X: 1 T:Gloster Reel. WM.001 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799. R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G d2BG dGBG|d2BG cAA2|] X: 2 T:Commerce Hornpipe. WM.002 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B|GDGB GDGB|dBgd A3B|] X: 3 T:Ship Hornpipe,The. WM.003 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2DGA2DA|BdGB AFED|] X: 4 T:Barber's Hornpipe,The. WM.004 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:90 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe! O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|GAB BAG|Bcd dcB|ceA BdG|FDF G2:|! |:d|dBB BGG|GEE"sic" E2EF/G/|AFA AdA|FDDD2A|! ddd dgd|BGFE2B|efe gec|dAFD2c/B/|! cec BdG|AcA/G/ FED|dcB AdG|FDFG2:|] X: 5 T:Bob Horn's Hornpipe.WM.005 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GBdB GBdB|c2e2-e2.c2|BdBG cecA|F2A2-A2.A2|! GBdB GBdB|e2g2-g2ag|{f}f2ed{e}e2d-c|d2d2-d2.d2:|! |:defe defe|e2c2-c2.c2|efgf efgf|f2d2-d2.d2|! GBdB GBdB|c2e2-e2.c2|BdBA ecBA|G2G2-G2.G2:|] W:Needs Csharp in bar 6 |] X: 6 T:Commedore Moore Hornpipe. WM.006 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..6 bar parts is almost illegal! So N:ybe the time signature would be N:an N:interesting problem to someone with a tidy mind, or you could just lie N:back and enjoy it Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:F cB|A2F4GA|Bcde fgab|] X: 7 T:Stephney's New Revived HP. WM.007 M:3/2 L:1/8 Q:350 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Double HP O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:CDor B4B,CDE F2ED|E2C2edcdA2F2|] X: 8 T:Harding's Folly's Hornpipe. WM.008 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:CDor de|fdB4ga|b6ag|fdBg ecAf|(3dcBB2B2c2|] X: 9 T:New Concert Hornpipe. WM.009 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:Would seem to be something up with the third part? also key sounds a N:bit funny Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:C cc2ecd2fd|c2ec cBAG|c2ecd2fd|edcB .c.c.cz:|! |:g2bge2ge|d2gc cBAG|g2bge2ge|fdcB .c.c.cz:|! |:g2g2.b.g .b.g|e2e2.g.e .g.e|fedc cBAG|c2gcd2ec|! cBAG d-f.d.d|f-d.c.c d-g.e.c|cBAG .c.c.cz:|] X: 10 T:Moll In The Wod. WM.010 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G c|BAB G2F|E2FG2A|] X: 11 T:Colledge Hornpipe. WM.011 T:College Hornpipe. WM.011 M:C L:1/4 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:CDorian cBA|B2B,4FE|DFB4(3dcB|c2C4c-B|Acf2-f2ga|! bagf gfed|ecde BAGF|GBAc Bdce|d2B2-B2:|! |:F-E|DFBF DFBF|G2E2-E2G-F|EGcG EGcG|A2F2-F2e-d|! efg2-gfed|ecde BAGF|(3GAB (3ABc|(3Bcd (3cde|d2B2-B2:|] X: 12 T:Prussian's Hornpipe,The.WM.012 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:F C2|FGAB cAfd|cBAGF4|] X: 13 T:River Dee,The. WM.013 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2dcB2AG|FGABA2D2|] X: 14 T:All Hands High Hornpipe. WM.014 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:Engalnd A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:C Dor BdBG AcA^F|G2G2G3A|BGBd AFAc|B2[B2b2][B3b3]B|] X: 15 T:Miss Baker's Hornpipe. WM.015 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:F c-B|A2F2FAGF|EFGAB2AG|Acde fcdB|A2F2F2:|! |:(3cde|fcAc fagf|gece gbag|afge fdgf|e2c2c2f-e|! d-cB-AB2b-a|g-fe-dc2BA|Bcde fcdB|A2F2F2:|] X: 16 T:Stoney Steps Hornpipe. WM.016 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:Also appears later in a different ke Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GDBG dBge|cAFA GFED|ECB,C A,CEA|cdeGG2-F2|! GDBG dBge|cAFA GFED|ECB,C A,B,G,2|cAGFG4:|! |:B,G,DB, GDBG|cecA GFED|EGcE FdGg|fed^cd4|! ecBc dBGD|(3EFG) (3ABc) GFED|ECB,C A,B,G,2|cAGFG4:|] X: 17 T:Hip Hornpipe. WM.017 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:F (3cde|f2A-B cAcA|f2A-B cAcA|dcBAG2ga|bgaf fedc|! f2A-B cAcA|f2A-B cAcA|dcBAG2ga|bgfef2:|! |:z|a2fa fafa|g2eg egeg|a2fa fafa|gfedc2de|! f-d.d.d e-c.c.c|f-d.d.d e-c.c.c|fagf edc=B| c2c2c2:|] X: 18 T:Money Musk. WM.018 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Strathspey O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G d|d>GB>G d>Gc>e|d>GB>G A>Bc>e|d>GB>G B>dd>g|e>cA>d B>GG:|! |:e/-f/|g>dB>g d>gB>f|g>dc>g f>aA.f|g>de>g f>gd>g|e>cA.d B>GG:|] X: 19 T:Marian. WM.019 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:These words should be in the words box but this tune can't find one! N:HayContrary Sides,Then on your own sides hands up quite round, load N:thus(?) the third couple, cast up, load thus top couple and cast off Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|GBdB gdBG|AcBAB2GD|GBdB gdBG|AcBAG3:|! |:d|gaef gdBG|gaefg2G2|gaef gdBG|cedcB2G:|] X: 20 T:Morgan Ratler. WM.020 T:Morgan Rattler. WM.020 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D AGF EFG|FAFD2d|AGF EBA|B2A Bcd|] X: 21 T:Miss Casey. WM.021 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D f|d2B BcB|A2A ABA|B2B BcB|g3-f2e|! d2B BcB|A2A ABA|B2B BcB|d3f2:|! |:A||d2ef2g|a2ba2f|d2ef2g|a3f3|! b2ga2f|g2ef2d|B2B BcB|g3-f2e:|] X: 22 T:Blue And Buff. WM.022 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:280 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D Gddd|fddd|gfed|f/g/a f/g/a|] X: 23 T:Irish Washerwoman. WM.023 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:110 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:Hands across and back again, load(?) down the middle, up again,cast N:off, hands up quite round, allemande with your partner Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G d/c/|BGG DGG|BGB dcB|cAA DAA|cAc edc|! BGG DGG|BGB dcB|d/c/Bc Adc|BGG G2:|! |:g/a/|bgg dgg|bgb bag|afd Adg|fdf agf|! egg dgg|cgg Bgg|d/c/Bc Adc|BGGG2:|] X: 24 T:Barley Butt. WM.024 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:130 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|d2f ede|f2dB2d|A2d dcd|f3e2A|! d2f ede|f2d B2d|A2d dcd|f3d2:|! |:e/-f/|a2f fdf|a2f fdf|a2fb2g|a3g2f|! g2e ece|g2e ece|g2e faf|(d3c2):|] X: 25 T:Charming Fellow. WM.025 T:Corn Riggs. WM.025 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2G2 cBAG|FGAB AFED|G2G2 cBAG|B2d2d4|] X: 26 T:Rose Tree,The. WM.026 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Scots Measure O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D f/e/|dBAF|A>BAB|d2f/e/d/e/|feef|dBAF|A>BAB|d2f/e/d/e/|fdd:|! |:d|fefg|a2gf|e2ba|beef|dBAF|A2AB|d2f/e/d/e/|fdd:|] X: 27 T:Favourite Quick March,A. WM.027 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G g2dB cAAc|BGGB AFDA|g2dB cAAc|BGAFG2G2:|! |:G-B.B.B A-c.c.c|B-d.d.d gdBG|G-B.B.B A-c.c.c|BAGFG2G2:|! |:g2bg fafd|g2bga2f2|g2bg fafd|gdcB"DC"B2A2:|] X: 28 T:Soldier's Joy. WM.028 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D FG|AFDF AFDF|A2d2d2cB|AFDF AFDF|G2E2E2FG|! AFDF AFDF|A2d2d2fg|afdf gece|d2d2d2:|! |:e2|fefg fagf|edcd efge|fede fagf|edcBA2A2|! fefg fagf|edcd efge|afdf gece|d2d2d2:|] X: 29 T:Black Joke. WM.029 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|DG2GFG|ABA AGA|BcB BAG|ABA AGF|G3E2D|DEFG3:|! |:B2cd2d|efgd2c|Bcd ded|efgd3|c2aB2g|!ABA AGA| BcB BAG|ABA AGF|G3E2D|DEFG3:|] X: 30 T:Aldriges Allemande. WM.030 T:Aldridge's Allemande. WM.030 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Allemande O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D f2|egec d2f2|egec d2A2|B2A2B2c2|dcde d2f2|! egec d2f2|egec d2A2|B2A2B2c2|d6:|! |:gc|fafd fafd|gbge gbge|fafd fafd|edcB A2g2|! fafd fafd|gbge gbge|fafd egec|d6:|] X: 31 T:White Cockade,The. WM.031 M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Scots Measure O:England A:Kent N:Key signature of D maj in MS,presumed error Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G "?"G/A/|BBc/B/A/G/|Bdde|dBc/B/A/G/|FAAG/A/|! BBc/B/A/G/|Bdg>a|b/a/g/f/ e/f/g/e/|dBB:|! |:B/c/|dBgB|dBBB/c/|dBgB|aAAG/-A/|! BBc/B/A/G/|Bdg>a|b/a/g/f/ e/f/g/e/|dBB:|] W:Key sig of D in MS,presumed error. |] X: 32 T:Money In Both Pockets.WM.032 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|d2F FGF|ABA AGF|d2F FGF|ABA gfe|] X: 33 T:Go To The Devil And Shake Yourself. WM.033 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A2d dcB|ABA AFA|Add d2e|fdBB2A|] X: 34 T:Casino. WM.034 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B2AB2A|G2G GAB|c2Bc2B|A2A A2B|! c2c cde|edc Bcd|dcB cBA|G2GG3:|! |:d2d dBG|e2ee3|c2c cAF|d2dd3|! G2DB2G|d2Bg2d|edc BAG|A2DD3:|] X: 35 T:Italian Dance. WM.035 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D a2af d2d2|A2A2B2A2|a2af d2d2|edef d4:|] X: 36 T:Paddy Wack. WM.036 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|GBd gfg|edc BAG|GBd gfg|fddd2e/-f/|! geg fdB|cec dBG|GBd cAF|GGGG2:|! |:z|ddd eee|dddA2G|ddd efg|fddd2e/-f/|! geg fdB|cec dBG|GBd cAF|GGG G2:|] X: 37 T:Trip To Oatland. WM.037 T:Oatland. WM.037 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B/-c/|ded dBG|ded dBG|gfe dcB|cAAA3|] X: 38 T:Miss Sackville's Fancy.WM.038 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A2FGA2dc|BGBe dcBA|defdB2ef|gefd dcBA|] X: 39 T:Rose,The. WM.039 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:105 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:C (3G/A/B/|cGc c2d|ece e2f|gec fdB|c2cc2:|! |:e/-f/|gag gec|ded dBG|ABc def|eccc2:|] X: 40 T:Tartar's Plaid. WM.040 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D f/g/|adfd adfd|ad fg/a/ be ef/g/|adfd adfd|gbag fdd:|! |:d|AdFd Adfd|AdFd eEEd|AdFd Acfa|gbag fddd|! AdFd Adfd|AdFd eEEg/a/|bgaf gefd|gbag fdd2:|] X: 41 T:St.Patrick's Day In The Morning. WM.041 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:Slightly Bizarre version of a very well known tune Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GAG GAB|ded dBG|BAB GED|E2EE2D|! GAG GAB|ded dBG|BAB GED|E3G3:|! |:defg2e|f2de2c|def gfe|fede3|def gag|fed efg|! dBG GAB|ded dBG|BAB GED|E3G3:|] X: 42 T:Red Lion Hornpipe. WM.042 M:3/2 L:1/8 Q:280 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Double Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D dfdf FGAF G2E2|dfdf Adce d2D2|] X: 43 T:Ashley's Hornpipe. WM.043 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpiope O:England A:Kent N:Key Signature of Dmaj in MS. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G "?"GABc dBAG|agfee2-d2|BdBG cecA|BdBG GFED|! GAB-c dBAG|agfee2-d2|BdBG decA|G2F2G4:|! |:defg fafd|gbge fafd|defg agfe|BdBG FAFD|! BdBG cecA|fafd gbge|dgfe dcBA|G2F2G4:|] W:Key sig D in MS. |] X: 44 T:Blanchard's Hornpipe. WM.044 T:Egg Hornpipe,aka. WM.044 T:Peckhover Walk Hornpipe,aka. WM.044 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:a.k.a..China Orange Hornpipe.Works nicely as a dotted rhythm HP.Name Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FDFD GEGE|AFED DCB,A,|! dAFA GBAG|FAFA GBAG|FAdg fedc|d2d2d4:|! |:ecAc ecge|fdBd fdaf|"?"ecAc ecgf|edcBA2A2|! BGDG BGdB|AFDF AFdA|FAdg fedc|d2d2d4:|] W:Bar 3 of the B strain is reconstructed ,being absent from MS. |] X: 45 T:Tink A Tink. WM.045 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:125 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Unusual third bit,(to me anyway Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2dBG2dB|cdcB AGF2|] X: 46 T:Flute Hornpipe. WM.046 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..For Flute,anyway Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G4d4|dBAG cAGF|G2B4d2|cecA FAFD|G4B4|] X: 47 T:Tub Hornpipe. WM.047 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G (3d/e/f/|g2d2dedc|B2d4ef|gfed cBAG|F2D4EF|! G2G2GABc|d2B2e2dc|BdBG AcAF|G2G4:|] W:Dave Roberts sharpens the C in bar 6. |] X: 48 T:Ashley's Flag. WM.048 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G Bc|d2BG cAGF|G2G2G3D|E2G2D2G2|ABcA GFED|] X: 49 T:A.B.Hornpipe. WM.049 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D AG|FdAd fdAF|GBefg2ef|gfgf eded|cdcB AGFE|! DFAd fdAF|GBefg2ef|gfed cdec|d2d2d2:|! |:d2|Add2fdd2|gee2cAA2|cee2cee2|gfed cBAG|! FdAd fdAF|GdBd|gdBG|gfed cdec|d2d2d2:|] X: 50 T:Rakes Of Mallow,The. WM.050 T:Little Billy. WM.050 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Rant O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2B2G2B2|G2B2 d-BA-G|] X: 51 T:Muffin Man,The. WM.051 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:300 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|G>AG>A|FDDD|G>AG>B|d3B|eccA|dBBG|ABcA|GFED|! G>AG>A|FDDD|G>AGB|d3B|eccA|dBBG|cA AF|G3:|! |:z|d>ed>e|cAAB|c>dc>d|BGGA|DG/A/ BG|DA/B/ cA|dBAG|GFED|! G>AG>A|FDDD|G>AB>c|d3B|eccA|dBBG|cA GF|G3:|] X: 52 T:I Wish You A Merry New Year. WM.052 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|A2d dcd|efe efg|fed g2f|f3e2A|] X: 53 T:Staten Island Hornpipe. WM.053 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D AG|FDFG A2A2|defdc2Ac|B2GBA2FA|G2E2E2AG|! FDFGA2A2|defdc2A2|d2d2defe|f2d2d2:|! |:fg|a2fag2eg|f2dfe2A2|=c2c2efge|=c2c2efge|! a2fag2eg|f2dfe2A2|d2d2efge|f2d2d2:|] X: 54 T:Sucky Bids Me. WM.054 T:Pucky Bids Me. WM.054 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Title?Initial letter odd in MS.Dav N:Roberts reads it as a P, it N:looks N:like a J to me N:but all other sources have Sucky, presumably a diminutive of Susan. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G2DEG2e2|dBAG AFED|G2DEG2e2|dBcAG4:|] X: 55 T:Slap At Her Canister. WM.055 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B|c2Bc2A|G2GG2B|c2Bd2B|A2AA2B|! c2de2c|B2cd2B|A2Bc2A|G2GG2:|! |:z|d2d dcB|c2ee3|c2c cBA|B2dd3|! B2B BAG|B2dg3|e2cA2c|B2GG3:|] X: 56 T:Kent Hornpipe. WM.056 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:Untitled in MS. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G (3def|g2B-c dBdB|g2B-c dBdB|edcBA2ab|c'abg gfed|! g2B-c dBdB|g2B-c dBdB|edcBA2ab|c'agfg3:|! |:z|b2gb gbgb|a2fa fafa|b2gb gbgb|agfed2ef|! g-e.e.e f-d.d.d|g-e.e.e f-d.d.d|gbag fed^c|d2d2d2:|] X: 57 T:Miss Baker's Hornpipe. WM.057 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G d-c|B2G2GBAG|FGABc2BA|Bdef gdec|B2G2G2:|] X: 58 T:Humphrey's Rondo. WM.058 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:90 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Rondeau O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|d>ed dfd|BGG FGA|Bcd ef(3f/e/d/|cAA ABc|] X: 59 T:Bath Medley. WM.059 T:Wedding Shoes,aka. WM.059 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D|G2g fed|efg dBG|ecA dBG|F2-G AFD|] X: 60 T:Stoney Steps Hornpipe. WM.060 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:Sometimes attributed to James Hill of Gateshead,who was active N:in1840-60 approx.This is the same A Music, but apparently much N:earlier.Needs looking into. N:Also see Brewer's Horse in Chappell cfGraham Dixon,The Music of James N:Hill. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D dAfd afd'b|gece dcBA|BGFG EGBe|gabd d2-c2|! dAfd afd'b|gece dcBA|BGFG EFD2|gedcd4:|! |:FDAF dAfd|gbge dcBA|BdgB cadd'|c'ba^ga4|! bgfg afdA|(3Bcd) (3efg) dcBA|BGFG EFD2|gedcd4:|] X: 61 T:Rothersbridge Assembly. WM.061 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:110 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:Enhgland A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|dfd ege|dfde2A|dfd egf|edcd2:|] X: 62 T:General Toast. WM.062 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GAG gfg|eded3|GAG gfg|{f}e3d3|! GAG gfg|ede d2B|cdc BcB|~A3G3|! |Bcdd3|dcBA2A|Bcd ded|cBAG3|! Bcdd3|dcBA2A|Bcd dgd|cBAG3|] X: 63 T:Dream,The. WM.063 T:Devil's Dream. WM.063 T:Devil Among The Tailors. WM.063 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:300 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:Interestingly described as a hornpipe in MS, usually thought of as a N:reel. N:Obviously of a type unfamiliar to Mittell, hence all the bar lines. N:Looking at the repetitive code in ABC Notation emphasises how radically N:different this tune was (and still is) to the rest of the N:repertoire.Did he approve Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G dgfg|dgfg|dgfg|edcB|ceAe|ceAe|ceAe|edcB|! dgfg|dgfg|dgfg|edcB|cdef|gdBG|D2F2|G2:|! |:BdGd|BdGd|BdGd|edcB|ceAe|ceAe|ceAe|edcB|! BdGd|BdGd|BdGd|cBAG|efge|dBAG|D2F2|G2:|] X: 64 T:One And All. WM.064 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G D2|GABG BcdB|efge dBAG|] X: 65 T:Recruiting Serjeant. WM.065 T:Cupid's Recruiting Sergeant. WM.065 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B/c/|dBAB G2AB|cAFAD2Ac|Bgfe dcBA|G2GGG3:|] X: 66 T:My Grandmother. WM.066 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Air O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G>B dd|e-gd2|cA BG|F/G/A/F/D2|] X: 67 T:Ivy House, The. WM.067 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D dAdA FAd2|fafd cecA|dAdA FAdf|] X: 68 T:Donald Of Dundee. WM.068 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:224 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D d/-e/|fddB|AFFD|F/-G/A/-B/ Ad|e3d/-e/|] X: 69 T:Dutchess Of Montrose's Reel. WM.069 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:250 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Contains Dance instructions -First N:ouple set to the second lady & N:hands around the (?) to the second gent.Lead down the middle and (...?) N:right and left at top Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:F F2FF|AFAF|F2FF|c2A2|] X: 70 T:Madame Del Caro's Hornpipe. WM.070a M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:280 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:A A>ce>a|g>fe>f|e>dc>B|c>de2|!A>ce>a|g>fe>d|c>BA>G|A2A2:|! |:A>ce>a|(f/g/a) (f/g/a)|E>GB>d|(c/d/e) (c/d/e)|! A>ce>a|(f/g/a) (f/g/a)|c>BA>G|A2A2:|] X: 71 T:German Waltz. WM.070b T:New German Waltz,aka. WM.070b M:3/8 L:1/8 Q:30 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Waltz O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Numbering mistake in MS at this po N:t,which he later corrects, I N:have N:retained his numbering for ease of use D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G d/c/|BBA|Ggf|ed^c|d/^c/d/e/d/=c/|] X: 72 T:Mittell's Hornpipe. WM.071 M:C L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Titled by me,untitled in MS. Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D D4FDGE|A4BABc|d2ef agfe|gfed dcBA|] X: 73 T:First Love. WM.072 M:C L:1/8 Q:150 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D FAFA dafd|Bged dcBA|] X: 74 T:Misses Fancy. WM.073 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:220 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:Hay contrary sides,then on your own sides,hands around ,lead through N:the third couple & push(?) up,lead through the second couple and ..... Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:CDorian BcBF|dBfd|gecB|AcAF|BcBF|dBfd|gecA|B2B2:|! |:gecg|fdBf|edcB|AcAF|BFdB|fdbd|ceAe|B2B2:|] X: 75 T:Colledge Hornpipe. WM.074 T:College Hornpipe. WM.074 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GF|G2G,4DC|B,DG4(3BAG)|A2A,4A-G|FAd2-d2ef|! gfed edcB|cABc GFED|EGFA GBAc|B2G2-G2:|! |:D-C|B,DGD B,DGD|E2C2-C2E-D|CEAE CEAE|F2D2-D2c-B|! cde2-edcB|cABc GFED|(3EFG) (3FGA) (3GAB) (3ABc)|B2G2-G2:|] X: 76 T:Drops Of Brandy. WM.075 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Compare with WM.080 Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G GAB BAB BAB|GAB gdBd2g|] X: 77 T:Madam Hilingsborg's Reel. WM.076 T:Madam Hillingsborg's Reel. WM.076 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Compare with Drops of Brand Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G e|d2B BGB BGB|d2B BGBd2e|] X: 78 T:Dutch Trot, The. WM.077 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:127 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Trot O:England A:Kent N:Appears Later in key of Dma D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:C c2ge2g|d2gB2d|c2af2d|edc BAG|! c2ge2g|c2af2a|gfe dcB|d3d3:|! |:efed2-e|d2ed3|efe d2e|f2-^fg3|! cdcc2G|efee2c|agf edc|Bdc BAG:|] X: 79 T:Nelson & Victory. WM.078 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:350 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Hand it cross,back it again,lead down the middle,right and left with W:the 2nd couples K:CDor dBAB|FEDF|GBAc|BAGF|] X: 80 T:Miss Gasoy(?). WM.079 T:Mrs.Casey,aka. WM.079 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N: D: H:Mrs.Casey is a fieldtown Morris tune and dance.Title definitely looks H:like Gasoy in MS, maybe a joke. Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Partly illegible dance instructions.Change sides.back again.lead down W:the middle.up again.cast off.hands ???.bottom right? &?left?at to K:C "*"d|c2A ABA|G2G GAG|A2A ABA|f3-e2d|! c2A ABA|G2G GAG|A2A ABA|c3e2:|! |:G|c2de2f|g2ag2e|c2de2f|g3e3|! a2fg2e|f2de2c|A2A ABA|"*"f3-e2:|] W:MS has e as leading note of A music and f3e2d as last bar of B music | ] X: 81 T:Drops of Brandy. WM.080 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Kent N:Compare with WM.075 Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Haands round with 2nd Lady.The same with the 2nd Gent.Lead down the W:middle.then illegible K:G d2c BGB BGB|d2c BGB cBA|d2c BGB BGB|cBcA2B cBA:|! |:G2g gdB gdB|G2g gdB cBA|G2g gdB gdB|cBcA2B cBA:|] X: 82 T:Brunswick. WM.081 M:3/8 L:1/8 Q:32 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Waltz O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version.Appears later in the book in Dmaj. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Lots of P's & F's under the staff,definitely copied from print,but I W:can only get them to show above the staf K:F "P"F/G/|AAB|c2f/d/|cc d/B/|AA F/G/|] X: 83 T:Madam del Caros Hornpipe. WM.082 M:C L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:In other MSs this usually appears dotted and in 2/4, as it does earlier N:in this MS. Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G GBdg fede|dcBA BcdB|GBdg fede|dcBAG3z:|! |:GBdg e/f/g e/f/g|DFAc B/c/d B/c/d|GBdg e/f/g e/f/g|dcBAG3z:|] X: 84 T:Dibdin's Fancy. WM.083 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:300 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:Dibdin's sense of humour appears to be breaking out between bars 4 & 5 H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Set & change sides & back again,lead down the middle,up again,cast off W:Allemand K:G GDGD|CDDD|EEGB|cAFG|DGDC|DDFD|AFG2|G,2"*"z2:|! |:dBcd|egge|dBAG|c>dc>d|dBcB|dgge|dBAG|d2D2:|] W:Bar 8,rest missing in MS. |] X: 85 T:Butter'd Peas. WM.084 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Misc. O:England A:Kent H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:1st cu set to the 2nd cu,foot it and turn your partner.1st Gent down W:the middle with 2nd Lady,his partner with 2nd Gent,1 cou cross W:over,below 3cu? go up to top?,cast off K:G BddB|cee2|BddB|cAA2|BddB|cee2|Bd Ac|BG"qu"G2:|! |:Bdde|fdg2|BddB|cAA2|Bdde|fdg2|BdAc|BG"qu"G2:|] X: 86 T:La Belle Catherine. WM.085 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Misc. O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Nice versio D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Change sides,back again,lead down the middle,up again,cast off Allemand K:D A|d2f/e/d/e/|fddc|B2e/f/e/d/|cAAA|] X: 87 T:Miss Ester Stanhope's Reel. WM.086 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Cast off 2 couples?Up again.lead down middle,up again,lead through W:Bottom &? stop.Hands 6 round K:D A|dABF AA/A/ AB|dABF EE/E/ Ee|dABF AA/A/ fe|dBAF DD/D/D:|! |:g|fdaf egfe|fdfa BB/B/ Bg|f-eaf dgfe|dBAF [DA][D/A/][D/A/] [DA]:|] X: 88 T:Cabinet Of Love,The. WM.087 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:250 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Foot it across and turn the same back again,cross over and half figure W:a right and left at the to K:G "*"BGGB|cAAc|BGGB|dBg2|BGGB|cAAc|BGAF|G2G2:|! |:gdBG|AFED|gdBG|dBg2|gdBG|AFED|(G/A/B/c/) dB|G2G,2:|] W:key may be Dmaj in MS,unclear.. |] X: 89 T:New Drury. WM.088 M:C L:1/8 Q:125 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Foot it (?)right hands across,foot it (?)left hands back again.Lead W:down 2 couple,up again 1 couple,allemande K:G gdBd dcBA|Ggbg gfed|] X: 90 T:Drinking Parson,The. WM.089 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H:Reminds me of Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Right hands across, back again.Cross over 2 cou. $ up 2 couple. place W:hands round at the bottom K:G D|G>AB A>Bc|BdB cAA|G>AB A>Bc|BGG G2:|] X: 91 T:Jenny Sutton. WM.090 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Foot it and cast off,2nd couple cast up again,lead down 2 couple up W:again,and cast off,set corner and turn the lady (?) at top,the W:gentleman at bottom K:A A/A/A Ac ecec|A/A/A Ac dBGB|] X: 92 T:Trip To Fowey. WM.092 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:1st couple set to the 2nd lady & hands around.Same to the 3rd W:gent.cross over 1st couple and turn right and left at top K:D fgaf d/d/d df|edef dBB2|] X: 93 T:I Wish You All Good Night. WM.093 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:144 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Kent N: N:D D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Set & cast off 2couples up again down the middle,up again,set to your W:partner and turn(? K:FMaj ABc cBA f3|g2G G2G BAG|] X: 94 T:Lord Home's Reel. WM.094 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:dance instructions.1st gent turn 2nd lady and the lady turn the 2nd N:gent.lead down the middle,up,and turn D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:FMaj c/B/|AFcF dGBd|AFcF dBcA|BdAc GABd|AFcF dBdf:|! |:f>gaf efga|f>gaf gefd|cAfA GABd|AFcF|dBdf:|] X: 95 T:Lady Hooper's Reel. WM.095 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:FMaj ABcd dcBA|f2(3agf gGG2|ABcf dcBA|BGcA F/F/FF2:|! |:fcfg a2gf|ecgd acgB|fcfga2gf|cfeg f/f/ff2|! fcfga2gf|gfga baga|fdcBA2fd|cBAG F/F/FF2:|] X: 96 T:Lady Shaftsbury's Rant. WM.096 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:250 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Rant O:England A:Kent N:Vey strange 2nd half to B strain D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Change sides,back again.lead down the middle and turn corner ways(? K:G "*"B/A/|GDB,D|GABe|d>BA>G|FA AB/A/|GDB,D|G>AB>e|dBAB|G3:|! |:d|g-fe-d|g2Ge|dBAG|FAAd|g-fe-d|g2Ge|dBAB|G3d|! gfed|d/c/d/e/ f/e/f/g/|aAAA|ABce|dedB|AGAB|GB/A/ GD|G3:|] W:Intro 2quavers in MS. |] X: 97 T:Guillotine,The. WM.097 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Cross over 2nd couple lead up the middle cast off and turn the 3rd W:couple K:G gdBd dcBA|Gbag gfed|gbag fafd|ged^c d2D2:|! |:dGBd eceg|fdfa gdBG|egfe edBd|cAGF G2G2:|] X: 98 T:Swanton Coffee House. WM.098 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Cast off 2 couple lead up to the top and cast off Hands at the W:bottom,Right and left at the top(/ K:CDor BFDB, DFAd|cBcd cdcB|BFDB, DFBd|fgfd "*"B2B2:|! |:BFcF dFcF|BFdB "*"c2c2|BFBd fbfd|cBcd "*"B2B2:|] W:Quavers in bars 4,6,8 shown as crotchets in MS |] X: 99 T:Jenny Baubee Two. WM.099 M:4/4 L:1/4 Q:140 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:Not the usual, if I've read right Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Hands across and back again,lead down ye middle,up and right and left K:G dd/c/BG|AA/G/FD|dd/c/BG|DFG2:|! |:ABcA|EA/G/ F/E/D|defg|d/c/B/A/G2:|] X: 100 T:Balliorum. WM.100 M:9/8 L:1/8 Q:130 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Slip Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Set and half right and left,the same back again to your own place.Lead W:down the middle up again and Allemand K:A cea cea ecA|cea cea f2B|] X: 101 T:Stoney Steps Hornpipe. WM.101 M:4/4 L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W:Stoney Steps Hornpipe for the violin K:CDor BFdB fdbg|ecAc BAGF|GEDE CEGc|efgBB2-A2|! BFdB fdbg|ecAc BAGF|GEDE CDB,2|ecBAB4:|! |:DB,FD BFdB|egec BAGF|GBeG AfBg|agfef4|! gede fdBF|(3GAB (3cde BAGF|GEDE CD B,2|ecBAB4:|] X: 102 T:Ball,The. WM.102 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Quadrille O:England A:Kent N:D D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G d|B2GA2F|GAG D2D|E2Ec2B|B3A2d|] X: 103 T:Love In The East. WM.103 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D D|DFA dfd|AFDE2D|] X: 104 T:Devil's Dream,The. WM.104 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:260 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D Adcd|Adcd|Adcd|BAGF|GBEB|GBEB|GBEB|BAGF|! Adcd|Adcd|Adcd|BAGF|GABc|dBAG|A,2C2|D3z:|! |:FADA|FADA|FADA|BAGF|GBDB|GBDB|GBDB|AFED|! FADA|FADA|FADA|GFED|BcdB|AFED|A,2C2|D3z:|] W:Note D in bars 5,6,7 of B strain as written. |] X: 105 T:New Tartar's Plaid. WM.105 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G B/-c/|dGBG dGBG|dG Bc/d/ eA AB/c/|dGBG dGBG|cedc BGG:|! |:G|DGB,G DGBG|DGB,G BA,A,G|DGB,G DFBd|cedc BGGG|! DGB,G DGBG|DGB,G AA,A, B/-c/|ecdB cABG|cedc BGG:|] X: 106 T:New German Waltz,The. WM.106 T:German Waltz. WM.106 M:3/8 L:1/8 Q:30 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Waltz O:England A:Kent N:Compare with "German Waltz" No 65. D: Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:FMaj c/B/|AAG|"?"Ffe/d/|ccB|c2c/c/|AAG|F2f|(fed)|c2:|! |:c|gcc|acc|cba|age|fed|cef|gfe|f2:|! |:A/B/|cAc|fed|dcc|c2A/c/|cBB|A2G/B/|BAA|A2B/B/|! cAc|fed|dcc|c2A/c/|cBB|B2G/E/|Fff|f2:|] W:Says four semiquavers in MS |] X: 107 T:Negro Boy. WM.107 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D dAF dAF|Egf edc|dAF dfa|gec d3:|] X: 108 T:Mrs.Grey's Reel. WM.108 M:C L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm,Mittell,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D dfdf a>bag|edef bee2|dfdf abfb|afef d/d/dd2:|! |:A>BAF f>gfd|bafd efb2|adfd Bdgb|afef d/d/dd2:|] X: 109 T:Gala,The. WM.109 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..DR has G sharp in bar 9,I believe N:ongly. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D dcdA2F|dgf gec|] X: 110 T:Tipler's Reel,The. WM.110 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:A eAcA fecf|eAcA BE-Ef|] X: 111 T:Crotchet Lodge. WM.111 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version.. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D afef deB2|Adef baf2|] X: 112 T:Odity,The. WM.112 T:Oddity,The. WM.112 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:127 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G Bcd dBG|dBG dBG|Bcd efg|ABG FED|] X: 113 T:Honest Thieves. WM.113 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:80 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:March O:England A:Kent N:Would be nice on bagpipes N:This is present in DR but sufficiently different for me to include it N:again.Draws as intended,but plays back badly wherever there is a N:double-stopping. To play back correctly it is necessary to remove the N:double stopping. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D [F4d4] d2f2|[F4d4] e2f2|g-fe-d c-de-c|{e}(dcde) d2A2|[F4d4] d2f2|[F4d4] e2f2|!gfed cdec|[F4d4] [F4d4] :| |:[d4a4][d4b4]|[d6a6] d2|c2d2e2f2|(edef) e2e2|![d4a4][d4b4]|[d6a6]d2|c2d 2e2f2|(dcde)d4:| |:aaaa bbbb|aaaa gggg|!{g}f2e-d c2d2|(edef) e2e2|aaaa bbbb|aaaa gggg|{g} f2e-d c-dec|[F4d4][F4d4]:|] W:Notes of d in bars 1,5 of B strain should be tied/slurred. |] X: 114 T:Brunswick. WM.114 M:3/8 L:1/8 Q:30 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Waltz O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version.Appears earlier in the book in Fmaj N: D: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D D/E/|"p"FFG|A2d/B/|AAB/G/|FFD/E/|] X: 115 T:Hip Hornpipe. WM.115 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Listed without a title but appears N:arlier in the book under this N:title in a different key D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D (3ABc|d2F-G AFAF|d2F-G AFAF|] X: 116 T:Lion And Fawn,The. WM.116 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:March O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D (aba).fd3f|(ede).fd2A2|(aba).fd3f|(ede).fd4:|! |:.a2(d2c2d2)|(efg).e (dc)BA|.f2.f2.g2.g2|.^g2.g2a4:|! |(^a2b2).g2.e2|(^g2a2).f2.d2|e3f gfed|cdecA3A|! .d2.d2.e2.e2|.f2.f2g3f|(g2f2g2^g2)|aABc de"DCapo"fg|] X: 117 T:Hopkins's Fancy. WM.117 M:6/8 L:1/8 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:Strains A,B are the high part of the tune,strains C,D are the low N:part.Presumably they sound better together than they do apart D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:A "top part"cGe cGe|dGf dGf|edc ABc|d2dd3|cGe cGe|!dGf dGf|eca =fdf|g2gg3: | |:G2gG2B|AcB ABc|!G2gB2d|ced cde|f2fe3|a2ag3|fed cdB|c3c3:|]! "2nd part"AEc AEc|BEd BEd|cBA AGA|B2BB3|AEc AEc|!BEd BEd|cAf =cAc|e2ee3: | |:E2eE2G|FAG FGA|!E2eG2B|AcB ABc|d2dc3|f2fe3|dcB ABG|A3A3:|] X: 118 T:Three And The Duce. WM.118 T:Three And The Deuce,aka. WM.118 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:90 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D dfaf agf2|fdcd e-dA2|] X: 119 T:Thrifty Wife,The. WM.119 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:90 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D cefd gabg|efed c-A.A2|] X: 120 T:Dutch Trot,The. WM.120 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:127 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Trot O:England A:Kent P:AABA N:See D.Roberts' book for full version.Appears ealier in key Cmaj D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D d2af2a|e2ac2e|] X: 121 T:French Stroller. WM.121 M:3/2 L:1/8 Q:300 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Double hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:A a2e-d cBAGA2A,2|CEAc dfBA GBD2|] X: 122 T:Mathews Hornpipe. WM.122 M:C L:1/8 Q:180 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..I have included it again for it's N:wing marks. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D d2f2ecA2|B2gBA4|G2eGF2dF|Ecdf ecA2|! d2f2ecA2|B2gBA4|G2eGF2dF|E2c2d4:|! |:dfed gedc|BdcBA2F2|BdcB egfe|d2c2B4|! (df a2)(geB2)|bagf g(ede)|(ceg2)(fdA2)|agfe f(dcd)|! |d2f2ecA2|B2gBA4|G2eGF2cF|Ecdf ecA2|! d2f2ecA2|B2gBA4|G2eGF2dF|E2c2d4:|] X: 123 T:Princess Caroline's Waltz. WM.123 M:3/8 L:1/8 Q:30 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Waltz O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version.WM.124 never in MS D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:F A/B/|ccf|ddB|G{=B}c/d/c/_B/|AFc|] X: 124 T:Non-existant Hornpipe, WM.124 M:4/4 L:1/4 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Hornpipe O:England A:Kent N:Never filled in in MS D: H: Z: W: K:C W:Mittell no.124 has this title and number but no notes written down. |] X: 125 T:Light Heart,The. WM.125 M:2/4 L:1/16 Q:100 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:C c2Gc e2ce|g2eg c'2g2|a2f2d2B2|cBcd c2G2|] X: 126 T:Gussondall Bay. WM.126 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:F f2d cAc|faf gec|f2d cAc|fafg3|] X: 127 T:Miss Kitty Campbell's Strathspey. WM.127 M:C L:1/8 Q:160 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Strathspey O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:F C|FF G/F/E/F/ GCCD|Fd g>e|d>B A>G|B>d e/f/g/e/|d2G>G|! B>d g>e|d>B A>G|B>d e/f/g/e/|d2G:|! |:d|g>a b>g|a>f e>d|g>a b>g|a>f d>d|! g>a b>g|c'>a f(4a/g/f/e/)|d>B g>e|d2G:|] X: 135 T:My Love Is But A Lassie Yet. WM.135 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:240 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D B/c/|dDFA|{c}dDD B/C/|dDFA|{^d}eEE B/C/|dDFA|!dgf>e|d/c/B/A/ Bc|{c}dDD:| |:f/g/|.a.f.g.e|.f.d.d f/g/|!afgf|eEE f/g/|afge|fde>e|d/c/B/A/ Bc|{c}dDD :|] X: 136 T:Dusark's Fancy. WM.136 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:220 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G BGAF|GB/d/ gz|fdce|dB/G/ ez|dBAc|BG/E/ Az|FDE^C|DF/A/d2:|! |:BGAF|GB/d/ gz|fdce|dB/G/ ez|dBAc|BGce|dcBA|G2z2:|] X: 137 T:Bank Corps,The. WM.137 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:220 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:March O:England A:Kent N: D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:D afd2|ecA2|d/d/d e/e/e|f2e2|afd2|b^ge2|!a/a/a b^g|a2a2:| |:AA/B/ c/d/e/f/|ge/g/ fd|g/a/b/g/ e/f/g/e/|! c/d/e/c/A2|afd2|ecA2|d/d/d f/e/d/c/|d2d2:|] X: 138 T:Kozebue's Fancy. WM.138 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:220 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Rant O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. D: H: Z:vmp.Chris Partington W: K:G d/c/|Ge/c/ Ad/B/|Gg gd/c/|Ge/c/ Ad/A/|FD Dd/c/|] X: 139 T:Indian Queen. WM.139 M:C L:1/8 Q:140 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D z|DDDE FDFA|BA (B/c/d)A3f|eddf eddA|BcdF F2E2|] X: 140 T:Stumpie Strathspey. WM.140 M:C L:1/8 Q:140 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Strathspey O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Nice long versio Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G G|Bd g2 a/g/f/e/g2|Bdg2aAAc|] X: 141 T:Fife Hunt. WM.141 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Missing from photocopy, reinserted N:y C.G.P.,probably with incorrect N:position number in MS Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D g|fdd2AFF2|De2^de3g|fdd2AFF2|] X: 142 T:Jolly Young Waterman. WM.142 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:110 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Quadrille O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Missing from photocopy, reinserted N:rom Dave Roberts,probably in N:wrong N:order Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B/c/|dec BcA|GFG AFD|DED DFA|BcBA2B/c/|] X: 143 T:La Fete De Village. WM.143 M:C L:1/16 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Cotillion O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Missing from photocopy, reinserted N:rom Dave Roberts Bookm may be N:wrong N:number Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D a4gfef g2f2e4|f2d2c2d2 edcBA4|] X: 144 T:Kingsbridge Assembly. WM.144 T:Liberty For The Sailors,aka. WM.144 M:6/8 L:1/8 Q:120 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Jig O:England A:Kent N:D Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D f2ef2e|dcdA3|BAB AFD|EFGF2D|] X: 145 T:Bagpipes,The. WM.145 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version. has this, but I have included it f N: the bowing N:Accompanied throughout by double stopped drone on string below,rythm as N:per bowing Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D A|"Maintain continuous drone on string below"(B/c/d d)c|~B3A|(B>ABc)| (d/c/d/e/ d)A|(B/c/d d)c|~B3A|(B>A)(Bc)|d2d:|! |:e|(f/g/a a)f|~f2-e2|(f/g/f/g/) aa|(f/e/f/g/ a)a|(B/c/d d)c|~B3A|(B>A)( Bc|d2d:|] X: 146 T:Cackling Of The Hens. WM.146 T:Hens March To The Midden. WM.146 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:March O:England A:Kent Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:D d2A2defg|a2gf efde|A3A dcde|f^gfgg3g|! a4agfa|gfeg fedf|A3A dcde|fagf~e4|d8:|! |:.d2.d2.d2.d2|.d2.d.d (f3a)|.d2.d.d (bg3)|.d2.d.d (f3c')|! .d2.d.d (bg3)|.d2.d.d (f3a)|(f3a)(a4|a)gfa gfeg|!fedeA3A|d2de fagf|~e4d4 :|] X: 147 T:Miss West's Favorite. WM.147 M:C L:1/8 Q:200 S:Wm.Mittell's MS,New Romney,Kent,1799 R:Reel O:England A:Kent N:See D.Roberts' book for full version..Missing from photocopy, reinserted N:rom Dave Roberts book,probably N:with N:wrong numbe Z:vmp.Chris Partington K:G B3c dBed|cBAG GFED|] % Output from ABC2Win Version 2.1 h on 21/01/2001