SnUlUZZ#ZaZȟ]k*EBe iTi[y;w{n}u}w}wzm}tttr.û.ګPt'tZ tm_ ӝFzʢ4ʢd6d{kd]dJ59d0Ubwp eG+]2;6UjCU]K U|vart =}wZ&}$>}$@Z K<[/ZEMu'%5K,Thi~p5kEXU D8bDץbGngAi$x1 ǯz*2QdU 5uz;mNnACʴ5~ʴ5F5F5Y^I IDAs 5 }$| qeW ڤ EyU E AcQ AcG7 35 K!?A b`0 b`v i3$< la3 | t tF  <  > i y K  "  ) */ ;p =N T^ ] `` `v c( d e  eD f1Q k,< rD" t J %p) , ,> *1 ˔M P& P Q Zi 68 :. f 8 f @ 4d* s sC AAU m,% #-t 0N+ Aߌ L', Lr Mc\] Sfq Vk ]$2 m`( w yr7  H H? )c $A .@c #  u J: JCN t. k Ӈ5  N>o} ̺MY -DNd .s k k# U)\5 < 0  Sa  [- ^ xH_Y .- >V[ >W >X2 >_ >m2 >t! > > DT I- RVG RV RV S.ܴ S j7o= p.C .7 BiM T1 Tw' Tc T j 4} E )d .21 .a .x# . a. y"  t a :b\  rJ +>/| Pt' Pt fe fe iFCZ iD i u u{ wº w w} w} P Y ^ }rw X D t5l t5~  K )b T(JgT(*'b*/EI_]a.-AvɅry$)~^ySl^B&ݖ  B_"#1$U%486%4J0i)50'1cr2wTD HpJd^(a|c5c5yC!{~aupBN=t2+ui4%1, %2   %1, %2 not definedQ3AccelF %1    Ambiguous %1 not handledQ3AccelDelete Q3DataTable False Q3DataTableInsert Q3DataTable True Q3DataTableUpdate Q3DataTable%1    .       .+%1 File not found. Check path and filename. Q3FileDialog&&Delete Q3FileDialog&&No Q3FileDialog&&OK Q3FileDialog&&Open Q3FileDialog&&Rename Q3FileDialog&&Save Q3FileDialog& &Unsorted Q3FileDialog&&Yes Q3FileDialogv<qt>      %1 "%2"?</qt?\>1Are you sure you wish to delete %1 "%2"? Q3FileDialog"   (*) All Files (*) Q3FileDialog Attributes Q3FileDialogBack Q3FileDialogCancel Q3FileDialog<   Copy or Move a File Q3FileDialog.  Create New Folder Q3FileDialogDate Q3FileDialog %1 Delete %1 Q3FileDialog.   Detail View Q3FileDialogDir Q3FileDialog Directories Q3FileDialog : Directory: Q3FileDialog Error Q3FileDialog File Q3FileDialog, i & : File &name: Q3FileDialog*  &: File &type: Q3FileDialog Find Directory Q3FileDialog  Inaccessible Q3FileDialog  List View Q3FileDialog &in : Look &in: Q3FileDialog Name Q3FileDialog  New Folder Q3FileDialog  %1 New Folder %1 Q3FileDialog  1 New Folder 1 Q3FileDialog One directory up Q3FileDialogOpen Q3FileDialogD  Preview File Contents Q3FileDialogB  Preview File Info Q3FileDialog&R&eload Q3FileDialog  Read-only Q3FileDialog - Read-write Q3FileDialog : %1Read: %1 Q3FileDialog Save As Q3FileDialog0 & Show &hidden files Q3FileDialogSize Q3FileDialogSort Q3FileDialog6  & Sort by &Date Q3FileDialog,  & Sort by &Name Q3FileDialog0  & Sort by &Size Q3FileDialog Special Q3FileDialog*  Symlink to Directory Q3FileDialog&  Symlink to File Q3FileDialog&  Symlink to Special Q3FileDialog Type Q3FileDialog  Write-only Q3FileDialog : %1 Write: %1 Q3FileDialog  the directory Q3FileDialog the file Q3FileDialog  the symlink Q3FileDialogT      %1Could not create directory %1 Q3LocalFs:     %1Could not open %1 Q3LocalFsR       %1Could not read directory %1 Q3LocalFsn          %1%Could not remove file or directory %1 Q3LocalFsL     %1  %2Could not rename %1 to %2 Q3LocalFs8     %1Could not write %1 Q3LocalFs... Customize... Q3MainWindowLine up Q3MainWindowJ     Operation stopped by the userQ3NetworkProtocol CancelQ3ProgressDialogApply Q3TabDialog Cancel Q3TabDialog&  Defaults Q3TabDialogHelp Q3TabDialogOK Q3TabDialog&&Copy Q3TextEdit&&Paste Q3TextEdit$& &Redo Q3TextEdit&&Undo Q3TextEditClear Q3TextEdit&Cu&t Q3TextEdit  Select All Q3TextEditClose Q3TitleBar&  Closes the window Q3TitleBarZ      *Contains commands to manipulate the window Q3TitleBar           FDisplays the name of the window and contains controls to manipulate it Q3TitleBar@     Makes the window full screen Q3TitleBarMaximize Q3TitleBarMinimize Q3TitleBar8    Moves the window out of the way Q3TitleBarn       &Puts a maximized window back to normal Q3TitleBarX     Puts a minimized back to normal Q3TitleBar  Restore down Q3TitleBar  Restore up Q3TitleBarSystem Q3TitleBar...More... Q3ToolBar (unknown) Q3UrlOperator  '%1'         IThe protocol `%1' does not support copying or moving files or directories Q3UrlOperator|  '%1'      ;The protocol `%1' does not support creating new directories Q3UrlOperatorn  '%1'     0The protocol `%1' does not support getting files Q3UrlOperatorn  '%1'     6The protocol `%1' does not support listing directories Q3UrlOperatorl  '%1'     0The protocol `%1' does not support putting files Q3UrlOperator  '%1'       @The protocol `%1' does not support removing files or directories Q3UrlOperator  '%1'       @The protocol `%1' does not support renaming files or directories Q3UrlOperatorH  '%1'  "The protocol `%1' is not supported Q3UrlOperator &&CancelQ3Wizard &&FinishQ3Wizard&&HelpQ3Wizard&>&Next >Q3Wizard <&< &BackQ3Wizard Connection refusedQAbstractSocket2   Host not foundQAbstractSocket< socket   Socket is not connectedQAbstractSocketd  socket    Socket operation timed outQAbstractSocket&  &Select AllQAbstractSpinBox& &Step upQAbstractSpinBox & Step &downQAbstractSpinBoxActivate QApplication\     #Activates the program's main window QApplication`  '%1'  Qt %2,  Qt %3.,Executable '%1' requires Qt %2, found Qt %3. QApplicationB    QtIncompatible Qt Library Error QApplication.QT__QT_LAYOUT_DIRECTION QApplicationCheck QCheckBoxToggle QCheckBoxUncheck QCheckBox   Don't Save QCocoaTheme6&   &Add to Custom Colors QColorDialog&  &Basic colors QColorDialog& &Custom colors QColorDialog&:&Green: QColorDialog&:&Red: QColorDialog&:&Sat: QColorDialog&:&Val: QColorDialog& :A&lpha channel: QColorDialog &:Bl&ue: QColorDialog&:Hu&e: QColorDialog  Select color QColorDialogClose QComboBox False QComboBoxOpen QComboBox True QComboBox^      Unable to commit transaction QDB2Driver2    Unable to connect QDB2DriverT      Unable to rollback transaction QDB2Driverl       Unable to set autocommit QDB2DriverZ      Unable to bind variable QDB2ResultN      Unable to execute statement QDB2ResultN      Unable to fetch first QDB2ResultT      Unable to fetch next QDB2ResultX       %1Unable to fetch record %1 QDB2ResultV      Unable to prepare statement QDB2ResultAM QDateTimeEditPM QDateTimeEditam QDateTimeEditpm QDateTimeEdit QDialQDialQDial$  SliderHandleQDial SpeedoMeterQDial   ? What's This?QDialog.  Date Modified QDirModel Kind QDirModel Name QDirModelSize QDirModel Type QDirModelClose QDockWidgetDock QDockWidget& Float QDockWidgetLessQDoubleSpinBoxMoreQDoubleSpinBox&&OK QErrorMessageB&    &Show this message again QErrorMessage.  :Debug Message: QErrorMessage   : Fatal Error: QErrorMessage :Warning: QErrorMessage%1    .      .K%1 Directory not found. Please verify the correct directory name was given. QFileDialog%1    .      . A%1 File not found. Please verify the correct file name was given. QFileDialog\%1  .      ?-%1 already exists. Do you want to replace it? QFileDialog&&Choose QFileDialog&&Delete QFileDialog&  &New Folder QFileDialog&&Open QFileDialog&&Rename QFileDialog&&Save QFileDialogb'%1'   .    ?9'%1' is write protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? QFileDialog"   (*) All Files (*) QFileDialogd /      '%1'?!Are sure you want to delete '%1'? QFileDialogBack QFileDialogN      .Could not delete directory. QFileDialog,  Create New Folder QFileDialog.   Detail View QFileDialog Directories QFileDialog : Directory: QFileDialog Drive QFileDialog File QFileDialog" & : File &name: QFileDialog  :Files of type: QFileDialog Find Directory QFileDialog Forward QFileDialog  List View QFileDialog  :Look in: QFileDialog"   My Computer QFileDialog  New Folder QFileDialogOpen QFileDialog Parent Directory QFileDialogRemove QFileDialog Save As QFileDialogShow  QFileDialog0 & Show &hidden files QFileDialogUnknown QFileDialog %1 GB%1 GBQFileSystemModel %1 KB%1 KBQFileSystemModel %1 MB%1 MBQFileSystemModel %1 TB%1 TBQFileSystemModel%1 bytes%1 bytesQFileSystemModel<b>  "%1"    </b><p>    ,       .oThe name "%1" can not be used.

Try using another name, with fewer characters or no punctuations marks.QFileSystemModelComputerQFileSystemModel.  Date ModifiedQFileSystemModel  Invalid filenameQFileSystemModel KindQFileSystemModel"   My ComputerQFileSystemModel NameQFileSystemModelSizeQFileSystemModel TypeQFileSystemModel&&Font QFontDialog&&Size QFontDialog& &Underline QFontDialogEffects QFontDialog( & Font st&yle QFontDialog Sample QFontDialog,  Select Font QFontDialog& Stri&keout QFontDialog"& Wr&iting System QFontDialog:    : %1Changing directory failed: %1QFtp6  Connected to hostQFtp4   %1Connected to host %1QFtpJ    : %1Connecting to host failed: %1QFtp,  Connection closedQFtpJ    &Connection refused for data connectionQFtpD    %1Connection refused to host %1QFtp:   %1 Connection to %1 closedQFtpH    : %1Creating directory failed: %1QFtpJ     : %1Downloading file failed: %1QFtp2  %1  Host %1 foundQFtp8  %1  Host %1 not foundQFtp*   Host foundQFtp8    : %1Listing directory failed: %1QFtp,   : %1Login failed: %1QFtp  Not connectedQFtpD    : %1Removing directory failed: %1QFtpF     : %1Removing file failed: %1QFtp   Unknown errorQFtpH     : %1Uploading file failed: %1QFtp   Unknown error QHostInfo2   Host not foundQHostInfoAgent2  Unknown address typeQHostInfoAgent   Unknown errorQHostInfoAgent4 Authentication requiredQHttp8  Connected to hostQHttp>   %1Connected to host %1QHttp,  Connection closedQHttp0   Connection refusedQHttp:   %1 Connection to %1 closedQHttp,  HTTP HTTP request failedQHttp0  %1  Host %1 foundQHttp8  %1  Host %1 not foundQHttp*   Host foundQHttp,  HTTP Invalid HTTP chunked bodyQHttpJ  HTTP   Invalid HTTP response headerQHttpR     No server set to connect toQHttpV     Proxy authentication requiredQHttp(  Request abortedQHttpZ     %Server closed connection unexpectedlyQHttp   Unknown errorQHttp4  Wrong content lengthQHttp4 Authentication requiredQHttpSocketEngineN     Could not start transaction QIBaseDriverL     Error opening database QIBaseDriver`     Unable to commit transaction QIBaseDriverT      Unable to rollback transaction QIBaseDriverT      Could not allocate statement QIBaseResult`       "Could not describe input statement QIBaseResultP      Could not describe statement QIBaseResulth       Could not fetch next item QIBaseResultF      Could not find array QIBaseResultV      Could not get array data QIBaseResultb      Could not get query info QIBaseResult^      Could not get statement info QIBaseResultV      Could not prepare statement QIBaseResultV      Could not start transaction QIBaseResultP      Unable to close statement QIBaseResultV      Unable to commit transaction QIBaseResultB     BLOBUnable to create BLOB QIBaseResultR      Unable to execute query QIBaseResult>     BLOBUnable to open BLOB QIBaseResult>     BLOBUnable to read BLOB QIBaseResult<     BLOBUnable to write BLOB QIBaseResult:    No space left on device QIODeviceF     No such file or directory QIODevice Permission denied QIODevice(  Too many open files QIODevice   Unknown error QIODevice4MAC OS   Mac OS X input method QInputContext2  WindowsWindows input method QInputContextXIMXIM QInputContext*XIM  XIM input method QInputContext`  plugin   '%1')Plugin verification data mismatch in '%1'QLibrary\  '%1'     Qt plugin.'The file '%1' is not a valid Qt plugin.QLibrary plugin '%1'    Qt .(%2.%3.%4)[%5]=The plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (%2.%3.%4) [%5]QLibrary '%1' plugin     Qt.(         )WThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. (Cannot mix debug and release libraries.)QLibrary plugin '%1'    Qt .   "%2"   "%3"OThe plugin '%1' uses incompatible Qt library. Expected build key "%2", got "%3"QLibraryJ    .!The shared library was not found.QLibrary   Unknown errorQLibrary&&Copy QLineEdit&&Paste QLineEdit$& &Redo QLineEdit&&Undo QLineEdit&Cu&t QLineEditDelete QLineEdit  Select All QLineEditN     Unable to begin transaction QMYSQLDriverb      Unable to commit transaction QMYSQLDriver2    Unable to connect QMYSQLDriver^       'Unable to open database ' QMYSQLDriverT      Unable to rollback transaction QMYSQLDriverf       Unable to bind outvalues QMYSQLResultP      Unable to bind value QMYSQLResultR      Unable to execute query QMYSQLResultN      Unable to execute statement QMYSQLResultH     Unable to fetch data QMYSQLResultV      Unable to prepare statement QMYSQLResultV      Unable to reset statement QMYSQLResult\      Unable to store result QMYSQLResultv        !Unable to store statement results QMYSQLResult%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QMdiSubWindow&&Close QMdiSubWindow&&Move QMdiSubWindow&&Restore QMdiSubWindow&&Size QMdiSubWindowClose QMdiSubWindowHelp QMdiSubWindow& Ma&ximize QMdiSubWindowMaximize QMdiSubWindow Menu QMdiSubWindow& Mi&nimize QMdiSubWindowMinimize QMdiSubWindow  Restore Down QMdiSubWindow0  & Stay on &Top QMdiSubWindowCloseQMenuExecuteQMenuOpenQMenu<p>     Qt Open Source Edition version %1.</p><p> Qt Open Source Edition    Open Source .     (closed source)      Qt</p><p>    Qt    <a href="'</a>.</p>|

This program uses Qt Open Source Edition version %1.

Qt Open Source Edition is intended for the development of Open Source applications. You need a commercial Qt license for development of proprietary (closed source) applications.

Please see for an overview of Qt licensing.

 QMessageBoxp<p>      Qt %1. </p>'

This program uses Qt version %1.

 QMessageBox*   QtAbout Qt QMessageBoxHelp QMessageBox. ...Hide Details... QMessageBoxOK QMessageBox0 ...Show Details... QMessageBox  Select IMQMultiInputContextJ   Multiple input method switcherQMultiInputContextPlugin          MMultiple input method switcher that uses the context menu of the text widgetsQMultiInputContextPlugin  socket        4Another socket is already listening on the same portQNativeSocketEngine  IPv6 socket      IPv6=Attempt to use IPv6 socket on a platform with no IPv6 supportQNativeSocketEngine Connection refusedQNativeSocketEngineP    Connection timed outQNativeSocketEngineT Datagram      Datagram was too large to sendQNativeSocketEngine2 Host unreachableQNativeSocketEngine:   socketInvalid socket descriptorQNativeSocketEngine*    Network errorQNativeSocketEngine0   Network operation timed outQNativeSocketEngine& Network unreachableQNativeSocketEngine0  non-socketOperation on non-socketQNativeSocketEngine$  Out of resourcesQNativeSocketEngine Permission deniedQNativeSocketEngineH   Protocol type not supportedQNativeSocketEngine>    The address is not availableQNativeSocketEngine>   The address is protectedQNativeSocketEngineP    #The bound address is already in useQNativeSocketEngineb     %The remote host closed the connectionQNativeSocketEngine^     broadcast socket%Unable to initialize broadcast socketQNativeSocketEngined     non-blocking socket(Unable to initialize non-blocking socketQNativeSocketEngine@     Unable to receive a messageQNativeSocketEngineJ      Unable to send a messageQNativeSocketEngine"  Unable to writeQNativeSocketEngine   Unknown errorQNativeSocketEngine@   socketUnsupported socket operationQNativeSocketEngine,  Unable to initialize QOCIDriver"  Unable to logon QOCIDriverT      Unable to alloc statement QOCIResult           'Unable to bind column for batch execute QOCIResultH      Unable to bind value QOCIResultd        !Unable to execute batch statement QOCIResult`       "Unable to execute select statement QOCIResultN      Unable to execute statement QOCIResultL      Unable to goto next QOCIResultV      Unable to prepare statement QOCIResult:    Unable to commit transaction QODBCDriver2    Unable to connect QODBCDriver     -       CUnable to connect - Driver doesn't support all needed functionality QODBCDriverl       Unable to disable autocommit QODBCDriverh       Unable to enable autocommit QODBCDriverT      Unable to rollback transaction QODBCDriverQODBCResult:       'SQL_CURSOS_STATIC'    .      ODBCyQODBCResult::reset: Unable to set 'SQL_CURSOR_STATIC' as statement attribute. Please check your ODBC driver configuration QODBCResultH      Unable to bind variable QODBCResultN      Unable to execute statement QODBCResultN      Unable to fetch first QODBCResultN      Unable to fetch next QODBCResultV      Unable to prepare statement QODBCResult NameQPPDOptionsModelValueQPPDOptionsModelV      Could not begin transaction QPSQLDriverZ      Could not commit transaction QPSQLDriverV      Could not rollback transaction QPSQLDriver2    Unable to connect QPSQLDriverV      Unable to create query QPSQLResult LandscapeQPageSetupWidget"  : Page size:QPageSetupWidget  : Paper source:QPageSetupWidgetPortraitQPageSetupWidget&&NoQPlatformTheme&&YesQPlatformThemeAbortQPlatformThemeApplyQPlatformTheme CancelQPlatformThemeCloseQPlatformTheme2  Close without SavingQPlatformTheme DiscardQPlatformThemeHelpQPlatformThemeIgnoreQPlatformTheme&   N&o to AllQPlatformThemeOKQPlatformThemeOpenQPlatformThemeResetQPlatformTheme&  Restore DefaultsQPlatformTheme RetryQPlatformThemeSaveQPlatformTheme Save AllQPlatformTheme  & Yes to &AllQPlatformTheme6 plugin   The plugin was not loaded. QPluginLoader   Unknown error QPluginLoaderP%1  .    ?/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? QPrintDialogn%1  .     .7%1 is a directory. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog$ : %1 Aliases: %1 QPrintDialog  %1    .     .=File %1 is not writable. Please choose a different file name. QPrintDialog,   ...Print To File ... QPrintDialog& locally connected QPrintDialogunknown QPrintDialogCloseQPrintPreviewDialog LandscapeQPrintPreviewDialogPortraitQPrintPreviewDialog PrintPrintQPrintPreviewDialogCollateQPrintSettingsOutputCopiesQPrintSettingsOutputOptionsQPrintSettingsOutput   Pages fromQPrintSettingsOutput  Print allQPrintSettingsOutput"  Print rangeQPrintSettingsOutput SelectionQPrintSettingsOutputtoQPrintSettingsOutputPrinter QPrintWidget CancelQProgressDialogOpen QPushButtonCheck QRadioButton:  char classbad char class syntaxQRegExp8  lookaheadbad lookahead syntaxQRegExp:  repetitionbad repetition syntaxQRegExp^  disabled feature usedQRegExp(   octalinvalid octal valueQRegExp4  met internal limitQRegExp.  delimmissing left delimQRegExp:  no error occurredQRegExp" unexpected endQRegExpT      Error to open databaseQSQLite2DriverV      Unable to begin transactionQSQLite2Driverb      Unable to commit transactionQSQLite2DriverV      Unable to rollback TransactionQSQLite2DriverN      Unable to execute statementQSQLite2ResultX      Unable to fetch resultsQSQLite2ResultR     Error closing database QSQLiteDriverP     Error opening database QSQLiteDriverV      Unable to begin transaction QSQLiteDriverb      Unable to commit transaction QSQLiteDriver<  Parameter count mismatch QSQLiteResultP      Unable to bind parameters QSQLiteResultR      Unable to execute statement QSQLiteResultJ      Unable to fetch row QSQLiteResultV      Unable to reset statement QSQLiteResultBottom QScrollBar  Left edge QScrollBar  Line down QScrollBar Line up QScrollBar  Page down QScrollBar  Page left QScrollBar  Page right QScrollBar Page up QScrollBarPosition QScrollBar  Right edge QScrollBar  Scroll down QScrollBar  Scroll here QScrollBar  Scroll left QScrollBar  Scroll right QScrollBar  Scroll up QScrollBarTop QScrollBar++ QShortcutAltAlt QShortcutBack QShortcutBackspace Backspace QShortcutBacktabBacktab QShortcut  Bass Boost QShortcut  Bass Down QShortcut Bass Up QShortcut Call QShortcutCaps Lock Caps Lock QShortcutCapsLockCapsLock QShortcut1Context1 QShortcut2Context2 QShortcut3Context3 QShortcut4Context4 QShortcutCtrlCtrl QShortcutDelDel QShortcut DeleteDelete QShortcutDownDown QShortcutEndEnd QShortcut EnterEnter QShortcutEscEsc QShortcut EscapeEscape QShortcutF%1F%1 QShortcut Favorites QShortcutFlip QShortcutForward QShortcutHangup QShortcutHelp QShortcutHomeHome QShortcut  Home Page QShortcutInsIns QShortcut InsertInsert QShortcut (0) Launch (0) QShortcut (1) Launch (1) QShortcut (2) Launch (2) QShortcut (3) Launch (3) QShortcut (4) Launch (4) QShortcut (5) Launch (5) QShortcut (6) Launch (6) QShortcut (7) Launch (7) QShortcut (8) Launch (8) QShortcut (9) Launch (9) QShortcut (A) Launch (A) QShortcut B() Launch (B) QShortcut (C) Launch (C) QShortcut (D) Launch (D) QShortcut (E) Launch (E) QShortcut (F) Launch (F) QShortcut*  Launch Mail QShortcut$  Launch Media QShortcutLeftLeft QShortcut   Media Next QShortcut*  Media Play QShortcut( Media Previous QShortcut"  Media Record QShortcut*  Media Stop QShortcut Menu QShortcutMetaMeta QShortcutNo QShortcutNum LockNum Lock QShortcutnumLockNumLock QShortcutNumber Lock Number Lock QShortcut URLOpen URL QShortcutPage Down Page Down QShortcutPage UpPage Up QShortcut PausePause QShortcut PgDownPgDown QShortcutPgUpPgUp QShortcut PrintPrint QShortcut  Print Screen QShortcutRefresh QShortcut ReturnReturn QShortcut RightRight QShortcutScroll Lock Scroll Lock QShortcutScrollLock ScrollLock QShortcut Search QShortcutSelect QShortcut ShiftShift QShortcut SpaceSpace QShortcutStandby QShortcutStop QShortcut SysReqSysReq QShortcut" System Request QShortcutTabTab QShortcut   Treble Down QShortcut   Treble Up QShortcutUpUp QShortcut&   Volume Down QShortcut  Volume Mute QShortcut&   Volume Up QShortcutYes QShortcutPage Down Page downQSliderPage Left Page leftQSliderPage Right Page rightQSliderPage UpPage upQSliderPositionQSlider0   Network operation timed outQSocks5SocketEngineSocks5      socks server  /Socks5 timeout error connecting to socks serverQSocks5SocketEngineLessQSpinBoxMoreQSpinBox CancelQSql"  ?Cancel your edits?QSqlConfirmQSqlDeleteQSqlN      ?Delete this record?QSqlInsertQSqlNoQSql(  ? Save edits?QSqlUpdateQSqlYesQSqlr       , %1,Cannot provide a certificate with no key, %1 QSslSocketZ   SSL  (%1)Error creating SSL context (%1) QSslSocketR   SSL , %1Error creating SSL session, %1 QSslSocketR   SSL : %1Error creating SSL session: %1 QSslSocket^     SSL : %1Error during SSL handshake: %1 QSslSocket\     ,%1#Error loading local certificate, %1 QSslSocketd      ,%1Error loading private key, %1 QSslSocket6   : %1Error while reading: %1 QSslSocketV      (%1)!Invalid or empty cipher list (%1) QSslSocketX       : %1Unable to write data: %1 QSslSocketN      Unable to open connection QTDSDriverV       Unable to use database QTDSDriver  Scroll LeftQTabBar  Scroll RightQTabBar&&Copy QTextControl&&Paste QTextControl$& &Redo QTextControl&&Undo QTextControl&Cu&t QTextControlOpen QToolButtonIgnoreQWebPage Ignore Grammar context menu itemIgnoreQWebPageResetQWebPageStopQWebPageUnknownQWebPage   ? What's This?QWhatsThisAction &&FinishQWizard&&HelpQWizard&>&Next >QWizard <&< &BackQWizardHelpQWizard QuitQWizard%1 - [%2] %1 - [%2] QWorkspace&&Close QWorkspace&&Move QWorkspace&&Restore QWorkspace&&Size QWorkspaceClose QWorkspace& Ma&ximize QWorkspace& Mi&nimize QWorkspaceMinimize QWorkspace  Restore Down QWorkspace0  & Stay on &Top QWorkspace:  no error occurredQXmlBottomWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Left edgeWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Right edgeWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Scroll downWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Scroll hereWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Scroll leftWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Scroll rightWebCore::PlatformScrollbar  Scroll upWebCore::PlatformScrollbarTopWebCore::PlatformScrollbar