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CompressorGuinAn t-astar on stairsneach far an tisich lb na gline.Falaich nuair a bhios e falamh:Hide when empty: EditStaffBaseInneal-ciil Instrument EditStaffBaseInneal-ciil: Instrument: EditStaffBase>Falaich loidhnichean na clitheInvisible staff lines EditStaffBase.Astar nan loidhnichean:Line distance: EditStaffBaseLoidhnichean:Lines: EditStaffBase6Ainm fada an inneil-chiil:Long instrument name: EditStaffBaseChan ann idirNever EditStaffBase&ireamh nan teudan:Number of strings: EditStaffBaseOchdadhOctave EditStaffBaseOchdadh + Octave(s) + EditStaffBase*Roghainnean a  phirtPart Properties EditStaffBaseAinm a  phirt: Part name: EditStaffBaseProifeiseanta: Professional: EditStaffBaseSgile:Scale: EditStaffBase:Ainm goirid an inneil-chiil:Short instrument name: EditStaffBase6Seall loidhnichean-leagaidh Show barlines EditStaffBase.Seall an iuchair-ghleus Show clef EditStaffBase&Seall tm-chomharraShow time signature EditStaffBaseCliath bheag Small staff EditStaffBase,Roghainnean na clitheStaff Properties EditStaffBase:Dath loidhnichean na clithe:Staff line color: EditStaffBase@Roghainnean na clithe/a  phirtStaff/Part Properties EditStaffBase&Buidheann stoidhle: Style group: EditStaffBaseSuasUp EditStaffBase$Ruigse a  ghleusa:Usable pitch range: EditStaffBase bernsp EditStaffBase:< Ath-shuidhich gun teamplaid< Reset to Template EditStaffTypeSuasAbove EditStaffType2Os cionn nan loidhnichean Above lines EditStaffType0Cuir ris na teamplaideanAdd to Templates EditStaffTypeAn-cmhnaidhAlways EditStaffType$Mar earball goirid As short stem EditStaffType(Mar earball le slaisAs slashed stem EditStaffTypeAir leagadh r At new meas. EditStaffType&Air an t-siostam r At new system EditStaffTypeSosBelow EditStaffType&Ri taobh na clithe Beside staff EditStaffType BristeBroken EditStaffTypeLeantainneach Continuous EditStaffTypenCruthaich sersa clithe r dhan bhuidheann lithreach.)Create a new staff type of current group. EditStaffType4Deasaich sersa na clitheEdit Staff Type EditStaffTypeCruth-cl:Font: EditStaffTypeComharran-cip Fret Marks EditStaffType Geal-notaichean: Half notes: EditStaffTypeLitricheanLetters EditStaffType.Astar nan loidhnichean:Line distance: EditStaffType2Tha na loidhnichean nan: Lines are: EditStaffTypeLoidhnichean:Lines: EditStaffType8Thid comharran a tharraing:Marks are drawn: EditStaffType,Tha na comharran nan: Marks are: EditStaffTypeChan ann idirNever EditStaffTypeGun ghinNone EditStaffTypeGun ghin(neither note symbols nor stems and beamsNone EditStaffType$Luachan nam pongan Note Values EditStaffType$Samhlaidhean puing Note symbols EditStaffType2Sgeama nan ceann phongan:Notehead scheme: EditStaffTypeireamhanNumbers EditStaffType&Air na loidhnicheanOn lines EditStaffTypeRo-sheallPreview EditStaffTypeAth-ghabhail:Repeat: EditStaffType$CLIATH STANNARDACHSTANDARD STAFF EditStaffType:Seall comharran ceapa naisgteShow back-tied fret marks EditStaffType6Seall loidhnichean-leagaidh Show barlines EditStaffType.Seall an iuchair-ghleus Show clef EditStaffType*Seall gleus-chomharraShow key signature EditStaffType Seall am barrachShow ledger lines EditStaffTypeSeall na clois Show rests EditStaffType&Seall tm-chomharraShow time signature EditStaffType( Gan sealltainn mar: Shown as: EditStaffType Meud:Size: EditStaffType$Ionad an earbaill:Stem position: EditStaffType*Stoidhle an earbaill: Stem style: EditStaffTypeGun earballStemless EditStaffType$Earbaill s barranStems and beams EditStaffTypeTeamplaid: Template: EditStaffTypeTron chliath Through staff EditStaffTypeBun os cionn Upside down EditStaffType8Sioft an ionaid inghearaich:Vertical offset: EditStaffTypeptpt EditStaffType bernsp EditStaffType Sguab s an teud Delete StringEditStringDataBase"Deasaich an teud &Edit String…EditStringDataBaseTeud r & New String…EditStringDataBase&ireamh nan ceapan:Number of frets:EditStringDataBaseFosgailteOpenEditStringDataBase GleusPitchEditStringDataBaseDta teuda String DataEditStringDataBase(Gleusadh nan teudan:Strings Tuning:EditStringDataBase%% EditStyleBasePong-seachrain Accidental EditStyleBase2Astar nam pong-seachrain:Accidental distance: EditStyleBase Pongan-seachrain Accidentals EditStyleBaseCo-thaobhadh Alignment EditStyleBase^Ainmean nam pong ann an litrichean mra a-mhinAll caps note names EditStyleBaseA h-uile cliath All staves EditStyleBase Coltas Appearance EditStyleBaseArpeggiothan Arpeggios EditStyleBase0Astar nan altachaidhean:Articulation distance: EditStyleBase.Meud nan altachaidhean:Articulation size: EditStyleBase,Altachadh, sgeadachadhArticulations, Ornaments EditStyleBaseFin-obrachailAuto EditStyleBaseNLitrichean mra s beaga fin-obrachailAutomatic Capitalization EditStyleBase,Seachnaich na cliathan Avoid staves EditStyleBaseVLoidhne-leagaidh air toiseach iomadh cliath#Barline at start of multiple staves EditStyleBaseXLoidhne-leagaidh air toiseach cliath a-mhin Barline at start of single staff EditStyleBasehAn t-astar eadar loidhne-leagaidh s pong-seachrain:Barline to accidental distance: EditStyleBase`An t-astar eadar loidhne-leagaidh s nota-maise:Barline to grace note distance: EditStyleBase*Loidhnichean-leagaidhBarlines EditStyleBase&Tiughad nam barran:Beam thickness: EditStyleBase BarranBeams EditStyleBaseCromBend EditStyleBaseBonnBottom EditStyleBase4Astar na camaige dualaich:Brace distance: EditStyleBase8Tiughad na camaige dualaich:Brace thickness: EditStyleBase CamagBracket EditStyleBase$Sersa na camaige: Bracket type: EditStyleBaseCamaganBrackets EditStyleBaseJAn fhaide as lugha aig barran briste:Broken beam minimum length: EditStyleBaseCapoCapo EditStyleBase&Ionad cip a  chapo:Capo fret position: EditStyleBase$Deicheamh a shioft Cents offset EditStyleBase$Samhlaidhean cird Chord Symbols EditStyleBaseCearcallCircle EditStyleBaseHMarghan deas nan iuchraichean-gleus:Clef left margin: EditStyleBasehAn t-astar eadar iuchair-ghleus is loidhne-leagaidh:Clef to barline distance: EditStyleBasejMarghan deas nan iuchraichean-gleus/gleus-chomharran:Clef/Key right margin: EditStyleBase&Iuchraichean-ghleusClefs EditStyleBase Dath:Color: EditStyleBase&irde an leantainn:Continue height: EditStyleBaseLeantainneach Continuous EditStyleBaseZCruthaich gleus-iuchair dhan a h-uile siostamCreate clef for all systems EditStyleBaseNCruthaich iuchraichean-gleus modhalachdCreate courtesy clefs EditStyleBaseJCruthaich gleus-chomharran modhalachdCreate courtesy key signatures EditStyleBaseFCruthaich tm-chomharran modhalachdCreate courtesy time signatures EditStyleBasebCruthaich gleus-chomharra airson a h-uile siostam$Create key signature for all systems EditStyleBaseHCruthaich clois thar iomadh leagaidhCreate multimeasure rests EditStyleBaseGnthaichteCustom EditStyleBase6Strochag-dotag-dotagaichteDash-dot-dotted EditStyleBase*Strochag-dotagaichte Dash-dotted EditStyleBaseStrochagachDashed EditStyleBase*Iuchair TAB bhunasachDefault TAB Clef EditStyleBase0Ionad inghearach tsail:Default vertical position: EditStyleBaseComhair: Direction: EditStyleBase6Seall ann an gleus consairtDisplay in concert pitch EditStyleBaseSeall luachan phongan thar crochan leagaidh (DEUCHAINNEIL, cel trth a-mhin!)ODisplay note values across measure boundaries (EXPERIMENTAL, early music only!) EditStyleBaseXAstar s didh ceann a  phuing mu dheireadh:!Distance after head of last note: EditStyleBase\Astar s didh earball a  phuing mu dheireadh:!Distance after stem of last note: EditStyleBase@Astar ro cheann a  chiad phuing:#Distance before head of first note: EditStyleBaseBAstar ro earball a  chiad phuing:#Distance before stem of first note: EditStyleBaseJAn t-astar gun diagram bird-cheapan:Distance to fretboard diagram: EditStyleBase*An t-astar gun phong:Distance to note: EditStyleBaseXNa falaich cliathan falamh sa chiad shiostam'Don't hide empty staves in first system EditStyleBase"Meud nan dotagan: Dot size: EditStyleBaseDotagaichteDotted EditStyleBaseJTiughad nan loidhnichean dotagaichte:Dotted line thickness: EditStyleBaseRAstar nan loidhnichean-leagaidh dbailte:Double barline distance: EditStyleBaseVTiughad nan loidhnichean-leagaidh dbailte:Double barline thickness: EditStyleBaseSosDown EditStyleBaseDinimigeachdDynamics EditStyleBase Caman Eighth Note EditStyleBaseCothromachEven EditStyleBaseGach siostam Every system EditStyleBaseFermatathanFermatas EditStyleBaseAir-bheus Figured Bass EditStyleBase2Leathnaich na barran uileFlatten all beams EditStyleBaseCruth-cl:Font: EditStyleBase&Teacsa banna-choise Footer Text EditStyleBaseFraingisFrench EditStyleBase.Diagraman bird-cheapanFretboard Diagrams EditStyleBase"Gearmailtis shln Full German EditStyleBaseGearmailtisGerman EditStyleBase4Meud nan notaichean-maise:Grace note size: EditStyleBase,Astar na mr-chlithe:Grand staff distance: EditStyleBaseBiorananHairpins EditStyleBase$Teacsa banna-chinn Header Text EditStyleBase*Bann-cinn, bann-coiseHeader, Footer EditStyleBase irde:Height: EditStyleBaseXFalaich cliathan falamh am broinn shiostaman Hide empty staves within systems EditStyleBaselFalaich ainm an inneil-chiil mur eil ach 1 inneal ann2Hide instrument name if there is only 1 instrument EditStyleBaseEachdraidheilHistoric EditStyleBase$irde na cromaige: Hook height: EditStyleBase"Faid na cromaige: Hook length: EditStyleBase4Astar cmhnard o na ponganHorizontal Distance from Notes EditStyleBase6Sioft an ionaid chmhnaird:Horizontal offset: EditStyleBaseEadaramh: Interval: EditStyleBaseJazzJazz EditStyleBaseDMarghan deas nan gleus-chomharran:Key signature left margin: EditStyleBase^Stairsneach lonadh an t-siostaim mu dheireadh:Last system fill threshold: EditStyleBase$Faide nam barrach:Ledger line length: EditStyleBase(Tiughad nam barrach:Ledger line thickness: EditStyleBaseClLeft EditStyleBase"irde na loidhne: Line height: EditStyleBase(Stoidhle na loidhne: Line style: EditStyleBase@Tiughad air deireadh na loidhne:Line thickness at end: EditStyleBase>Tiughad air meadhan na loidhne:Line thickness middle: EditStyleBase&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness: EditStyleBase&Luchdaich cird.xmlLoad chords.xml EditStyleBaseHBeus-phongan ann an litrichean beagaLower case bass notes EditStyleBaseFMion-chird ann an litrichean beagaLower case minor chords EditStyleBase FaclanLyrics EditStyleBase:Astar as motha nan siostaman:Max. system distance: EditStyleBasePAn t-astar as motha gu loidhne-leagaidh:Maximum barline distance: EditStyleBase&An sliabh as irde:Maximum slope: EditStyleBaseLeagadhMeasure EditStyleBase2ireamhan nan leagaidheanMeasure Numbers EditStyleBaseMeadhanMiddle EditStyleBase:Astar as lugha nan siostaman:Min. system distance: EditStyleBase>Bernadh nas lugha eadar cird:Minimum chord spacing: EditStyleBase4Leud as lugha an leagaidh:Minimum measure width: EditStyleBase0Astar as lugha nam pong:Minimum note distance: EditStyleBaseHAn ireamh as lugha dhe leagaidhean:!Minimum number of empty measures: EditStyleBase<Faid as lugha nan nasgaidhean:Minimum tie length: EditStyleBase<An leud as lugha dhen leagadh:Minimum width of measure: EditStyleBaser-nsachModern EditStyleBaseLMarghan nan clos thar iomadh leagaidh:Multimeasure rest margin: EditStyleBase.Marghan bonn a  chiil:Music bottom margin: EditStyleBase.Marghan barr a  chiil:Music top margin: EditStyleBaseBCruth-cl nan samhlaidhean ciil:Musical symbols font: EditStyleBase6Cruth-cl teacsa a  chiil:Musical text font: EditStyleBase Ainm:Name: EditStyleBaseGun ghinNone EditStyleBaseGun ghinno tuplet bracketNone EditStyleBase(Litreachadh nam pong Note Spelling EditStyleBaseTAn t-astar eadar pong s loidhne-leagaidh:Note to barline distance: EditStyleBase0Astar nan ceann phongan:Notehead distance: EditStyleBase PonganNotes EditStyleBaseireamhNumber EditStyleBase(Sersa na h-ireimh: Number type: EditStyleBase"ireamhan a-mhin Numbers only EditStyleBaseCorrOdd EditStyleBase DhethOff EditStyleBaseTGus atharrachadh gu mr-C / mion-A a-mhin"Only for a change to C Maj / A min EditStyleBase OttavaOttava EditStyleBaseDuilleagPage EditStyleBaseTroigheanPedal EditStyleBase"Loidhne troighein Pedal Line EditStyleBaseSuidheachadh: Placement: EditStyleBase Ionad: Position: EditStyleBaseAn t-ionad Positioning EditStyleBaseAdhartas: Progression: EditStyleBaseRoghainnean Properties EditStyleBaseCo-mheasRatio EditStyleBase.Comharran ruith-thairisRehearsal Marks EditStyleBase\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na camaige Reset 'Bracket type' value EditStyleBaseBAth-shuidhich an luach air Dath Reset 'Color' value EditStyleBase^Ath-shuidhich an luach air irde an leantainn Reset 'Continue height' value EditStyleBaseHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' value EditStyleBase|Ath-shuidhich an t-astar s didh ceann a  phuing mu dheireadh.Reset 'Distance after head of last note' value EditStyleBaseAth-shuidhich an t-astar s didh earball a  phuing mu dheireadh.Reset 'Distance after stem of last note' value EditStyleBasebAth-suidhich an t-astar ro cheann a  chiad phuing0Reset 'Distance before head of first note' value EditStyleBasefAth-shuidhich an t-astar ro earball a  chiad phuing0Reset 'Distance before stem of first note' value EditStyleBaseDAth-shuidhich an luach air irde Reset 'Height' value EditStyleBase`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle na loidhne Reset 'Line style' value EditStyleBase^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' value EditStyleBaseVAth-shuidhich an leud as lugha dhen leagadh&Reset 'Minimum width of measure' value EditStyleBase`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na h-ireimh Reset 'Number type' value EditStyleBase\Ath-shuidhich an luach air ireamhan a-mhin Reset 'Numbers only' value EditStyleBaseRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' value EditStyleBaseDAth-shuidhich air a  bhun-roghainnReset to default EditStyleBaseDeasRight EditStyleBase`Sgilich loidhnichean-leagaidh ri meud nan ciathScale barlines to staff size EditStyleBaseSgile:Scale: EditStyleBaseSgrScore EditStyleBase(Tagh co-mheas swing:Select swing ratio: EditStyleBase,Sioft nan leth-phonganSemitones offset EditStyleBase"Iuchair TAB serifSerif TAB clef EditStyleBase.Giorraich na h-earbaill Shorten stems EditStyleBase.An t-earball as giorra:Shortest stem: EditStyleBase(Seall a  chiad fhear Show first EditStyleBasefSeall am bann-coise air a  chiad duilleag cuideachdShow footer also on first page EditStyleBasedSeall am bann-cinn air a  chiad duilleag cuideachdShow header also on first page EditStyleBaseSeall oidheaman air loidhnichean-leagaidh ath-ghabhalach: (ath-ghabhail sgiathach )+Show repeat barline tips ("winged" repeats) EditStyleBaseLeth-chamanSixteenth Note EditStyleBase Meud:Size: EditStyleBase MeudanSizes EditStyleBase2Ceanglaichean/Nasgaidhean Slurs/Ties EditStyleBaseDMeud nan iuchraichean-gleus beaga:Small clef size: EditStyleBase,Meud nam pongan beaga:Small note size: EditStyleBase0Meud nan cliathan beaga:Small staff size: EditStyleBaseSolfeggio Solfeggio EditStyleBase&Bernadh (1=dlth):Spacing (1=tight): EditStyleBase"Teacsa na clithe Staff Text EditStyleBase"Astar na clithe:Staff distance: EditStyleBase@Tiughad loidhnichean na clithe:Staff line thickness: EditStyleBaseStannardachStandard EditStyleBase.Iuchair TAB stannardachStandard TAB clef EditStyleBase$Astar nan earball:Stem distance: EditStyleBase(Tiughad nan earball:Stem thickness: EditStyleBaseStoidhleStyle EditStyleBaseStoidhle:Style: EditStyleBase"Roghainnean swingSwing Settings EditStyleBase Swing:Swing: EditStyleBaseSiostamSystem EditStyleBase"Teacsa an luaiths Tempo Text EditStyleBaseLoidhne teacsa Text Line EditStyleBase"Stoidhlean teacsa Text Styles EditStyleBase@Marghan deas nan tm-chomharran:Time signature left margin: EditStyleBaseBarrTop EditStyleBaseTrileanTrill EditStyleBaseLoidhne trilein Trill Line EditStyleBaseIoma-rinneanTuplets EditStyleBaseSuasUp EditStyleBase^Cleachd bann-coise dhuilleagan corra/cothromachUse odd/even page footer EditStyleBase\Cleachd bann-cinn dhuilleagan corra/cothromachUse odd/even page header EditStyleBase8Astar inghearach o na ponganVertical Distance from Notes EditStyleBaseFAstar inghearach o cheann a  puing: Vertical distance from notehead: EditStyleBase8Astar inghearach on earball:Vertical distance from stem: EditStyleBaseHMarghan bonn an fhrama inghearaich:Vertical frame bottom margin: EditStyleBaseHMarghan barr an fhrama inghearaich:Vertical frame top margin: EditStyleBase8Sioft an ionaid inghearaich:Vertical offset: EditStyleBase"Ionad inghearach:Vertical position: EditStyleBase VoltaVolta EditStyleBase$o bharr na clithefrom top of staff EditStyleBase8dhe dh irde a  chrutha-chlof font height EditStyleBaseptpt EditStyleBase bernsp EditStyleBase bern space unitsp EditStyleBase11ExcerptsDialog22ExcerptsDialog33ExcerptsDialog44ExcerptsDialogSguab sDeleteExcerptsDialog$Deasaich a  phirt Edit PartExcerptsDialogInneal-ciil InstrumentExcerptsDialog*Gluais a  phirt sosMove part downExcerptsDialog*Gluais a  phirt suas Move part upExcerptsDialog Liosta nam pirt Part listExcerptsDialog"Tiotal a  phirt: Part title:ExcerptsDialogPirteanPartsExcerptsDialogTagh pirt Select PartExcerptsDialogCuir risAddFluidGuiSguir dhethCancelFluidGuiHCha ghabh an SoundFont %1 a luchdadhCannot load SoundFont %1FluidGuiSguab sDeleteFluidGui Ga luchdadh & Loading…FluidGui0Gluais an SoundFont sosMove SoundFont downFluidGui0Gluais an SoundFont suasMove SoundFont upFluidGuiMuseScore MuseScoreFluidGuiRChaidh an SoundFont %1 a luchdadh mar-thSoundFont %1 already loadedFluidGuiSoundFonts SoundFontsFluidGuiTromBoldFontStyleSelectEadailteachItalicFontStyleSelectLoidhne fodha UnderlineFontStyleSelectClradhRecordGreendotButtonCuir an ssApplyImportMidiPanelVCuir obrachaidhean ion-phortadh MIDI an ssApply MIDI import operationsImportMidiPanelSguir dhethCancelImportMidiPanelSguir dhe dh obrachaidhean ion-phortadh MIDI nach deach a chur an ss)Cancel non-applied MIDI import operationsImportMidiPanel:Din panail ion-phortadh MIDIClose MIDI import panelImportMidiPanel(Gluais an traca sosMove track downImportMidiPanel(Gluais an traca suas Move track upImportMidiPanel8Seata charactaran an teacsa: Text charset:ImportMidiPanelSguir dhethCancelInsertMeasuresDialogBase2Cuir a-steach leagaidheanInsert MeasuresInsertMeasuresDialogBase@Cuir a-steach leagaidhean falamhInsert empty measuresInsertMeasuresDialogBaseLireamh nan leagaidhean ri an cur ris:Number of measures to insert:InsertMeasuresDialogBaseCeart ma-thOKInsertMeasuresDialogBasePong-seachrain AccidentalInspectorAccidental0Sgrdar puing-sheachrainAccidental InspectorInspectorAccidental"Sersa na camaige Bracket typeInspectorAccidental$Sersa na camaige: Bracket type:InspectorAccidental\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na camaige Reset 'Bracket type' valueInspectorAccidentalBAth-shuidhich an luach air Beag Reset 'Small' valueInspectorAccidentalBeagSmallInspectorAccidentalAAInspectorAmbitus(Cruinn dbailte eile Alt. BrevisInspectorAmbitusAmbitusAmbitusInspectorAmbitus Sgrdair ambitusAmbitus InspectorInspectorAmbitusFin-obrachailAutoInspectorAmbitusA&mA♭InspectorAmbitusA&m&mA♭♭InspectorAmbitusA&oA♯InspectorAmbitusA&o&oA♯♯InspectorAmbitusBBInspectorAmbitusBun-phong Bottom noteInspectorAmbitusBun-phong: Bottom note:InspectorAmbitus(Cruinn-nota dbailteBreveInspectorAmbitusB&mB♭InspectorAmbitusB&m&mB♭♭InspectorAmbitusB&oB♯InspectorAmbitusB&o&oB♯♯InspectorAmbitusCCInspectorAmbitus CroisCrossInspectorAmbitusC&mC♭InspectorAmbitusC&m&mC♭♭InspectorAmbitusC&oC♯InspectorAmbitusC&o&oC♯♯InspectorAmbitusDDInspectorAmbitusDaoimeanDiamondInspectorAmbitusComhair DirectionInspectorAmbitusComhair: Direction:InspectorAmbitusDDoInspectorAmbitusD&mD♭InspectorAmbitusD&m&mD♭♭InspectorAmbitusD&oD♯InspectorAmbitusD&o&oD♯♯InspectorAmbitusEEInspectorAmbitusE&mE♭InspectorAmbitusE&m&mE♭♭InspectorAmbitusE&oE♯InspectorAmbitusE&o&oE♯♯InspectorAmbitusFFInspectorAmbitusFFaInspectorAmbitusF&mF♭InspectorAmbitusF&m&mF♭♭InspectorAmbitusF&oF♯InspectorAmbitusF&o&oF♯♯InspectorAmbitusGGInspectorAmbitusG&mG♭InspectorAmbitusG&m&mG♭♭InspectorAmbitusG&oG♯InspectorAmbitusG&o&oG♯♯InspectorAmbitusGeal-notaHalfInspectorAmbitus Tha loidhne aigeHas lineInspectorAmbitusBuidheann-cinn Head groupInspectorAmbitusBuidheann-cinn: Head group:InspectorAmbitusSersa a  chinn Head typeInspectorAmbitus Sersa a  chinn: Head type:InspectorAmbitusLLaInspectorAmbitus$A  claonadh gu cl Leaning LeftInspectorAmbitus&A  claonadh gu deas Leaning RightInspectorAmbitus$Tiughad na loidhneLine thicknessInspectorAmbitus&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness:InspectorAmbitusMMiInspectorAmbitusbhaisteachNormalInspectorAmbitusDubh-notaQuarterInspectorAmbitusRReInspectorAmbitusHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' valueInspectorAmbitusZAth-shuidhich an luach air Tha loidhne aige Reset 'Has line' valueInspectorAmbitusVAth-shuidhich an luach air Buidheann-cinn Reset 'Head group' valueInspectorAmbitusXAth-shuidhich an luach air Sersa a  chinn Reset 'Head type' valueInspectorAmbitus^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorAmbitus SlaisSlashInspectorAmbitusSolSolInspectorAmbitusTTiInspectorAmbitusBarr-phongTop noteInspectorAmbitusBarr-phong: Top note:InspectorAmbitusTriantanTriangleInspectorAmbitus raich an ruigse Update RangeInspectorAmbitusDreachUprightInspectorAmbitusCruinn-notaWholeInspectorAmbitusCrois-chearcallXCircleInspectorAmbitus bernspInspectorAmbitusArpeggioArpeggioInspectorArpeggio CluichPlayInspectorArpeggioFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorArpeggio$Os cionn a  chird Above ChordInspectorArticulation&Os cionn na clithe Above StaffInspectorArticulation AcairAnchorInspectorArticulation Acair:Anchor:InspectorArticulationAltachadh ArticulationInspectorArticulation&Sgrdair altachaidhArticulation InspectorInspectorArticulationFin-obrachailAutoInspectorArticulationBarocachBaroqueInspectorArticulationFon chrd Below ChordInspectorArticulationFon chliath Below StaffInspectorArticulation&Crd fin-obrachailChord AutomaticInspectorArticulationBun-roghainnDefaultInspectorArticulationComhair DirectionInspectorArticulationComhair: Direction:InspectorArticulationSosDownInspectorArticulation CluichPlayInspectorArticulationRoghainnean PropertiesInspectorArticulationDAth-shuidhich an luach air Acair Reset 'Anchor' valueInspectorArticulationHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' valueInspectorArticulationjAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle an sgeadachaidh Reset 'Ornament style' valueInspectorArticulationFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorArticulationRAth-shuidhich an luach air Sneadh ine Reset 'Time stretch' valueInspectorArticulationSneadh ine Time stretchInspectorArticulationSneadh ine: Time stretch:InspectorArticulationSuasUpInspectorArticulation Loidhne-leagaidhBarlineInspectorBarLine2Sgrdair loidhne-leagaidhBarline InspectorInspectorBarLineBun-roghainnDefaultInspectorBarLineLAth-shuidhich an luach air Sneadh o Reset 'Span from' valueInspectorBarLineNAth-shuidhich an luach air Sneadh gu Reset 'Span to' valueInspectorBarLineJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorBarLineGoirid 1Short 1InspectorBarLineGoirid 2Short 2InspectorBarLineSneadh o Span fromInspectorBarLineSneadh o: Span from:InspectorBarLineSneadh guSpan toInspectorBarLineSneadh o:Span to:InspectorBarLineStoidhleStyleInspectorBarLineStoidhle:Style:InspectorBarLine Diog 1Tick 1InspectorBarLine Diog 2Tick 2InspectorBarLineFin-obrachailAuto InspectorBeamBarrBeam InspectorBeamSgrdair barraBeam Inspector InspectorBeamComhair Direction InspectorBeamComhair: Direction: InspectorBeamSosDown InspectorBeam&Fs dhan taobh chl Grow left InspectorBeam&Fs dhan taobh cl: Grow left: InspectorBeam&Fs dhan taobh deas Grow right InspectorBeam(Fs dhan taobh deas: Grow right: InspectorBeamJAth-dhan a  cho-dhealbhachd ionadailLocal relayout InspectorBeam IonadPosition InspectorBeam Ionad: Position: InspectorBeamHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' value InspectorBeam`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Fs dhan taobh chl Reset 'Grow left' value InspectorBeam`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Fs dhan taobh deas Reset 'Grow right' value InspectorBeamAth-shuidhich an luach air Ath-dhan a  cho-dhealbhachd ionadail Reset 'Local relayout' value InspectorBeamSuasUp InspectorBeamCromBend InspectorBend(Sersa a  chromaidh: Bend type: InspectorBendCrom/Fuasgail Bend/Release InspectorBend$Crom/Fuasgail/CromBend/Release/Bend InspectorBendGnthaichteCustom InspectorBendCruth-cl Font face InspectorBendCruth-cl:Font: InspectorBend$Tiughad na loidhneLine thickness InspectorBend&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness: InspectorBend CluichPlay InspectorBendRo-chromPrebend InspectorBend"Ro-chrom/FuasgailPrebend/Release InspectorBend Meud:Size: InspectorBendStoidhle:Style: InspectorBendptpt InspectorBend bernsp InspectorBend CamagBracketInspectorBracket4Briseadh na co-dhealbhachd Layout BreakInspectorBreakAnail/CaesuraBreath/CaesuraInspectorCaesuraStadPauseInspectorCaesura Stad:Pause:InspectorCaesuraBAth-shuidhich an luach air Stad Reset 'Pause' valueInspectorCaesuraFin-obrachailAutoInspectorChordCrdChordInspectorChordSgrdair cirdChord InspectorInspectorChordSosDownInspectorChord SioftOffsetInspectorChordBAth-shuidhich an luach air Beag Reset 'Small' valueInspectorChord`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Comhair an earbaill Reset 'Stem direction' valueInspectorChordPAth-shuidhich an luach air Gun earball Reset 'Stemless' valueInspectorChordBeagSmallInspectorChord&Comhair an earbaillStem directionInspectorChord(Comhair an earbaill:Stem direction:InspectorChordGun earballStemlessInspectorChordSuasUpInspectorChordIuchair-ghleusClef InspectorClef.Sgrdair iuchrach-gleusClef Inspector InspectorClefvAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall tm-chomharra modhalachd Reset 'Show courtesy' value InspectorClef>Seall iuchair-ghleus modhalachd Show courtesy InspectorClefDinimigeachDynamicInspectorDynamic0Sgrdair na dinimigeachdDynamic InspectorInspectorDynamic&Rainse dhinimigeach Dynamic rangeInspectorDynamic(Rainse dhinimigeach:Dynamic range:InspectorDynamicbhaisteachNormalInspectorDynamic PirtPartInspectorDynamicSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorDynamicSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorDynamic`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Rainse dhinimigeach Reset 'Dynamic range' valueInspectorDynamicRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorDynamicJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorDynamic CliathStaffInspectorDynamicStoidhleStyleInspectorDynamicStoidhle:Style:InspectorDynamicSiostamSystemInspectorDynamic LuathsVelocityInspectorDynamic.Atharrachadh an luaithsVelocity changeInspectorDynamic0Atharrachadh an luaiths:Velocity change:InspectorDynamicLuaths: Velocity:InspectorDynamicDathColorInspectorElement Dath:Color:InspectorElementEileamaidElementInspectorElement$Sgrdair eileamaidElement InspectorInspectorElement SioftOffsetInspectorElementDAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall Reset 'Visible' valueInspectorElement SeallVisibleInspectorElement bernspInspectorElement0Cha deach dad a thaghadhNothing selectedInspectorEmpty"Sgrdair falamh«Empty» InspectorInspectorEmptySuasAboveInspectorFermataSosBelowInspectorFermataFermataFermataInspectorFermataSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorFermataSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorFermata CluichPlayInspectorFermataRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorFermataFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorFermataRAth-shuidhich an luach air Sneadh ine Reset 'Time stretch' valueInspectorFermataSneadh ine Time stretchInspectorFermataSneadh ine: Time stretch:InspectorFermataMeurachadh FingeringInspectorFingeringJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorFingeringStoidhleStyleInspectorFingeringStoidhle:Style:InspectorFingeringStoidhleStyleInspectorFrameTextStoidhle:Style:InspectorFrameTextSuasAboveInspectorFretDiagramSosBelowInspectorFretDiagramFalamhaichClearInspectorFretDiagram*Diagram bird-cheapanFretboard DiagramInspectorFretDiagramCip:Frets:InspectorFretDiagramSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorFretDiagramSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorFretDiagramRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorFretDiagramFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sgile Reset 'Scale' valueInspectorFretDiagramSgile:Scale:InspectorFretDiagram TeudanStringsInspectorFretDiagramTeudan:Strings:InspectorFretDiagramUile-phongach ChromaticInspectorGlissandoDiatonachDiatonicInspectorGlissandoCruth-cl Font faceInspectorGlissandoCruth-cl:Font:InspectorGlissandoGlissando GlissandoInspectorGlissando$Sgrdair glissandoGlissando InspectorInspectorGlissando CluichPlayInspectorGlissandoFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorGlissandoXAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall an teacsa Reset 'Show text' valueInspectorGlissandoFAth-shuidhich an luach air Teacsa Reset 'Text' valueInspectorGlissandoFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sersa Reset 'Type' valueInspectorGlissandoSeall an teacsa Show textInspectorGlissando Meud:Size:InspectorGlissandoDreachStraightInspectorGlissandoStoidhle:Style:InspectorGlissando TeacsaTextInspectorGlissandoTeacsa:Text:InspectorGlissando SersaTypeInspectorGlissandoSersa:Type:InspectorGlissandoTonnachWavyInspectorGlissandoptptInspectorGlissandoDathColorInspectorGroupElement,Buidheann eileamaidean Element GroupInspectorGroupElement<Sgrdair buidhinn eileamaideanElement Group InspectorInspectorGroupElement Suidhich an dath Set ColorInspectorGroupElementFalaich e Set InvisibleInspectorGroupElementSeall e Set VisibleInspectorGroupElementFrama cmhnardHorizontal Frame InspectorHBox4Sgrdair frama chmhnairdHorizontal Frame Inspector InspectorHBoxBern taobh clLeft gap InspectorHBox Bern taobh cl: Left gap: InspectorHBoxXAth-shuidhich an luach air Bern taobh cl Reset 'Left gap' value InspectorHBoxZAth-shuidhich an luach air Bern taobh deas Reset 'Right gap' value InspectorHBox Bern taobh deas Right gap InspectorHBox"Bern taobh deas: Right gap: InspectorHBoxLeudWidth InspectorHBox Leud:Width: InspectorHBox bernsp InspectorHBoxSuasAboveInspectorHairpinSosBelowInspectorHairpin*Cearcall ris a  bharr Circled tipInspectorHairpin$irde an leantainnContinue heightInspectorHairpin&irde an leantainn:Continue height:InspectorHairpin&Rainse dhinimigeach Dynamic rangeInspectorHairpin(Rainse dhinimigeach:Dynamic range:InspectorHairpin BioranHairpinInspectorHairpin Sgrdair biorainHairpin InspectorInspectorHairpin irdeHeightInspectorHairpin irde:Height:InspectorHairpin PirtPartInspectorHairpinSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorHairpinSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorHairpindAth-shuidhich an luach air Cearcall ris a  bharr Reset 'Circled tip' valueInspectorHairpin^Ath-shuidhich an luach air irde an leantainn Reset 'Continue height' valueInspectorHairpin`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Rainse dhinimigeach Reset 'Dynamic range' valueInspectorHairpinDAth-shuidhich an luach air irde Reset 'Height' valueInspectorHairpinRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorHairpinhAth-shuidhich an luach air Atharrachadh an luaiths Reset 'Velocity change' valueInspectorHairpin CliathStaffInspectorHairpinSiostamSystemInspectorHairpin SersaTypeInspectorHairpinSersa:Type:InspectorHairpin.Atharrachadh an luaithsVelocity changeInspectorHairpin0Atharrachadh an luaiths:Velocity change:InspectorHairpin bernspInspectorHairpinSuasAboveInspectorHarmonySosBelowInspectorHarmonySamhla cird Chord SymbolInspectorHarmonySuidheachadh PlacementInspectorHarmonySuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorHarmonyRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorHarmonyJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorHarmonyStoidhleStyleInspectorHarmonyStoidhle:Style:InspectorHarmonyAn t-astar eadar d loidhne air cliath stannardach le 5 loidhnichean5Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staffInspectorImage DealbhImageInspectorImageSgrdair deilbhImage InspectorInspectorImage0Glais co-mheas an deilbhLock aspect ratioInspectorImagejAth-shuidhich an luach air Glais co-mheas an deilbh Reset 'Lock aspect ratio' valueInspectorImagepAth-shuidhich an luach air Sgilich gu meud an fhrama !Reset 'Scale to frame size' valueInspectorImageAth-shuidhich an luach air a  mheud ann an aonadan eadra-loidhne na clithe'Reset 'Size in staff space units' valueInspectorImage6Sgilich gu meud an fhramaScale to frame sizeInspectorImageXMeud ann an aonadan eadra-loidhne na clitheSize in staff space unitsInspectorImage Meud:Size:InspectorImage"Ainm inneil-ciilInstrument NameInspectorInameSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorInstrumentChangeSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorInstrumentChangeRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorInstrumentChange&Lean air adhart aig Continue at InspectorJump(Lean air adhart aig: Continue at: InspectorJumpLeumJump InspectorJumpSgrdair leumaJump Inspector InspectorJumpGearr leum guJump to InspectorJumpGearr leum gu:Jump to: InspectorJump<Cluich na h-ath-ghabhalaichean Play repeats InspectorJumpCluich gu ruige Play until InspectorJump Cluich gu ruige: Play until: InspectorJumpvAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich na h-ath-ghabhalaichean Reset 'Play repeats' value InspectorJumpGleus-chomharra Key SignatureInspectorKeySig0Sgrdair gleus-chomharraKey Signature InspectorInspectorKeySigvAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall tm-chomharra modhalachd Reset 'Show courtesy' valueInspectorKeySig@Seall gleus-chomharra modhalachd Show courtesyInspectorKeySigCrampagLassoInspectorLasso$Sgrdair crampaigeLasso InspectorInspectorLasso IonadPositionInspectorLasso Ionad: Position:InspectorLasso Meud:Size:InspectorLassoSuasAboveInspectorLetRingSosBelowInspectorLetRingSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorLetRingSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorLetRingRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorLetRing8Ceadaich loidhne thrastanachAllow diagonal InspectorLineLeantainneach Continuous InspectorLine6Strochag-dotag-dotagaichteDash-dot-dotted InspectorLine*Strochag-dotagaichte Dash-dotted InspectorLineStrochagachDashed InspectorLineDotagaichteDotted InspectorLineLoidhneLine InspectorLine Sgrdair loidhneLine Inspector InspectorLineDath na loidhne Line color InspectorLine Dath na loidhne: Line color: InspectorLine&Stoidhle na loidhne Line style InspectorLine(Stoidhle na loidhne: Line style: InspectorLine$Tiughad na loidhneLine thickness InspectorLine&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness: InspectorLine Seall an loidhne Line visible InspectorLinerAth-shuidhich an luach air Ceadaich loidhne thrastanach Reset 'Allow diagonal' value InspectorLine`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle na loidhne Reset 'Line style' value InspectorLine^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' value InspectorLineZAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall an loidhne Reset 'Line visible' value InspectorLine bernsp InspectorLine FaclanLyricsInspectorLyricSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorLyricSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorLyricRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorLyricJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorLyricStoidhleStyleInspectorLyricStoidhle:Style:InspectorLyricCodaCodaInspectorMarkerCodettaCodettaInspectorMarkerGnthaichteCustomInspectorMarkerFineFineInspectorMarkerLeubailLabelInspectorMarkerLeubail:Label:InspectorMarkerComharraMarkerInspectorMarker"Sgrdair comharraMarker InspectorInspectorMarker(Sersa a  chomharra: Marker type:InspectorMarker SegnoSegnoInspectorMarkerDon ChodaTo CodaInspectorMarkerFin-obrachailAuto InspectorNoteBarrBeam InspectorNoteBuidheann-cinn Head group InspectorNoteBuidheann-cinn: Head group: InspectorNoteSersa a  chinn Head type InspectorNote Sersa a  chinn: Head type: InspectorNote CrcanHook InspectorNoteClLeft InspectorNoteLoidhneLine InspectorNote*Sgthanaich an ceann: Mirror head: InspectorNotePongNote InspectorNoteSgrdair puingNote Inspector InspectorNote SioftOffset InspectorNote CluichPlay InspectorNotebAth-shuidhich an luach air Glais ris an loidhne Reset 'Fix to line' value InspectorNoteVAth-shuidhich an luach air Buidheann-cinn Reset 'Head group' value InspectorNoteXAth-shuidhich an luach air Sersa a  chinn Reset 'Head type' value InspectorNoteHAth-shuidhich an luach air Loidhne Reset 'Line' value InspectorNotebAth-shuidhich an luach air Sgthanaich an ceann Reset 'Mirror head' value InspectorNoteFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' value InspectorNoteBAth-shuidhich an luach air Beag Reset 'Small' value InspectorNoteJAth-shuidhich an luach air Gleusadh Reset 'Tuning' value InspectorNote\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa an luaiths Reset 'Velocity type' value InspectorNoteFAth-shuidhich an luach air Luaths Reset 'Velocity' value InspectorNoteDeasRight InspectorNoteTaghSelect InspectorNoteBeagSmall InspectorNoteEarballStem InspectorNoteGleusadhTuning InspectorNoteGleusadh:Tuning: InspectorNoteIoma-rinnTuplet InspectorNoteCleachdaicheUser InspectorNote LuathsVelocity InspectorNote"Sersa an luaiths Velocity type InspectorNote$Sersa an luaiths:Velocity type: InspectorNoteLuaths: Velocity: InspectorNoteFin-obrachailAutoInspectorNoteDotBonnBottomInspectorNoteDot Ionad na dotaige Dot positionInspectorNoteDot"Ionad na dotaige: Dot position:InspectorNoteDotDotag puingNote DotInspectorNoteDotZAth-shuidhich an luach air Ionad na dotaige Reset 'Dot position' valueInspectorNoteDotBarrTopInspectorNoteDotSuasAboveInspectorOttavaSosBelowInspectorOttava"ireamhan a-mhin Numbers onlyInspectorOttava OttavaOttavaInspectorOttavaSgrdair ottavaOttava InspectorInspectorOttavaSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorOttavaSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorOttava\Ath-shuidhich an luach air ireamhan a-mhin Reset 'Numbers only' valueInspectorOttavaRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorOttava SersaTypeInspectorOttavaSersa:Type:InspectorOttavaSuasAboveInspectorPalmMuteSosBelowInspectorPalmMuteSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorPalmMuteSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorPalmMuteRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorPalmMuteSuasAboveInspectorPedalSosBelowInspectorPedalTroigheanPedalInspectorPedalSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorPedalSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorPedalRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorPedalBAth-shuidhich an luach air Beag Reset 'Small' value InspectorRestClosRest InspectorRestSgrdair cloisRest Inspector InspectorRestBeagSmall InspectorRestStadPauseInspectorSectionBreak Stad:Pause:InspectorSectionBreakBAth-shuidhich an luach air Stad Reset 'Pause' valueInspectorSectionBreak^Tisich roinn r le ainmean innealan-ciil fada,Start new section with long instrument namesInspectorSectionBreakXTisich roinn r le leaghadh ireamh a h-aon)Start new section with measure number oneInspectorSectionBreakBern roimhe Leading spaceInspectorSegmentBern roimhe:Leading space:InspectorSegmentRAth-shuidhich an luach air Bern roimhe Reset 'Leading space' valueInspectorSegmentEarrannSegmentInspectorSegment"Sgrdair earrainnSegment InspectorInspectorSegment bernspInspectorSegmentFin-obrachailAuto InspectorSlurLeantainneach Continuous InspectorSlurStrochagachDashed InspectorSlurComhair Direction InspectorSlurComhair: Direction: InspectorSlurDotagaichteDotted InspectorSlurSosDown InspectorSlur"Sersa na loidhne Line type InspectorSlur$Sersa na loidhne: Line type: InspectorSlurHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' value InspectorSlur\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na loidhne Reset 'Line type' value InspectorSlur Ceangail/NasgadhSlur/Tie InspectorSlurSuasUp InspectorSlur irdeHeightInspectorSpacer irde:Height:InspectorSpacerSgaradairSpacerInspectorSpacer$Sgrdair sgaradairSpacer InspectorInspectorSpacer bernspInspectorSpacerSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorStaffTextSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorStaffTextRoghainnean PropertiesInspectorStaffTextRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorStaffTextJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorStaffTextStoidhleStyleInspectorStaffTextStoidhle:Style:InspectorStaffText.Astar nan loidhnichean:Line distance:InspectorStaffTypeChangeLoidhnicheanLinesInspectorStaffTypeChangeLoidhnichean:Lines:InspectorStaffTypeChange2Sgeama nan ceann phongan:Notehead scheme:InspectorStaffTypeChange SioftOffsetInspectorStaffTypeChangeFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sgile Reset 'Scale' valueInspectorStaffTypeChangeBAth-shuidhich an luach air Beag Reset 'Small' valueInspectorStaffTypeChangePAth-shuidhich an luach air Gun earball Reset 'Stemless' valueInspectorStaffTypeChangeSgile:Scale:InspectorStaffTypeChange6Seall loidhnichean-leagaidh Show barlinesInspectorStaffTypeChange Seall am barrachShow ledger linesInspectorStaffTypeChangeBeagSmallInspectorStaffTypeChangeGun earballStemlessInspectorStaffTypeChange bernspInspectorStaffTypeChangeFin-obrachailAuto InspectorStemComhair: Direction: InspectorStemSosDown InspectorStem$Tiughad na loidhneLine thickness InspectorStem&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness: InspectorStem^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' value InspectorStem`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Comhair an earbaill Reset 'Stem direction' value InspectorStemEarballStem InspectorStem&Comhair an earbaillStem direction InspectorStemSuasUp InspectorStem bernsp InspectorStem$Bern aig a  bhonn Bottom gap InspectorTBox&Bern aig a  bhonn: Bottom gap: InspectorTBox(Marghan aig a  bhonn Bottom margin InspectorTBox*Marghan aig a  bhonn:Bottom margin: InspectorTBox"Marghan taobh cl Left margin InspectorTBox$Marghan taobh cl: Left margin: InspectorTBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Bern aig a  bhonn Reset 'Bottom gap' value InspectorTBoxbAth-shuidhich an luach air Marghan aig a  bhonn Reset 'Bottom margin' value InspectorTBox\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Marghan taobh cl Reset 'Left margin' value InspectorTBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Marghan taobh deas Reset 'Right margin' value InspectorTBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Bern aig a  bharr Reset 'Top gap' value InspectorTBoxbAth-shuidhich an luach air Marghan aig a  bharr Reset 'Top margin' value InspectorTBox$Marghan taobh deas Right margin InspectorTBox&Marghan taobh deas: Right margin: InspectorTBoxFram teacsa Text Frame InspectorTBox,Sgrdair frama teacsaText Frame Inspector InspectorTBox$Bern aig a  bharrTop gap InspectorTBox&Bern aig a  bharr:Top gap: InspectorTBox(Marghan aig a  bharr Top margin InspectorTBox*Marghan aig a  bharr: Top margin: InspectorTBoxmmmm InspectorTBox bernsp InspectorTBoxBPMBPMInspectorTempoText$Lean air an teacsa Follow textInspectorTempoTextSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorTempoTextSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorTempoText^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Lean air an teacsa Reset 'Follow text' valueInspectorTempoTextRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorTempoTextJAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle Reset 'Style' valueInspectorTempoTextFAth-shuidhich an luach air Luaths Reset 'Tempo' valueInspectorTempoTextStoidhleStyleInspectorTempoTextStoidhle:Style:InspectorTempoText LuathsTempoInspectorTempoText"Teacsa an luaiths Tempo TextInspectorTempoTextLuaths:Tempo:InspectorTempoTextCo-thaobhadh Alignment InspectorTextCruth-cl Font face InspectorText FramFrame InspectorTextStoidhleStyle InspectorText TeacsaText InspectorTextSgrdair teacsaText Inspector InspectorTextptpt InspectorText bernsp InspectorTextSuasAboveInspectorTextLineSosBelowInspectorTextLineSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorTextLineSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorTextLineRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorTextLineLoidhne teacsa Text LineInspectorTextLine.Sgrdair loidhne teacsaText Line InspectorInspectorTextLineSuasAboveInspectorTextLineBaseCo-thaobhadh AlignmentInspectorTextLineBaseSosBelowInspectorTextLineBaseCruth-cl Font faceInspectorTextLineBase irdeHeightInspectorTextLineBase irde:Height:InspectorTextLineBase SioftOffsetInspectorTextLineBaseSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorTextLineBaseSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorTextLineBaseDAth-shuidhich an luach air irde Reset 'Height' valueInspectorTextLineBaseRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorTextLineBaseFAth-shuidhich an luach air Teacsa Reset 'Text' valueInspectorTextLineBaseTeacsa:Text:InspectorTextLineBase bernspInspectorTextLineBaseRoghainnean PropertiesInspectorTimeSigvAth-shuidhich an luach air Seall tm-chomharra modhalachd Reset 'Show courtesy' valueInspectorTimeSigSgile:Scale:InspectorTimeSig<Seall tm-chomharra modhalachd Show courtesyInspectorTimeSigTm-chomharraTime SignatureInspectorTimeSig,Sgrdair tm-chomharraTime Signature InspectorInspectorTimeSigBun-roghainnDefaultInspectorTremoloSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorTremoloTremoloTremoloInspectorTremolo$Tiughad na loidhneLine thicknessInspectorTremoloBar&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness:InspectorTremoloBar CluichPlayInspectorTremoloBarRoghainnean PropertiesInspectorTremoloBar^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorTremoloBarFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorTremoloBarFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sgile Reset 'Scale' valueInspectorTremoloBarSgile:Scale:InspectorTremoloBarBr crithe Tremolo BarInspectorTremoloBar bernspInspectorTremoloBarSuasAboveInspectorTrillBarocachBaroqueInspectorTrillSosBelowInspectorTrillBun-roghainnDefaultInspectorTrillPrall a-nuas Down PrallInspectorTrillSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorTrillSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorTrill CluichPlayInspectorTrillPrall prall Prall PrallInspectorTrilljAth-shuidhich an luach air Stoidhle an sgeadachaidh Reset 'Ornament style' valueInspectorTrillRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorTrillFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorTrillFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sersa Reset 'Type' valueInspectorTrillTrileanTrillInspectorTrill Sgrdair trileinTrill InspectorInspectorTrillLoidhne trilein Trill LineInspectorTrill SersaTypeInspectorTrillSersa:Type:InspectorTrillPrall a-nosUp PrallInspectorTrillFin-obrachailAutoInspectorTuplet CamagBracketInspectorTuplet"Sersa na camaige Bracket typeInspectorTuplet$Sersa na camaige: Bracket type:InspectorTupletComhair DirectionInspectorTupletComhair: Direction:InspectorTupletSosDownInspectorTupletCruth-cl Font faceInspectorTupletCruth-cl:Font:InspectorTuplet$Tiughad na loidhneLine thicknessInspectorTuplet&Tiughad na loidhne:Line thickness:InspectorTupletGun ghinNoneInspectorTupletGun ghinno tuplet bracket styleNoneInspectorTupletireamhNumberInspectorTuplet&Sersa na h-ireimh Number typeInspectorTuplet(Sersa na h-ireimh: Number type:InspectorTupletCo-mheasRatioInspectorTuplet\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na camaige Reset 'Bracket type' valueInspectorTupletHAth-shuidhich an luach air Comhair Reset 'Direction' valueInspectorTuplet^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Tiughad na loidhne Reset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorTuplet`Ath-shuidhich an luach air Sersa na h-ireimh Reset 'Number type' valueInspectorTuplet Meud:Size:InspectorTupletStoidhleStyleInspectorTupletStoidhle:Style:InspectorTupletIoma-rinnTupletInspectorTuplet$Sgrdair ioma-rinnTuplet InspectorInspectorTupletSuasUpInspectorTupletptptInspectorTuplet bernspInspectorTuplet$Bern aig a  bhonn Bottom gap InspectorVBox&Bern aig a  bhonn: Bottom gap: InspectorVBox(Marghan aig a  bhonn Bottom margin InspectorVBox*Marghan aig a  bhonn:Bottom margin: InspectorVBox irdeHeight InspectorVBox irde:Height: InspectorVBox"Marghan taobh cl Left margin InspectorVBox$Marghan taobh cl: Left margin: InspectorVBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Bern aig a  bhonn Reset 'Bottom gap' value InspectorVBoxbAth-shuidhich an luach air Marghan aig a  bhonn Reset 'Bottom margin' value InspectorVBox\Ath-shuidhich an luach air Marghan taobh cl Reset 'Left margin' value InspectorVBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Marghan taobh deas Reset 'Right margin' value InspectorVBox^Ath-shuidhich an luach air Bern aig a  bharr Reset 'Top gap' value InspectorVBoxbAth-shuidhich an luach air Marghan aig a  bharr Reset 'Top margin' value InspectorVBox$Marghan taobh deas Right margin InspectorVBox&Marghan taobh deas: Right margin: InspectorVBox$Bern aig a  bharrTop gap InspectorVBox&Bern aig a  bharr:Top gap: InspectorVBox(Marghan aig a  bharr Top margin InspectorVBox*Marghan aig a  bharr: Top margin: InspectorVBox Fram inghearachVertical Frame InspectorVBox6Sgrdair frama inghearaichVertical Frame Inspector InspectorVBoxmmmm InspectorVBox bernsp InspectorVBoxSuasAboveInspectorVibratoSosBelowInspectorVibratoSuidheachadh PlacementInspectorVibratoSuidheachadh: Placement:InspectorVibrato CluichPlayInspectorVibratoRAth-shuidhich an luach air Suidheachadh Reset 'Placement' valueInspectorVibratoFAth-shuidhich an luach air Cluich Reset 'Play' valueInspectorVibratoFAth-shuidhich an luach air Sersa Reset 'Type' valueInspectorVibrato SersaTypeInspectorVibratoSersa:Type:InspectorVibrato6Liosta na h-ath-ghabhalach: Repeat list:InspectorVolta VoltaVoltaInspectorVoltaSgrdair voltaVolta InspectorInspectorVoltaCuir risAddInstrumentWizard6Cuir cliath cheangailte risAdd Linked StaffInstrumentWizardCuir cliath ris Add StaffInstrumentWizardFalamhaichClearInstrumentWizardSosDownInstrumentWizard2Liosta nan innealan-ciilInstrument listInstrumentWizard4Draoidh nan innealan-ciilInstrument wizardInstrumentWizardThoir air falbhRemoveInstrumentWizardLorgSearchInstrumentWizardSuasUpInstrumentWizard*A h-uile inneal-ciilAll instrumentsInstrumentsDialogSguir dhethCancelInstrumentsDialogInnealan-ciil InstrumentsInstrumentsDialogLuchdaich &Load…InstrumentsDialogCeart ma-thOKInstrumentsDialogSbhail mar & Save As…InstrumentsDialogCuir risAddInstrumentsWidget6Cuir cliath cheangailte risAdd Linked StaffInstrumentsWidgetCuir cliath ris Add StaffInstrumentsWidgetIuchair-ghleusClefInstrumentsWidgetSosDownInstrumentsWidget2Liosta nan innealan-ciilInstrument listInstrumentsWidgetInnealan-ciil InstrumentsInstrumentsWidgetCeangailteLinkedInstrumentsWidget Liosta nam pirt Part listInstrumentsWidgetThoir air falbhRemoveInstrumentsWidgetLorgSearchInstrumentsWidgetHCliath cheangailte ris an t roimhpeStaff linked to previousInstrumentsWidget"Sersa na clithe Staff typeInstrumentsWidgetCliathanStavesInstrumentsWidgetSuasUpInstrumentsWidget SeallVisibleInstrumentsWidgetCuir risAddKeyEditTCuir tm-chomharra ris a  phromh-phailead$Add time signature to master paletteKeyEditFalamhaichClearKeyEdit2Cruthaich gleus-chomharraCreate Key SignatureKeyEditCuir taga risAdd Tag LayerManagerCruthaichCreate LayerManagerSguab sDelete LayerManager Sguab s an taga Delete Tag LayerManagerTuairisgeul Description LayerManager BreathLayer LayerManagerBreathanLayers LayerManagerTagaTag LayerManagerTagaicheanTags LayerManager<Clraich a-steach gu MuseScoreLog in to MuseScore LoginDialogFacal-fairePassword LoginDialogFacal-faire: Password: LoginDialog6Ainm-cleachdaiche no post-dUsername or email LoginDialog8Ainm-cleachdaiche no post-d:Username or email: LoginDialog1212MIDI import operations 128mh128thMIDI import operations1515MIDI import operations1616MIDI import operationsLeth-chaman16thMIDI import operations22MIDI import operationsDeisean2-pletsMIDI import operations2121MIDI import operations>2x as lugha a chunntas leagaidh2x less measure countMIDI import operations33MIDI import operations3-rinnean3-pletsMIDI import operations3232MIDI import operations&Letheach-lethchaman32ndMIDI import operations44MIDI import operations4-rinnean4-pletsMIDI import operations55MIDI import operations5-rinnean5-pletsMIDI import operations66MIDI import operations0Leth-letheach-lethchaman64thMIDI import operations77MIDI import operations7-rinnean7-pletsMIDI import operations88MIDI import operations99MIDI import operations9-rinnean9-pletsMIDI import operationsSeanailChannelMIDI import operations8Atharraichean iuchrach-gleus Clef changesMIDI import operations$Mothaich dha swing Detect swingMIDI import operations$Pongan dotagaichte Dotted notesMIDI import operations CamanEighthMIDI import operationsIon-phortaichImportMIDI import operations0Air a dhanamh le daoineIs human performanceMIDI import operations FaclanLyricsMIDI import operations4An t-uimhreachadh as mothaMax. quantizationMIDI import operations$Na guthan as motha Max. voicesMIDI import operations,Inneal-ciil MuseScoreMuseScore instrumentMIDI import operations$Chan eil gin (1:1) None (1:1)MIDI import operationsDubh-notaQuarterMIDI import operations.Mothaich dha ro-leagadhRecognize pickup measureMIDI import operations0Seall samhlaidhean cirdShow chord symbolsMIDI import operationsSeall staccato Show staccatoMIDI import operations(Seall teacsa luaithsShow tempo textMIDI import operationsShuffle (3:1) Shuffle (3:1)MIDI import operations"Simplich na fadanSimplify durationsMIDI import operations FuaimSoundMIDI import operations"Sgoilt a  chliath Split staffMIDI import operationsAinm na clithe Staff nameMIDI import operationsSwing (2:1) Swing (2:1)MIDI import operationsTm-chomharraTime signatureMIDI import operationsIoma-rinneanTupletsMIDI import operationsNa h-uileAllMIDI import: tracks modelCha dan MuseScore s-phortadh fhaidhlichean MP3 gu dreach ach cleachdaidh sinn leabharlann LAME a tha ri a faighinn gu saor. Feumaidh tu %1 fhaighinn fa leth (thoir sil air an leabhar-mhneachaidh airson barrachd fiosrachaidh) agus lorg am faidhle dha MuseScore an uairsin. Cha leig thu leas seo a dhanamh ach aon turas. A bheil thu airson %2 a lorg an-drsta? MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library. You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore. You only need to do this once. Would you like to locate %2 now? MP3ExporterSbhail mar MP3 Save as MP3 MP3Exporter Cit a bheil %1? Where is %1 ? MP3ExporterPromh-phaileadMaster Palette MasterPaletteSamhlaidheanSymbols MasterPaletteMuseScore MuseScoreMeasureProperties//MeasurePropertiesBase11MeasurePropertiesBase1616MeasurePropertiesBase22MeasurePropertiesBase3232MeasurePropertiesBase44MeasurePropertiesBase6464MeasurePropertiesBase88MeasurePropertiesBaseFrinneach:Actual:MeasurePropertiesBase@Cuir ri ireamh nan leagaidhean:Add to measure number:MeasurePropertiesBase(Falaich an-cmhnaidh Always HideMeasurePropertiesBase$Seall an-cmhnaidh Always ShowMeasurePropertiesBaseFin-obrachailAutoMeasurePropertiesBase<Bris clos thar iomadh leagaidhBreak multimeasure restMeasurePropertiesBase Na cunntaich seo Do not countMeasurePropertiesBase^Na gabh a-steach ann an cunntas nan leagaidheanExclude from measure countMeasurePropertiesBase*Rach dhan ath-leagadhGo to next measureMeasurePropertiesBase0Rach dhan leagadh roimheGo to previous measureMeasurePropertiesBase@Factar sneadh na co-dhealbhachdLayout stretch factorMeasurePropertiesBase4Sneadh na co-dhealbhachd:Layout stretch:MeasurePropertiesBaseFad an leagaidhMeasure DurationMeasurePropertiesBase.Roghainnean an leagaidhMeasure PropertiesMeasurePropertiesBase:Modh ireamh nan leagaidhean:Measure number mode:MeasurePropertiesBaseRgh rNew RowMeasurePropertiesBaseAinmeach:Nominal:MeasurePropertiesBaseEileOtherMeasurePropertiesBase&Cunntas na cluiche: Play count:MeasurePropertiesBase CliathStaffMeasurePropertiesBaseCliathanStavesMeasurePropertiesBaseGun earballStemlessMeasurePropertiesBase SeallVisibleMeasurePropertiesBaseaaMeasurePropertiesBaseccMeasurePropertiesBase seallvisibleMeasurePropertiesBase@Cuir leagaidhean ris an deireadhAppend MeasuresMeasuresDialogBaseNCuir leagaidhean falamh ris an deireadhAppend empty measuresMeasuresDialogBaseSguir dhethCancelMeasuresDialogBaseLireamh nan leagaidhean ri an cur ris:Number of measures to append:MeasuresDialogBaseCeart ma-thOKMeasuresDialogBaseCuir fuaim ris Add Audio MediaDialogCuir sgana risAdd Scan MediaDialog FuaimAudio MediaDialogCmhradhDialog MediaDialogSgana PDFPDF-Scan MediaDialog*Thoir air falbh fuaim Remove Audio MediaDialog0Thoir an sgana air falbh Remove Scan MediaDialog$Leibheil na h-API: API-Level:MetaEditDialog&Slighe an fhaidhle: File Path:MetaEditDialog6An tionndadh dhe MuseScore:MuseScore Version:MetaEditDialogLirmheas: Revision:MetaEditDialog(Roghainnean an sgirScore PropertiesMetaEditDialogMeasgadairMixerMixerdBdBMixerSeanail:Channel: MixerDetails$Seata dhrumaicheanDrumset MixerDetails Ainm:Name: MixerDetailsPanPan MixerDetailsAinm a  phirt Part name MixerDetails Fuaim:Sound: MixerDetailsirde na fuaimeVolume MixerDetailsMuteMuteMixerTrackChannelPanPanMixerTrackChannelSoloSoloMixerTrackChannelMuteMuteMixerTrackPartPanPanMixerTrackPartAinm a  phirt Part nameMixerTrackPartSoloSoloMixerTrackPartGnthaichteCustomMoreElementsPopupDoitDoitMsFallFallMsPlopPlopMs ScoopScoopMs4Slide a-steach os a chionnSlide in aboveMs*Slide a-steach foidheSlide in belowMs"Slide a-mach sosSlide out downMs"Slide a-mach suas Slide out upMsLirmheas: %1 Revision: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialogbRo-sgaoileadh neo-sheasmhach airson tionndadh: %1#Unstable Prerelease for Version: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialogTionndadh: %1 Version: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialogLeagadhMeasureMs::AccessibleSearchBox*Cha deach seo a lorg  Not foundMs::AccessibleSearchBoxDuilleagPageMs::AccessibleSearchBox,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal MarkMs::AccessibleSearchBoxLuchdaich sgr Load ScoreMs::AlbumManager,Faidhlichean MuseScoreMuseScore FilesMs::AlbumManagerRDeasaiche stoidhle nan samhlaidhean cirdChord Symbols Style EditorMs::ChordStyleEditorMearachdErrorMs::CrashReporterCruthaichCreateMs::CreatePaletteDialogSguir dhethCancelMs::DownloadUtils( Ga luchdadh a-nuas &Downloading…Ms::DownloadUtils$Seata dhrumaicheanDrumset Ms::DrumTools<Deasaich an seata dhrumaichean Edit Drumset Ms::DrumTools<%1> Cliath: %2<%1> Staff: %2Ms::DrumrollEditorCrsair:Cursor:Ms::DrumrollEditor SioftOffsetMs::DrumrollEditor Gleus:Pitch:Ms::DrumrollEditorCleachdaicheUserMs::DrumrollEditorLuaths: Velocity:Ms::DrumrollEditorFosgail faidhle Open FileMs::EditDrumsetVCha deach leinn am faidhle %1 fhosgladh: %2Open File %1 failed: %2Ms::EditDrumset4Sgrobh seata dhrumaichean Write DrumsetMs::EditDrumsetRChan eil ainm an inneil-chiil dligheach.The instrument name is invalid. Ms::EditStaffFosgailteOpenMs::EditStringData GleusPitchMs::EditStringDataSuasAbove Ms::EditStyle@Cuir an ss air na pirtean uileApply to all Parts Ms::EditStyleFin-obrachail Automatic Ms::EditStyleSosBelow Ms::EditStyle CamagBracket Ms::EditStyleCearcallCircle Ms::EditStyleLeagadhMeasure Ms::EditStyleGun ghinNone Ms::EditStyleGun ghinno frame for textNone Ms::EditStyleGun ghinno tuplet bracket typeNone Ms::EditStyleireamhNumber Ms::EditStyleCo-mheasRatio Ms::EditStyleEarrannSegment Ms::EditStyle\Samhlaidhean snraichte sa bhann-chinn/-choise Special symbols in header/footer Ms::EditStyleSiostamSystem Ms::EditStylemmmm Ms::EditStyle bernsp Ms::EditStyleNTha rachadh air leudachan ri fhaighinnExtension Updates AvailableMs::ExtensionsUpdateCheckerTha rachadh airson leudachan no dh a stlaich thu ri fhaighinn ann an Cobhair  / Manaidsear nan goireasan  &UOne or more installed extensions have updates available in Help > Resource Manager…Ms::ExtensionsUpdateCheckerSgrdair Inspector Ms::Inspector&Fo-uinneag sgrdairInspector Subwindow Ms::Inspector CamagBracketMs::InspectorAccidentalGun ghinNoneMs::InspectorAccidentalSgrdair InspectorMs::InspectorBase Notaichean-maise Grace NotesMs::InspectorGroupElement PonganNotesMs::InspectorGroupElement CloisRestsMs::InspectorGroupElementTaghSelectMs::InspectorGroupElementLydiaisLydianMs::InspectorKeySigGun ghinNoneMs::InspectorKeySigmmmmMs::InspectorLassoTaghSelectMs::InspectorRestIoma-rinnTupletMs::InspectorRest>Luchdaich liosta innealan-ciilLoad Instrument ListMs::InstrumentsDialog0Innealan-ciil MuseScoreMuseScore InstrumentsMs::InstrumentsDialog<Fosgail faidhle innealan-ciilOpen Instruments FileMs::InstrumentsDialogBSbhail liosta nan innealan-ciilSave Instrument ListMs::InstrumentsDialog<Sgrobh faidhle innealan-ciilWrite Instruments FileMs::InstrumentsDialogIuchair-ghleusClefMs::InstrumentsWidgetCeangailteLinkedMs::InstrumentsWidgetCliath %1Staff %1Ms::InstrumentsWidget"Sersa na clithe Staff typeMs::InstrumentsWidgetCliathanStavesMs::InstrumentsWidget SeallVisibleMs::InstrumentsWidget Gleus-chomharranKey Signatures Ms::KeyEditor"Tagh taga breathaSelect layer tagMs::LayerManagertaga breatha layer tagMs::LayerManagerDMearachd leis a  chlradh a-steach Login errorMs::LoginDialogbCuir a-steach d  ainm-cleachdaiche s facal-faire)Please fill in your username and passwordMs::LoginDialogThachair mearachd r tar-chur an fhaidhle. Am feuch thu ris a-rithist? a thoirt air an fhaile sealadach <%1>: %3+Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed: %3Ms::MasterScorefCha deach leinn am faidhle sbhalaidh fhosgladh: %1Save File failed: %1Ms::MasterScoreTha am faidhle seo glaiste: %1 Feuch gun sbhail thu seo am badeigin eile.GThe following file is locked: %1 Try saving to a different location.Ms::MasterScore4Roghainnean an leagaidh %1!Measure Properties for Measure %1Ms::MeasurePropertiesgun earballstemlessMs::MeasureProperties seallvisibleMs::MeasureProperties*Meadhanan a bharrachdAdditional MediaMs::MediaDialog.Cuir a-steach ainm tagaInput Tag NameMs::MetaEditDialogAinm taga r: New tag name:Ms::MetaEditDialogTha %1  ann mu thrth. A bheil thu airson faidhle r a chur na ite?0"%1" already exists. Do you want to replace it?  Ms::MuseScore&Mu dhidhinn & &About… Ms::MuseScore&Cuir ris&Add Ms::MuseScoreD&easaich&Edit Ms::MuseScore&Faidhle&File Ms::MuseScore&Framaichean&Frames Ms::MuseScoreCob&hair&Help Ms::MuseScore&Loidhnichean&Lines Ms::MuseScore&Leagadh&Measure Ms::MuseScore&Leagaidhean &Measures Ms::MuseScoreBLeabhar-mhneachaidh air l&oidhne&Online Handbook Ms::MuseScore&Plugain&Plugins Ms::MuseScore&Roghainnean &&Preferences… Ms::MuseScore&Teacsa&Text Ms::MuseScore$&Braichean-inneal &Toolbars Ms::MuseScore&Innealan&Tools Ms::MuseScore&Sealladh&View Ms::MuseScore&Guthan&Voices Ms::MuseScoreMu &MusicXML &About &MusicXML… Ms::MuseScoreMu &QT & About &Qt… Ms::MuseScoreNa h-uileAll Ms::MuseScore@Gach faidhle ris an cuirear taicAll Supported Files Ms::MuseScore,A bheil thu cinnteach? Are you sure? Ms::MuseScoreIarr cobhair Ask for Help Ms::MuseScoreSguir dhethCancel Ms::MuseScoreCha b  urrainn dhuinn ioma-rinn le co-mheas %1 is fad %2 a chruthachadh2Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2 Ms::MuseScoreCha b  urrainn dhuinn an ioma-rinn a chruthachadh: Tha luach a  phuing ro ghoirid-Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short Ms::MuseScoredCha deach leinn mothachadh dha shersa an fhaidhleCannot determine file type Ms::MuseScoreHChan urrainn dhuinn sgrobhadh gu %1Cannot write into %1 Ms::MuseScore(Faidhlichean Capella Capella Files Ms::MuseScore>&Thoir sil airson rachaidheanCheck for &Update Ms::MuseScore&Tagh faidhle fuaimeChoose Audio File Ms::MuseScore.Tagh faidhle fuaime OggChoose Ogg Audio File Ms::MuseScoreTagh sgana PDFChoose PDF Scan Ms::MuseScoreNFaidhle stoidhle nan samhlaidhean cirdChord Symbols Style File Ms::MuseScore\Modh deasachaidh shamhlaidhean cird/air-bheus#Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode Ms::MuseScoreJGlan na faidhlichean o chionn ghoiridClear Recent Files Ms::MuseScore8Faidhle MusicXML dmhlaichteCompressed MusicXML File Ms::MuseScoreGleus consairt Concert Pitch Ms::MuseScore2Dearbhaich an cur an iteConfirm Replace Ms::MuseScore,Sealladh leantainneachContinuous View Ms::MuseScoretCha b  urrainn dhuinn leabharlann cdachadh MP3 fhosgladh!$Could not open MP3 encoding library! Ms::MuseScoreSguab sDelete Ms::MuseScoreDeasaichEdit Ms::MuseScore Modh deasachaidh Edit mode Ms::MuseScore&Mearachd cdachaidhEncoding Error Ms::MuseScoreXThill an t-inneal-cdachaidh MP3 mearachd %1"Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder Ms::MuseScoreJMearachd le fosgladh leabharlann LAMEError Opening LAME library Ms::MuseScoreMearachd a  leughadh an fhaidhle cnain %s air loidhne %d colbh %d: %s 8Error reading language file %s at line %d column %d: %s  Ms::MuseScores-phortaichExport Ms::MuseScore*s-phortaich pirtean Export Parts Ms::MuseScore Ga s-phortadh & Exporting… Ms::MuseScoreFuaim FLAC FLAC Audio Ms::MuseScore6Obrachaidhean fhaidhlicheanFile Operations Ms::MuseScoreRach gu: Go To:  Ms::MuseScoreGuitar Pro Guitar Pro Ms::MuseScoreGlacadh deilbh Image Capture Ms::MuseScore&Modh glacadh deilbhImage capture mode Ms::MuseScoreDealbhanImages Ms::MuseScore(Cuir a-steach dealbh Insert Image Ms::MuseScore*ithne mh-dhligheachInvalid Command Ms::MuseScoreJPEGJPEG Ms::MuseScoreRLuchdaich stoidhle nan samhlaidhean cirdLoad Chord Symbols Style Ms::MuseScore8Luchdaich seata dhrumaichean Load Drumset Ms::MuseScore"Luchdaich pailead Load Palette Ms::MuseScore Luchdaich plugan Load Plugin Ms::MuseScoreLuchdaich sgr Load Score Ms::MuseScore$Luchdaich stoidhle Load Style Ms::MuseScore>Modh deasachadh faclan an rainLyrics edit mode Ms::MuseScore"Faidhlichean MIDI MIDI Files Ms::MuseScoreFuaim MP3 MP3 Audio Ms::MuseScore(Leabhar-mhneachaidhManual Ms::MuseScore&Leagadh:Buille:DiogMeasure:Beat:Tick Ms::MuseScore*Faidhlichean MuseDataMuseData Files Ms::MuseScoreMuseScore MuseScore Ms::MuseScore8Seata dhrumaichean MuseScoreMuseScore Drumset Ms::MuseScoreHFaidhle seata dhrumaichean MuseScoreMuseScore Drumset File Ms::MuseScore,Faidhlichean MuseScoreMuseScore Files Ms::MuseScore"Pailead MuseScoreMuseScore Palette Ms::MuseScore Plugan MuseScoreMuseScore Plugin Ms::MuseScore0Faidhle plugan MuseScoreMuseScore Plugin File Ms::MuseScore4Faidhle stoidhle MuseScoreMuseScore Style File Ms::MuseScore.Stoidhlichean MuseScoreMuseScore Styles Ms::MuseScoreMuseScore: MuseScore: Ms::MuseScore*Faidhlichean MusicXMLMusicXML Files Ms::MuseScorer &New… Ms::MuseScoreCha deach leagadh a thaghadh: Tagh leagadh s feuch ris a-rithist:No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::MuseScore"Chan eil sgr annNo score Ms::MuseScoreChan eil seo na leabharlann cdachadh MP3 dligheach ris an cuir sinn taic!.Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library! Ms::MuseScore2Dighean ion-chur phonganNote Entry Methods Ms::MuseScore Ion-chur phongan Note Input Ms::MuseScore$Faidhle fuaime OggOgg Audio File Ms::MuseScore Fuaim Ogg VorbisOgg Vorbis Audio Ms::MuseScore@Fosgail faidhle o chionn goi&rid Open &Recent Ms::MuseScoreFaidhle PDFPDF File Ms::MuseScore"Faidhle sgana PDF PDF Scan File Ms::MuseScore"Dealbh bitmap PNGPNG Bitmap Graphic Ms::MuseScore$Sealladh duilleige Page View Ms::MuseScore<Chaidh na pirtean s-phortadh Parts were successfully exported Ms::MuseScore CluichPlay Ms::MuseScore*Stiireadh na cluichePlayback Controls Ms::MuseScore&Tagh leagadh no dh"Please select one or more measures Ms::MuseScoreHFuirich ort, a  luchdadh SoundFonts &"Please wait, loading soundfonts… Ms::MuseScore\Fuirich ort, a  d-dhmhlachadh an leudachain &#Please wait, unpacking extension… Ms::MuseScoreXModh ion-chur pong for-ama (fin-obrachail)$Realtime (automatic) note input mode Ms::MuseScoreJModh ion-chur pong for-ama (a limh)!Realtime (manual) note input mode Ms::MuseScoreFAth-ghleus gleus a  mhodh ion-chuirRepitch input mode Ms::MuseScoreCuir na iteReplace Ms::MuseScore,Cuir an ite na h-uile Replace All Ms::MuseScore*Dan aithris air buga Report a Bug Ms::MuseScoreDTill gu roghainnean an fhactaraidhRevert to Factory Settings Ms::MuseScore,Modh ion-chur ruitheimRhythm input mode Ms::MuseScoreSbhail marSave As Ms::MuseScoreNSbhail stoidhle nan samhlaidhean cirdSave Chord Symbols Style Ms::MuseScore:Sbhail an seata dhrumaichean Save Drumset Ms::MuseScore$Sbhail am faidhle Save File Ms::MuseScore"Sabhail an dealbh Save Image Ms::MuseScore$Sbhail am pailead Save Palette Ms::MuseScore"Sbhail am plugan Save Plugin Ms::MuseScoreSbhail an sgr Save Score Ms::MuseScore$Sbhail an taghadh Save Selected Ms::MuseScore$Sbhail an taghadhSave Selection Ms::MuseScore&Sbhail an stoidhle Save Style Ms::MuseScore0Sbhail lethbhreac dheth Save a Copy Ms::MuseScoreA bheil thu airson na h-atharraichean air an sgr %s  a shbhaladh mus din thu e?.Save changes to the score "%1" before closing? Ms::MuseScore0Scalable Vector GraphicsScalable Vector Graphics Ms::MuseScore Sgr is pirteanScore and Parts Ms::MuseScore2Chaidh an sgr a ghlasadh Score locked Ms::MuseScore Sgr_is_pirteanScore_and_Parts Ms::MuseScore<Seall panail ion-phortadh MIDIShow MIDI import panel Ms::MuseScoreLeig seachadSkip Ms::MuseScore,Leig seachad na h-uileSkip All Ms::MuseScore0Faidhle MIDI stannardachStandard MIDI File Ms::MuseScore6Modh ion-chur pong m ceumaSteptime note input mode Ms::MuseScore2Thoir leum gu breath eile Switch layer Ms::MuseScoreDThoir leum gu modh eile na cluicheSwitch play mode Ms::MuseScoreSinteisear Synthesizer Ms::MuseScoreSiostamSystem Ms::MuseScoreI&oma-rinneanT&uplets Ms::MuseScore"Modh ion-chur TABTAB input mode Ms::MuseScore,Modh deasachadh teacsaText edit mode Ms::MuseScoreChaidh an seisean roimhe fhgail gun dil. A bheil thu airson an seisean aiseag?9The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session? Ms::MuseScoreCha ghabh an sgr seo a shbhaladh air loidhne. Cirich na leagaidhean coirbte is feuch ris a-rithist.SThis score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again. Ms::MuseScoreAth-shuidhichidh seo na roghainnean agad uile. Thid paileadan gnthaichte, ath-ghoiridean gnthaichte agus liosta nan sgran o chionn goirid a sguabadh s. Ath-thisichidh MuseScore leis na roghainnean tsail aige. Cha did sgr sam bith a sguabadh s air a  choimpiutair agad leis an tilleadh. A bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson leantainn air adhart?This will reset all your preferences. Custom palettes, custom shortcuts, and the list of recent scores will be deleted. MuseScore will restart with its default settings. Reverting will not remove any scores from your computer. Are you sure you want to proceed? Ms::MuseScore&Mearachd ioma-rinne Tuplet Error Ms::MuseScorePCha deach leinn sreath M3 a thiseachadhUnable to initialize MP3 stream Ms::MuseScoreCha b  urrainn dhuinn am faidhle-amais fhosgladh a chum sgrobhaidh&Unable to open target file for writing Ms::MuseScore@Faidhle MusicXML gun dmhlachadhUncompressed MusicXML File Ms::MuseScoreGun tiotalUntitled Ms::MuseScore&Modh an t-seallaidh View Mode Ms::MuseScore Rumannan-&obrach W&orkspaces Ms::MuseScoreRabhadhWarning Ms::MuseScoreFuaim Wave Wave Audio Ms::MuseScore Din seo gu buanClose this permanently Ms::MyWebViewPCha b  urrainn dhuinn ceangal a dhanamhCould not connect Ms::MyWebView&Feuch ris a-rithistRetry Ms::MyWebViewFeumaidh ceangal dhan eadar-ln a bhith agad mus ceangail thu ris a  choimhearsnachdKTo connect with the community, you need to have internet connection enabled Ms::MyWebView,Draoidh nan sgran raNew Score Wizard Ms::NewWizard"Cruthaich sgr rCreate New ScoreMs::NewWizardInfoPageFCuir a-steach fiosrachadh an sgir:Enter score information:Ms::NewWizardInfoPageTagh inneal-ciil air an taobh chl gus a chur ri liosta nan innealan air an taobh deas:FChoose instruments on the left to add to instrument list on the right:Ms::NewWizardInstrumentsPage"Cruthaich sgr rCreate New ScoreMs::NewWizardInstrumentsPageBPM:BPM:Ms::NewWizardKeysigPage$Buille sa mhionaidBeats per minuteMs::NewWizardKeysigPageJTagh an gleus-chomharra s an luaths:Choose key signature and tempo:Ms::NewWizardKeysigPage"Cruthaich sgr rCreate New ScoreMs::NewWizardKeysigPageGleus-chomharra Key SignatureMs::NewWizardKeysigPage LuathsTempoMs::NewWizardKeysigPage0Tagh faidhle teamplaide:Choose template file:Ms::NewWizardTemplatePage"Cruthaich sgr rCreate New ScoreMs::NewWizardTemplatePage&Tagh tm-chomharra:Choose time signature:Ms::NewWizardTimesigPage"Cruthaich sgr rCreate New ScoreMs::NewWizardTimesigPageGun phlugan No PluginMs::NoEffectGuiSguab sDelete Ms::Palette,Barrachd eileamaidean &More Elements… Ms::PaletteRoghainnean & Properties… Ms::PalettePaileadanPalettesMs::PaletteBox Pailead singilteSingle PaletteMs::PaletteBox2Cruthaich gleus-chomharraCreate Key SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditor.Cruthaich tm-chomharraCreate Time SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditorTagh pasganChoose a directoryMs::PathListDialog Meur-chlr pinoPiano KeyboardMs::PianoTools<%1> Cliath: %2<%1> Staff: %2Ms::PianorollEditorCrsair:Cursor:Ms::PianorollEditorFad:Len:Ms::PianorollEditor SioftOffsetMs::PianorollEditor Dil:OnTime:Ms::PianorollEditor Gleus:Pitch:Ms::PianorollEditor(Seall sealladh tuinnShow wave displayMs::PianorollEditorCleachdaicheUserMs::PianorollEditorLuaths: Velocity:Ms::PianorollEditorTonnWaveMs::PianorollEditordCha deach leinn mothachadh dha shersa an fhaidhleCannot determine file typeMs::PluginCreatorTuairisgeul: Description:Ms::PluginCreator2Obrachaidhean deasachaidhEdit OperationsMs::PluginCreator6Obrachaidhean fhaidhlicheanFile OperationsMs::PluginCreator(Leabhar-mhneachaidhManualMs::PluginCreator0Slighe a  chlir-thaice: Menu Path:Ms::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginCreatorChaidh am plugan %1  atharrachadh. A bheil thu airson a shbhaladh mus din thu e?-Plugin "%1" has changes. Save before closing?Ms::PluginCreator0Fiosrachadh a  phlugain:Plugin Details:Ms::PluginCreator Ga ruith &  Running… Ms::PluginCreator"Sbhail am plugan Save PluginMs::PluginCreator$ Ga shbhaladh gu: Saving to:Ms::PluginCreatorGun tiotalUntitledMs::PluginCreatorTionndadh:Version:Ms::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginManager>Chaidh na plugain ath-luchdadh.Plugins reloaded.Ms::PluginManager10241024Ms::PreferenceDialog112112Ms::PreferenceDialog128128Ms::PreferenceDialog160160Ms::PreferenceDialog192192Ms::PreferenceDialog 192000192000Ms::PreferenceDialog20482048Ms::PreferenceDialog 2205022050Ms::PreferenceDialog224224Ms::PreferenceDialog256256Ms::PreferenceDialog3232Ms::PreferenceDialog320320Ms::PreferenceDialog 3200032000Ms::PreferenceDialog4040Ms::PreferenceDialog40964096Ms::PreferenceDialog 4410044100Ms::PreferenceDialog4848Ms::PreferenceDialog 4800048000Ms::PreferenceDialog512512Ms::PreferenceDialog5656Ms::PreferenceDialog6464Ms::PreferenceDialog8080Ms::PreferenceDialog 8820088200Ms::PreferenceDialog9696Ms::PreferenceDialog 9600096000Ms::PreferenceDialog6Gnomh: %1; Ath-ghoirid: %2Action: %1; Shortcut: %2Ms::PreferenceDialogNa h-uileAllMs::PreferenceDialog*Tagh am pipear-ballaChoose Background WallpaperMs::PreferenceDialog0Tagh an stoidhle thsailChoose Default StyleMs::PreferenceDialogLTagh stoidhle thsail an ion-phortaidh Choose Default Style for ImportsMs::PreferenceDialogDTagh stoidhle thsail nam pirteanChoose Default Style for PartsMs::PreferenceDialog2Tagh pasgan nan leudachanChoose Extensions FolderMs::PreferenceDialog,Tagh pasgan nan dealbhChoose Image FolderMs::PreferenceDialog<Tagh liosta nan innealan-ciilChoose Instrument ListMs::PreferenceDialog,Tagh pipear a  chiilChoose NotepaperMs::PreferenceDialog,Tagh pasgan nam pluganChoose Plugin FolderMs::PreferenceDialog(Tagh pasgan nan sgrChoose Score FolderMs::PreferenceDialog2Tagh an sgr tiseachaidhChoose Starting ScoreMs::PreferenceDialog0Tagh pasgan nan stoidhleChoose Style FolderMs::PreferenceDialog2Tagh pasgan nan teamplaidChoose Template FolderMs::PreferenceDialog2Liosta nan innealan-ciilInstrument ListMs::PreferenceDialog,Faidhlichean MuseScoreMuseScore FilesMs::PreferenceDialog0Ath-ghoiridean MuseScoreMuseScore ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialogFCha deach ath-ghoirid a mhneachadhNo shortcut definedMs::PreferenceDialog(Lb cearcallach MIDIPossible MIDI LoopbackMs::PreferenceDialog<Cl-bhuail na h-ath-ghoirideanPrint ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialog$Pasganan SoundFontSoundFont FoldersMs::PreferenceDialog %1 KB%1 KBMs::ResourceManagerHDh fhillig le stladh nan leudachanExtensions Installation FailedMs::ResourceManagerJDh fhillig leis, feuch ris a-rithistFailed, try againMs::ResourceManagerStlaichInstallMs::ResourceManagerCha b  urrainn dhuinn a luchdadh a-nuas, sbhail is dearbh a  phacaid. Thoir sil air a  cheangal agad ris an eadar-lon.PUnable to download, save and verify the package. Check your internet connection.Ms::ResourceManagerCha b  urrainn dhuinn faidhle an leudachain a shbhaladh air an diosg)Unable to save the extension file on diskMs::ResourceManagerD-stlaich UninstallMs::ResourceManagerrachadhUpdateMs::ResourceManagerAir rachadhUpdatedMs::ResourceManager Ga rachadhUpdatingMs::ResourceManagerVCha deach leinn am faidhle %1 fhosgladh: %2Open File %1 failed: %2 Ms::ScorehCha deach leinn am faidhle stoidhle %1 fhosgladh: %2Open Style File %1 failed: %2 Ms::ScoreChan eil am faidhle stoidhle seo co-chrdail ris an tionndadh seo dhe MuseScore.@The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore. Ms::ScoreXCha deach leinn an stoidhle a sgrobhadh: %1Write Style failed: %1 Ms::ScoreBuille: %1Beat: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibilityNLeagadh deiridh: %1; Buille deiridh: %2End Measure: %1; End Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibilityTaghadh liostaList SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibilityLeagadh: %1 Measure: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility0Cha deach dad a thaghadh No selectionMs::ScoreAccessibility"Taghadh na ruigseRange SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibilityCliath %1Staff %1Ms::ScoreAccessibilitybLeagadh tiseachaidh: %1; Buille tiseachaidh: %2!Start Measure: %1; Start Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibility&Tagh innealan-ciilChoose InstrumentsMs::ScoreBrowser$Cruthaich sgr r &Create New Score…Ms::ScoreBrowser0Teamplaidean gnthaichteCustom TemplatesMs::ScoreBrowserfChan eil teamplaid ann a fhreagras ris na lorg thu.3There are no templates matching the current search.Ms::ScoreBrowser0Cha deach dad a thaghadhNothing selectedMs::ScorePreviewCuir risAdd Ms::ScoreView4Roghainnean an altachaidh &Articulation Properties… Ms::ScoreView\Freagarraich ris an duilleag gu fin-obrachailAuto-resize to page Ms::ScoreViewdCha deach leinn mothachadh dha shersa an fhaidhleCannot determine file type Ms::ScoreViewPAtharraich roghainnean an inneil-chiil &Change Instrument Properties… Ms::ScoreView:Atharraich an t-inneal-ciil &Change Instrument… Ms::ScoreView(Altachadh a  chird &Chord Articulation… Ms::ScoreView>Deasaich an seata dhrumaichean &Edit Drumset… Ms::ScoreViewCobhairHelp Ms::ScoreViewBFalaich iuchair-ghleus modhalachdHide Courtesy Clef Ms::ScoreViewDFalaich gleus-chomharra modhalachdHide Courtesy Key Signature Ms::ScoreView@Falaich tm-chomharra modhalachdHide Courtesy Time Signature Ms::ScoreViewGlacadh deilbh Image Capture Ms::ScoreView BreathLayer Ms::ScoreViewLeagadhMeasure Ms::ScoreView0Roghainnean an leagaidh &Measure Properties… Ms::ScoreViewBarrachd &More… Ms::ScoreViewCha deach leagadh a thaghadh: Tagh leagadh s feuch ris a-rithist:No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::ScoreViewCha deach leagadh a thaghadh: Tagh rainse dhe leagaidhean ri an aonachadh s feuch ris a-rithistMNo measures selected: Please select a range of measures to join and try again Ms::ScoreViewCha deach cliath a lorg: cleachd cmhradh ann innealan-ciil gus cliath no dh a chruthachadh an toiseachNNo staves found: please use the instruments dialog to first create some staves Ms::ScoreViewFaidhle PDFPDF File Ms::ScoreView"Dealbh bitmap PNGPNG Bitmap Graphic Ms::ScoreView*Deasaiche rola pina &Piano Roll Editor… Ms::ScoreViewTagh an ioma-rinn/tremolo air fad s feuch ris an ithne a-rithist?Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command Ms::ScoreView<Dmhlachd-bhreacaidh (%1 DPI) &Resolution (%1 DPI)… Ms::ScoreViewSbhail marSave As Ms::ScoreViewBSbhail mar (modh cl-bhualaidh) &Save As (Print Mode)… Ms::ScoreViewDSbhail mar (modh glacaidh-sgrn) &Save As (Screenshot Mode)… Ms::ScoreView0Scalable Vector GraphicsScalable Vector Graphics Ms::ScoreViewTaghSelect Ms::ScoreViewRSuidhich dmhlachd-bhreacaidh an s-chirSet Output Resolution Ms::ScoreView4Suidhich meud stannardach &Set Standard Size… Ms::ScoreViewhSuidhich dmhlachd-bhreacaidh an s-chir airson PNGSet output resolution for PNG Ms::ScoreView>Seall iuchair-ghleus modhalachdShow Courtesy Clef Ms::ScoreView@Seall gleus-chomharra modhalachdShow Courtesy Key Signature Ms::ScoreView<Seall tm-chomharra modhalachdShow Courtesy Time Signature Ms::ScoreViewCeangalSlur Ms::ScoreView$Sgoilt a  chliath &Split Staff… Ms::ScoreView CliathStaff Ms::ScoreView<Roghainnean teacsa na clithe &Staff Text Properties… Ms::ScoreViewStoidhle &Style… Ms::ScoreView(Teacsa an t-siostaim System Text Ms::ScoreViewBRoghainnean teacsa an t-siostaim &System Text Properties… Ms::ScoreViewNasgadhTie Ms::ScoreView:Roghainnean an tm-chomharra &Time Signature Properties… Ms::ScoreView,Claibh trd-shoilleirTransparent background Ms::ScoreView:Roghainnean a  bhir tremolo &Tremolo Bar Properties… Ms::ScoreViewBogsa luirg Search BoxMs::SearchComboBox~Sgrobh rud gus a lorg. Brth air Enter gus tilleadh dhan sgr./Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.Ms::SearchComboBox$Criathrag taghaidhSelection filterMs::SelectionListWidgetCleachd Tab s Backtab (Shift+Tab) gus gluasad on drna bhogsa-cromaige dhan fhear eile?Use Tab and Backtab (Shift+Tab) to move through the check boxesMs::SelectionListWidget$Criathrag taghaidhSelection FilterMs::SelectionWindowAth-ghoirid r New shortcutMs::ShortcutCaptureDialogBTha an ath-ghoirid an cmhstri leShortcut conflicts withMs::ShortcutCaptureDialogHTha an ath-ghoirid an cmhstri le %1Shortcut conflicts with %1Ms::ShortcutCaptureDialog:Roghainnean teacsa na clitheStaff Text PropertiesMs::StaffTextProperties@Roghainnean teacsa an t-siostaimSystem Text PropertiesMs::StaffTextProperties CnanLanguageMs::StartupWizardPage1&Tagh innealan-ciilChoose InstrumentsMs::TemplateBrowser$Cruthaich sgr r &Create New Score…Ms::TemplateBrowser0Teamplaidean gnthaichteCustom TemplatesMs::TemplateBrowser.Samhlaidhean coitcheannCommon SymbolsMs::TextPalette$Samhlaidhean ciilMusical SymbolsMs::TextPalette(Samhlaidhean UnicodeUnicode SymbolsMs::TextPaletteTromBold Ms::TextToolsEadailteachItalic Ms::TextToolsFo-sgrobhte Subscript Ms::TextToolsOs-sgrobhte Superscript Ms::TextTools(Deasachadh an teacsa Text Edit Ms::TextToolsInnealan teacsa Text Tools Ms::TextToolsLoidhne fodha Underline Ms::TextToolsTm-chomharranTime SignaturesMs::TimeDialog*Loidhnichean-leagaidhBarlines Ms::TimelineGleus-chomharra Key Signature Ms::TimelineLeagadhMeasure Ms::TimelineLeagaidheanMeasures Ms::Timeline,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal Mark Ms::Timeline LuathsTempo Ms::TimelineTm-chomharraTime Signature Ms::TimelineDinCloseMs::TourHandlerDeireadhEndMs::TourHandler|Tha rachadh air MuseScore ri fhaighinn: %1MuseScore %2 r.%3%4;An update for MuseScore is available: %1MuseScore %2 r.%3%4Ms::UpdateChecker<Chan eil rachadh ri fhaighinnNo Update AvailableMs::UpdateChecker2Tha rachadh ri fhaighinnUpdate AvailableMs::UpdateCheckerLean air adhartContinueMs::UploadScoreDialogMearachdErrorMs::UploadScoreDialogBDeiseil! %1Rach dhan sgr agam%2.Finished! %1Go to my score%2.Ms::UploadScoreDialogShoirbhich leisSuccessMs::UploadScoreDialogRabhadhWarningMs::ValidatorMessageHandlerAdhartachAdvanced Ms::WorkspaceBunasachBasic Ms::WorkspaceTagh rm-obrachSelect workspaceMs::WorkspaceComboBoxdTha %1  ann mar-th, feuch an tagh thu ainm eile:8'%1' does already exist, please choose a different name:Ms::WorkspaceDialog2Leugh ainm an ruim-obrachRead Workspace NameMs::WorkspaceDialog %1 KB%1 KBMs::stringutilsNa h-uileAllMulti value editorCeart ma-thOKMulti value editorMr-C, mion-AC major, A minor MuseScoreMr-D, mion-BD major, B minor MuseScoreMr-F, mion-DF major, D minor MuseScoreMr-G, mion-EG major, E minor MuseScore$Fosgailte/Eu-tnal Open/Atonal MuseScore$Sgrobhaiche ciilComposer NewWizard&Sgrobhaiche ciil: Composer: NewWizardCir-lethbhreac Copyright NewWizard Cir-lethbhreac: Copyright: NewWizard(Sgrobhaiche fhaclanLyricist NewWizard*Sgrobhaiche fhaclan: Lyricist: NewWizardFo-thiotalSubtitle NewWizardFo-thiotal: Subtitle: NewWizard TiotalTitle NewWizardTiotal:Title: NewWizard1/161/16 NoteGroups1/321/32 NoteGroups1/81/8 NoteGroupsDAtharraich pongan goirid cuideachdAlso change shorter notes NoteGroups,Roghainnean nam barranBeam Properties NoteGroups"Buidhnean phongan Note Groups NoteGroupsAth-shuidhichReset NoteGroupsLAth-shuidhich buidhneachadh nam ponganReset note grouping NoteGroups4Sioft an ionaid chmhnairdHorizontal offset OffsetSelect6Sioft an ionaid inghearaichVertical offset OffsetSelectX:X: OffsetSelectY:Y: OffsetSelect bernsp OffsetSelectAn t-astar eadar d loidhne air cliath stannardach le 5 loidhnichean5Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staffOmrPanelBComharraich loidhnichean-leagaidh Mark barlinesOmrPanel*Comharraich sliseagan Mark slicesOmrPanel(Comharraich cliathan Mark stavesOmrPanelGiullaichProcessOmrPanel$Seall loidhnichean Show linesOmrPanel2Eadra-loidhne na clithe: Staff space:OmrPanelmmmmOmrPanelCuir an ssApplyPageSettingsBase@Cuir an ss air na pirtean uileApply to all PartsPageSettingsBaseSguir dhethCancelPageSettingsBaseAn t-astar eadar d loidhne air cliath stannardach le 5 loidhnichean5Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staffPageSettingsBaseDMarghain nan duilleagan cothromachEven Page MarginsPageSettingsBase4ireamh na ciad duilleige:First page number:PageSettingsBase irde:Height:PageSettingsBaseDreach-tre LandscapePageSettingsBaseCeart ma-thOKPageSettingsBase:Marghain nan duilleagan corraOdd Page MarginsPageSettingsBase0Roghainnean na duilleige Page SettingsPageSettingsBase"Meud na duilleige Page SizePageSettingsBasePortraidPortraitPageSettingsBaseRo-sheallPreviewPageSettingsBaseSgileadhScalingPageSettingsBaseBEadra-loidhne na clithe (bern):Staff space (sp):PageSettingsBaseD-thaobhach Two sidedPageSettingsBase AonadUnitPageSettingsBase Leud:Width:PageSettingsBase2/2 alla breve2/2 alla brevePalette&4/4 tm choitcheann4/4 common 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FingeringPaletteMeurachadh %1 Fingering %1Palette4Framaichean J leagaidheanFrames & MeasuresPalette.Diagraman bird-cheapanFretboard DiagramsPaletteGlissando GlissandoPalette Notaichean-maise Grace NotesPalette2Atharrachadh inneil-ciilInstrument changePalette Gleus-chomharranKey SignaturesPalette<Meurachadh giotr limh cl %1LH Guitar Fingering %1PaletteLoidhneLinePaletteLoidhnicheanLinesPaletteMuteMutePalette8Loidhne-leagaidh bhaisteachNormal barlinePaletteCinn phongan NoteheadsPaletteFosgailteOpenPalette$Briseadh-duilleige Page breakPaletteTroigheanPedalPalettePrima volta Prima voltaPaletteRoghainnean & Properties…Palette>Meurachadh giotr limh deis %1RH Guitar Fingering %1Palette,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal markPalette<Comharra ath-ghabhail leagaidhRepeat measure signPalette&Ath-ghabhail J leumRepeats & JumpsPaletteSeconda volta Seconda voltaPaletteBriseadh-roinne Section breakPalette Goirid 1 loidhne Short 1 spanPalette Goirid 2 loidhne Short 2 spanPaletteCeangalSlurPaletteCamag 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position PartEditBaseAinm a  phirt Part Name PartEditBaseAinm a  phirt Part name PartEditBaseSroighlRev PartEditBaseSroighlearachdReverb PartEditBaseSoloSolo PartEditBase FuaimSound PartEditBase Fuaim:Sound: PartEditBaseJCleachd na saighdean gus atharrachadhUse arrows to modify PartEditBase irdeVol PartEditBaseirde na fuaimeVolume PartEditBaseCuir risAddPathListDialogSguab sDeletePathListDialogCmhradhDialogPathListDialogbAn luaths frinneach ann an dubh-nota sa mhionaid(Actual tempo in quarter notes per minute PlayPanelBasePromh-irde Master volume PlayPanelBaseLeagadh.Buille Measure.Beat PlayPanelBasePanail cluiche Play Panel PlayPanelBase Ionad: Position: PlayPanelBase&An luaths dimheachRelative tempo PlayPanelBasevCleachd na saighdean suas is sos gus an luach atharrachadh&Use up and down arrows to change value PlayPanelBasedBdB PlayPanelBase4Din cruthadair nam pluganClose Plugin CreatorPluginCreatorBaseDeasaichEditPluginCreatorBaseFaidhleFilePluginCreatorBaseCobhairHelpPluginCreatorBase(Leabhar-mhneachaidhManualPluginCreatorBaserNewPluginCreatorBaseFosgail &Open…PluginCreatorBaseAth dhanRedoPluginCreatorBaseVAth-luchdaich bun-ts a  phlugain lithrichReload current plugin sourcePluginCreatorBase RuithRunPluginCreatorBaseSbhailSavePluginCreatorBaseSbhail mar & Save As…PluginCreatorBaseCuir stad airStopPluginCreatorBaseNeo-dhanUndoPluginCreatorBase2Falamhaich an ath-ghoiridClear Shortcut PluginManager$Mnich ath-ghoiridDefine Shortcut PluginManager Ainm:Name: PluginManagerSlighe:Path: PluginManager*Manaidsear nam pluganPlugin Manager PluginManager0Ath-luchdaich na plugainReload Plugins PluginManagerAth-luchdaich na h-uile plugan. N seo ath-sgrdadh air na plugain uile, a  mothachadh do dh atharrachadh sam bith a thinig orra.eReload all plugins. This will re-evaluate all plugins, picking up any changes that may have occurred. PluginManagerAth-ghoirid: Shortcut: PluginManagerTionndadh:Version: PluginManager128128PrefsDialogBaseLeth-chaman16thPrefsDialogBaseLeth-chaman 16th notePrefsDialogBase2Tha leth-chaman gnomhach16th note is activePrefsDialogBase(Clradh leth-chamain16th note recordPrefsDialogBase&Letheach-lethchaman32ndPrefsDialogBase&Letheach-lethchaman 32nd notePrefsDialogBaseBTha letheach-lethchaman gnomhach32nd note is activePrefsDialogBase8Clradh letheach-lethchamain32nd note recordPrefsDialogBase0Leth-letheach-lethchaman64thPrefsDialogBase0Leth-letheach-lethchaman 64th notePrefsDialogBaseLTha leth-letheach-lethchaman gnomhach64th note is activePrefsDialogBaseBClradh leth-letheach-lethchamain64th note recordPrefsDialogBaseAPIAPIPrefsDialogBaseAPI:API:PrefsDialogBase GnomhActionPrefsDialogBaseHAdhartaich nuair a thid leigeil s?Advance on release?PrefsDialogBaseAdhartachAdvancedPrefsDialogBaseThoir an aire: Adhbharaichidh atharrachadh sam bith air an duilleag seo gum bi MuseScore feumach air ath-thiseachadh.CAttention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore.PrefsDialogBase FuaimAudioPrefsDialogBase"Dotag meudachaidhAugmentation dotPrefsDialogBase@Tha dotag meudachaidh ghnomhachAugmentation dot is activePrefsDialogBase6Clradh dotaige meudachaidhAugmentation dot recordPrefsDialogBaseFin-shbhaladh Auto SavePrefsDialogBase`Thoir sil airson rachaidhean gu fin-obrachailAutomatic Update CheckPrefsDialogBaseClaibh BackgroundPrefsDialogBaseFSlighe gu pipear-balla a  chlaibhBackground wallpaper pathPrefsDialogBase(Stoidhle na bhroinnBuilt-in stylePrefsDialogBaseCanabhasCanvasPrefsDialogBaseAn seata charactaran a thid a chleachdadh le ion-phortadh fhaidhlichean bnearaidh.Character Set Used When Importing Binary FilesPrefsDialogBasetThoir sil a bheil tionndadh r dhe MuseScore ri fhaighinn"Check for new version of MuseScorePrefsDialogBaselThoir sil airson tionndadh r de leudachain MuseScore-Check for new version of MuseScore extensionsPrefsDialogBaseTagh API Choose APIPrefsDialogBaseLTagh faidhle pipear-balla a  chlaibh Choose Background wallpaper filePrefsDialogBasepTagh an seata charactaran airson ion-phortadh Guitar Pro&Choose Guitar Pro import character setPrefsDialogBase@Tagh liosta nan innealan-ciil 1Choose Instrument list 1PrefsDialogBase@Tagh liosta nan innealan-ciil 2Choose Instrument list 2PrefsDialogBase$Tagh ion-chur MIDIChoose MIDI InputPrefsDialogBase"Tagh s-chur MIDIChoose MIDI OutputPrefsDialogBaseFTagh foillidheachd an s-chuir MIDIChoose MIDI Output LatencyPrefsDialogBaselTagh an seata charactaran airson ion-phortadh Overture$Choose Overture import character setPrefsDialogBaseTagh uidheam Choose devicePrefsDialogBase<Tagh an ireamh dhe bhloigheanChoose number of fragmentsPrefsDialogBaseNTagh faidhle pipear a  phipeir-bhallaChoose paper wallpaper filePrefsDialogBase,Tagh meud na faid-ineChoose period sizePrefsDialogBase,Tagh pasgan nam pluganChoose plugin folderPrefsDialogBase>Tagh DPI na dmhlachd-breacaidhChoose resolution DPIPrefsDialogBase.Tagh an reat shampallanChoose sample ratePrefsDialogBase(Tagh pasgan nan sgrChoose score folderPrefsDialogBase2Tagh an sgr tiseachaidhChoose starting scorePrefsDialogBaseTagh stoidhle Choose stylePrefsDialogBase0Tagh pasgan nan stoidhleChoose style folderPrefsDialogBase2Tagh stoidhle dhan phirtChoose style for partPrefsDialogBase2Tagh pasgan nan teamplaidChoose template folderPrefsDialogBase<Tagh luach a  phuing as giorraChoose the shortest note valuePrefsDialogBaseFalamhaichClearPrefsDialogBaseFalamhaichidh seo nasgadh na h-ath-ghoirid dhan ghnomh a thagh thu6Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected actionPrefsDialogBaseDathaich pongan taobh a-muigh ruigse nan gleusan a ghabhas cleachdadh)Color notes outside of usable pitch rangePrefsDialogBase Dath:Color:PrefsDialogBase\Lean air adhart leis an t-seisean mu dheireadhContinue last sessionPrefsDialogBase DorchaDarkPrefsDialogBase(Faidhlichean tsail: Default FilesPrefsDialogBaseFad tsailDefault durationPrefsDialogBaseFad tsail:Default duration:PrefsDialogBase\An sgile tsail airson seallaidhean sgir ra!Default scale for new score viewsPrefsDialogBaseSm tsail Default zoomPrefsDialogBaseSm tsail: Default zoom:PrefsDialogBaseMnich & Define…PrefsDialogBaseUidheamDevicePrefsDialogBaseUidheam:Device:PrefsDialogBase`Na s-phortaich brisidhean-siostaim no duilleige#Do not export system or page breaksPrefsDialogBase6Dotag meudachaidh dhbailteDouble augmentation dotPrefsDialogBaseTTha dotag meudachaidh dhbailte ghnomhach!Double augmentation dot is activePrefsDialogBaseHClradh dotaige meudachaidh dbailteDouble augmentation dot recordPrefsDialogBase0Tarraing le antialiasingDraw antialiasedPrefsDialogBase CamanEighthPrefsDialogBase Caman Eighth notePrefsDialogBase&Tha caman gnomhachEighth note is activePrefsDialogBaseClradh camainEighth note recordPrefsDialogBase6Cuir an comas ion-chur MIDIEnable MIDI inputPrefsDialogBaseLCuir an comas uidheam-smachd cin MIDIEnable MIDI remote controlPrefsDialogBase4Leudaich gach ath-ghabhailExpand repeatsPrefsDialogBases-phortadhExportPrefsDialogBase.s-phortaich RPNaichean Export RPNsPrefsDialogBasejs-phortaich na brisidhean-siostaim s duilleige uile!Export all system and page breaksPrefsDialogBase>s-phortaich a  cho-dhealbhachd Export layoutPrefsDialogBaseNa s-phortaich ach na brisidhean-siostaim s duilleige a chaidh a chur ris a limh1Export manually added system and page breaks onlyPrefsDialogBase(Pasgan nan leudachanExtensions folderPrefsDialogBaseLeudachain: Extensions:PrefsDialogBasePasgananFoldersPrefsDialogBaseBloighean FragmentsPrefsDialogBaseBloighean: Fragments:PrefsDialogBaseCoitcheannGeneralPrefsDialogBase`Seata charactaran airson ion-phortadh Guitar ProGuitar Pro import character setPrefsDialogBasebSeata charactaran airson ion-phortadh Guitar Pro: Guitar Pro import character set:PrefsDialogBaseGeal-nota Half notePrefsDialogBase.Tha geal-nota gnomhachHalf note is activePrefsDialogBase"Clradh geal-ntaHalf note recordPrefsDialogBase S urrainn dhut ath-ghoiridean nan gnomhan a riteachadh an-seo,Here you can configure shortcuts for actionsPrefsDialogBase Air a  chmhnard HorizontallyPrefsDialogBaseHzHzPrefsDialogBaseI/I/OPrefsDialogBase.irde nan omhaigheagan Icon HeightPrefsDialogBase,Leud nan omhaigheagan Icon WidthPrefsDialogBase0irde nan omhaigheagan: Icon height:PrefsDialogBase.Leud nan omhaigheagan: Icon width:PrefsDialogBaseNuair a bhios cromag ri seo, thid stad a chur air an sgroladh air oir an sgir.AIf this is checked, scrolling will stop at the edge of the score.PrefsDialogBase"Pasgan nan dealbh Image folderPrefsDialogBaseDealbhan:Images:PrefsDialogBaseIon-phortadhImportPrefsDialogBase8Ion-phortaich co-dhealbhachd Import layoutPrefsDialogBase\Ion-phortaich brisidhean-siostaim s duilleigeImport system and page breaksPrefsDialogBaseVCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nan stoidhleInsert path for style folderPrefsDialogBaseTCuir a-steach slighe gu pasganan SoundFont Insert path to SoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBaseXCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nan teamplaidInsert path to Template folderPrefsDialogBaserCuir a-steach slighe gu faidhle le liosta innealan-cliil%Insert path to a instrument list filePrefsDialogBase|Cuir a-steach an t-slighe gu faidhle pipear-balla a  chlaibh(Insert path to background wallpaper filePrefsDialogBaseXCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nan leudachan Insert path to extensions folderPrefsDialogBaseRCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nan dealbhInsert path to image folderPrefsDialogBase~Cuir a-steach an t-slighe gu faidhle pipear a  phipeir-bhalla#Insert path to paper wallpaper filePrefsDialogBaseRCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nam pluganInsert path to plugin folderPrefsDialogBasePCuir a-steach slighe gu pasgan nan sgr.Insert path to score folder.PrefsDialogBaseVCuir a-steach slighe dhan sgr tiseachaidhInsert path to starting scorePrefsDialogBasePCuir a-steach slighe gu faidhle stoidhleInsert path to style filePrefsDialogBasedCuir a-steach slighe gu faidhle stoidhle na pirte"Insert path to style file for partPrefsDialogBase6Liosta nan innealan-ciil 1Instrument list 1PrefsDialogBase8Liosta nan innealan-ciil 1:Instrument list 1:PrefsDialogBase6Liosta nan innealan-ciil 2Instrument list 2PrefsDialogBase8Liosta nan innealan-ciil 2:Instrument list 2:PrefsDialogBaseTha e gnomhach Is activePrefsDialogBase CnanLanguagePrefsDialogBaseH S e na mille-dhiogan de dhil nan stampaichean-tde a tha san fhoillidheachd agus innsidh i dhan draibhear mu cuin a thid an t-s-chur a dhanamh ann an da-rribh. Nuair a bhios an fhoillidheachd na neoni, thid na teachdaireachdan MIDI a lbhrigeadh cho luath s a ghabhas ach dh fhaoidte gum bi e beagan cugallach. Ma shuidhicheas tu an fhoillidheachd air luach nas motha na neoni, cuidichidh seo an draibhear ach am bi an siognail nas seasmhaiche. Ma chuireas tu gleus air an fhoillidheachd, dh fhaoidte gun cuidich seo le sioncronachadh a  bhathair-chruaidh MIDI agad leis an t-sinteisear aig MuseScore fin ach an cluich an d chuid dhiubh na pongan aig an aon m.Latency is a delay in milliseconds applied to timestamps, to inform the driver about when the output should actually occur. If latency is zero, MIDI messages are delivered as fast as possible, but may contain jitter. Setting latency greater than zero may help the driver alleviate any jitter. Adjusting latency can help synchronize your MIDI hardware with MuseScore's internal audio synthesizer, so that they both sound notes at the same time.PrefsDialogBaseSoilleirLightPrefsDialogBasedCuingich raon an sgrolaidh air oirean na duilleige!Limit scroll area to page bordersPrefsDialogBase\Cuingich raon an sgrolaidh air oirean an sgir/Limit the scroll area to the edges of the scorePrefsDialogBaseLuchdaich &Load…PrefsDialogBaseIon-chur MIDI MIDI InputPrefsDialogBases-chur MIDI MIDI OutputPrefsDialogBase<Foillidheachd an s-chuir MIDIMIDI Output LatencyPrefsDialogBase0Uidheam-smachd cin MIDIMIDI Remote ControlPrefsDialogBaseMeasgaichte MiscellaneousPrefsDialogBase*Roghainnean MuseScoreMuseScore PreferencesPrefsDialogBase Ion-chur phongan Note InputPrefsDialogBase Ion-chur phongan Note inputPrefsDialogBase<Tha ion-chur phongan gnomhachNote input is activePrefsDialogBase0Clradh ion-chur phonganNote input recordPrefsDialogBase.Uidheam-smachd cin OSCOSC Remote ControlPrefsDialogBasevFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus pasganan SoundFont a riteachadh4Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBasefosglaidh seo cmhradh gus ath-ghoirid r a mhneachadh dhan ghnomh a thagh thuBOpens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected actionPrefsDialogBaselFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus dath a  chlaibh a thaghadh1Opens a dialog for selecting the background colorPrefsDialogBaselFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus dath a  phipeir a thaghadh,Opens a dialog for selecting the paper colorPrefsDialogBaselFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus faidhle stoidhle a thaghadh.Opens a file dialog for selecting a style filePrefsDialogBaseFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus faidhle stoidhle a thaghadh dhan phirt7Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for partPrefsDialogBaseFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus faidhle le liosta innealan-ciil a thaghadh9Opens a file dialog for selecting an instrument list filePrefsDialogBasetFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus an sgr tiseachaidh a thaghadh4Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting scorePrefsDialogBaseFosglaidh seo cmhradh gus faidhle a thaghadh dha phipear-balla a  chlaibh4Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper filePrefsDialogBase\Seata charactaran airson ion-phortadh OvertureOverture import character setPrefsDialogBase^Seata charactaran airson ion-phortadh Overture:Overture import character set:PrefsDialogBasePipearPaperPrefsDialogBaseHSlighe gu pipear a  phipeir-bhallaPaper wallpaper pathPrefsDialogBase CluichPlayPrefsDialogBase2Tha a  chluiche gnomhachPlay is activePrefsDialogBase"Cluich an clradh Play recordPrefsDialogBase"Pasgan nam plugan Plugin folderPrefsDialogBasePlugain:Plugins:PrefsDialogBase"ireamh a  phuirt Port numberPrefsDialogBase$ireamh a  phuirt: Port number:PrefsDialogBaseJManaidsear tabaichean nan roghainneanPreferences Tab ManagerPrefsDialogBaseCl-bhuailPrintPrefsDialogBaseTCl-bhuailidh seo liosta nan at-ghoirideanPrint the shortcuts listPrefsDialogBase0Tiseachadh a  phrgraim Program StartPrefsDialogBaseNFaisge airson taghadh nan eileamaidean:!Proximity for selecting elements:PrefsDialogBaseDubh-notaQuarterPrefsDialogBaseDubh-nota Quarter notePrefsDialogBase.Tha dubh-nota gnomhachQuarter note is activePrefsDialogBase"Clradh dubh-notaQuarter note recordPrefsDialogBase>Tha adhartas for-ama gnomhachReal-time Advance is activePrefsDialogBase4Clradh adhartais for-amaReal-time Advance recordPrefsDialogBase"Adhartas for-amaReal-time advancePrefsDialogBaseClradhRecordPrefsDialogBaseNCuimhnich na ceanglaichean mu dheireadhRemember last connection(s)PrefsDialogBaseVAth-suidhich na h-uile air a  bhun-roghainn Reset All Preferences to DefaultPrefsDialogBasebAth-shuidhich an ath-ghoirid air a  bhun-roghainnReset Shortcut to DefaultPrefsDialogBaseDAth-shuidhich air a  bhun-roghainnReset to defaultPrefsDialogBaseAth-shuidhichidh seo na h-ath-ghoiridean air na nasgaidhean tsail aca0Resets the shortcuts to their default assignmentPrefsDialogBase4DPI na dmhlachd-breacaidhResolution DPIPrefsDialogBase*Dmhlachd-bhreacaidh: Resolution:PrefsDialogBaseClosRestPrefsDialogBase$Tha clos gnomhachRest is activePrefsDialogBaseClradh clois Rest recordPrefsDialogBaseToinn air aisRewindPrefsDialogBaseDTha an toinneadh air ais gnomhachRewind is activePrefsDialogBase0Toinn air ais an clradh Rewind recordPrefsDialogBaseReat shampallan Sample ratePrefsDialogBase Reat shampallan: Sample rate:PrefsDialogBaseSbhailSavePrefsDialogBaseSbhail gach: Save every:PrefsDialogBaseSgrScorePrefsDialogBasePasgan nan sgr Score folderPrefsDialogBaseSgran:Scores:PrefsDialogBaseLorgSearchPrefsDialogBase*Tagh dath a  chlaibhSelect background colorPrefsDialogBasexTagh an t-m (ann am mionaidean) eadar na fin-sbhalaidhean,Select delay (in minutes) between auto savesPrefsDialogBaseTagh cnanSelect languagePrefsDialogBase*Tagh dath a  phipeirSelect paper colorPrefsDialogBaseTagh stoidhle Select stylePrefsDialogBaseAth-ghoiridShortcutPrefsDialogBaseAth-ghoiridean ShortcutsPrefsDialogBase.Clr nan ath-ghoirideanShortcuts tablePrefsDialogBase"Am pong as giorra Shortest notePrefsDialogBase$Am pong as giorra:Shortest note:PrefsDialogBase2Seall an t-seladaireachdShow navigatorPrefsDialogBase0Seall a  phanail cluicheShow play panelPrefsDialogBase0Seall sgrn tiseachaidhShow splash screenPrefsDialogBase:Seall an t-ionad tiseachaidhShow start centerPrefsDialogBase$Pasganan SoundFontSoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBaseSoundFonts: SoundFonts:PrefsDialogBase"Tisich gu falamh Start emptyPrefsDialogBase$Tisich le sgr rStart with new scorePrefsDialogBaseTisich le sgrStart with scorePrefsDialogBase Tisich le sgr:Start with score:PrefsDialogBaseCuir stad airStopPrefsDialogBase2Tha an stad air gnomhachStop is activePrefsDialogBase2Cuir stad air a  chlradh Stop recordPrefsDialogBaseStoidhleStylePrefsDialogBaselAn stoidhle a thid a chleachdadh leis an ion-phortadhStyle Used for ImportPrefsDialogBase&Pasgan nan stoidhle Style folderPrefsDialogBase$Stoidhle na pirteStyle for partPrefsDialogBase&Stoidhle na pirte:Style for part:PrefsDialogBaseStoidhle:Style:PrefsDialogBaseStoidhlean:Styles:PrefsDialogBase(Pasgan nan teamplaidTemplate folderPrefsDialogBaseTeamplaidean: Templates:PrefsDialogBase rlarThemePrefsDialogBaseNasgadhTiePrefsDialogBase*Tha nasgadh gnomhach Tie is activePrefsDialogBase Clradh nasgaidh Tie recordPrefsDialogBase(Toglaich a  chluiche Toggle playPrefsDialogBase8Toglaich cluiche s chlradhToggle play recordPrefsDialogBase,Claibh trd-shoilleirTransparent backgroundPrefsDialogBasepThoir a  chromag air falbh gus an tarraing a luathachadh Uncheck this to speed up drawingPrefsDialogBaseNeo-dhanUndoPrefsDialogBase:Tha an neo-dhanamh gnomhachUndo is activePrefsDialogBase(Neo-dhan an clradh Undo recordPrefsDialogBase raichUpdatePrefsDialogBaseDraich na h-eadar-theangachaidheanUpdate TranslationsPrefsDialogBase"Cleachd JACK MIDI Use JACK MIDIPrefsDialogBase0Cleachd faidhle stoidhleUse style filePrefsDialogBase2Cleachd faidhle stoidhle:Use style file:PrefsDialogBaseGu h-inghearach VerticallyPrefsDialogBaseSealladhViewPrefsDialogBasePipear-balla: Wallpaper:PrefsDialogBaseCruinn-nota Whole notePrefsDialogBase2Tha cruinn-nota gnomhachWhole note is activePrefsDialogBase&Clradh cruinn-ntaWhole note recordPrefsDialogBasemionminPrefsDialogBasemsmsPrefsDialogBasepxpxPrefsDialogBaseMuseScore MuseScore QMessageBox$%1 Deireadh aig %2 %1 End of %2QObject$%1 Toiseach air %2%1 Start of %2QObjectTm %1/%2 %1/%2 timeQObject%1: Gnthaichte %1: CustomQObject%1; Fad: %2; %3%1; Duration: %2; %3QObject4%1; Gleus: %2; Faide: %3%4%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4QObjectZ%1; Gleus as irde: %2%3; Gleus as sle: %4%5'%1; Top pitch: %2%3; Bottom pitch: %4%5QObject 1024mh1024thQObject 128mh128thQObjectLeth-chaman16thQObject 256mh256thQObject&Letheach-lethchaman32ndQObject4545°QObject 512mh512thQObject0Leth-letheach-lethchaman64thQObject9090°QObjectSuasAboveQObjectAcciaccatura AcciaccaturaQObjectNtachaidhean: Annotations:QObjectAppoggiatura AppoggiaturaQObjectFin-obrachailAutoQObjectSlais buille Beat SlashQObjectSosBelowQObject(Cruinn-nota dbailteBreveQObjectJCha deach faidhle freumha %1  a lorgCan't find rootfile %1QObjectxCha b  urrainn dhuinn tuairisgeul a  chird fhosgladh: %1 %2$Cannot open chord description: %1 %2QObject~Cha b  urrainn dhuinn tuairisgeul an air-bheus fhosgladh: %1 %2+Cannot open figured bass description: %1 %2QObjectCha b  urrainn dhuinn tuairisgeul cruth-cl na tablachd fhosgladh: %1 %2-Cannot open tablature font description: %1 %2QObjectVChan urrainn dhuinn faidhle %1 a leughadh: Cannot read file %1: QObjectCearcallCircleQObjectTm choitcheann Common timeQObjectRCha deach faidhle MusicXML %1  fhosgladhCould not open MusicXML file %1QObjectjCha deach faidhle MusicXML %1  dmhlaichte fhosgladh*Could not open compressed MusicXML file %1QObjectCrescendo CrescendoQObjectGnthaichteCustomQObject Alla Breve (2/2)Cut timeQObjectDecrescendo DecrescendoQObjectA bheil thu airson feuchainn ris am faidhle seo a luchdadh co-dhi?,Do you want to try to load this file anyway?QObject%1 dotagaichte Dotted %1QObject.%1 dotagaichte dbailteDouble dotted %1QObjectD-rinnDupletQObject CamanEighthQObject~Mearachd a  leughadh container.xml air loidhne %1 colbh %2: %3 5Error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3 QObject8Tha am faidhle %1  coirbte.File "%1" corrupted.QObjectBCha deach am faidhle %1  a lorg.File "%1" not found.QObjectZChan eil %1  na fhaidhle MusicXML dligheach&File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML fileQObject,Nota-maise s a dhidhGrace note afterQObject"Nota-maise roimheGrace note beforeQObjectGeal-notaHalfQObjectMearachd inntearnail: cha b  urrainn dhuinn an goireas musicxml.xsd fhosgladh 5Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd QObjectpMearachd innrearnail: Tha sgeama MusicXML m-dhligheach +Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid QObjectM-dhligheachInvalidQObjectClLeftQObject2Mearachd leis an luchdadh Load ErrorQObject<Cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleachLongaQObjectLeagadhMeasureQObjectTha Leagadh %1 Cliath %2 guth %3 ro fhada. An dil air: %4; Ach seo na tha ann: %5@Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5QObjectGun ghinNoneQObjectGun ghin no hook typeNoneQObjectNaoirinnNonupletQObjectPongNoteQObjectOchd-rinnOctupletQObject*Beum-ionns. 1 loidhne Perc. 1 lineQObject4Beum-ionns. 3 loidhnichean Perc. 3 linesQObject4Beum-ionns. 5 loidhnichean Perc. 5 linesQObjectCeithir-rinn QuadrupletQObjectDubh-notaQuarterQObjectCig-rinn QuintupletQObjectSlais ruitheim Rhythm SlashQObjectSeachd-rinn SeptupletQObjectSia-rinn SextupletQObjectStannardachStandardQObject ireamh an teuda String numberQObject,Tab. 4-teud coitcheannTab. 4-str. commonQObject Tab. 4-teud slnTab. 4-str. fullQObject(Tab. 4-teud simplidhTab. 4-str. simpleQObject,Tab. 5-teud coitcheannTab. 5-str. commonQObject Tab. 5-teud slnTab. 5-str. fullQObject(Tab. 5-teud simplidhTab. 5-str. simpleQObject(Tab. 6-teud FraingisTab. 6-str. FrenchQObject*Tab. 6-teud EadailtisTab. 6-str. ItalianQObject,Tab. 6-teud coitcheannTab. 6-str. commonQObject Tab. 6-teud slnTab. 6-str. fullQObject(Tab. 6-teud simplidhTab. 6-str. simpleQObject,Tab. 7-teud coitcheannTab. 7-str. commonQObject,Tab. 8-teud coitcheannTab. 8-str. commonQObjectTab. balalaikaTab. balalaikaQObjectTab. ukulele Tab. ukuleleQObjectChaidh an sgr seo a shbhaladh le tionndadh nas ire dhe MuseScore. Tadhail air %1lrach-ln MuseScore%2 gus an tionndadh as ire fhaighinn.vThis score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore. Visit the %1MuseScore website%2 to obtain the latest version.QObject.%1 dotagaichte trbilteTriple dotted %1QObjectTr-rinnTripletQObject<Mearachd leis an luchdadh suas Upload ErrorQObjectGuth: %1 Voice: %1QObjectCruinn-notaWholeQObjectXChan urrainn dhut ireamhachd a chruthachadhYou can't create an enumQObject NeoiniZeroQObjectdroch-fhrmat bad formatQObjectmaol dbailte double ♭QObjectgeur dbailte double ♯QObject2sersa nach aithne dhuinn unknown typeQObjectmaol♭QObjectGeur♯QObject|Tha %1 ann mar-th. A bheil thu airson sgrobhadh thairis air?/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?QWidgetVTha tionndadh nas ire stlaichte mu thrth$A newer version is already installedQWidget,A bheil thu cinnteach? Are you sure?QWidgetSguir dhethCancelQWidgetCha ghabh leudachan ion-phortadh gu stras a ghabhas leughadh a-mhin: %10Cannot import extension on read-only storage: %1QWidgetCha b  urrainn dhuinn an leudachan ion-phortadh: tha stras %1 ln+Cannot import extension: storage %1 is fullQWidgetXLeudachan coirbte: tha metadata.json coirbte,Corrupted extension: corrupted metadata.jsonQWidgetZLeudachan coirbte: chan eil metadata.json ann%Corrupted extension: no metadata.jsonQWidgetLeudachan coirbte: tha pasganan ris nach cuir sinn taic sa phasgan freumha>Corrupted extension: unsupported directories in root directoryQWidgetLeudachan coirbte: tha faidhlichean ris nach cuir sinn taic sa phasgan freumha8Corrupted extension: unsupported files in root directoryQWidgetA bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson an rum-obrach %1  a sguabadh s?0Do you really want to delete the '%1' workspace?QWidgetZA bheil thu airson an SoundFont %1 a stladh?(Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?QWidget~Mearachd a  sguabadh s an tionndaidh roimhe dhen leudachan: %1:Error while deleting previous version of the extension: %1QWidget*Ion-phortaich CapellaImport CapellaQWidget@Ion-phortaich faidhle leudachainImport Extension FileQWidget$Stlaich SoundFontInstall SoundFontQWidgetDDh fhillig le luchdadh nan cnan:Load Languages Failed:QWidgetLuchdaich MIDI Load MIDIQWidgetFDh fhillig le luchdadh na stoidhleLoad Style FailedQWidgetTA bheil thu airson sgrobhadh thairis air? Overwrite?QWidgetFg an-seoQuitQWidget:Chaidh an SoundFont a stladhSoundFont installedQWidgetChaidh an SoundFont a stladh. Rach gu Sealladh > Sinteisear gus a chur ris agus gu Sealladh > Measgadair gus fuaim inneil-chiil a thaghadh.nSoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.QWidgetnCha deach leinn faidhlichean an leudachain s-tharraing*Unable to extract files from the extensionQWidgetClradhRecord RecordButtonLeudachan ExtensionResourceLeudachain ExtensionsResource Meud an fhaidhle File SizeResource Ainm an fhaidhleFilenameResourceStlaich/raichInstall/UpdateResource CnanLanguageResource Cnain LanguagesResource&Goireasan MuseScoreMuseScore ResourcesResourceD-stlaich UninstallResourceTionndadhVersionResourceX:X: ScaleSelectY:Y: ScaleSelect(Air a chruthachadh:  Created:  ScorePreview Ainm:Name: ScorePreview Meud:Size: ScorePreview GnomhAction SelectDialog&Cuir ris an taghadhAdd to selection SelectDialog,Sersa na h-eileamaid: Element type: SelectDialogSan taghadh In selection SelectDialog0Cuir an ite an taghaidhReplace selection SelectDialogAn aon chliath Same staff SelectDialog*An t-aon fho-shersa: Same subtype: SelectDialog"An t-aon shiostam Same system SelectDialogAn t-aon ghuth Same voice SelectDialog Lorg san taghadhSearch in selection SelectDialogTaghSelect SelectDialog4Thoir air falbh on taghadhSubtract from selection SelectDialog00SelectInstrument:An t-inneal-ciil lithreach:Current instrument:SelectInstrumentLorgSearchSelectInstrument"Tagh inneal-ciilSelect InstrumentSelectInstrument GnomhActionSelectNoteDialog&Cuir ris an taghadhAdd to selectionSelectNoteDialogSan taghadh In selectionSelectNoteDialog0Cuir an ite an taghaidhReplace selectionSelectNoteDialogAn t-aon fhad:Same duration:SelectNoteDialog(An t-aon ainm puing:Same note name:SelectNoteDialog*An t-aon ceann puing:Same notehead:SelectNoteDialog An t-aon ghleus: Same pitch:SelectNoteDialogAn aon chliath Same staffSelectNoteDialogAn aon sreang: Same string:SelectNoteDialog"An t-aon shiostam Same systemSelectNoteDialog"An t-aon shersa: Same type:SelectNoteDialogAn t-aon ghuth Same voiceSelectNoteDialog Lorg san taghadhSearch in selectionSelectNoteDialogTaghSelectSelectNoteDialogTagh pongan Select NotesSelectNoteDialog4Thoir air falbh on taghadhSubtract from selectionSelectNoteDialogSguir dhethCancel SfListDialogLuchdaichLoad SfListDialog,Faidhlichean SoundFontSoundFont Files SfListDialogSguir dhethCancel SfzListDialogLuchdaichLoad SfzListDialog Faidhlichean SFZ SFZ Files SfzListDialogCuir risAddShortcutCaptureDialogBaseSguir dhethCancelShortcutCaptureDialogBaseFalamhaichClearShortcutCaptureDialogBaseRCuir a-steach sreath de dh ath-ghoirideanEnter Shortcut SequenceShortcutCaptureDialogBaseAth-ghoirid r New shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBaseAth-ghoirid r: New shortcut:ShortcutCaptureDialogBase(Seann-ath-ghoiridean Old shortcutsShortcutCaptureDialogBase*Seann-ath-ghoiridean:Old shortcuts:ShortcutCaptureDialogBaseCuir na iteReplaceShortcutCaptureDialogBaseNSgrobh ath-ghoirid gus a shuidheachadhType to set shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBaseNSgrobh ath-ghoirid gus a shuidheachadhplaceholder textType to set shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBase irdeHeight SizeSelectLeudWidth SizeSelect"Sgoilt a  chliath Split Staff SplitStaff$Pong an sgoltaidh: Split point: SplitStaff&Beum-ionnsramaidean PercussionStaff type group nameStannardachStandardStaff type group nameTablachd TablatureStaff type group name%%StaffTextProperties11StaffTextProperties1212StaffTextProperties22StaffTextProperties33StaffTextProperties44StaffTextProperties55StaffTextProperties66StaffTextProperties77StaffTextProperties88StaffTextProperties99StaffTextProperties@Gnomhan na seanail a thagh thu:Actions for selected channel:StaffTextProperties(Cnagan-orgain Aeolus Aeolus StopsStaffTextProperties.Atharraich an t-seanailChange ChannelStaffTextPropertiesSeanail:Channel:StaffTextPropertiesTuairisgeul DescriptionStaffTextProperties Caman Eighth noteStaffTextPropertiesGnomh MIDI MIDI ActionStaffTextPropertiesAinmNameStaffTextProperties DhethOffStaffTextProperties(Tagh co-mheas swing:Select swing ratio:StaffTextPropertiesLeth-chamanSixteenth noteStaffTextProperties"Roghainnean swingSwing SettingsStaffTextProperties Swing:Swing:StaffTextProperties\Atharraich guth no dh gu seanail shnraichte:1Switch one or more voices to a specified channel:StaffTextProperties Guth:Voice:StaffTextProperties,Luchdaich teamplaideanLoad TemplatesStaffTypeTemplates.Sbhail na teamplaideanSave TemplatesStaffTypeTemplatesBTeamplaidean sersaichean clitheStaff Type TemplatesStaffTypeTemplatesDinClose Startcenter$Ionad tiseachaidh Start Center StartcenterFalamhaichClearSymbolDialogBaseCruth-cl:Font:SymbolDialogBaseLorgSearchSymbolDialogBaseSamhlaidheanSymbolsSymbolDialogBase*Bratach an t-siostaim System flagSymbolDialogBase,Atharraich an gleusadh Change Tuning SynthControlDinimigeachdDynamics SynthControlifeachd AEffect A SynthControlifeachd A: Effect A: SynthControlifeachd BEffect B SynthControlifeachd B: Effect B: SynthControl HertzHertz SynthControlHzHz SynthControl4Luchdaich a  bhun-roghainn Load Default SynthControl"Luchdaich on sgrLoad from Score SynthControl"Luchdaich on sgrLoad from score SynthControl"Promh-ifeachdanMaster Effects SynthControl Promh-ghleusadh Master tuning SynthControl"Promh-ghleusadh:Master tuning: SynthControlPromh-irde Master volume SynthControl"Sbhail dhan sgr Save to Score SynthControl"Sbhail dhan sgr Save to score SynthControl:Suidhich mar a  bhun-roghainnSet as Default SynthControlSinteisear Synthesizer SynthControlGleusadhTuning SynthControllCleachd na saighdean suas is sos gus rud atharrachadh Use up and down arrows to modify SynthControlLorgSearchTemplateBrowser*Caractaran snraichteSpecial CharactersTextPaletteBaseCromBend TextStyleSamhla cird Chord Symbol TextStyle$Sgrobhaiche ciilComposer TextStyleBun-roghainnDefault TextStyleDinimigeachdDynamics TextStyleMeurachadh Fingering TextStyleBann-coiseFooter TextStyle FramFrame TextStyleGlissando Glissando TextStyle BioranHairpin TextStyleBann-cinnHeader TextStyle2Atharrachadh inneil-ciilInstrument Change TextStyle6Ainm an inneil-ciil (fada)Instrument Name (Long) TextStyle8Ainm an inneil-ciil (pirt)Instrument Name (Part) TextStyle:Ainm an inneil-ciil (goirid)Instrument Name (Short) TextStyle6Meurachadh giotr limh clLH Guitar Fingering TextStyle(Sgrobhaiche fhaclanLyricist TextStyleDLoidhnichean cothromach nam faclanLyrics Even Lines TextStyle:Loidhnichean corra nam faclanLyrics Odd Lines TextStyle ireamh leagaidhMeasure Number TextStyleMeatranom Metronome TextStyle OttavaOttava TextStyleTroigheanPedal TextStyle8Meurachadh giotr limh deisRH Guitar Fingering TextStyle,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal Mark TextStyle>Teacsa ath-ghabhalach taobh clRepeat Text Left TextStyle@Teacsa ath-ghabhalach taobh deasRepeat Text Right TextStyle CliathStaff TextStyle ireamh an teuda String Number TextStyleFo-thiotalSubtitle TextStyleSiostamSystem TextStyle LuathsTempo TextStyleLoidhne teacsa Text Line TextStyle TiotalTitle TextStyle"Eadar-theangadair Translator TextStyleIoma-rinnTuplet TextStyle VoltaVolta TextStyleCeart ma-thOKTime signature editor//TimeDialogBase11TimeDialogBase1616TimeDialogBase22TimeDialogBase3232TimeDialogBase44TimeDialogBase6464TimeDialogBase88TimeDialogBaseCuir risAddTimeDialogBaseTCuir tm-chomharra ris a  phromh-phailead$Add time signature to master paletteTimeDialogBase.Cruthaich tm-chomharraCreate Time SignatureTimeDialogBaseTeacsa:Text:TimeDialogBase Luach:Value:TimeDialogBase//TimeSigProperties(An luach frinneach: Actual value:TimeSigProperties Coltas AppearanceTimeSigProperties.Luach uile-choitcheann: Global value:TimeSigProperties"Buidhnean phongan Note GroupsTimeSigProperties Eile:Other:TimeSigPropertiesTeacsa:Text:TimeSigProperties8Roghainnean an tm-chomharraTime Signature PropertiesTimeSigPropertiesLuachanValuesTimeSigProperties// TimesigWizard11 TimesigWizard1616 TimesigWizard22 TimesigWizard3232 TimesigWizard44 TimesigWizard6464 TimesigWizard88 TimesigWizard Aonad nam buille Beat unit TimesigWizard(Buillean san leagadhBeats in a measure TimesigWizardTm choitcheann Common Time TimesigWizardTm choitcheann Common time TimesigWizard Alla Breve (2/2)Cut Time TimesigWizard Alla Breve (2/2)Cut time TimesigWizardFad: Duration: TimesigWizardJCuir a-steach ireamh dhe leagaidheanEnter Number of Measures TimesigWizardLCuir a-steach ireamh dhe leagaidhean:Enter Number of Measures: TimesigWizard8Cuir a-steach tm-chomharra:Enter Time Signature: TimesigWizardOidheam: S urrainn dhut leagaidhean a chur ris no a thoirt air falbh s didh an sgr a chruthachadh.FHint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score. TimesigWizardLeagaidheanMeasures TimesigWizardLeagaidhean: Measures: TimesigWizard.ireamh dhe leagaidheanNumber of measures TimesigWizardRo-leagadhPickup Measure TimesigWizard0Draoidh an tm-chomharraTime Signature Wizard TimesigWizardCmhradhDialog ToolbarEditorMr-A / mion-F&oA major / F♯ minorTransposeDialogBase&Cigeadh meudaichteAugmented FifthTransposeDialogBase(Ceathradh meudaichteAugmented FourthTransposeDialogBase&Deiseadh meudaichteAugmented SecondTransposeDialogBase(Seachdadh meudaichteAugmented SeventhTransposeDialogBase&Seiseadh meudaichteAugmented SixthTransposeDialogBase(Trtheadh meudaichteAugmented ThirdTransposeDialogBase4Aon-fhuaimneach meudaichteAugmented UnisonTransposeDialogBaseMr-A&m / mion-FA♭ major / F minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-B / Mion-G&oB major / G♯ minorTransposeDialogBase"A-rir eadar-uidh By IntervalTransposeDialogBaseA-rir gleusaBy KeyTransposeDialogBaseMr-B&m / mion-GB♭ major / G minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-C / mion-AC major / A minorTransposeDialogBaseAs fhaisgeClosestTransposeDialogBase Mr-C&m / mion-A&mC♭ major / A♭ minorTransposeDialogBase Mr-C&o / mion-A&oC♯ major / A♯ minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-D / mion-BD major / B minorTransposeDialogBase(Cigeadh lghdaichteDiminished FifthTransposeDialogBase*Ceathradh lghdaichteDiminished FourthTransposeDialogBase&Ochdadh lghdaichteDiminished OctaveTransposeDialogBase(Deiseadh lghdaichteDiminished SecondTransposeDialogBase*Seachdadh lghdaichteDiminished SeventhTransposeDialogBase(Seiseadh lghdaichteDiminished SixthTransposeDialogBase*Trtheadh lghdaichteDiminished ThirdTransposeDialogBaseSosDownTransposeDialogBase Mr-D&m / mion-B&mD♭ major / B♭ minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-E / mion-C&oE major / C♯ minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-E&m / mion-CE♭ major / C minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-F / mion-DF major / D minorTransposeDialogBaseCigeadhFifthTransposeDialogBaseCeathradhFourthTransposeDialogBase Mr-F&o / mion-D&oF♯ major / D♯ minorTransposeDialogBaseMr-G / mion-EG major / E minorTransposeDialogBase Mr-G&m / mion-E&mG♭ major / E♭ minorTransposeDialogBase4Glidh atharraichean ceumaKeep degree alterationsTransposeDialogBaseMr-dheiseadh Major SecondTransposeDialogBaseMr-sheachdadh Major SeventhTransposeDialogBaseMr-sheiseadh Major SixthTransposeDialogBaseMr-thrtheadh Major ThirdTransposeDialogBaseMion-dheiseadh Minor SecondTransposeDialogBaseMion-sheachdadh Minor SeventhTransposeDialogBaseMion-sheiseadh Minor SixthTransposeDialogBaseMion-thrtheadh Minor ThirdTransposeDialogBaseRoghainneanOptionsTransposeDialogBaseCigeadh foirfe Perfect FifthTransposeDialogBase Ceathradh foirfePerfect FourthTransposeDialogBaseOchdadh foirfePerfect OctaveTransposeDialogBase,Aon-fhuaimneach foirfePerfect UnisonTransposeDialogBaseDeiseadhSecondTransposeDialogBaseSeachdadhSeventhTransposeDialogBaseSeiseadhSixthTransposeDialogBaseTrtheadhThirdTransposeDialogBase Gleus-atharraich TransposeTransposeDialogBaseBGleus-atharraich gu uile-phongachTranspose ChromaticallyTransposeDialogBase:Gleus-atharraich gu diatonachTranspose DiatonicallyTransposeDialogBaseFGleus-atharraich samhlaidhean cirdTranspose chord symbolsTransposeDialogBaseHGleus-atharraich na gleus-chomharranTranspose key signaturesTransposeDialogBaseSuasUpTransposeDialogBase6Cuir an deasachadh an comasEnable EditingTreePaletteHeader$Luchdaich pailead &Load Palette…TreePaletteHeader0Roghainnean a  phaileid &Palette Properties…TreePaletteHeader&Sbhail am pailead &Save Palette…TreePaletteHeader0Leth-chaman eadar pongan16th between notesTremolo:Br leth-chamain tron earball16th through stemTremolo@Letheach-lethchaman eadar pongan32nd between notesTremoloJBr letheach-lethchamain tron earball32nd through stemTremoloJLeth-letheach-lethchaman eadar pongan64th between notesTremoloTBr leth-letheach-lethchamain tron earball64th through stemTremoloBuzz roll Buzz rollTremolo$Caman eadar ponganEighth between notesTremolo.Br camain tron earballEighth through stemTremolo(Sersa a  chromaidh: Bend type:TremoloBarDialogfBriog gus puingean a chur ris no a thoirt air falbh"Click to add or remove some pointsTremoloBarDialogDipDipTremoloBarDialogDiveDiveTremoloBarDialogDip a-nos Inverted DipTremoloBarDialogTilleadhReturnTremoloBarDialog8Roghainnean a  bhir tremoloTremolo Bar PropertiesTremoloBarDialog// TupletDialogFin-obrachailAuto TupletDialog CamagBracket TupletDialog&Cruthaich ioma-rinn Create Tuplet TupletDialog FrmatFormat TupletDialogGun ghinNone TupletDialogGun ghinno tuplet bracket styleNone TupletDialogireamhNumber TupletDialogCo-mheasRatio TupletDialogCo-mheas:Ratio: TupletDialog SersaType TupletDialog(Fiosrachadh an sgirScore InformationUploadScoreDialogClraich a-machSign outUploadScoreDialog*raich sgr a tha annUpdate existing scoreUploadScoreDialog:Luchdaich suas fuaim an sgirUpload score audioUploadScoreDialogHTha thu air do chlradh a-steach marYou're logged in asUploadScoreDialogBA  sgrobhadh faidhle ruim-obrachWriting Workspace File WorkspacejCha deach leinn faidhle ruim-obrach %1 a sgrobhadh: "Writing Workspace File %1 failed:  WorkspaceCmhradhDialogWorkspaceDialogCuir risAdd ZerberusGuiSguir dhethCancel ZerberusGuiHCha ghabh an SoundFont %1 a luchdadhCannot load SoundFont %1 ZerberusGuiSguab sDelete ZerberusGui Ga luchdadh & Loading… ZerberusGui0Gluais an SoundFont sosMove SoundFont down ZerberusGui0Gluais an SoundFont suasMove SoundFont up ZerberusGuiMuseScore MuseScore ZerberusGuiRChaidh an SoundFont %1 a luchdadh mar-thSoundFont %1 already loaded ZerberusGui$Gleus-a&tharraich & &Transpose…action11action128mh pong 128th Noteaction128mh (TAB)128th Note (TAB)action128mh pong 128th noteactionLeth-chaman 16th Noteaction"Leth-chaman (TAB)16th Note (TAB)action\Adhartas leth-chamain (air-bheus/samhla cird)%16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionLeth-chaman 16th noteaction22action33action&Letheach-lethchaman 32nd Noteaction2Letheach-lethchaman (TAB)32nd Note (TAB)actionlAdhartas letheach-lethchamain (air-bheus/samhla cird)%32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action&Letheach-lethchaman 32nd noteaction44action0Leth-letheach-lethchaman 64th Noteaction<Leth-letheach-lethchaman (TAB)64th Note (TAB)actionvAdhartas leth-letheach-lethchamain (air-bheus/samhla cird)%64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action0Leth-letheach-lethchaman 64th noteactionAAactionDSo-ruigsinneachd: an ath-eileamaidAccessibility: Next elementactionJSo-ruigsinneachd: an eileamaid roimheAccessibility: Previous elementactionAcciaccatura Acciaccaturaaction4Cuir leth-chaman-maise risAdd 16th grace noteactionLCuir ris leth-chaman-maise s a dhidhAdd 16th grace note afteractionDCuir letheach-lethchaman-maise risAdd 32nd grace noteaction\Cuir ris letheach-lethchaman-maise s a dhidhAdd 32nd grace note afteraction@Cuir ris caman-maise s a dhidhAdd Eighth grace note afteraction@Cuir an ath-chrd ris an taghadhAdd Next Chord to SelectionactionDCuir an crd roimhe ris an taghadhAdd Previous Chord to SelectionactionRCuir a  chliath os a cionn ris an taghadhAdd Staff Above to SelectionactionLCuir a  chliath foidhpe ris an taghadhAdd Staff Below to Selectionaction*Cuir acciaccatura risAdd acciaccaturaaction*Cuir appoggiatura risAdd appoggiaturaaction,Cuir iuchair bheus ris Add bass clefaction*Cuir samhla cird risAdd chord symbolactionDCuir teacsa sgrobhaiche ciil risAdd composer textaction$Cuir crescendo ris Add crescendoaction(Cuir decrescendo risAdd decrescendoaction$Cuir air-bheus risAdd figured bassaction&Cuir meurachadh ris Add fingeringaction,Cuir teacsa frama risAdd frame textaction`Cuir ceap 0 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 0 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 1 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 1 on current string (TAB only)actionbCuir ceap 10 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)(Add fret 10 on current string (TAB only)actionbCuir ceap 11 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)(Add fret 11 on current string (TAB only)actionbCuir ceap 12 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)(Add fret 12 on current string (TAB only)actionbCuir ceap 13 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)(Add fret 13 on current string (TAB only)actionbCuir ceap 14 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)(Add fret 14 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 2 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 2 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 3 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 3 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 4 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 4 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 5 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 5 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 6 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 6 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 7 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 7 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 8 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 8 on current string (TAB only)action`Cuir ceap 9 ris an teud lithreach (TAB a-mhin)'Add fret 9 on current string (TAB only)actionDCuir atharrachadh inneil-ciil risAdd instrument changeactionHCuir teacsa sgrobhaiche fhaclan risAdd lyricist textactionCuir faclan ris Add lyricsaction,Cuir rum-obrach r risAdd new workspaceaction@Cuir an ath-chrd ris an taghadhAdd next chord to selectionaction0Cuir pong A ris a  chrdAdd note A to chordaction0Cuir pong B ris a  chrdAdd note B to chordaction0Cuir pong C ris a  chrdAdd note C to chordaction0Cuir pong D ris a  chrdAdd note D to chordaction0Cuir pong E ris a  chrdAdd note E to chordaction0Cuir pong F ris a  chrdAdd note F to chordaction0Cuir pong G ris a  chrdAdd note G to chordaction.Cuir ainm a  phirt ris Add part nameactionCuir dealbh ris Add pictureactionDCuir an crd roimhe ris an taghadhAdd previous chord to selectionaction0Cuir dubh-nota-maise risAdd quarter grace noteaction>Cuir comharra ruith-thairis risAdd rehearsal markaction Cuir ceangal risAdd sluractionRCuir a  chliath os a cionn ris an taghadhAdd staff above to selectionactionLCuir a  chliath foidhpe ris an taghadhAdd staff below to selectionaction4Cuir teacsa na clithe risAdd staff textaction6Cuir teacsa fo-thiotail risAdd subtitle textaction:Cuir teacsa an t-siostaim risAdd system textaction6Cuir comharradh luaiths risAdd tempo markingaction.Cuir teacsa tiotail risAdd title textaction8Cuir iuchair throbailte risAdd treble clefactionZCuir ris/Thoir air falbh brisidhean-siostaim &Add/Remove System Breaks…actionXCuir ris/Thoir air falbh brisidhean-siostaimAdd/remove system breaksaction,Meadhanan a bharrachd &Additional Media…action~Rach air adhart le leth-chaman (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)7Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionRach air adhart le letheach-lethchaman (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)7Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionRach air adhart le leth-letheach-lethchaman (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)7Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionRach air adhart le cruinn-nota dbailte (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)?Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionzRach air adhart le geal-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)7Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionRach air adhart le cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleach (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)3Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionzRach air adhart le dubh-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin):Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action~Rach air adhart le cruinn-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)8Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionrRach air adhart le caman (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin):Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action AlbamAlbumaction Albam &Album…action8Gach eileamaid coltach ritheAll Similar Elementsaction^Gach eileamaid coltach rithe san taghadh rainse'All Similar Elements in Range SelectionactionXGach eileamaid coltach rithe san aon chliath"All Similar Elements in Same StaffactionFCuir fram cmhnard ris an deireadhAppend Horizontal FrameactionBCuir leagaidhean ris an deireadh &Append Measures…action8Cuir leagadh ris an deireadhAppend One Measureaction*Cuir ris fram teacsaAppend Text FrameactionJCuir fram inghearach ris an deireadhAppend Vertical FrameactionFCuir fram cmhnard ris an deireadhAppend horizontal frameaction@Cuir leagaidhean ris an deireadhAppend measuresaction8Cuir leagadh ris an deireadhAppend one measureaction*Cuir ris fram teacsaAppend text frameactionJCuir fram inghearach ris an deireadhAppend vertical frameactionAppoggiatura Appoggiaturaaction"Dotag meudachaidhAugmentation Dotaction"Dotag meudachaidhAugmentation dotaction&Barr fin-obrachail Auto Beamaction&Barr fin-obrachail Auto beamactionBBactionBackspace BackspaceactionIuchair bheus Bass Clefaction4Barr le leth-chaman foidhe Beam 16th Subaction4Barr le leth-chaman foidhe Beam 16th subactionDBarr le letheach-lethchaman foidhe Beam 32nd SubactionDBarr le letheach-lethchaman foidhe Beam 32nd subaction"Meadhan a  bharra Beam Middleaction$Toiseach a  bharra Beam Startaction"Meadhan a  bharra Beam middleaction$Toiseach a  bharra Beam startactionTrom Bold FaceactionTrom Bold faceaction0Am pong as sle sa chrdBottom Note in ChordactionlAdhartas cruinn-nota dbailte (air-bheus/samhla cird)!Breve Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionCCactionjAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (an d mhodh)'Change Enharmonic Spelling (Both Modes)actionxAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (am modh lithreach))Change Enharmonic Spelling (Current Mode)actionAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (atharraichidh seo an litreachadh an d chuid ann an gleus consairt agus sa mhodh ghleus-atharraichte)QChange enharmonic note (alters the spelling in concert pitch and transposed mode)actionAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (atharraichidh seo an litreachadh sa mhodh lithreach a-mhin)EChange enharmonic note (alters the spelling in the current mode only)actionjAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (an d mhodh)'Change enharmonic spelling (both modes)actionxAtharraich an litreachadh aon-seirmeach (am modh lithreach))Change enharmonic spelling (current mode)actionSamhla cird Chord Symbolaction&Samhlaidhean cird &Chord Symbols…actionDinCloseaction.Din an sgr lithreachClose current scoreactionCuir na clois s na pongan naisgte on taghadh ri chile agus ath-sgoilt iad air ionadan ruitheimOCombine rests and tied notes from selection and resplit at rhythmical locationsaction$Sgrobhaiche ciilComposeractionGleus consairt Concert Pitchaction Ritich an griodConfigure Gridaction Ritich an griodConfigure gridactionDan lethbhreacCopyaction^Cuir lethbhreac dhe na faclan air an str-bhrdCopy Lyrics to Clipboardaction^Cuir lethbhreac dhe na faclan air an str-bhrdCopy lyrics to clipboardactionCunnt a-steachCount-Inaction,Cruthaich lirmheas rCreate New Revisionaction,Cruthaich lirmheas rCreate new revisionaction"Cruthaich sgr rCreate new scoreactionCrescendo CrescendoactionGearr sCutactionDDactionD-bhugadairDebuggeraction4Lghdaich am fad gnomhachDecrease Active Durationaction@Lghdaich am fad gnomhach (TAB)Decrease Active Duration (TAB)actionHLghdaich fad nam pongan dotagaichteDecrease Duration DottedactionFLghdaich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdDecrease Layout Stretchaction4Lghdaich am fad gnomhachDecrease active durationaction@Lghdaich am fad gnomhach (TAB)Decrease active duration (TAB)actionHLghdaich fad nam pongan dotagaichteDecrease duration dottedactionFLghdaich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdDecrease layout stretchactionLghdaich factar sneadh na co-dhealbhachd airson nan leagaidhean a thagh thu3Decrease layout stretch factor of selected measuresactionDecrescendo DecrescendoactionSguab sDeleteaction"Sos gu diatonach Diatonic Downaction"Suas gu diatonach Diatonic Upaction8slich an irde gu diatonachDiatonic pitch downaction:rdaich an irde gu diatonachDiatonic pitch upactionFSeall sgrobhainnean taobh ri taobhDisplay documents side by sideactionRSeall sgrobhainnean air digh stacaichteDisplay documents stackedaction:Sgrobhainnean taobh ri taobhDocuments Side by Sideaction2Sgrobhainnean stacaichteDocuments Stackedaction6Dotag meudachaidh dhbailteDouble Augmentation DotactionFad dbailteDouble Durationaction(Cruinn-nota dbailteDouble Whole Noteaction4Cruinn-nota dbailte (TAB)Double Whole Note (TAB)action6Dotag meudachaidh dhbailteDouble augmentation dotactionFad dbailteDouble durationaction(Cruinn-nota dbailteDouble whole noteactionMaol dbailte Double ♭actionGeur dbailte Double ♯actionSosDownactionBogha sosDown Bowaction$Pong sos sa chrdDown Note in ChordactionOchdadh sos Down OctaveactionD-rinnDupletactionEEaction*Deasaich an eileamaid Edit ElementactionPDeasaich stoidhle nan samhlaidhean cirdEdit chord symbols styleaction*Deasaich an eileamaid Edit elementaction:Deasaich roghainnean an sgirEdit score propertiesaction Caman Eighth NoteactionCaman (TAB)Eighth Note (TAB)actionPAdhartas camain (air-bheus/samhla cird)'Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionClos camain Eighth Restaction Caman Eighth noteactionjCuir an comas an greimeachadh ris a  ghriod chmhnardEnable Snap to Horizontal GridactionlCuir an comas an greimeachadh ris a  ghriod inghearachEnable Snap to Vertical GridactionjCuir an comas an greimeachadh ris a  ghriod chmhnardEnable snap to horizontal gridactionlCuir an comas an greimeachadh ris a  ghriod inghearachEnable snap to vertical gridactionlCuir a-steach fadan le aon bhriog no brthadh iuchrach/Enter durations with a single click or keypressactionDCuir a-steach cigeadh os a chionnEnter fifth aboveaction:Cuir a-steach cigeadh foidheEnter fifth belowactionFCuir a-steach ceathradh os a chionnEnter fourth aboveaction<Cuir a-steach ceathradh foidheEnter fourth belowactionBCuir a-steach naonadh os a chionnEnter ninth aboveaction8Cuir a-steach naonadh foidheEnter ninth belowaction(Cuir a-steach pong A Enter note Aaction(Cuir a-steach pong B Enter note Baction(Cuir a-steach pong C Enter note Caction(Cuir a-steach pong D Enter note Daction(Cuir a-steach pong E Enter note Eaction(Cuir a-steach pong F Enter note Faction(Cuir a-steach pong G Enter note GactionXCuir a-steach pongan le luchag no meur-chlr$Enter notes with a mouse or keyboardactionBCuir a-steach ochdadh os a chionnEnter octave aboveaction8Cuir a-steach ochdadh foidheEnter octave belowaction$Cuir a-steach clos Enter restaction0Cuir a-steach clos (TAB)Enter rest (TAB)actionDCuir a-steach deiseadh os a chionnEnter second aboveaction:Cuir a-steach deiseadh foidheEnter second belowactionFCuir a-steach seachdadh os a chionnEnter seventh aboveaction<Cuir a-steach seachdadh foidheEnter seventh belowactionDCuir a-steach seiseadh os a chionnEnter sixth aboveaction:Cuir a-steach seiseadh foidheEnter sixth belowactionFCuir a-steach trtheadh os a chionnEnter third aboveaction<Cuir a-steach trtheadh foidheEnter third belowactionRCuir a-steach aon-fhuaimneach os a chionnEnter unison aboveaction EscapeEscapeaction Iomlaid guth 1-2Exchange Voice 1-2action Iomlaid guth 1-3Exchange Voice 1-3action Iomlaid guth 1-4Exchange Voice 1-4action Iomlaid guth 2-3Exchange Voice 2-3action Iomlaid guth 2-4Exchange Voice 2-4action Iomlaid guth 3-4Exchange Voice 3-4action Iomlaid guth 1-2Exchange voice 1-2action Iomlaid guth 1-3Exchange voice 1-3action Iomlaid guth 1-4Exchange voice 1-4action Iomlaid guth 2-3Exchange voice 2-3action Iomlaid guth 2-4Exchange voice 2-4action Iomlaid guth 3-4Exchange voice 3-4actionSpreadhExplodeactionSpreadh susbaint na clithe a chaidh a taghadh air a  bharr dha na cliathan foidhpe8Explode contents of top selected staff into staves belowaction,s-phortaich pirtean &Export Parts…action*s-phortaich pirtean Export partsaction(s-phortaich an sgr Export scoreactions-phortaich & Export…actionFFaction0Barr iteach, nas luaitheFeathered Beam, Fasteraction.Barr iteach, nas mailleFeathered Beam, Sloweraction0Barr iteach, nas luaitheFeathered beam, fasteraction.Barr iteach, nas mailleFeathered beam, sloweraction(Cigeadh os a chionn Fifth AboveactionCigeadh foidhe Fifth BelowactionAir-bheus Figured BassactionFaidhle: Din File > CloseactionFaidhle: r File > Newaction Faidhle: Fosgail File > Openaction Faidhle: Sbhail File > Saveaction6Faidhle: Sbhail lethbhreacFile > Save a copyaction(Faidhle: Sbhail marFile > Save asaction8Faidhle: Sbhail air loidhneFile > Save onlineaction6Obrachaidhean fhaidhlicheanFile Operationsaction&Lon le slaisicheanFill With Slashesaction&Lon le slaisicheanFill with slashesactionLorgFindactionMeurachadh Fingeringaction$A  chiad eileamaid First Elementaction Flip a  chomhairFlip Directionaction Flip a  chomhairFlip directionaction*Ceathradh os a chionn Fourth Aboveaction Ceathradh foidhe Fourth BelowactionCeap 0 (TAB) Fret 0 (TAB)actionCeap 1 (TAB) Fret 1 (TAB)actionCeap 10 (TAB) Fret 10 (TAB)actionCeap 11 (TAB) Fret 11 (TAB)actionCeap 12 (TAB) Fret 12 (TAB)actionCeap 13 (TAB) Fret 13 (TAB)actionCeap 14 (TAB) Fret 14 (TAB)actionCeap 2 (TAB) Fret 2 (TAB)actionCeap 3 (TAB) Fret 3 (TAB)actionCeap 4 (TAB) Fret 4 (TAB)actionCeap 5 (TAB) Fret 5 (TAB)actionCeap 6 (TAB) Fret 6 (TAB)actionCeap 7 (TAB) Fret 7 (TAB)actionCeap 8 (TAB) Fret 8 (TAB)actionCeap 9 (TAB) Fret 9 (TAB)action2Clos thar leagaidh shlinFull Measure RestactionLn-sgrn Full Screenaction2Clos thar leagaidh shlinFull measure restactionLn-sgrn Full screenactionGGaction@Rach dhan phong as sle sa chrdGo to bottom note in chordaction>Rach gu pong nas irde sa chrd"Go to higher pitched note in chordaction<Rach gu pong nas sle sa chrd!Go to lower pitched note in chordaction^Rach dhan ath-chrd no gluais an teacsa gu deas#Go to next chord or move text rightactionbRach dhan ath-leagadh no gluais an teacsa gu deas%Go to next measure or move text rightactionbRach dhan chrd roimhe no gluais an teacsa gu cl&Go to previous chord or move text leftactionfRach dhan leagadh roimhe no gluais an teacsa gu cl(Go to previous measure or move text leftaction2Rach dhan chiad eileamaidGo to the first elementaction@Rach dhan eileamaid mu dheireadhGo to the last elementactionBRach dhan phong as irde sa chrdGo to top note in chordaction.Nota-maise: Leth-chaman Grace: 16thactionFNota-maise: Leth-chaman s a dhidhGrace: 16th afteraction>Nota-maise: Letheach-lethchaman Grace: 32ndactionVNota-maise: Letheach-lethchaman s a dhidhGrace: 32nd afteraction*Nota-maise: Dubh-notaGrace: Quarteraction:Nota-maise: Caman s a dhidhGrace: eighth afteraction*Nota-maise: Dubh-notaGrace: quarteractionLeth-fhad Half DurationactionGeal-nota Half NoteactionGeal-nota (TAB)Half Note (TAB)actionVAdhartas geal-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird)%Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionGeal-chlos Half RestactionLeth-fhad Half durationactionGeal-nota Half noteactionGlacadh deilbh Image Captureaction DlthImplodeactionDlth susbaint nan cliathan a thagh thu dhan chliath as irde dhiubh;Implode contents of selected staves into top selected staffaction"Ion-phortaich PDF Import PDFaction$Ion-phortaich PDF & Import PDF…actionIon-phortaich faidhle PDF le seirbheis dheuchainneach air musescore.com?Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.comaction2Meudaich am fad gnomhachIncrease Active Durationaction>Meudaich am fad gnomhach (TAB)Increase Active Duration (TAB)actionFMeudaich fad nam pongan dotagaichteIncrease Duration DottedactionDMeudaich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdIncrease Layout Stretchaction2Meudaich am fad gnomhachIncrease active durationaction>Meudaich am fad gnomhach (TAB)Increase active duration (TAB)actionFMeudaich fad nam pongan dotagaichteIncrease duration dottedactionDMeudaich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdIncrease layout stretchactionMeudaich factar sneadh na co-dhealbhachd airson nan leagaidhean a thagh thu3Increase layout stretch factor of selected measuresactionCuir ris AInsert AactionCuir ris BInsert BactionCuir ris CInsert CactionCuir ris DInsert DactionCuir ris EInsert EactionCuir ris FInsert FactionTCuir a-steach fram diagraim bird-cheapanInsert Fretboard Diagram FrameactionCuir ris GInsert Gaction8Cuir a-steach fram cmhnardInsert Horizontal Frameaction4Cuir a-steach leagaidhean &Insert Measures…action*Cuir a-steach leagadhInsert One MeasureactionHCuir a-steach caractaran snraichte &Insert Special Characters…action4Cuir a-steach fram teacsaInsert Text Frameaction<Cuir a-steach fram inghearachInsert Vertical FrameactionTCuir a-steach fram diagraim bird-cheapanInsert fretboard diagram frameaction8Cuir a-steach fram cmhnardInsert horizontal frameaction2Cuir a-steach leagaidheanInsert measuresactionCuir ris pong A Insert note AactionCuir ris pong B Insert note BactionCuir ris pong C Insert note CactionCuir ris pong D Insert note DactionCuir ris pong E Insert note EactionCuir ris pong F Insert note FactionCuir ris pong G Insert note Gaction*Cuir a-steach leagadhInsert one measureactionFCuir a-steach caractaran snraichteInsert special charactersaction4Cuir a-steach fram teacsaInsert text frameaction<Cuir a-steach fram inghearachInsert vertical frameactionSgrdair Inspectoraction2Atharrachadh inneil-ciilInstrument ChangeactionInnealan-ciil &Instruments…actionEadailteachItalicactionRCuir na leagaidhean a thagh thu ri chileJoin Selected MeasuresactionRCuir na leagaidhean a thagh thu ri chileJoin selected measuresaction"Gleus-chomharran &Key Signatures…action2An eileamaid mu dheireadh Last ElementactionBreathanLayersactionBreathan & Layers…action&Luchdaich stoidhle & Load Style…action2Luchdaich sgr o fhaidhleLoad score from fileaction$Luchdaich stoidhle Load styleactionGlais an sgr Lock ScoreactionGlais an sgr Lock scoreaction<Cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleachLongaactionHCruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleach (TAB) Longa (TAB)actionAdhartas cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleach (air-bheus/samhla cird)!Longa Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionLb a-steachLoop InactionLb a-machLoop OutactionLb a  chluiche Loop Playbackaction(Sgrobhaiche fhaclanLyricistaction FaclanLyricsaction0Panail ion-phortadh MIDIMIDI Import PanelactionIon-chur MIDI MIDI Inputaction*Stiirich na pirtean Manage partsactionMarcatoMarcatoaction Promh-phailead &Master Palette…actionMeatranom Metronomeaction.Sgthanaich ceann puingMirror Noteheadaction.Sgthanaich ceann puingMirror noteheadactionMeasgadairMixeraction6Gluais an crd/clos gu deasMove Chord/Rest Rightaction4Gluais an crd/clos gu clMove Chord/Rest leftactionGluais sos Move DownactionGluais suasMove Upaction&Gluais facal gu clMove Word Leftaction(Gluais facal gu deasMove Word Rightaction4Gluais an crd/clos gu clMove chord/rest leftaction6Gluais an crd/clos gu deasMove chord/rest rightactionGluais sos Move downactiontGluais an crsair air adhart ann am modh ion-chur for-ama/Move the cursor forward in real-time input modeactionGluais suasMove upaction&Gluais facal gu clMove word leftaction(Gluais facal gu deasMove word rightactionSeladair Navigatoractionr &New…action:An ath-bhuille (samhla cird)Next Beat (Chord Symbol)actionAn t-ath-chrd Next Chordaction An ath-eileamaid Next Elementaction An t-ath-leagadh Next MeasureactionRAn t-ath-leagadh (air-bheus/samhla cird) Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)action An t-ath-leagadh Next Scoreaction,An ath-chliath no guthNext Staff or VoiceactionAn t-ath-lide Next Syllableaction:An ath-bhuille (samhla cird)Next beat (Chord symbol)actionbAn t-ath-leagadh (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)-Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action An t-ath-leagadh Next scoreaction,An ath-chliath no guthNext staff or voiceactionAn t-ath-lide Next syllableaction&Naonadh os a chionn Ninth AboveactionNaonadh foidhe Ninth BelowactionGun bharrNo BeamactionGun bharrNo beamactionNaoirinnNonupletaction,Loidhne-acrach phonganNote Anchored Lineaction Ion-chur phongan Note Inputaction,Loidhne-acrach phonganNote anchored lineaction Fad puing: 128mhNote duration: 128thaction,Fad puing: 128mh (TAB)Note duration: 128th (TAB)action,Fad puing: Leth-chamanNote duration: 16thaction8Fad puing: Leth-chaman (TAB)Note duration: 16th (TAB)action<Fad puing: Letheach-lethchamanNote duration: 32ndactionHFad puing: Letheach-lethchaman (TAB)Note duration: 32nd (TAB)actionFFad puing: Leth-letheach-lethchamanNote duration: 64thactionRFad puing: Leth-letheach-lethchaman (TAB)Note duration: 64th (TAB)action8Fad puing: Dotag meudachaidhNote duration: Augmentation dotactionLFad puing: Dotag meudachaidh dhbailte&Note duration: Double augmentation dotaction>Fad puing: Cruinn-nota dbailteNote duration: Double wholeactionJFad puing: Cruinn-nota dbailte (TAB)!Note duration: Double whole (TAB)action Fad puing: CamanNote duration: Eighthaction,Fad puing: Caman (TAB)Note duration: Eighth (TAB)action(Fad puing: Geal-notaNote duration: Halfaction4Fad puing: Geal-nota (TAB)Note duration: Half (TAB)actionRFad puing: Cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleachNote duration: Longaaction^Fad puing: Cruinn-nota ceithir-bhuilleach (TAB)Note duration: Longa (TAB)action(Fad puing: Dubh-notaNote duration: Quarteraction4Fad puing: Dubh-nota (TAB)Note duration: Quarter (TAB)action$Fad puing: NasgadhNote duration: TieactionLFad puing: Dotag meudachaidh thrbilte&Note duration: Triple augmentation dotaction,Fad puing: Cruinn-notaNote duration: Wholeaction8Fad puing: Cruinn-nota (TAB)Note duration: Whole (TAB)action Ion-chur phongan Note inputaction:Ion-chur puing: Maol dbailteNote input: Double ♭action:Ion-chur puing: Geur dbailteNote input: Double ♯action6Ion-chur puing: Clos camainNote input: Eighth restaction4Ion-chur puing: Geal-chlosNote input: Half restaction4Ion-chur puing: Dubh-chlosNote input: Quarter restaction(Ion-chur puing: ClosNote input: Restaction4Ion-chur puing: Clos (TAB)Note input: Rest (TAB)action8Ion-chur puing: Cruinn-chlosNote input: Whole restaction(Ion-chur puing: MaolNote input: ♭action.Ion-chur puing: NdarraNote input: ♮action(Ion-chur puing: GeurNote input: ♯action&Ochdadh os a chionn Octave AboveactionOchdadh foidhe Octave BelowactionOchd-rinnOctupletactionBLeabhar-mhneachaidh air loidhne &Online Handbook…action@Leabhar-mhneachaidh air loidhneOnline handbookactionFosgail &Open…action"Ioma-rinnean eile Other tupletsaction Eile &Other…action2Roghainnean na duilleige &Page Settings…action0Roghainnean na duilleige Page settingsactionDuilleag: Bonn Page: Endaction An ath-dhuilleag Page: Nextaction"Duilleag: Air aisPage: PreviousactionDuilleag: Barr Page: TopactionPaileadanPalettesaction0Rola pino leantainneachPan Piano RollactionPanaich an sgr Pan ScoreactionZRola pino leantainneach r na h-ath-chluichePan roll during playbackactionBPanaich an sgr gu fin-obrachailPan score automaticallyactionAinm a  phirt Part NameactionPirtean &Parts…actionCuir annPasteactionCluich an cel le luaths socraichte a chomharraicheas meatranom dhut@Perform the piece at a fixed tempo indicated by a metronome beatactionCluich an cel fhad s a bhios tu a  toirt gnogaidhean iuchrach no troighein gus an luaths a shuidheachadh?Perform the piece while tapping a key or pedal to set the tempoaction Meur-chlr pinoPiano Keyboardaction Meur-chlr pinoPiano keyboardaction DealbhPictureactionslich an irde le ochdadh no gluais an teacsa no an t-altachadh sos9Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation downaction4slich an irde le ochdadhPitch down octaveactiontslich an irde no gluais an teacsa no an t-altachadh sos,Pitch down or move text or articulation downactionrdaich an irde le ochdadh no gluais an teacsa no an t-altachadh suas5Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation upaction6rdaich an irde le ochdadhPitch up octaveactionvrdaich an irde no gluais an teacsa no an t-altachadh suas(Pitch up or move text or articulation upaction CluichPlayaction*Cluich an t-ath-chrdPlay Next Chordaction.Cluich an t-ath-leagadhPlay Next MeasureactionPanail cluiche Play Panelaction*Cluich an crd roimhePlay Previous Chordaction0Cluich an leagadh roimhePlay Previous Measureaction<Cluich na h-ath-ghabhalaichean Play RepeatsactionZCluich cunntadh a-steach aig toiseach cluichePlay count-in at playback startactionPCluich am meatranom r na h-ath-chluichePlay metronome during playbackaction*Cluich an t-ath-chrdPlay next chordaction.Cluich an t-ath-leagadhPlay next measureaction*Cluich an crd roimhePlay previous chordaction0Cluich an leagadh roimhePlay previous measureaction<Cluich na h-ath-ghabhalaichean Play repeatsaction*Stiireadh na cluichePlayback Controlsaction,Inneal-cluiche: cluich Player: playaction@Inneal-cluiche: toinn air ais anPlayer: rewindaction@Inneal-cluiche: sir gun toiseachPlayer: seek to beginaction@Inneal-cluiche: sir gun deireadhPlayer: seek to endaction,Cruthadair nam plugan &Plugin Creator…action,Manaidsear nam plugan &Plugin Manager…action*Cruthadair nam pluganPlugin creatoraction*Manaidsear nam pluganPlugin manageractionBA  bhuille roimhpe (samhla cird)Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)actionAn crd roimhePrevious Chordaction&An eileamaid roimhePrevious Elementaction"An leagadh roimhePrevious MeasureactionTAn leagadh roimhe (air-bheus/samhla cird)$Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionAn sgr roimhePrevious Scoreaction4A  chliath no guth roimhpePrevious Staff or VoiceactionAn lide roimhePrevious SyllableactionBA  bhuille roimhpe (samhla cird)Previous beat (Chord symbol)actiondAn leagadh roimhe (air-bheus/samhla cird a-mhin)1Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionAn sgr roimhePrevious scoreaction4A  chliath no guth roimhpePrevious staff or voiceactionAn lide roimhePrevious syllableactionCl-bhuailPrintaction$Cl-bhuail an sgr Print scoreactionCl-bhuail &Print…actionCeithir-rinn QuadrupletactionDubh-nota Quarter NoteactionDubh-nota (TAB)Quarter Note (TAB)actionVAdhartas dubh-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird)(Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionDubh-chlos Quarter RestactionDubh-nota Quarter noteactionCig-rinn QuintupletactionFg an-seoQuitactionAth-ghleusRe-PitchactionAth dhanRedoactionLAth-dhan an neo-dhanamh mu dheireadhRedo last undoaction8Ath-bhuidhnich na ruitheamanRegroup Rhythmsaction8Ath-bhuidhnich na ruitheamanRegroup rhythmsaction,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal Markaction@Ath-dhan an ithne mu dheireadhRepeat Last Commandaction(Ath-ghabh an taghadhRepeat Selectionaction@Ath-dhan an ithne mu dheireadhRepeat last commandaction(Ath-ghabh an taghadhRepeat selectionaction|Cuir gleusan nan ite gun a bhith ag atharrachadh an ruitheam(Replace pitches without changing rhythmsaction*Dan aithris air buga Report a BugactionTAth-shreathaich na comharran ruith-thairisResequence Rehearsal MarksactionTAth-shreathaich na comharran ruith-thairisResequence rehearsal marksactionNAth-shuidhich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdReset Layout StretchactionNAth-shuidhich sneadh na co-dhealbhachdReset layout stretchactionAth-shuidhich factar sneadh na co-dhealbhachd airson nan leagaidhean a thagh thu no an sgr air fad@Reset layout stretch factor of selected measures or entire scoreaction2Manaidsear nan goireasan &Resource Manager…action0Manaidsear nan goireasanResource manageraction,Ath-litrich na gleusanRespell Pitchesaction,Ath-litrich na gleusanRespell pitchesactionClosRestactionClos (TAB) Rest (TAB)actionToinn air aisRewindaction6Toinn air ais dhan toiseachRewind to start positionactionRuitheamRhythmactionSbhailSaveactionSbhail mar & Save As…action(Sbhail air loidhne &Save Online…action&Sbhail an taghadh &Save Selection…action(Sbhail an stoidhle & Save Style…action2Sbhail lethbhreac dheth &Save a Copy…actionSbhail lethbhreac dhen sgr a thuilleadh air an fhaidhle lithreach8Save a copy of the score in addition to the current fileactionrSbhail lethbhreac dhen sgr ann an roghadh dhe fhrmatan+Save a copy of the score in various formatsactionSbhail lethbhreac de phirtean an sgir ann an roghadh dhe fhrmatan3Save a copy of the score's parts in various formatsactionRSbhail an taghadh lithreach mar sgr r#Save current selection as new scoreactionBSbhail an sgr air MuseScore.comSave score on MuseScore.comaction4Sbhail an sgr gu faidhleSave score to fileactionDSbhail an sgr fo ainm-faidhle r Save score under a new file nameaction$Sbhail an taghadhSave selectionaction&Sbhail an stoidhle Save styleaction*Roghainnean an sgir &Score Properties…action(Deiseadh os a chionn Second AboveactionDeiseadh foidhe Second Belowaction Sir gun toiseach Seek to Beginaction Sir gun deireadh Seek to EndactionTagh na h-uile Select AllactionTagh roinnSelect SectionactionTagh na h-uile Select allactionNTagh gach eileamaid a tha coltach ritheSelect all similar elementsactionbTagh gach eileamaid coltach rithe san aon chliath)Select all similar elements in same staffactiontTagh gach eileamaid a tha coltach rithe san taghadh rainse2Select all similar elements in the range selectionactionzTagh a h-uile eileamaid coltach rithe le barrachd roghainnean-Select all similar elements with more optionsactionTagh roinnSelect sectionactionLTagh an teud os a chionn (TAB a-mhin)Select string above (TAB only)actionBTagh an teud foidhe (TAB a-mhin)Select string below (TAB only)actionBTagh gu ruige toiseach na loidhneSelect to Beginning of LineactionDTagh gu ruige toiseach an leagaidhSelect to Beginning of Measureaction>Tagh gu ruige toiseach an sgirSelect to Beginning of ScoreactionBTagh gu ruige deireadh na loidhneSelect to End of Lineaction>Tagh gu ruige deireadh an sgirSelect to End of ScoreactionBTagh gu ruige toiseach na loidhneSelect to beginning of lineactionDTagh gu ruige toiseach an leagaidhSelect to beginning of measureaction>Tagh gu ruige toiseach an sgirSelect to beginning of scoreactionBTagh gu ruige deireadh na loidhneSelect to end of lineactionDTagh gu ruige deireadh an leagaidhSelect to end of measureaction>Tagh gu ruige deireadh an sgirSelect to end of scoreaction$Criathrag taghaidhSelection FilteractionSeachd-rinn SeptupletactionFalaich e Set InvisibleactionSeall e Set VisibleactionFalaich e Set invisibleactionDSuidhich ionad an lbaidh a-steachSet loop in positionaction@Suidhich ionad an lbaidh a-machSet loop out positionactionSeall e Set visibleaction*Seachdadh os a chionn Seventh Aboveaction Seachdadh foidhe Seventh BelowactionSia-rinn Sextupletaction$Seall framaichean Show Framesaction$Seall n falaichteShow Invisibleaction:Seall marghain nan duilleaganShow Page MarginsactionHSeall nithean nach gabh cl-bhualadhShow Unprintableaction$Seall framaichean Show framesactionSeall sgrdairShow inspectoractionBSeall cmhradh nan innealan-ciilShow instruments dialogaction$Seall n falaichteShow invisibleactionDSeall pailead nan gleus-chomharranShow key signature paletteaction0Seall am promh-phaileadShow master paletteaction8Seall cmhradh nam meadhananShow media dialogactionRSeall an leabhar-mhneachaidh air loidhneShow online handbookaction:Seall marghain nan duilleaganShow page marginsaction<Seall pailead nan samhlaidheanShow symbol paletteaction@Seall pailead nan tm-chomharranShow time signature paletteactionHSeall nithean nach gabh cl-bhualadhShow unprintableaction(Seiseadh os a chionn Sixth AboveactionSeiseadh foidhe Sixth BelowactionCeangalSluractionStaccatoStaccatoaction"Teacsa na clithe Staff Textaction$Ionad tiseachaidh Start centeraction<Tisich no sguir dhen chluicheStart or stop playbackactionBr-staide Status Baraction,Teud os a chionn (TAB)String Above (TAB)action"Teud foidhe (TAB)String Below (TAB)actionStoidhle &Style…actionFo-thiotalSubtitleaction0Suaip leis an str-bhrdSwap with ClipboardactionSamhlaidhean & Symbols…actionSinteisear Synthesizeraction(Teacsa an t-siostaim System Textaction$Comharradh luaiths Tempo Markingaction TenutoTenutoaction TeacsaTextaction*Trtheadh os a chionn Third Aboveaction Trtheadh foidhe Third BelowactionNasgadhTieactionTm-chomharran &Time Signatures…action TiotalTitleactionLToglaich cluich a  chunntaidh a-steachToggle 'Count-In' playbackaction^Toglaich Cruthaich clois thar iomadh leagaidh !Toggle 'Create Multimeasure Rest'actionbToglaich br-inneal Obrachaidhean fhaidhlichean  Toggle 'File Operations' toolbaractionJToglaich Falaich na cliathan falamh Toggle 'Hide Empty Staves'action2Toglaich Glacadh deilbh Toggle 'Image Capture'actionHToglaich br-inneal Glacadh deilbh Toggle 'Image Capture' toolbaraction4Toglaich Lb a  chluiche Toggle 'Loop Playback'actionFToglaich Panail ion-phortadh MIDI Toggle 'MIDI Import Panel'action0Toglaich Ion-chur MIDI Toggle 'MIDI Input'action0Toglaich am Measgadair Toggle 'Mixer'action.Toglaich an Seladair Toggle 'Navigator'actionLToglaich br-inneal Ion-chur phongan Toggle 'Note Input' toolbaraction:Toglaich Briseadh-duilleige Toggle 'Page Break'action(Toglaich Paileadan Toggle 'Palettes'action4Toglaich Panaich an sgr Toggle 'Pan Score'action2Toglaich Panail cluiche Toggle 'Play Panel'actionRToglaich Cluich na h-ath-ghabhalaichean Toggle 'Play Repeats'actionVToglaich br-inneal Stiireadh na cluiche "Toggle 'Playback Controls' toolbaractionFToglaich Ntachadh slais ruitheim  Toggle 'Rhythmic Slash Notation'action4Toglaich Briseadh-roinne Toggle 'Section Break'action:Toglaich Criathrag taghaidh Toggle 'Selection Filter'action*Toglaich Br-staide Toggle 'Status Bar'action8Toglaich Briseadh-siostaim Toggle 'System Break'action<Toglaich Modh an t-seallaidh Toggle 'View Mode'action8Toglaich an Fhaicsinneachd Toggle 'Visibility'action6Toglaich briseadh-duilleigeToggle Page BreakactionBToglaich ntachadh slais ruitheimToggle Rhythmic Slash Notationaction0Toglaich briseadh-roinneToggle Section Breakaction4Toglaich briseadh-siostaimToggle System Breakaction8Toglaich modh an t-seallaidhToggle View Modeaction4Toglaich an fhaicsinneachdToggle Visibilityaction&Toglaich bogha sosToggle down bowaction Toglaich marcatoToggle marcatoaction<Toglaich cluich a  mheatranoimToggle metronome playbackactionHToglaich an rola pino leantainneachToggle pan piano rollaction"Toglaich staccatoToggle staccatoactionToglaich tenuto Toggle tenutoaction Toglaich trilean Toggle trillaction*Toglaich bogha a-nos Toggle up bowaction2Am pong as irde sa chrdTop Note in Chordaction Gleus-atharraich Transposeaction*Gleus-atharraich sosTranspose Downaction*Gleus-atharraich suas Transpose Upaction*Gleus-atharraich sosTranspose downaction*Gleus-atharraich suas Transpose upaction&Iuchair throbailte Treble ClefactionTrileanTrillaction6Dotag meudachaidh thrbilteTriple Augmentation Dotaction6Dotag meudachaidh thrbilteTriple augmentation dotactionTr-rinnTripletactionLoidhne fodha UnderlineactionNeo-dhanUndoactionPNeo-dhan an t-atharrachadh mu dheireadhUndo last changeaction6Aon-fhuaimneach os a chionn Unison AboveactionSuasUpactionBogha a-nosUp Bowaction$Pong suas sa chrdUp Note in ChordactionOchdadh suas Up Octaveaction Guth 1Voice 1action Guth 2Voice 2action Guth 3Voice 3action Guth 4Voice 4actionCruinn-nota Whole Noteaction"Cruinn-nota (TAB)Whole Note (TAB)actionZAdhartas cruinn-nota (air-bheus/samhla cird)&Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)actionCruinn-chlos Whole RestactionCruinn-nota Whole noteactionSm an canabhas Zoom CanvasactionSm a-steachZoom InactionSm a-machZoom OutactionSm an canabhas Zoom canvasactionSm a-steachZoom inactionSm a-machZoom outactionSm gu 100% Zoom to 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osalDoubling on low Abagpipe&Dbladh air G osalDoubling on low GbagpipeFNota-maise G s src dbailte air BG grace note double strike on BbagpipeFNota-maise G s src dbailte air CG grace note double strike on CbagpipeFNota-maise G s src dbailte air DG grace note double strike on DbagpipeFNota-maise G s src dbailte air EG grace note double strike on EbagpipeFNota-maise G s src dbailte air FG grace note double strike on FbagpipeRNota-maise G s src dbailte air A osal#G grace note double strike on low Abagpipe6Nota-maise G s greim air BG grace note grip on Bbagpipe6Nota-maise G s greim air CG grace note grip on Cbagpipe6Nota-maise G s greim air DG grace note grip on Dbagpipe6Nota-maise G s greim air EG grace note grip on Ebagpipe6Nota-maise G s greim air FG grace note grip on FbagpipeBNota-maise G s greim air A osalG grace note grip on low Abagpipe$Nota-maise G air BG grace note on Bbagpipe$Nota-maise G air CG grace note on Cbagpipe$Nota-maise G air DG grace note on Dbagpipe$Nota-maise G air EG grace note on Ebagpipe$Nota-maise G air FG grace note on Fbagpipe0Nota-maise G air A osalG grace note on low AbagpipeFNota-maise G s src trbilte air BG grace note triple strike on BbagpipeFNota-maise G s src trbilte air CG grace note triple strike on CbagpipeFNota-maise G s src trbilte air DG grace note triple strike on DbagpipeFNota-maise G s src trbilte air EG grace note triple strike on EbagpipeFNota-maise G s src trbilte air FG grace note triple strike on FbagpipeRNota-maise G s src trbilte air A osal#G grace note triple strike on low Abagpipe GreimGripbagpipe(Leth-thilgeadh air D Half D throwbagpipe>Leth-shrc dbailte air B osalHalf double strike on Bbagpipe2Leth-shrc dbailte air CHalf double strike on Cbagpipe2Leth-shrc dbailte air DHalf double strike on Dbagpipe2Leth-shrc dbailte air EHalf double strike on Ebagpipe2Leth-shrc dbailte air FHalf double strike on Fbagpipe:Leth-shrc dbailte air A rdHalf double strike on high Abagpipe:Leth-shrc dbailte air G rdHalf double strike on high Gbagpipe>Leth-shrc dbailte air A osalHalf double strike on low Abagpipe&Leth-dhbladh air BHalf doubling on Bbagpipe&Leth-dhbladh air CHalf doubling on Cbagpipe&Leth-dhbladh air DHalf doubling on Dbagpipe&Leth-dhbladh air EHalf doubling on Ebagpipe&Leth-dhbladh air FHalf doubling on Fbagpipe2Leth-dhbladh air A osalHalf doubling on low Abagpipe2Leth-dhbladh air G osalHalf doubling on low Gbagpipe.Leth-ghreim air B osalHalf grip on Bbagpipe"Leth-ghreim air CHalf grip on Cbagpipe"Leth-ghreim air DHalf grip on Dbagpipe"Leth-ghreim air EHalf grip on Ebagpipe"Leth-ghreim air FHalf grip on Fbagpipe*Leth-ghreim air A rdHalf grip on high Abagpipe*Leth-ghreim air G rdHalf grip on high Gbagpipe.Leth-ghreim air A osalHalf grip on low Abagpipe2Leth-thilgeadh trom air DHalf heavy D throwbagpipe Leth-phele air BHalf pele on Bbagpipe Leth-phele air CHalf pele on Cbagpipe Leth-phele air DHalf pele on Dbagpipe Leth-phele air EHalf pele on Ebagpipe Leth-phele air FHalf pele on Fbagpipe(Leth-phele air G rdHalf pele on high Gbagpipe,Leth-phele air A osalHalf pele on low Abagpipe,Leth-shrc air B osalHalf strike on Bbagpipe Leth-shrc air CHalf strike on Cbagpipe Leth-shrc air DHalf strike on Dbagpipe Leth-shrc air EHalf strike on Ebagpipe Leth-shrc air FHalf strike on Fbagpipe(Leth-shrc air G rdHalf strike on high Gbagpipe,Leth-shrc air A osalHalf strike on low Abagpipe2Leth-shrc trbilte air BHalf triple strike on Bbagpipe2Leth-shrc trbilte air CHalf triple strike on Cbagpipe2Leth-shrc trbilte air DHalf triple strike on Dbagpipe2Leth-shrc trbilte air EHalf triple strike on Ebagpipe2Leth-shrc trbilte air FHalf triple strike on Fbagpipe:Leth-shrc trbilte air A rdHalf triple strike on high Abagpipe:Leth-shrc trbilte air G rdHalf triple strike on high Gbagpipe>Leth-shrc trbilte air A osalHalf triple strike on low Abagpipe&Tilgeadh trom air D Heavy D throwbagpipePele air B Pele on BbagpipePele air C Pele on CbagpipePele air D Pele on DbagpipePele air E Pele on EbagpipePele air F Pele on Fbagpipe Pele air A osal Pele on low Abagpipe Nota-maise air BSingle grace Bbagpipe Nota-maise air CSingle grace Cbagpipe Nota-maise air DSingle grace Dbagpipe Nota-maise air ESingle grace Ebagpipe Nota-maise air FSingle grace Fbagpipe(Nota-maise air A rdSingle grace high Abagpipe(Nota-maise air G rdSingle grace high Gbagpipe,Nota-maise air A osalSingle grace low Abagpipe,Nota-maise air G osalSingle grace low GbagpipeTaorluath Taorluathbagpipe8rdag s src dbailte air BThumb double strike on Bbagpipe8rdag s src dbailte air CThumb double strike on Cbagpipe8rdag s src dbailte air DThumb double strike on Dbagpipe8rdag s src dbailte air EThumb double strike on Ebagpipe8rdag s src dbailte air FThumb double strike on Fbagpipe@rdag s src dbailte air G rdThumb double strike on high GbagpipeDrdag s src dbailte air A osalThumb double strike on low Abagpipe*Dbladh rdaige air BThumb doubling on Bbagpipe*Dbladh rdaige air CThumb doubling on Cbagpipe*Dbladh rdaige air DThumb doubling on Dbagpipe*Dbladh rdaige air EThumb doubling on Ebagpipe*Dbladh rdaige air FThumb doubling on Fbagpipe6Dbladh rdaige air A osalThumb doubling on low Abagpipe6Dbladh rdaige air G osalThumb doubling on low Gbagpipe@Nota-maise rdaige s pele air BThumb grace note pele on Bbagpipe@Nota-maise rdaige s pele air CThumb grace note pele on Cbagpipe@Nota-maise rdaige s pele air DThumb grace note pele on Dbagpipe@Nota-maise rdaige s pele air EThumb grace note pele on Ebagpipe@Nota-maise rdaige s pele air FThumb grace note pele on FbagpipeHNota-maise rdaige s pele air G rdThumb grace note pele on high GbagpipeLNota-maise rdaige s pele air A osalThumb grace note pele on low Abagpipe(rdag s greim air BThumb grip on Bbagpipe(rdag s greim air CThumb grip on Cbagpipe(rdag s greim air DThumb grip on Dbagpipe(rdag s greim air EThumb grip on Ebagpipe(rdag s greim air FThumb grip on Fbagpipe0rdag s greim air G rdThumb grip on high Gbagpipe4rdag s greim air A osalThumb grip on low Abagpipe$Src rdaige air BThumb strike on Bbagpipe$Src rdaige air CThumb strike on Cbagpipe$Src rdaige air DThumb strike on Dbagpipe$Src rdaige air EThumb strike on Ebagpipe$Src rdaige air FThumb strike on Fbagpipe,Src rdaige air G rdThumb strike on high Gbagpipe0Src rdaige air A osalThumb strike on low Abagpipe8rdag s src trbilte air BThumb triple strike on Bbagpipe8rdag s src trbilte air CThumb triple strike on Cbagpipe8rdag s src trbilte air DThumb triple strike on Dbagpipe8rdag s src trbilte air EThumb triple strike on Ebagpipe8rdag s src trbilte air FThumb triple strike on Fbagpipe@rdag s src trbilte air G rdThumb triple strike on high GbagpipeDrdag s src trbilte air A osalThumb triple strike on low Abagpipe&Src trbilte air BTriple strike on Bbagpipe&Src trbilte air CTriple strike on Cbagpipe&Src trbilte air DTriple strike on Dbagpipe&Src trbilte air ETriple strike on Ebagpipe&Src trbilte air FTriple strike on Fbagpipe.Src trbilte air A rdTriple strike on high Abagpipe.Src trbilte air G rdTriple strike on high Gbagpipe2Src trbilte air A osalTriple strike on low AbagpipeIuchair alto Alto clef clefTable:Iuchair bharatoin (iuchair C)Baritone clef (C clef) clefTable:Iuchair bharatoin (iuchair F)Baritone clef (F clef) clefTableIuchair bheus Bass clef clefTable6Iuchair fdhle na FraingiseFrench violin clef clefTable*Iuchair mezzo-sopranoMezzo-soprano clef clefTable&Beum-ionnsramaidean Percussion clefTableIuchair soprano Soprano clef clefTable Iuchair fo-bheus Subbass clef clefTableTablachd Tablature clefTableIuchair tenor Tenor clef clefTable&Iuchair throbailte Treble clef clefTable,Beus-dhruma fuaimearraAcoustic Bass Drumdrumset0Druma-tormain fuaimearraAcoustic SnaredrumsetBeus-dhruma 1 Bass Drum 1drumsetCraobh chlagan Bell Treedrumset CabasaCabasadrumset"Castaineataichean CastanetsdrumsetCiombal SneachChinese Cymbaldrumset ClavesClavesdrumsetHi-hat dinte Closed Hi-HatdrumsetClag bCowbelldrumsetCiombal crash 1Crash Cymbal 1drumsetCiombal crash 2Crash Cymbal 2drumset.Druma-tormain dealanachElectric SnaredrumsetBualadh bhasan Hand ClapdrumsetBongo rdHi Bongodrumset Bloca fiodha rd Hi Wood BlockdrumsetTom meadhan-rd Hi-Mid TomdrumsetAgogo rd High AgogodrumsetTom lir rdHigh Floor Tomdrumset Q rdHigh QdrumsetTimbale rd High TimbaledrumsetTom rdHigh TomdrumsetGiro fada Long GüirodrumsetFead fhada Long WhistledrumsetAgogo osal Low AgogodrumsetBongo osal Low BongodrumsetConga osal Low CongadrumsetTom lir osal Low Floor TomdrumsetTimbale osal Low TimbaledrumsetTom osalLow Tomdrumset$Bloca fiodha osalLow Wood Blockdrumset"Tom meadhan-osal Low-Mid TomdrumsetMaracasMaracasdrumsetClag meatranoimMetronome Belldrumset Cliog meatranoimMetronome ClickdrumsetCuica mchte Mute Cuicadrumset Conga rd mchte Mute Hi CongadrumsetSurdo mchte Mute SurdodrumsetTriantan mchte Mute TriangledrumsetCuica fosgailte Open Cuicadrumset&Conga rd fosgailte Open Hi Congadrumset Hi-hat fosgailte Open Hi-HatdrumsetSurdo fosgailte Open Surdodrumset$Triantan fosgailte Open Triangledrumset Hi-Hat troighein Pedal Hi-HatdrumsetClag Ride Ride BelldrumsetCiombal ride 1 Ride Cymbal 1drumsetCiombal ride 2 Ride Cymbal 2drumset Tarraing scratch Scratch Pulldrumset Brthadh scratch Scratch PushdrumsetCrathadairShakerdrumsetGiro goirid Short GüirodrumsetFead ghoirid Short WhistledrumsetTaobh biorain Side Stickdrumset SgleogSlapdrumsetClag slaoid Sleigh BelldrumsetCiombal splash Splash CymbaldrumsetCliog cernach Square ClickdrumsetBiorananSticksdrumsetTiompan TambourinedrumsetCrith-sgleog VibraslapdrumsetAA editstaffA&mA♭ editstaffBB editstaffB&mB♭ editstaffCC editstaffC&oC♯ editstaffDD editstaffEE editstaffE&mE♭ editstaffFF editstaffF&oF♯ editstaffGG editstaffAAeditstringdataA&mA♭editstringdataBBeditstringdataB&mB♭editstringdataCCeditstringdataC&oC♯editstringdataDDeditstringdataEEeditstringdataE&mE♭editstringdataFFeditstringdataF&oF♯editstringdataGGeditstringdataPong-seachrain Accidental elementNameAmbitusAmbitus elementNameArpeggioArpeggio elementNameAltachadh Articulation elementName"Sgeadachadh pobaBagpipe Embellishment elementName Loidhne-leagaidhBarline elementNameBarrBeam elementNameCromBend elementName CamagBracket elementName AnailBreath elementNameCrdChord elementNameLoidhne cird Chord Line elementNameSamhla cird Chord Symbol elementNameIuchair-ghleusClef elementName FillteCompound elementNameDinimigeachDynamic elementNameEileamaidElement elementName&Liosta eileamaidean Element List elementNameFermataFermata elementNameAir-bheus Figured Bass elementNameMeurachadh Fingering elementName$Samhla crutha-chl Font Symbol elementName*Diagram bird-cheapanFretboard Diagram elementName8Fram diagraim bird-cheapanFretboard Diagram Frame elementNameGlissando Glissando elementName"Earrann glissandoGlissando Segment elementName BioranHairpin elementNameEarran biorainHairpin Segment elementName CrcanHook elementNameFrama cmhnardHorizontal Frame elementNameomhaigheagIcon elementName DealbhImage elementName2Atharrachadh inneil-ciilInstrument Change elementName"Ainm inneil-ciilInstrument Name elementNameM-dhligheachInvalid elementNameLeumJump elementNameGleus-chomharra Key Signature elementNameCrampagLasso elementName4Briseadh na co-dhealbhachd Layout Break elementName"Loidhne-bharraich Ledger Line elementName FaclanLyrics elementNameComharraMarker elementNameLeagadhMeasure elementName$Liosta nan leagadh Measure List elementName ireamh leagaidhMeasure Number elementNameLoidhne melisma Melisma Line elementName.Earrann loidhne melismaMelisma Line Segment elementNamePongNote elementNameDotag puingNote Dot elementNameLoidhne phongan Note Line elementNameCeann puingNotehead elementName OssiaOssia elementName OttavaOttava elementNameEarrann ottavaOttava Segment elementNameDuilleagPage elementName PirtPart elementNameTroigheanPedal elementName"Earrann troighein Pedal Segment elementName,Comharra ruith-thairisRehearsal Mark elementName(Ath-ghabh an leagadhRepeat Measure elementNameClosRest elementNameSgrScore elementNameEarrannSegment elementNameTaghadh Selection elementNameSgil-phuing Shadow Note elementNameCeangalSlur elementName Earrann ceangail Slur Segment elementNameSgaradairSpacer elementName CliathStaff elementName(Loidhnichean clithe Staff Lines elementName Liosta chliathan Staff List elementNameStaid clithe Staff State elementName"Teacsa na clithe Staff Text elementNameEarballStem elementNameSlais earbaill Stem Slash elementName SamhlaSymbol elementNameSiostamSystem elementName(Teacsa an t-siostaim System Text elementName,Samhla faid tabulaturaTab Duration Symbol elementName LuathsTempo elementName TeacsaText elementNameFram teacsa Text Frame elementNameLoidhne teacsa Text Line elementName,Earrann loidhne teacsaText Line Segment elementNameNasgadhTie elementNameTm-chomharraTime Signature elementNameTremoloTremolo elementNameBr crithe Tremolo Bar elementNameTrileanTrill elementNameEarrann trilein Trill Segment elementNameIoma-rinnTuplet elementName Fram inghearachVertical Frame elementName VoltaVolta elementNameEarran volta Volta Segment elementNameChan urrainn dhuinn an tm-chomharra ionadail atharrachadh: Chan eil an leagadh falamh8Cannot change local time signature: Measure is not emptyerrornCha b  urrainn dhuinn a chur san tm-chomharra ionadail$Cannot paste in local time signatureerrorVCha b  urrainn dhuinn a chur ann an tremoloCannot paste in tremoloerrorVCha b  urrainn dhuinn a chur dhan ioma-rinnCannot paste into tupleterrorChan urrainn dhuinn an leagadh a sgoltadh an-seo: Cha ghabh ioma-rinn sgoltadh.Cannot split measure here: Cannot split tupleterrorCha ghabh an leagadh sgoltadh an-seo: Seo ciad buille an leagaidh0Cannot split measure here: First beat of measureerrorNChan eil ceann-uidhe ann gus a chur annNo destination to pasteerrornChan urrainn dha dh ioma-rinn dol thar loidhne-leagaidhTuplet cannot cross barlineserrorLeudachain Extensionsextensions_directory&Ath-mheudaich air A Resize to Afotomode&Ath-mheudaich air B Resize to Bfotomode&Ath-mheudaich air C Resize to Cfotomode&Ath-mheudaich air 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Brevis noteheadnamesFin-obrachailAuto noteheadnames(Cruinn-nota dbailteBreve noteheadnames CroisCross noteheadnamesGnthaichteCustom noteheadnamesDaoimeanDiamond noteheadnamesDDo noteheadnamesFFa noteheadnamesGeal-notaHalf noteheadnamesLLa noteheadnamesMMi noteheadnamesbhaisteachNormal noteheadnamesDubh-notaQuarter noteheadnamesRRe noteheadnames SlaisSlash noteheadnamesSolSol noteheadnamesTTi noteheadnamesCruinn-notaWhole noteheadnamesCrois-chearcallXCircle noteheadnamesbhaisteachNormalnoteheadschemesPlugainPluginsplugins_directory SgranScoresscores_directoryNa h-uileAllselectionfilterArpeggiothan Arpeggiosselectionfilter.Altachadh J sgeadachadhArticulations & Ornamentsselectionfilter"Comharran-analach Breath Marksselectionfilter$Samhlaidhean cird Chord SymbolsselectionfilterAir-bheus Figured Bassselectionfilter.Diagraman bird-cheapanFretboard Diagramsselectionfilter Notaichean-maise Grace Notesselectionfilter FaclanLyricsselectionfilter"Loidhnichean eile Other LinesselectionfilterTeacsa eile Other Textselectionfilter,Loidhnichean troighein Pedal LinesselectionfilterCeanglaicheanSlursselectionfilter Guth 1Voice 1selectionfilter Guth 2Voice 2selectionfilter Guth 3Voice 3selectionfilter Guth 4Voice 4selectionfilterAth-ghoiridean Shortcutsshortcuts_directorySoundFonts SoundFontssoundfonts_directory4CLIATH BEUM-IONNSRAMAIDEANPERCUSSION STAFFstaff group header name$CLIATH STANNARDACHSTANDARD STAFFstaff group header nameCLIATH TABLACHDTABLATURE STAFFstaff group header nameStoidhleanStylesstyles_directory"Dotag meudachaidhAugmentation dot symUserNamesCaesuraCaesura symUserNamesCodaCoda symUserNamesMaol dbailte Double flat symUserNamesGeur dbailte Double sharp symUserNamesBogha sosDown bow symUserNamesMordente a-nuas Down mordent symUserNamesCron a-steachFade in symUserNamesCron a-machFade out symUserNamesMaolFlat symUserNamesCo-sheirmeachHarmonic symUserNamesPrall loidhne Line prall symUserNamesMordenteMordent symUserNamesNdarraNatural symUserNamesFosgailteOpen symUserNames PinoPiano symUserNamesPrall sos Prall down symUserNamesPrall mordente Prall mordent symUserNamesPrall suasPrall up symUserNames SegnoSegno symUserNamesGeurSharp symUserNamesTrileanTrill symUserNames CasadhTurn symUserNamesBogha a-nosUp bow symUserNamesMordente a-nos Up mordent symUserNamesPrall a-nosUp prall symUserNamesSuail irde Volume swell symUserNamesTeamplaidean Templatestemplates_directory&ireamhan igeanachAegean Numbers textpalette4Samhlaidhean ailceimigeachAlchemical Symbols textpaletteBFoirmean taisbeanaidh aibidealachAlphabetic Presentation Forms textpaletteHNtachadh ciil na Greugaise rsaidhAncient Greek Musical Notation textpalette<ireamhan na Greugaise rsaidhAncient Greek Numbers textpalette(Samhlaidhean rsaidhAncient Symbols textpaletteArabaisArabic textpalette(Arabais leudaichte AArabic Extended-A textpalettetSamhlaidhean litir-ireamhail matamataigeach na h-Arabaise&Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols textpaletteHFoirmean taisbeanadh na h-Arabaise AArabic Presentation Forms-A textpaletteHFoirmean taisbeanadh na h-Arabaise BArabic Presentation Forms-B textpalette&Foirlionadh ArabaisArabic Supplement textpaletteAirmeinisArmenian textpaletteSaighdeanArrows textpaletteAvestanaisAvestan textpaletteBaliBalinese textpalette BamumBamum textpalette"Foirlionadh BamumBamum Supplement textpalette$Laideann bhunasach Basic Latin textpaletteBassa Vah Bassa Vah textpalette BatakBatak textpaletteBeangailisBengali textpalette2Eileamaidean bhlocaicheanBlock Elements textpaletteBopomofoBopomofo textpalette&Bopomofo leudaichteBopomofo Extended textpalette*Tarraing bhogsaichean Box Drawing textpalette BrahmiBrahmi textpalettePtrain BrailleBraille Patterns textpalette BugisBuginese textpalette BuhidBuhid textpalette:Samhlaidhean ciil BiosantachByzantine Musical Symbols textpalette$Co-chrdalachd CJKCJK Compatibility textpalette6Foirmean co-chrdalachd CJKCJK Compatibility Forms textpalette>Ideo-ghrafan co-chrdalachd CJKCJK Compatibility Ideographs textpalette8Foirlionadh nam freumhan CJKCJK Radicals Supplement textpaletteStrcan CJK CJK Strokes textpalette@Samhlaidhean is puingeachadh CJKCJK Symbols and Punctuation textpalette4Ideo-ghrafan aonaichte CJKCJK Unified Ideographs textpaletteTLeudachan A nan ideo-ghrafan aonaichte CJK"CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A textpaletteCariaisCarian textpalette(Albinis ChabhcasachCaucasian Albanian textpalette ChakmaChakma textpaletteChamCham textpaletteCherokeeCherokee textpalette4Comharran-litreach nasgachCombining Diacritical Marks textpaletteJComharran-litreach nasgach leudaichte$Combining Diacritical Marks Extended textpaletteTFoirlionadh nan comharran-litreach nasgach&Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement textpaletteXComharran-litreach nasgach dha shamhlaidhean&Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbol textpalette.Leth-chomharran nasgachCombining Half Marks textpaletteNCruthan ireamhan Innseanach coitcheannCommon Indic Number Forms textpalette$Dealbhan stiiridhControl Pictures textpaletteCoptaisCoptic textpalette6ireamhan epact na CoptaiseCoptic Epact Numbers textpalette4ireamhan slaite-cunntaidhCounting Rod Numerals textpaletteGinneach Cuneiform textpaletteFireamhan is puingeachadh ginneach!Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation textpalette,Samhlaidhean airgeadraCurrency Symbols textpalette*Lidire na CoprasaiseCypriot Syllabary textpaletteCirilisCyrillic textpalette(Cirilis leudaichte ACyrillic Extended-A textpalette(Cirilis leudaichte BCyrillic Extended-B textpalette&Foirlionadh CirilisCyrillic Supplement textpaletteDeseretDeseret textpaletteDevanagari Devanagari textpalette*Devanagari leudaichteDevanagari Extended textpaletteDingbatsDingbats textpaletteLeacagan Domino Domino Tiles textpalette2Gearr-sgrobhadh DhuployDuployan textpalette:Dealbh-sgrobhadh ipheiteachEgyptian Hieroglyphs textpaletteElbasanaisElbasan textpalette4Samhlaidhean-gnis (Emoji)Emoticons (Emoji) textpalettePFoirlionadh litir-ireamhail cuairtichte Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement textpaletteFLitrichean is ireamhan cuairtichteEnclosed Alphanumerics textpaletteHLitrichean is mosan CJK cuairtichteEnclosed CJK Letters and Months textpaletteRFoirlionadh ideo-ghrafaichean cuairtichteEnclosed Ideographic Supplement textpalette Ge ezEthiopic textpalette Ge ez leudaichteEthiopic Extended textpalette$Ge ez leudaichte AEthiopic Extended-A textpalette"Foirlionadh Ge ezEthiopic Supplement textpalette.Puingeachadh coitcheannGeneral Punctuation textpalette$Cruthan geomatrachGeometric Shapes textpalette:Cruthan geomatrach leudaichteGeometric Shapes Extended textpaletteCairtbheilisGeorgian textpalette6Foirlionadh na CairtbheilisGeorgian Supplement textpaletteGlag Glagolitic textpalette GotaisGothic textpaletteGranthaGrantha textpalette&Greugais leudaichteGreek Extended textpalette*Greugais agus CoptaisGreek and Coptic textpaletteGujaratiGujarati textpaletteGurmukhiGurmukhi textpalette<Foirmean leth-leud is ln-leudHalfwidth and Fullwidth Forms textpalette4Hangul Jamo co-chrdalachdHangul Compatibility Jamo textpaletteHangul Jamo Hangul Jamo textpalette0Hangul Jamo leudaichte AHangul Jamo Extended-A textpalette0Hangul Jamo leudaichte BHangul Jamo Extended-B textpaletteLidean HangulHangul Syllables textpaletteHanunooHanunoo textpalette EabhraHebrew textpaletteHiraganaHiragana textpaletteLeudachain IPAIPA Extensions textpaletteLEarrannan de charactaran ideo-ghrafach"Ideographic Description Characters textpalette Aramais impireilImperial Aramaic textpalette0Pahlavi snaidh-sgrobhteInscriptional Pahlavi textpalette0Partais snaidh-sgrobhteInscriptional Parthian textpaletteDebhanaisJavanese textpalette KaithiKaithi textpalette Foirlionadh KanaKana Supplement textpalette KanbunKanbun textpaletteFreumhan KangxiKangxi Radicals textpaletteKannadaKannada textpaletteKatakanaKatakana textpaletteFLeudachadh tar-litreachadh KatakanaKatakana Phonetic Extensions textpaletteKayah LiKayah Li textpaletteKharoshthi Kharoshthi textpalette CmarKhmer textpalette$Samhlaidhean Cmar Khmer Symbols textpalette KhojkiKhojki textpaletteKhudawadi Khudawadi textpalette LthoLao textpalette>Laideann leudaichte a bharrachdLatin Extended Additional textpalette*Laideann leudaichte ALatin Extended-A textpalette*Laideann leudaichte BLatin Extended-B textpalette*Laideann leudaichte CLatin Extended-C textpalette*Laideann leudaichte DLatin Extended-D textpalette*Laideann leudaichte ELatin Extended-E textpalette,Foirlionadh Laideann-1Latin-1 Supplement textpalette LepchaLepcha textpaletteDSamhlaidhean coltach ri litricheanLetterlike Symbols textpalette LimbuLimbu textpaletteLoidhneach ALinear A textpalette2Ideo-ghraman loidhneach BLinear B Ideograms textpalette&Lidire loidhneach BLinear B Syllabary textpaletteLisuLisu textpaletteLyciaisLycian textpaletteLydiaisLydian textpaletteMahajaniMahajani textpalette Leacagan Mahjong Mahjong Tiles textpaletteMalayalam Malayalam textpaletteMandaisMandaic textpaletteManitheach Manichaean textpaletteXSamhlaidhean litir-ireamhail matamataigeach!Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols textpalette<Gnomharaichean matamataigeachMathematical Operators textpaletteMeetei Mayek Meetei Mayek textpalette.Leudachadh Meetei MayekMeetei Mayek Extensions textpaletteKikakui Mende Mende Kikakui textpalette8Sgrobhadh ceangailte MheroMeroitic Cursive textpalette0Dealbh-sgrobhadh MheroMeroitic Hieroglyphs textpaletteMiaoMiao textpaletteZMeasgachadh de shamhlaidhean matamataigeach A$Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A textpaletteZMeasgachadh de shamhlaidhean matamataigeach B$Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B textpalette0Samhlaidhean measgaichteMiscellaneous Symbols textpaletteRMeasgachadh de shamhlaidhean is saighdean Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows textpaletteXMeasgachadh de shamhlaidhean is picteagraman%Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs textpaletteDCaractaran teicneolais measgaichteMiscellaneous Technical textpaletteModiModi textpalette0Comharran nan tnaicheanModifier Tone Letters textpaletteMongolais Mongolian textpaletteMroMro textpalette$Samhlaidhean ciilMusical Symbols textpaletteMinmarMyanmar textpalette(Myanmar Leudaichte AMyanmar Extended-A textpalette(Myanmar Leudaichte BMyanmar Extended-B textpaletteN KoNKo textpaletteNabatais Nabataean textpaletteTai Lue r New Tai Lue textpalette&Cruthan nan ireamh Number Forms textpalette OghamOgham textpaletteOl ChikiOl Chiki textpaletteSeann-Eadailtis Old Italic textpalette.Seann-Arabais ThuathachOld North Arabian textpaletteSeann-Pherm Old Permic textpaletteSeann-Pheirsis Old Persian textpalette,Seann-Arabais DheasachOld South Arabian textpaletteSeann-Turcais Old Turkic textpaletteHAithneachadh lirsinneach litricheanOptical Character Recognition textpalette OriyaOriya textpalette6Dingbataichean sgeadachaidhOrnamental Dingbats textpaletteOsmanyaOsmanya textpalettePahawh Hmong Pahawh Hmong textpalettePalmyrais Palmyrene textpalettePau Cin Hau Pau Cin Hau textpalettePhags-paPhags-pa textpaletteClr Phaistos Phaistos Disc textpalettePhenicis Phoenician textpalette.Leudachain fuaim-elaisPhonetic Extensions textpaletteLFoirlionadh nan leudachan fuaim-elaisPhonetic Extensions Supplement textpalette Cairtean-cluiche Playing Cards textpaletteJRaon a chum cleachdaidh phrobhaidichPrivate Use Area textpalette"Pahlavi salmadairPsalter Pahlavi textpalette RejangRejang textpaletteireamhan RumiRumi Numeral Symbols textpaletteRn-sgrobhadhRunic textpaletteSamr Samaritan textpaletteSaurashtra Saurashtra textpaletteSharadaSharada textpaletteShawShavian textpaletteLStiireadh frmatadh gearr-sgrobhaidhShorthand Format Controls textpaletteSiddhamSiddham textpaletteSinhalaSinhala textpalette2ireamhan rsaidh SinhalaSinhala Archaic Numbers textpalette<Eug-samhailean fhoirmean beagaSmall Form Variants textpaletteSora Sompeng Sora Sompeng textpalette>Litrichean a mhnicheas bernanSpacing Modifier Letters textpalette Feadhainn raidhSpecials textpalette Sunda Sundanese textpalette"Foirlionadh SundaSundanese Supplement textpaletteNCaractaran os-sgrobhte s fo-sgrobhteSuperscripts and Subscripts textpalette0Foirlionadh shaighdean ASupplemental Arrows-A textpalette0Foirlionadh shaighdean BSupplemental Arrows-B textpalette0Foirlionadh shaighdean CSupplemental Arrows-C textpalette\Foirlionadh de ghnomharaichean matamataigeach#Supplemental Mathematical Operators textpalette2Foirlionadh puingeachaidhSupplemental Punctuation textpaletteSyloti Nagri Syloti Nagri textpaletteSuraidheacSyriac textpaletteTagalogTagalog textpaletteTagbanwaTagbanwa textpalette Tai LeTai Le textpaletteTai ThamTai Tham textpaletteTai VietTai Viet textpalette4Samhlaidhean Ti Xun J+ngTai Xuan Jing Symbols textpalette TakriTakri textpaletteTaimilisTamil textpalette TeluguTelugu textpalette ThaanaThaana textpalette TidhThai textpaletteTibeitisTibetan textpaletteTifinaghTifinagh textpaletteTirhutaTirhuta textpalette<Samhlaidhean cmhdhail is mapaTransport and Map Symbols textpaletteUgaritisUgaritic textpalettedSgrobhadh Lideach Aonaichte nan Tsanach Canadach%Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics textpalettezSgrobhadh Lideach Aonaichte nan Tsanach Canadach leudaichte.Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended textpaletteVaiVai textpalette:Roghnaichearan chaochlaidheanVariation Selectors textpalette"Leudachain VedachVedic Extensions textpalette&Foirmean inghearachVertical Forms textpaletteWarang Citi Warang Citi textpaletteFreumhan Yi Yi Radicals textpaletteLidean Yi Yi Syllables textpaletteDSamhlaidhean sia-ghraman an YijingYijing Hexagram Symbols textpalette6Obrachaidhean fhaidhlicheanFile Operationstoolbar Ion-chur phongan Note Inputtoolbar*Stiireadh na cluichePlayback Controlstoolbar(Loidhne prall a-nuasDownprall line trillType&Loidhne prall prallPrallprall line trillTypeLoidhne trilein Trill line trillType(Loidhne prall a-nos Upprall line trillTypeAAutilsA&oA♯utilsBButilsCCutilsC&oC♯utilsDDutilsD&oD♯utilsEEutilsFFutilsF&oF♯utilsGGutilsG&oG♯utilsaautilsbbutilsccutilsddutilseeutilsffutilsggutils