%abc %%%% % % Fichiers temporaires % % % © Copyright (c) - Eric Forgeot - anamnese@laposte.net - http://anamnese.fr.st % (copyright for the abc transcription only) % % This file may be freely copied. % You can use this work for every purposes, except making money with it % % % Ce sont avant tous des airs pour un travail personnel. % % % %% Dernière mise à jour 02/03/03 % http://anamnese.online.fr/abc/ % %%%%%% % % % % % % % % % % % %%vskip 1cm X:6 T:Mazurka C:trad.? Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=125 K:F FD A2 AB | cd A4 | BA G2 AG | FE F2 D2 | FD A2 AB | cd A4 | BA G2 AG | FE D4 | dc B2 BA | Bc d4 | cB A2 AG | AB A4 | dc B2 BA | Bc d4 | cB A2 GF | EF D4 |] X:6 T:Bransle C:trad. D:Perlinpinpin Fòlc - Als Curiós -- Musica gasconha Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 K:G |: B2 cB cd | c2 BA GA | B2 cB cd | c2 B A2 A :| |: B2 cB AG | A2 BA GF | G2 A B2 G/G/ | EF G A2A :| X:6 T:The storm before the calm C:Blood Axis D:Codreanu, Fidelis Legio Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:none L:1/8 Q:1/4=57 K:A %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI program 0 %%staves {1 2} %%vskip 2cm V:1 |: [M:5/4] (4:5:2c2A2 d/d/-d2-d/A/ | [M:4/4] B2 G-G/d/ c3-c/A/ :| V:2 %%MIDI transpose -24 %%MIDI program 0 K:A bass |: [M:5/4] (4:5:4F,FCF B,B[Fd]B | [M:4/4] CB[Fd]B ccAc :| X:2 T:Overture to the sun C:Walter Carlos - (Terry Tucker ?) D:Clockwork Orange Z:transcription : anamnese@laposte.net M:2/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=185 K:C V:1 ^dgfd c=d ^d2 | _BdcB c2c2|\ ^dgfd c=d ^d2 | _BdcB c2c2|! c_B^G=G B2B2 | Gdc_B c2c2|\ c_B^G=G B2B2 | Gdc_B c2c2|! ^dgfd c=d ^d2 | _BdcB c2c2|\ ^dgfd c=d ^d2 | _BdcB c2c2|! c_B^G=G B2B2 | Gdc_B c2c2|\ c_B^G=G B2B2 | Gdc_B c2c2|! egegf/g/ag2 | f/g/aged2d2| egegf/g/ag2 | f/g/aged2d2|\ c2c3/c/c4 || V:2 [G3^D3C3]C[D3C3^G,3]G, | [F3D3_B,3]B,[G2C2][G2C2]|\ [G3^D3C3]C[D3C3^G,3]G, | [F3D3_B,3]B,[G2C2][G2C2]|! [^D3C3^G,3]G,[F3=D3_B,3]B,|[D3_B,3G,3]G,[G3^D3C3]C|\ [^D3C3^G,3]G,[F3=D3_B,3]B,|[D3_B,3G,3]G,[G3^D3C3]C|! [G3^D3C3]C[D3C3^G,3]G, | [D3_B,3F3]B,[G2C2][G2C2]|\ [G3^D3C3]C[D3C3^G,3]G, | [D3_B,3F3]B,[G2C2][G2C2]|! [^D3C3^G,3]G,[=D3_B,3F3]B, | [D3_B,3G,3]G,[G3^D3C3]C|\ [^D3C3^G,3]G,[=D3_B,3F3]B, | [D3_B,3G,3]G,[G3^D3C3]C|! [G2E2C2]C2[c3A3F3]C | [c3A3F3]C[A2^F2D2][A2F2D2]| [G2E2C2]C2[c3A3F3]C | [c3A3F3]C[A2D2^F2][A2D2F2]|\ C2C3/2C/2C4 || % Compositions personnelles X:9 T:- - - 6 - - - - %temp (morceaux non termin\'es de transcrire) X:13 T:- - - 5 Temporaires - - - X:17 T:Bransle double de Champaigne R:Bransle C:Claude Gervaise N:repris à partir de notes de brouillons (encore des erreurs) O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=155 K:F G d | d3/2 e/fe/d/ c | G dc A| BGA2 | FFGA | BGAG ||! GdcA | B G A2 | F/G/A/B/ AG | G^F G2 || GBGBAG^F2 |[1 GA^FG | ABAG :|[2 GG^FG | GFG2 || B2c2 | A2 GG| BBcc| AAG2 | BBB/c/d/c/ | c3/2 B/ AG | X:18 T:Est il conclud (Gaillarde) R:Gaillarde C:Claude Gervaise N: O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:6/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:C V:1 G G G | A/G/F/E/ D C G3/2 F/ | E2 E GGG | A2 GFE2 |\ F2 F AAA | G2 F E G3/2 F/ | E2 E AAA | G2 F E G3/2 F/ | |: E2 E E F3/2 E/ | D2 D E F3/2 E/ | D2 D C G3/2 F/ :| E2 E z6 |] V:2 ccc | AA d A B/A/G/F/ | G2 G ccc | A/G/A/B/ c A A2 |\ A2 A ccc | c3/2 B/ A G/F/ G2 | G2 G ccc | V:3 eee | f/e/d/c/ B c2 B | c2 c eee | f2 e d2 ^c |\ d2 d fff | e2 d c2 B | c2 c fff e2 d c2 B | %/.../ X:19 T:Est il conclud (Pavane) R:Pavane C:Claude Gervaise N: O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:C V:1 G2 GG | A/G/F/E/ D E | FE G3/2 F/ | E4 | G2 GG |\ A2 A G-|G/F/ D E2 | F4 :| |: A2 AA | G2 G E | FE G3/2 F/ | E4 | AAA | G2 F E G3/2 F/ | |: E2 E E F3/2 E/ | D2 D E F3/2 E/ | D2 D C G3/2 F/ :| E2 E z6 |] V:2 c2 cc | AA d G | A G/F/ G2 | G4 |c2 cc | A/G/A/B/ c3/2 _B/ | A _B A2 |\ A4 :| |: c2 cc | c2 c G | A G/F/ G2 | G4 | G ccc | V:3 eee | f/e/d/c/ B c2 B | c2 c eee | f2 e d2 ^c |\ d2 d fff | e2 d c2 B | c2 c fff e2 d c2 B |%/.../x X:20 T:Norge 2 N:pas terminé de transcrire ! A:Hedmark ? O:Norge - Norway - Norv\`ege Z:transcription (d'oreille) : anamnese@laposte.net M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=250 K:C AB ^c | d2 fe ^cA ^c | e2 gfefd^c | fed^cBAGA X:21 T:accord violon N: M:C L:1/2 Q:1/4=90 K:C %%MIDI program 45 G,DAe X:21 T:accord guitare N: M:C L:1/2 Q:1/4=90 K:C %%MIDI program 45 E,, A,, D, G, B, E X:21 T:flûte à bec N:pas encore terminé ! N:à utiliser avec une police non proportionnelle ! Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:8/2 L:1/2 Q:1/4=130 K:C C ^C D ^D E F ^F G G# A A# B | W: W: x x x x x x x x x x x x W: W: x x x x x x x x x x x x W: x x x x x x x x x x O O W: x x x x x x x x O O x O W: x x x x x x O O x O x O W: x x x x x O x O x O O O W: x. x. x. o. oo x. xo oo oo oo oo oo W: x. o. oo oo oo x. o. oo oo oo oo oo W: W: C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B W: W: W: x O w w w w w w w w w w W: W: O x x x x x x x x x x x W: x x x x x x x x x x x x W: O O x x x x x x O x x x W: O O x x x x O x x O x x W: O O x x x O x O x O O O W: oo oo oo xo oo x. x. oo oo oo oo oo W: oo oo oo oo oo oo o. oo oo oo oo oo W: W: C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B W: W: W: {\TH}{\th}w X:22 T:guitare R: C: H: N: A: O: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:C L:1/4 Q:1/4=70 K:C "Am" cBAB | AE AE | ABcdcAB :| cdeeeedcBABcB | X:23 T: R: C: N: O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=155 % -2 tons K:D E/ | FFF A/G/ F/E/ F E/F/ DDD C/D/ EE F2 X:24 T: R: C: N: O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=155 K:C cFcc _d c _A/ _B/ c/ d/ | C F _E F G _A/ A/G/ F | cFc f _e ^c X:28 T:The Tale of Sir Robin* C: N:rythm to be corrected and notes as well ! D:Monty Python's Holy Grail O: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=115 K:G B,>E E>F G E2 F GE F^D E2 | E>F G>A B BB Ad cc B2 | GABcdddcBAAABA2 | GABBBAGA2 F2 | (G2) W:Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. W:He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Robin. W:He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, W:Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin! X:28 T:Company of Wolves (fiddle theme for weeding) * C:George Fenton ? N:retranscription still on progress N:original tune can be found N:at http://garvalf.online.fr/temp/compagnie_des_loups_violons.mp3 N:tuned up 1/2 step in the film N:- tune probably works only in AbcMus D: O: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=160 K:D %%MIDI program 110 %fiddle V:1 |: [D4A4 f2 ] .fg f2 dA | [A4e2] .e=f e2 dA | [D4A2] d2 d2 cB | [E4c]d ec [E4A4] | [D4A4 f2 ] .fg f2 dA | [A4e2] .e=f e2 dA | [D4A2] d2 d2 cB | [A,6c]d ec [D4d4] :| V:2 |: z8 | z8 | z8 | z8 :| |: z8 | z8 | z8 | z8 :| % K:C V:1 A2 d2 d2 cB | c2 e2 e2 cB | A2 d2 d2 cB | cd ec A2 c2| A2 d2 d2 cB | c2 e2 e2 cB | A2 d2 d2 cB | cd ec A4 | V:2 A2 d2 d2 cB | C2 DC A,2 A,2 | F2 FE D2 F2 | E2 GE C2 E2 | C2 D2 D2 CB,| C2 DC A,2 A,2 | F2 FE D2 F2 | E2 GE C2 E2 | X:30 T:Au chant de l'alouette* R:Chanson N: D:Pierre de Grenoble (Malicorne) O:France Z:transcription (d'oreille sauf les paroles) : anamnese@laposte.net M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 K:C DADD G/F/E/F/ G/F/E/F/ | DADD G/F/E/F/ G2 | Gd/dcG/A/G/F/A/ G2 | D>D/D/ D C A, FEF G2 DDDFEDFED D/E/F/G/ A/ G/ F2 d/c/F/ "??"E/ D2 "couplet"(3D/A/A/ AD/D/ D C A, FEF G2 DDDFEDFED D/E/F/G/ A/ G/ F2 d/c/F/ "??"E/ D2 X:33 T:Pennknivsmördaren R: C:Väsen H: N:Trad. /folk A: D:Elements O:Sverige - Sweden - Su\`ede Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/8=100 K:C a/b/a/g/ e/f/e/d/ ee c2 c/e/d/c/ B/A/G/A/EAGABc de ^f dd abage | X:34 T:Adieu mes amours C: N: D: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=110 K:G EG^FEB2 A>G^F E D2 | EG^FEB2 A>^F E ^F E2 | EBBA B2 A>B A ^F E ^F | EBBA B2 A>B A ^F E2 | X:35 T:Les transformations N:transcription d'oreille D: O:France Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=90 K:C A, | D C D E D E F D E | X:36 T:Wedding Song N: D: O: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:5/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=72 K:G %%staves (1 2) V:1 G>A B G c B A3 D | G A B3 G d4 | e d/ c/ B G A2 G3 B | c2B2 A G A4 | c2 c>d e c d2 | c d/ c/ B G d4-d D | G A B G c3 B A D | (E/F/) G A G2 F G3 d | e d c e d c B3 d | c B A G E V:2 "G"x4 "C"x2 "D"x2"D7"x2 | X:37 T:Song of Goldmoon N: D: O: Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:3/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=105 K:G %%staves (1 2) V:1 B, | E>B, E | GBG | AFD | D2 B | d>Bd | ded | dBG | B2B | d>A d | dfd | dBG | AFD | E>B,E | GBG | AFD |1 E2 B, :|2 E2 G | c>dc | BAG | (A(F(D|[A2F2D2]))) B | c>dc | BAG | V:2 x | "Em"x3 | "Em"x2 "Em"x | "D"x3 | "Em"x3 | "G"x3 | "Em"x3 | "G"x3 | "Bm"x3 | "G"x3 | "Em"x3 | "G"x3 | "D"x3 | X:41 T:Guardian Angel (intro) R: C:John McLaughlin H: N: A: B: O:USA Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=184 K:G treble %%staves (1 2) %%MIDI transpose -12 V:1 %%MIDI program 24 EcBc gDAB | Ad^CA e=CGe | B,FGF dCFG | FeB,F dA,Ec | ^G,EBF, EBF,E | ^AEBA e2 z2 | EBA,E ^c2 z2 | FdCF GF e2 | ^CAeD AfEc | Bcg=F cBca | CGeB, FGFd | F,^CDC A4 | B8 | x8 |] V:2 %%MIDI program 24 E4-E D3-|D2 ^C2-C =C3 | B,4-B, (C3| D2) B,2-B, A,3 | ^G,3 F,-F,2 F,2 | F,4 zF,G,^G,-| ^G,2 A,2-A,A,^A,B,-|B,2 C2-C3 C | ^C3 D-D2 E2-|E3 =F-F4 | C3 B,-B,2 z2 | F,4 C(F,G,)D | x8 | z8 |] % input file tmp/midi.mid % format 1 file 5 tracks X:44 T:Champ1 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=65 K:Bb % 2 flats % Last note suggests Dorian mode tune % Time signature=4/4 MIDI-clocks/click=24 32nd-notes/24-MIDI-clocks=8 % MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=0 minor=0 V:1 %%MIDI program 4 19 G,B, F,G, F,/2z/2F,/2z/2 B,,3/2z/2|B,,/2z/2B,, G,,B,, F,B,, F,B,,|G,B, F,G, F,/2z/2F,/2z/2 B,,3/2z/2|B,,/2z/2B,, G,,B,, F,B,, F,B,,| G,3/2z/2 G,/2z/2G, C,G, F,2|F,/2z/2F,/2z/2 G,3/2z/2 G,/2z/2G, D,G,,/2 V:2 %%MIDI program 3 18 Gd cB BA B3/2z/2|B/2c/2d cB cd cB|Gd cB BA B3/2z/2|B/2c/2d cB cd cB| B2 B3/2A/2 G/2A/2B/2G/2 A2|c/2z/2c B>A G/2A/2B/2G/2 AG/2 %%MIDI program 2 17 % input file tmp/midi.mid % format 1 file 5 tracks X:45 T:Champ12 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=69 K:F % 1 flats % Last note suggests Mixolydian mode tune % Time signature=4/4 MIDI-clocks/click=24 32nd-notes/24-MIDI-clocks=8 % MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=0 minor=0 V:1 %%MIDI program 4 19 D>C B,>A, G,_G, =G,/2A,/2B,/2C/2|D>C B,A, G,_G, =G,3/2z/2|D>C B,>A, G,_G, =G,/2A,/2B,/2C/2|D>C B,A, G,_G, =G,3/2z/2| G,/2z/2G, C/2z/2C DB, CE|DF EC2=B, C3/2z/2|G,/2z/2G, C/2z/2C D_B, CE|DF EC2=B, C3/2 V:2 %%MIDI program 3 18 G,,>A,, B,,/2C,/2D, G,,D, G,,3/2z/2|G,,>A,, B,,/2C,/2D, G,,D, G,,3/2z/2|G,,>A,, B,,/2C,/2D, G,,D, G,,3/2z/2|G,,>A,, B,,/2C,/2D, G,,D, G,,3/2z/2| C,/2z/2C,/2z/2 C,/2z/2C, G,/2z/2G, C,/2z/2C,|G,D, A,/2z/2A, G,2 C,2|C,/2z/2C,/2z/2 C,/2z/2C, G,/2z/2G, C,/2z/2C,|G,D, A,/2z/2A, G,2 C,2| %%MIDI program 2 17 % input file tmp/midi.mid % format 1 file 5 tracks X:46 T:Susat 11 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=50 K:F % 1 flats % Last note suggests Locrian mode tune % Time signature=4/4 MIDI-clocks/click=24 32nd-notes/24-MIDI-clocks=8 % MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=-1 minor=0 V:1 %%MIDI program 4 19 z4 c/2B/2c/2d/2 cB|AG FE D3/2z/2 D/2z/2D/2z/2|D3/2z/2 C/2D/2>E/2F/2 G3/2z/2 G/2z/2G/2z/2|G/2F GD|G/2F/2G/2D/2 GF GA D3/2z/2|B3/2A/2 BA G>F GD|G/2F/2G/2D/2 GF GA D3/2 V:2 F,3/2F,/2 F,F, D,3/2z/2 D,D,/2z/2|E,>F, E,D, D,/2E,/2C, B,,3/2z/2|F,3/2F,/2 F,F,/2z/2 D,3/2z/2 D,D,/2z/2|E,>F, E,D,/2z/2 D,/2E,/2C, B,,3/2 V:3 D3/2C/2- [D/2-C/2]D/2C B,>A, B,/2z/2B,/2z/2|B,B, CA, B,/2G,/2-[G,/2_G,/2-]_G,/2 =G,2|D>C DC B,3/2A,/2 B,/2z/2B,/2z/2|B,/2z/2B, CA, B,/2A,/2G,/2<_G,/2 =G,3/2 X:1 T:compo perso M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:1/4=120 K:Bb % 2 flats % Last note suggests Phrygian mode tune %nameless % Time signature=4/4 MIDI-clocks/click=24 32nd-notes/4-MIDI-clocks=8 V:1 %A 27 Engl Horn % MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=0 minor=0 D/F/G D/F/G D/F/E/D/ EC | D/F/G D/F/G D/F/E/D/ E C | B,D/C/ E D/z/ D/C/B,>CB,/A,/| G,D/C/ ED/z/ D/Cc dA| B/A/G3/z/G/F/ G2 z/D/F/F/|G/A/B GB3/A/G F/G/E|G/A/B GB3/A/Gc dA| B/A/G3/z/G/F/ G2 z/D/F/>F/| V:3 %A30 Mur Sulix % MIDI Key signature, sharp/flats=0 minor=0 D,/B,,/G,, D,E,3/D,/C,2A,,|D,/B,,/G,, D,C,3/A,,/B,,/C,/ B,,/C,/D,|G,,/z/B,,/G,,/ C,3/B,,/ A,,/G,,/A,,/B,,/ A,,3/z/| B,,/A,,/G,,3/z/G,,/A,,/ G,,3/C,/ B,,3/z/|G,,/-[B,,/G,,/]G,, D,E,3/D,/C,2A,,|D,/B,,/G,, D,C,3/A,,/B,,/C,/A,,/G,,/>A,,/B,,/ A,,3/z/| B,,/A,,/G,,3/z/G,,/A,,/ G,,3/C,/ B,,3/z/|G,, X:1 T:compo violon M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=190 K:F GAB ABc | dBd BcA | BG A2 A2 | GA BA Bc | dB dB cA | BG G2 G2 :| B2 BA Bd | c2 c2 B2 | B2 A2 A2 X:1 T:compo violon 2 M:7/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C A2AE ABc2 cdcB A2 | A2AE Ac[Dd][ef] edcB c2 | B2Bd cB A4 | X:23 T:Chapeloise* R:Chapeloise N: Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=190 K:F AdefedAdAB3 Bdefed^cde(2fd AdefedAdAB3 Bdefed^cded3 :| def .a3/.a3/ def .b3/.b3/ bag2efg aa X:23 T:Iron Lord C:Jeroen Tel / MoN N:see also "Madonna Katerina. Oder hast do mich genummen / 1515-1519" N:It's originally on a C64, so there is only 3 voices, and no chords. Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:12/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=130 K:C V:1 %%MIDI program 56 c3 f3 c3 A3 | cccc d2 A3 ^c3 | c3 f3 c3 c2 c | d2 c A G2 F6 | c3 f3 c3 A3 | cccc d2 A3 ^c3 | c3 f3 c3 c2 c | d2 c A G2 F6 | [K:G] [M:15/8] dddd2 dc2=f2A2d3 | dddd2 dc2=f2A2d3 | |: [K:C] [M:12/8] e2ee2ee2ee2e | eeee f2 d3 A3 | c3 f3 c3 c2 c | d2 c A G2 F6 :| V:2 K:C %%MIDI program 56 a3 c'3 a3 f3| gggg a2 f3 e3 | a3 c'3 a3 g2 g | a2 g f e2 d6 | a3 c'3 a3 f3| gggg a2 f3 e3 | a3 c'3 a3 g2 g | a2 g f e2 d6 | [K:G] [M:15/8] ffff2 f e2=f2e2 d3 | ffff2 f e2=f2e2 d3 | |: [K:C] [M:12/8] g2gg2gg2gg2g | gggg a2 f3 e3 | a3 c'3 a3 g2 g | a2 g f e2 d6 :| V:3 K:C %%MIDI program 56 f3 a3 f3 c3 | eeee f2 d3 A3 | f3 a3 f3 e2 e | f2 e d A2 A6 | F,3F,3F,3F,3| C,C,C,C, A,,C,D,3 A,,^C,E, | F,3F,3F,3C,2C, | D,2 C, A,, ^C,2 D,6 | [K:G] [M:15/8] D,D,D,D,2 D,C,2=F,2A,,2D,3 | D,D,D,D,2 D,C,2=F,2A,,2D,3 | |: [K:C] [M:12/8] C,2C,C,2C,C,2C,C,2C, | C,C,C,C, D,2 D,3 A,,3 | F,3F,3F,3C,2C, | D,2 C, A,, ^C,2 D,6 :| X:23 T:Star Quake C: N: Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:12/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=145 K:C V:1 %%MIDI program 81 %%MIDI transpose -12 P:Title ecAe2cA2 fdAf2dA2 dBGd2BG2 ecGe2cG2 ecAe2cA2 fdAf2dA2 dBGd2BG2 c4 P:Flight computer report %-1/2 step ? A2eAde2 A2de2g2 A2eAde2 A2ed2c2 A2eAde2 A2de2g2 A2eAde2 d2c2A3 P:Core of Heroes Q:1/4=170 A2 eAdAcA2 eAdAcG2 dGcGB G2 dGcGB A2 e2d2cA2 e2d2cG2 d2c2B G2 d2c2B A2 X:23 T:Jân nesâr N:version imparfaite D:Iran - Bardes du Khorassan O:Iran Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=105 K:C %%MIDI program 107 %% should be a dot\^ar [E,E] [E,E] [E,E] [E,/E/][E,E] [E,/E/] [A,/d/] [A,c] [A,d] [A,c] [A,B] [A,!uppermordent!B] [A,A] [A,/d/] [A,c] [A,d] [A,c] [A,B] [A,/B/][A,/B/] [E,/E/][E,E] [E,/E/][E,E] [E,/E/] [A,/d/] [A,c] [A,d] [A,c] [A,B] [A,!uppermordent!B] [A,A] [A,/d/] [A,c] [A,d] [A,c] [A,B] [A,/B/][A,/B/] [E,/E/][E,E] [E,/E/][E,E] [E,/E/] Q:1/4=150 [A,d] [A,c] [A,d] [A,e] [A,e] [A,e] [A,e] [A,e] [A,e] [A,e] X:23 T:Amar Luh Layalee C:Dawood Hussni N:version imparfaite O:Egypt ? Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=125 K:CDor %%MIDI program 111 %% should be a ney C2-C D2 C B,C | DC DE D4 | D2-D E2 D CD | ED EF E4 | E2-E G2 F2 E | FG FE FE D2 | D2-D F2 E2 D | ED CD C2 z2 | CF FE ED DC | CE/F/ GF ED C2 | C2-C D2 C B,C | DC DE D4 | D2-D E2 D CD | ED EF E4 | E2-E G2 F2 E | FG FE FE D2 | C2-C F2 F2 F2 | C2 DE F2 z2 | E2-E G2 F2 E | FG FE FE D2 | D2-D F2 E DE | D4 E/F/G/F/ E/D/C |] X:23 T:Bastay Jiyan O:Kurde S:http://www.morad.org/sheets/basta.gif N:http://www.institutkurde.org/diasp/arhome.htm Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=125 K:F z G/B/ AG | FG/B/ AG | FF/A/ GF | E/D/E/F/ FE :| |: z D/E/ FG/F/ | FF/G/ E | z D/E/ FG/F/ | FF/G/ E :||: z A G2 | FF/G/ E | AA GG | FF/G/ E :|| z D/E/-E/F/G | AB A2 | DE FG/F/ | FF/G/ E :| X:23 T:Rashid Khân O:Iran Z:anamnese@laposte.net M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=105 K:C V:1 %%MIDI program 0 %%staves {1 2} EE2 BA2 | G3 (GAB) | GA2 (cBA) | (G2A) B3 | EE2 BA2 | G3 (GAB) | GA2 (cBA) | G2 =F E3 | G3 G3 | AA2 F3 | E2 G (FEF) | GG2 E3 | G3 G3 | AA2 F3 | E2 G (FEF) | GG2 E3 || V:2 %%MIDI program 0 %%MIDI transpose 0 E,G,B, E,A,C | E,G,B, E,G,B, | E,A,C E,A,C | E,G,B, E,G,B, | E,G,B, E,A,C | E,G,B, E,G,B, | E,A,C E,A,C | E,G,B, E,G,B, | E,G,B, E,A,C | F,A,C F,A,C | E,A,C F,A,C | E,G,B, E,A,C | E,G,B, E,A,C | F,A,C F,A,C | E,A,C F,A,C | E,G,B, E,A,C || X:1 T:The Prince and the Princess Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st N:Music For Children, Op.65: The Waltz Of The Prince And Princess - Makarova/Rosenberger N:http://shopping.yahoo.com/shop?d=product&id=1921061953 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:3/8=52 K:G V:1 (Bc | d>ed B>AG | B3-B) Bc | de/d/e/d/ c/B/c/B/A/G/ | B3 E EG | A>BA GFG | E3 G2 F | EFG A {BA}G>F | G3-G EF| A>BA F>ED | E3-E EG | AB/A/B/A/ G/F/G/F/E/D/ | E3-E FG | A>BA GFG | E>FD DED | CB,D CDC | B,^A,C B,B,D | _E^FG =F_E/F/E/D/ | D3 C2 B, | A,B,C B,A,>G, | G,3-G,2 G,| V:2 z z | G,2- B,- [G,3B,3D3] | G,2- B,- [G,3B,3D3] | G,2- B,- [G,3B,3^D3] | G,2- B,- [G,3B,3] | [G,6^C3E3] [=C3^D3] | [G,6B,6] | [G,6B,3-] [_E3B,3] | [G,3B,3D3] G, zz | [C,6E,2] F A3 | C,2G [C,3C3] | [C,6E,2] F A3 | C,2G [C,C] z z| [B,3^D3] [A,3C3] | [G,3B,2]_B, [F,3A,3] | [=F,3_A,3] [E,G,] zz | [_E,3G,3] [D,G,] zz | !arpeggio![C,6G,6C6] | [D,6G,3B,3] [=F,3G,3] | [C,3E,3] [C,3_E,3] | [G,,2B,,2D,2] [B,,2D,2] z2 | V:2 z z | G,3- B,2- [G,3B,3D3] | G,3- B,2- [G,3B,3D3] | G,3- B,2- [G,3B,3^D3] | G,3- B,2- [G,3B,3] %%MIDI program 0 %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI control 7 120 %volume %%MIDI control 10 85 %pan X:2 T:Russian Walz C:Traditionnel Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:3/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=144 K:F V:1 %%staves {1 2} %%MIDI program 0 A,2 | D2D3E | [D2F2] [D3F3] [EG] | [F2A2] [F3A3] [E^G] | [F4A4] D2 | [G2B2] [G3B3] [Ac] | [B2d2] [A2c2] [G2B2] | d2 [F3A3] [EG] | [F6A6] | G2G3A |B2A2G2 | D2D3F | A6 | A,2 ^C2 E2 | G2 F2E2 | D^CDEFG | [F4A4] D2 | [G2B2] [G3B3] [Ac] | [B2d2] [A2c2] [G2B2] | d2 [F3A3] [E^G] | [F6A6] | A,2 ^C2 E2 | G2 F2 E2 | D3 A,FE | D4 A2 | d^cdcde | fefefg | a^gabag | a4 d2 | bababc' | d'^c'd'c'd'b | a^gabag | a4 a2 | g^fgfga | bagfeg | fed^cdf | a6 | A2 ^c2 e2 | g2 f2 e2 | d^cdefg | [f4a4] d2 | bababc' | d'^c'd'c'd'b | a^gabag | [f4a4] a2 | A2 ^c2 e2 | g2 f2 e2 | d3 Afe | d4 :| V:2 %%MIDI program 0 z2 | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | B,,G,D,G,D,G, | B,,G,D,G,D,G, | A,,F,D,F,D,F, | A,,F,D,F,D,F, | A,,G,E,G,E,G, | A,,G,=B,,G,^C,G, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | A,,G,E,G,E,G, | A,,G,=B,,G,^C,G, | D,A,F,2 z2 | D,A,F,A,F,A, | %second page D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | B,,G,D,G,D,G, | B,,G,D,G,D,G, | A,,F,D,F,D,F, | A,,F,D,F,D,F, | A,,G,E,G,E,G, | A,,G,=B,,G,^C,G, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,B,G,B,G,B, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | A,,G,E,G,E,G, | A,,G,=B,,G,^C,G, | D,A,F,A,F,A, | D,4 :| X:2 T:Sobhe Barg Boud, Payiz Boud T:It Was Morning of the Leaves, It Was Autumn C:Fariboz Latchini Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=100 K:D V:1 %%MIDI program 0 %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI transpose 0 %%MIDI control 7 120 %volume %%MIDI control 10 85 %pan z8 | z8 |: D4-DBA>G | D4-DBA>G | D4-DBA>G | E8 | E4-EcB>A | E4-EcB>A | E4-EcB>A |1 D8 :|2 D8 | [D4-d4-] [Dd] [Bb][Aa]>[Gg] V:2 %%MIDI program 0 %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI transpose -12 %%MIDI control 7 120 %volume %%MIDI control 10 85 %pan G,DBD BDBD | G,DBD BDBD |: G,DBD BDBD | G,DBD BDBD | G,DBD BDBD | A,GEc GECG | A,GEc GcGE | C,G,CE GcGE | A,GEc GecG |1 G,DBD BDGA :|2 G,DBd BdDG | G,DBD BDBD | X:2 T:Accord Sehtâr Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=105 K:C B,,2 B,2 _G,2 B,2 X:2 T:Accord Sehtâr Z: -- http://anamnese.fr.st M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/4=105 K:C C,2 C2 G,2 C2 X:2 T:Eric clavecin D: M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:1/2=84 K:Ab V:1 %%MIDI program 6 %harpsi %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI control 7 110 %volume F2 A2 c2 | c2 cA c2 | G2 Ac d2 | c2 B2 A2 | !trill! G2 V:2 %%MIDI program 6 %harpsi %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI control 7 90%volume F,E, A,,4 | E,D, C,4 | G,E, A,,4 | E, z C,4 | G,2 X:2 T:Ultima Online Axe Marks the Spot N:http://www.nstorm.com/games/game_detail.asp?game_id=29 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=90 K:C V:1 %%MIDI program 6 %harpsi %%MIDI channel 1 %%MIDI control 7 110 %volume d a g f/e/ f e/d/ c2 | d e/f/ g f/e/ d2 d2 | f c'_b a/g/ a g/f/ e2 | d e/f/ g f/e/ d2 d2 || V:2 %%MIDI program 6 %harpsi %%MIDI channel 2 %%MIDI control 7 60 %volume D,2 D,2 D,2 C,2 | D,2 G,2 D,2 D,2 | F,2 _B,2 F,2 E,2 | D,2 G,2 D,2 D,2 || X:2 T:morceau avec rémi N: M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=120 K:C V:1 %%MIDI transpose -12 %%MIDI program 6 %harpsi %%MIDI channel 1 |: B, ^F d F | B, ^F d F | B, ^F d F | _B, F _e _B | _B, F _e _B | _B, F _e _B :| |: B, ^F d F | B, ^F d F | B, ^F d F | G, D B _B | G, D B _B | G, D _B d :| %%V:2 %%|: B2 F e/d/ | D2 A g/f/ | F2 A e/d/ | _E2 E2 |