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InspectorLasso InspectorInspectorLassoPositionPositionInspectorLassoX:  Position:InspectorLassol0:SizeInspectorLassol0:Size:InspectorLasso AboveInspectorLetRingD BelowInspectorLetRingPlacement PlacementInspectorLetRingPlacement: Placement:InspectorLetRing"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorLetRing  ƩAllow diagonal InspectorLine Continuous InspectorLine 2 Dash-dot-dotted InspectorLine 1  Dash-dotted InspectorLine Dashed InspectorLineDotted InspectorLine Line InspectorLine Line Inspector InspectorLine  Line color InspectorLine : Line color: InspectorLine ő Line style InspectorLine ¤|: Line style: InspectorLine  Pͮ0Line thickness InspectorLine  Pͮ0:Line thickness: InspectorLine t0 Line visible InspectorLine' Ʃ'  0TReset 'Allow diagonal' value InspectorLine ¤|  0TReset 'Line style' value InspectorLine P  0TReset 'Line thickness' value InspectorLine' t0'  0TReset 'Line visible' value InspectorLinespsp InspectorLineLyricsInspectorLyricPlacement PlacementInspectorLyricPlacement: 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0TReset 'Mirror head' value InspectorNoteǬ  0TReset 'Play' value InspectorNote'Small'  0TReset 'Small' value InspectorNote'Ҝ'  0TReset 'Tuning' value InspectorNote' Dž'  0TReset 'Velocity type' value InspectorNote  0T Reset 'Velocity' value InspectorNote$xʽRight InspectorNote Select InspectorNoteǑSmall InspectorNote L\ 0eStem InspectorNoteҜTuning InspectorNoteҜ:Tuning: InspectorNoteLJL\Tuplet InspectorNoteƩǐUser InspectorNoteVelocity InspectorNote Dž Velocity type InspectorNote Dž:Velocity type: InspectorNote: Velocity: InspectorNoteǐAutoInspectorNoteDotDBottomInspectorNoteDot  ǐ Dot positionInspectorNoteDot  ǐ: Dot position:InspectorNoteDotNote DotInspectorNoteDot('Dot position'  0TReset 'Dot position' valueInspectorNoteDotTopInspectorNoteDot AboveInspectorOttavaD BelowInspectorOttava+ǐ  Numbers onlyInspectorOttava% OttavaInspectorOttava% InspectorOttava InspectorInspectorOttavaPlacement PlacementInspectorOttavaPlacement: Placement:InspectorOttava'+ǐ only'  0TReset 'Numbers only' valueInspectorOttava"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorOttavaDžTypeInspectorOttavaDžType:InspectorOttava AboveInspectorPalmMuteD BelowInspectorPalmMutePlacement PlacementInspectorPalmMutePlacement: Placement:InspectorPalmMute"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorPalmMute AboveInspectorPedalD BelowInspectorPedalӘPedalInspectorPedalPlacement PlacementInspectorPedalPlacement: Placement:InspectorPedal"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorPedal'Small'  0TReset 'Small' value InspectorRest|\Rest InspectorRest|\ InspectorRest Inspector InspectorRestǑSmall InspectorRest|PauseInspectorSectionBreak |:Pause:InspectorSectionBreak|  KReset 'Pause' valueInspectorSectionBreak,4 E0 tD 9X<\ ȸ\ Ǒ,Start new section with long instrument namesInspectorSectionBreak&ȸ\ƴ 9XD ȵ8 1 Ǒ)Start new section with measure number oneInspectorSectionBreakǐsInspectorSectionBreak^ 1 Leading spaceInspectorSegment ^ 1:Leading space:InspectorSegment'^ 1'  0TReset 'Leading space' valueInspectorSegment8<ҸSegmentInspectorSegment8<Ҹ InspectorSegment InspectorInspectorSegmentspspInspectorSegmentǐAuto InspectorSlur Continuous InspectorSlur Dashed InspectorSlur)ե Direction InspectorSlur)ե Direction: InspectorSlurDotted InspectorSlurD\Down InspectorSlur ȅX Line type InspectorSlur ȅX: Line type: InspectorSlur)ե  0TReset 'Direction' value InspectorSlur' ȅX'  0TReset 'Line type' value InspectorSlurtL/DŽSlur/Tie InspectorSlur\Up InspectorSlurtHeightInspectorSpacert:Height:InspectorSpacer¤ӘtSpacerInspectorSpacer¤Әt InspectorSpacer InspectorInspectorSpacerspspInspectorSpacerPlacement PlacementInspectorStaffTextPlacement: Placement:InspectorStaffText1 PropertiesInspectorStaffText"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorStaffText¤|  0TReset 'Style' valueInspectorStaffText\/ M¤ҸStaff/System TextInspectorStaffText¤|StyleInspectorStaffText¤|:Style:InspectorStaffText : Line distance:InspectorStaffTypeChange LinesInspectorStaffTypeChange : Lines:InspectorStaffTypeChange$KOffsetInspectorStaffTypeChange$KOffset:InspectorStaffTypeChangeL  0TReset 'Scale' valueInspectorStaffTypeChange'Small'  0TReset 'Small' valueInspectorStaffTypeChangeL\0e L  0TReset 'Stemless' valueInspectorStaffTypeChange0(ScaleInspectorStaffTypeChange0(:Scale:InspectorStaffTypeChange8\ t0  Show barlinesInspectorStaffTypeChange g t0Show ledger linesInspectorStaffTypeChangeǑSmallInspectorStaffTypeChange\ ȅX Staff Type ChangeInspectorStaffTypeChangeL\ 0e LStemlessInspectorStaffTypeChangespspInspectorStaffTypeChangeǐAuto InspectorStem)ե: Direction: InspectorStemDDown InspectorStem  Pͮ0Line thickness InspectorStem  Pͮ0:Line thickness: InspectorStem P  0TReset 'Line thickness' value InspectorStemL\0e )ե  0TReset 'Stem direction' value InspectorStem L\ 0eStem InspectorStemL\ 0e )եStem direction InspectorStemUp InspectorStemspsp InspectorStem Dʽ (t Bottom gap InspectorTBoxDʽ (t: Bottom gap: InspectorTBox Dʽ 1 Bottom margin InspectorTBoxDʽ 1:Bottom margin: 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valueInspectorTempoText¤|StyleInspectorTempoText¤|:Style:InspectorTempoTextǐTempoInspectorTempoText`t0 M¤Ҹ Tempo TextInspectorTempoText `t0 :Tempo:InspectorTempoText, Alignment InspectorTextLP:Border: InspectorText Ҹ ȅX Font face InspectorText 4 l0 Font size InspectorTextDŽFrame InspectorTextDŽ:Frame: InspectorTextM¤Ҹ 4 Ǭ$Reset 'Font face' value InspectorText¤|Style InspectorTextM¤ҸText InspectorTextM¤Ҹ Inspector Text Inspector InspectorText M¤Ҹ ,Text alignment InspectorTextptpt InspectorTextspsp InspectorText AboveInspectorTextLineD BelowInspectorTextLinePlacement PlacementInspectorTextLinePlacement: Placement:InspectorTextLine"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorTextLine M¤Ҹ  Text LineInspectorTextLineM¤Ҹ |x Text Line InspectorInspectorTextLine AboveInspectorTextLineBase, AlignmentInspectorTextLineBaseD BelowInspectorTextLineBase Ҹ ȅX Font faceInspectorTextLineBase 4 l0 Font sizeInspectorTextLineBasetHeightInspectorTextLineBaset:Height:InspectorTextLineBase$KOffsetInspectorTextLineBase$KOffset:InspectorTextLineBasePlacement PlacementInspectorTextLineBasePlacement: Placement:InspectorTextLineBaseM¤Ҹ 4 Ǭ$Reset 'Font face' valueInspectorTextLineBaseM¤Ҹ l0 Ǭ$Reset 'Font size' valueInspectorTextLineBaseM¤Ҹ ¤| Ǭ$Reset 'Font style' valuesInspectorTextLineBase't'  0TReset 'Height' valueInspectorTextLineBase$K  Ǭ$Reset 'Offset' valuesInspectorTextLineBase"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorTextLineBaseM¤Ҹ  0TReset 'Text' valueInspectorTextLineBase M¤Ҹ ,Text alignmentInspectorTextLineBaseM¤Ҹ:Text:InspectorTextLineBasespspInspectorTextLineBase1 PropertiesInspectorTimeSig, 'Show courtesy'  0TReset 'Show courtesy' valueInspectorTimeSig0(ScaleInspectorTimeSig0(:Scale:InspectorTimeSigcourtesy 0 Show courtesyInspectorTimeSig ǐ\ Dž%Time SignatureInspectorTimeSigǐ\ Inspector Time Signature InspectorInspectorTimeSig0DefaultInspectorTremoloPlacement: 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type:InspectorTuplet)ե DirectionInspectorTuplet)ե Direction:InspectorTupletD\DownInspectorTuplet Ҹ ȅX Font faceInspectorTuplet 4 l0 Font sizeInspectorTuplet4:Font:InspectorTuplet  Pͮ0Line thicknessInspectorTuplet  Pͮ0:Line thickness:InspectorTupletLNoneInspectorTupletLno tuplet bracket styleNoneInspectorTuplet+ǐNumberInspectorTuplet +ǐ Dž Number typeInspectorTuplet +ǐ Dž: Number type:InspectorTupletD(RatioInspectorTuplet6L\ ȅX  0TReset 'Bracket type' valueInspectorTuplet)ե  0TReset 'Direction' valueInspectorTuplet P  0TReset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorTuplet'+ǐ Dž'  0TReset 'Number type' valueInspectorTupletl0:Size:InspectorTuplet¤|StyleInspectorTuplet¤|:Style:InspectorTupletLJL\TupletInspectorTupletLJL InspectorTuplet InspectorInspectorTuplet\UpInspectorTupletptptInspectorTupletspspInspectorTuplet Dʽ (t Bottom gap InspectorVBoxDʽ (t: Bottom gap: InspectorVBox Dʽ 1 Bottom margin InspectorVBoxDʽ 1:Bottom margin: InspectorVBoxtHeight InspectorVBoxt:Height: InspectorVBox Ȍ! 1 Left margin InspectorVBox |ʽ 1: Left margin: InspectorVBoxDʽ (t  0TReset 'Bottom gap' value InspectorVBoxDʽ 1  0TReset 'Bottom margin' value InspectorVBox|ʽ 1  0TReset 'Left margin' value InspectorVBox$xʽ 1  0TReset 'Right margin' value InspectorVBox ʽ (t  0TReset 'Top gap' value InspectorVBoxʽ 1  0TReset 'Top margin' value InspectorVBox $xʽ 1 Right margin InspectorVBox$xʽ 1: Right margin: InspectorVBox ʽ (tTop gap InspectorVBoxʽ (t :Top gap: InspectorVBox ʽ 1 Top margin InspectorVBox ʽ 1 Top margin: InspectorVBox  DŽVertical Frame InspectorVBox  DŽ InspectorVertical Frame Inspector InspectorVBoxmmmm InspectorVBoxspsp InspectorVBox AboveInspectorVibratoD BelowInspectorVibratoPlacement PlacementInspectorVibratoPlacement: Placement:InspectorVibratoǬPlayInspectorVibrato"'Placement'  0TReset 'Placement' valueInspectorVibratoǬ  0TReset 'Play' valueInspectorVibratoDž  0TReset 'Type' valueInspectorVibratoDžTypeInspectorVibratoDžType:InspectorVibratoD |ѠVibratoInspectorVibrato ¤Ҹ: Repeat list:InspectorVoltaVoltaInspectorVolta InspectorVolta InspectorInspectorVolta͔AddInstrumentWizard𬰴 \ ͔Add Linked StaffInstrumentWizard \ ͔ Add StaffInstrumentWizardư0ClearInstrumentWizardDDownInstrumentWizard E0 ]Instrument listInstrumentWizard E0 ȼInstrument wizardInstrumentWizardRemoveInstrumentWizardSearchInstrumentWizardUpInstrumentWizard E0All instrumentsInstrumentsDialogCancelInstrumentsDialogE0 InstrumentsInstrumentsDialog \  &Load…InstrumentsDialogUxOKInstrumentsDialogx t<\ ǥ & Save As…InstrumentsDialog͔AddInstrumentsWidget𬰴 \ ͔ Add Linked StaffInstrumentsWidget \ ͔  Add StaffInstrumentsWidgetLǐ\ClefInstrumentsWidgetD\DownInstrumentsWidget E0 ]Instrument listInstrumentsWidgetE0 InstrumentsInstrumentsWidget𬰴LinkedInstrumentsWidget Ҹ | Part listInstrumentsWidgetRemoveInstrumentsWidgetSearchInstrumentsWidget\  𬰴Staff linked to previousInstrumentsWidget \ ȅX Staff typeInstrumentsWidget\StavesInstrumentsWidget\UpInstrumentsWidget\VisibleInstrumentsWidget͔AddKeyEdit"¤0 Ҹ ܬ \ ͔$Add time signature to master paletteKeyEditư0ClearKeyEdit p\ ̴0Create Key SignatureKeyEdit ܭ ͔Add Tag LayerManager1Create LayerManagerDelete LayerManager ܭ  Delete Tag LayerManager$ Description LayerManagertŴLayer LayerManagertŴLayers LayerManagerܭTag LayerManagerܭTags LayerManagerMuseScore \xLog in to MuseScore LoginDialogD8Password LoginDialog D8 : Password: LoginDialogƩǐ t  tT|Username or email LoginDialogƩǐ t  tT| :Username or email: LoginDialog1212MIDI import operations 128L\128thMIDI import operations1515MIDI import operations1616MIDI import operations 16L\16thMIDI import operations22MIDI import operations 2LJL\2-pletsMIDI import operations2121MIDI import operations33MIDI import operations 3LJL\3-pletsMIDI import operations3232MIDI import operations 32L\32ndMIDI import operations44MIDI import operations 4LJL\4-pletsMIDI import operations55MIDI import operations 5LJL\5-pletsMIDI import operations66MIDI import operations 64L\64thMIDI import operations77MIDI import operations 7LJL\ 7-pletsMIDI import operations88MIDI import operations99MIDI import operations 9LJL\9-pletsMIDI import operationsDChannelMIDI import operationsLǐ\  Clef changesMIDI import operations ¤  Detect swingMIDI import operations L\ Dotted notesMIDI import operations8L\EighthMIDI import operations8$0ImportMIDI import operationsLyricsMIDI import operations \ 1 Max. voicesMIDI import operationsMuseScore E0MuseScore instrumentMIDI import operations| (1:1) None (1:1)MIDI import operations4L\QuarterMIDI import operationsTL 08 t0Show chord symbolsMIDI import operations¤tѠ t0 Show staccatoMIDI import operations`t0 M¤Ҹ t0Show tempo textMIDI import operationsT (3:1) Shuffle (3:1)MIDI import operationsƴ SoundMIDI import operations \  Split staffMIDI import operations \ t Staff nameMIDI import operations¤ (2:1) Swing (2:1)MIDI import operationsǐ\Time signatureMIDI import operationsLJL\TupletsMIDI import operationsPAllMIDI import: tracks modelfMuseScore  MP3 |D J, ǐ ҸŴx LAME |t 칬| ƩiȲ. ijĸ\ %1 |t DƔXp MuseScoreЬ t |X X| t Ŵ| iȲ. (ǐ8\ m@ xܽD 8X$.) t Ǒ@ \ ՉXt )Ȳ.  %2X X| XܬµȮL? MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library. You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore. You only need to do this once. Would you like to locate %2 now? MP3ExporterMP3 <\ ǥ Save as MP3 MP3Exporter%1 @ Ŵ? Where is %1 ? MP3Exporter¤0 ҸMaster Palette MasterPalette08Symbols MasterPaletteMuseScore MuseScoreMeasureProperties//MeasurePropertiesBase11MeasurePropertiesBase1616MeasurePropertiesBase22MeasurePropertiesBase3232MeasurePropertiesBase44MeasurePropertiesBase6464MeasurePropertiesBase88MeasurePropertiesBase  8t:Actual:MeasurePropertiesBaseȵ 8 ͔:Add to measure number:MeasurePropertiesBasem Ht0  Always HideMeasurePropertiesBasem t0  Always ShowMeasurePropertiesBaseǐAutoMeasurePropertiesBase ȵ |\| Break multimeasure restMeasurePropertiesBasetƴҸ X JL Do not countMeasurePropertiesBaseȵ  xExclude from measure countMeasurePropertiesBaseL ȵ\ t Go to next measureMeasurePropertiesBase ȵ\ t Go to previous measureMeasurePropertiesBasetD  ƔLayout stretch factorMeasurePropertiesBasetD Layout stretch:MeasurePropertiesBaseȵ ܬMeasure DurationMeasurePropertiesBase ȵ 1Measure PropertiesMeasurePropertiesBaseȵ 8 :Measure number mode:MeasurePropertiesBase ȸ\ƴ New RowMeasurePropertiesBase\0:Nominal:MeasurePropertiesBase0OtherMeasurePropertiesBase Ǭ ֟: Play count:MeasurePropertiesBase\StaffMeasurePropertiesBase\StavesMeasurePropertiesBaseL\ 0e LStemlessMeasurePropertiesBase\VisibleMeasurePropertiesBaseaaMeasurePropertiesBaseccMeasurePropertiesBase\visibleMeasurePropertiesBase ȵAppend MeasuresMeasuresDialogBaseH ȵ ͔Append empty measuresMeasuresDialogBaseCancelMeasuresDialogBase͔` ȵ :Number of measures to append:MeasuresDialogBaseUxOKMeasuresDialogBase$$ ͔X0 Add Audio MediaDialog ¤Δ ͔Add Scan MediaDialogLեAudio MediaDialogTǐDialog MediaDialog PDF-¤ΔPDF-Scan MediaDialog$$ pX0 Remove Audio MediaDialog ¤Δ p Remove Scan MediaDialogAPI-Level: API-Level:MetaEditDialog | \: File Path:MetaEditDialogMuseScore :MuseScore Version:MetaEditDialog: Revision:MetaEditDialog E 1Score PropertiesMetaEditDialogMixerMixerdBdBMixerD:Channel: MixerDetailsܷKDrumset MixerDetailst:Name: MixerDetailsPanPan MixerDetails Ҹ t Part name MixerDetailsҸPort: MixerDetails Sound:Sound: MixerDetailsLVolume MixerDetailsL:Volume: MixerDetailsMuteMuteMixerTrackChannelPanPanMixerTrackChannelSoloSoloMixerTrackChannelMuteMuteMixerTrackPartPanPanMixerTrackPart Ҹ t Part nameMixerTrackPartSoloSoloMixerTrackPart Ʃǐ CustomMoreElementsPopup: %1 Revision: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialog"H\  ͜ : %1#Unstable Prerelease for Version: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialog : %1 Version: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialogȵMeasureMs::AccessibleSearchBoxL Not foundMs::AccessibleSearchBoxӘtPageMs::AccessibleSearchBox $ lRehearsal MarkMs::AccessibleSearchBoxE $0 Load ScoreMs::AlbumManagerMuseScore |MuseScore FilesMs::AlbumManagerTL 08 ¤| ӸѮ0Chord Symbols Style EditorMs::ChordStyleEditor$XErrorMs::CrashReporter1!Success!Ms::CrashReporter1CreateMs::CreatePaletteDialogCancelMs::DownloadUtilsƴ\  &Downloading…Ms::DownloadUtilsܷKDrumset Ms::DrumTools ܷK Ӹ Edit Drumset Ms::DrumTools<%1> \: %2<%1> Staff: %2Ms::DrumrollEditor:Cursor:Ms::DrumrollEditor$KOffsetMs::DrumrollEditorLt:Pitch:Ms::DrumrollEditorƩǐUserMs::DrumrollEditor: Velocity:Ms::DrumrollEditor | 0 Open FileMs::EditDrumset&Open File %1 (: %2Open File %1 failed: %2Ms::EditDrumsetܷ8Ҹ 0] Write DrumsetMs::EditDrumset | 0 (: %1Write File failed: %1Ms::EditDrumsetL Ʋ E0 tDžȲ.The instrument name is invalid. Ms::EditStaff0OpenMs::EditStringDataLtPitchMs::EditStringData Above Ms::EditStyle Ҹ Ʃ Apply to all Parts Ms::EditStyleǐ Automatic Ms::EditStyleD Below Ms::EditStyle8Bracket Ms::EditStyleCircle Ms::EditStyle 1  Creation date Ms::EditStyle Ǭ  Current date Ms::EditStyle | File name Ms::EditStyle | \+tFile path+name Ms::EditStyle\ȅ  |ǐLast modification date Ms::EditStyle\ȅ  ܬLast modification time Ms::EditStyleȵMeasure Ms::EditStyleLNone Ms::EditStyleLno frame for textNone Ms::EditStyleLno tuplet bracket typeNone Ms::EditStyle+ǐNumber Ms::EditStyle Әt Number of pages Ms::EditStyle Әt 8, ̫ Әt x!Page number, except on first page Ms::EditStyle&Әt 8, P Әt t| L+Page number, if there is more than one page Ms::EditStyleӘt 8, ӘtPage number, on all pages Ms::EditStyle Ҹ t, ̫ Әt xPart name, except on first page Ms::EditStyle Ҹ t, ӘtPart name, on all pages Ms::EditStyleD(Ratio Ms::EditStyle8<ҸSegment Ms::EditStyle"8/ ҹ 08 Ʃ Special symbols in header/footer Ms::EditStyleSystem Ms::EditStylemmmm Ms::EditStylespsp Ms::EditStyleUǥ 1t LjµȲExtension Updates AvailableMs::ExtensionsUpdateCheckerdX tX $X Uǥ / ¤ ǐ Ʃ` Lj ųptҸ LjµȲ.UOne or more installed extensions have updates available in Help > Resource Manager…Ms::ExtensionsUpdateCheckerInspector Inspector Ms::InspectorInspector p =Inspector Subwindow Ms::Inspector8BracketMs::InspectorAccidentalLNoneMs::InspectorAccidentalInspector InspectorMs::InspectorBaseL Grace NotesMs::InspectorGroupElementL\NotesMs::InspectorGroupElement|\RestsMs::InspectorGroupElement SelectMs::InspectorGroupElementLNoneMs::InspectorKeySigmmmmMs::InspectorLasso SelectMs::InspectorRestLJL\TupletMs::InspectorRestE0 | $0Load Instrument ListMs::InstrumentsDialogMuseScore E0MuseScore InstrumentsMs::InstrumentsDialogE0 | 0Open Instruments FileMs::InstrumentsDialog$E0 | 0 %1 (: %2#Open Instruments File %1 failed: %2Ms::InstrumentsDialogE0 |\ ǥSave Instrument ListMs::InstrumentsDialogE0 | 0Write Instruments FileMs::InstrumentsDialogE0 | 0 (: %1!Write Instruments File failed: %1Ms::InstrumentsDialogLǐ\ClefMs::InstrumentsWidget𬰴LinkedMs::InstrumentsWidget \ %1Staff %1Ms::InstrumentsWidget \ ȅX Staff typeMs::InstrumentsWidget\StavesMs::InstrumentsWidget\VisibleMs::InstrumentsWidgetp\Key Signatures Ms::KeyEditortŴ ܭ Select layer tagMs::LayerManager tŴ ܭ layer tagMs::LayerManager \x з Login errorMs::LoginDialog$Ʃǐ t T8| Ǒ1X8Ɣ.)Please fill in your username and passwordMs::LoginDialogF | X $X XµȲ. ܳXܮ0 Ȳ.. D <%2> \ t 0 (: %3+Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed: %3Ms::MasterScore%1 | ǥ (Save File failed: %1Ms::MasterScorePL |@ ǠLjµȲ. %1 x X ǥt ܮ0 Ȳ.GThe following file is locked: %1 Try saving to a different location.Ms::MasterScoreȵ %1 X ȵ 1!Measure Properties for Measure %1Ms::MeasurePropertiesL\ 0e LstemlessMs::MeasureProperties\visibleMs::MeasureProperties͔x ŴAdditional MediaMs::MediaDialogDDoneMs::MediaDialogܭ t Dž%Input Tag NameMs::MetaEditDialogȸ\ƴ ܭ t: New tag name:Ms::MetaEditDialog \ #%1 Staff #%1Ms::MixerDetails L: %1 Volume: %1Ms::MixerTrackChannel L: %1 Volume: %1Ms::MixerTrackPart0"%1" t tǬ iȲ ܬµȮL? 0"%1" already exists. Do you want to replace it?  Ms::MuseScore(&A) & &About… Ms::MuseScore ͔(&A)&Add Ms::MuseScore Ӹ(&E)&Edit Ms::MuseScore |(&F)&File Ms::MuseScoreDŽ(&F)&Frames Ms::MuseScore(&H)&Help Ms::MuseScore (&L)&Lines Ms::MuseScore ȵ(&M)&Measure Ms::MuseScore ȵ(&M) &Measures Ms::MuseScore(|x H(&O)&Online Handbook Ms::MuseScore x(&P)&Plugins Ms::MuseScore$ (&P) &&Preferences… Ms::MuseScoreM¤Ҹ(&T)&Text Ms::MuseScore 4  & &Toolbars Ms::MuseScore ĭl(&T)&Tools Ms::MuseScore 0(&V)&View Ms::MuseScore 1(&V)&Voices Ms::MuseScore MusicXML (&M) &About &MusicXML… Ms::MuseScore&Qt (&Q) & About &Qt… Ms::MuseScorePAll Ms::MuseScoreX |All Supported Files Ms::MuseScore UiȮL? Are you sure? Ms::MuseScore Ɣ̭X0 Ask for Help Ms::MuseScoreCancel Ms::MuseScore>D( %1 %2 \ LJL\| ̴  µȲ2Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2 Ms::MuseScore@LJL\| ̴  µȲ. L\ 8t 4 µȲ.-Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short Ms::MuseScore | D ݼ`  LCannot determine file type Ms::MuseScore %1 |  µȲ.Cannot write into %1 Ms::MuseScoreCapella | Capella Files Ms::MuseScoreųptҸ Ux(&U)Check for &Update Ms::MuseScore$$ | Choose Audio File Ms::MuseScoreOgg $$ | Choose Ogg Audio File Ms::MuseScorePDF ¤Δ Choose PDF Scan Ms::MuseScoreTL 08 ¤| |Chord Symbols Style File Ms::MuseScore4T /TLD +ǐ t¤ ӸѺ#Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode Ms::MuseScore ] Dư0Clear Recent Files Ms::MuseScoreU͕ MusicXML |Compressed MusicXML File Ms::MuseScore XҸ ֨Xp д MP3 xT) |t 칬 DٲȲ!.Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library! Ms::MuseScoreL\ Dž% )Note Entry Methods Ms::MuseScore L\ Dž% Note Input Ms::MuseScoreOgg $$ |Ogg Audio File Ms::MuseScoreOgg Vorbis $$Ogg Vorbis Audio Ms::MuseScore\ | 0(&R) Open &Recent Ms::MuseScore PDF |PDF File Ms::MuseScorePDF ¤Δ | PDF Scan File Ms::MuseScorePNG DҸ =PNG Bitmap Graphic Ms::MuseScore Әt 0 Page View Ms::MuseScore Ҹ 0 1ՈµȲ Parts were successfully exported Ms::MuseScoreǬPlay Ms::MuseScore Ǭ ŴPlayback Controls Ms::MuseScore"X tX ȵ| X$"Please select one or more measures Ms::MuseScore,ƴ Ҹ| , LL 0乬8Ɣ &"Please wait, loading soundfonts… Ms::MuseScore"Uǥǐ| ԀLL 0乬8Ɣ &.#Please wait, unpacking extension… Ms::MuseScore"ܬ (ǐ) L\ Dž% $Realtime (automatic) note input mode Ms::MuseScore"ܬ () L\ Dž% !Realtime (manual) note input mode Ms::MuseScoreL ǬDž% Repitch input mode Ms::MuseScore0Replace Ms::MuseScore P 0 Replace All Ms::MuseScore X0 Report a Bug Ms::MuseScore0 $<\ ̹0Revert to Factory Settings Ms::MuseScore Dž% Rhythm input mode Ms::MuseScorex t<\ ǥSave As Ms::MuseScoreTL 08 ¤| ǥSave Chord Symbols Style Ms::MuseScore ܷK ǥ Save Drumset Ms::MuseScore | ǥ Save File Ms::MuseScore t ǥ Save Image Ms::MuseScoreҸ ǥ  Save Palette Ms::MuseScore x ǥ Save Plugin Ms::MuseScore E ǥ Save Score Ms::MuseScore ݴ ǥ Save Selected Ms::MuseScore Ʃ ǥSave Selection Ms::MuseScore ¤| ǥ Save Style Ms::MuseScore ǥ Save a Copy Ms::MuseScore@0  E "%1" X ƩD ǥXܬµȮL?.Save changes to the score "%1" before closing? Ms::MuseScore¤| 0 =¤Scalable Vector Graphics Ms::MuseScoreE@ ҸScore and Parts Ms::MuseScore E Ǡ@ Score locked Ms::MuseScore E_ ҸScore_and_Parts Ms::MuseScoreMIDI 8$0 ( \Show MIDI import panel Ms::MuseScoret0Skip Ms::MuseScoreP t0Skip All Ms::MuseScore\ MIDI |Standard MIDI File Ms::MuseScore L\ Dž% Steptime note input mode Ms::MuseScore tŴ X Switch layer Ms::MuseScoreǬ XSwitch play mode Ms::MuseScore t Synthesizer Ms::MuseScoreSystem Ms::MuseScoreLJL\(&U)T&uplets Ms::MuseScore Dž% TAB input mode Ms::MuseScoreM¤Ҹ Ӹ Text edit mode Ms::MuseScoreL 8Xt X X ȅ̴µȲ. 8XD lXܬµȮL?9The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session? Ms::MuseScorebt E (|x<\ ǥ  µȲ. ǘ ȵ| X ܳt $.SThis score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again. Ms::MuseScoret Ǒ@ $D 0TiȲ. Ʃǐ  Ҹ, Ʃǐ  ͕Ф, \ E ]t )Ȳ. , 0 $<\ MuseScore Ǒ)Ȳ. ̹0 0 Ŵ\ E X JµȲ.  XܬµȮL?This will reset all your preferences. Custom palettes, custom shortcuts, and the list of recent scores will be deleted. MuseScore will restart with its default settings. Reverting will not remove any scores from your computer. Are you sure you want to proceed? Ms::MuseScoreLJL\ з Tuplet Error Ms::MuseScore*MP3 ¤ҸD 0T`  µȲ.Unable to initialize MP3 stream Ms::MuseScore, |D 0Ʃ<\  µȲ.&Unable to open target file for writing Ms::MuseScore&U͕ J@ MusicXML |Uncompressed MusicXML File Ms::MuseScore  LUntitled Ms::MuseScore 0  View Mode Ms::MuseScoreǑŬ(&o) W&orkspaces Ms::MuseScoreWarning Ms::MuseScoreWave $$ Wave Audio Ms::MuseScorel<\ 0Close this permanently Ms::MyWebView`  µȲ.Could not connect Ms::MyWebViewǬܳRetry Ms::MyWebView@令 X$t x07 𬰴Ŵ LjŴ| iȲ.KTo connect with the community, you need to have internet connection enabled Ms::MyWebView E ȼNew Score Wizard Ms::NewWizardȸ\ƴ E ̴0Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardInfoPageE  Ux:Enter score information:Ms::NewWizardInfoPageD|ʽ Lj E0| | $xʽ Lj E0] ͔X8Ɣ:FChoose instruments on the left to add to instrument list on the right:Ms::NewWizardInstrumentsPageȸ\ƴ E ̴0Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardInstrumentsPage/:BPM:Ms::NewWizardKeysigPage  / Beats per minuteMs::NewWizardKeysigPagep\@ `t0 t0:Choose key signature and tempo:Ms::NewWizardKeysigPageȸ\ƴ E ̴0Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardKeysigPagep\ Key SignatureMs::NewWizardKeysigPage`t0TempoMs::NewWizardKeysigPage\ | t0:Choose template file:Ms::NewWizardTemplatePageȸ\ƴ E ̴0Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardTemplatePageǐ\ t0:Choose time signature:Ms::NewWizardTimesigPageȸ\ƴ E ̴0Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardTimesigPage x L No PluginMs::NoEffectGuiDelete Ms::PaletteT @ Ɣ &.More Elements… Ms::Palette1 Properties… Ms::PaletteҸ PalettesMs::PaletteBox| Ҹ Single PaletteMs::PaletteBox p\ ̴0Create Key SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditorǐ\ ̴0Create Time SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditor Ѡ t0Choose a directoryMs::PathListDialog \: %2<%1> Staff: %2Ms::PianorollEditor:Cursor:Ms::PianorollEditorLen:Len:Ms::PianorollEditor$KOffsetMs::PianorollEditorOnTime:OnTime:Ms::PianorollEditorLt:Pitch:Ms::PianorollEditor \ 0Show wave displayMs::PianorollEditorƩǐUserMs::PianorollEditor: Velocity:Ms::PianorollEditor WaveMs::PianorollEditor | D ݼ`  LCannot determine file typeMs::PluginCreator$: Description:Ms::PluginCreator Ӹ pǑ Edit OperationsMs::PluginCreator | pǑ File OperationsMs::PluginCreatortżManualMs::PluginCreator Tt \: Menu Path:Ms::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginCreatorD x "%1"t µȲ. 0 ǥXܬµȮL?-Plugin "%1" has changes. Save before closing?Ms::PluginCreatorx 8Ʃ:Plugin Details:Ms::PluginCreator Չ  &  Running… Ms::PluginCreator x ǥ Save PluginMs::PluginCreator ǥ` : Saving to:Ms::PluginCreator  LUntitledMs::PluginCreator:Version:Ms::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginManagerx \Plugins reloaded.Ms::PluginManager10241024Ms::PreferenceDialog112112Ms::PreferenceDialog128128Ms::PreferenceDialog160160Ms::PreferenceDialog192192Ms::PreferenceDialog 192000192000Ms::PreferenceDialog20482048Ms::PreferenceDialog 2205022050Ms::PreferenceDialog224224Ms::PreferenceDialog256256Ms::PreferenceDialog3232Ms::PreferenceDialog320320Ms::PreferenceDialog 3200032000Ms::PreferenceDialog4040Ms::PreferenceDialog40964096Ms::PreferenceDialog 4410044100Ms::PreferenceDialog4848Ms::PreferenceDialog 4800048000Ms::PreferenceDialog512512Ms::PreferenceDialog5656Ms::PreferenceDialog6464Ms::PreferenceDialog8080Ms::PreferenceDialog 8820088200Ms::PreferenceDialog9696Ms::PreferenceDialog 9600096000Ms::PreferenceDialogǑ: %1; ͕Ф: %2Action: %1; Shortcut: %2Ms::PreferenceDialogPAllMs::PreferenceDialog0 t0Choose Background WallpaperMs::PreferenceDialog0 ¤| t0Choose Default StyleMs::PreferenceDialog0 8$0 ¤| t0 Choose Default Style for ImportsMs::PreferenceDialog Ҹ 0 ¤| t0Choose Default Style for PartsMs::PreferenceDialogUǥ T Choose Extensions FolderMs::PreferenceDialogt T t0Choose Image FolderMs::PreferenceDialogE0 ] t0Choose Instrument ListMs::PreferenceDialogT t0Choose NotepaperMs::PreferenceDialog x T t0Choose Plugin FolderMs::PreferenceDialogE T t0Choose Score FolderMs::PreferenceDialogǑ` E t0Choose Starting ScoreMs::PreferenceDialog¤| T t0Choose Style FolderMs::PreferenceDialog\ T t0Choose Template FolderMs::PreferenceDialog E0 ]Instrument ListMs::PreferenceDialog͕Ф $0Load ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialogMuseScore |MuseScore FilesMs::PreferenceDialogMuseScore ͕ФMuseScore ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialog MuseScore ͕Ф |MuseScore Shortcuts FileMs::PreferenceDialog ͕Ф LNo shortcut definedMs::PreferenceDialog\ MIDI  1Possible MIDI LoopbackMs::PreferenceDialogPrint ͕Ф Print ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialog ͕Ф ǥSave ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialogƴҸ T SoundFont FoldersMs::PreferenceDialog$ PreferenceMs::PreferencesListWidgetValueMs::PreferencesListWidgetSSMs::ResetButton %1 KB%1 KBMs::ResourceManagerUǥ $X (Extensions Installation FailedMs::ResourceManager$(XµȲ. ܳX8Ɣ.Failed, try againMs::ResourceManager$XInstallMs::ResourceManagerL(ФX ƴ\, ǥ, . x07 D Ux Ȳ.PUnable to download, save and verify the package. Check your internet connection.Ms::ResourceManager,Uǥ |D ¤l ǥ`  µȲ)Unable to save the extension file on diskMs::ResourceManagerp UninstallMs::ResourceManagerųptҸUpdateMs::ResourceManagerųptҸ DUpdatedMs::ResourceManager ųptҸ UpdatingMs::ResourceManager&Open File %1 (: %2Open File %1 failed: %2 Ms::Score2Open Style File %1 (: %2Open Style File %1 failed: %2 Ms::ScoreJt ¤| |@ t X MuseScore@ 8X JµȲ.@The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore. Ms::Score¤| 0] (: %1Write Style failed: %1 Ms::Score ǐ: %1Beat: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility$] ȵ: %1; ] ǐ: %2End Measure: %1; End Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibility ] List SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibility ȵ: %1 Measure: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility L No selectionMs::ScoreAccessibility  Range SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibility \ %1Staff %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility(Ǒ ȵ: %1; Ǒ ǐ: %2!Start Measure: %1; Start Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibility E0 t0Choose InstrumentsMs::ScoreBrowser E ̴0 &Create New Score…Ms::ScoreBrowserxƩ \ Custom TemplatesMs::ScoreBrowser.X >D0 ޲ \ t µȲ.3There are no templates matching the current search.Ms::ScoreBrowser ݴ ´Nothing selectedMs::ScorePreview Ǭ Current versionMs::ScoreVersionListModel\ȅ ǥ Last saved versionMs::ScoreVersionListModel͔Add Ms::ScoreViewDXtX 1 &Articulation Properties… Ms::ScoreView$Әt ެ ǐ<\ l0 pAuto-resize to page Ms::ScoreView | D ݼ`  LCannot determine file type Ms::ScoreViewE0 1 &Change Instrument Properties… Ms::ScoreView E0 &Change Instrument… Ms::ScoreViewT DXtXChord Articulation… Ms::ScoreViewܷK Ӹ &Edit Drumset… Ms::ScoreViewHelp Ms::ScoreView\0X Lǐ\ (00Hide Courtesy Clef Ms::ScoreView\0X p\ (00Hide Courtesy Key Signature Ms::ScoreView\0X ǐ\ (00Hide Courtesy Time Signature Ms::ScoreViewt Ρ̘  Image Capture Ms::ScoreViewtŴLayer Ms::ScoreViewȵMeasure Ms::ScoreView ȵ 1 &Measure Properties… Ms::ScoreViewT0 &More… Ms::ScoreViewHD4 ȵ ݴ JX´: < ȵ| X t8Ɣ:No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::ScoreViewVD4 ȵ ݴ JX´: < i` ȵX | X t8ƔMNo measures selected: Please select a range of measures to join and try again Ms::ScoreViewX\ µȲ: < \| ̴0 t E0 tD\| ƩXܮ0 ȲNNo staves found: please use the instruments dialog to first create some staves Ms::ScoreView PDF |PDF File Ms::ScoreViewPNG DҸ =PNG Bitmap Graphic Ms::ScoreViewD  µȲ. %1Can't find rootfile %1QObject,T X|  µȲ. %1 %2$Cannot open chord description: %1 %2QObject8 t¤X $D  µȲ: %1 %2+Cannot open figured bass description: %1 %2QObject$%1 |D }D  µȲ. Cannot read file %1: QObjectCircleQObject|x ǐ Common timeQObject2%1 MusicXML |D  µȲ.Could not open MusicXML file %1QObject:%1 U͕ MusicXML |D  µȲ.*Could not open compressed MusicXML file %1QObject  X CrescendoQObject Ʃǐ CustomQObject ǘ ǐCut timeQObject  칬 DecrescendoQObject& t |D $ܬµȮL?,Do you want to try to load this file anyway?QObject%1 Dotted %1QObject%1Double dotted %1QObject XLJL\DupletQObject8L\EighthQObjectJcontainer.xml }0 з, |x %1 %2: %3 5Error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3 QObject$ | "%1" @ µȲ.File "%1" corrupted.QObject | "%1" @ µȲ.File "%1" not found.QObjectF | '%1' @() ֨\ MusicXML |t DٲȲ.&File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML fileQObject ǥL Grace note afterQObject ǥL ^Grace note beforeQObject 2L\ HalfQObjectF $X: ¤ musicxml.xsd|  µȲ. 5Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd QObject8 $X: MusicXML ¤ФȬ t JL +Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid QObject4֨ InvalidQObject|ʽLeftQObject }0 $X Load ErrorQObject͕Ф $0Load ShortcutsQObject $(L\LongaQObjectȵMeasureQObject\ȵ %1, \ %2, 1 %3 @ 4 AȲ. X: %4; : %5@Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5QObjectLNoneQObjectL no hook typeNoneQObject DILJL\NonupletQObjectL\NoteQObject _LJL\OctupletQObject 1 E0 Perc. 1 lineQObject 3 E0 Perc. 3 linesQObject 5 E0 Perc. 5 linesQObject 7LJL\ QuadrupletQObject4L\QuarterQObject /LJL\ QuintupletQObject \ Rhythm SlashQObject |LJL\ SeptupletQObject /LJL\ SextupletQObject\StandardQObject 8 String numberQObject4 ѵTab. 4-str. commonQObject4 ̴Tab. 4-str. fullQObject4 lTab. 4-str. simpleQObject5 ѵTab. 5-str. commonQObject5 ̴Tab. 5-str. fullQObject5 lTab. 5-str. simpleQObject¤ 6 Tab. 6-str. FrenchQObjecttȹD 6 Tab. 6-str. ItalianQObject6 ѵTab. 6-str. commonQObject6 ̴Tab. 6-str. fullQObject6 lTab. 6-str. simpleQObject7 ѵTab. 7-str. commonQObject8 ѵTab. 8-str. commonQObject|tt Tab. balalaikaQObjectư  Tab. ukuleleQObjectt E MuseScore \ <\ Ǒ1µȲ. %1MuseScore tҸ%2  \ D ƴ\X8Ɣ.vThis score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore. Visit the %1MuseScore website%2 to obtain the latest version.QObject 8%1Triple dotted %1QObject KLJL\TripletQObject ,0 $X Upload ErrorQObject 1: %1 Voice: %1QObject(L\ WholeQObjecttD ̴  µȲ.You can't create an enumQObject\ZeroQObject ǘ  bad formatQObject\ double ♭QObject,\ double ♯QObjectL$ J@ Dž  unknown typeQObject\♭QObject,\♯QObject2%1 t tǬ iȲ. nŴܬµȮL?/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?QWidget"\ t t $XµȲ$A newer version is already installedQWidgett\ XܬµȮL? Are you sure?QWidgetCancelQWidget<}0 Ʃ ǥ UǥD 8,  µȲ : %10Cannot import extension on read-only storage: %1QWidgetBUǥD 8,  µȲ: ǥ %1 t µȲ+Cannot import extension: storage %1 is fullQWidget4 Uǥ :  metadata.json,Corrupted extension: corrupted metadata.jsonQWidget: Uǥ: metadata.json t µȲ%Corrupted extension: no metadata.jsonQWidget> Uǥ : Ҹ  Ѡ д J  Ѡ>Corrupted extension: unsupported directories in root directoryQWidget: Uǥ : Ҹ  Ѡ д J |8Corrupted extension: unsupported files in root directoryQWidget,'%1'(D)| и\ XܬµȮL?0Do you really want to delete the '%1' workspace?QWidget,ƴ Ҹ| $X XܬµȮL %1 ?(Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?QWidget@t X Uǥ %1D X H $X ՈµȲ:Error while deleting previous version of the extension: %1QWidgettӠ| $0Import CapellaQWidgetUǥ | $0Import Extension FileQWidgetƴ Ҹ $X Install SoundFontQWidgetŸŴ $0 (:Load Languages Failed:QWidget  }0 Load MIDIQWidget¤| \X0 (Load Style FailedQWidget PDF |D }Ŵ$  Loading PDFQWidgetnŴܬµȬ? 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Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.QWidget,Uǥ |D ͔͜ `  µȲ.*Unable to extract files from the extensionQWidgetyLRecord RecordButtonUǥ ExtensionResourceUǥ ExtensionsResource | l0 File SizeResource | tFilenameResource$X/ųptҸInstall/UpdateResourceŸŴLanguageResourceŸŴ LanguagesResourceMuseScore ¤MuseScore ResourcesResourcep UninstallResourceVersionResourceX:X: ScaleSelectY:Y: ScaleSelect1(: Created:  ScorePreviewt:Name: ScorePreviewl0:Size: ScorePreview ActionAction SelectDialog m ͔Add to selection SelectDialog Ɣ  Element type: SelectDialog m H In selection SelectDialog m 0Replace selection SelectDialog @ \ Same staff SelectDialog@  Dž Same subtype: SelectDialog@  Same system SelectDialog @ 1 Same voice SelectDialog m H >0Search in selection SelectDialog Select SelectDialog m xSubtract from selection SelectDialog00SelectInstrument Ǭ E0:Current instrument:SelectInstrumentSearchSelectInstrument E0 Select InstrumentSelectInstrument 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TimesigWizardȵMeasures TimesigWizardȵ: Measures: TimesigWizardȵ Number of measures TimesigWizard ͘ ȵPickup Measure TimesigWizardǐ 08 ȼTime Signature Wizard TimesigWizardTǐDialog ToolbarEditor ǑŬ: Workspace: ToolbarEditorA ǥp / F# pA major / F♯ minorTransposeDialogBaseɝ5Augmented FifthTransposeDialogBaseɝ4Augmented FourthTransposeDialogBaseɝ2Augmented SecondTransposeDialogBaseɝ7Augmented SeventhTransposeDialogBaseɝ6Augmented SixthTransposeDialogBaseɝ3Augmented ThirdTransposeDialogBaseɝ1Augmented UnisonTransposeDialogBaseAb ǥp / F pA♭ major / F minorTransposeDialogBaseB ǥp / G# pB major / G♯ minorTransposeDialogBasex0 Xt By IntervalTransposeDialogBasep Xt By KeyTransposeDialogBaseBb ǥp / G pB♭ major / G minorTransposeDialogBaseC ǥp / A pC major / A minorTransposeDialogBaseǥ Lƴ XClosestTransposeDialogBaseCb ǥp / Ab pC♭ major / A♭ minorTransposeDialogBaseC# ǥp / A# pC♯ major / A♯ minorTransposeDialogBaseD ǥp / B pD major / B minorTransposeDialogBase5Diminished 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