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ratioInspectorImage8   Scale to frame sizeInspectorImageSizeInspectorImageN    Size in staff space unitsInspectorImage:Size:InspectorImage Instrument NameInspectorIname PlacementInspectorInstrumentChange  Continue at InspectorJump : Continue at: InspectorJumpJump InspectorJump  Jump Inspector InspectorJump Jump to InspectorJump :Jump to: InspectorJump,  Play repeats InspectorJump"  Play until InspectorJump  : Play until: InspectorJump   Key SignatureInspectorKeySig4  Key Signature InspectorInspectorKeySig6   Show courtesyInspectorKeySigLassoInspectorLasso Lasso InspectorInspectorLassoPositionInspectorLasso: Position:InspectorLassoSizeInspectorLasso:Size:InspectorLasso AboveInspectorLetRing BelowInspectorLetRing PlacementInspectorLetRing" Allow diagonal InspectorLine Continuous InspectorLine&--Dash-dot-dotted InspectorLine- Dash-dotted InspectorLine Dashed InspectorLine Dotted InspectorLine Line InspectorLine  Line Inspector InspectorLine  Line color InspectorLine  Line style InspectorLine : Line style: InspectorLine Line thickness InspectorLine :Line thickness: InspectorLine  Line visible InspectorLine0  Reset 'Line thickness' value InspectorLinespsp InspectorLine LyricsInspectorLyric PlacementInspectorLyricStyleInspectorLyric :Style:InspectorLyricCodaCodaInspectorMarkerCodettaCodettaInspectorMarkerCustomInspectorMarkerFineFineInspectorMarkerLabelInspectorMarker:Label:InspectorMarkerMarkerInspectorMarker" Marker InspectorInspectorMarker  Marker typeInspectorMarker  Marker type:InspectorMarker SegnoSegnoInspectorMarker Segno VariationInspectorMarker CodaTo CodaInspectorMarkerAuto InspectorNote Beam InspectorNote&   Head group InspectorNote  Head type InspectorNoteHook InspectorNoteLeft InspectorNote Line InspectorNote4   Mirror head InspectorNoteNote InspectorNote Note Inspector InspectorNoteOffset InspectorNotePlay InspectorNote>  ' 'Reset 'Head group' value InspectorNote:  ''Reset 'Play' value InspectorNote6   ''Reset 'Small' value InspectorNote Right InspectorNoteSelect InspectorNote Small InspectorNoteStem InspectorNoteTuning InspectorNote$ Tuplet InspectorNoteUser InspectorNote Velocity InspectorNote  Velocity type InspectorNote: Velocity: InspectorNoteAutoInspectorNoteDotBottomInspectorNoteDot  Dot positionInspectorNoteDot Note DotInspectorNoteDot TopInspectorNoteDot AboveInspectorOttava BelowInspectorOttava  Numbers onlyInspectorOttava OttavaInspectorOttava  Ottava InspectorInspectorOttava PlacementInspectorOttava TypeInspectorOttava :Type:InspectorOttava AboveInspectorPalmMute BelowInspectorPalmMute PlacementInspectorPalmMute AboveInspectorPedal BelowInspectorPedal PedalPedalInspectorPedal PlacementInspectorPedal6   ''Reset 'Small' value InspectorRest Rest InspectorRest Rest Inspector InspectorRest Small InspectorRest PauseInspectorSectionBreak :Pause:InspectorSectionBreakZ      ,Start new section with long instrument namesInspectorSectionBreakR      )Start new section with measure number oneInspectorSectionBreakssInspectorSectionBreak   Leading spaceInspectorSegment SegmentInspectorSegment" Segment InspectorInspectorSegmentspspInspectorSegmentAuto InspectorSlur Continuous InspectorSlur Dashed InspectorSlur Direction InspectorSlur: Direction: InspectorSlur Dotted InspectorSlurDown InspectorSlur  Line type InspectorSlur : Line type: InspectorSlur/Slur/Tie InspectorSlurUp InspectorSlurHeightInspectorSpacer :Height:InspectorSpacerSpacerInspectorSpacer" Spacer InspectorInspectorSpacerspspInspectorSpacer PlacementInspectorStaffText PropertiesInspectorStaffTextStyleInspectorStaffText :Style:InspectorStaffText" :Line distance:InspectorStaffTypeChangeLinesInspectorStaffTypeChange:Lines:InspectorStaffTypeChangeOffsetInspectorStaffTypeChange:Offset:InspectorStaffTypeChange6   ''Reset 'Small' valueInspectorStaffTypeChangeScaleInspectorStaffTypeChange:Scale:InspectorStaffTypeChange$  Show barlinesInspectorStaffTypeChange6  Show ledger linesInspectorStaffTypeChange SmallInspectorStaffTypeChange StemlessInspectorStaffTypeChangespspInspectorStaffTypeChangeAuto InspectorStem: Direction: InspectorStemDown InspectorStem Line thickness InspectorStem :Line thickness: InspectorStem0  Reset 'Line thickness' value InspectorStemStem InspectorStem( Stem direction InspectorStemUp InspectorStemspsp InspectorStem  Bottom gap InspectorTBox  Bottom margin InspectorTBox.  Bottom margin: InspectorTBox$  Left margin InspectorTBox$  Left margin: InspectorTBox  Right margin InspectorTBox  Right margin: InspectorTBox   Text Frame InspectorTBox4  Text Frame Inspector InspectorTBox Top gap InspectorTBox  Top margin InspectorTBox,   Top margin: InspectorTBoxmmmm InspectorTBoxspsp InspectorTBoxBPMBPMInspectorTempoText&   Follow textInspectorTempoText PlacementInspectorTempoTextStyleInspectorTempoText :Style:InspectorTempoText TempoInspectorTempoText  Tempo TextInspectorTempoText :Tempo:InspectorTempoText Alignment InspectorText$  Font face InspectorTextFrame InspectorText:Margin: InspectorTextStyle InspectorTextText InspectorText" Text Inspector InspectorTextptpt InspectorTextspsp InspectorText AboveInspectorTextLine BelowInspectorTextLine PlacementInspectorTextLine  Text LineInspectorTextLine2  Text Line InspectorInspectorTextLine AboveInspectorTextLineBase AlignmentInspectorTextLineBase BelowInspectorTextLineBase$  Font faceInspectorTextLineBaseHeightInspectorTextLineBase :Height:InspectorTextLineBaseOffsetInspectorTextLineBase:Offset:InspectorTextLineBase PlacementInspectorTextLineBase:Text:InspectorTextLineBasespspInspectorTextLineBase PropertiesInspectorTimeSigScaleInspectorTimeSig:Scale:InspectorTimeSig6   Show courtesyInspectorTimeSig Time SignatureInspectorTimeSig0  Time Signature InspectorInspectorTimeSigDefaultInspectorTremoloTremoloInspectorTremolo Line thicknessInspectorTremoloBar :Line thickness:InspectorTremoloBarPlayInspectorTremoloBar PropertiesInspectorTremoloBar0  Reset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorTremoloBar:  ''Reset 'Play' valueInspectorTremoloBarScaleInspectorTremoloBar:Scale:InspectorTremoloBar  Tremolo BarInspectorTremoloBarspspInspectorTremoloBar AboveInspectorTrill BaroqueInspectorTrill BelowInspectorTrillDefaultInspectorTrill$   Down PrallInspectorTrill PlacementInspectorTrillPlayInspectorTrill  Prall PrallInspectorTrill:  ''Reset 'Play' valueInspectorTrill TrillInspectorTrill" Trill InspectorInspectorTrill  Trill LineInspectorTrill TypeInspectorTrill :Type:InspectorTrill$  Up PrallInspectorTrillAutoInspectorTuplet BracketInspectorTuplet  Bracket typeInspectorTuplet DirectionInspectorTuplet: Direction:InspectorTupletDownInspectorTuplet$  Font faceInspectorTuplet:Font:InspectorTuplet Line thicknessInspectorTuplet :Line thickness:InspectorTuplet NoneInspectorTuplet no tuplet bracket styleNoneInspectorTupletNumberInspectorTuplet  Number typeInspectorTupletRatioInspectorTuplet0  Reset 'Line thickness' valueInspectorTuplet:Size:InspectorTupletStyleInspectorTuplet :Style:InspectorTuplet$ TupletInspectorTuplet8  Tuplet InspectorInspectorTuplet UpInspectorTupletptptInspectorTupletspspInspectorTuplet  Bottom gap InspectorVBox  Bottom margin InspectorVBox0  :Bottom margin: InspectorVBoxHeight InspectorVBox :Height: InspectorVBox$  Left margin InspectorVBox& : Left margin: InspectorVBox  Right margin InspectorVBox  : Right margin: InspectorVBox Top gap InspectorVBox  Top margin InspectorVBox.  : Top margin: InspectorVBox Vertical Frame InspectorVBox2  Vertical Frame Inspector InspectorVBoxmmmm InspectorVBoxspsp InspectorVBox AboveInspectorVibrato BelowInspectorVibrato PlacementInspectorVibratoPlayInspectorVibrato:  ''Reset 'Play' valueInspectorVibrato TypeInspectorVibrato :Type:InspectorVibrato" : Repeat list:InspectorVolta VoltaVoltaInspectorVolta VoltaVolta InspectorInspectorVoltaAddInstrumentWizard@  Add Linked StaffInstrumentWizard*  Add StaffInstrumentWizardClearInstrumentWizardDownInstrumentWizard Instrument listInstrumentWizard Instrument wizardInstrumentWizardRemoveInstrumentWizardSearchInstrumentWizardUpInstrumentWizard  All instrumentsInstrumentsDialogCancelInstrumentsDialog &Load…InstrumentsDialogOKOKInstrumentsDialog  & Save As…InstrumentsDialogAddInstrumentsWidget@  Add Linked StaffInstrumentsWidget*  Add StaffInstrumentsWidget ClefInstrumentsWidgetDownInstrumentsWidget Instrument listInstrumentsWidgetLinkedInstrumentsWidgetRemoveInstrumentsWidgetSearchInstrumentsWidgetN   Staff linked to previousInstrumentsWidget$  Staff typeInstrumentsWidgetStavesInstrumentsWidgetUpInstrumentsWidget VisibleInstrumentsWidgetAddKeyEditClearKeyEdit8  Create Key SignatureKeyEdit" Add Tag LayerManagerCreate LayerManagerDelete LayerManager"  Delete Tag LayerManager Description LayerManagerLayer LayerManagerLayers LayerManagerTag LayerManagerTags LayerManager*  MuseScoreLog in to MuseScore LoginDialogPassword LoginDialog Password: LoginDialog( X  emailUsername or email LoginDialog*   email:Username or email: LoginDialog1212MIDI import operations128128thMIDI import operations1515MIDI import operations1616MIDI import operations1616thMIDI import operations22MIDI import operations 2-2-pletsMIDI import operations2121MIDI import operations42x   2x less measure countMIDI import operations33MIDI import operations 3-3-pletsMIDI import operations3232MIDI import operations3232ndMIDI import operations44MIDI import operations 4-4-pletsMIDI import operations55MIDI import operations 5-5-pletsMIDI import operations66MIDI import operations6464thMIDI import operations77MIDI import operations 7-7-pletsMIDI import operations88MIDI import operations99MIDI import operations 9-9-pletsMIDI import operations ChannelMIDI import operations   Clef changesMIDI import operations(  Detect swingMIDI import operations   Dotted notesMIDI import operations  EighthMIDI import operationsImportMIDI import operations0  Is human performanceMIDI import operations LyricsMIDI import operations. Max. quantizationMIDI import operations.  Max. voicesMIDI import operations  MuseScoreMuseScore instrumentMIDI import operations (1:1) None (1:1)MIDI import operationsQuarterMIDI import operations.  Recognize pickup measureMIDI import operations8  Show chord symbolsMIDI import operations   Show staccatoMIDI import operations.  Show tempo textMIDI import operations (3:1) Shuffle (3:1)MIDI import operations(A Simplify durationsMIDI import operationsSoundMIDI import operations*  Split staffMIDI import operations$  Staff nameMIDI import operations (2:1) Swing (2:1)MIDI import operations Time signatureMIDI import operations( TupletsMIDI import operationsAllMIDI import: tracks model MuseScore    MP3 ,         LAME.     %1  (    ),         MuseScore.        .      %2 ; MuseScore does not export MP3 files directly, but instead uses the freely available LAME library. You must obtain %1 separately (for details check the handbook), and then locate the file for MuseScore. You only need to do this once. Would you like to locate %2 now? MP3Exporter"  MP3 Save as MP3 MP3Exporter    %1; Where is %1 ? MP3ExporterSymbols MasterPaletteMuseScore MuseScoreMeasureProperties//MeasurePropertiesBase11MeasurePropertiesBase1616MeasurePropertiesBase22MeasurePropertiesBase3232MeasurePropertiesBase44MeasurePropertiesBase6464MeasurePropertiesBase88MeasurePropertiesBase Actual:MeasurePropertiesBase8   :Add to measure number:MeasurePropertiesBase  Always HideMeasurePropertiesBase  Always ShowMeasurePropertiesBaseAutoMeasurePropertiesBase2  Break multimeasure restMeasurePropertiesBase  Do not countMeasurePropertiesBase@    Exclude from measure countMeasurePropertiesBase4   Go to next measureMeasurePropertiesBase<   Go to previous measureMeasurePropertiesBase  :Layout stretch:MeasurePropertiesBase Measure DurationMeasurePropertiesBase4  :Measure number mode:MeasurePropertiesBase New RowMeasurePropertiesBase' Nominal:MeasurePropertiesBaseOtherMeasurePropertiesBaseStaffMeasurePropertiesBaseStavesMeasurePropertiesBase0  StemlessMeasurePropertiesBase VisibleMeasurePropertiesBase a ()aMeasurePropertiesBasec ()cMeasurePropertiesBase visibleMeasurePropertiesBase:   - Append empty measuresMeasuresDialogBase CancelMeasuresDialogBaseD    - Number of measures to append:MeasuresDialogBaseOKOKMeasuresDialogBase Audio Add Audio MediaDialog  Add Scan MediaDialog AudioAudio MediaDialogDialog MediaDialog-PDFPDF-Scan MediaDialog Audio Remove Audio MediaDialog   Remove Scan MediaDialog-API: API-Level:MetaEditDialog" : File Path:MetaEditDialog,  MuseScore: MuseScore Version:MetaEditDialogf:   et al. - : Revision:MetaEditDialog* Score PropertiesMetaEditDialog MixerMixerdBdBMixer:Channel: MixerDetails Drumset MixerDetails :Name: MixerDetailsPanPan MixerDetails  Part name MixerDetails Port: MixerDetails :Sound: MixerDetails Volume MixerDetails MuteMixerTrackChannelPanPanMixerTrackChannelSoloMixerTrackChannel MuteMixerTrackPartPanPanMixerTrackPart  Part nameMixerTrackPartSoloMixerTrackPartCustomMoreElementsPopupDoitDoitMs FallMsPlopPlopMs ScoopScoopMsz :      Revision: %1Ms::AboutBoxDialog MeasureMs::AccessibleSearchBox PageMs::AccessibleSearchBox Rehearsal MarkMs::AccessibleSearchBox&  Load ScoreMs::AlbumManager  MuseScoreMuseScore FilesMs::AlbumManager ErrorMs::CrashReporterCreateMs::CreatePaletteDialogCancelMs::DownloadUtils Drumset Ms::DrumTools& Drumset Edit Drumset Ms::DrumTools:Cursor:Ms::DrumrollEditorOffsetMs::DrumrollEditor :Pitch:Ms::DrumrollEditorUserMs::DrumrollEditor: Velocity:Ms::DrumrollEditor<  %1 : %2Open File %1 failed: %2Ms::EditDrumset8    The instrument name is invalid. Ms::EditStaffOpenMs::EditStringData PitchMs::EditStringData Above Ms::EditStyle.    Apply to all Parts Ms::EditStyle Automatic Ms::EditStyle Below Ms::EditStyle Bracket Ms::EditStyle Circle Ms::EditStyle Measure Ms::EditStyle None Ms::EditStyle no frame for textNone Ms::EditStyle no tuplet bracket typeNone Ms::EditStyleNumber Ms::EditStyleRatio Ms::EditStyle Segment Ms::EditStyleL   / Special symbols in header/footer Ms::EditStyleSystem Ms::EditStylemmmm Ms::EditStylespsp Ms::EditStyle Inspector Ms::Inspector& Inspector Subwindow Ms::Inspector BracketMs::InspectorAccidental NoneMs::InspectorAccidental InspectorMs::InspectorBase&  Grace NotesMs::InspectorGroupElement NotesMs::InspectorGroupElementRestsMs::InspectorGroupElementSelectMs::InspectorGroupElement NoneMs::InspectorKeySigmmmmMs::InspectorLassoSelectMs::InspectorRest$ TupletMs::InspectorRest ClefMs::InstrumentsWidgetLinkedMs::InstrumentsWidget %1Staff %1Ms::InstrumentsWidget$  Staff typeMs::InstrumentsWidgetStavesMs::InstrumentsWidget VisibleMs::InstrumentsWidget" Key Signatures Ms::KeyEditor   layer tagMs::LayerManager  Login errorMs::LoginDialogR     )Please fill in your username and passwordMs::LoginDialog       .     <%2> : %3+Renaming temp. file <%1> to <%2> failed: %3Ms::MasterScore    : %1      .GThe following file is locked: %1 Try saving to a different location.Ms::MasterScore0  stemlessMs::MeasureProperties visibleMs::MeasureProperties&  : New tag name:Ms::MetaEditDialog`"%1"  .    ; 0"%1" already exists. Do you want to replace it?  Ms::MuseScore& & &About… Ms::MuseScore&&Add Ms::MuseScore&&Edit Ms::MuseScore&&File Ms::MuseScore&&Frames Ms::MuseScore&&Help Ms::MuseScore&&Lines Ms::MuseScore &&Measure Ms::MuseScore & &Measures Ms::MuseScore2&Online  &Online Handbook Ms::MuseScore&Plugins&Plugins Ms::MuseScore& &&Preferences… Ms::MuseScore&&Text Ms::MuseScore&&Tools Ms::MuseScore&&View Ms::MuseScore &&Voices Ms::MuseScore*  &MusicXML &About &MusicXML… Ms::MuseScore &Qt & About &Qt… Ms::MuseScoreAll Ms::MuseScore ; Are you sure? Ms::MuseScore.  online Ask for Help Ms::MuseScoreCancel Ms::MuseScore      %1   %22Cannot create tuplet with ratio %1 for duration %2 Ms::MuseScorep   :    -Cannot create tuplet: Note value is too short Ms::MuseScoreP    Cannot determine file type Ms::MuseScore,   %1Cannot write into %1 Ms::MuseScore,  &Check for &Update Ms::MuseScore(  Choose Audio File Ms::MuseScore&  PDFChoose PDF Scan Ms::MuseScorex   / #Chord symbol/figured bass edit mode Ms::MuseScore8  Clear Recent Files Ms::MuseScore*  Concert Pitch Ms::MuseScore4 Confirm Replace Ms::MuseScore Continuous View Ms::MuseScorez       MP3 !$Could not open MP3 encoding library! Ms::MuseScoreDelete Ms::MuseScoreEdit Ms::MuseScore.  Edit mode Ms::MuseScore. Encoding Error Ms::MuseScore\ %1     MP3"Error %1 returned from MP3 encoder Ms::MuseScoreD   LAMEError Opening LAME library Ms::MuseScore~    %s   %d  %d: %s 8Error reading language file %s at line %d column %d: %s  Ms::MuseScoreExport Ms::MuseScore  Export Parts Ms::MuseScore & Exporting… Ms::MuseScore& File Operations Ms::MuseScore :Go To:  Ms::MuseScore"  Image Capture Ms::MuseScore:  Image capture mode Ms::MuseScoreImages Ms::MuseScore  Load Palette Ms::MuseScore&  Load Score Ms::MuseScore  Load Style Ms::MuseScore<  Lyrics edit mode Ms::MuseScore ManualManual Ms::MuseScore ::Measure:Beat:Tick Ms::MuseScoreMuseScore MuseScore Ms::MuseScore  MuseScoreMuseScore Files Ms::MuseScore2   MuseScoreMuseScore Style File Ms::MuseScore$  MuseScoreMuseScore Styles Ms::MuseScoreMuseScore: MuseScore: Ms::MuseScore &New… Ms::MuseScore   :      :No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::MuseScore  No score Ms::MuseScorep     MP3 !.Not a valid or supported MP3 encoding library! Ms::MuseScore  Note Input Ms::MuseScore$ & Open &Recent Ms::MuseScore  Page View Ms::MuseScore4    Parts were successfully exported Ms::MuseScorePlay Ms::MuseScoreR     "Please select one or more measures Ms::MuseScoreReplace Ms::MuseScore$  Replace All Ms::MuseScore(   Report a Bug Ms::MuseScoreL   Revert to Factory Settings Ms::MuseScore Save As Ms::MuseScore$  Save Palette Ms::MuseScore& Save Selection Ms::MuseScore  Save Style Ms::MuseScorer    "%1"   ;.Save changes to the score "%1" before closing? Ms::MuseScore*  Score locked Ms::MuseScore*__Score_and_Parts Ms::MuseScore:   MIDIShow MIDI import panel Ms::MuseScore  Single Page Ms::MuseScoreSkip Ms::MuseScore Skip All Ms::MuseScore  Switch layer Ms::MuseScoreB  Switch play mode Ms::MuseScore Synthesizer Ms::MuseScoreSystem Ms::MuseScore*& T&uplets Ms::MuseScore0  TABTAB input mode Ms::MuseScore@  Text edit mode Ms::MuseScore    .   ;9The previous session quit unexpectedly. Restore session? Ms::MuseScore       online.        .SThis score cannot be saved online. Please fix the corrupted measures and try again. Ms::MuseScore      .   ,            .  Musescore      .         .      ;This will reset all your preferences. Custom palettes, custom shortcuts, and the list of recent scores will be deleted. MuseScore will restart with its default settings. Reverting will not remove any scores from your computer. Are you sure you want to proceed? Ms::MuseScoreB     MP3Unable to initialize MP3 stream Ms::MuseScorel       &Unable to open target file for writing Ms::MuseScoreUntitled Ms::MuseScore&  View Mode Ms::MuseScoreW&orkspaces W&orkspaces Ms::MuseScore.  Close this permanently Ms::MyWebViewRetry Ms::MyWebView6  Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardInfoPage6  Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardInstrumentsPage"  :BPM:Ms::NewWizardKeysigPage   Beats per minuteMs::NewWizardKeysigPage6  Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardKeysigPage   Key SignatureMs::NewWizardKeysigPage TempoMs::NewWizardKeysigPage6  Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardTemplatePage6  Create New ScoreMs::NewWizardTimesigPage Plugin No PluginMs::NoEffectGuiDelete Ms::Palette*  &More Elements… Ms::Palette & Properties… Ms::PalettePalettesMs::PaletteBox Single PaletteMs::PaletteBox8  Create Key SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditor4  Create Time SignatureMs::PaletteElementEditorX     MIDIAssign next free MIDI channel Ms::PartEditv         ;GDo you want to synchronize the current instrument with an existing one? Ms::PartEdit~    '%1'   MIDI = %2   = %3.IThere is already an instrument '%1' with MIDI port = %2 and channel = %3. Ms::PartEdit" Choose a directoryMs::PathListDialog& Piano KeyboardMs::PianoTools:Cursor:Ms::PianorollEditorLen:Len:Ms::PianorollEditorOffsetMs::PianorollEditor:OnTime:Ms::PianorollEditor :Pitch:Ms::PianorollEditor.  Show wave displayMs::PianorollEditorUserMs::PianorollEditor: Velocity:Ms::PianorollEditorWaveWaveMs::PianorollEditorTA     Cannot determine file typeMs::PluginCreator0 Edit OperationsMs::PluginCreator& File OperationsMs::PluginCreatorManualMs::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginCreator   .          . :No score open. This plugin requires an open score to run. Ms::PluginCreatorr Plugin "%1"  .    ;-Plugin "%1" has changes. Save before closing?Ms::PluginCreatorUntitledMs::PluginCreator: Version:Ms::PluginCreatorMuseScore MuseScoreMs::PluginManager10241024Ms::PreferenceDialog112112Ms::PreferenceDialog128128Ms::PreferenceDialog160160Ms::PreferenceDialog192192Ms::PreferenceDialog 192000192000Ms::PreferenceDialog20482048Ms::PreferenceDialog 2205022050Ms::PreferenceDialog224224Ms::PreferenceDialog256256Ms::PreferenceDialog3232Ms::PreferenceDialog320320Ms::PreferenceDialog 3200032000Ms::PreferenceDialog4040Ms::PreferenceDialog40964096Ms::PreferenceDialog 4410044100Ms::PreferenceDialog4848Ms::PreferenceDialog 4800048000Ms::PreferenceDialog512512Ms::PreferenceDialog5656Ms::PreferenceDialog6464Ms::PreferenceDialog8080Ms::PreferenceDialog 8820088200Ms::PreferenceDialog9696Ms::PreferenceDialog 9600096000Ms::PreferenceDialog8: %1; : %2Action: %1; Shortcut: %2Ms::PreferenceDialogAllMs::PreferenceDialog>  Choose Background WallpaperMs::PreferenceDialog6  Choose Default StyleMs::PreferenceDialogR     Choose Default Style for ImportsMs::PreferenceDialogN     Choose Default Style for PartsMs::PreferenceDialog.  Choose Image FolderMs::PreferenceDialog,  Choose Instrument ListMs::PreferenceDialog Choose NotepaperMs::PreferenceDialog.  Plugin Choose Plugin FolderMs::PreferenceDialog6  Choose Score FolderMs::PreferenceDialog4  Choose Starting ScoreMs::PreferenceDialog*  Choose Style FolderMs::PreferenceDialog.  Choose Template FolderMs::PreferenceDialog Instrument ListMs::PreferenceDialog  MuseScoreMuseScore FilesMs::PreferenceDialog, MuseScoreMuseScore ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialog2  No shortcut definedMs::PreferenceDialog, Print ShortcutsMs::PreferenceDialog" SoundFontSoundFont FoldersMs::PreferenceDialogValueMs::PreferencesListWidget %1 KB%1 KBMs::ResourceManager2,  Failed, try againMs::ResourceManagerUpdateMs::ResourceManagerUpdatedMs::ResourceManager" UpdatingMs::ResourceManager<  %1 : %2Open File %1 failed: %2 Ms::ScoreF   %1 : %2Open Style File %1 failed: %2 Ms::Score            MuseScore.@The style file is not compatible with this version of MuseScore. Ms::Score6   : %1Write Style failed: %1 Ms::Score: %1Beat: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibilityD : %1;  : %2End Measure: %1; End Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibility List SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibility: %1 Measure: %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility  No selectionMs::ScoreAccessibility  Range SelectionMs::ScoreAccessibility %1Staff %1Ms::ScoreAccessibility@ : %1;  : %2!Start Measure: %1; Start Beat: %2Ms::ScoreAccessibility Choose InstrumentsMs::ScoreBrowser* Custom TemplatesMs::ScoreBrowser*  Nothing selectedMs::ScorePreviewAdd Ms::ScoreView&  &Articulation Properties… Ms::ScoreView<   Auto-resize to page Ms::ScoreViewT     Cannot determine file type Ms::ScoreView2   &Change Instrument Properties… Ms::ScoreView  &Change Instrument… Ms::ScoreView&  &Chord Articulation… Ms::ScoreView( Drumset &Edit Drumset… Ms::ScoreViewHelp Ms::ScoreView4  Hide Courtesy Clef Ms::ScoreViewD   Hide Courtesy Key Signature Ms::ScoreView@   Hide Courtesy Time Signature Ms::ScoreView"  Image Capture Ms::ScoreViewLayer Ms::ScoreView Measure Ms::ScoreView"  &Measure Properties… Ms::ScoreView &More… Ms::ScoreView   :      :No measure selected: Please select a measure and try again Ms::ScoreView   :          MNo measures selected: Please select a range of measures to join and try again Ms::ScoreView  :           NNo staves found: please use the instruments dialog to first create some staves Ms::ScoreView     /    ?Please select the complete tuplet/tremolo and retry the command Ms::ScoreView" (%1 DPI) &Resolution (%1 DPI)… Ms::ScoreView Save As Ms::ScoreViewH  ( ) &Save As (Print Mode)… Ms::ScoreViewJ  ( ) &Save As (Screenshot Mode)… Ms::ScoreViewSelect Ms::ScoreView.  Set Output Resolution Ms::ScoreView.   &Set Standard Size… Ms::ScoreView4  Show Courtesy Clef Ms::ScoreViewD   Show Courtesy Key Signature Ms::ScoreView@   Show Courtesy Time Signature Ms::ScoreViewSlur Ms::ScoreView* Split Staff… Ms::ScoreViewStaff Ms::ScoreView@   &Staff Text Properties… Ms::ScoreView  &Style… Ms::ScoreView$  System Text Ms::ScoreView<   &System Text Properties… Ms::ScoreView Tie Ms::ScoreView4   &Time Signature Properties… Ms::ScoreView& Transparent background Ms::ScoreView2   &Tremolo Bar Properties… Ms::ScoreView   Search BoxMs::SearchComboBox  .  Enter    . /Type to search. Press Enter to return to score.Ms::SearchComboBox Selection filterMs::SelectionListWidget Selection FilterMs::SelectionWindow  New shortcutMs::ShortcutCaptureDialog2   Shortcut conflicts withMs::ShortcutCaptureDialog LanguageMs::StartupWizardPage1 Choose InstrumentsMs::TemplateBrowser* Custom TemplatesMs::TemplateBrowser Common SymbolsMs::TextPalette Musical SymbolsMs::TextPalette unicodeUnicode SymbolsMs::TextPalette Bold Ms::TextTools Italic Ms::TextTools Subscript Ms::TextTools Superscript Ms::TextTools(  Text Edit Ms::TextTools"  Text Tools Ms::TextTools Underline Ms::TextTools Time SignaturesMs::TimeDialogBarlines Ms::Timeline   Key Signature Ms::Timeline Measure Ms::Timeline Measures Ms::Timeline Rehearsal Mark Ms::Timeline Tempo Ms::Timeline Time Signature Ms::TimelineBackMs::TourHandlerCloseMs::TourHandler EndMs::TourHandler2  No Update AvailableMs::UpdateChecker& Update AvailableMs::UpdateCheckerContinueMs::UploadScoreDialog ErrorMs::UploadScoreDialogSuccessMs::UploadScoreDialogAdvanced Ms::Workspace Basic Ms::Workspace,  Select workspaceMs::WorkspaceComboBoxt'%1'  ,     :8'%1' does already exist, please choose a different name:Ms::WorkspaceDialog@   Read Workspace NameMs::WorkspaceDialog %1 KB%1 KBMs::stringutilsAllMulti value editorOKOKMulti value editor0 ,  C major, A minor MuseScore. ,  D major, B minor MuseScore. ,  F major, D minor MuseScore0 ,  G major, E minor MuseScore/ Open/Atonal MuseScoreComposer NewWizard: Composer: NewWizard*  Copyright NewWizard, : Copyright: NewWizardLyricist NewWizard: Lyricist: NewWizardSubtitle NewWizard: Subtitle: NewWizard Title NewWizard:Title: NewWizard1/161/16 NoteGroups1/321/32 NoteGroups1/81/8 NoteGroups4  Beam Properties NoteGroups  Note Groups NoteGroupsReset NoteGroups( Horizontal offset OffsetSelect*K Vertical offset OffsetSelectX:X: OffsetSelectY:Y: OffsetSelectspsp OffsetSelectn       5Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staffOmrPanel$  Mark barlinesOmrPanel  Mark slicesOmrPanel.  Mark stavesOmrPanelProcessOmrPanel   Show linesOmrPanel$ : Staff space:OmrPanelmmmmOmrPanelApplyPageSettingsBase.    Apply to all PartsPageSettingsBase CancelPageSettingsBasen       5Distance between two lines on a standard 5-line staffPageSettingsBase.  Even Page MarginsPageSettingsBase.  :First page number:PageSettingsBase :Height:PageSettingsBase LandscapePageSettingsBaseOKOKPageSettingsBase.  Odd Page MarginsPageSettingsBase"  Page SettingsPageSettingsBase  Page SizePageSettingsBasePreviewPageSettingsBaseScalingPageSettingsBase6  (sp):Staff space (sp):PageSettingsBase  Two sidedPageSettingsBase UnitPageSettingsBase:Width:PageSettingsBase2/2 alla breve2/2 alla brevePalette"4/4  4/4 common timePalette   AccidentalsPalette AccordionPalette AmbitusPaletteArpeggioPalette* & Arpeggios & GlissandiPalette ArticulationsPalette& Bagpipe EmbellishmentsPaletteBarlinesPalette4  Beam PropertiesPaletteBendBendPalette BracePalette BracketPaletteBracketsPalette& & Breaks & SpacersPalette$ & Breaths & PausesPaletteClefsPalette" Crescendo hairpinPalette Crescendo linePaletteCustomPalette* Dashed barlinePaletteDeletePalette& diminuendoDiminuendo hairpinPalette" diminuendoDiminuendo linePalette$ Dotted barlinePalette Double barlinePaletteDynamicsPalette   End repeatPalette*- End-start repeatPalette  Final barlinePalette FingeringPalette %1 Fingering %1Palette & Frames & MeasuresPalette* Fretboard DiagramsPaletteGlissando GlissandoPalette&  Grace NotesPalette Instrument changePalette" Key SignaturesPalette2   %1LH Guitar Fingering %1Palette LinePaletteLinesPalette MutePalette" Normal barlinePaletteOpenPalette  Page breakPalette PedalPedalPalettePrima volta Prima voltaPalette & Properties…Palette2   %1RH Guitar Fingering %1Palette Rehearsal markPalette0  Repeat measure signPalette( & Repeats & JumpsPaletteSeconda volta Seconda voltaPalette"  Section breakPalette$  1 Short 1 spanPalette$  2 Short 2 spanPaletteSlurPaletteSquarePalette(  Staff TextPalette2  Staff spacer downPalette2  Staff spacer upPalette(  Staff textPalette  Start repeatPalette StraightPalette"  %1String number %1Palette SwingSwingPalette$  System TextPalette$  System textPalette TempoPalette  Tempo textPaletteTerza volta Terza voltaPaletteTextPalette  Text linePalette"  1 Tick 1 spanPalette"  2 Tick 2 spanPalette Time SignaturesPaletteTremoloPaletteF   %1 : Writing Palette File %1 failed: Palette mutePalettetremoloPalette"  Cell PropertiesPaletteCellProperties* Content offsetPaletteCellProperties* :Content scale:PaletteCellProperties*  Draw staffPaletteCellProperties :Name:PaletteCellProperties0  Palette Cell PropertiesPaletteCellPropertiesX:X:PaletteCellPropertiesY:Y:PaletteCellPropertiesspspPaletteCellProperties : Cell size:PaletteProperties$ Element offset:PaletteProperties :Height:PaletteProperties :Name:PaletteProperties" Palette PropertiesPaletteProperties:Scale:PaletteProperties$  Show gridPaletteProperties:Width:PalettePropertiesspspPalettePropertiesAddPalettesListPopupSearchPalettesWidgetHeader:Channel: PartEditBaseChoCho PartEditBase ChorusChorus PartEditBaseDrumsetDrumset PartEditBase MIDI MIDI sound PartEditBase& MIDI  MIDI sound for part PartEditBase Mute PartEditBasePanPan PartEditBase Panorama position PartEditBase  Part Name PartEditBase  Part name PartEditBase Port: PartEditBaseRevRev PartEditBaseReverb PartEditBaseSolo PartEditBaseSound PartEditBase :Sound: PartEditBase6   Use arrows to modify PartEditBase Vol PartEditBase Vol. PartEditBase Volume PartEditBaseAddPathListDialogDeletePathListDialogDialogPathListDialogK  Master volume PlayPanelBase. Measure.Beat PlayPanelBase(  Play Panel PlayPanelBase: Position: PlayPanelBase Relative tempo PlayPanelBaseT       &Use up and down arrows to change value PlayPanelBasedBdB PlayPanelBase4  PluginClose Plugin CreatorPluginCreatorBaseEditPluginCreatorBase FilePluginCreatorBaseHelpPluginCreatorBase ManualManualPluginCreatorBaseNewPluginCreatorBase &Open…PluginCreatorBaseRedoPluginCreatorBaseReloadPluginCreatorBaseF   pluginReload current plugin sourcePluginCreatorBaseRunRunPluginCreatorBaseSavePluginCreatorBase  & Save As…PluginCreatorBaseStopPluginCreatorBaseUndoPluginCreatorBase. Clear Shortcut PluginManager& Define Shortcut PluginManager :Name: PluginManager:Path: PluginManager& PluginPlugin Manager PluginManager: Shortcut: PluginManager: Version: PluginManager128128PrefsDialogBase1/1616thPrefsDialogBase 16 16th notePrefsDialogBase, 16  16th note is activePrefsDialogBase$  1616th note recordPrefsDialogBase1/3232ndPrefsDialogBase 32 32nd notePrefsDialogBase, 32  32nd note is activePrefsDialogBase$  3232nd note recordPrefsDialogBase1/6464thPrefsDialogBase 64 64th notePrefsDialogBase, 64  64th note is activePrefsDialogBase$  6464th note recordPrefsDialogBase ALSA ALSA AudioPrefsDialogBaseAPI:APIPrefsDialogBaseAPI:API:PrefsDialogBaseActionPrefsDialogBaseAdvancedPrefsDialogBase:          MuseScore.CAttention: Any changes on this page require a restart of MuseScore.PrefsDialogBaseAudioPrefsDialogBase"T Augmentation dotPrefsDialogBase@    Augmentation dot is activePrefsDialogBase4  Augmentation dot recordPrefsDialogBase&  Auto SavePrefsDialogBase:  Automatic Update CheckPrefsDialogBase BackgroundPrefsDialogBase@  Background wallpaper pathPrefsDialogBase" Built-in stylePrefsDialogBase CanvasPrefsDialogBase       .Character Set Used When Importing Binary FilesPrefsDialogBaseH     MuseScore"Check for new version of MuseScorePrefsDialogBase API Choose APIPrefsDialogBaseN    Choose Background wallpaper filePrefsDialogBaseV    Guitar Pro&Choose Guitar Pro import character setPrefsDialogBase0   1Choose Instrument list 1PrefsDialogBase0   2Choose Instrument list 2PrefsDialogBase.  MIDI Choose MIDI InputPrefsDialogBase^    $Choose Overture import character setPrefsDialogBase   Choose devicePrefsDialogBase0  Choose number of fragmentsPrefsDialogBaseF   Choose paper wallpaper filePrefsDialogBase2  Choose period sizePrefsDialogBase. plugin Choose plugin folderPrefsDialogBase(  DPIChoose resolution DPIPrefsDialogBase:  Choose sample ratePrefsDialogBase6  Choose score folderPrefsDialogBase4  Choose starting scorePrefsDialogBase  Choose stylePrefsDialogBase*  Choose style folderPrefsDialogBase&  Choose style for partPrefsDialogBase.  Choose template folderPrefsDialogBaseF    Choose the shortest note valuePrefsDialogBaseClearPrefsDialogBasez       6Clears the shortcut assignment for the selected actionPrefsDialogBasex       )Color notes outside of usable pitch rangePrefsDialogBase :Color:PrefsDialogBaseB   Continue last sessionPrefsDialogBase DarkPrefsDialogBase(  Default FilesPrefsDialogBase. Default durationPrefsDialogBase0 :Default duration:PrefsDialogBasef     !Default scale for new score viewsPrefsDialogBase0  Default zoomPrefsDialogBase& : Default zoom:PrefsDialogBase  & Define…PrefsDialogBaseDevicePrefsDialogBase:Device:PrefsDialogBaseJ     #Do not export system or page breaksPrefsDialogBase.  Double augmentation dotPrefsDialogBaseL     !Double augmentation dot is activePrefsDialogBase@   Double augmentation dot recordPrefsDialogBase(Antialiased Draw antialiasedPrefsDialogBase EighthPrefsDialogBase  Eighth notePrefsDialogBase0   Eighth note is activePrefsDialogBase&  Eighth note recordPrefsDialogBase2  MIDIEnable MIDI inputPrefsDialogBaseD  MIDIEnable MIDI remote controlPrefsDialogBase( Expand repeatsPrefsDialogBaseExportPrefsDialogBase  RPN Export RPNsPrefsDialogBasep       !Export all system and page breaksPrefsDialogBase   Export layoutPrefsDialogBase       1Export manually added system and page breaks onlyPrefsDialogBaseFoldersPrefsDialogBase: FragmentsPrefsDialogBase: Fragments:PrefsDialogBase GeneralPrefsDialogBaseL   Guitar ProGuitar Pro import character setPrefsDialogBaseN   Guitar Pro: Guitar Pro import character set:PrefsDialogBase  Half notePrefsDialogBase.   Half note is activePrefsDialogBase&  Half note recordPrefsDialogBaser       ,Here you can configure shortcuts for actionsPrefsDialogBase HorizontallyPrefsDialogBaseHzHzPrefsDialogBaseI/OI/OPrefsDialogBase  Icon HeightPrefsDialogBase"  Icon WidthPrefsDialogBase  Image folderPrefsDialogBase:Images:PrefsDialogBaseImportPrefsDialogBase"  Import layoutPrefsDialogBaseN    Import system and page breaksPrefsDialogBaseL     Insert path for style folderPrefsDialogBase\     SoundFont Insert path to SoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBaseR     Insert path to Template folderPrefsDialogBase`      %Insert path to a instrument list filePrefsDialogBasep      (Insert path to background wallpaper filePrefsDialogBaseR     Insert path to image folderPrefsDialogBaseh      #Insert path to paper wallpaper filePrefsDialogBase`       Insert path to plugin folderPrefsDialogBase\     .Insert path to score folder.PrefsDialogBaseX     Insert path to starting scorePrefsDialogBaseD    Insert path to style filePrefsDialogBaseb        "Insert path to style file for partPrefsDialogBase  1Instrument list 1PrefsDialogBase   1:Instrument list 1:PrefsDialogBase  2Instrument list 2PrefsDialogBase   2:Instrument list 2:PrefsDialogBase  Is activePrefsDialogBase"JACK Audio ServerJACK Audio ServerPrefsDialogBase LanguagePrefsDialogBase LightPrefsDialogBase &Load…PrefsDialogBase MIDI MIDI InputPrefsDialogBase( MIDIMIDI Remote ControlPrefsDialogBase MiscellaneousPrefsDialogBase* MuseScoreMuseScore PreferencesPrefsDialogBase  Note InputPrefsDialogBase  Note inputPrefsDialogBase:    Note input is activePrefsDialogBase.  Note input recordPrefsDialogBase& OSCOSC Remote ControlPrefsDialogBase~       SoundFont 4Opens a dialog for configuring the SoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBase         BOpens a dialog for defining a new shortcut for the selected actionPrefsDialogBaser        1Opens a dialog for selecting the background colorPrefsDialogBasej        ,Opens a dialog for selecting the paper colorPrefsDialogBasez          .Opens a file dialog for selecting a style filePrefsDialogBase            7Opens a file dialog for selecting a style file for partPrefsDialogBase         4Opens a file dialog for selecting the starting scorePrefsDialogBase         4Opens a file dialog for selecting the wallpaper filePrefsDialogBaseN   :Overture import character setPrefsDialogBaseN   :Overture import character set:PrefsDialogBase PaperPrefsDialogBase8  Paper wallpaper pathPrefsDialogBase" : Period size:PrefsDialogBasePlayPrefsDialogBase0  Play is activePrefsDialogBase(  Play recordPrefsDialogBase Plugin Plugin folderPrefsDialogBasePlugins:Plugins:PrefsDialogBase  Port numberPrefsDialogBase : Port number:PrefsDialogBaseB  Preferences Tab ManagerPrefsDialogBasePrintPrefsDialogBase@   Print the shortcuts listPrefsDialogBase*  Program StartPrefsDialogBaseD    !Proximity for selecting elements:PrefsDialogBaseQuarterPrefsDialogBase  Quarter notePrefsDialogBase4   Quarter note is activePrefsDialogBase*  Quarter note recordPrefsDialogBaseRecordPrefsDialogBaseD  Remember last connection(s)PrefsDialogBaseb      Reset All Preferences to DefaultPrefsDialogBaseP   Reset Shortcut to DefaultPrefsDialogBase8  Reset to defaultPrefsDialogBasev      0Resets the shortcuts to their default assignmentPrefsDialogBase DPIResolution DPIPrefsDialogBase: Resolution:PrefsDialogBase RestPrefsDialogBase(   Rest is activePrefsDialogBase  Rest recordPrefsDialogBase&  RewindPrefsDialogBase  Rewind is activePrefsDialogBase$  Rewind recordPrefsDialogBase*  Sample ratePrefsDialogBase, : Sample rate:PrefsDialogBaseSavePrefsDialogBase  Save every:PrefsDialogBaseScorePrefsDialogBase&  Score folderPrefsDialogBase:Scores:PrefsDialogBaseSearchPrefsDialogBase4  Select background colorPrefsDialogBase  ( )    ,Select delay (in minutes) between auto savesPrefsDialogBase Select languagePrefsDialogBase.  Select paper colorPrefsDialogBase  Select stylePrefsDialogBaseShortcutPrefsDialogBase ShortcutsPrefsDialogBase( Shortcuts tablePrefsDialogBase   Shortest notePrefsDialogBase" :Shortest note:PrefsDialogBase  Show navigatorPrefsDialogBase8  Show play panelPrefsDialogBase0  Show splash screenPrefsDialogBase0  Show start centerPrefsDialogBase" SoundFontSoundFont foldersPrefsDialogBaseSoundFonts: SoundFonts:PrefsDialogBase    Start emptyPrefsDialogBase4   Start with new scorePrefsDialogBase(  Start with scorePrefsDialogBase6   :Start with score:PrefsDialogBaseStopPrefsDialogBase(  Stop is activePrefsDialogBase$  Stop recordPrefsDialogBaseStylePrefsDialogBaseJ    Style Used for ImportPrefsDialogBase  Style folderPrefsDialogBase Style for partPrefsDialogBase :Style for part:PrefsDialogBase :Style:PrefsDialogBase :Styles:PrefsDialogBase  Template folderPrefsDialogBase: Templates:PrefsDialogBase TiePrefsDialogBase,    Tie is activePrefsDialogBase&  Toggle playPrefsDialogBase>  Toggle play recordPrefsDialogBase& Transparent backgroundPrefsDialogBase\       Uncheck this to speed up drawingPrefsDialogBaseUndoPrefsDialogBase.   Undo is activePrefsDialogBase   Undo recordPrefsDialogBaseUpdatePrefsDialogBase* Update TranslationsPrefsDialogBase JACK MIDI Use JACK MIDIPrefsDialogBase$  Use style filePrefsDialogBase&  :Use style file:PrefsDialogBase VerticallyPrefsDialogBaseViewPrefsDialogBase: Wallpaper:PrefsDialogBase  Whole notePrefsDialogBase6   Whole note is activePrefsDialogBase.  Whole note recordPrefsDialogBasemsmsPrefsDialogBaseMuseScore MuseScore QMessageBox   .          . :No score open. This plugin requires an open score to run.  QMessageBox%1   %2 %1 End of %2QObject%1   %2%1 Start of %2QObject%1/%2  %1/%2 timeQObject%1:  %1: CustomQObject(%1; : %2; %3%1; Duration: %2; %3QObjectF%1;  : %2; : %3%4%1; Pitch: %2; Duration: %3%4QObjectx%1;   : %2%3;   : %4%5'%1; Top pitch: %2%3; Bottom pitch: %4%5QObject 10241024thQObject128128thQObject1/1616thQObject256256thQObject1/3232ndQObject4545°QObject512512thQObject6464thQObject9090°QObject AboveQObjectAcciacatura AcciaccaturaQObject: Annotations:QObjectAppoggiatura AppoggiaturaQObjectAutoQObject  Beat SlashQObject BelowQObject reveBreveQObject>    %1Can't find rootfile %1QObject`   : %1 %2$Cannot open chord description: %1 %2QObjectd    : %1 %2+Cannot open figured bass description: %1 %2QObjectd   : %1 %2-Cannot open tablature font description: %1 %2QObject>   %1: Cannot read file %1: QObject CircleQObject  Common timeQObjectF   MusicXML %1Could not open MusicXML file %1QObject`    MusicXML %1*Could not open compressed MusicXML file %1QObject CrescendoQObjectCustomQObject2/2 alla breveCut timeQObject DecrescendoQObject|        ;,Do you want to try to load this file anyway?QObject %1 Dotted %1QObject$  %1Double dotted %1QObject DupletQObject EighthQObjectv  container.xml   %1  %2: %3 5Error reading container.xml at line %1 column %2: %3 QObject^  '%1'     MusicXML&File '%1' is not a valid MusicXML fileQObject&  Grace note afterQObject&  Grace note beforeQObjectHalfQObjectj :    musicxml.xsd 5Internal error: Could not open resource musicxml.xsd QObject` :   MusicXLM   +Internal error: MusicXML schema is invalid QObject InvalidQObjectLeftQObject LongaLongaQObject MeasureQObject  %1,   %2,   %3   . : %4; : %5@Measure %1, staff %2, voice %3 too long. Expected: %4; Found: %5QObject NoneQObject  no hook typeNoneQObjectNonupletQObjectNoteQObjectOctupletQObject  1  Perc. 1 lineQObject" 3  Perc. 3 linesQObject" 5  Perc. 5 linesQObject QuadrupletQObjectQuarterQObject QuintupletQObject  Rhythm SlashQObject SeptupletQObject  SextupletQObjectStandardQObject  String numberQObject$. 4-. Tab. 4-str. commonQObject&. 4-. Tab. 4-str. fullQObject". 4-. Tab. 4-str. simpleQObject$. 5-. Tab. 5-str. commonQObject&. 5-. Tab. 5-str. fullQObject". 5-. Tab. 5-str. simpleQObject(. 6-. Tab. 6-str. FrenchQObject(. 6-. Tab. 6-str. ItalianQObject$. 6-. Tab. 6-str. commonQObject&. 6-. Tab. 6-str. fullQObject(Tab. 6-  Tab. 6-str. simpleQObjectTab. Tab. balalaikaQObjectTab.  Tab. ukuleleQObject         MuseScore.   %1  MuseScore%2      .vThis score was saved using a newer version of MuseScore. Visit the %1MuseScore website%2 to obtain the latest version.QObject&  %1Triple dotted %1QObject TripletQObject: %1 Voice: %1QObjectWholeQObject ZeroQObject   bad formatQObject  double ♭QObject  double ♯QObject  unknown typeQObject ♭QObject ♯QObjectZ%1  .    ;/%1 already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?QWidget ; Are you sure?QWidgetCancelQWidgetp       '%1' ;0Do you really want to delete the '%1' workspace?QWidgetP    SoundFont %1;(Do you want to install the SoundFont %1?QWidget* SoundFontInstall SoundFontQWidget4    Load Style FailedQWidget; Overwrite?QWidget QuitQWidget4 SoundFont SoundFont installedQWidget" SoundFont .     >       >       .nSoundFont installed. Please go to View > Synthesizer to add it and View > Mixer to choose an instrument sound.QWidgetRecord RecordButton ExtensionResource  File SizeResource FilenameResource*/Install/UpdateResource LanguageResource LanguagesResource MuseScoreMuseScore ResourcesResourceX:X: ScaleSelectY:Y: ScaleSelect: Created:  ScorePreview :Name: ScorePreview:Size: ScorePreviewAction SelectDialog*  Add to selection SelectDialog  : Element type: SelectDialog  In selection SelectDialog, Replace selection SelectDialog   Same staff SelectDialog  Same subtype: SelectDialog  Same system SelectDialog  Same voice SelectDialog,  Search in selection SelectDialogSelect SelectDialog0   Subtract from selection SelectDialog00SelectInstrument :Current instrument:SelectInstrumentSearchSelectInstrument Select InstrumentSelectInstrumentActionSelectNoteDialog*  Add to selectionSelectNoteDialog  In selectionSelectNoteDialog, Replace selectionSelectNoteDialog   Same staffSelectNoteDialog  Same systemSelectNoteDialog  Same voiceSelectNoteDialog,  Search in selectionSelectNoteDialogSelectSelectNoteDialog0   Subtract from selectionSelectNoteDialogCancel SfListDialogLoad SfListDialog  SoundFontSoundFont Files SfListDialogCancel SfzListDialogLoad SfzListDialog SFZ SFZ Files SfzListDialogAddShortcutCaptureDialogBase CancelShortcutCaptureDialogBaseClearShortcutCaptureDialogBase>  Enter Shortcut SequenceShortcutCaptureDialogBase  New shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBase : New shortcut:ShortcutCaptureDialogBase&  Old shortcutsShortcutCaptureDialogBase( :Old shortcuts:ShortcutCaptureDialogBaseReplaceShortcutCaptureDialogBaseJ   Type to set shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBaseH   placeholder textType to set shortcutShortcutCaptureDialogBaseHeight SizeSelect Width SizeSelect*  Split Staff SplitStaff" : Split point: SplitStaff PercussionStaff type group nameStandardStaff type group name TablatureStaff type group name%%StaffTextProperties11StaffTextProperties1010StaffTextProperties1111StaffTextProperties1212StaffTextProperties22StaffTextProperties33StaffTextProperties44StaffTextProperties55StaffTextProperties66StaffTextProperties77StaffTextProperties88StaffTextProperties99StaffTextPropertiesF    :Actions for selected channel:StaffTextProperties Change ChannelStaffTextProperties : Change Stops:StaffTextProperties:Channel:StaffTextProperties DescriptionStaffTextProperties  Eighth noteStaffTextProperties Midi MIDI ActionStaffTextProperties NameStaffTextPropertiesOffStaffTextProperties.  swingSelect swing ratio:StaffTextProperties-Sixteenth noteStaffTextProperties SwingSwing SettingsStaffTextProperties SwingSwing:StaffTextPropertiesx        :1Switch one or more voices to a specified channel:StaffTextProperties :Voice:StaffTextProperties  Load TemplatesStaffTypeTemplates& Save TemplatesStaffTypeTemplates4  Staff Type TemplatesStaffTypeTemplatesClose Startcenter"   Start Center StartcenterClearSymbolDialogBase:Font:SymbolDialogBaseSearchSymbolDialogBaseSymbolsSymbolDialogBase"  System flagSymbolDialogBase&  Change Tuning SynthControlDynamics SynthControlEffect A:Effect A SynthControl A: Effect A: SynthControlEffect B:Effect B SynthControl : Effect B: SynthControl HertzHertz SynthControlHzHz SynthControl&  Load Default SynthControl4   Load from Score SynthControl4   Load from score SynthControl" Master Effects SynthControl$  Master tuning SynthControl& :Master tuning: SynthControl  Master volume SynthControl4   Save to Score SynthControl4   Save to score SynthControl*  Set as Default SynthControl Synthesizer SynthControlTuning SynthControln        Use up and down arrows to modify SynthControl Vol. SynthControl(   Don't sendTelemetryPermissionDialogSearchTemplateBrowserBendBend TextStyle$  Chord Symbol TextStyleComposer TextStyleDefault TextStyleDynamics TextStyle Fingering TextStyle Footer TextStyleFrame TextStyleGlissando Glissando TextStyleHairpin TextStyleHeader TextStyle Instrument Change TextStyle0  ()Instrument Name (Long) TextStyle*  ()Instrument Name (Part) TextStyle:  ()Instrument Name (Short) TextStyle4  . .LH Guitar Fingering TextStyleLyricist TextStyle(  Lyrics Even Lines TextStyle(  Lyrics Odd Lines TextStyle Measure Number TextStyle Metronome TextStyle Ottava TextStyle PedalPedal TextStyle4  . .RH Guitar Fingering TextStyle Rehearsal Mark TextStyle6  Repeat Text Left TextStyle0  Repeat Text Right TextStyleStaff TextStyle  String Number TextStyleSubtitle TextStyleSystem TextStyle Tempo TextStyle  Text Line TextStyle Title TextStyle Translator TextStyle$ Tuplet TextStyle Volta TextStyleOKOKTime signature editor//TimeDialogBase11TimeDialogBase1616TimeDialogBase22TimeDialogBase3232TimeDialogBase44TimeDialogBase6464TimeDialogBase88TimeDialogBaseAddTimeDialogBase4  Create Time SignatureTimeDialogBase:Text:TimeDialogBase A:Value:TimeDialogBase//TimeSigProperties : Actual value:TimeSigProperties AppearanceTimeSigProperties : Global value:TimeSigProperties  Note GroupsTimeSigProperties :Other:TimeSigProperties:Text:TimeSigProperties2  Time Signature PropertiesTimeSigProperties ValuesTimeSigProperties// TimesigWizard11 TimesigWizard1616 TimesigWizard22 TimesigWizard3232 TimesigWizard44 TimesigWizard6464 TimesigWizard88 TimesigWizard  Beat unit TimesigWizard   Beats in a measure TimesigWizard  Common Time TimesigWizard  Common time TimesigWizard Cut Time TimesigWizard2/2 alla breveCut time TimesigWizard: Duration: TimesigWizard,  Enter Number of Measures TimesigWizard.  :Enter Number of Measures: TimesigWizard2  :Enter Time Signature: TimesigWizard:             FHint: You can also add or remove measures after creation of the score. TimesigWizard Measures TimesigWizard : Measures: TimesigWizard Number of measures TimesigWizard Pickup Measure TimesigWizard,  Time Signature Wizard TimesigWizardDialog ToolbarEditor2  / &o A major / F♯ minorTransposeDialogBase Augmented FifthTransposeDialogBase  Augmented FourthTransposeDialogBase  Augmented SecondTransposeDialogBase Augmented SeventhTransposeDialogBase Augmented SixthTransposeDialogBase Augmented ThirdTransposeDialogBase& Augmented UnisonTransposeDialogBase2&m  /  A♭ major / F minorTransposeDialogBase4  / &o B major / G♯ minorTransposeDialogBase  By IntervalTransposeDialogBase By KeyTransposeDialogBase4&m  /  B♭ major / G minorTransposeDialogBase2  /  C major / A minorTransposeDialogBaseClosestTransposeDialogBase6&m  / &m C♭ major / A♭ minorTransposeDialogBase6&o  / &o C♯ major / A♯ minorTransposeDialogBase0  /  D major / B minorTransposeDialogBase" Diminished FifthTransposeDialogBase$ Diminished FourthTransposeDialogBase  Diminished OctaveTransposeDialogBase$ Diminished SecondTransposeDialogBase" Diminished SeventhTransposeDialogBase Diminished SixthTransposeDialogBase  Diminished ThirdTransposeDialogBaseDownTransposeDialogBase4&m  / &m D♭ major / B♭ minorTransposeDialogBase4  / &o E major / C♯ minorTransposeDialogBase4&m  /  E♭ major / C minorTransposeDialogBase0  /  F major / D minorTransposeDialogBase FifthTransposeDialogBaseFourthTransposeDialogBase4&o  / &o F♯ major / D♯ minorTransposeDialogBase2  /  G major / E minorTransposeDialogBase6&m  / &m G♭ major / E♭ minorTransposeDialogBase  Major SecondTransposeDialogBase  Major SeventhTransposeDialogBase  Major SixthTransposeDialogBase  Major ThirdTransposeDialogBase  Minor SecondTransposeDialogBase  Minor SeventhTransposeDialogBase  Minor SixthTransposeDialogBase  Minor ThirdTransposeDialogBaseOptionsTransposeDialogBase  Perfect FifthTransposeDialogBase Perfect FourthTransposeDialogBase Perfect OctaveTransposeDialogBase" Perfect UnisonTransposeDialogBaseSecondTransposeDialogBase SeventhTransposeDialogBaseSixthTransposeDialogBase ThirdTransposeDialogBase  TransposeTransposeDialogBase( Transpose ChromaticallyTransposeDialogBase2  Transpose DiatonicallyTransposeDialogBase8  Transpose chord symbolsTransposeDialogBase& Transpose key signaturesTransposeDialogBase UpTransposeDialogBase2 Enable EditingTreePaletteHeader*  Insert New PaletteTreePaletteHeader$  &Palette Properties…TreePaletteHeader*  1616th between notesTremolo216   16th through stemTremolo(32   32nd between notesTremolo232   32nd through stemTremolo(64   64th between notesTremolo264   64th through stemTremolo,   Eighth between notesTremolo4   Eighth through stemTremolo Bend: Bend type:TremoloBarDialogn        "Click to add or remove some pointsTremoloBarDialogReturnTremoloBarDialog// TupletDialogAuto TupletDialog Bracket TupletDialogFormat TupletDialog None TupletDialog no tuplet bracket styleNone TupletDialogNumber TupletDialogRatio TupletDialog Type TupletDialog. Score InformationUploadScoreDialogSign outUploadScoreDialog*  You're logged in asUploadScoreDialog<   Writing Workspace File Workspacej       %1 : "Writing Workspace File %1 failed:  WorkspaceDialogWorkspaceDialog*  :Workspace Name:WorkspaceDialogAdd ZerberusGuiCancel ZerberusGui8  SoundFont %1Cannot load SoundFont %1 ZerberusGuiDelete ZerberusGui & Loading… ZerberusGui2 Soundfont Move SoundFont down ZerberusGui4 Soundfont Move SoundFont up ZerberusGuiMuseScore MuseScore ZerberusGui4Soundfont %1  SoundFont %1 already loaded ZerberusGui"&  & &Transpose…action11action 128 128th Noteaction  128 (TAB)128th Note (TAB)action 128 128th noteaction 16 16th Noteaction 16 (TAB)16th Note (TAB)action`    16 (F.B./ )%16th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action 16 16th noteaction22action33action 32 32nd Noteaction 32 (TAB)32nd Note (TAB)action`    32 (F.B./ )%32nd Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action 32 32nd noteaction44action 64 64th Noteaction 64 (TAB)64th Note (TAB)action`    64 (F.B./ )%64th Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action 64 64th noteactionAaction::  Accessibility: Next elementactionB:  Accessibility: Previous elementactionAcciacatura AcciaccaturaactionB   16Add 16th grace noteactionL   16 Add 16th grace note afteractionB   32Add 32nd grace noteactionL   32 Add 32nd grace note afteractionP    Add Eighth grace note afteractionR    Add Next Chord to SelectionactionZ    Add Previous Chord to SelectionactionT     Add Staff Above to SelectionactionT     Add Staff Below to Selectionaction( acciacaturaAdd acciaccaturaaction* appoggiaturaAdd appoggiaturaaction0    Add bass clefaction8  Add chord symbolaction2  Add composer textaction$ crescendo Add crescendoaction( decrescendoAdd decrescendoaction2  Add figured bassaction4  Add frame textaction`  0    ( TAB)'Add fret 0 on current string (TAB only)action`  1    ( TAB)'Add fret 1 on current string (TAB only)actionb  10    ( TAB)(Add fret 10 on current string (TAB only)actionb  11    ( TAB)(Add fret 11 on current string (TAB only)actionb  12    ( TAB)(Add fret 12 on current string (TAB only)actionb  13    ( TAB)(Add fret 13 on current string (TAB only)actionb  14    ( TAB)(Add fret 14 on current string (TAB only)action`  2    ( TAB)'Add fret 2 on current string (TAB only)actionN 3    ( TAB)'Add fret 3 on current string (TAB only)action`  4    ( TAB)'Add fret 4 on current string (TAB only)action`  5    ( TAB)'Add fret 5 on current string (TAB only)action`  6    ( TAB)'Add fret 6 on current string (TAB only)action`  7    ( TAB)'Add fret 7 on current string (TAB only)action`  8    ( TAB)'Add fret 8 on current string (TAB only)action`  9    ( TAB)'Add fret 9 on current string (TAB only)action8  Add lyricist textaction  Add lyricsaction8   Add new workspaceactionR    Add next chord to selectionaction<    Add note A to chordaction<    Add note B to chordaction>    Add note C to chordaction<    Add note D to chordaction<    Add note E to chordaction<    Add note F to chordaction>    Add note G to chordaction0   Add part nameaction   Add pictureactionZ    Add previous chord to selectionactionJ   Add quarter grace noteaction.  Add rehearsal markaction" Add sluractionT     Add staff above to selectionactionT     Add staff below to selectionaction<  Add staff textaction6  Add subtitle textaction8  Add system textaction.  tempoAdd tempo markingaction0  Add title textaction2   Add treble clefaction  &Additional Media…action~    16 ( /  )7Advance of a 16th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action~    32 ( /  )7Advance of a 32nd note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action~    64 ( /  )7Advance of a 64th note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action      ( /  )?Advance of a double whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action     ( /  )7Advance of a half note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action    longa ( /  )3Advance of a longa (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action     ( /  ):Advance of a quarter note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action     ( /  )8Advance of a whole note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action     ( /  ):Advance of an eighth note (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)actionAlbumaction &Album…action*   All Similar Elementsaction\       'All Similar Elements in Range SelectionactionT      "All Similar Elements in Same StaffactionF   - Append Horizontal Frameaction.  -  &Append Measures…action6   - Append One MeasureactionB   - Append Text FrameactionH   - Append Vertical FrameactionF   - Append horizontal frameaction,  - Append measuresaction6   - Append one measureactionB   - Append text frameactionH   - Append vertical frameactionAppoggiatura Appoggiaturaaction"T Augmentation Dotaction"T Augmentation dotaction.   Auto Beamaction.   Auto beamactionBaction Backspaceaction  Bass Clefaction*   Beam Middleaction*   Beam Startaction*   Beam middleaction*   Beam startaction  Bold Faceaction  Bold faceaction,   Bottom Note in ChordactionCaction$  Chord Symbolaction&  &Chord Symbols…actionCloseaction<  Close current scoreactionComposeraction*  Concert Pitchaction" Configure Gridaction" Configure gridactionCopyaction:   Copy Lyrics to Clipboardaction:   Copy lyrics to clipboardaction6  Create New Revisionaction6  Create new revisionaction6  Create new scoreaction CrescendoactionCutactionDactionADebuggeraction0  Decrease Active Durationaction<   (TAB)Decrease Active Duration (TAB)action0  Decrease active durationaction<   (TAB)Decrease active duration (TAB)action DecrescendoactionDeleteaction  Diatonic Downaction  Diatonic Upaction4   Diatonic pitch downaction4   Diatonic pitch upaction6   Display documents side by sideaction0  Display documents stackedaction&  Documents Side by Sideaction Documents Stackedaction.  Double Augmentation Dotaction Double Durationaction*  Double Whole Noteaction6   (TAB)Double Whole Note (TAB)action.  Double augmentation dotaction Double durationaction*  Double whole noteaction  Double ♭action  Double ♯actionDownaction,   Down Note in Chordaction  Down Octaveaction DupletactionEaction*  Edit ElementactionH   Edit chord symbols styleaction*  Edit elementactionB  Edit score propertiesaction   Eighth Noteaction (TAB)Eighth Note (TAB)actiond     (F.B./ )'Eighth Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action  Eighth Restaction  Eighth noteactionN    Enable Snap to Horizontal GridactionH    Enable Snap to Vertical GridactionN    Enable snap to horizontal gridactionH    Enable snap to vertical gridaction*  Enter fifth aboveaction*  Enter fifth belowaction,  Enter fourth aboveaction,  Enter fourth belowaction(  Enter ninth aboveaction(  Enter ninth belowaction"   Enter note Aaction"   Enter note Baction$   Enter note Caction"   Enter note Daction"   Enter note Eaction"   Enter note Faction$   Enter note Gaction*  Enter octave aboveaction*  Enter octave belowaction  Enter restaction*  (TAB)Enter rest (TAB)action,  Enter second aboveaction,  Enter second belowaction*  Enter seventh aboveaction*  Enter seventh belowaction&  Enter sixth aboveaction&  Enter sixth belowaction(  Enter third aboveaction(  Enter third belowaction2  Enter unison aboveaction Escapeaction&  1-2Exchange Voice 1-2action&  1-3Exchange Voice 1-3action&  1-4Exchange Voice 1-4action&  2-3Exchange Voice 2-3action&  2-4Exchange Voice 2-4action&  3-4Exchange Voice 3-4action&  1-2Exchange voice 1-2action&  1-3Exchange voice 1-3action&  1-4Exchange voice 1-4action&  2-3Exchange voice 2-3action&  2-4Exchange voice 2-4action&  3-4Exchange voice 3-4action      ,   8Explode contents of top selected staff into staves belowaction  &Export Parts…action  Export partsaction&  Export scoreaction & Export…actionFactionL  ,  Feathered Beam, FasteractionH  ,   Feathered Beam, SloweractionL  ,  Feathered beam, fasteractionH  ,   Feathered beam, sloweraction  Fifth Aboveaction  Fifth Belowaction  Figured Bassaction :  File > Closeaction:  File > Newaction:  File > Openaction$:  File > Saveaction::  File > Save a copyaction*:  File > Save asaction0  onlineFile > Save onlineaction& File Operationsaction&  Fill With Slashesaction&  Fill with slashesaction Findaction Fingeringaction  First Elementaction$ Flip Directionaction$ Flip directionaction  Fourth Aboveaction  Fourth Belowaction 0 (TAB) Fret 0 (TAB)action 1 (TAB) Fret 1 (TAB)action 10 (TAB) Fret 10 (TAB)action 11 (TAB) Fret 11 (TAB)action 12 (TAB) Fret 12 (TAB)action 13 (TAB) Fret 13 (TAB)action 14 (TAB) Fret 14 (TAB)action 2 (TAB) Fret 2 (TAB)action 3 (TAB) Fret 3 (TAB)action 4 (TAB) Fret 4 (TAB)action 5 (TAB) Fret 5 (TAB)action 6 (TAB) Fret 6 (TAB)action 7 (TAB) Fret 7 (TAB)action 8 (TAB) Fret 8 (TAB)action 9 (TAB) Fret 9 (TAB)action,  Full Measure Restaction  Full Screenaction,  Full measure restaction  Full screenactionGactionJ     Go to bottom note in chordactiond      "Go to higher pitched note in chordactionf      !Go to lower pitched note in chordactionv       #Go to next chord or move text rightactiont        %Go to next measure or move text rightaction       &Go to previous chord or move text leftactionz       (Go to previous measure or move text leftaction6   Go to the first elementaction>   Go to the last elementactionT     Go to top note in chordaction: 16 Grace: 16thaction$: 16 Grace: 16th afteraction: 32 Grace: 32ndaction$: 32 Grace: 32nd afteraction": Grace: Quarteraction(:  Grace: eighth afteraction": Grace: quarteraction  Half Durationaction  Half Noteaction (TAB)Half Note (TAB)actiond     (F.B./ )%Half Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action  Half Restaction  Half durationaction  Half noteaction  Image Captureaction         ;Implode contents of selected staves into top selected staffaction PDF Import PDFaction PDF & Import PDF…action   PDF      musescore.com?Import a PDF file with an experimental service on musescore.comaction0  Increase Active Durationaction<   (TAB)Increase Active Duration (TAB)action0  Increase active durationaction<   (TAB)Increase active duration (TAB)action Insert Aaction Insert Baction Insert Caction Insert Daction Insert Eaction Insert FactionR   Insert Fretboard Diagram Frameaction Insert Gaction8  Insert Horizontal Frameaction   &Insert Measures…action(  Insert One Measureaction8   &Insert Special Characters…action4  Insert Text Frameaction:  Insert Vertical FrameactionP   Insert fretboard diagram frameaction8  Insert horizontal frameaction Insert measuresaction"   Insert note Aaction"   Insert note Baction$   Insert note Caction"   Insert note Daction"   Insert note Eaction"   Insert note Faction$   Insert note Gaction(  Insert one measureaction6  Insert special charactersaction4  Insert text frameaction2  Insert vertical frameaction Inspectoraction Instrument Changeaction &Instruments…action Italicaction0  Join Selected Measuresaction0  Join selected measuresaction$  &Key Signatures…action$  Last ElementactionLayersaction & Layers…action  & Load Style…action<   Load score from fileaction  Load styleaction(  Lock Scoreaction(  Lock scoreaction LongaLongaactionLonga (TAB) Longa (TAB)action Loop Inaction Loop OutactionLyricistaction Lyricsaction(  MIDIMIDI Import Panelaction MIDI MIDI Inputaction   Manage partsactionMarcatoMarcatoaction  &Master Palette…action Metronomeaction Mixeraction@ / Move Chord/Rest RightactionF / Move Chord/Rest leftaction  Move Downaction Move Upaction2  Move Word Leftaction,  Move Word RightactionF / Move chord/rest leftaction@ / Move chord/rest rightaction  Move downaction Move upaction2  Move word leftaction,  Move word rightaction Navigatoraction &New…actionH  ( )Next Beat (Chord Symbol)action"  Next Chordaction   Next Elementaction  Next MeasureactionB  (F.B./Chord Symbol) Next Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)action$  Next Scoreaction4   Next Staff or Voiceaction  Next SyllableactionH  ( )Next beat (Chord symbol)actionl  ( /  )-Next measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action$  Next scoreaction4   Next staff or voiceaction  Next syllableaction  Ninth Aboveaction  Ninth Belowaction(  No Beamaction(  No beamactionNonupletaction  Note Inputaction( : 128Note duration: 128thaction6 : 128 (TAB)Note duration: 128th (TAB)action& : 16Note duration: 16thaction2 : 16 (TAB)Note duration: 16th (TAB)action& : 32Note duration: 32ndaction2 : 32 (TAB)Note duration: 32nd (TAB)action& : 64Note duration: 64thaction2 : 64 (TAB)Note duration: 64th (TAB)action@ :  Note duration: Augmentation dotactionN :   &Note duration: Double augmentation dotaction< :  Note duration: Double wholeactionH :   (TAB)!Note duration: Double whole (TAB)action* : Note duration: Eighthaction6 :  (TAB)Note duration: Eighth (TAB)action( : Note duration: Halfaction4 :  (TAB)Note duration: Half (TAB)action* : longaNote duration: Longaaction6 : Longa (TAB)Note duration: Longa (TAB)action. : Note duration: Quarteraction: :  (TAB)Note duration: Quarter (TAB)action. : Note duration: Tieaction0 : Note duration: Wholeaction< :  (TAB)Note duration: Whole (TAB)action  Note inputaction6 :  Note input: Double ♭action6 :  Note input: Double ♯action8 :  Note input: Eighth restaction6 :  Note input: Half restaction< :  Note input: Quarter restaction* : Note input: Restaction6 :  (TAB)Note input: Rest (TAB)action> :  Note input: Whole restaction* : Note input: ♭action0 : Note input: ♮action* : Note input: ♯action  Octave Aboveaction  Octave BelowactionOctupletaction &Open…action4   Other tupletsaction  &Other…action$  &Page Settings…action"  Page settingsaction:  Page: Endaction:  Page: Nextaction&: Page: Previousaction:  Page: TopactionPalettesactionP    Pan roll during playbackaction  &Parts…actionPasteaction& Piano Keyboardaction& Piano keyboardaction Pictureactionx        9Pitch down by an octave or move text or articulation downaction.   Pitch down octaveaction^      ,Pitch down or move text or articulation downactionv        5Pitch up by an octave or move text or articulation upaction.   Pitch up octaveaction\      (Pitch up or move text or articulation upactionPlayaction>  Play Next Chordaction6  Play Next Measureaction(  Play PanelactionF  Play Previous Chordaction>  Play Previous Measureaction0  Play Repeatsactionr -     Play count-in at playback startaction\     Play metronome during playbackaction>  Play next chordaction6  Play next measureactionF  Play previous chordaction>  Play previous measureaction,  Play repeatsaction$ Plugin &Plugin Creator…action( Plugin &Plugin Manager…action" PluginPlugin creatoraction& PluginPlugin manageractionP  ( )Previous Beat (Chord Symbol)action* Previous Chordaction( Previous Elementaction" Previous MeasureactionJ  (F.B./Chord Symbol)$Previous Measure (F.B./Chord Symbol)action, Previous Scoreaction<   Previous Staff or Voiceaction& Previous SyllableactionP  ( )Previous beat (Chord symbol)actiont  ( /  )1Previous measure (Figured bass/Chord symbol only)action, Previous scoreaction<   Previous staff or voiceaction& Previous syllableactionPrintaction(  Print scoreaction &Print…action Quadrupletaction  Quarter Noteaction&  (TAB)Quarter Note (TAB)actionh     (F.B./ )(Quarter Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action  Quarter Restaction  Quarter noteaction Quintupletaction QuitactionRedoaction8  Redo last undoaction" Regroup Rhythmsaction" Regroup rhythmsaction Rehearsal Markaction8  Repeat Last Commandaction$ Repeat Selectionaction8  Repeat last commandaction$ Repeat selectionactionN    (Replace pitches without changing rhythmsaction(   Report a Bugaction(   Report a bugaction<  Resequence Rehearsal Marksaction<  Resequence rehearsal marksaction&  &Resource Manager…action$ Resource manageraction4 Respell Pitchesaction4 Respell pitchesaction Restaction (TAB) Rest (TAB)action&  Rewindaction4   Rewind to start positionactionSaveaction  & Save As…action$ online &Save Online…action(  &Save Selection…action   & Save Style…action,  &Save a Copy…action        8Save a copy of the score in addition to the current fileactionp      +Save a copy of the score in various formatsaction        3Save a copy of the score's parts in various formatsaction^     #Save current selection as new scoreactionP   MuseScore.comSave score on MuseScore.comaction@   Save score to fileactionV      Save score under a new file nameaction& Save selectionaction  Save styleaction,  &Score Properties…action  Second Aboveaction  Second Belowaction  Select Allaction  Select Sectionaction  Select allactionB    Select all similar elementsactionl       )Select all similar elements in same staffactionj       2Select all similar elements in the range selectionaction  Select sectionaction<   (TAB )Select string above (TAB only)action<   ( )Select string below (TAB only)action@     Select to Beginning of Lineaction8    Select to Beginning of MeasureactionH     Select to Beginning of Scoreaction@     Select to End of LineactionH     Select to End of Scoreaction@     Select to beginning of lineaction>     Select to beginning of measureactionH     Select to beginning of scoreaction@     Select to end of lineaction>     Select to end of measureactionH     Select to end of scoreaction Selection Filteraction Septupletaction  Set Invisibleaction  Set Visibleaction  Set invisibleaction8   Set loop in positionaction6   Set loop out positionaction  Set visibleaction  Seventh Aboveaction  Seventh Belowaction  Sextupletaction"  Show Framesaction  Show Invisibleaction6  Show Page Marginsaction.  Show Unprintableaction$  Show framesaction  Show inspectoraction2  Show instruments dialogaction  Show invisibleactionD   Show key signature paletteaction0   Show master paletteaction.  Show media dialogaction6  Show page marginsaction2  Show symbol paletteaction@   Show time signature paletteaction.  Show unprintableaction  Sixth Aboveaction  Sixth BelowactionSluractionStaccatoStaccatoaction(  Staff Textaction   Start centeraction:   Start or stop playbackaction"  Status Baraction(   (TAB)String Above (TAB)action(   (TAB)String Below (TAB)action  &Style…actionSubtitleaction0   Swap with Clipboardaction & Symbols…action Synthesizeraction$  System Textaction  Tempo Markingaction TenutoTenutoactionTextaction  Third Aboveaction  Third Belowaction Tieaction  &Time Signatures…action Titleaction0  Toggle Page BreakactionN   Toggle Rhythmic Slash Notationaction.  Toggle Section Breakaction>  Toggle System Breakaction:  Toggle View Modeaction& Toggle Visibilityaction  marcatoToggle marcatoaction@  Toggle metronome playbackaction. pan piano rollToggle pan piano rollaction  Toggle staccatoaction tenuto Toggle tenutoaction   Toggle trillaction6   Top Note in Chordaction  Transposeaction" Transpose Downaction"  Transpose Upaction Transpose downaction    Transpose upaction   Treble Clefaction Trillaction Tripletaction UnderlineactionUndoaction6  Undo last changeaction  Unison Aboveaction Upaction,   Up Note in Chordaction  Up Octaveaction  1Voice 1action  2Voice 2action  3Voice 3action  4Voice 4action  Whole Noteaction*  (TAB)Whole Note (TAB)actionj     (F.B./ )&Whole Note Advance (F.B./Chord Symbol)action  Whole Restaction  Whole noteaction  Zoom CanvasactionZoom InactionZoom Outaction  Zoom canvasactionZoom inactionZoom outaction  100% Zoom to 100%action ♭action♮action ♯action  /Aawlutils&oA♯awlutils B /Bawlutils C /Cawlutils&oC♯awlutils D /Dawlutils&oD♯awlutils E /Eawlutils F /Fawlutils&oF♯awlutils G /Gawlutils&oG♯awlutilsaawlutilsbbawlutilscawlutilsdawlutilseawlutilsffawlutilsgawlutilsD throwD throwbagpipe  Double gracebagpipe(   Double strike on Bbagpipe*   Double strike on Cbagpipe(   Double strike on Dbagpipe(   Double strike on Ebagpipe(   Double strike on Fbagpipe2    Double strike on high Abagpipe4    Double strike on high Gbagpipe6    Double strike on low Abagpipe&   Doubling on Bbagpipe(   Doubling on Cbagpipe&   Doubling on Dbagpipe&   Doubling on Ebagpipe&   Doubling on Fbagpipe0   Doubling on high Abagpipe2   Doubling on high Gbagpipe4   Doubling on low Abagpipe6   Doubling on low Gbagpipe>G grace note double strike on BG grace note double strike on Bbagpipe>G grace note double strike on CG grace note double strike on Cbagpipe>G grace note double strike on DG grace note double strike on Dbagpipe>G grace note double strike on EG grace note double strike on Ebagpipe>G grace note double strike on FG grace note double strike on FbagpipeFG grace note double strike on low A#G grace note double strike on low Abagpipe<    G grace note grip on Bbagpipe>    G grace note grip on Cbagpipe<    G grace note grip on Dbagpipe<    G grace note grip on Ebagpipe<    G grace note grip on FbagpipeJ     G grace note grip on low Abagpipe6    G grace note on Bbagpipe8    G grace note on Cbagpipe6    G grace note on Dbagpipe6    G grace note on Ebagpipe6    G grace note on FbagpipeD     G grace note on low Abagpipe>G grace note triple strike on BG grace note triple strike on Bbagpipe>G grace note triple strike on CG grace note triple strike on Cbagpipe>G grace note triple strike on DG grace note triple strike on Dbagpipe>G grace note triple strike on EG grace note triple strike on Ebagpipe>G grace note triple strike on FG grace note triple strike on FbagpipeFG grace note triple strike on low A#G grace note triple strike on low Abagpipe GripbagpipeHalf D throw Half D throwbagpipe.Half double strike on BHalf double strike on Bbagpipe.Half double strike on CHalf double strike on Cbagpipe.Half double strike on DHalf double strike on Dbagpipe.Half double strike on EHalf double strike on Ebagpipe.Half double strike on FHalf double strike on Fbagpipe<     Half double strike on high Abagpipe8Half double strike on high GHalf double strike on high Gbagpipe6Half double strike on low AHalf double strike on low Abagpipe2   Half doubling on Bbagpipe4   Half doubling on Cbagpipe2   Half doubling on Dbagpipe2   Half doubling on Ebagpipe2   Half doubling on Fbagpipe@    Half doubling on low AbagpipeB    Half doubling on low Gbagpipe$   Half grip on Bbagpipe&   Half grip on Cbagpipe$   Half grip on Dbagpipe$   Half grip on Ebagpipe$   Half grip on Fbagpipe.    Half grip on high Abagpipe0    Half grip on high Gbagpipe2    Half grip on low Abagpipe$Half heavy D throwHalf heavy D throwbagpipeHalf pele on BHalf pele on BbagpipeHalf pele on CHalf pele on CbagpipeHalf pele on DHalf pele on DbagpipeHalf pele on EHalf pele on EbagpipeHalf pele on FHalf pele on Fbagpipe&Half pele on high GHalf pele on high Gbagpipe$Half pele on low AHalf pele on low Abagpipe&   Half strike on Bbagpipe(   Half strike on Cbagpipe&   Half strike on Dbagpipe&   Half strike on Ebagpipe&   Half strike on Fbagpipe2    Half strike on high Gbagpipe4    Half strike on low Abagpipe.Half triple strike on BHalf triple strike on Bbagpipe.Half triple strike on CHalf triple strike on Cbagpipe.Half triple strike on DHalf triple strike on Dbagpipe.Half triple strike on EHalf triple strike on Ebagpipe.Half triple strike on FHalf triple strike on Fbagpipe8Half triple strike on high AHalf triple strike on high Abagpipe8Half triple strike on high GHalf triple strike on high Gbagpipe6Half triple strike on low AHalf triple strike on low AbagpipeHeavy D throw Heavy D throwbagpipePele on B Pele on BbagpipePele on C Pele on CbagpipePele on D Pele on DbagpipePele on E Pele on EbagpipePele on F Pele on FbagpipePele on low A Pele on low Abagpipe   Single grace Bbagpipe"  Single grace Cbagpipe   Single grace Dbagpipe   Single grace Ebagpipe   Single grace Fbagpipe*   Single grace high Abagpipe,   Single grace high Gbagpipe.   Single grace low Abagpipe0   Single grace low Gbagpipe0Thumb double strike on BThumb double strike on Bbagpipe0Thumb double strike on CThumb double strike on Cbagpipe0Thumb double strike on DThumb double strike on Dbagpipe0Thumb double strike on EThumb double strike on Ebagpipe0Thumb double strike on FThumb double strike on Fbagpipe:Thumb double strike on high GThumb double strike on high Gbagpipe8Thumb double strike on low AThumb double strike on low Abagpipe:   Thumb doubling on Bbagpipe<   Thumb doubling on Cbagpipe:   Thumb doubling on Dbagpipe:   Thumb doubling on Ebagpipe:   Thumb doubling on FbagpipeH    Thumb doubling on low AbagpipeJ    Thumb doubling on low Gbagpipe4Thumb grace note pele on BThumb grace note pele on Bbagpipe4Thumb grace note pele on CThumb grace note pele on Cbagpipe4Thumb grace note pele on DThumb grace note pele on Dbagpipe4Thumb grace note pele on EThumb grace note pele on Ebagpipe4Thumb grace note pele on FThumb grace note pele on Fbagpipe>Thumb grace note pele on high GThumb grace note pele on high Gbagpipe<Thumb grace note pele on low AThumb grace note pele on low Abagpipe.   Thumb grip on Bbagpipe0   Thumb grip on Cbagpipe.   Thumb grip on Dbagpipe.   Thumb grip on Ebagpipe0    Thumb grip on Fbagpipe:    Thumb grip on high Gbagpipe<    Thumb grip on low Abagpipe0   Thumb strike on Bbagpipe2   Thumb strike on Cbagpipe2   Thumb strike on Dbagpipe2   Thumb strike on Ebagpipe2   Thumb strike on Fbagpipe<    Thumb strike on high Gbagpipe>    Thumb strike on low Abagpipe0Thumb triple strike on BThumb triple strike on Bbagpipe0Thumb triple strike on CThumb triple strike on Cbagpipe0Thumb triple strike on DThumb triple strike on Dbagpipe0Thumb triple strike on EThumb triple strike on Ebagpipe0Thumb triple strike on FThumb triple strike on Fbagpipe:Thumb triple strike on high GThumb triple strike on high Gbagpipe8Thumb triple strike on low AThumb triple strike on low Abagpipe*   Triple strike on Bbagpipe,   Triple strike on Cbagpipe*   Triple strike on Dbagpipe*   Triple strike on Ebagpipe*   Triple strike on Fbagpipe4    Triple strike on high Abagpipe6    Triple strike on high Gbagpipe8    Triple strike on low Abagpipe,  3  Alto clef clefTable:   5 Baritone clef (C clef) clefTable*  3 Baritone clef (F clef) clefTable  Bass clef clefTable,  1 French violin clef clefTable,  2 Mezzo-soprano clef clefTable Percussion clefTable,  1  Soprano clef clefTable*  5  Subbass clef clefTable Tablature clefTable,  4  Tenor clef clefTable   Treble clef clefTable,  Acoustic Bass Drumdrumset snareAcoustic SnaredrumsetBass Drum 1 Bass Drum 1drumset  Bell TreedrumsetCabasadrumset Castanetsdrumset  Chinese Cymbaldrumset Clavesdrumset Hi-hat Closed Hi-HatdrumsetCowbelldrumset  1Crash Cymbal 1drumset  2Crash Cymbal 2drumset snareElectric Snaredrumset Hand ClapdrumsetHi Hi Bongodrumset    Hi Wood Blockdrumset-  Hi-Mid Tomdrumset&  High Floor Tomdrumset High Tomdrumset Long Whistledrumset  Low Bongodrumset conga Low Congadrumset*   Low Floor Tomdrumset Low Tomdrumset$  Low Wood Blockdrumset"-  Low-Mid TomdrumsetMaracasdrumset Metronome Belldrumset Metronome Clickdrumset Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hatdrumset    Open Triangledrumset  1 Ride Cymbal 1drumset  2 Ride Cymbal 2drumset"  Short WhistledrumsetSide Stick Side StickdrumsetSlapdrumset Sleigh Belldrumset  Splash CymbaldrumsetSticksdrumsetTambourine Tambourinedrumset VibraslapdrumsetA editstaff&mA♭ editstaffB editstaff&mB♭ editstaffC editstaff&oC♯ editstaffD editstaffE editstaff&mE♭ editstaffF editstaff&oF♯ editstaffG editstaffAeditstringdata&mA♭editstringdataBeditstringdata&mB♭editstringdataCeditstringdata&oC♯editstringdataDeditstringdataEeditstringdata&mE♭editstringdataFeditstringdata&oF♯editstringdataGeditstringdata   Accidental elementName Ambitus elementNameArpeggio elementName Articulation elementName& Bagpipe Embellishment elementNameBarline elementName Beam elementNameBendBend elementName Bracket elementNameBreath elementNameChord elementName"  Chord Line elementName$  Chord Symbol elementName Clef elementNameCompound elementNameDynamic elementNameElement elementName  Element List elementName Fermata elementName  Figured Bass elementName Fingering elementName*  Font Symbol elementName& Fretboard Diagram elementName<  Fretboard Diagram Frame elementNameGlissando Glissando elementName GlissandoGlissando Segment elementNameHairpin elementName,  Hairpin Segment elementNameHook elementName" Horizontal Frame elementNameIcon elementName Image elementName Instrument Change elementName Instrument Name elementName Invalid elementNameJump elementName   Key Signature elementNameLasso elementName  Layout Break elementName   Ledger Line elementName Lyrics elementNameMarker elementName Measure elementName  Measure List elementName Measure Number elementName"  Melisma Line elementName6  Melisma Line Segment elementNameNote elementName Note Dot elementName  Note Line elementNameOssia elementName Ottava elementName Ottava Segment elementName Page elementName MPart elementName PedalPedal elementName Pedal Pedal Segment elementName Rehearsal Mark elementName  Repeat Measure elementName Rest elementNameScore elementName Segment elementName Selection elementName  Shadow Note elementNameSlur elementName  Slur Segment elementNameSpacer elementNameStaff elementName(  Staff Lines elementName$  Staff List elementName,  Staff State elementName(  Staff Text elementNameStem elementNameSymbol elementNameSystem elementName. 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