9 %3 %4 ' %5 ('4/.QThe second argument to %1 cannot be of type %2. It must be of type %3, %4, or %5. QtXmlPatternsF'E G/A /1 /3*H1'D9ED ~1/'24 FE *H'F/ /1 G1 *1( '2 -1HA (21 H H %1 ('4/. (F'(1'F %2 F'E9*(1 '3*.~The target name in a processing instruction cannot be %1 in any combination of upper and lower case. Therefore, %2 is invalid. QtXmlPatternsJA6' F'E G/A %1 FE *H'F/ .'D ('4/.-The target namespace of a %1 cannot be empty. QtXmlPatternsfEB/'1 5A* %1 1H 9F51 %2 ('/ %3 ' %4 ('4/ FG %5.IThe value for attribute %1 on element %2 must either be %3 or %4, not %5. QtXmlPatternsjEB/'1 5A* %1 ('/ '2 FH9 %2 ('4/ /1 -'D G %3 F3*.=The value of attribute %1 must be of type %2, which %3 isn't. QtXmlPatternsxEB/'1 5A* H1F XSL-T ('/ '2 FH9 %1 ('4/ /1 -'D G %2 F3*.TThe value of the XSL-T version attribute must be a value of type %1, which %2 isn't. QtXmlPatterns2E*:1 %1 '3*A'/G F4/G '3*The variable %1 is unused QtXmlPatterns`G IDREF ' (' EB/'1 ID E*1'/A H,H/ F/'1/: %1.6There is one IDREF value with no corresponding ID: %1. QtXmlPatternsz'F ~1/'2F/G 71--"'G F3* (F'(1'F %1 FE *H'F/ '3*A'/G 4H/.CThis processor is not Schema-aware and therefore %1 cannot be used. QtXmlPatterns:2E'F %1:%2:%3.%4 F'E9*(1 '3*.Time %1:%2:%3.%4 is invalid. QtXmlPatterns2E'F  3'9*: %1 %2 %3 F'E9*(1 '3*. 2E'F  3'9* '3* 'E' /BBG +'FG H ED +'FG 5A1 F3*F/_Time 24:%1:%2.%3 is invalid. Hour is 24, but minutes, seconds, and milliseconds are not all 0;  QtXmlPatterns9F51 E,EH9GT *91A 37- ('D' ('/  A6' F'E :1 *G ('4/ /1 -'D G %1 F3*.NTop level stylesheet elements must be in a non-null namespace, which %1 isn't. QtXmlPatternsb5A* G' '9D'F /H A6' F'E /'1'  F'E G3*F/: %1.